8.2. Procedure for the submission of international labor standards To facilitate a uniform presentation of the information to be provided by Governments on the measures they have taken to comply with the submission obligation, the Governing Body adopted a Memorandum
concerning the obligation to submit conventions and recommendations to the competent authorities. The answers to the following questions are based on the ILO Constitution and the Memorandum.
PROCEDURE FOR THE SUBMISSION OF INTERNATIONAL LABOR STANDARDS What is the obligation of submission of international labor standards? Consists of the obligation of all ILO Member States to submit recently adopted international labor standards (Conventions, Recommendations or Protocols) to the relevant authority at the national level for the purpose of discussing and determining measures for their application. This obligation is regulated in Article 19 of the ILO Constitution. The procedure for federal states is regulated in Article 19.7 of the Constitution. What is the purpose of submission? The main purpose of the submission is to encourage action at the national level for the implementation of the conventions and recommendations. In the case of Conventions, the procedure also aims at promoting their ratification. Governments are entirely free to propose the action they consider should be taken on the conventions and recommendations. The purpose of the submission is mainly to promote a prompt and considered decision by each Member State on the instruments adopted by the Conference. The obligation of submission constitutes a fundamental element of the ILO's standard-setting system. One of its purposes has been and still is to bring the instruments adopted by the Conference to the attention of public opinion through their submission to a body of a parliamentary nature. Which international instruments of the ILO are subject to submission? The provisions of Article 19 of the Constitution establish the obligation to submit to the competent authorities in all cases the instruments adopted by the Conference, without exception and without distinction between Conventions and Recommendations. It refers to the Recommendations 31. https://www.ilo.org/global/standards/information-resources-and-publications/WCMS_088472/lang--es/ index.htm