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Capitol Chaos in Retrospect

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The necessity of courage in politics



Although we are often cynical For years, most of them were scared of a media establishments have been complicit about politicians in general, they are populist leader who many considered ridic- with the demonization of Muslims, Blacks the ones who formulate the laws and ulous. Apparently, many GOP politicians and other minorities for a very long time. policies that affect us all in various viewed their attempt to retain power at all The ongoing flare-up of Islamophobia and ways and degrees. Although many of us may costs as more important than being honest racism is just one upshot of this toxic brew. not wish to engage in politics, we cannot and brave enough to challenge Trump’s pop- Again, if the police had remained neutral dispense with it altogether. toward the BLM demonstrators,

In an increasingly intercon- Trump’s white supremacist supnected world, what happens in porters would have had second one country may have a bearing thoughts about taking the law into on others. This is especially true their own hands and storming the if the country in question is a Capitol. superpower. Indeed, eventually, many

The January 6 chaos in the Republican politicians distanced heart of the U.S. shocked us all. themselves from a weak Trump. Although the U.S. now has a new During the last few days of his president, President Joseph Biden, presidency, some even resigned the huge military presence that from his cabinet – but only after dominated his swearing-in cere- Congress finally recognized mony indicates that the repercus- Biden’s victory and upheld his sions of the Trumpist mob attack right to assume the presidency. are far from over. But such last-minute actions only

Previously, the procedure used NO, COWARDLY POLITICIANS DON’T revealed their political opportunby the Congress to certify the president’s election or reelection was always an uneventful and purely EXIST ONLY IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. POLITICIANS IN THE ism and hypocrisy, not necessarily any principled and courageous stance on their part. ceremonial event. But not this U.S. AND GLOBALLY WEAR THE For years, during and before time. The seizure of the Capitol to stop the certification process MASK OF POWER AND HIDE IN his presidency, Trump had been made irresponsible statements, tells us more than it says about POLITICAL PARTIES. PERHAPS THEIR glorifying violence and inciting Donald Trump, his incendiary tweets and political support base. COWARDICE AND OPPORTUNISM hatred and enmity based on race and religion. However, on all pre-

In fact, it points to a deep AWAIT THE RIGHT MOMENT TO vious occasions GOP politicians malaise in politics in the U.S. and beyond and makes us rethink MANIFEST THEMSELVES. and lawmakers had remained largely silent. January 6, which its trajectory worldwide. The has been variously described as mayhem we all witnessed that an “insurrection’” and a “terrorist day is just the tip of the iceberg of a much ulist rhetoric. Their failure to speak their attack,” was partly a result of this unjustified larger problem, one that is common to most conscience and hold Trump to account silence and cowardice. political systems across the globe. only encouraged him and his supporters No, cowardly politicians don’t exist only

Trump’s refusal to concede may not have to behave even more grotesquely. in the Republican Party. Politicians in the influenced the vast majority’s opinion about If Republican leaders could have sum- U.S. and globally wear the mask of power him. Some believe that not many took him moned the courage to stand up to Trump’s and hide in political parties. Perhaps their seriously and that those who did had to give racist rants and inflammatory invectives cowardice and opportunism await the right forced meanings to his words. However, the levied against Muslims, ethnic minorities moment to manifest themselves. Republican politicians who refrained from and the demonstrators who marched in We often dismiss politicians and those in telling the truth about the election and from support of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) power and consider it fashionable to dencongratulating Biden for so long (and some movement, perhaps none of the January 6 igrate them. However, politicians who are even until now) made their inexcusable cow- havoc would have happened. true to their calling deserve respect. Many of ardice unmistakably clear. Unfortunately, the U.S. political and them venture into their preferred profession

purely for altruistic reasons. Mainly concerned with the public interest, they use their political acumen and power to fight inequality and promote social justice, as well as to serve their immediate human community and beyond. Such a noble pursuit requires them to don the armor of patience and hold the reins of courage in their hands.

Regrettably, such selfless politicians who are also great leaders and for whom the common good of people is a real motivation are now a minority. Deceit and sycophancy pervade the world of contemporary politics. Fraudulent and sleazy political leaders use this noble vocation to embezzle public funds, deceive those they represent and persecute those who oppose their wrongdoing and abuse of power. Moved by self-interest, they serve themselves in the name of serving others and at the expense of everyone else. They often use race, religion and partisan politics to further their own interests. Actually, cowardice, corruption and economic crimes have no racial, religious or political identity. The character of corrupt politicians is their identity.

Undemocratic rulers in developing countries oppress their own people often with the blessing of their masters in metropolitan as well as regional sub-imperial power centers. On the other hand, falsehearted politicians in powerful nations extend their political clout far beyond their national borders and exploit countries in the periphery. They deceive their own citizens by crafting artificial excuses for their neo-colonial behavior and by spreading concocted stories through the media outlets they control.

The coercive rule as well as the numerous vulnerabilities of oppressive governments in the so-called Third World countries is common knowledge. Their cowardice and insecurity become evident when they are toppled by popular uprisings and/or the loss of their foreign masters’ patronage. Conversely, the cowardice of politicians in the world’s powerful nations remains strikingly unspoken and under-analyzed.

In some way, Trump deserves our special thanks for unmasking the many faces of Republican politicians. In recent history, the need for courage in U.S. politics was most pronounced at the height of his populism, and the GOP leaders failed to demonstrate it.

The preponderance of corrupt practices and the high degree of cowardice in politics augur badly for now and for the future.

This should worry us all, because when the center of power is vitiated, the consequences are felt far and wide. As the character Antonio Bologna in John Webster’s play The Duchess of Malfi (1614) states, “[A] prince’s court / Is like a common fountain, whence should flow / Pure silver drops in general, but if ‘t chance / Some cursed example poison ‘t near the head, / Death and diseases through the whole land spread” (I.i.11-5). The Qur’an says: “And fear a trial which will strike not only those who have wronged among you…” (8:25).

As corruption at the center affects us all, the responsibility to root it out also rests with all good people. As the great parliamentarian and political philosopher Edmund Burke (1729-97) once said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [and women] to do nothing.” ih

Md. Mahmudul Hasan, PhD, is with the department of English Language and Literature at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).

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