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Young Muslimas Growing in Faith Together

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MYNA’s initiative ISRAA brings together young Muslimas who seek knowledge and spiritual growth



The year 2020 was indeed a test for all of us, but it was My term as ISRAA secretary has already been an experience also a time for personal growth and strengthening our Deen by that I will never forget. I absolutely love creating and helping to getting closer to God. organize the class, and receiving the students’ positive feedback is

We thank God for the opportunities we have, despite all of the immensely rewarding. challenges the Covid-19 year brought. God is always with us, and This class has grown my love for Islam, something that I also there is so much comfort in turning to Him in times of happiness saw happening with my fellow Muslimas. and gratitude, as well as in moments of weakness and desperation. One ISRAA student reflected on the class experience, “I feel more Taking that first step forward, no matter how small, is crucial. spiritual, mentally and physically connected to Allah (subhanahu wa

MYNA’s latest initiative, ISRAA: Secrets of Supplication (myna. ta‘ala) than ever before!” We are discovering parts of our identity org/israa), helped many students, including myself, increase our daily and strengthening our Deen while taking in this new informaworship and conversation with God. tion and experiences. Each week, the

I have the privilege of being ISRAA EACH WEEK, THE PERSONAL personal challenges gave everyone the secretary for 2020-21. Our classes are CHALLENGES GAVE EVERYONE extra push to incorporate the lessons we organized by young Muslimas aged 12-18 to best suit the class participants, THE EXTRA PUSH TO learned into our lives, and thus helped us strive to better our connection with who are of the same ages. This creates an INCORPORATE THE LESSONS God and make it our goal to be in a effective and welcoming learning envi- WE LEARNED INTO OUR LIVES, constant state of remembrance. ISRAA ronment in which we can gain knowledge and experience spiritual growth. AND THUS HELPED US STRIVE TO reminds us that our purpose in life is to do everything for our Lord and that

The class showed the truth in that BETTER OUR CONNECTION WITH Islam truly is a beautiful way of life. statement. For eight weeks, this hour- GOD AND MAKE IT OUR GOAL Another component that I loved long Sunday-night class was the highlight of my week. In this time of staying TO BE IN A CONSTANT STATE OF was the group du‘a that wrapped up the class. It perfectly portrayed the six feet apart, our hearts were coming REMEMBRANCE. beauty of God’s forgiveness and the together. And although we were gath- great reward for the smallest actions, ering virtually, that did not hinder our such as the mere uttering of words of learning and bonding in the least. Quite remembrance like Subhan Allah (May the opposite! The ambiance of a group He Be Exalted), Al hamdu lillah (Praise of young Muslimas gathering for the be to God), Allahu Akbar (God is the sake of God was undeniably beautiful. Greatest) and Astagfirullah (I seek for-

The topic of supplication enabled giveness in God). Together, we learned us to build and then implement good to incorporate supplication into our habits in our daily lives. The content we daily routines and to immerse ourlearned together showed us the beauty selves in a state of remembrance that and vastness of our Lord’s mercy. The will influence our actions and choices. class’ social aspect allowed us to con- Through these quick yet extremely nect with fellow Muslimas of similar beneficial eight weeks, I learned that ages, create a safe space in which we we can implement small changes in could ask our questions and acquire our lives that have the potential to new information to help us expand our impact our faith greatly and to bring knowledge of Islam and how we should us closer to God. I am looking forward live our lives. to the future ISRAA classes in hopes of

As a committee, we were always increasing my love for Islam and drive looking for ways to improve the class to become a better Muslima. while simultaneously making it fun I hope many more young women and engaging. Every session was a new decide to join me on this journey of chance to form bonds of sisterhood self-growth and of strengthening our via interactive games, whether it was Deen and sisterhood for the sake of creating virtual poster boards, breakout God. ih room discussions and reflections or fun Khadeejah Ryan is a high school senior from Illinois review games. and secretary of the ISRAA committee (2020-21).

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