PIA wokers strike against route sell off

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Pakistan Airline Workers Strike Feb 8, 2011 Karachi Amin Khan Workers at Pakistan International Airlines have started a strike against proposed sale of routes to Turkish Airlines. Workers movement has a focus and that is removal of Managing Director who is corrupt and is conspiring to sell profitable routes to Turkish Airlines. Strike is gaining momentum. All over the country airline workers are joining hands. Pilots, engineers, staff, ie the entire workforce has formed a Joint Action Committee of PIA Employees. Today catering crew stopped making meals in Karachi. Check-in staff at Islamabad Airport completely stopped checking-in of any flights. An airport cleaning staff Amjad told this Socialist (Urdu) 'they wanted to sack us after selling off the airline, we have started a strike to chuck the management out before they sack us'. Another airport staff Shakeel said 'we know first they sell routes and then declare us surplus, this is all about downsizing'. The ruling Pakistan Peoples Party used its parliament members and divided the elected CBA union and now one of the factions of the union is being used against the workers. The MD sent the Peoples Unity goons and they attacked the workers at the airport who beat some of the protesteb. rs. When the news of the attack spread airline workers from all over the city came to the airport and forced the attackers to flee. A steward Saulat told us 'they are using their pocket union but it has no roots amongst the workers'. After the attackers were forced to flee over 400 workers occupied the airport and continued the sit-in throughout the day raising slogan 'go MD go'. Pilots, engineers and airhostesses reported sick en-masse. Immense enthusiasm is spreading and workers are gaining confidence that they can resist through unity and struggle. Strike continues despite sackings. Sohail Baluch, the chairman Pakistan Airlines Pilots Association (PALPA) were sacked earlier by the PIA authorities for instigating workers to go on strike, which resulted in further infuriation of the workers. Today's action by workers has put the management under pressure and it is now back-tracking and its spokesman told media today “We have not yet signed any agreement with the Turkish Airlines and all allegations are baseless,� The strike will continue tommorrw. PIA workers are striking in an environment where the government wants to restart the downsizing process it was forced to halt last month. In January 4500 were sacked from Karachi Electric, workers responded immediately and over 10000 occupied the entrance to head office for over 85 hours forcing the management to reinstate those sacked. Last week against a proposed downsizing at Port Qasim various unions have joined hands and have launched a massive campaign against the management with bold posters and leaflets and a threat to strike. On Feb 9 they are staging their first protest at Karachi Press Club. A coalition of left and

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trade unions has called a meeting on Saturday to discuss coordinated action. Send your solidarity messages to Joint Action Committee of PIA Employees Safdar Anjum 03213848875 More details at worldtowinpk.net

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