Murder of Taseer and Imperialism

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Taseer's death by Riaz Ahmed by Burhanuddin Abro on Wednesday, January 5, 2011 at 2:54am Taseer was dead against ant-privatisation protest in 2005 when the PTCL workers protested en-masse. He advocated attack on workers and supported the military occupation of PTCL to pave way for privatization. His association with General Musharraf was also due to the numerous deals he advocated for the international capital. ...

Taseer's oppostion to rigth-wing Nawaz was not because of right-wing ideas but primarily because of his opposition to the obstacles and conditions created by national capitalists like Nawaz. Salman Taseer was hihgly anti-worker, anti-st...udent and a staunch supporter of international capital.

In one of interviews at Samaa he tells about his real intent in opposing sentencing of Asia bibi (wrongfully sentenced through an atrocious blasphemy act in my opinion) and for Taseer it was because the sentencing was counterproductive to the trade deals Pakistan is to sign with West.

Taseer, like Benazir and like Zardari, favoured imperial golbalisation and did dodgy deals to make quick profits and helped paved way for implementation of neo-liberal policies due to which rich get richer and poor poorer. Taseer was no friend of progressive or secular polity, in fact undermined all class-based politics. Taseer was no peace-lover, he was in forefront of so-called war on terror and advocated and was amongst those rulers who advocated and instructed murder of over 6700 Pakistanis in just 2010 through drones and military operations. No doubt his death and through the way it came is to be condemned. No doubt those saying that opposition to blasphemy is itself a crime are themselves paving way for more cases against minorities and more murders. But to make a martyr out of Salman Taseer is to make weap on the death of an imperial ally, an imperial stooge. It is time we oppose imperial occupations, imperial dominance and those making our lives miserable through price-hike and tax-hike and those who are keen to retain and make JUIF and MQM allies in a government that is doomed to fail. Like · Comment · Share

Taseer was dead against ant-privatisation protest in 2005 when the PTCL workers protested en-masse. He advocated attack on workers and supported the military occupation of PTCL to pave way for privatization. His association with General Musharraf was also due to the numerous deals he advocated for the international capital. ... January 5 at 2:31am · Like · Comment

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o Riaz Ahmed ...Taseer's oppostion to rigth-wing Nawaz was not because of right-wing ideas but primarily because of his opposition to the obstacles and conditions created by national capitalists like Nawaz. Salman Taseer was hihgly anti-worker, anti-student and a staunch supporter of international capital. In one of interviews at Samaa he tells about his real intent in opposing sentencing of Asia bibi (wrongfully sentenced through an atrocious blasphemy act in my opinion) and for Taseer it was because the sentencing was counterproductive to the trade deals Pakistan is to sign with West. Taseer, like Benazir and like Zardari, favoured imperial golbalisation and did dodgy deals to make quick profits and helped paved way for implementation of neo-liberal policies due to which rich get richer and poor poorer. Taseer was no friend of progressive or secular polity, in fact undermined all class-based politics. Taseer was no peace-lover, he was in forefront of so-called war on terror and advocated and was amongst those rulers who advocated and instructed murder of over 6700 Pakistanis in just 2010 through drones and military operations. No doubt his death and through the way it came is to be condemned. No doubt those saying that opposition to blasphemy is itself a crime are themselves paving way for more cases against minorities and more murders. But to make a martyr out of Salman Taseer is to make weap on the death of an imperial ally, an imperial stooge. It is time we oppose imperial occupations, imperial dominance and those making our lives miserable through price-hike and tax-hike and those who are keen to retain and make JUIF and MQM allies in a government that is doomed to fail.

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January 5 at 2:31am · Like ·

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o Harry Pasha I don't disagree much with what you said about his political and economic inclinations but the way he was murdered shows a sustained effort by the extremists to muzzle any voice which ever so slightly disagrees with the narrative the extremist have been able to maintain with the help of the establishment. His murder will kill many other voices that might not have the kind of audience or access to the media that Salman had. His son's book about what Salman believed in should be an eye opener for lots of folks who consider him a sort martyr for liberal causes. January 5 at 2:50am · Like


o Riaz Ahmed @Harry, it was not the mild opposition (for obvious captialist reasons, but lets for a sec ignore it) Salman Taseer gave to Asia's sentence but it was for obvious power-related reasons (the criminal desires of PPP to have allies like JUI-F/Taliban-supporters) that the PPP did not and does not challenge the bigotry of mullahs. It was not because of more of opposition to mullah-brigade and their pro-blasphemy-law politics but it is because of less of opposition to such bigots by PPP which sits in power. So Salman Taseer, even if he was killed due to pro-blasphemy-law desires of individual/organisations, was killed because PPP wants to be cosy with mullahs. Not otherwise. January 5 at 2:56am · Like


o Kamran Dhangal @Riaz Ahmed .there may be issues of capitalism and socilasim....but taseer;s murder is purely on religious and fundamentalist basis....i think we should condemn it on that basis and appreciate him because he raised his voice against bigotry....... January 5 at 3:10am · Like ·

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o Qasira Sadeeq u are absolutely right. January 5 at 4:05am · Like


o Shamil Shams So he should be killed? I agree with your analysis of Taseer's politics, but at least start your note with the condemnation of the murder. January 5 at 4:15am · Like ·

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o Salman Mallick @shamil agree with you, the reason to kill someone like this reflects horrifying trend in society January 5 at 9:45am · Like


o Salman Mallick and I am shocked to see sparse comments of condemnation. January 5 at 9:47am · Like


o Peerzada Salman If people like you are debating this gruesome murder, then there's no hope... Riaz bhai you're not seeing the forest for the trees... Pakistan is turning into an Orwellian 1984, with a difference... please understand or else there's no hope January 5 at 11:02am · Like ·

2 people


o Saleha Athar But Govenment is propagating that he gave comments agains Blosphamy law, I think Govt is also creating an atmosphare in the country that no one will stand against this law, they want to take help from religion people to save thier governemnt. They make "QURBANI KA BAKRA, so govenor died. January 5 at 11:11am · Like ·

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o Qasira Sadeeq comrade we all know v well the real faces of politicians n their pitiless roll in demolition of hundred of thousands people,but we should really appreciate his temerity against brutal law n islamist militancy.At this time he was the voice of dumb people who victimized by MOLLA GARDI in our country. January 5 at 11:48am · Like


o Sajid Kamal Khan he was a wolf in sheep skin---he caused serious damage to the worker's movement! January 5 at 1:08pm · Like

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o Adnan Sattar Riaz Sahab, am sorry but this is simply playing into the hands of religious zealots. Class-based politics should not blind us to other contemporary realities, not all of which can be reduced to outcomes of imperialism. Such teleological approach is outdated and does not help the cause of progressive politics. Taseer may have been a capitalist politician but he was also a man of courage and conviction who was tortured in the Lahore Fort by the Zia regime and laid his life for supporting an unpopular cause. January 5 at 1:37pm · Like ·

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o Gordon Jelley As a socialist living in Britain I never learn the names of the victims of wars and proxy wars fought in my name by British and American imperialism. So why is this casualty elevated above all others? His death mourned by William Hague and Hilary Clinton and on every BBC bulletin. His murder, brutal, yes but not morally or emotionally different to those nameless killed by drones or air strikes or in battles to pacify "islamist extremists"? January 5 at 2:01pm · Like ·

4 people


o Adnan Sattar Morally and emotionally different sir, because the man had the guts to speak out against a blatantly discriminatory law and coming to the aid of a poor non-muslim accused of blasphemy knowing full well that this could cost him his life. January 5 at 2:23pm · Like ·

1 person


o Riaz Ahmed @Adnan/Peerzada/Sadeeqa: The issue is not how one begins to express on the murder of Taseer. The issue is that 6700 people were killed in 2010 in this war on terror and the media/liberals/imperialists show that Taseer's murder is the reason to continue this very brutal war. It is here my friends and the imperialists interests appear to merge. Taseer/Zardari/Clinton etc use the rhetoric of anti-blasphemy-law to utilise it to continue their wars of occupation and dominance. They used 9/11, 7/7, Sufi Mohamamd to justify their own very brutal wars of occupation, they are the ones whose bombings and assasinations (7 per day in Swat) killed 32,000 Pakistanis since 2001. Benazir was keen to make waron-teror a peoples war on terror and that is what it has become and thats where Benazir and Musharraf were partners of imperialists where pro-capital Taseer could easily cuddle in. Its their propaganda agaisnt 'extremist' that is used to justify these wars. Unless these wars end there will be no end to killings in the name of Islam. Now the mullahs are hypocrate no doubt. They negotiate with imperialists/Obama/Zardari/Taseer and are quite happy if the deal is in their class-interests, for example Saudi Arabia/Fazal/MullahOmar/SufiMohamamd. Zardari is desparate to bring the JUI and terrorist MQM back to government, for them the best way to control mullah is to have them in government.Karzai for his part has a parliament full of mullah and non-mullah murderors and he is very keen to have Mullah Omar in it. So the mullahs and imperialists both have interests in situations where the masses are polarised on right-liberal lines, actually these are right/imperialist lines. That is why when one of their leaders like Benazir/Taseer is killed for whatever reason they are keen to portray it as a shahadat martyrdom of an anti-right while the one murdered was advocate of 'reconciliation', liberalization, price-hike, profits for the rich and throughout their life that its not democracy but power-sharing that led them to sit with dictators and mullahs of every kind. People like Taseer were keen to spread imperialist wars of occupation, to side with them is to side with war not peace. Its apparent that with Taseer's murder the imperialists find it easy to extend the war on terror more easily. January 5 at 3:42pm · Like

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o Sophia Hasnain All those who suddenly found taseer as a voice of reason in this wilderness are actually playing into the hands of the criminal that killed him. now there is no uproar on the rising prices, new taxes and minority govt. January 5 at 4:02pm · Like


o Peerzada Salman Riaz bhai your argument is somehow taking the Mumtaz Qadris of this country out of the equation, and this doesn't auger well January 5 at 4:31pm · Like


o Chaz Singh just another tuppence worth from the uk - none of the people on this comment thread have shown how taseer's death is worth making such a noise about, whilst the 6700 who were killed by his hand and the hands of those who allied themselves w...See More January 5 at 5:37pm · Like


o Chaz Singh my family in indian side of punjab see his type all the time - sell outs and money makers - it seems that the border of partition doesn't change much January 5 at 5:38pm · Like


o Inder Salim @Riaz bhai, i agree with you, will you please say one line, that Blasphemy laws need change? how to justify one wrong with another ? with love January 5 at 7:44pm · Like


o Amanullah Jiffrey Kariapper Taseer was an ass and it's too bad he went out looking like a champion of free speech and democracy... the blasphemy laws need changing, perhaps even need to be removed, but what to do of the hundreds of millions who still idolise the likes of Ghazi Ilm Din Shaheed...?

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January 5 at 9:32pm · Like


o Ercelan Aly quite. January 5 at 9:33pm · Like


o Riaz Ahmed @Inder, if you read my in status "No doubt his death and through the way it came is to be condemned. No doubt those saying that opposition to blasphemy is itself a crime are themselves paving way for more cases against minorities and more ...See More January 5 at 10:10pm · Like ·

1 person


o Ercelan Aly the press club crowd were the usual liberals. would have been interesting to ask them about kwsb privatisation and current problems January 5 at 10:27pm · Like


o Ercelan Aly need to check this: a comment made at the book launch of zh book this eve -- Jinnah as legal counsel in a blasphemy case January 5 at 11:06pm · Like


o Ercelan Aly January 5 at 11:14pm · Like


o Ercelan Aly January 5 at 11:40pm · Like

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Mara Ahmed and Saqib Khan like this.

o Comrade Sbkhan Dear buhanuddin Abro, sorry to say that you and me left didn’t do that sort of act like Salman taseer did that against Religious fanatics, and he was first man whose stand for protected that society against blasphemy laws, and we left can’t just sitting in drawing rooms and only mind masturbation its not take change in this society. You and religious fanatics same view on that Murder of salman taseer. Yes i know he is Capitalist (owner of World Call, Business Plus) and many more but he did some thing as progressive one. We should appreciated and remember him. Down with Religious Person, and Fanatics and their agents Down with US imperials, Down with Mullah Military note, why you and other person woe agaist this anti people laws ( blasphemy laws) January 5 at 10:51am · Like

o Comrade Sbkhan i am not with you dear Comrade riaz and Burhan, so why you are silincte on this issue come out and speak please, January 5 at 10:53am · Like

o Burhanuddin Abro thank you for your comments Sherbaz. I am against the blasphemy law like any sensible person would be. I am also against the murder of Salman Taseer. What I hate is that our "civil society" calls Taseer a "shaheed" and "champion of human rights". Because I dont think that he was anyone of those things. And for God sake, dont say that "You and religious fanatics same view on that Murder of salman taseer". That is ridiculous. I condemn his murder and the person who killed him should be punished. I just think that he was no "human rights champion". Stop jumping to conclusions sherbaz. Just because he spoke against blasphemy and was killed does not make him a martyr and ALSO doesnot white-wash his previous record. January 5 at 12:02pm · Like

o Burhanuddin Abro

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Do u even believe your own slogans?? Do u know what they even mean? Down Down Down Down

with with with with

Religious Person, and Fanatics and their agents US imperials, Mullah Military this and down with that....

Who is US imperial? Salaman Taseer. January 5 at 12:05pm · Like

o Burhanuddin Abro I think because of many years of "mind masturbation", you are starting to think that the ruling class can be progressive. January 5 at 12:07pm · Like

o Burhanuddin Abro If one single act of a person (with a corrupt background) can make him progressive, than there are no greater progressives than Yousuf Raza Gillani and Asif Zardari. They are always talking about helping the poor, about Balouchis Rights (Huqooq-e-Balouchistan). And I guess that Shahbaz Sharif is also a progressive, because he introduced the 2 rupee roti in punjab. January 5 at 12:11pm · Like

o Comrade Sbkhan Yes he is not Inqlabi, But right now what happen in country , i am not contractor of Pakistan, for its safety & save Pakistan, if its break after one week so i wish that its break up after 20 hours. but the fact is that he did well against this inhuman law, which is detected suppressed the minorities as well as speak up against any MAN Made law (Blasphemy Law) Zia,s dictator law which is made by some Mullahs, so we left progressive did not do that like salman Taseer, so he is Hero, and Left is Zero, include we and you also. so shame on us we can’t speak on this issue. And complete silence, as egoistic and drawing room’s champions, January 5 at 7:27pm · Like

o Sajid Hussain Khaskheli We do not forget that our ultimate goal is to end capitalism and our struggle, weak or strong, divided or united should be focused against capitalism. When left movements loose that focus other forces which left behind in capitalist race take charge in the garb of religion and nationalism. And instead of class division society seems to be divided on liberals, moderates and extremist line. This divide is above class. We never forget that real division is class division and every Marxist should never fall along the line, capitalist divide the society. Today global capital wants us to fight against extremist. Many left comrades also want to wage war against extremist. Representative of global capital praise

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the courage of Salman Taseer. Many left comrades also praising him. It seems here that left & global capital share the same view then, where is the divide?

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