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Local area events
Full listings can be found on our website, ism.org. The next deadline for copy is 23 November for the January/February 2021 issue.
Please note that for the foreseeable future all local group events must take place online. Please contact us at membership@ism.org if you have any questions about this or require assistance in getting your event online.
Right: Anthony Williams performing at Radley College (photo taken prior to COVID-19 lockdown) Sunday 17 January 2021 Oxford (Event postponed from October 2020) The new 21/22 ABRSM Piano Syllabus: Highlights and Pathways Lecture/demonstration by Anthony Williams MMus, DipRAM, GRSM, ARAM 3pm broadcast** from Radley College, Abingdon, Oxford Anthony Williams is Head of Keyboard at Radley College. As well as being a concert pianist, writer, lecturer, ABRSM examiner and festival adjudicator, he also gives piano master classes, public lecture recitals, and seminars on performance. He is the author of the acclaimed book The Piano Teachers’ Survival Guide and will be able to throw plenty of light on the new syllabus. Anthony has agreed to base his presentation around specifi c questions sent in by you in advance on any element of interpretation, technique or notation. He will then use these as a theme for exploring a range of some of the most imaginative and exciting repertoire within the syllabus. **Due to the continuing uncertainty surrounding restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, we have regretfully decided that this event
will defi nitely be online, via Zoom. All participants will be able to see and hear Anthony and will be able to ask questions in person. Attendance: ISM members £8, guests £10 (advance booking is essential for this event) Please contact Carolyn King for your bookings and queries/questions for Anthony 01235 522774 carolyn2king@btinternet.com
Recommend a friend and save up to £20
Know a friend or colleague who would benefi t from ISM membership? We’ll give you money off your next year’s membership fee every time someone you recommend joins us at the full or early career rate – £20 off if you are a full rate member, or £10 off if you are an early career rate member. If they join at the full rate, we’ll give them £10 off their membership fee too. Send the name and email address of the friend(s) you are recommending to membership@ism.org Ask your friend to quote the code FULLREC if they are joining us at the full rate or EARLYREC if they are joining at the early career rate. Please note: the number of rewards you can redeem is limited to the value of your subscription upon renewal Find out more at ism.org/recommend Get £10 off your membership fee
Take the hassle out of renewing your membership by setting up an annual Direct Debit. Your membership will automatically renew every year and you won’t have to contact us unless you wish to cancel or change your payment method. If you are a full member, you will get £10 off your membership fee if you pay by annual Direct Debit. It’s quick and easy to set up Direct Debit payments with us. Simply login at ism.org/direct-debit, call us on 020 7221 3499 or email membership@ism.org
Looking after your health
Remember to take care of your health during the coronavirus pandemic. The ISM, ISM Members Fund and ISM Trust offer various services to help you with this.
Health Assured: 24-hour confidential personal support and advice helpline Provided by the ISM Members Fund, members have access to a free 24-hour personal support and advice helpline where they can speak to professionally qualified counsellors on everything from bereavement and relationships to workrelated stress and mental health. If you need further support, up to six sessions of structured counselling can be arranged, free of charge.
Physiotherapy Provided by the ISM Members Fund, and in partnership with Physio Med, members have free access to advice and face-to-face treatment via the Physiotherapy Advice Line (PAL) where expert intervention for muscle and joint problems is available directly from a Senior Chartered Physiotherapist.
Advice pages Provided by the ISM, members have access to a wide range of advice pages that focus on your health, including topics such as looking after your mental health during COVID-19, vocal health and how to keep a clear voice, and healthy playing. Counselling service Provided by the ISM Members Fund, members have access to the confidential service operated by Health Assured. The service includes telephone counselling, face-to-face counselling (up to six sessions) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
Webinars Provided by the ISM Trust, members have access to our range of free webinars that focus on your health, such as our health and wellbeing series of webinars, and individual webinars on topics like performance anxiety and hearing health.
Discounts Provided by ISM Discount + service, members have access to a range of health and wellbeing savings such as eye care, gym membership, private GP consultation and medical insurance.