8.4. Procedure for the review of international labor standards35
PROCEDURE FOR THE REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL LABOR STANDARDS What is the review of international labor standards? According to the Manual of Procedures (ILO, 2015), an effective (even "partial") revision of a Convention, or sometimes of several Conventions, leads in most cases to the adoption of a new Convention. The Conference may also proceed with the partial revision of a Convention by the adoption of a Protocol or of provisions in a new Convention, acceptance of which terminates the obligations resulting from the provisions of a previous Convention. Certain Conventions provide for specific procedures for the amendment of the Annexes. The updating of certain scientific or technical data has been provided for in certain Conventions by means of a technique for consulting the most recent data published in the field, without this constituting a formal revision. The procedure for the revision of Conventions and Recommendations is regulated by the Rules of Procedure of the International Labour Conference and includes the following procedures: Procedure for recording the question at the Conference (Rule 43 of the Rules of Procedure); Procedure in case of revision of a Convention (Article 44); Procedure in case of revision of a recommendation (Article 45). The revision of one Recommendation, or sometimes several, has in almost all cases resulted in the adoption of a new Recommendation. A Recommendation that revises one or more previous Recommendations replaces the previous instrument(s). The list of revised Conventions and Recommendations can be found at the following link: https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:12030:0::NO::: When is a Convention considered to revise a previous Convention? A Convention is considered to be revising a previous instrument only when it states, explicitly or implicitly, in its title, preamble, or operative part, the intention to revise that instrument. Conventions 1 to 26 do not contain any provision concerning the consequences of the adoption or ratification of a revising Convention. The adoption by the Conference of a revising Convention does not prevent further ratifications of the previous one and does not imply its automatic denunciation.
35. This section is based on information in Handbook of procedures relating to international labour Conventions and Recommendations. ILO, 2019, p. 6 and pp. 43-44.