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4.2.What Global Framework Agreements has Public Services International signed?

Graph 2: Number of workers directly covered

Global Framework Agreements usually regulate labor rights such as working hours, adequate wages, training or occupational health and safety rights. Global Framework Agreements also regulate the relationship between the parties to the agreement, the international trade union organization and the multinational company, and often establish mechanisms for monitoring compliance with the agreements and resolving any disputes that may arise from their implementation.


The number of these international agreements has grown significantly since 2000. Graph 1 shows the number of agreements concluded by BWI, UNI, PSI, IUF, IFJ and IndustriALL and Graph 2 shows the approximate number of workers covered directly by these agreements. This number increases dramatically when workers that are covered indirectly (supply chains) are included.

4.2 What Global Framework Agreements has Public Services International signed?

Public Services International, together with IndustriALL, has negotiated Global Framework Agreements with three multinational companies, all of which work in electricity generation and distribution of electricity and gas: EDF (based in France), ENEL (based in Italy) and ENGIE (based in France).

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