Sindhi nationalism and its crisis edited

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Sindhi Nationalism, Reformism & Capitalist Development by

Rasheed Azad

Rising Of Sindhi Nationalism • Sindhi nationalism is an expression of the impasses the masses in Sindh face under the oppressive feudal-capitalist regime that dominates the whole of Pakistan. • In Pakistan the national question exist in its worst form because Pakistan itself is an example of a failed nation state • Pakistan was founded not as a nation, but as a state made up of nationalities • National Oppression • Economic development and distribution of wealth • Mass migration from other provinces to Karachi

•Movements; • Provincial autonomy movement emerged in Sindh as early as 1917 against the administrative arrangements of the British who had linked Sindh to Bombay presidency. • Anti One Unit movement emerged in 1956 • In 1968-69 working class movement against oppression of working class and Martial Law • Peasant movement • Sindhu Desh (Separatist movement) • MRD (Movement of restore democracy) against Zia’s regime • Anti Kala Bagh Movement and Other Mega projects

Reasons of the Rising of Sindhi Nationalism in Pakistan • Capitalism / Industrial revolution (uneven development)

• Sindhi Language

• Globalization

• Natural resources

• Karachi

• Mega projects • Kala Bagh Dam

Sindhi-Mohajir Conflicts

• Land Distribution of Sindh • Sukkur Barrage • Gudu Barrage • Kotri Barrage • One Unit •

State oppression (Domination and monopoly of Punjab establishment)

• Martial Laws

• Zulfiqar Abad • Thar coal • SPLGO (Sindh province local govt ordinance)

Two School of thoughts in Sindhi Nationalism • One who demand the rights of Sindh in the light of 1940 resolution of Pakistan (believe in parliament politics)

• Awami Tehreek / Qomi Awami Thereek • Watan Dost Party (Arbab Khawarr) • STP • SUP • Separatist (GM Syed School of thoughts) • GM Syed can rightly be considered as the founder of Sindhi Nationalism. He formed the Sindh Progressive Party in 1947and demanded provincial autonomy within a socialist framework. In 1953 He formed Sindh Awami Mahaz and then in 1972 Jeay Sindh Tehreek (Separatis movement) • Jeay Sindh Tehreek divided in two groups. • Jeay Sindh Mahaz lead by working class • Jeay Sindh Tehreek lead by feudal class. • After GM syed death reunite for a short period of time but afterward divided in many faction s • JSQM (Bashir) • JSQM (Areesar) • JST (dr. Safadar Sarki • JSM (Riaz Chadio) • JSMM (shafi Burfat ) believe in Gorilla war

Main Reasons in latest crisis • Heroism • Wrong observations and analysis of objective conditions • Inheritance • Opportunism • Alienation of working class • Lack of Organization • Lack of Leadership • State Brutality/ Army operations

Reformism and Sindhi Nationalism • Peoples Party • The big capitalists play the Sindh Card • Use Sindhi nationalism share power with Pakistani ruling class • Insist Sindh is backward to impose Mega Projects • Thar Coal, Zulfiqar Abad, Baharia Town, Engro, Oil Companies

• Divides the working class • Plays the Sindh Card in Karachi • Uses 18th amendment to amass local govt powers • Discriminates on civic projects

• Corrupt to the core

Reformism and Sindhi Nationalism • Peoples Party • • • • •

Rules Sindh Champions democracy Conducts military operations in Layari, Malir, Karachi, Jamshoro, Larkana Wages war on Swat, Wazirstan Ignores the disappearances/murder of Sindhi nationalists

• PPP Represents Sindhi bourgeois (capitalists) • A fightback against this reformism is necessary part of revolution

Capitalism and Nation States • Growth of capitalism requires nation state • Unification • Into large domestic market, large zones consumer/capital

• Example: Britain • • • •

17th century capitalist expansion Overseas markets – Navy expenses – Internal manufacturing demand International competition – Appeal to people to fight for Britain British national identity forged in 17 th to 19th century wars

• Capitalist nations – not natural • Identity in pre-capitalist society • Local/kin or broader like religious

• Capitalist nations • Forced assimilation, ‘single language’ • Common language/culture – choice of ruling class not ruled!

• Third World nations • Result of combined and uneven development

Mega Projects & Uneven Development • Changes in Sindhi Nationalism • 1970s based on culture/jobs • 2010 resistance to mega-projects • Capitalism changes so does response to capitalism changes

• Mega Projects • • • •

Raise questions about local jobs Displacement Control of resources Combined and Uneven Development • Trotsky – international capital plus local resources (Combined) result in uneven development

Way Forward • Marxists • • • •

oppose national oppression support right of self determination forge working class action not armed struggle As internationalists, not nationalists

• Migration • • • •

Results in discrimination against indigenous Solution? Oppose Migration? Marxist Solution: Fightback Mega Projects, Capitalist Expansion/War Welcome Immigration: Rightist nationalist divide working class

• Opposition to Mega Projects? • • • •

Forging unity of oppressed (nations) and exploited (working class) Opposing reformists imposing Mega Projects Fighting globalisation Resisting imperialism -- not asking its help in natioanl liberation.

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