Student politics roza

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•Why Students?

Why Students? • i. Students are future workers

• ii. Free time for work organizationally • iii. they don’t have burden of work of work place • iv. they think about local and international political situation • v. they are the credits of communist organization

How to Work in Students • i. Propaganda of revolutionary literature • ii. Study circles • iii. Day schools • iv. Give students membership in revolutionary party • v. Making of students movement in educational institutions

Methods of Current Student Organisations • i. Hiding of revolutionary politics • ii. Downfall of Soviet Union and distance of China from revolution • iii. Raising of temparory or NGO problems rather than the real on like sexual harassment etc

Situation of Students • i. Students are just expectator • ii. Just for entertainment • iii. No role in such programmes • iv. Hiding he power of students voice collectively • v. individuality •

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