Literature Marxism Day School 2016

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What to Read for Marxism Day School Karachi -- Sunday 18th December 2016 Once you get the reading, go over it and mark anything that you have a question about. You may not understand a particular point – or you may feel that you disagree with the point. In any event, make sure you raise it during the Day-School.Contact the Inqilabi Socialists at 0304-2181821 for more information on the Day-School. Basic Marxism Ideas for Change is a comprehensive collection for understanding basic Marxism topics. Its first chapter covers myths of human nature and the market How Classes are formed Shape of Working Class introduces concepts of class and clarifies ideas about new working class. Class Struggle in How Marxism Works explains the struggle itself. What is Socialist Revolution The chapter Strategies for Socialism in Arguments for Revolutionary Socialism covers the questions about socialist revolution. Shia Genocide and Resistance To begin with read the sections Religion, War and Terrorism in the chapter What Do Socialists say About in Arguments for Revolutionary Socialism. Next articles Barbad Rat Jagay and Gulbabar Shias. Under construction.


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