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7 Final considerations
Throughout the text we were able to verify how, after decades of FTAs being in force in the region, the loss of food sovereignty, the strong dismantling of industrial complexes, the defunding of universal public services, and the absence of a coordinated political forum have left Latin America in a much weaker position to establish, both emergency and long-term, public policies to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus. The Covid-19 outbreak is evidence of the exhaustion and insufficiency of the neoliberal trade globalization model to face a health and socioeconomic crisis. In this cross-sectional study I have not exhausted all the facets through which the FTAs undermine public policy making and the State’s autonomy to make decisions in face of an unprecedented crisis in recent history. All I did was to point out some of the most important issues for the trade union and social movement in Latin America with the aim of contributing to an increasingly more urgent debate that will continue in the region.
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