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Professional development
The ISM provides you with opportunities to build up your skills in the digital arena with our advice pages and webinars. We also have a collection of professional development videos and resources available to members and the wider music sector through our sister charity, The ISM Trust.
Back to school resources from the ISM As many of you will be resuming teaching in school from September, you can get ready by trying some of the ISM’s teaching-focused professional development resources such as our Primary Music Toolkit and National Curriculum for Music. Our Primary Music Toolkit will help primary school teachers further their self-confidence in teaching music in the classroom. The toolkit, created by music Dr Alison Daubney, explores ideas about music Dr Alis teaching and is packed with practical help and teachi strategies to equip primary teachers with the strateg confidence to lead inspiring musical experiences. confid Using our Using National Curriculum for Music you can download the revised assessment and progression downl frameworks for music 2019. We have published two frame frameworks (primary and secondary), complete with frame wall-charts, to help you develop your curriculum, wall-c pedagogies and assessment in any setting: pedag ism.org/professional-development/resources/ ism.o nationalcurriculum nation .
Catch up – Past webinars Catch
Risk assessment for musicians
Find out more information about completing a risk assessment for private teaching or performing with consideration of COVID-19. James Owen Lewis of the Risk Advisory department at Deloitte LLP discussed the purpose and process of a risk assessment and answered some of the queries we received from our members. Future webinars
Diversify your music lessons with Mahaliah Edwards
Friday 25 September from 2-3pm Professional violinist Mahaliah Edwards, who is also an educator, community music facilitator and advocate for music for social change, will discuss her education and outreach work and how she introduces work by musicians from diverse backgrounds to her students, so that you can do the same. Read our feature on page 20 to find out more about Mahaliah Edwards.
Introduction to Indian Takeaway To be released in September Want to find out more about our resource Indian Takeaway: Ra¯g and Ta¯l basics? Check out the workshop recorded by the creator of the resource, Yogesh Dattani. The recording will give you a short preview of how to use and implement this resource when teaching Indian classical music.
Performance and encouragement for students: thoughts from a dyslexic opera singer Wednesday 28 October from 2-3pm Tune in for an inspirational webinar presented by Sally Daunt of the British Dyslexia Association in conversation with opera singer Anna Devin. They will explore techniques adopted by dyslexic people, when performing as well as teaching.