Lav C,rprce or BA(f QUIIN P. PHAM ,1NI.2ND STREEI',S]UITT:2SO sAN JOSE,CtA9it l3 - l.)08 TEI-EPHOl'lE OFITICE ( 4 0 8 ), l / ' 1 - ( i 7 0 1
FACSI M I LI , ( 408)275- e87)
June14,2013 vI,1\FATGSINIILE (415)8?r-0068anclI|IRST-CL,ASS MAIL PaulMorris Treas;ure Islandfv{edia, Irrrc. 3:5I 9)thlitreet Suire3021 Siurlrrancisco., C,,\9410-] Re:
Stephane l.|eli,rdaci (Stop and Dr:sist Demancl Letter)
Drr3Erf Mr. Mon"is: Pleasr:be advir;edthat my of fice \,vasretrained by Stepharne Beladaciin relationto an inr,,asion of his;privac:y riglhtsand the por;tirrg of deftrnratory ptroiosof him. Accordingly,pleasedirectany and alllfurthercomfftu:Ilici:rtions regrarding this subjectto my office. Dematndis herreinnradethartyou immrediatelystop and desistpublication o[ my client's private photor;and/or in1[ormationrel:lted to ml,client's private sexualpractices,otherwise, cirzilaction will be comnletrcedfbn injunctive relliel'anddamagesu,ithin two (2) darysfroln the date of this letter. Both the lJnite,JStates; anclLlaliforn,iaConrstitutions resprectively provir:leprotecrionfor the unalie,nable right to privar":yand the invasionof sai,cprir/acyright by ttre unauthorizedrjisclosrre of sa.idprivacyrights;.Seer(laliforniaConstitutionArticle 1. Moreover,this privacvpr.otection appl,ies equallyto both thr.:gc,vernrment anclprivatecitizens. SeeVinsc,nv. SupCt. 11[Sp;,1 +Z C3id833,841,'239Ca1t. Rprtr'.292,298 andHellerr'. IrlorcalMut. Ins.(lo. (l qSl+18 C4th 30,4i,.43,'3'2Cat. Rptr. 2d ."106-207.FurtherTnore, the privatesexualprzrctices of a pe:rsc,n also "200, corrrstitute a protectecl prir,'ircyright. Seevinson v. sup,l]t. (1987)43 c3d,833,1341,23g cal. '.292,298. Rptr', On crraboutMay 19,201!1,you illegallytook screenshol.s of privatephotosfr6m m1'cl1ent's profiles ort applicra[ions respe:ctive known as Grindr and Jack'd,and tht,:nillegalJypgste:dthe sarnellrofile pir:turesa pornolqraphir: wetrsiteknown as '''" withcut my clit:nt'sauthori:zation aLnd/or consent. Theseprivatepict'uresof my clie,ntwere fleVermeantfor public cortsumptionor to 1be;roste<lto a trromographric website. Neither you nor your wobsite were)a.uthorizecl to take scler:nshots of my client's trlrohlopictureson theseapplications,and tlen
Stop& D,esist -etterpaull\4orris F,ag;e 2 of 2 Jrulâ&#x201A;ŹL4,201"3 to repostthentlbr prublir:view andl/orridicule. My c'lient'sprivate plr.otosarLdsexualpracticrs arehis per;soral anclprir,'atr:af irsi,and protectedhc,m your unauthorizedpurb,:ic disclosure. Irr aclditionto inr"adingrr:Lyclient's privacy rights, lcrur unauthorized,publicati'nhas.lso defarnednry c:lientby da.rrraging trispr,ofessional ieputation.SeeCaliforniaCivil CoCeSection 46, .Moreo'ver:,_your illegal publicationhasimputedn1)/client's chastjty,which is arsc,slanderous per s'e' liee Calil'bnriaCivil Code Section46, Fli!;hc,ock v. Caruthers(1890)gZ Cal 52,.1,23 ? 4g arrrcl (189ll)g1 Cal 107,2-,tp 533. frestorly,_Frelz Indisputitbly,'v'ourr'vrong;doing; w'asreta.liatoryanclrrralicious,and resrrrlted fior:r m.,,,client,s w hisrlle-blowing. IVlyclient previouslvreqruested that you immediatelyremovethe photrrs,which you h*ve refi.rsed to do so' I urge y'outo rnriligatethe damagesyou caused,and remove the p.hotosand any. rc:ferenceto nrryclient's rsexualpractices,if you fail to do so within two (2) rlaysoI'the date ol'thiisletterr 'civilaction urill be instituted againLst you for both injrunctiverelief arrd d:rmages. Shouildyou like to discussi this mertter, you arewelcomedto contactmy office. Sinc,erely, .,"-|
-, "/",&:&7r, ,t''"'4'r*rt* ,i'l,"7ap Belo-()uanF'. Pham
Law OrrtcE'or
Blro - QUAN P.PI{AM 4 N. zND STRTIET. SL'ITE280 SAl.iJOSE,Ot t5 t l3i. tloE ()FFICEI EI*EP}iONI] (408) 271-6i',01
FACSIMILE (408) 275-e872
June14,201".1 wA FACSIMILE (,{rs) ItTt-006gand FlRsr-cl-,lrss MAIL Parrllvfonis TreasureIslendMedia Inc,. 351gth Street Suite3;OZ rlA 94103 SanFiancisco, Re;
fitephaneBcladaci (Stop zrndf)esist Dernand Letter)
Dear lvfr. h4o,rri:i: Pleine be adl'ised that rny r:rf)icewa$ retained by Steplune Beladaci in relation to an invasion of his privacy rights and thc positing o,f defamatoryphoios of him. Accon:lingly, please direct an.y and all further cr:mrnurricationsreg;arding;this r"u.;ect rfomy office. I)emanrdislher$in made that you immediately stop nnd desist publication ol'my clientrs prh'ate phot'osiand/or lnfcrrmation relnted to my clientts privete sexual prar:Uc-es,otherwise, civil action nrill be cornrnenrcedfor injunctive relief and damagâ&#x201A;Źs within two,(2) d"y* from the date ol'this letter. 0 6 / 1 4 / 2 0 1 3 L L :2 :4
B A O-QU ,\NP . P H A M, [i S Q.
:l: :l: rl: :13:l: :l: :{: :lt :s :l: * * :il * * * * * * * * * * :lt * :l: * * * * * :l: * s :l: rl: ;l: :rl: 'I'.I.
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06/L4 LI:23 14158;710068
"*" oo2,
I"av C):nrtr;p op
Bl\O - QUAN P, PFIAN,I 4 N. ?ND STRIJET, 280 STJITE SAIIJOSE, CA95;11:Il3o8 Orf ICETELhPI{Oi'lE (40E)zi't-6701
FACSiMILE (408)275-9872
June14,2013 vta FAcstr[tLE (4rs) B?'t-006g andFrR^sr-cl,l\ss MAIL PaulN{onis Tre:asrreIslaad Media, Inc:. 35l[ gth Slreret Sujte i}0i] SanF-ranclsco,tCA 9.tX03
l$tcpharre Eteladaci (Stopand l-lrersist DrlrnandIntter)
De:,rltdr.Ivforris: Plailsebe iuirrisedthat my oftice wasretrrinedby Steplhane Beladaciin relatiourn an invasiouof his privacl'righrsandthe politingof'defamatoryphoto,s of him. Accor,Jingly,pleasedirectany andatl furthercrrmmunicatic,rrs re6;ardinE; this subje,ctto my offioe. Dcrnandirr,h,errlin nade thartyou immediatelystop anrddesistpublication of my clientrs privatrl photosnnd/or inlbrmatio,n related to my clienttsprivate sexualpractices,otherrise, civil actiortvrrillbe corlrlr:uced forrinjunctive reljiefand damageswithinnryg (2) duy, from the dat.eollthis letter', 0 6 , ' 1 4 / 2 0 I 1 j L 1 t : 2 2 " 1 4 l 08 2 7 5 9 8 72
B A O - - Q I J A NP .
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DI'STINATION 0 6/ 1 4 , I I : 2 1 14158710068