Participation of the Workers’ group in the Governing Body
Special control procedure under Article 26 of the Constitution: Complaints of nonobservance
The special control procedure of the complaint before the Committee on Freedom of Association
● Influences the tripartite discussion and decision on: The admissibility of the complaint; The constitution of the commission of inquiry that will examine the issues alleged by the complainants and the responses of the State against which the complaint has been presented. It establishes the composition of this commission by independent persons, usually jurists or judges with recognized international experience; Whether to submit the complaint to the International Court of Justice. Influences the discussion and tripartite adoption of the report with the conclusions and recommendations of the commission of inquiry. The workers' delegates taking part in the Committee on Freedom of Association influence the discussion and adoption of the report with the conclusions and recommendations to be presented to the Governing Body for adoption. The Committee on Freedom of Association is composed in a tripartite manner by independent persons.
5.2. Participation of unions in the International Labour Conference Trade unions participate in the various committees and forums and in the plenary of the International Labour Conference as workers’ delegates who are part of the official delegation of each Member State. Trade unions also participate in the Conference through the international trade union organizations that attend as observers. As stated in the document International Labour Conference. Standing Orders at a Glance (ILO, 2019),9 virtually all the substantive work of the International Labour Conference is done in committees that the Conference establishes on its opening day. At the end of their
work, the committees submit their reports to the Conference, but none of the texts resulting from their work (whether instruments, resolutions, conclusions, or decisions) is valid until it has been adopted by the Conference (and, where necessary, put to a vote). The adoption of commission reports and the adoption of international instruments and other texts generally takes place during the last two days of the Conference. There are two types of committees: standing committees and technical committees. The following table details information on the standing committees.