Environmentally Friendly Mosques ISNA has taken the initiative to create national awareness in making mosques environmentally friendly as part of the prophetic green mosque campaign BY ISNA GREEN INITIATIVE TEAM
magine the scene when after 22 days of a difficult journey, Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) reached the little town of Quba on the outskirts of Yathrib. He stated, as Jabir Abdullah al-Ansary narrates, “Earth has been made sacred and pure and a mosque for me…” (“Sahih al-Bukhari” and “Sahih Muslim”). During his three-day stay, he began building the first mosque of the hijra period. Proceeding toward Yathrib, he performed the noon prayer in Ranuna valley, performed the Friday prayer with the Companions and started raising the second mosque. After reaching Yathrib, he set about erecting the third one. For Muslims, these three post-hijra projects signified the mosque’s importance and centrality in relation to God, space and community affairs. Therefore, an ideal mosque is a central place for activities that bind the congregation together and serve humanity at large. Climate change is an existential threat, and environmental degradation continues unabated. God states, “It is He (God) who has made you successors upon Earth and has raised some of you above others in degrees (of rank) that He may try you through what He has given you” (6:165). Therefore, both mosques and Islamic centers have a special responsibility to adopt and promote environmentally friendly practices. The U.S. now has 3,000+ mosques; more are being built. As they are more than just places in which to strengthen our faith, they must also develop programs that preserve HISTORICALLY, MOSQUES WERE ALWAYS and protect the environment. Educating INCLUSIVE IN BOTH REGARDS AND ALSO everyone about the perils of climate change SERVED RELIGIOUS, EDUCATIONAL AND and adopting environmentally friendly practices is vital, for God disdains the wasteful SOCIAL CHARITABLE NEEDS, AS WELL AS (6:141). CONTRIBUTED TO ECONOMIC GROWTH. Existing buildings cannot change their structure and other features; however, the people who use them can reduce their energy usage and adopt the following practices to help the environment and reduce our carbon footprint. Sa‘d performing ablution and asked him why he was Reduce, recycle, reuse and rethink. Don’t use bottled water during social activ- being extravagant. When Sa‘d asked if such a thing ities, for 70% of them are not recycled. Moreover, these bottles are one of the were possible, the Prophet replied, “Even if you were worst environmental hazards; minimize the use of plastic items by replacing them on the banks of a flowing river.” with quickly degradable or paper products; stop using Styrofoam products, as Energy conservation. Energy-efficient heating and they do not degrade for centuries; and minimize food wastage, especially during cooling systems, insulation, LED bulbs, energy use Ramadan or other social activities. regulators and smartphones can reduce energy conWater conservation. Abdullah ibn Amr reported that the Prophet once saw sumption and save money. Installing solar panels 40