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Your Complete Source for Mecklenburg Parks, Programs, Greenways and Recreation Winter 2012

In This Issue: • Park and Rec Mentoring Program Provides Valuable Work Experience To Local Youth

Mecklenburg County Park and Rec Wins 2012 NRPA Gold Medal Award!

• Healthy Holiday Fitness Challenge

PLUS... www.parkandrec.com

• County-Wide Facility Listings and Contacts • Maps to all County Park and Rec Sites • Information on Special Senior Programs

Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Resource and Program Guide

Winter 2012 Welcome!


Dates To Remember................................ 2 Frequently Called Numbers.................... 2 Letter from the Director.......................... 3 Major Facilities Map................................4 Park and Rec News.................................. 5

Programs and Events........................46-50 Ray’s Playhouse.....................................50

Parks, Preserves & Greenways Dog Parks................................................. 7 Charlotte B-Cycle..................................... 7 Mecklenburg County GIS Day................. 7 Mentoring Program................................8 Skate Parks...............................................8 Historic Sites............................................9 Fishing......................................................9 Fairy House Festival...............................10 Volunteers..............................................10 Golf Facilities......................................... 11 Disc Golf................................................. 11 Cycling & Race Events........................... 12 Sailing and Rowing............................... 12 Fitness Center........................................ 12 Grady Cole Center Events..................... 13 Americans with Disabilities................... 13 Tennis Facilities and Lessons............14-19 NC Cooperative Extension....................20 Greenways and Map........................22-24 Rec Centers & School Rec Site Map........ 25 Rec Centers & School Rec Site Chart....... 26

Nature Centers McDowell Programs and Events........ 28-34 Latta Plantation Programs & Events... 35-38 Reedy Creek Programs and Events.....39-42

Therapeutic Recreation Programs and Events........................43-45 Paralympics Sports Club........................44 Adult Programs..................................... 45 Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013

Elementary Programs and Events........................51-56 School Day Out (CMS)........................... 56

Spotlight On: Youth Sports.......................................... 57

Teens Programs and Events........................58-62 School Day Out (CMS)........................... 61

Family Programs and Events........................63-65

Adults Programs and Events........................66-69

Seniors Programs and Events........................70-78 MeckSenior Day Trips.......................75-76 Senior Nutrition Program..................... 77 Nutcracker Dress Rehearsal..................78

Aquatics Programs and Events........................79-85 Starfish Aquatics Program....................80 MC-Aquatics Center - Lessons............... 81 MC-Aquatics Center - Water Exercise.... 82 Ray’s Splash Planet - Lessons................ 83 Marion Diehl Pool - Lessons..................84 Marion Deihl Pool - Water Exercise..... 85

On the cover: Clark’s Creek Greenway Bridge Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners: Vilma Leake, Dumont Clarke, Karen Bentley, George Dunlap, Harold Cogdell, Jr. (Chairman), Jennifer Roberts, Jim Pendergraph, Bill James, Neil Cooksey (in memory- 1961-2012) Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Commissioners Joe Pata, Kendel Bryant, Rob Brisley (Chairman) Elaine Powell, Norman Mitchell, Kristen Shaben, Charlie McRee, Ed Barnhart, Doug Burnett , Brenda McMoore, Sheryl Smith, Jeff Tarte Members are appointed by the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners. They promote parks and recreation for Mecklenburg County residents and advise County Commissioners on facilities, programs and activities. Bill Carroll, Managing Editor Mecklenburg County Public Service and Information Department Leo Caplanides, Co-Editor Mecklenburg County Public Service and Information Department Copy Editor Terri Stowers Art Direction: Andre Dumont, Spitfire Marketing & Creative, Inc. www.ispitfire.com Copyright ©2012 Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or reprinted without written permission.



Dates to Remember Print out this page to put on your fridge as a reminder of key dates! Swim with Santa

Tennis Programs

December 4 and 20 Rays Splash Planet

Ongoing - Refer to Parks Section, Pages 14–19

Fairy House Festival

Grady Cole Events

February 9, 2013

Youth Baseball, Softball, Track & Field Registration February 1–28, 2013

Ongoing - Refer to Parks Section, Page 13 Refer to Senior Section, Pages 75–76

Frequently Called Numbers City/County Information Line.................................. 311 Facility Reservations/Rentals.................................... 311 Administration ........................................704.336.3854 Aquatic Center.........................................704.336.3483 Athletics....................................................704.336.3854 Ballfield Rainout Line...............................704.336.5800 Dog Parks..................................................704.336.8840 Grady Cole Center/Memorial Stadium....704.336.2884 Greenways & Trails...................................704.336.3854 Natural Resources..................................... 704.598.8857 Ray’s Splash Planet...................................704.432.4729 Therapeutic Recreation............................ 704.432.0237

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013

Senior Trips


Call 704.336.5478 for registration information or go to ParkandRec.com. Follow Us On

Learn More On

Sign up for our FREE monthly e-newsletter! Go to parkandrec.com



Dear Mecklenburg County Residents, On behalf of Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation, I would like to welcome you to the Winter 2012 issue of the Get Going Guide. The issue features information on programs and events happening in November and December 2012 and January and February 2013.

People • Pride Progress Partnerships 5841 Brookshire Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28216 704.336.3854 Fax: 704.336.5472

This program guide, which was published in print twice a year for several years, has now transformed into an electronic book that is published on a quarterly basis. The new format allows for fresher content and easier methods of registration since the guide is linked directly to EParks. You’ll also notice that each web address shown can be simply clicked on to obtain more information. Along the same lines, all email addresses shown can be clicked to send inquiries quickly and easily. Our goal is to continue enhancing the guide by adding even more hyperlinks, feature stories and videos to really showcase what Park and Recreation has to offer. So save this file to your desktop or laptop and refer to it often so that you will always be up-to-date on all the ways you can get going! Sincerely,

® All services are available without regard to origin, sex or disability.

James “Jim” R. Garges Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Director

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Mecklenburg County Parks, Preserves and Facilities Map Legend: Interstate Major Streets

Greenway Developed Overland Connector

Mecklenburg County has more than 18,000 acres of parkland and 210 facilities, including 26 recreation centers. This map is only a sample of what Park & Recreation offers.

Research Park Trail

For additional information visit:

www.parkandrec.com or call 311.

Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Park & Rec News Park and Rec Wins National 2012 Gold Medal Award! Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation has been selected as the 2012 National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Gold Medal Award Winner. Established in 1965, the NRPA Gold Medal Award honors U.S. communities that demonstrate excellence in parks and recreation through long-range planning, resource management, volunteerism, environmental stewardship, program development, professional development and agency recognition. Applicants are separated into five classes based on population. “I’m very proud of the work and professional dedication of our staff

and volunteers to earn this recognition,” said Jim Garges, director of the Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department. Agencies are judged on their ability to address the needs of those they serve through the collective energies of citizens, staff and elected officials. Four finalists in each class are chosen to compete for grand honors each year. As part of the

The NRPA Gold Medal Award is presented by the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration in partnership with the National Recreation and Park Association

application process, finalists are asked to submit a 12-minute video showcasing their respective departments. View the video submitted by Park and Rec below. Park and Recreation was selected the overall winner in the Class I category (population 250,000 and over), competing against: • City of Henderson (NV) Parks and Recreation Department • Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Riverdale, MD • Plano (TX) Parks and Recreation

Learn more about the award by clicking HERE, and watch the video by clicking HERE.

This Holiday Season & Throughout the Year

Give More by Using Less

During the Holidays and any gift giving time, we create mountains of used wrapping paper, cardboard and tissue paper. Here are a few tips to help you get it all under control and maybe help save a tree or two while you’re at it. Have children make their own wrapping paper by designing and coloring on paper grocery bags. Save gift boxes, bags, bows and ribbon to use again.

Visit wipeoutwaste.com for more recycling tips and ideas

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves & Greenways

Prevent Cabin Fever This Winter!

Get Going! Take advantage of the many different programs and events Park and Rec has to offer. We also have miles of trails for running, strolling, walking, and hiking. Get Going today by signing up for one of our many nature programs!


Discover Our Good Nature Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Dog Parks

Charlotte B-Cycle! Hello Charlotte B-Cycle! Through a partnership with Charlotte Center City Partners, NC Blue Cross Blue Shield, Carolinas HealthCare System and the City of Charlotte – there will soon be 200 blue bikes located among 20 bike share stations all over Uptown, South End and the Little Sugar Creek Greenway!

Did you know that Mecklenburg County has six dog parks? They offer a place for dogs to run off-leash in a fenced area and frolic with other canines. Admission is free and open to all dogs of suitable disposition. Dogs must have rabies vaccinations and licenses as required by law. Owners are responsible for their pets. Dog parks are open every day, 7:30am–sunset (for more information call 311):

Swaney Point K-9 Park in Ramsey Creek Park, 18441 Nantz Road

The system aims to provide access to bicycles for short-distance trips in the Center City and offer an alternative to motorized public transportation or private vehicles. The affect: cleaner air, healthier people and less congestion. Just unlock a bike from any station and return it to any station system wide.

www.charlottebikes.org/tag/ charlotte-bicycle-share/

Cornelius, four acres fenced-in. Separate sections for large dogs (more than 20 lbs) and small dogs (less than 20 lbs).

Barkingham Park at Reedy Creek Park, 2900 Rocky River Road, four

acres inside fence.

Ray’s Fetching Meadow at McAlpine Creek Park, 8711 Monroe Road,

one acre, fenced-in.

Davie Dog Park in William R. Davie Park, 4635 Pineville-Matthews Road,

Mecklenburg County GIS Day

Frazier Dog Park in Frazier Park, 1201 West 4th Street in uptown

November 14, 8:00am-4:00pm Spirit Square, Uptown Charlotte

more than five acres with separate sections for large dogs and small dogs.

Charlotte, 1.3 acres inside fence. Sections for large and small dogs. Fenced enclosure is along I-77 near West Trade and Sycamore streets.

Shuffletown Dog Park in Shuffletown Park, 9500 Belhaven Blvd. This new dog park is 4.6 acres with sections for large and small dogs.

Visit www.MecklenburgCountyNC.gov Your one stop for news and information about Mecklenburg County.

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013

National Geographic Giant Traveling Map of Africa will be on display * Geocaching Demonstrations and Field Trips * K-12 GIS Presentations * GIS in K-12 Education Panel Discussion * Engineering/Survey Continuing Education * Exhibit Hall / Vendor Displays & Demo * GIS Training



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Mentoring Program Provides Valuable Work Experience to Local Youth In February 2012, Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department began the Recreation Employment Corp. program to help local youth gain valuable first time work experience and positive life skills.

The program provides teens, ages 14 – 17, with the opportunity to serve as mentees at various recreation facilities around the County. Each participant works closely with an assigned recreation supervisor for 10 hours a week through November. Mentees are compensated for their time and are held accountable for adhering to policies and procedures like other County employees.

Recruitment for the REC program began in fall 2011. Park and Recreation staff identified potential candidates – teens currently active in Park and Recreation programs – and developed an application process consisting of a written essay and an in-person interview. Sixty teens applied and 20 were selected to participate. “We are proud to offer this wonderful program which gives students the chance to develop positive working skills and habits which will serve them throughout life,” said Park and Recreation Director Jim Garges. “It is a great example of Park and Rec’s commitment to providing an atmosphere that stresses both education and personal growth.” Park and Recreation staff will begin accepting applications in November for the 2013 program after the inaugural class graduates in November.

Click HERE to learn more about our Mentor Program.

Grayson SkatePark

Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation offers a skate park for in-line skaters and skateboarders, plus BMX bikers at specified times. Admission charge, helmets and pads required. Skate parks require signed waiver of liability, with waiver signed by parents and notarized for ages 17 or younger. For waiver forms, hours, and more info, check www.parkandrec.com, click on Facilities, then Skate Parks, or call 311 or 704.432.5231. Grayson SkatePark: 750 Beal Street at the Naomi Drenan Recreation Center. 13,000 square feet of concrete skating surface. Suitable for novices to professionals. Features a street course with banks, transitions, corners, rails, ledges and two bowls with depths of five feet and 10 feet.

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Historic Sites Mecklenburg County has rich history, and Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation is the steward of several historic sites that host visitors. Many sites offer a hands-on opportunity to learn about life in another time. Alexandriana: Site has a monument which commemorates the signing of Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, 9921 Old Statesville Rd., Huntersville Dowd House: World War I training camp, 2216 Monument Ave., Charlotte Historic Latta Plantation: Plantation of James Latta, circa 1800, 5225 Sample Rd., Huntersville. See www.lattaplantation.org Independence Park: Oldest park in Mecklenburg County, 300 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte McIntyre Historic Site: Revolutionary War skirmish and gold mining site, 4125 McIntyre Ave., Charlotte Rural Hill: 265 acre plantation of Revolutionary War Maj. John Davidson and six generations of his family, 4431 Neck Rd., Huntersville. See: www.ruralhill.net.

Go Fish! Which will become your favorite fishing hole? We’ve got small ponds and big lakes! Fishing is free at: Blythe Landing 15901 NC Highway 73, Huntersville (Lake Norman) Colonel Francis Beatty Park 4330 Weddington Rd., Matthews Freedom Park, 1900 East Blvd. Hornets Nest Park 6310 Beatties Ford Rd. Jetton Park 1900 Jetton Rd., Cornelius (Lake Norman) Latta Plantation Nature Preserve 5226 Sample Rd., Huntersville (Mountain Island Lake) McAlpine Creek Park 8711 Monroe Rd. McDowell Nature Preserve 15222 York Rd. (Lake Wylie)

St. Mary’s Chapel: Victorian chapel of Thompson Orphanage, now a popular wedding venue, 1129 East 3rd St., Charlotte.

Park Road Park 6220 Park Rd.

Holly Bend House: Circa 1795-1800 plantation home of Robert and Margaret Davidson at 3710 Neck Rd. near Mountain Island Lake.

Ramsey Creek Park 18441 Nantz Rd., Cornelius (Lake Norman)

Try Your Hand at Fishing! It’s Fun... and FREE! Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation can lend you a fishing rod and tackle for a day, so you can try angling in any of our ponds and lakes. This program is a partnership with the NC Wildlife Resources Commission. It is free, and designed to increase fishing opportunities. Just bring a valid ID and fill out a form. A NC Fishing License is required for age 16 and older. For license information check www.ncwildlife.org or call toll free: 888-248-6834. For more information call 311 or the check the nature centers at:

Reedy Creek Park and Nature Preserve 2900 Rocky River Rd. A North Carolina Fishing License is required for ages 16 and older. For license information, check www.ncwildlife. org or call toll free: 888.248.6834. NC Wildlife Resource Officers enforce license regulations. For information on types of fish, depth of ponds and lakes, etc. check www.parkandrec.com, then click on Activities and Fishing, or call 311.

Robinson Rockhouse Trail: at Reedy Creek Park and Nature Preserve, 2900 Rocky River Road.

• Latta Plantation Nature Preserve 5226 Sample Road, Huntersville, 704-875-1391 • McDowell Nature Preserve 15222 York Road, 704-588-5224 • Reedy Creek Nature Preserve and Park 2900 Rocky River Rd., 704-432-6459

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Volunteer Opportunities: Mission POSSIBLE! WHO CAN VOLUNTEER? Families, Businesses, Individuals, Church Groups, Scout Troops, Garden Clubs, ROTC Groups, Neighborhood Groups, School/College Groups, Teens needing community service for school. Volunteers under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult that is at least 21 years old. Volunteers working with the Therapeutic Recreation (TR) Division must be at least 18 years old. All potential volunteers must undergo a thorough background check before volunteering. Opportunities For Business Adoptions: park/greenway/recreation center Periodic Projects: special projects geared for your group Special Events: volunteering to help with one of the departments events. Recreation Center Opportunities Youth Sports Coaches (Baseball, Track and Field), After School Rec Buddies, Program Assistants, Front Desk Assistants, Therapeutic Program Assistants, Therapeutic Sports Coaches. Individual Opportunities Park Ambassadors, Nature Preserve Greeters, General Gardening and Landscaping Help.

Interested in volunteering for one of our upcoming special events? It’s easy! Register by calling 311, visit eParks at www.parkandrec.com or by going into your local recreation center. Be sure to reference the course number for the event that you would like to volunteer for! Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Golf Facilities Cadillac Golf Ranch: The Cadillac Golf Ranch is a state-of-the-art golf learning and practice facility that opened in August 2010 in Pineville. The Cadillac Golf Ranch was conceived to be a “club” without a golf course. Our vision is for a place where golfers can meet, socialize, practice, learn and discuss the game of golf in a clean and pleasant atmosphere. We hope to create a place where golfers of all skill levels will find “their” place to fulfill their practice, learning, equipment and recreational needs. Charles T. Myers Golf Course: 18-hole course (Ladies-2761, Blue-3315, Gold-6334), driving range, chipping/putting green, bent-grass greens. Renaissance Park: 18-hole course (Ladies-5315, Mens- 6270, Championship-7465), driving range, chipping/putting green, bent-grass greens. Revolution Park Dr. Charles L. Sifford Golf Course: 9-hole regulation course (Red2211, White-2825, Blue-2976), chipping/putting green, Bermuda greens Sunset Hills: 18-hole course (Red-5185, White-5810, Blue-6146), driving range, putting green, practice sand trap, Bermuda greens. The Tradition: 18-hole (Forward-5498, Middle-6201, Back-6561, Championship-7054), two putting greens, driving range, chipping green, bent-grass greens.

The Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation Department owns five public golf courses, and a learning and practice facility, including a driving range in Pineville. Each course has its own distinctive charm. Don’t waste all day trying to get a tee time somewhere else! Play our courses and spend your time playing. Reserving a tee time is fast and easy and can be done 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Click HERE to reserve tee times.

DiscGolf - never any cart or green fees! Discover the great fun of playing disc golf! It’s inexpensive and courses are located throughout the County. There is no charge to play. Five new courses have been recently added: Eastway Park, Winget Park, R.L. Smith Park, Idlewild Park and Bradford Park. This now gives Mecklenburg County more quality disc golf courses than any other county in the United States! The courses listed offer 18 holes except for Matthews’ Squirrel Lake Park (12 holes) and Mint Hill Park (9 holes). For more information check www.parkandrec.com, or visit the Charlotte Disc Golf Club at www.charlottedgc.com for information about local events.

Professional Disc Golf Championships In July 2012, more than 1,000 players from around the world competed in the Professional Disc Golf World Championships at Mecklenburg County Parks! Click HERE to watch the video.

Get Going Guide

Course Bailey Road Park Bradford Park Eastway Park Elon Park (2) Hornet’s Nest Park Idlewild Park Kilborne Park Mint Hill Park Nevin Park Reedy Creek Park Renaissance Park R.L. Smith Park Sugaw Creek Park Squirrel Lake Park Winget Park

Winter 2012-2013

Location: 11536 Bailey Rd. 17005 Davidson-Concord Rd. 423 Eastway Dr. 11401 Ardrey Kell Rd. 6301 Beatties Ford Rd. 10512 Idelwild Rd. 2600 Kilborne Dr. 8850 Fairview Rd./Mint Hill 6000 Statesville Rd. 2900 Rocky River Rd. 1525 Tyvola Rd. 1604 Little Rock Rd. 939 W. Sugar Creek Rd. 1631 Pleasant Plains Rd. 12235 Winget Rd.

Skill Level: beginner/intermediate intermediate/advanced intermediate/advanced beginner/intermediate/advanced advanced/professional intermediate/advanced beginner/intermediate beginner/intermediate intermediate/advanced beginner/intermediate advanced/professional intermediate/advanced intermediate/advanced intermediate/advanced beginner/intermediate



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Cycling and Races Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation partners with many local groups to host more than 70 races a year. Races consist of trail and road running events as well as Mountain Bike events. McAlpine Creek Park, which includes a Nationally Certified Cross Country Course, serves as the main venue for trail running events including; Wendy’s Invitational, Footlocker Regional Championships, UNCC 49er Challenge, Queens University Royal Challenge, NCAA Division II Regionals and over a dozen charity events. Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation is also involved with the Charlotte Turkey Trot held each year on Thanksgiving morning and the Charlotte RaceFest at South Park. Cycling events include a Winter Mountain Bike Short Track Series and a Summer Mountain Bike Series. Mountain Bike events are held at Renaissance Park and Colonel Francis Beatty Park. For more information on all race events visit www.parkandrec.com, or contact Preston.Buckman@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov or 704-529-3273.

NC Community Sailing and Rowing NC Community Sailing and Rowing operates in partnership with Park and Recreation on Lake Norman. Their mission is to provide an opportunity for residents of all ages to learn the fundamentals of sailing or rowing at an affordable cost. Visit www.nccsailrowing.org.


Adult Admission Fees Monthly, Annual and “RAY” passes available with bank draft.

Mallard Creek Daily admission: $4 county /$6 non-county

Tuckasegee, West Charlotte, Southview and Bette Rae Thomas Daily admission: $3 county /$5 non-county

Ray’s Splash Planet Daily admission: $8 county / $11 non-county (Fitness Center Only)

Mecklenburg County Aquatic Center Daily admission: $5 county / $8 non-county Includes hot tub and pool.

Get Going Guide

Get Going... and Get Fit!

Mention this ad for a


First-Time Visit!*

Visit and join a fitness center today and start your journey to a healthier, more fit you! Each of our facilities offers cardiovascular, weight resistance, and free weight equipment at a great value. Our enthusiastic fitness staff is available to help get you started.

Ask about a free fitness assessment and orientation for all members! *This offer expires February 28, 2013

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Grady Cole Center - Dec, Jan, Feb Events The Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department operates two major special event facilities, the Grady Cole Center and American Legion Memorial Stadium which are located adjacent to each other at 310 N. Kings Dr., Charlotte, NC 28204.

The Grady Cole Center is a 3,000 maximum capacity civic center that can accommodate multiple sport and leisure activities such as concerts, festivals, trade shows, basketball games (youth, high school, college and professional) and community meetings. The facility has great sight lines from any seat to the permanent stage and arena floor. Annual events include Step Shows, Roller Derby bouts, MMA events, Career Fairs and Charitable Fundraisers.

Grady Cole Center Winter Events: Dec 11 Dec. 15 Jan. 3 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Feb. 16 Feb. 23

Good Friends Luncheon Queens University of Charlotte Women’s vs. Catawba College 2:00 PM Queens University of Charlotte Women & Men’s vs. Limestone College 5:30 PM; 7:30 PM Queens University of Charlotte Men’s vs. Carson-Newman College 2:00 PM AAU Wrestling Tournament University of Charlotte Women & Men’s vs. Coker College 5:30 PM; 7:30 PM Queens University of Charlotte Women & Men’s vs. King College (Tenn.) 2:00 PM; 4:00 PM Queens University of Charlotte Women & Men’s vs. Barton College 5:30 PM; 7:30 PM Queens University of Charlotte Women & Men’s vs. Pfeiffer College 5:30 PM; 7:30 PM AAU Wrestling Tournament Queens University of Charlotte Women & Men’s vs. Mount Olive College 5:30 PM; 7:30 PM Queens University of Charlotte Women vs. Converse College 2:00 PM Queens University of Charlotte Women & Men’s vs. Belmont Abbey College 5:30 PM; 7:30 PM Queens University of Charlotte Women & Men’s vs. Erskine College (*Homecoming) 5:30 PM; 7:30 PM Queens University of Charlotte Women & Men’s vs. North Greenville University (*Senior Day) 5:30 PM; 7:30 PM

For additional information on upcoming events or to reserve the facility, please contact facility management staff at 704-336-2884 or check www.parkandrec.com for updates and/or to download a rental application.

Americans with Disabilities Mecklenburg County will comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Mecklenburg County will make reasonable accommodations in all programs to enable participation by an individual with a disability who meets essential eligibility requirements. Mecklenburg County programs will be available in the Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013

most integrated setting for each individual. If any accommodations are necessary for participation in any program or service, participants are encouraged to notify staff at least one week prior to program commencement. This information is available upon request, in an alternative format for persons with disabilities. For more information on these programs visit www. parkandrec.com.



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Tennis Facilities Park and Recreation is proud to offer tennis clinics, lessons and camps for players of all ages at six facilities. Mecklenburg County has over 140 tennis courts within 33 tennis facilities. For more information and to register contact the tennis professionals directly using the information below.

Colonel Francis Beatty Park Colonel Francis Beatty Park offers light ing on 6 tennis courts. For clinics, tournaments, trips and special events, please visit www.tanctennis.com Phone: 704-340-0013 Email: p laytennischarlotte@gmail.com Tennis Academy of North Carolina 4330 Weddington Rd., Matthews, NC 28105

Jeff Adams Tennis Center Jeff Adams Tennis Center offers lighting on 13 tennis courts. For more information on lessons and clinics, please visit www.charlottecitytennis.com Phone: 704-284-9844 Email: a llen@upchurchtennis.com Upchurch Tennis 1200 W. Tyvola Rd., Charlotte, NC 28217

Freedom Park Park Road Park provides lighting on 12 tennis courts. For information on leagues, lessons, and clinics, please visit www.upchurchtennis.com Phone: 704-625-6552 Email: todd@upchurchtennis.com Upchurch Tennis 1900 East Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28203

Park Road Park Park Road Park provides lighting on 12 tennis courts. For information on leagues, lessons, and clinics, please visit www.parkandrec.com Phone: 704-529-3273 Email: P reston.Buckman@mecklenburgcountync.gov Tennis Education and Endowment 6220 Park Rd., Charlotte, NC 28210

Veterans Park Veterans Park offers lighting on 6 tennis courts. For clinics, programming, and private lessons, please visit www.midwoodtennisacademy.com Phone: 704-491-1846 Email: i nfo@midwoodtennisacademy.com Midwood Tennis Academy 2136 Central Ave., Charlotte, NC 28205

Tom Sykes/Latta Park Latta Park provides 6 tennis courts. For clinics, programming, and private lessons, please visit www.midwoodtennisacademy.com Phone: 704-491-1846 Email: i nfo@midwoodtennisacademy.com Midwood Tennis Academy 2136 Central Ave., Charlotte, NC 28205

To find more information about our tennis facilities, please visit www.parkandrec.com Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Tennis Lessons Park and Recreation is proud to offer tennis lessons for players of all ages. For more information and to register contact the tennis facility directly using the information below.

Colonel Francis Beatty Park - Tennis Academy of North Carolina

For detailed schedule visit www.tanctennis.com. For more information contact 704-529-3273.

Winter Session dates and times and costs to be announced. Visit www.tanctennis.com for more information JUNIOR CLASSES BEGINNER/Quickstart (Ages 4 - 10) - Classes will be broken into two groups based on age and skill level. Players will learn proper stoke techniques, score keeping and point play. Classes will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays. INTERMEDIATE (Ages 8 - 12) - Class will utilize 60’ court and full court. Juniors will train using both regular balls and compression balls. Focus will be on matchplay and serving. MATCH READY - Clinic for juniors who are looking to participate in Level 4 and 5 USTA tournaments or on their middle school/high school teams. Focus will be on learning the modern game of tennis, while mastering technique and footwork. ADVANCED 1 - Class is for juniors who demonstrate a talent for competitive match play. Juniors should be looking to compete in Level 3 and 4 USTA tournament and play for their school.

To find more information about our tennis facilities, please visit www.parkandrec.com Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Tennis Lessons Park and Recreation is proud to offer tennis lessons for players of all ages. For more information and to register contact the tennis facility directly using the information below. Freedom Park - Upchurch Tennis - Juniors Classes run on a monthly basis. Students choose the same days each week to attend for the entire session. Students pay for all classes at the beginning of the session. Class offerings may change. For up-to-date information and to register contact 704-529-3273 or visit www.upchurchtennis.com.

Winter Session dates and times and costs to be announced. Visit www.upchurchtennis.com for more information. JUNIOR CLASSES LITTLE ACES (Ages 4 - 6) - Students learn the basics through live ball games and handeye coordination drills and footwork. Instructors use the 36’ Quickstart format. FUTURE STARS (Ages 8-10) - Students will use the 60’ Quickstart format and live ball drills to rapidly advance their skills. This is a fast pace clinic with active instruction. STARS (Ages 11 - 14) - Students add to their skills with cooperative drills, situational feed-based games and increased footwork. This class is for players who will be or are beginning to play in tournaments. COMPETITIVE PLAYER DEVELOPMENT (11 & up) - Students in this level are looking to be pushed hard to the next level in their tournament or high school play.

Freedom Park - Upchurch Tennis - Adults Classes run on a monthly basis. Students choose the same days each week to attend for the entire session. Students pay for all classes at the beginning of the session. Class offerings may change. For up-to-date information and to register contact 704-529-3273 or visit www.upchurchtennis.com.

Winter Session dates and times and costs to be announced. Visit www.upchurchtennis.com for more information. ADULT CLASSES LADIES BEGINNER - Focus on developing the proper skills to help everyone quickly learn and enjoy the game. LADIES INTERMEDIATE - Class will focus on developing a full court game, with particular emphais on identifying strengths and protecting weaknesses. LADIES BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE - Focus on moving players forward rapidly through cooperative and competitive games based instruction. SENIOR MEN & WOMEN HIT & MOVE - Clinic is about good, safe movement through tennis games and creating relationships while developing their skill sets. LADIES CARDIO & PLAY - Fast, upbeat class using fun music matched with live ball drills. Focus on keeping the heart rate elevated, skill development and safety around the court.

To find more information about our tennis facilities, please visit www.parkandrec.com Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Tennis Lessons Park and Recreation is proud to offer tennis lessons for players of all ages. For more information and to register contact the tennis facility directly using the information below. Jeff Adams Tennis Center - Upchurch Tennis - Juniors Classes run on a monthly basis. Students choose the same days each week to attend for the entire session. Students pay for all classes at the beginning of the session. Class offerings may change. For up-to-date information and to register contact 704-529-3273 or visit www.charlottecitytennis.com

Winter Session dates and times and costs to be announced. Visit www.charlottecitytennis.com for more information JUNIOR CLASSES LITTLE ACES (Ages 4 - 6) - Students learn the basics through live ball games and handeye coordination drills and footwork. Instructors use the 36’ Quickstart format. FUTURE STARS (Ages 8-10) - Students will use the 60’ Quickstart format and live ball drills to rapidly advance their skills. This is a fast pace clinic with active instruction. STARS (Ages 11 - 14) - Students add to their skills with cooperative drills, situational feed-based games and increased footwork. This class is for players who will be or are beginning to play in tournaments COMPETITIVE PLAYER DEVELOPMENT (11 & up) - Students in this level are looking to be pushed hard to the next level in their tournament or high school play.

Freedom Park - Jeff Adams Tennis Center - Adults Classes run on a monthly basis. Students choose the same days each week to attend for the entire session. Students pay for all classes at the beginning of the session. Class offerings may change. For up-to-date information and to register contact 704-529-3273 or visit www.charlottecitytennis.com

Winter Session dates and times and costs to be announced. Visit www.charlottecitytennis.com for more information ADULT CLASSES BEGINNER (Learn To Play)- Focus on developing the proper skills to help everyone quickly learn and enjoy the game. INTERMEDIATE - Class will focus on developing a full court game, with particular emphasis on identifying strengths and protecting weaknesses. BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE - Focus on moving players forward rapidly through cooperative and competitive games-based instruction. LADIES GROUP - Program focuses on good, safe movement through tennis games and creating relationships while developing their skill sets. LADIES CARDIO & PLAY - Fast, upbeat class using fun music matched with live ball drills. Focus on keeping the heart rate elevated, skill development and safety around the court.

To find more information about our tennis facilities, please visit www.parkandrec.com Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Tennis Lessons Park and Recreation is proud to offer tennis lessons for players of all ages. For more information and to register contact the tennis facility directly using the information below.

Latta Park (Tom Sykes RC) - Midwood Tennis Academy - Juniors Classes run on a monthly basis. Students choose the same days each week to attend for the entire session. Students pay for all classes at the beginning of the session. Class offerings may change. For up-to-date information and to register contact 704-529-3273 or visit www.midwoodtennisacademy.com

Winter Session dates and times and costs to be announced. Visit www.midwoodtennisacademy.com for more information JUNIOR CLASSES LITTLE STARS (Ages 5 & 6) - This is an introduction to the game of tennis and overall athleticism. Balance, movement and hand-eye coordination are taught and developed. SUPER STARS (Ages 6 - 8) - Players develop basic coordination and balance, and can throw and catch without assistance. Players develop forehand and backhand groundstrokes and will begin to rally. Simple game play and scoring are introduced. BIG STARS (Ages 9 - 11) - Players can hit consistent forehand and backhand groundstrokes. Serves, returns, volleys and overheads are introduced. Class focus in on rally skills, basic match play strategy and scoring.

Latta Park (Tom Sykes RC) - Midwood Tennis Academy - Adults Classes run on a monthly basis. Students choose the same days each week to attend for the entire session. Students pay for all classes at the beginning of the session. Class offerings may change. For up-to-date information and to register contact 704-529-3273 or visit www.midwoodtennisacademy.com

Winter Session dates and times and costs to be announced. Visit www.midwoodtennisacademy.com for more information ADULT CLASSES LEVEL I (Beginner – 2.5 )- This clinic is for new players or those who have not played in a while. Focus is on general fundamentals, learning to rally and keep score. LEVEL II (2.5 – 3.5)- Players can rally, but are looking to gain consistency and develop weapons. Focus on point play, match strategy, aerobic activity and fun. LEVEL III 3.5 – 4.5) - Players play regular matches on leagues, teams or challenge ladders. Focus on continued development of weapons, advanced strategies and conditioning. CARDIO TENNIS (2.0 – 5.0) - For players of all levels. A very intense hour long workout where players hit balls and do a lot of moving. Dynamic movement and agility drills as well as some plyometic exercises will be used.

To find more information about our tennis facilities, please visit www.parkandrec.com Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Tennis Lessons Park and Recreation is proud to offer tennis lessons for players of all ages. For more information and to register contact the tennis facility directly using the information below. Veterans Park - Midwood Tennis Academy - Juniors Classes run on a monthly basis. Students choose the same days each week to attend for the entire session. Students pay for all classes at the beginning of the session. Class offerings may change, for up-to-date information and to register contact 704-529-3273 or visit www.midwoodtennisacademy.com

Winter Session dates and times to be announced. Visit www.midwoodtennisacademy.com for more information JUNIOR CLASSES LITTLE STARS (Ages 5 & 6) - This is an introduction to the game of tennis and overall athleticism. Balance, movement and hand-eye coordination are taught and developed. SUPER STARS (Ages 6 - 8) - Players develop basic coordination and balance, and can throw and catch without assistance. Players develop forehand and backhand groundstrokes and will begin to rally. Simple game play and scoring are introduced. BIG STARS (Ages 9 - 11) - Players can hit consistent forehand and backhand groundstrokes. Serves, returns, volleys and overheads are introduced. Class focus in on rally skills, basic match play strategy and scoring.

Veterans Park - Midwood Tennis Academy - Adults

Classes run on a monthly basis. Students choose the same days each week to attend for the entire session. Students pay for all classes at the beginning of the session. Class offerings may change, for up-to-date information and to register contact 704-529-3273 or visit www.midwoodtennisacademy.com

Winter Session dates and times to be announced. Visit www.midwoodtennisacademy.com for more information ADULT CLASSES LEVEL I (Beginner – 2.5 )- This clinic is for new players or those who have not played in a while. Focus is on general fundamentals, learning to rally and keep score. LEVEL II (2.5 – 3.5)- Players can rally, but are looking to gain consistency and develop weapons. Focus on point play, match strategy, aerobic activity and fun. LEVEL III 3.5 – 4.5) - Players play regular matches on leagues, teams or challenge ladders. Focus on continued development of weapons, advanced strategies and conditioning. LEVEL III 3.5 – 4.5) - Advanced players who compete regularly in tournaments or leagues. Focus on spins, specialty shots, strategy and developing multiple game plans. CARDIO TENNIS (2.0 – 5.0) - For players of all levels. A very intense hour long workout where players hit balls and do a lot of moving. Dynamic movement and agility drills as well as some plyometic exercises will be used.

To find more information about our tennis facilities, please visit www.parkandrec.com Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

NC Cooperative Extension The NC Cooperative Extension provides educational programs, resources and technical assistance in the areas of consumer/commercial horticulture, 4-H youth development, food and nutrition, food safety and preservation, and local foods.

Family and Consumer Sciences Family and Consumer Sciences views the family, in all its diverse forms, as the cornerstone of a healthy society. Our mission is to improve the well-being of the family through programs that educate, influence public policy, and help families put research-based knowledge to work in their lives. In Mecklenburg County, the Family & Consumer Sciences Extension Agent provides education regarding nutrition, food safety and food preservation with a focus on local foods. Educational opportunities include: • Home Food Preservation Classes and Advice • Nutrition Classes and Cooking Demonstrations • Collaborative partnerships with local agencies For more information call Kristin Davis, FCS Extension Agent, at 704.336.4006, or email Kristin_Davis@ncsu.edu

The Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) and North Carolina Cooperative Extension is committed to building North Carolina’s sustainable local food economy. North Carolinians spend about $35 billion a year on food. If individuals spent 10 percent—$1.05 per day—locally, about $3.5 billion would be available in the local economy. To further our commitment, we are encouraging consumers to commit 10 percent of their existing food dollars to support local food producers and related businesses. For more information about how you, your business or organization can become involved in Mecklenburg County 10% Campaign contact Kristin Davis at 704-336-4006 or visit www.nc10percent.com.

Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program EFNEP helps limited resource families with children learn how to eat healthier meals and snacks, stretch their food dollars and reduce the risk of food-borne illnesses. Additionally, in collaboration with many organizations through the Eat Smart and Move More initiative, NC EFNEP aims to reduce the rising tide of obesity by teaching youth and families practical skills resulting in changed behaviors that help them to eat smart, move more and achieve a healthy weight. For more information about EFNEP in Mecklenburg County, contact Sharon_Pearson@ncus.edu or call 704.336.4013.

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

NC Cooperative Extension Horticulture

Cooperative Extension horticulture assistance is available in the areas of: • Fruit and Vegetable Production • Landscape and turf grass management • Community gardens • Gardener training • Commercial pesticide training, licensing and recertification • H ome horticulture questions

Master Gardener Hotline

Extension Master Gardener volunteers are available to answer your home gardening questions weekdays from 9:00 am until noon beginning March 1, 2013. You can also reach your local Extension Master Gardener by calling 704-336-4011.

4-H Curriculum Trainings

Mecklenburg County 4-H offers monthly curriculum trainings open to 4-H volunteers, school-age professionals, and other youth workers. These sessions are five hours long and provide .5 CEU’s (Continuing Education Units). All sessions include hands-on experiences with curriculum lessons, practical experience working with youth, and opportunity to share and evaluate what you have learned. For information on curriculum training sessions available in the coming months, visit our website: www.mecklenburgcounty4h.org or call 704-336-2082.

Community Gardens

Mecklenburg County Cooperative Extension manages the community gardens program offered through Park and Recreation. Currently, there are gardens in the following Park and Recreation locations: • • • • • • •

Frazier Park, 4th Street and Sycamore Street Little Sugar Creek, Alexander and 17th Street Hoskins Park, 3801 Gossett Avenue Huntingtowne Farms Park, 2400 Ramblewood Lane McAlpine Creek Community Park, Holly Lane, off of Sardis Road Reedy Creek Park, 2900 Rocky River Road Winget Park, 12025 Winget Rd; across from tennis courts

All gardens are currently full. To be added to the waiting list, contact scott_ewers@ncsu.edu or call 704.336.4008.

Mecklenburg County 4-H

Mecklenburg County has a large and diverse 4-H Program. About 65 4-H clubs operate in our recreation centers and other sites all over Charlotte-Mecklenburg. The 4-H program is open to youth ages 5-18 interested learning about subjects such as photography, visual arts, health and fitness, and entrepreneurship. Through 4-H, they also have the opportunity to participate in summer camps, leadership retreats, competitive events, and district and state conferences. Our 4-H is oriented to urban and suburban activities. Parents are encouraged to participate as volunteers. For more information on 4-H, visit www.mecklenburgcounty4h.org

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Mecklenburg County Greenways Map Legend:



Click on a number below for a printable map of that Greenway.

Major Streets


Briar Creek Greenway 1 Arnold Dr. to Masonic Dr.

Developed Overland Connector Future Trail Design/Construction Research Park Trail

Briar Creek Greenway 2 Myers Park High School Four Mile Creek Greenway 3 E. John St. to Trade St. Irwin Creek & Stewart 4 Creek Greenways Irwin Creek Greenway 5 Clanton Park Little Sugar Creek Greenway 6 Cordelia Park to Alexander St. Park Little Sugar Creek Greenway 7 E. 7th St. to Morehead St. Little Sugar Creek Greenway 8 Morehead St. to Brandywine Rd.

9 Little Sugar Creek Greenway Huntingtowne Farms Park

10 Lower McAlpine Creek, McMullen

Creek & Four Mile Creek Greenways

Mallard Creek & Clark’s 11 Creek Greenways McAlpine Creek & Campbell 12 Creek Greenways McDowell Creek Greenway 13 Westmoreland Rd. to Birkdale Village

14 Six Mile Creek Greenway Prong & West Branch Rocky 15 South River Greenway - Town of Davidson Creek Greenway 16 Toby Hwy 49 to Mallard Creek Greenway

17 Torrence Creek Greenway 18 Walker Branch Greenway

Greenways are linear parks that connect people and places by linking neighborhoods, offices, parks, schools and shopping areas. They also protect water quality and wildlife habitat while providing alternative ways to move through our city, suburbs and small towns. Currently there are more than 38 miles of greenway trails in the Mecklenburg County system, with more being built every year. See the following pages for more details, or visit


for greenway-specific maps.

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Mecklenburg County Greenways Whether you are biking, running, strolling or walking, discover the 35 miles of greenways throughout Mecklenburg County. Fascinating views of birds, flora and fauna abound. For downloads of specific greenways, visit parkandrec.com/greenways or click on the number. Greenways are linear parks that connect people and places. They act as buffers that filter out pollutants from storm water before it enters our creeks. They also preserve natural areas for wildlife and native plant communities. In Mecklenburg County, greenways offer visitors opportunities to enjoy nature and provide alternate ways to move through our city, suburbs and towns. Mecklenburg County operates 35 miles of trails. The greenway master plan envisions a system that will eventually stretch throughout the county and connect neighborhoods within Charlotte, the six surrounding towns and surrounding counties. To learn more about greenways and to download trail maps, please visit www.parkandrec.com/greenways.


Creek 2 Briar Greenway

There are two developed sections of this greenway. One 0.4 mile paved section includes a bridge over Briar Creek and provides an important connection between the Merry Oaks and Plaza-Midwood neighborhoods. On street parking is available along Masonic Drive. Another 0.9 mile gravel trail follows Briar Creek behind Myers Park High School between Colony Road and Runnymeade Lane.

3 Four Mile Creek Greenway

This 2 mile criss-cross greenway is nested in the center of the town of Matthews, allowing residential areas direct access to the Matthews Community Center and downtown area.

4 Irwin Creek & Stewart Creek Greenway

These trails comprise a continuous 2.1 mile creek side walk in the center city area of Charlotte. The trail takes visitors through the historic Wesley Heights neighborhood and connects Ray’s Splash Planet, Frazier Park and Phillip O. Berry Center. The trail is only a few minutes walk from Johnson & Wales University, Gateway Center and uptown condos and offers a quiet place to relax during a busy day. Parking is available at Ray’s Splash Planet, Frazier Park and Bruns Avenue.

5 Irwin Creek Greenway Clanton Park

This 0.8 mile paved greenway crosses Clanton Park in the Revolution Park neighborhood and connects the new Clanton Indoor Pavilion and soccer fields with Arbor Glen Outreach Center. Parking is available at either end of this greenway. Colony Road and Runnymeade Lane.

6 7 8 9 Little Sugar

Creek Greenway

There are four developed sections totaling 5.91 miles of trail. Almost a mile of trail is located in the Belmont neighborhood northeast of uptown Charlotte, including a railroad underpass connecting to Alexander St. Park. The longest developed stretch of trail is 4.70 miles beginning at East 7th street though Freedom Park and ending at Brandywine Road. Urban Little Sugar Creek runs from East 7th Street to Morehead. Liz Hair Nature Walk runs from Morehead Street to East Boulevard and is dedicated to the first woman to chair the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners. Almost a mile of paved trail is developed through Huntingtowne Farms Park in south Charlotte. Parking is available at YWCA on Parkwood Ave., Freedom Park, Park Road Shopping Center and Huntingtowne Farms Park.

10 Lower McAlpine,

McMullen & Four Mile Creek Greenways

This horseshoe shaped greenway runs 5.8 miles through south Charlotte and passes under Interstate 485. The trail is composed of a variety of surfaces, including asphalt, gravel and boardwalk. Parking is available off of Hwy 51 across from McMullen Creek Market. The most recently developed Four Mile Creek Greenway section features significant boardwalk through scenic wetlands with abundant wildlife. A parking lot and restrooms are available off Johnston Road.

For More Information on Greenways visit


Growing Greenways: Over the next year, Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation will add additional mileage to the greenway system. Look for greenway trail construction along the following: Four Mile Creek, Irwin Creek, Little Sugar Creek, McDowell Creek, Toby Creek and Torrence Creek.

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Mecklenburg County Greenways Creek and Clark’s 11 Mallard Creek Greenways

Located in the University area, the trail is 7.1 miles long and is currently the longest trail in the County. While much of the greenway is paved, a 1.2 mile gravel trail through University Research Park connects to the newly constructed section from David Taylor Drive to Kirk Farm Fields off of Mallard Creek Church Road, Colony Road and Runnymeade Lane.

12 McAlpine Creek & Campbell Creek Greenways

This greenway stretches for 4.1 miles in east Charlotte and is a favorite of runners. McAlpine Creek Greenway is composed primarily of gravel trail and boardwalk. It connects with Cottonwood Nature Trail and the 3.1 mile McAlpine Creek Cross Country course. Surrounded by urban development, the greenway is home to 188 different documented species of birds, as well as beavers and river otters. Parking is available at Margaret Wallace Road, McAlpine Creek Park and Old Bell Road.

13 McDowell Creek Greenway

Linking the Towns of Cornelius and Huntersville, this 1.5 mile paved greenway is the first developed section of McDowell Creek. The greenway links several new and existing neighborhoods to great destinations like Birkdale Village and the future Robbins Park location in Cornelius.

Get Going Guide

14 Six Mile Creek Greenway

This 0.9 mile paved greenway runs along the County’s southern border. It will eventually link neighborhoods within Mecklenburg and Union counties. The trail was developed through a partnership with LUESA (Land Use & Environmental Services Agency). Parking is available off of Marvin Road.

Rocky River 15 SouthProng & West Branch Rocky River Greenways

This 2.9 mile greenway connects downtown Davidson with neighborhoods to the southeast along the South Prong of the Rocky River. Parking is available at South Street near Davidson Elementary School, on-street at the Hudson Place trailhead and at River Run Athletic Field. Although part of the Mecklenburg County Greenway system, this greenway is operated by the Town of Davidson. Please visit http://www.ci.davidson.nc.us/ for more information. Continuing approximately 3.2 miles long the sidewalk and bike lanes which begins on Robert Walker Drive and continue on roads into River Run including River Ford Drive. This overland connector leads to the entrance plaza for West Branch Rocky River Greenway. The greenway opened in 2011 and provides 1 mile of restful travel and natural areas. This greenway feels far from urban areas. Parking is not currently available but will be provided in the future. Parking is available off of Marvin Road.

Winter 2012-2013

Creek 16 Toby Greenway

Toby Creek Greenway opened in 2011 and adds 2 miles of trails to the system and a significant connection to the UNC Charlotte Campus. Parking is available at Mallard Creek Elementary School and Kirk Farm Fields.

Creek 17 Torrence Greenway

Located in Huntersville, the 1.4 mile trail is composed of asphalt and boardwalk, meandering through woods and wetlands. This greenway features large rock formations along the eastern end and meadows of wildflowers along the western end. On-street parking is available on Bradford Hill Lane.

18 Walker Branch Greenway

The first greenway in the Southwest Mecklenburg County, this half mile paved trail runs southeast from South Tryon Street along Rivergate Parkway. Parking is located adjacent to the Home Depot on Rivergate Parkway.



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

Mecklenburg County Recreation Centers & School Recreation Sites Nature Center Recreation Center Recreation Center w/ Fitness Center School Rec. Site

Recreation and School Rec. Sites offer a variety of programs and services for groups and individuals of all ages. Join us for fitness, sports, cultural arts, youth development and most of all, FUN! Come play with us today!

Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013

Nature Centers offer many nature-based programs for all ages. Come see educational exhibits and live animals on display. Experience the natural side of Mecklenburg! FREE admission. Open 7 days a week.



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation


Performing Arts Room


• • • • •

• • • •

• • • •

• • •

Ray’s Splash Planet 215 N Sycamore Street

• •

Revolution Park Sports Academy 1225 Remount Road

• • • • • • • • •

Berewick Recreation Center 5910 Dixie River Road Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 2921 Tuckaseegee Road Elon Recreation Center 11401 Ardrey Kell Road Hickory Grove Recreation Center 6709 Pence Road Ivory/Baker Recreation Center 1920 Stroud Park Court Mallard Creek Recreation Center 2530 Johnston-Oehler Road Marion Diehl Recreation Center 2219 Tyvola Road Martin Luther King Jr. School Recreation Site 500 Bilmark Avenue

Southview Recreation Center 1720 Vilma Street Sugaw Creek Recreation Center 943 W. Sugar Creek Road Thomasboro School Recreation Site 538 Bradford Drive Tom Sykes Recreation Center 1501 Euvlid Avenue Tuckaseegee Recreation Center 4820 Tuckaseegee Road Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center 440 Tuckaseegee Road West Charlotte Recreation Center 2401 Kendall Drive Winget School Recreation Site 12235 Winget Road

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013

• • • • • • • •

Fitness Center

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center/ Grayson SkatePark 750 Beal Street

Arbor Glen Outreach Center 1520 Clanton Road


Methodist Home Recreation Center 3200 Shamrock Drive

• • • • • • • • • • •

Albemarle Road Recreation Center 5027 Idlewild Road North

• •

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• • • •

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• •

Dance Studio

Youth Activity Room

• • • • • • • • • • •

Hours vary at each recreation center. Some offer room rentals for birthday parties and events. Call the recreation center for rates, or visit www.parkandrec.com

Ray’s Playhouse

Computer Lab

Multi-purpose Room


Recreation Centers and School Recreation Sites

Pool/ Water park

Parks, Preserves and Greenways

• • • •

• • • •



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation



2012 Winter Programs & Activities Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Nature McDowell Nature Center 15222 York Road • Charlotte • 704.588.5224

Open Mon-Sat, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and Sun 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

The McDowell Nature Center serves as the gateway to the 1107- acre McDowell Nature Preserve and is the source for educational programs and information on the preserve’s natural communities, flora, and fauna. The preserve, the oldest in Mecklenburg County, has been left 90% undeveloped and protects mostly forested, rolling terrain along the banks of Lake Wylie. • Covers over 1,100 acres • Indoor Nature Center • 56-Site Campground • Copperhead Island - Fishing and Boating Access, Primitive Group Camping • 7 Miles of Hiking Trails • Playgrounds • Picnic Areas • Wildlife viewing opportunities

VISIT US ON McDowell Nature Center

The McDowell Nature Center is a proud (Click Star for Directions) member of the North Carolina Association of Environmental Education Centers and supports Environmental Educator’s of North Carolina. The Nature Center is recognized as a WNCW Oasis and accepts the Oasis member discount card for gift shop purchases. The Nature Center is also a member of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Water Quality Coalition, is a certified National Wildlife Federation Backyard Habitat, participates in the Groundwater Guardian program, and serves as an ambassador for Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology’s Project FeederWatch.

2012 Winter Programs & Activities Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

McDowell Nature Center December Nature Center Closings

The McDowell Nature Center will be closed on December 24 & 25. The preserve will be open from 7:00am to sunset as usual. Happy Holidays!

December Family

McDowell Trail Clean-up Day

Evergreens for Everyone!

Come to the McDowell Nature Preserve for an afternoon of community service! We will be working to clean-up trash and remove debris from some of our trails. Hot chocolate and winter treats will be provided to volunteers. Bring gloves, sturdy shoes, and warm clothes as this is an all-weather event.

Nothing matches the smell of fresh-cut evergreens. When most trees are bare, many forest animals depend on evergreens like holly, pine, cedar, and mistletoe for food and shelter. Join us to learn about the different types of evergreens that grow in our area and make your own evergreen decoration to keep. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 7 and older FREE # 40982 Dec 8 Sat 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Animal Talks Can turtles trade shells? Why are toads bumpy? Discover the answers to these questions and more while you get up-close and hands-on with your favorite resident MDNC animal.

Puppet Show Join us to explore conservation ideas in the form of a puppet show!

McDowell Nature Center

McDowell Nature Center

All Ages FREE Every Saturday 10:00am and 2:00pm Every Sunday 2:00pm

Ages 2-8 FREE #40042 Dec 9 Sun 1:00pm to 1:30pm # 40043 Dec 30 Sun 1:00pm to 1:30pm

Morning Bird Walk Winter weather is here and birds are settling in to their cold-weather routines. We’ll walk, look, and listen for wintering birds in the McDowell prairie. Binoculars recommended. Some are available to borrow. We will meet at the nature center and drive to the prairie. Miles: 1.5 – 2, dirt and gravel trails, easy to moderate terrain. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Adults and Ages 9 and older FREE #40027 Dec. 1 Sat 9:00am to 11:00am

Nature At Night Open House McDowell Nature Center stays open late under the cool glow of Moonlight (blacklight). Listen to legends of the night sky around our indoor campfire, discover the constellations or create your own, and take a short hike and peer through our telescope at the heavens. Enjoy complimentary hot chocolate during your visit. Registration Required.

McDowell Nature Center All Ages FREE #40036 Dec 7 Fri

6:00pm to 8:00pm

Marvelous Mini Microscopes Kids and adults are amazed at what you can see and how different ordinary things look, under a microscope. Using different levels of magnification, check out snake skin, butterfly wings, feathers and other natural objects. You can even bring your own stuff to put under the ‘scopes.

McDowell Nature Center All Ages FREE #40899 Dec 8 (on-going)


Get Going Guide

10:30am to 11:30am

Space Stations and Iridium Flares: Astronomy Today The International Space Station circles the Earth every 90 minutes – join us to see it and other surprises in the night sky. From Orion’s Belt to the moons of Jupiter, December is a great time to see it all without staying up late! (Telescope observation is weather permitting – there will be an indoor program in the event of cloudy skies). Registration Required.

McDowell Nature Center All Ages FREE #40044 Dec 11 Tue

6:00pm to 7:30pm

Coyotes! Meet your new neighbors! Coyotes are found throughout Mecklenburg County and may be living in your neighborhood. Learn what it means to be living in Coyote country. After an indoor presentation, we will go outside and try to hear coyotes in McDowell Nature Preserve. Registration Required. McDowell Nature Center All Ages FREE #40045 Dec 15 Sat 2:30pm to 3:30pm

Evening Hikes Join us for a leisurely dusk hike through McDowell Nature Preserve. Bring sturdy footwear, clothes that are appropriate for the weather and a flashlight if you have one. This is a great time of the year to look for wildlife in the preserve. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center All Ages FREE #40047 Dec 18


6:00pm to 7:30pm

For More Information or to Register Visit

McDowell Nature Center All Ages FREE #40048 Dec 21 Fri

1:30pm to 3:00pm

Family Fitness Hike Suffering from the winter blues? Get the family outdoors for a brisk fitness walk on the trails at McDowell Nature Preserve. Along the way we will discover some of the sights and sounds of winter as we set off at a comfortable, yet steady pace to keep ourselves warm and burn off some holiday treats.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center All Ages FREE #40873 Dec 22 Sat 3:00pm to 4:30pm

Christmas Geocaching Now that your Christmas shopping is done, why not enjoy some free time hanging out in the McDowell Nature Preserve? We will hike to find 3 different Geocaches in the park and place a Christmas Trackable that you can follow along its journey after the program. We will be hiking about 2 miles, on and off trail, on uneven terrain. Bring hiking boots, proper clothes for the weather, and a water bottle. All GPS units will be provided. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 7 and older FREE #40900 Dec 23 Sun

2:00pm to 4:30pm

Register 1 of 3 Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option: 1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39. Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

McDowell Nature Center December, cont. Homeschool Homeschool Family Nature Hike Grab the family and a bottle of water and join us on a nature hike within McDowell Nature Preserve. Each hike will explore different areas of the park and be filled with activities, games, and adventure! Registration Required. Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 6 and older FREE #40049 Dec 14 Fri 10:00am to 11:30am


Preschoolers Squirrels, Nuts, and Acorns After listening to a story about a squirrel collecting nuts and acorns to store for the months ahead, we will go out on a hike and find if we can see some squirrels in action as they store food for the winter. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 4 to 6 $3.00 #41044 Dec 7 Fri 9:30am to 10:15am #41045 Dec 7 Fri 11:00am to 11:45am

Creative Creations After listening to a story fitting to the season, we will create a gift that is worthy of being wrapped and placed under the tree using items found in nature. Registration Required.

Winter Break Camp Enjoy some of your favorite pastimes from summer camp, like fire building and capture the flag, plus special winter-only games and activities during this 3-day mini-camp. Registration Required.

McDowell Nature Center Ages 5-7 and 8-12 $45.00 per child #40882 (5-7) Dec 26-28 W-F 9:00am-4:00pm #40883 (8-12) Dec 26-28 W-F 9:00am-4:00pm

Pre-Teen & Teen BSA First Aid Badge

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center

Upon completion of this class, all scouts who participate fully in discussion and activities will earn their merit badge in First Aid. Lunch and supplies provided. Please make a first aid kit of your own and bring it on badge day. Maximum participants: 12. Registration Required.

Meet at the Four Seasons Trail

Ages 4 to 6 $3.00 #41046 Dec 14 Fri 9:30am to 10:15am #41047 Dec 14 Fri 11:00am to 11:45am

Ages 11-16 $20.00 #40056 Dec 21 Fri 9:00am-4:00pm

Ages 18 Mo. to 3 yrs. with adult FREE #40050 Dec 3 Mon 9:30am to 10:15am

Tree Decorating

Babes in the Woods Bundle up those babies and come out for a walk along the Four Seasons Trail, which is a .4 mile paved trail so strollers are more than welcome. We will focus our attention on some aspect out in the woods that the changing seasons have brought to the Preserve. Registration Required.

Decorating Trees After reading a story, we will create some edible decorations for a few of the trees around the nature center, then place them on the trees for our furry and feathered friends to enjoy. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 2 to 3 with adult $3.00 #40901 Dec 10 Mon 9:30am to 10:15am #40901 Dec 10 Mon 11:00am to 11:45am

After reading an appropriate story we will decorate some of the trees outside the Nature Center for our furry and feather friends using edible items that they will enjoy eating. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 4 to 6 $3.00 #41048 Dec 21 Fri 9:30am to 10:15am #41048 Dec 21 Fri 11:00am to 11:45am


Gifts from Nature After reading a story, we will create a gift worthy to be wrapped and put under the tree using items found in nature. Registration Required.

Ages 2 to 3 with adult $3.00 #41042 Dec 31 Mon 9:30am to 10:15am #41043 Dec 31 Mon 11:00am to 11:45am

For More Information or to Register Visit


Get Going Guide


Adult Fitness Hikes Suffering from the winter blues? This adult only hike is just the cure. Along the way we’ll discover some of the sights and sounds of winter as we set off at a comfortable, yet steady pace to keep ourselves warm and burn off some holiday treats.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 18 and older FREE #40057 Dec 2 Sun 3:00pm-4:30pm #40058 Dec 16 Sun 3:00pm-4:30pm

Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option: 1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number.

New Beginnings

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center


Register 1 of 3 Ways:

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 2 to 3 with adult $3.00 #40903 Dec 17 Mon 9:30am to 10:15am #40904 Dec 17 Mon 11:00am to 11:45am

After listening to a story, we will go outside and explore what Mother Nature is doing to prepare plants and animals for their grand entrance as Spring arrives. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center

Water Wonders Water is a wonderful substance that we take for granted. Learn about how special water is and how important it is to life on Earth! Play a game to discover how water cycles around our planet! Registration Required.

McDowell Nature Center Ages 5-7 and 8-12 FREE #40054 (5-7) Dec 29 Sat 1:00pm - 2:00pm #40055 (8-12) Dec 29 Sat 2:30pm - 4:00pm

Winter 2012-2013

2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39. Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

McDowell Nature Center January Nature Center Closings McDowell Nature Center will be closed on January 2, 3, and 4 for remodeling. The preserve will be open from 7:00am to sunset as usual. Join us on Friday, January 4th at 6pm for our re-opening during the Nature at Night Open House!

January Family Can turtles trade shells? Why are toads bumpy? Discover the answers to these questions and more while you get up-close and hands-on with your favorite resident MDNC animal.

McDowell Nature Center All Ages FREE Every Saturday 10:00am and 2:00pm Every Sunday 2:00pm

Nature At Night Open House McDowell Nature Center stays open late under the cool glow of Moonlight (blacklight). Listen to legends of the night sky around our indoor campfire, discover the constellations or create your own, and take a short hike and peer through our telescope at the heavens. Enjoy complimentary hot chocolate during your visit. Registration Required.

McDowell Nature Center Fri

6:00pm to 8:00pm

Family Fitness Hike Suffering from the winter blues? Get the family outdoors for a brisk walk on the trails at McDowell Nature Preserve. Along the way, we will discover some of the sights and sounds of winter as we set off at a comfortable, yet steady pace to keep ourselves warm and burn off some holiday treats.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center All Ages #40874

FREE Jan 5

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 7 and older FREE #40983 Jan 12 Sat 2:00pm to 4:30pm

Evergreen Wreaths

Animal Talks

All Ages FREE #40039 Jan 4

McDowell Trail Clean-up Day Come to the McDowell Nature Preserve for an afternoon of community service! We will be working to clean-up trash and remove debris from some of our trails. Hot chocolate and winter treats will be provided to volunteers. Bring gloves, sturdy shoes, and warm clothes as this is an all-weather event.

Sat 3:00pm to 4:30pm

It may be winter but evergreens stay beautiful all year round. Take a short hike to collect live evergreen boughs and berries, then come inside to create a kid-friendly wreath to take home, complete with surprise decorations. Hot chocolate provided. Registration Required.

McDowell Nature Center All Ages $2.00 #41051 Jan 20

School’s Out - Forts and Hideouts Building a fort in the woods fosters a sense of adventure and promotes the development of analytical skills. Give your child the opportunity to practice the art and science of fort building in a safe and supervised manner. Registration Required.

McDowell Nature Center All Ages FREE #40060 Jan 21

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center All Ages #41050

FREE Jan 6

Sun 3:00pm to 4:00pm

For More Information or to Register Visit


Get Going Guide

Mon 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Bird Walk: Coots, Ducks and More Winter is here and birds are settling in to their cold-weather routines. We will walk, look and listen for winter resident birds, including water birds found on Lake Wylie. Binoculars recommended. Some are available to borrow. Miles: 0.5 – 1.0, paved and gravel trails, easy to moderate terrain. Registration Required.

Meet at Copperhead Island Parking Lot Adults and Ages 9 and older FREE #41052 Jan 26 Sat 8:30am to 10:00am

Family Nature Hike Come explore McDowell Nature Preserve with a staff member. We will walk the trails enjoying the sights and sounds of the nature preserve during the winter months. Dress appropriately.

Sun 2:30pm to 3:15pm

Homeschool Homeschool Outdoor Series This survival-skills based outdoor series will be heavily focused on outdoor skills, team work, and safety. Topics will include map and compass, team navigation challenge, fire (building, usage, and safety), and shelters. Students should come prepared to be outside in weather appropriate clothes that can get dirty. Long pants, long sleeves/ jackets (rain jacket if appropriate), and sturdy shoes are required for each class session as well

Winter 2012-2013

as a water bottle and snack (in a small backpack or book bag if possible). Registration Required.

McDowell Nature Center Ages 9-12 $25.00 #40885 Jan 11, 25, Feb 8, 22 Fri 11:00am-1:00pm

Toddlers Babes in the Woods Bundle up those babies and come out for a walk along the Four Seasons Trail, which is a .4 mile paved trail so strollers are more than welcome. We will focus our attention on aspects out in the woods that the changing seasons have brought to the Preserve. Registration Required.

Meet at the Four Seasons Trail Ages 18 Mo. to 3 yrs. with adult FREE #40063 Jan 7 Mon 9:30am to 10:15am

Oh Deer! After reading a story about some of the deer that just might be residing here at McDowell Nature Preserve, we will go on a hike to see why McDowell is one of their favorite places to live! Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 2-3 with adult $3.00 #40065 Jan 14 Mon 9:30am to 10:15am #40066 Jan 14 Mon 11:00am to 11:45am

Groundhogs We will read a fabulous animal tale and enjoy a crafty activity related to the fabled groundhog. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 2-3 with adult $3.00 #41053 Jan 28 Mon 9:30am to 10:15pm #41053 Jan 28 Mon 11:00am to 11:45am

Register 1 of 3 Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option: 1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39. Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

McDowell Nature Center January, cont. Preschoolers Fur Coats and Fuzzy Feet How do animals survive in the cold and find food in the snow? After reading a story we will take a hike through the Preserve and see if we can see some examples of our warm friends. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 4 - 6 $3.00 #41055 Jan 11 Fri #41056 Jan 11 Fri

9:30am to 10:15am 11:00am to 11:45am

Who’s Sleeping In These Woods? After reading a book about hibernation, we will discuss which animals here at MDNC are sleeping through the winter. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 4 - 6 $3.00 #41057 Jan 18 Fri #41058 Jan 18 Fri

9:30am to 10:15am 11:00am to 11:45am

Winter Birds After our story about birds in winter, we will look at the birds that are wintering here at MDNC and create a bird craft. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 4 - 6 $3.00 #41059 Jan 25 Fri #41060 Jan 25 Fri

9:30am to 10:15am 11:00am to 11:45am

Adolescent Is It Getting Warm Out Here? Most scientists agree that the Earth is warming but is it due to human activity? Join us as we use hands-on activities to discover for ourselves what all the hype is about. Registration Required.

Pre-Teen & Teen Natural Artists Stop in to find natural inspiration and an opportunity for creative expression. This is not your normal art class, more of a guided discovery on what we can create. We will start each class with an hour long hike to find inspiration and supplies and the classroom is open for the remainder of the day. Our first class we will reclaim wood from an old shack off the Creekside Trail, and what you make out of your piece is up to you. A wide variety of art supplies and hand tools will be available for your use. Registration Required.

No School? Cool! Attention school parents - wonder what to do with your kids when school is closed but work is not? Bring them to McDowell Nature Center for a day of natural fun and learning. Each program features unique themes plus hikes, games, live animals, crafts and so much more. Sign up for one program or the entire series. Pack a lunch; snack provided. Registration Required.

McDowell Nature Center Ages 18 and older $15.00 #41061 Jan 12 Sat 9:00am to 3:00pm

McDowell Nature Center Ages 12 and older $5.00 #40072 Jan 19 Sat 1:00pm to 5:00pm

BSA Wilderness Survival Badge Scouts will earn their wilderness survival badge upon completion of the requirements of this badge. Scouts are responsible for meeting prerequisites. We will meet for a full day of survival instruction and skills, then the scouts will stay overnight in shelters that they build to fulfill their final badge requirements. Lunch, dinner, and breakfast the next day are provided. Scouts should bring a survival kit, first aid kit, and clothing that is weather-appropriate and will keep them safe during an overnight stay in a shelter made of natural material. This badge will be offered at Rural Hill near Latta Plantation Nature Center. Registration Required.

Rural Hill Ages 11 to 16 $35.00 #40073 Jan 21-22 Mon-Tue 9:00am-Tue 12:00pm


McDowell Nature Center Ages 10 and older FREE #40067 Jan 5 Sat 2:30pm to 4:00pm

Survival Basics Tired of watching reality TV about outdoor survival? Come out and learn some practical skills that could get you out of trouble in the backcountry. Topics covered will include: basic navigation (map and compass), primitive fires, shelter building, and more. Please bring water, a snack, and clothing appropriate to the weather (we will be outside!). Lunch will be provided. Registration Required.

Adult Learning: Beginner Birdwatching Birds are all around us, bringing beauty and song to our backyards. Do you know these neighbors? Backyard bird-watching can be a great pastime, especially during cold winter days. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 18 and older FREE #40074 Jan 12 Sat 2:00pm to 3:30pm

McDowell Nature Center Grades K-5 $15.00 per child #40068 K-2 Jan 21 Mon 9:00am-4:00pm #40069 3-5 Jan 21 Mon 9:00am-4:00pm #40070 K-2 Jan 22 Tue 9:00am-4:00pm #40071 3-5 Jan 22 Tue 9:00am-4:00pm

Adult Fitness Hikes Suffering from the winter blues? This adult only hike is just the cure. Along the way we will discover some of the sights and sounds of winter as we set off at a comfortable, yet steady pace to keep ourselves warm and burn off some holiday treats.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 18 and older FREE #40075 Jan 13 Sun 3:00pm to 4:30pm #40076 Jan 27 Sun 3:00pm to 4:30pm

The Hiker’s Palate Bring a blanket, a chair, and plenty of warm clothes as we kick off our nighttime outings group. Every month’s activities in the park are designed to provide an inexpensive night out enjoying the outdoors. Activities will change each month, ranging from natural & cultural history to good ole’ outdoor adventure. The evening will include special hor d’oeuvres. This is no family picnic so don’t forget the sitter! Registration Required. Ages 18 and older $10.00 Per Program

January Event: Prairie Stargazing Featuring warm, mulled cider with various cheese and fruit pairings.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center to be shuttled to the Prairie #40077

Jan 18


7:00pm to 10:00pm

For More Information or to Register Visit


Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

McDowell Nature Center February Family Animal Talks Can turtles trade shells? Why are toads bumpy? Discover the answers to these questions and more while you get up-close and hands-on with your favorite resident MDNC animal.

McDowell Nature Center All Ages FREE Every Saturday 10:00am and 2:00pm Every Sunday 2:00pm

Nature At Night Open House McDowell Nature Center stays open late under the cool glow of Moonlight (blacklight). Listen to legends of the night sky around our indoor campfire, discover the constellations or create your own, and take a short hike and peer through our telescope at the heavens. Enjoy complimentary hot chocolate during your visit. Registration Required.

McDowell Nature Center All Ages FREE #40041 Feb 1


Moonlight Owl Prowl Enjoy the sounds of the local owls as we hike the Creekside Trail of McDowell Nature Preserve. The moon will be almost full providing a great opportunity to hike in the light of night. Come dressed for the cold and ready to hike 2 miles over moderate terrain. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 6 and older #40080 Feb 9

FREE Sat 7:00pm to 8:00pm

We Love Animals Everyone loves the turtle, frogs, snakes and other critters that call McDowell Nature Center home. Make a Valentine’s Day card for your favorite animal, take its picture home in a natural picture frame, offer it a special snack and learn to hold it! You can also submit your suggestions in our “Name That Animal” contest.

McDowell Nature Center All Ages FREE #40081 Feb 10 Sun Ongoing, 1:00pm to 4:00pm

6:00pm to 8:00pm

McDowell Nature Center Ages 12 - 15 $5.00 #40085 Feb 8 Fri 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Winter Five-Miler

McDowell Trail Clean-up Day Come to the McDowell Nature Preserve for an afternoon of community service! We will be working to clean-up trash and remove debris from some of our trails. Hot chocolate and winter treats will be provided to volunteers. Bring gloves, sturdy shoes, and warm clothes as this is an all-weather event.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 7 and older FREE #40984 Feb 9 Sat 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Homeschool Winter Hikes Join us on a winter hike through McDowell Nature Preserve. We will discuss how to stay safe during outdoor activities in a cold climate and will also look at some common pieces of winter equipment and how to use them. Registration Required.

Homeschool Series: Rocks & Fossils

FREE Feb 3 Sun 3:00pm to 4:00pm Feb 17 Sun 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Ages 12 and older FREE #40079 Feb 9 Sat 1:00pm to 4:00pm

McDowell Nature Center Ages 7 - 12 $3.00 #40083 Feb 1 Fri 2:00pm to 3:30pm

The earth is covered with rocks and minerals but how do we tell one from the other? Become a geologist and detect what rocks can be found. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center

You don’t have to be a Groundhog to forecast the weather! Join us to learn about the tools meteorologists use to study the weather, including barometers, hygrometers, anemometers, sling psychrometers and more. Students will collect data using several weather tools and will make a simple weather tool as a take-home craft. We will also learn the main types of clouds and the ingredients of cloud formation in order to create our own cloud in the classroom. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center

Family Nature Hike

Stretch out those legs on this moderate paced hike through the beautiful McDowell Nature Preserve to observe the beauty of winter. Registration Required.

Homeschool Special: Weather Forecasting

Ages 10 and older FREE #40084 Feb 5 Tue 10:00am to 12:00pm #40064 Feb 6 Wed 10:00am to 12:00pm

Come explore McDowell Nature Preserve with a staff member. We will walk the trails enjoying the sights and sounds of the nature preserve during the winter months. Dress appropriately. All Ages #41062 #41063

Home School

Family Fitness Hike Suffering from the winter blues? Get the family outdoors for a brisk walk on the trails at McDowell Nature Preserve. Along the way, we will discover some of the sights and sounds of winter as we set off at a comfortable, yet steady pace to keep ourselves warm and burn off some holiday treats.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center All Ages #40097

FREE Feb 16 Sat 3:00pm to 4:30pm

Early Spring Wildflower Walk Each month brings different blooms to McDowell Nature Preserve. Come and discover the beauty and diversity of flowers as they mark the passage of the seasons. On this walk we will look for early signs of spring. Registration Required.

Homeschool Outdoor Series This survival-skills based outdoor series will be heavily focused on outdoor skills, team work, and safety. Topics will include map and compass, team navigation challenge, fire (building, usage, and safety), and shelters. Students should come prepared to be outside in weather appropriate clothes that can get dirty. Long pants, long sleeves/ jackets (rain jacket if appropriate), and sturdy shoes are required for each class session as well as a water bottle and snack (in a small backpack or book bag if possible). Registration Required.

McDowell Nature Center Ages 9-12 $25.00 #40885 Jan 11, 25, Feb 8, 22 Fri 11:00am-1:00pm

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center

For More Information or to Register Visit


Get Going Guide

Adults and Ages 10 and older FREE #40082 Feb 23 Sat 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

McDowell Nature Center February, cont. Toddlers Babes in the Woods Bundle up those babies and come out for a walk along the Four Seasons Trail, which is a .4 mile paved trail so strollers are more than welcome. We will focus our attention on aspects out in the woods that the changing seasons have brought to the Preserve. Registration Required.

Meet at the Four Seasons Trail Ages 18 Mo. to 3 yrs. with adult FREE #40088 Feb 4 Mon 9:30am to 10:15am

We Love Nature! After reading a poem that admires the virtues of Mother Nature we will do an activity that uses some of the things that are provided for us and just have some fun. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center

Simply Snowflakes No two snowflakes are exactly alike and neither are the paper ones we will be creating. Our beautiful snowflake story will help instill a sense of wonder for this magic of nature. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 4-6 $3.00 #41069 Feb 8 Fri 9:30am to 10:15am #41070 Feb 8 Fri 11:00am to 11:45am

Natures’ Noises

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center

Love is in the air for humans and animals alike. During this adults-only gathering, we will explore some of the crazy, complicated, and downright impossible lengths that animals go to in order to attract a mate. Be prepared to laugh and learn as you enjoy sweet treats and drinks. Registration Required.

Ages 4-6 $3.00 #41069 Feb 15 #41070 Feb 15

Fri 9:30am to 10:15am Fri 11:00am to 11:45am

Adolescent No School? Cool!

After reading a story about winter animals we will find out what wildlife is still at home here at the Preserve. We will have an activity that will allow us to learn about our four-footed neighbors. Registration Required.

Attention school parents - wonder what to do with your kids when school is closed but work is not? Bring them to McDowell Nature Center for a day of natural fun and learning. Each program features unique themes plus hikes, games, live animals, crafts and so much more. Sign up for one program or the entire series. Pack a lunch; snack provided. Registration Required.


McDowell Nature Center Ages 11 and older $15.00 #41257 Feb 23 Sat 9:00am to 4:00pm

Winter Friends

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center

BSA: Geocaching Want to go on a high tech treasure hunt and earn a merit badge at the same time? Then join us for the Geocaching Merit Badge! We will cover many of the badge requirements and then hit the trail to find some actual caches placed in the nature preserve. Lunch and all equipment provided. Registration Required.

There is a virtual orchestra playing outdoors if we just take the time to listen. A story, craft and an outdoor experience will supplement the auditory experience. Registration Required.

Ages 2-3 with adult $3.00 #41065 Feb 11 Mon 9:30am to 10:15am #41066 Feb 11 Mon 11:00am to 11:45am

Ages 2-3 with adult $3.00 #41065 Feb 25 Mon 9:30am to 10:15am #41066 Feb 25 Mon 11:00am to 11:45am


McDowell Nature Center Grades K-2 and 3-5 $15.00 per child #40091 K-2 Feb 18 Mon 9:00am-4:00pm #40092 3-5 Feb 18 Mon 9:00am-4:00pm

Pre-Teen & Teen

Sex and Chocolate!

Meet at Reedy Creek Nature Center, Indoor Shelter 3 – call 704-588-5224 for directions Ages 18 or older $15.00 #41075 Feb 23 Sat 7:30pm to 9:00pm

The Hiker’s Palate Bring a blanket, a chair, and plenty of warm clothes as we kick off our nighttime outings group. Every month’s activities in the park are designed to provide an inexpensive night out enjoying the outdoors. Activities will change each month, ranging from natural & cultural history to good ole’ outdoor adventure. The evening will include special hor d’oeuvres. This is no family picnic so don’t forget the sitter! Registration Required. Ages 18 and older $10.00 Per Program

February Event: Campfire Cooking

Natural Artists

Great Day for Groundhogs After an enchanting tale about these spotlighted creatures of the moment, we will have a crafty activity to conclude our homage to the Great Groundhog. Registration Required.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 4-6 $3.00 #41067 Feb 1 Fri 9:30am to 10:15am #41068 Feb 1 Fri 11:00am to 11:45am

Get Going Guide

Stop in to find natural inspiration and an opportunity for creative expression. This is not your normal art class, more of a guided discovery on what we can create. Each week we will have some type of “blank canvas” to work with, the rest is up to you. We will start each class with an hour long hike to find inspiration and supplies and the classroom is open for the remainder of the day. There are a few locations in the park with old glass bottles and scrap metal. We will be working with these to create what we wish. Gloves will be provided along with glass etching cream and other tools. Registration Required.

McDowell Nature Center Ages 12 and older $5.00 #40093 Feb 16 Sat 1:00pm to 5:00pm

Winter 2012-2013

Featuring warm, mulled cider and various desserts including a grilled bananas foster and “s’mores” fondue

Meet at the Campground #40095

Feb 15


7:00pm to 10:00pm

Adult Fitness Hikes Suffering from the winter blues? This adult only hike is just the cure. Along the way we will discover some of the sights and sounds of winter as we set off at a comfortable, yet steady pace to keep ourselves warm and burn off some holiday treats.

Meet at the McDowell Nature Center Ages 18 and older FREE #40096 Feb 24 Sun 3:00pm to 4:30pm

For More Information or to Register Visit

www.parkandrec.com www.parkandrec.com


Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Nature Latta Plantation Nature Center 6211 Sample Road •Huntersville • 704.875.1391

Open Mon-Sat, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and Sun 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Latta Plantation Nature Center serves as the gateway to the 1,351 acres of Latta Plantation Nature Preserve. It is the source for many educational programs and information on the preserve’s natural communities, flora, and fauna. Mecklenburg County’s largest preserve, it forms a green peninsula extending into Mountain Island Lake and protects a natural heritage site and several endangered plants.

Latta Plantation Nature Center (Click Star for Directions)

• Covers over 1,350 acres • 16 miles of hiking trails • Nature Center & Gift Shop • Carolina Raptor Center • Latta Plantation Equestrian Center • Historic Latta Plantation • Lakeview Picnicking • Canoe and Kayak landing areas

Latta Plantation Nature Center features live, native animals, a discovery hall, an outdoor amphitheater, and a gift shop. It also the Carolina Raptor Center, an education and rehabilitation facility dedicated to the conservation of birds of prey and home to the Southeast’s largest eagle aviary. In addition, the park is also home to the Latta Plantation Equestrian Center, a facility providing guided horseback rides, pony rides, horse shows, lessons, and a tack store, and the Historic Latta Plantation, a restored 19th century federal-style home and living history farm of James Latta, open to public tours and interpretive programs.


2012 Winter Programs & Activities Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Latta Plantation Nature Center Winter Kayaking Get out of the house this winter and enjoy a kayaking tour on Mountain Island Lake. This 2-hour guided tour will explore the coves and shoreline of Mecklenburg County’s smallest and most scenic lake. With little other boat traffic, winter is a great season to enjoy the peaceful beauty of the lake and get some good exercise while you are at it. All equipment provided. Please wear appropriate clothing and bring water and snacks. Call 704-875-1392 for more detail or to schedule a private group tour.

Horse Trailer Overflow Parking Lot Ages 12 and Older

$15.00/Single Kayak

Weekday Programs

Latta Homeschoolers: Orienteering Series Learn the basic skills of orienteering, the sport of cross-country navigation. Practice those skills each month on the permanent orienteering courses at Latta Plantation Nature Preserve, McDowell Nature Preserve, and Ribbon Walk Nature Preserve. All equipment and transportation provided. If your homeschooler is also staying for Nature Explorations, they can bring a bag lunch and a lunch break (1:00 to 1:30pm) will be supervised in the picnic shelter adjacent to the nature center. Ages 11-14 $25.00 #41133 Dec 18 Tue 10:00am to 1:00pm Jan 15 Tue 10:00am to 1:00pm Feb 19 Tue 10:00am to 1:00pm

Young Explorers Discover nature with your little one through stories, crafts, and activities related to each program’s topic. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 2 to 3 $3.00 per class Deer #41215 Dec 12 Wed 10:15am to 11:00am Birds #41216 Jan 9 Wed 10:15am to 11:00am

Winter Creatures #41217 Jan 23


10:15am to 11:00am

Turtles #41218 Feb 13 Wed

10:15am to 11:00am

Owls Feb 27 Wed

#41219 10:15am to 11:00am

Homeschool Outdoor Series

Animal Discoveries

This survival-skills based outdoor series will be heavily focused on outdoor skills, teamwork and safety. Topics will include map and compass, team navigation challenges, fire (building, usage, and safety), and shelters. Students should come prepared to be outside in weather appropriate clothes that can get dirty. Long pants, long sleeves/jackets (rain jacket if appropriate), and sturdy shoes are required for each session as well as a water bottle and snack (in a small backpack if possible). If your homeschooler is staying for Biology 102, they can bring a bag lunch. A lunch break (1:00-1:30) will be supervised in the picnic shelter adjacent to the nature center. Ages 9 to 12 $25.00/Series #41132 Jan 9 Wed 11:00am to 1:00pm Jan 23 Wed 11:00am to 1:00pm Feb 6 Wed 11:00am to 1:00pm Feb 20 Wed 11:00am to 1:00pm

Discovering nature sparks curiosity and creativity. During this series preschoolers will learn about a variety of animal groups and why each is important in nature. Each session will feature stories, games, and activities related to the topic. Ages 2 to 3 $3.00 per class

Latta Homeschoolers: Biology 102 Series What do ants, trees, and bacteria have in common? They are all alive! Join us as we discover the wonders of Biology - the study of LIFE. This series is a continuation of Homeschool Biology 101 and will introduce your student to plants, lifecycles, ecosystems, and more. Each class is hands-on and contains a lab, so students will also learn about the scientific method. Curriculum is appropriate for 3rd-5th grade and all materials are provided. Students must have completed Homeschool Biology 101. Ages 8 to 11 $32.00 #41131 Jan 9 Wed 1:30pm to 3:00pm Jan 23 Wed 1:30pm to 3:00pm Feb 6 Wed 1:30pm to 3:00pm Feb 20 Wed 1:30pm to 3:00pm Mar 6 Wed 1:30pm to 3:00pm Mar 20 Wed 1:30pm to 3:00pm Apr 3 Wed 1:30pm to 3:00pm

Get Going Guide

Radical Reptiles #41220 Dec 6


10:00am to 11:30am

Amazing Amphibians #41221 Dec 20 Thu

10:00am to 11:30am

Magnificent Mammals #41222 Jan 3


10:00am to 11:30am

Beautiful Birds #41223 Jan 17


10:00am to 11:30am

Fantastic Fish

Latta Homeschoolers: Nature Explorations In this unique experience, homeschool students are given the opportunity to learn about a variety of topics through labs, experiments, crafts and more. Topics we will investigate include making crafts from evergreens, animal dissections, and the importance of rocks.

Oh Evergreens! ~ Tue. Dec 18 $3.00 Ages 4 to 6 Ages 7 to 10 Ages 11 to 14

1:30pm to 3:00pm #41134 1:30pm to 3:00pm #41137 1:30pm to 3:00pm #41208

Animal Dissections ~ Tue. Jan 15 $6.00 Ages 4 to 6 Ages 7 to 10 Ages 11 to 14

1:30pm to 3:00pm #41209 1:30pm to 3:00pm #41210 1:30pm to 3:00pm #41211

Rockin’ Rocks ~ Tue. Feb 19 $3.00 Ages 4 to 6 Ages 7 to 10 Ages 11 to 14

1:30pm to 3:00pm #41212 1:30pm to 3:00pm #41213 1:30pm to 3:00pm #41214

#41224 10:00am to 11:30am Creepy Crawlies #41225 Feb 21 Thu 10:00am to 11:30am Feb 7


Register 1 of 3 Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option: 1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39. Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.

For More Information or to Register Visit


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Latta Plantation Nature Center Latta Homeschoolers: Outdoor Cooking

Weekend Programs

Come and learn three different methods of outdoor cooking: campfire, Dutch oven, and box oven. Participants will learn to safely cook in the outdoors and then eat all the outdoor delicacies! Ages 11 to 14 $6.00 #41226 Dec 4 Tue 10:30am to 12:00pm

On a Winter’s Solstice Celebrate the shortest day of the year with a sunset hike at Latta. Bundle up for hot cocoa, a little bit of solstice folklore and history, and a spectacular view of Mountain Island Lake at sunset! Terrain: Easy, 1.0 mile.

Meet at the Waterfront Parking Lot All Ages FREE Dec 21 Fri 4:30pm to 5:30pm


Winter Wonders How do birds know when to fly south? Who wakes up the hibernating bears? How cold does it have to be for it to snow? Join us as we explore the wonderful world of winter and go on a short 1-2 mile hike. Ages 6 and older FREE #41231 Dec 2 Sun 2:00pm to 3:30pm

BSA: Orienteering Have you ever tried to use a compass and a topographical map but still got lost? Then join us for this 2-day Orienteering Merit Badge and learn how to master the sport of cross country navigation. Learn the terms, safety aspects, and skills needed to meet the requirements of this badge. Lunch and all equipment provided. Scouts must attend both days to meet all requirements covered in this class. Ages 14 to 18 $25.00 #41232 Dec 8 Sat 9:00am to 4:00pm and Dec 15 Sat 9:00am to 4:00pm (fee covers attendance on both dates)

The Science Behind Chocolate Chocolate is delicious! Explore the science behind chocolate, why we crave it, its many health benefits and why things just taste better with chocolate. Samples will be provided. Ages 5 and older $3.00 #41237 Dec 16 Sun 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Tracks and Traces Learn how to ID common animals by the signs they leave behind and create your own animal track to take home. Ages 5 to 12 $3.00 #41239 Jan 6


2:00pm to 4:00pm

Edible Ornaments Winter can be a tough time for wildlife. Why not help out by decorating a tree with tasty treats for them? We will go on a short hike to gather materials before we settle down to a cup of hot cocoa and homemade edible ornaments. Take your creations home or leave them in our garden for all the animals to enjoy! Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 4 and older $4.00 #41234 Dec 8 Sat 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Green Gifts

Latta Homeschoolers: Winter Hike Think it’s too cold to hike in the winter? Come hike with us as we learn how to dress properly, how much water to drink along the way, and how to safely interact with nature. Ages 9 to 12 FREE #41229 Jan 8 Tue 10:30am to 12:00pm

Latta Homeschoolers: Outdoor Cooking Come and learn three different methods of outdoor cooking: campfire, Dutch oven, and box oven. Participants will learn to safely cook in the outdoors and then eat all the outdoor delicacies! Ages 11 to 14 $6.00 #41230 Feb 5 Tue 10:30am to 12:00pm

Get Going Guide

`Tis the season to reduce, reuse, and recycle! Learn how to make old things look like new for the holidays. We will make paper, gift boxes, slimy goo, and more. All supplies will be provided. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 4 and older $3.00 #41235 Dec 15 Sat 1:00pm to 2:00pm

BSA: First Aid Upon successful completion of this class, all registered Boy Scouts in Mecklenburg County will receive their blue card for First Aid. Please prepare a first aid kit that you would use on a camping trip and bring it to class. Please also bring a pencil or pen, the BSA: First Aid badge book, a snack, and weather appropriate clothes. Ages 12 to 17 $20.00 #41236 Dec 16 Sun

Winter 2012-2013

9:00am to 4:00pm

Guided Family Hikes Bring the whole family out to experience the wonders of the forest as we hike approximately 1-2 miles through the winter landscape. Learn about your local environment, discover different species, and become immersed in the beauty of nature! An experienced naturalist will be your guide on a different trail each month. Some trails are not stroller-friendly but infants in carriers are always welcome! All Ages FREE Jan 12 Sat 10:00am to 11:00am #41240 Jan 13 Sun 2:00pm to 3:00pm #41242

Build Your Own Box Oven Bring the family, learn how to build a box oven, then make one to keep and use on your next family campout. Supplies for one box oven will be provided for each family. We will test them and also use one to cook samples for all participants. All Ages $10.00/Family #41243 Jan 12 Sat 11:00am to 12:00pm

For More Information or to Register Visit

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Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Latta Plantation Nature Center BSA: Geocaching

Winter Tree ID

Mud Pies

Want to go on a high tech treasure hunt and earn a merit badge at the same time? Then join us for the Geocaching Merit Badge! We will cover many of the badge requirements and then hit the trail to find some actual caches placed in the nature preserve. Lunch and all equipment provided. Ages 11 to 18 $15.00 #41244 Jan 19 Sat 9:00am to 4:00pm

Want to know how to ID trees in the winter? Come join our naturalist on a hike and learn techniques to ID trees when there are no leaves on them. Terrain: Easy to moderate, 1.5 – 2 miles. Ages 18 and older FREE #41249 Jan 27 Sun 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Yummy! Mud pie sounds good. Make a mud pie and learn about soil, how it feels, and why it is important to plants, especially in our garden. Ages 4 to 12 FREE #41256 Feb 17 Sun 3:30pm to 4:30pm

BSA: Cooking

Climate change, species extinction and pollution are all hot button issues facing our world today. This badge covers most of those issues and gives a good overview of what we can do about it. Upon completion of this class, all scouts who participate fully in discussion and activities will earn their merit badge in Environmental Science. Lunch and supplies provided. Pre-work: determine 10 ways your family can help reduce pollution. Practice at least two of these methods for seven days, write a small report and bring it on badge day. Ages 11 to 18 $15.00 #41258 Feb 24 Sun 9:00am to 4:00pm

Snowflake Science Are all snowflakes really unique? Discover the answer to this question, and many more, as we learn all about these tiny crystals. We will also grow our own snowflakes and make recycled snow globes to take home! Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Ages 6 and older $4.00 #41245 Jan 20 Sun 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Webelos Forester Badge and Naturalist Badge Join us at Latta Plantation Nature Center for a dual Webelos badge program where you will earn both your Forester and Naturalist Badges. Lunch will be provided. Ages 8 to 10 $12.00 #41246 Jan 20 Sun 10:00am to 3:30pm

Survival Basics Tired of watching reality TV about outdoor survival? Come out and learn some practical skills that could get you out of trouble in the backcountry. Topics covered will include: basic navigation (map and compass), primitive fires, shelter building, and more. Please bring water, a snack, and clothing appropriate to the weather (we will be outside!). Lunch will be provided. Ages 18 and older $15.00 #41247 Jan 26 Sat 9:00am to 3:00pm

Don’t know what to cook on your next campout? Don’t really know how to cook in the outdoors? Learn how to plan meals for your camping adventure and the different types of cooking methods you can use. Most badge requirements for this badge will be met with homework in order to receive badge. Lunch and all equipment provided. Ages 12 to 18 $15.00 #41250 Feb 2 Sat 9:00am to 4:00pm

Wolf Cub Scouts: Birds Join us this Sunday afternoon and earn your Birding Elective. We will read a book about birds, take a short hike to identify birds we see, record our observations. Ages 7 to 11 $3.00 #41251 Feb 3 Sun 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Warm and Fuzzies

BSA: Environmental Science

Haikus and Hickories Let the forest inspire you. Join us for an afternoon hike to learn about the trees, wildlife, and ways of expressing the joy of nature. Terrain: Easy to moderate, 1.5 – 2 miles Ages 18 and older FREE #41259 Feb 24 Sun 2:00pm to 4:00pm

It’s winter and our wild mammals have thick, fuzzy fur this time of the year. Come learn about some of these mammals and get a chance to touch furs in the nature center. Ages 4 and older FREE #41251 Feb 3 Sun 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Totally Turtles It’s winter and our wild mammals have thick, fuzzy fur this time of the year. Come learn about some of these mammals and get a chance to touch furs in the nature center. Ages 4 and older FREE #41255 Feb 17 Sun 1:30pm to 2:30pm

For More Information or to Register Visit


Fairy House Festival - Saturday, Feb. 9 Build a Winter Den Bring the family out and build your own winter den on our Audubon Trail. Learn some tips and tricks from one of our environmental educators before you head out into the woods in search of the best fallen sticks, logs, and leaves for your masterpiece.

Come spend the afternoon discovering the joy and magic of fairy houses. Storytelling, face painting, crafts, activities and food will be available. Prizes for best fairy or gnome costume and best fairy houses will be awarded. Learn how to build your own fairy house on one of our nature trails. Enchanting fun for all ages! No registration required.

Meet at the Waterfront Parking Lot All Ages FREE #41248 Jan 26 Sat 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013

All Ages FREE #41252 Saturday, February 9, 10:00pm to 4:00pm



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Nature Reedy Creek Nature Center 2900 Rocky River Road • 704.432.6459 Open Mon-Sat, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and Sun 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Reedy Creek Nature Preserve protects 737 acres of natural, forested habitat within Reedy Creek Park. There are over ten miles of hiking trails in the nature preserve for the outdoor enthusiast, giving visitors the opportunity to explore a variety of terrains, while enjoying scenic views of small lakes, forests, fields, streams, and wildlife. Reedy Creek Nature is also home to the Dr. James F. Matthews Center for Biodiversity Studies.


• Covers over 737 Acres • 10 Miles of Hiking Trails • Nature Center & Gift Shop • Historic Robinson Rock House • 18-hole Disc Golf Course • 10 Reservable Picnic Shelters • Fishing at Dragonfly or Slider Ponds • Barkingham Park Dog Park

Outside, visitors can stop and observe nature in action at the National Wildlife Federation certified Backyard Habitat Garden which includes bird feeding stations, and a demonstration compost area. Self-interpretive trail guides are available for several nature preserve trails.

Reedy Creek Nature Center (Click Star for Directions)

Reedy Creek Nature Center Closings The Reedy Creek Nature Center will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

2012 Winter Programs & Activities Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Reedy Creek Nature Center Hike for Your Health

Holiday Open House

Get outside, get moving, and get healthy! Enjoy fresh air, sunshine, and beautiful surroundings. Wonderful people are included! This is a medium to fast pace walk. Ages 12 and older FREE Every Tuesday 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Join us for a fun-filled day at the annual Reedy Creek Holiday Open House! We have lots of activities planned for all ages! Green gift ideas, nature based scavenger hunt/hike, stories by the fire and crafts are just some of the fun we have planned for you and your family. Coffee, hot chocolate and cookies will be served and there may even be a special visitor for the kids! All Ages FREE #40825 Dec 1 Sat 10:00am to 2:00pm

Yoga in the Preserve Slow down and breathe while surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature. This is a gentle vinyasa style class. No experience needed. Ages 16 and older $5.00 Every Tuesday

6:15pm to 7:15pm

Hikes for Tykes Join us to discover what winter beholds. Each program will explore something new and exciting about nature by using stories, arts and crafts, hands-on observation, and more, followed by a hike. Parents must stay with their children Ages 3 -6 FREE #40811 Dec 4 Tue 10:00am to 11:30am #40812 Dec 18 Tue 10:00am to 11:30am #40813 Jan 8 Tue 10:00am to 11:30am #40814 Jan 22 Tue 10:00am to 11:30am #40815 Feb 5 Tue 10:00am to 11:30am #40816 Feb 19 Tue 10:00am to 11:30am

Nature Story Corner Settle in and get comfortable as we read a variety of nature stories. Some stories will include puppets and audience interactions as we learn about the natural wonders of the world. After the story we will go on a short hike to explore the story’s topic. Ages 3 and older FREE #40817 Dec 11 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am #40818 Jan 15 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am #40819 Jan 29 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am #40820 Feb 12 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am #40821 Feb 26 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am

Lil’ Sprouts Nature Preschool Lil’ Sprouts is a one-of-a-kind program built upon fostering your child’s excitement and enthusiasm of the natural world. It will encourage their growth and learning about the world around them. The curriculum is structured around authentic experiences that will have the children exploring nature with opportunities for play-based learning, art, music, dramatic play, stories, and so much more. Math, language arts, and reading are also incorporated into the curriculum. Come by and experience “The Natural Way of Learning!” Limited to 6 participants per month. Ages 4 to 5 $35.00 per month #40822 Dec 6 Thu 9:00am to 12:00pm #40823 Jan 3 Thu 9:00am to 12:00pm #40824 Feb 7 Thu 9:00am to 12:00pm

Get Going Guide

Biodiversity Hike: Morrow Mountain State Park This month we head back to Morrow Mountain to explore some of the less traveled trails. We will be hiking the 2.8 mile strenuous Sugarloaf Mountain Trail and depending on time may head up the Morrow Mountain Trail. Join us for a wonderful day of hiking, fresh air and the beauty of nature. Ages 16 and older $12.00 #40830 Dec 8 Sat 8:00am to 5:00pm

Nature Journaling Slow down and connect with nature in a different way during this introduction nature journaling class. No experience or special skills needed and all supplies are provided. Ages 8 and older FREE #40833 Dec 9 Sun 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Night Tree Tradition Join us on this special day as we read the classic Eve Bunting tale, Night Tree. Night Tree tells the story of one family’s special holiday tradition and celebrates the special bond of a family and of nature. After the reading we will create animal friendly ornaments and walk to our own special place in the forest to place them on a tree for all the animals to enjoy. All Ages FREE #40834 Dec 8 Sat 11:00am to 12:00pm #40835 Dec 16 Sun 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Meet and Greet Come and meet Peter the box turtle, Popcorn the corn snake, and many more. Learn all about the animals we have at the nature center - and you will have the opportunity of touching some of them too! All Ages FREE #40836 Dec 12 Wed 2:00pm to 3:00pm #40837 Jan 12 Sat 2:00pm to 3:00pm #40838 Feb 13 Wed 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Recycled Holiday Cards What do you do with all those old Christmas cards? Learn some interesting and fun things to make with them for the holidays. Ages 6 and older FREE #40839 Dec 15 Sat 10:00am to 11:00am

Holiday Scavenger Hunt Can you find the signs of the carols in our woods? We will look for some of the fun symbols of the holidays in our woods on this scavenger hunt. All Ages FREE #40840 Dec 15 Sat 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Register 1 of 3 Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option: 1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28. 35 and 39.

For More Information or to Register Visit

Winter 2012-2013

Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.




Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Reedy Creek Nature Center Hike for Your Health at RibbonWalk Nature Preserve

Biodiversity Hike: Uwharrie National Forest

Get outside, get moving, get healthy! Fresh air, sunshine, beautiful surroundings and wonderful people are included! This is a medium to fast pace walk. Ages12 and older FREE #40846 Jan 5 Sat 1:00pm to 2:00pm

This month we continue our exploration of the ancient Uwharrie Mountains on this 6 – 8 mile hike through the National Forest. Join us for a wonderful day of hiking, fresh air and the beauty of nature. Ages 16 and older $12.00 #40853 Jan 26 Sat 8:00am to 5:00pm

Introduction to Geocaching

A Morning for the Birds!

We will start our adventure with a game of Bird Bingo and some hot chocolate before grabbing our binoculars and heading out to the garden. Discover some of the winter birds that call Reedy Creek home and then make them a special treat. Ages 6 and older FREE #40841 Dec 22 Sat 10:30am to 11:30am

Dragonfly Pond Hike Join a naturalist for a stroll around Dragonfly Pond. Enjoy the brisk air and learn about what the pond animals do in the winter. Slow down and connect with nature in a different way during this introduction nature journaling class. No experience or special skills needed and all supplies are provided. Ages 8 and older FREE #40842 Dec 22 Sat 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Holiday Trails

Join us for an introduction to this wonderful pastime that blends nature, technology and is fun for the whole family! No experience needed but must be able to walk 1 – 2 miles on uneven terrain. Ages 8 and older FREE #40847 Jan 6 Sun 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Feeding Frenzy Ever want to see how a snake can eat a mouse without chewing or watch a turtle chase its prey? If you answered yes, then this is the program for you. On this day we will feed a variety of the nature centers animals and talk about their feeding habits. All Ages FREE #40849 Dec 12 Wed 3:00pm to 3:30pm #40848 Jan 12 Sat 3:00pm to 3:30pm #40850 Feb 13 Wed 3:00pm to 3:30pm

Night Hike Join us on this adventure that will take you on a tour of the preserve on a winter night. Discover what lurks behind that bush, what make the shrieking sound, or cause the water to ripple. Use all your senses to take in what nature has to offer. Ages 8 and older FREE #40851 Jan 18 Fri 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Relax and release the stress of the holidays as we walk the trails in the Preserve. See what we can see in the winter and look for signs of life. You may be surprised to see what is lurking in the cold. All Ages FREE #40843 Dec 23 Sun 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Get Going Guide

Ages 8 to 12

$5.00 per session

Putting Things in Order Jan 8



1:30pm to 3:30pm

Inside the Cell


Jan 22 Tue

1:30pm to 3:30pm Take Away the Light Feb 5 Tue 1:30pm to 3:30pm


Colorful Flowers


Feb 19 Tue

1:30pm to 3:30pm


Register 1 of 3 Ways:

Winter Tree ID Workshop

Take a close look at pond water and the tiny animals that swim in it in the naturalist’s laboratory. These alien looking creatures are the food for many of the larger pond animals. Enter their world through a microscope! Ages 6 and older FREE #40845 Jan 5 Sat 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Home School: Living Laboratory Learn the basics of biology in the laboratory. We will use the tools of the biologist such as microscopes and experiments to investigate life science.

For More Information or to Register Visit

Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option:

You can identify trees in the winter, even with no leaves! We will use twigs and bark to try to identify the trees in the Preserve after learning the basics in the lab. Ages 8 and older FREE #40844 Jan 5 Sat 10:00am to 11:00am

Tiny Pond Creatures

Hot Chocolate Hike Winter time is the perfect time for a stroll along the trails. The feel of brisk air running through your hair, the sound of hard ground as you walk, and the peacefulness of nature all bring a sense of relaxation. After this invigorating hike, we will end it perfectly with a cup of hot chocolate. Dress for the weather. All Ages FREE #40854 Jan 27 Sun 2:00pm to 3:30pm

1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program.

Make a Miniature Garden Tired of winter already? Brighten your world in the darkest of winter with a miniature garden made from recycled materials and small plants. A little light and love is all these little gardens need to thrive in the winter in your home. Ages 8 and older FREE #40852 Jan 20 Sun 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Winter 2012-2013

3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39. Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Reedy Creek Nature Center Homeschool: Habitat Study

Home School: Advanced Life Science Laboratory

The natural world is a complex thing made up of vast ecosystems. Within each ecosystem are habitats that are distinct from each other with varying animals and plants. We will investigate and learn about the field, forest, stream, and lake habitats within Reedy Creek and discover how they are all connected to form one amazing ecosystem. Ages 5 to 7 $3.00 per class Forest Habitat #40941 Jan 8 Tue 1:30pm to 3:30pm

Field Habitat Jan 22 Tue Tue

1:30pm to 3:30pm #40943

1:30pm to 3:30pm

Lake Habitat Feb 19 Tue

Nature Art


Stream Habitat Feb 5

Learn the basics of taxonomy and laboratory techniques in preparation for an Advanced Life Science Field Study series starting in March. Sharpen your skills with the microscope and other tools of the biologist in the laboratory. Watch for the Field Study Series starting in March for the same age level! Ages 13 to 18 $5.00 #40957 Feb 18 Mon 3:00pm to 4:30pm


1:30pm to 3:30pm

Specimen of the Day: Reptiles and Amphibians A naturalist is one who keenly observes natural objects to uncover mysteries and learn about their surroundings. Join one of our naturalists as we delve into the world of reptiles and amphibians and identify different specimens using clues and field guides. A short hike will follow discover what may lie on the trails. Ages 8 and older FREE #40945 Feb 2 Sat 10:00am to 11:30am

Tracking 101 Learn to identify animal tracks, scat, and other traces and signs found on our trails. Ages 8 and older FREE #40946 Feb 2 Sat 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Hike for Your Health at Ribbon Walk Nature Preserve Get outside, get moving, get healthy! Fresh air, sunshine, beautiful surroundings and wonderful people are included! This is a medium to fast pace walk. Ages 12 and older FREE #40947 Feb 2 Sat 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Salamanders! This is an exciting time of year as the first winter rains trigger some of our salamander species to begin their annual breeding rituals. Join a naturalist as we learn about this amazing species and then hit the trails to look for salamander eggs! Participants must be able to walk 1 – 2 miles on uneven terrain. Ages 5 and older FREE #40948 Feb 3 Sun 2:00pm to 3:00pm

For More Information or to Register Visit


Get Going Guide

The Great Backyard Bird Count The GBBC is a fun and simple citizen science project that helps to create a snapshot of bird activity across the continent. All ages and experience levels are encouraged to participate. Join a naturalist for an evening workshop that will take you though all of the details. After the workshop participants may conduct their own count or help Reedy Creek with ours. This is a wonderful opportunity for families, individuals, home school groups, church groups, etc. Ages 5 and older FREE #40950 Feb 7 Thu 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Have you ever noticed how much nature plays a role in all aspects of art? Nature provides the canvas and the tools to create magnificent pieces of art. Join as we hike the preserve looking at the ways nature is art and then we will create some art in the woods for all to see. It surely will be a great time using rocks, sticks, leaves, and more as our paints. All Ages FREE #40959 Feb 24 Sun 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Biodiversity Hike: Crowder’s Mountain State Park Join us this month for our annual trip to Crowder’s Mountain State Park. We will enjoy a wonderful day of hiking, fresh air and the beauty of nature! Participants must be able to hike 6 – 7 miles on uneven terrain. This is a moderate to strenuous hike. Ages 16 and older $12.00 #40952 Feb 16 Sat 8:00am to 5:00pm

Pioneer Days in the Preserve Come celebrate the good ole days by trying your hand at some old fashioned crafts and activities. Experience quilting, rope making, butter making and others, as well as a brisk walk to the historic Robinson Rock House on the property. Learn history the fun way! Ages 16 and older FREE #40953 Feb 16 Sat 1:00pm to 4:00pm

Winter in the Woods Take a brisk walk in the winter woods to see how nature protects the plants and animals in the coldest part of the year. The forest is beautiful, even in winter. Look for the first signs life awakening for the Spring. All Ages FREE #40955 Feb 17 Sun 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Winter 2012-2013

Register 1 of 3 Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option: 1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs..28, 35 and 39. Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Therapeutic Recreation


2012 Winter Programs & Activities Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Therapeutic Recreation The Therapeutic Recreation Section of the Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation Department seeks to provide therapeutic recreation services to individuals who have disabilities that focus on abilities, rather than disabilities and encourage people to attain their highest level of independent leisure functioning by increasing leisure skills, improving social and communication skills, increasing independent living skills and increasing their awareness and involvement in community and recreational activities; to advocate for and ensure inclusive opportunities in all programs and services; to act as advocates for individuals with disabilities by promoting accessibility at all Department parks, facilities, programs, special events and classes. Pre-School Programs What do you do when you have this much energy? You come to TR programs of course! Our pre-school programs are specially designed for our youngest participants (ages 2 – 5 years old) and focus on developing those skills we all need! Programs focus on the development of fine and gross motor skills, social skills, language skills and readiness skills. These programs are a great way to get the youngest members of the community involved. It is also a great way for parents to see how much their pre-school aged child can accomplish!

Paralympics Sports Club What is Paralympic Sport Metrolina? Paralympic Sport Clubs are community-based programs developed to involve youth and adults with physical and visual disabilities in sports and physical activity, regardless of skill level. And is designed as a program to be implemented within an agency or organization’s program.

Does this mean I have to be ready to try out for the Olympics? No (unless you want to!). The primary objectives of Paralympic Sport Clubs include: • To develop community-based sports clubs that recruit and involve youth and adults with physical and visual disabilities in sports and physical activity regardless of skill or interest level. • To develop a comprehensive, community-based Paralympic Sport Club network as a foundation for a Paralympic athlete pipeline. • To provide community-based sport program opportunities for injured service members to continue sport participation upon their release from Military Treatment Facilities (MTF). • To create a national, unified, community-based Paralympic Sport Club network that provides a “grass-roots” branding campaign to educate America on the opportunity and benefits inherent in sport and physical activity as practiced by persons with physical and visual disabilities.

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013

For More Information or to Register Visit




Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Therapeutic Recreation

Adult Programs Weekdays are filled with Therapeutic Recreation activities for adults! A variety of skill-building classes are offered daily, designed for adults with developmental disabilities, including Creative Arts, Gifted Gardeners, Dance & Fitness and Adult Cooking Classes. Monthly day trips are also offered for adults and seniors with visual impairments, visiting a variety of local historical, educational and recreational destinations, and encouraging mobility in the community. For more information, contact Karen Howard at 704.432.4325 or Karen.Howard@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov, or Shannon Maxwell at 704.432.4331 or Shannon.Maxwell@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov

Adaptive and Challenger Sports! Want to be part of a team or try out a new sport? We have just the one for you! TR offers all kinds of adaptive and challenger sports programs and they are offered year round. In the fall we have our Challenger Flag Football program in partnership with the Carolina Panthers. We also have Indoor Soccer. In the winter it is on to Basketball and Adaptive Karate. What about the Spring? That’s when we get started with Challenger Baseball and Tennis! So many sports to try and so many teams to be a part of!

Challenger Basketball

Adaptive Karate

Be a part of Challenger Basketball, a league for youth, teens and young adults aged 6-21. Participants will learn ball handling, shooting techniques, offense and defense, and good sportsmanship. For more information contact Stacey Thomas at 704-432-0237 or Stacey.Thomas@ MecklenburgCountyNC.gov

This program is geared to introduce karate to children and youth with disabilities aged 3-8. Participants will work on listening, cooperation, balance, safety and beginner karate skills while being challenged and encouraged to succeed. Most importantly, they will have fun and burn energy! We are excited to have Sensei Riann van Schalkwyk as our instructor for this program. Sensei Riaan is a 4th Dan Karate Instructor, has extensive World Championship titles, has earned the South African Karate Champion title on 3 separate occasions, and has even competed in the Olympics! For more information contact Stacey Thomas at 704-432-0237 or Stacey.Thomas@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov

Don’t forget to get on the mailing list so you can stay up to date!

Visit: http://TR.Charmeck.org to find out more about all the programs offered by Therapeutic Recreation. No matter what your age or what kind of disability you may have, we have programs that are sure to keep you involved in the community VISIT US ON and having fun. For More Information or to Register Visit


Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation



2012 Winter Programs & Activities Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Pre-School Programs & Activities Athletics Baseball: Start Smart Children learn the basic motor skills necessary to play organized baseball while they work one-on-one and spend quality time with their parents. Focus is on teaching hitting, throwing, catching, base running and agility. Ages 3 to 5 $45.00

Berewick Recreation Center

#40158 Feb 21-Mar 28 Thu 6:00pm-7:00pm

Cultural Arts Art: Mud Bugs Kids will get creative as they make creepy, crawly bugs out of clay. Ages 1 to 5 $2.00

Hickory Grove Recreation Center #40940 Feb 26 Tue

1:00pm to 2:00pm

Art: Painting Without Brushes Kids will enjoy getting creative with paint, while painting their own masterpieces. Preregistration required! Parent guided class. Ages 2 to 6 $2.00

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39603 Dec 5 Wed 10:00am to 11:00am #39604 Jan 2 Wed 10:00am to 11:00am #39605 Feb 6 Wed 10:00am to 11:00am

Art: Sponge Painting Get messy and creative with paint. This is a parent guided class. Clothing may get stained - dress appropriately.

Arts for Tots This program will promote dramatic play, confidence, body awareness and social skills through theatre, song, dance, creative expression and craft projects. Parent participation is required. Ages 3 to 5


Albemarle Road Recreation Center

#39016 Dec 7 Fri #39017 Dec 14 Fri #39018 Dec 21 Fri #39019 Jan 4 Fri #39020 Jan 11 Fri #39021 Jan 18 Fri #39022 Jan 25 Fri #39023 Feb 1 Fri #39024 Feb 8 Fri #39025 Feb 15 Fri #39026 Feb 22 Fri

10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am

Art: Jungle Time

Explore the world of jungle animals through crafts, stories, and creative play. Ages 3 to 4 $20.00

Berewick Recreation Center

#40402 Jan 7-Feb 25 Mon 10:00am-10:45am

Art: Kids Kraft Have fun learning and painting while making theme related crafts. For more information, contact the center offering the program. Ages 5 to 12 FREE

Tuckaseegee Recreation Center #39989 Ongoing Mon 10:00am-11:00am

Ages 3 to 5 $2.00

Hickory Grove Recreation Center #40976 Dec 13 Thu 10:00am to 11:00am #40977 Dec 27 Thu 10:00am to 11:00am #40978 Jan 10 Thu 10:00am to 11:00am #40979 Jan 24 Thu 10:00am to 11:00am #40980 Feb 14 Thu 10:00am to 11:00am #40981 Feb 28 Thu 10:00am to 11:00am

For More Information or to Register Visit


Get Going Guide


1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pg. 28, 35 and 39. Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.

Art: Play With Clay Join us for a parent guided adventure with clay. Various utensils and tools will be provided for child to use their imagination to create. Ages 3 to 5 $2.00

Hickory Grove Recreation Center #40971 #40972 #40973 #40974 #40975

Dec 4 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am Dec 18 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am Jan 15 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am Feb 5 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am Feb 19 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am

Art: Krafty Kids Have fun learning and painting while making theme related crafts. For more information, contact the center offering the program. Ages 2 to 5 $3.00

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center

#40601 #40602 #40603 #40604 #40605

Dec 11 Tue 1:00pm to 2:00pm Jan 8 Tue 1:00pm to 2:00pm Jan 29 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am Feb 12 Tue 1:00pm to 2:00pm Feb 26 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39620 #39621 #39622 #39623 #39624 #39625

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #40465 Dec 11 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am #40466 Jan 15 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am #40467 Jan 29 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am #40468 Feb 12 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am #40469 Feb 26 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am

Register 1 of 3 Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option:

Dec 3 Mon 10:00am to 11:00am Dec 17 Mon 10:00am to 11:00am Jan 7 Mon 10:00am to 11:00am Jan 21 Mon 10:00am to 11:00am Feb 4 Mon 10:00am to 11:00am Feb 18 Mon 10:00am to 11:00am

Tiny Tots Story Time Art: Mommy and Me Experience the fun of arts and crafts with your child. Any other authorized adult can participate in this art adventure with a child! Parent participation required. Ages 1 to 5 $5.00

Hickory Grove Recreation Center

#40961 Jan 29 Tue 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Winter 2012-2013

Enjoy an hour of interactive story time followed by an art or craft activity. Creativity will come alive as social skills are developed. Ages 2 to 5 FREE

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #40787 Dec 7 Fri #40788 Jan 4 Fri #40789 Feb 1 Fri

10:30am to 11:30am 10:30am to 11:30am 10:30am to 11:30am



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Pre-School Programs & Activities Dance & Music Programs Dance: Dance Academy Experience and learn various dance forms through this program. Ages 3 to 4 $40.00

Berewick Recreation Center

Cooking: Mini Chefs Children will have fun getting messy while following recipes and creating healthy foods. Each child will leave with a recipe card. Parent participation required. Note that meat and dairy products are sometimes used in the class. For more information, contact the Center listed. Ages 3 to 5 $4.00 Arbor Glen Outreach Center #40199 Dec 12 Wed 11:30am to 12:30pm #40200 Jan 9 Wed 11:30am to 12:30pm #40201 Jan 23 Wed 11:30am to 12:30pm #40202 Feb 13 Wed 11:30am to 12:30pm #40203 Feb 27 Wed 11:30am to 12:30pm #41159 Dec 4 Tue 6:15pm to 7:15pm #41160 Dec 11 Tue 6:15pm to 7:15pm #41161 Dec 18 Tue 6:15pm to 7:15pm #41162 Jan 1 Tue 6:15pm to 7:15pm #41163 Jan 8 Tue 6:15pm to 7:15pm #41164 Jan 15 Tue 6:15pm to 7:15pm #41165 Jan 22 Tue 6:15pm to 7:15pm #41166 Jan 29 Tue 6:15pm to 7:15pm #41167 Feb 5 Tue 6:15pm to 7:15pm #41168 Feb 12 Tue 6:15pm to 7:15pm #41169 Feb 19 Tue 6:15pm to 7:15pm #41170 Feb 26 Tu 6:15pm to 7:15pm Hickory Grove Recreation Center #40960 Dec 11 Tue 1:00pm to 2:00pm #41128 Dec 27 Thu 10:30am to 11:30am #41129 Jan 24 Thu 10:30am to 11:30am #41130 Feb 28 Thu 10:30am to 11:30am

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #40582 Dec 5 #40583 Dec 19 #40584 Jan 2 #40586 Jan 16 #40587 Feb 6 #40588 Feb 20

Wed 6:00pm to 7:30pm Wed 6:00pm to 7:30pm Wed 6:00pm to 7:30pm Wed 6:00pm to 7:30pm Wed 6:00pm to 7:30pm Wed 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39612 Dec 20 #39613 Dec 20 #39614 Jan 17 #39615 Jan 17 #39616 Feb 21 #39617 Feb 21

Thu Thu Thu Thu Thu Thu

Get Going Guide

10:00am to 11:00am 11:15am to 12:15pm 10:00am to 11:00am 11:15am to 12:15pm 10:00am to 11:00am 11:15am to 12:15pm


Tutu Toddlers #40421 Jan 10-Mar 7 Thu 4:30pm-5:00pm Tapping Toddlers #40428 Jan 10-Mar 7 Thu 5:00pm-5:30pm Broadway Babies #40168 Jan 7-Feb 25 Mon 11:00am-11:45am

Dance: Ballet You remember their first steps, she’ll remember her first plie; your child will enjoy learning ballet. The Royal Academy of Dance syllabus is taught by a trained professional dancer. For more information or to register, contact Amanda Sheppard at ukmiz@aol.com or call 704.542.5777. Ages 3 to 5 $40.00

Elon Recreation Center 40479 Ongoing Tue

10:00am to 11:00am

Dance: Little Diva Dance Little Diva Dance is a ballet, tap and creative dance program designed to teach children a life-long love of movement and provide a foundation for all dance genres. Divas participate in a weekly session which includes ballet and tap technique, movement patterns and games, and dramatic play. For more information, visit www.launchyourkids.com or email hillaryfulgum@gmail.com. Ages 3yrs to 4 yrs $45.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #36522 Ongoing Mon 5:00pm to 6:00pm

North Carolina Dance Theatre School of Dance: Creative Movement In a fun and encouraging environment, students explore musicality, rhythm, creativity and movement through space. This class introduces age appropriate stretching, basic strengthening, balance, motor skill development and coordination. For more information or to register visit: www.ncdance.org/earlydivision Ages 3 to 4 $65.00

North Carolina Dance Theatre School of Dance: Pre-Ballet This class introduces classical ballet vocabulary, emphasizing musicality and individual creative expression in an innovative, fun and easy to learn manner. For more information or to register visit: www.ncdance.org/ earlydivision Ages 5 to 6 $65.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center 40324 Ongoing


9:45am to 10:30am

Music Together of Charlotte Ongoing Program: Experience the joy of sharing music with your child as you both learn to sing, dance and play instruments together. For more information, contact musictogetherofcharlotte@gmail.com or 704.449.6761. Ages 5 mo to 6 yrs $190.00 per session

Tom Sykes Recreation Center 36265 The instructor has various dates/times

MusicPups Moms and children attend this unique music class together! Classes involve singing, playing instruments, dancing, stories and fun. This class includes a downloadable cd and sheet music. To register: visit www.MusicDiscoveryClass.com. For more information, contact or 704.432.4934. Ages 1 to 6 $40.00 per month

Berewick Recreation Center 40334 Ongoing


10:30am to 11:15am

Educational Programs Animal Alphabet Children will explore the alphabet by studying different animals through games, crafts, and stories. Ages 3 to 4 $30.00

Berewick Recreation Center 40333 Ongoing


10:00am to 10:45am

Young Energetic Scholars Join other preschoolers as we explore games, fun and arts & crafts together. Ages 3 to 5 FREE Southview Recreation Center 40019 Ongoing Tue 10:00am to 11:00am

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #40321 Ongoing

Winter 2012-2013


9:00am to 9:45am

For More Information or to Register Visit

www.parkandrec.com www.parkandrec.com


Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Pre-School Programs & Activities RAY’s Jr. Explorers Calling all kids! Join Ray’s Jr. Explorers for a learning adventure. Ray’s education adventures will feature topics such as weather/ seasons, hibernating animals, and plant life. Ages 2 to 6 $2.00

Mallard Creek Recreation Center Education #39684 Dec 7 #39685 Jan 4 #39686 Feb 1 Music #39687 Dec 14 #39688 Jan 11 #39689 Feb 8 Storytime #39690 Dec 21 #39691 Jan 18 #39692 Feb 15

Fri Fri Fri

10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am

Fri Fri Fri

10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am

Fri Fri Fri

10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am

Fitness: Jump Xtreme Preschool Program emphasizes building selfconfidence while teaching the importance of teamwork and developing healthy habits through the sport of jump rope. Ages 3 to 5 $25.00

Elon Recreation Center

Toddlers and Parent Playtime (TAPP) Participants will be engaged in many creative activities such as story/music time, arts and crafts, and motor skill development. Parents are encouraged to engage in their child’s activities. Ages 2 to 5 $2.00 #41342 Ongoing Tue 10:00am to 11:00am

Ray Fit Play

Toddler Time Program is designed to keep children active as they develop cognitive, social, physical and emotional skills. Preschoolers and parents will learn, explore and interact with age appropriate equipment. Ages 1 to 5 $2.00

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center

#40949 Jan 15 Tue

#40617 Dec 12 #40618 Jan 9 #40619 Jan 2 #40620 Feb 13 #40621 Feb 27

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center

9:30am to 10:15am 9:30am to 10:15am 9:30am to 10:15am 9:30am to 10:15am 9:30am to 10:15am Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39755 Dec 4 Tue 9:00am to 9:30am #39756 Jan 8 Tue 9:00am to 9:30am #39757 Jan 29 Tue 9:00am to 9:30am #39758 Feb 12 Tue 9:00am to 9:30am #39759 Feb 26 Tue 9:00am to 9:30am

Hickory Grove Recreation Center 1:00pm-2:00pm

#40408 Jan 10-Jan 31 Thu 10:30am-11:30am #33388 Feb 20 Wed 10:30am-11:30am

Tumbling Tots Take part in tumbling, fitness and other fun activities that help build your large motor skills. Ages 3 to 5 FREE

Southview Recreation Center #40030 Ongoing Th

10:00am to 11:00am

Parent and Tot Splash Time

Toddler Tumbling

Parents and toddlers can enjoy valuable play time together on various Mondays in the splash park. Visit www.rayssplashplanet. com for a complete schedule. No registration required. For more information, contact 704.432.4729. Ages 1 to 5 $3.00

The sessions will consist of learning the fundamental of gymnastic and techniques to improve, fitness, mental focus and fun. Let us help lay foundation for your child’s physical well-being and regular exercise. Ages 2 to 5 $2.00

Ray’s Splash Planet #39788 Dec 3 #39789 Dec 17 #39790 Jan 7 #39791 Jan 28 #39792 Feb 11 #39793 Feb 25

Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon

Get Going Guide

10:00am to 3:00pm 10:00am to 3:00pm 10:00am to 3:00pm 10:00am to 3:00pm 10:00am to 3:00pm 10:00am to 3:00pm

Children will be wildly active through games, relays, obstacle courses, and more while working on their large motor skills. Ages 3 to 4 $1.00

Berewick Recreation Center #40405 Ongoing Wed 11:00am - 11:45am

#41378 Ongoing Wed 10:00am to 11:00am

Tots will use their endless energy to engage in structured activities designed to enhance motor skills, balance, hand-eye coordination and overall fitness. Parental participation is required. For more information, contact the Recreation Center listed. Ages 2 to 5 $1.00 Wed Wed Wed Wed Wed

Wild Wednesdays

Revolution Park Sports Academy #33581 Feb 2-Feb 28 Tue and Thu 10:00am to 11:00am

Holiday Activities Wacky Holidays There are traditional holidays and there are days that are not. Join us in celebrating some of these non-traditional fun days. Ages 1 to 6 $1.00 Berewick Recreation Center National Cookie Day - Wacky Holidays #40387 Dec 7 Fri 10:30am to 11:30am Christmas Party #40388 Dec 14 Fri 10:30am to 11:30am Bozo the Clown’s Birthday #40390 Jan 4 Fri 10:30am to 11:30am Let It Snow Day #40391 Jan 11 Fri 10:30am to 11:30am Winnie The Pooh Day #40392 Jan 18 Fri 10:30am to 11:30am 101 Dalmatians Birthday #40394 Jan 25 Fri 10:30am to 11:30am Elmo’s Birthday #40395 Feb 1 Fri 10:30am to 11:30am Pinocchio’s Birthday #40396 Feb 8 Fri 10:30am to 11:30am Valentine’s Day Party #40397 Feb 15 Fri 10:30am to 11:30am Thomas the Train Day #40398 Feb 22 Fri 10:30am to 11:30am

Cookies and Crafts with Santa Kids will enjoy making Christmas crafts, eating holiday cookies, reading a Christmas Story and having a special visit from Old Saint Nick! Ages 2 to 6 $3.00 Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39618 Dec 18 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am #39619 Dec 18 Tue 11:15am to 12:15pm

Santa is Coming to Town The jolly one is making a stop at Ray’s Playhouse. Join us for crafts, pictures and fun! Ages 1 to 6 $4.00

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center #40574 Dec 21


10:00am to 2:00pm

For More Information or to Register Visit


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Pre-School Programs & Activities Ray Play

Brunch with Santa Tell Santa if you have been naughty or nice while making some fun holiday crafts for your favorite elves. Continental brunch provided. For more information, contact, TomSkyesRecreationCenter@ MecklenburgCountyNC.gov or 704.432.4803. Ages 2-5 $6.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #36698 Dec 21


10:00am – 11:00am

Heart Day Celebration Preschoolers will celebrate Valentine’s day by enjoying a heart healthy snack, making a Valentine craft and exchanging valentines. Parent participation is required. Please bring eleven valentines to exchange. Ages 2 to 6 $3.00

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39768 Feb 14 Thu

10:30am to 11:30am

Social Activities LEGO Fun Time Come join us for a parent - guided Lego fun time. Create anything and have fun using Legos. Ages 3 to 5 $2.00

Hickory Grove Recreation Center #40962 Dec 3 #40963 Dec 17 #40964 Jan 7 #40965 Jan 21 #40966 Feb 4 #40967 Feb 18

Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon

10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am

Mother’s Morning Out Children will play games, have a snack, and play in the indoor playroom while mom has time to herself. Wear socks! Children must be potty trained. Ages 3 to 5 $10.00

Hickory Grove Recreation Center #40968 Dec 11 Tue 10:00am to 12:00pm #40969 Jan 8 Tue 10:00am to 12:00pm #40970 Feb 12 Tue 10:00am to 12:00pm

Pizza with Winnie the Pooh Join us as we take an adventure with Winnie the Pooh, we will enjoy story time and learn some of Pooh’s favorite healthy pizza toppings. Each participant will get to try their favorites out during snack time. Ages 2 to 5 $6.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #41101 Jan 31 Thu 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Get Going Guide

Your tot can make new friends and play with a variety of interactive, age-appropriate toys and games. Parental participation required. Ages 3 to 5 $2.00

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #41017 Ongoing Tue/Thu 10:00am-11:00am

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39693 #39763 #39764 #39765 #39767

Dec 13 Thu Dec 27 Thu Jan 10 Thu Jan 24 Thu Feb 28 Thu

10:30am to 11:30am 10:30am to 11:30am 10:30am to 11:30am 10:30am to 11:30am 10:30am to 11:30am

Sugar Creek Recreation Center #40694 Dec 11 Tue

10:00am to 1:00pm

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center #40639 Ongoing Thu 10:00am to 1:00pm

West Charlotte Recreation Center #41010 Jan 8 #41012 Jan 15 #41013 Jan 22 #41014 Jan 29 #41011 Feb 5 #41015 Feb 12 #41016 Feb 19

Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue

10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am 10:00am to 11:00am

The cool place for pre-schoolers to visit or to have a birthday party! Features five great sites with different amenities. Visit and play, for just $2.00 or less per visit - or rent the playroom for a party for only $41.00/hour!

Ray’s Playhouse Families are encouraged to interact and have fun in our Youth Activity Room. Enjoy age appropriate toys and get your child ready for school through play. Parent involvement required. (See ad to right) Ages 6 months to 7 years $1.00

Hickory Grove Recreation Center #40536 Ongoing Mon-Fri 12:00pm-5:30pm

Snacks with Scooby Doo Join us and one of our favorite characters for story and craft time. We will have a healthy snack and even make one to take home for our favorite 4 legged friends. For more information, contact TomSykesRecreationCenter@ MecklenburgCountyNC.gov or 704.432.4803. Ages 2 to 5 $6.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #41100 Feb 28 Thu

5:30pm to 6:30pm

Tuck’s Tots Join other preschoolers as we explore games, arts & crafts, and other fun activities together. For more information, contact TuckaseegeeRecreationCenter@ MecklenburgCountyNC.gov or 704.432.6472. All Ages FREE Tuckaseegee Recreation Center #40007 Dec 4-Dec 18 Tu 10:00am- 11:00am #40008 Jan 8-Jan 29 Tu 10:00am 11:00am #40009 Feb 5-Feb 26 Tu 10:00am 11:00am

Winter 2012-2013

Berewick Recreation Center 5910 Dixie River Road Charlotte, NC 28278 704-432-4934 Hickory Grove Recreation Center 6709 Pence Road Charlotte, NC 28215 704-432-4811 Mallard Creek Recreation Center 2530 Johnston-Oehler Road Charlotte, NC 28269 704-548-8234 Southview Recreation Center 1720 Vilma Street Charlotte, NC 28208 704-392-7452 Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center 440 Tuckaseegee Road Charlotte, NC 28208 704-432-6775



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation



2012 Winter Programs & Activities Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Elementary Programs & Activities 4-H Club Programs 4H Health & Fitness Join the 4H group to learn about staying healthy and leading healthy lifestyles, using health projects and activities (curriculum by the National 4H Cooperative). Ages 6 to 10 FREE

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #40144 Jan 15-Feb 19 Tue 4:00pm-5:00pm

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #39214 Dec 7 #39215 Jan 4 #39216 Feb 1

Fri 5:00pm to 6:00pm Fri 5:00pm to 6:00pm Fri 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center #40356 Dec 14 #40416 Jan 11 #40417 Feb 8

Fri Fri Fri

5:00pm to 6:00pm 5:00pm to 6:00pm 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Fort Building Fridays Kids will design a template for their forts and we will build them together with materials we gather from around the facility. Participants will use teamwork and engineering skills to complete their forts. Ages 5 to 10 $5.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #40314 Dec 7 #40315 Jan 4 #40316 Feb 1

Fri Fri Fri

2:45pm to 5:00pm 2:45pm to 5:00pm 2:45pm to 5:00pm

Fun Fridays Join us for exciting programs and recreational activities every 2nd and 4th Friday. Ages 5 to 11 FREE Fri Fri

#40609 Ongoing



After School Recreation Time Don’t be bored after school; join us for games, arts and crafts and much more! Ages 6 to 12 FREE Arbor Glen Outreach Center #40229 Ongoing Tue,Wed,Fri 5:00pm-6:00pm

Creative Writing After School Children will be provided with fun, exciting and imaginative ways to express their voices through writing. Ages 7 to 11 $25.00

Berewick Recreation Center #40157 Jan 23-Feb 27 Wed

Get Going Guide



Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.


Sugaw Creek Recreation Center Jan 25 Feb 1 Feb 8 Feb 15 Feb 22

Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri

5:00pm to 7:00pm 5:00pm to 7:00pm 5:00pm to 7:00pm 5:00pm to 7:00pm 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Basketball Academy Sizzling Sports Afternoons! Participants will have fun learning the basics of different sports; soccer, football, basketball, and some non-traditional sports. This program meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month and pre-registration is required. Ages 6 to 12 $5.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center

After School Programs

Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39.

#40826 #40827 #40828 #40829 #40831

Club: Arbor Glen 4-H

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center

3. COME to the location where the program is offered.

Baseball Hitting Clinic

11:00am to 1:00pm

Arbor Glen Outreach Center

2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program.

Learn proper skills and techniques through innovative and situational drills. Ages 8 to 12 $5.00

Marion Diehl Recreation Center

#40216 Ongoing Mon & Thu 5:00pm-6:00pm

1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number.

6:00pm to 7:00pm 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Homeschool students will use the Treasures of the 4-H curriculum and complete a variety of activities in areas of plants, animals, foods, citizenship, communications and leadership. Ages 6 to 17 $2.00

Come learn the principles of 4-H: healthy hearts, heads, hands, and health, and many other life skills. You will enjoy fun activities and games using the 4-H curriculum: Health Rocks! and Arts & Crafts Ages 6 to 12 FREE

Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option:

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center #39668 Dec 14 #39669 Dec 28

Club: 4-H Homeschool

#39930 Ongoing Fri

Register 1 of 3 Ways:

#36712 #36713 #36714 #36715 #36716

Dec 13 Jan 10 Jan 24 Feb 14 Feb 28

Thu Thu Thu Thu Thu

2:45pm to 5:00pm 2:45pm to 5:00pm 2:45pm to 5:00pm 2:45pm to 5:00pm 2:45pm to 5:00pm

Youth Fun Time Supervised activities include group games, competitions, snacks, arts & crafts, guest speakers and more. Ages 7 to 12 FREE

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #40606 #40607 #40608 #40612 #40613

Winter 2012-2013

Dec 11 Jan 8 Jan 29 Feb 12 Feb 26

Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue

4:30pm to 6:00pm 4:30pm to 6:00pm 4:30pm to 6:00pm 4:30pm to 6:00pm 4:30pm to 6:00pm

We focus on the fundamentals of the game, by stressing teamwork and sportsmanship. Get better as a player with drills and physical training. Ages 8 to 12 $5.00

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #31954 Feb 26 #40707 Feb 28

Tue Thu

6:30pm to 8:30pm 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Charlotte Cheer Elite: Cheer & Gymnastics Ready for the Next Level! Come experience Cheer Athletics with Charlotte Cheer Elite. Our dynamic cheer staff is eager to provide challenging instruction in gymnastics, cheer motions, jumps, stunts and dance. We also offer an opportunity to participate on our competition teams. For more information, contact Latoya Cornish at 704.241.1871 or visit www.charlottecheerelite.com. Ages 6 to 12 $10.00

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #39369 Ongoing Mon

6:00pm to 8:00pm

For More Information or to Register Visit

www.parkandrec.com www.parkandrec.com


Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Elementary Programs & Activities Cultural Arts

Cheerleading: Cheerleading Clinic GO! TEAM! GO! Learn the fundamentals of cheerleading. Ages 6 to 11 $1.00

Martin Luther King School Recreation Site #33164 Jan 23 Mon

6:00pm to 7:30pm

Come play the game of soccer with emphasis on learning the basic skills of soccer and having fun. Ages 6 to 12 FREE

Winget School Recreation Site

#40445 Dec 6-Jan 31 Thu 7:30pm to 8:30pm

Just Us Girls Basketball Academy Players will have an opportunity to develop their self confidence and awareness by learning skills and fundamentals of basketball. Ages 6 to 12 $2.00

Sugaw Creek Recreation Center Fri

9:00am to 5:00pm

Sports around the World We are bringing sports of the world to our backyard. Learn about badminton, cricket, table tennis and more. Ages 7 to 12 FREE

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #40572 Dec 12


4:00pm to 5:00pm

Sports Prep Need help reaching the next level in your sport? Receive guided instruction and conditioning in the sports of Track, Football and Basketball. Ages 10 to 17 FREE

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #40585 Dec 11


4:00pm to 5:00pm

Sports: Basketball & Beyond Clinics Boys and girls will participate in basic fundamentals and individual basketball drills, as they look to improve their overall skills. Ages 8 to 14 $15.00

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #40098 #40099 #40100 #40708

Dec 21 Jan 21 Feb 18 Jan 22

Come learn the fundamentals and craft of acting/ drama. Ages 8 to 16 FREE

Tuckaseegee Recreation Center #39968 Ongoing

Indoor Soccer

#40698 Jan 18

Acting Workshops

Fri Mon Mon Tue

9:00am to 5:00pm 9:00am to 5:00pm 9:00am to 5:00pm 9:00am to 5:00pm


6:00pm to 8:00pm

Art Adventures Build the fundamentals of art awareness and learn the ‘language’ of art. Explore drawing, painting, collage, and construction, designed around themes to develop your imagination and observation skills. Art Adventures meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month and pre-registration is required. Ages 6 to 10 $3.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #36674 #36675 #36676 #36677 #36678

Dec 4 Dec 18 Jan 15 Feb 5 Feb 19

Tue 2:45pm to 4:00pm Tue 2:45pm to 4:00pm Tue 2:45pm to 4:00pm Tue 2:45pm to 4:00pm Tue 2:45pm to 4:00pm

KidzArt This is an international drawing-based program where through guided instruction, children learn to ‘see’ like artists and draw what they see. For more information, contact www. kidzartcharlotte.com or 704.843.5439. Ages 6 to 12 $264.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #40317 Ongoing


2:45pm to 4:00pm

Art: Grandparents and Me Let’s have fun with grandma or grandpa or both! Within an hour, staff will encourage grandparent and child to interact in a creative and challenging environment. Ages 1 to 5 $2.00

Hickory Grove Recreation Center #40954 Feb 19


1:00pm to 2:00pm

Arts and Crafts Participants will learn about and engage in a variety of arts & crafts activities. Ages 6 to 11 $5.00

Berewick Recreation Center Winter Arts and Crafts #40152 Dec 3 Mon 5:30pm to 7:00pm Christmas Arts and Crafts #40153 Dec 17 Mon 5:30pm to 7:00pm Valentine’s Day Arts and Crafts #40154 Feb 11 Mon 5:30pm to 7:00pm

For More Information or to Register Visit


Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013

Crafty Kids Kids develop artistic expression and creativity through arts/crafts. Each project will be a make and take. Ages 6 to 15 FREE

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #40562 Dec 23 #40563 Jan 27 #40564 Feb 24

Sun Sun Sun

1:00pm to 2:00pm 2:00pm to 3:00pm 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Arts & Crafts 101 This program helps children develop their creativity in a nurturing, non-competitive environment. These classes encourage children to develop new talents, confidence, and selfesteem, while exploring a broad spectrum of the arts and humanities. Ages 5 to 17 * FREE *

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center #31924 Ongoing Fri

3:00pm to 6:00pm

Southview Recreation Center #39998 Ongoing Sat

10:00am to 1:00pm

Dance & Music Dance: Ballet Dance Come mesmerize yourself and get fit through the art of dance! Ages 4 to 12 $5.00

Tuckaseegee Recreation Center #39971 Ongoing Tue, Fri 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Dance Academy Children will be exposed to various dance forms through this program Ages 5 to 9 $40.00

Berewick Recreation Center Budding Ballerinas Ages 5 to 6 #41266 Jan 10-Mar 7 Thu 5:30pm to 6:00pm Tiny Tappers Ages 5 to 6 #41267 Jan 10-Mar 7 Thu 6:00pm to 6:30pm Jazz’n Juniors Ages 5 to 6 #41268 Jan 10-Mar 7 Thu 6:30pm to 7:00pm Beginning Ballet Ages 7 to 9 #40436 Jan 10-Mar 7 Thu 7:00pm to 7:30pm Beginning Tap Ages 7 to 9 #40437 Jan 10-Mar 7 Thu 7:30pm to 8:00pm Beginning Jazz Ages 7 to 9 #40438 Jan 10-Mar 7 Thu 8:00pm to 8:30pm

Dance Academy Learn various dance forms to express yourself and enhance yourself image. Ages 6 to 11 FREE

Southview Recreation Center #40001 Ongoing


5:30pm to 6:30pm



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Elementary Programs & Activities North Carolina Dance Theatre: School of Dance: Beginner Ballet I Fundamental exercises of ballet are introduced while maintaining an emphasis on musicality, development of overall body strength, alignment and the enjoyment of moving. Students expand their knowledge of French ballet terminology at this level. For more information or to register visit: www.ncdance. org/earlydivision Ages 6 to 7 $70.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #40318 Ongoing


10:30am to 11:30am

Music: CSA Piano Lessons

Hip Hop Dance This class is designed to promote coordination, confidence, artistic expression and physical fitness through the development of rhythmical awareness and dance education. For more information, contact Young Champions of America at 1.888.655.9404 or 919.535.8304. Ages 6 and older $7.00

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #39233 Ongoing Mon 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Hickory Grove Recreation Center #40526 Ongoing Wed 5:30pm to 8:00pm

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39427 Ongoing Wed 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Broadway Mini Actors Learn the basics of acting through arts and crafts, activities, and games. Children will perform a play on the last day for friends and family. Ages 6 to 10 $45.00

Elon Recreation Center #40515 Ongoing Mon,Tue,Thu 3:00pm-7:00pm

Music: CSA Suzuki Violin Classes Ongoing: In addition to violin instruction, your child can have more personal lessons taught by professionally certified instructors who teach the repertoire and teachings philosophy of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. For more information, contact the Community School of the Arts 704.887.0291 or www.csarts.org. Ages 5 to 30 $49.00

Elon Recreation Center #40518 Ongoing Tue,Wed,Fri 3:00pm-7:00pm

Berewick Recreation Center

Dance Youth will receive an introduction to the fundamentals of dance that include the different mediums such as hip hop, lyrical, ballet, and modern dance Ages 6 to 16 FREE

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #40291 Ongoing

Could your child be the next musical prodigy? Learn to play the instrument that has made many people famous. For more information, contact the Community School of the Arts 704.887.0291 or www.csarts.org. Ages 5 to 18 $47.00


5:00pm to 6:00pm

Dance: Keata’s Performing Arts Studio Students will learn the basics of ballet, jazz, hip hop, lyrical, gymnastics and will participate in local performances. For more information contact Keata Perdue @ Keata.Perdue@gmail. com or 704.726.6554. Ages 4 to 18 FREE

Ray’s Splash Planet #39738 Ongoing Mon,Wed 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Dance: Making a Difference Everywhere (M.A.D.E.) M.A.D.E. - Making A Difference Everywhere, cheer and dance provides fun, structured classes that will help your child learn the basics of ballet, tap, hip-hop, jazz and cheer. Financial aid is available. For more information, contact Eisha Williamson at madecheerdance@hotmail. com or 704.333.4062. Ages 3 to 15 $45.00

Elon Recreation Center

#40419 Ongoing Tue,Thu 5:30pm to 8:30pm

#40167 Ongoing Tue

5:30pm to 6:30pm

Cheer: Young Champions Ongoing: Children will learn the basics and improve their current skills of cheer, dance, and stunts. For more information, contact Young Champions at 1.877.313.6893. Ages 4 to 18 $7.00

Berewick Recreation Center #40361 Ongoing Tue

5:45pm to 9:00pm

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39430 Ongoing Tue

5:30pm to 8:30pm

Step Team: RPSA Steppers Come out and learn steps and dances. We will work together to create a fun, up beat routine of dance moves and steps. Ages 5 to 9 $15.00

Revolution Park Sports Academy RPSAST (ages 5-9) #33567 Feb 6-Mar 3 Mon, Sat 5:30pm-7:00pm

Educational Science Made Fun! Participants will be able to explore various realms in the science field. For more information, contact 704.561.9996 or visit www.madscience.com/charlotte Ages 5 to 11 $99.00

Berewick Recreation Center #32271 Feb 9-Mar 29 Thu 2:30pm to 4:30pm

Academy of Achievers Urban Book Club Join us for activities that will encourage academic growth and achievement. Read an age-appropriate book as a group and have open discussions to ensure reading comprehension. Ages 6 to 11 FREE

Southview Recreation Center

#31758 Jan 4-Jan 18 Wed 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Music: CSA Guitar Lessons Ongoing: Could your child be the next musical prodigy? Learn to play the instrument that has made many people famous. For more information, contact the Community School of the Arts 704.887.0291 or www.csarts.org. Ages 5 to 18 $47.00

Elon Recreation Center #40512 Ongoing Wed 3:00pm to 7:00pm

Ray’s Splash Planet #39715 Ongoing


6:00pm to 7:45pm

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #36320 Ongoing


Get Going Guide

For More Information or to Register Visit

6:00pm to 8:30pm

Winter 2012-2013




Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Elementary Programs & Activities Lego Engineering Learn by making and developing creative, social and expressive skills. We will work together to build cool projects. On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month and requires preregistration. Ages 5 to 10 $3.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #36342 Dec 11 #40311 Dec 14 #36344 Jan 8 #40312 Jan 11 #40313 Feb 8 #36346 Feb 12 #36347 Feb 26

Tue Fri Tue Tue Fri Tue Tue

2:45pm to 4:00pm 2:45pm to 4:00pm 2:45pm to 4:00pm 2:45pm to 4:00pm 2:45pm to 4:00pm 2:45pm to 4:00pm 2:45pm to 4:00pm

Fitness & Wellness

Karate Kidz2 Youth and teens will be able to learn discipline, karate techniques, and form from a certified karate instructor. For more information, contact Johnny Wilson at 704.605.4628. Ages 7 to 17 FREE

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #40171 Ongoing


6:00pm to 8:00pm

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #39516 Ongoing


7:30pm to 8:30pm

Martial Arts: Young Champions Students are invited to learn martial arts and self-defense with Young Champions. For more information, contact Young Champions at 1.877.313.6893. Ages 4 to 18 $8.00

Berewick Recreation Center #40369 Ongoing


Holiday Activities Christmas Shopping Drop Off Need some time to do that last minute Christmas shopping? Drop the children off for a fun filled day of games, crafts and activities. Children need to bring their own bag lunch. Ages 6 to 13 $10.00

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #40754 Dec 22


10:00am to 3:00pm

Gift Making Delights Youth will learn how to make inexpensive gifts while socializing with their peers. Ages 7 to 12 $2.00

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #40170 Dec 21


1:30pm to 3:00pm

11:45am to 4:00pm

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #39357 Ongoing


5:30pm to 8:45pm

Colonel Francis Beatty Park #33543 Ongoing


5:15pm to 8:30pm

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39433 Ongoing


6:00pm to 8:30pm

Start Smart Golf Start Smart Golf is a developmentally appropriate introductory golf program that teaches children golf using fun, age appropriate equipment from SNAG® that can be used almost anywhere. Start Smart Golf prepares children for traditional golf without the threat of competition or the fear of failure. Ages 6 to 9 $55.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #40332 Dec 5-Jan 16 Wed 2:45pm to 4:00pm

Home School P.E. Kids learn healthy lifestyle choices and participate in gym games while making new friends. Tuckaseegee Recreation Center Ages 5 to 12 $2.00 #39983 Ongoing Tue

1:00pm to 2:00pm

Elon Recreation Center Ages 7 to 12 $2.00 #41361 Ongoing Tue

11:30am to 1:00pm

Ages 5 to 10 $50.00/Semester #41336 Ongoing Mon 11:00am to 11:50pm

Karate Kids Students will learn self-confidence, discipline, and physical fitness through lessons from a certified martial arts instructor. Ages 6 to 11 FREE

Southview Recreation Center Wed

Get Going Guide

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center #40658 Dec 5-Dec 26 Wed 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Mallard Creek Recreation Center

#40037 Ongoing

Tennis FUNdamentals Youth will learn the basic fundamentals of tennis with emphasis on rules of the game, court placement and conditioning. Ages 6 to 12 FREE

Young Inspiration – Y.I. Get Buckets Take part in basketball activities that include skills & drills, competitions, and more! Ages 6 to 11 FREE

Southview Recreation Center #40013 Ongoing Tue,Thu 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Naomi Drenan Christmas Special Families come together and enjoy games, music, and other activities to lift the spirits. Come learn the true meaning of the holiday season. Ages 3 to 10 FREE

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center #40393 Dec 21


11:00am to 1:00pm

Reindeer Games Reindeer Games is a series of games involving reindeer skills. Three or more events make up the reindeer games and the reindeer with the best skills gets a special prize! Ages 5 to 14 FREE

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #40656 Dec 1 Sat

1:00pm to 3:00pm

Register 1 of 3 Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option: 1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39.

For More Information or to Register Visit

6:00pm to 7:30pm

Winter 2012-2013


Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.



Elementary Programs & Activities Social Activities Fantastic Fridays We will kick back and relax and just play. Bring your friends and gear up for an afternoon of fun and excitement. Pre-registration is required. Ages 6 to 10 $5.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #36692 Jan 25 Fri #36693 Feb 22 Fri

2:45pm to 5:00pm 2:45pm to 5:00pm

Games Galore Enjoy an opportunity to play cards, board games, video games and make new friends. Ages 7 to 14 FREE

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #31823 Ongoing Thu-Fri 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Girl Scouts Scouting helps girls develop their full individual potential, relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect. It develops values to guide actions and provide the foundation for sound decision-making as well as contributes to the improvement of society using their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others. Ages 6 to 11 FREE

Berewick Recreation Center Girl Scout Brownies Troop 3437 #40372 Ongoing Tue 6:00pm to 7:00pm #40378 Ongoing Sun 3:00pm to 4:00pm Girl Scouts – Juniors Troop 307 #40375 Ongoing Wed 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Girl Scouts - Brownies Girl Scouts Brownies (grades 2-3) work together, earn Girl Scout Brownie Awards, and explore their community. Friendship, fun, and age-appropriate activities begin at the Girl Scout Brownie meeting and move out to the community and wider world. For more information, contact Heather Ruckterstuhl at hrwolfe@bellsouth.net

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #36361 Ongoing


6:00pm to 7:30pm

Interactive Gaming

Parents Night Out

Sharpen your skills through interactive video games including the latest games. Interactive Gaming meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month and requires pre-registration. Ages 6 to 12 $2.00

Need to go shopping or want to go out for dinner? Parents, enjoy your night out! We will provide lots of fun activities, games, arts & crafts, and sports activities. Light refreshments will be provided. Ages 6 to 14 $5.00 (AG) $15.00 (TS)

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #36684 #36685 #36686 #36687 #36688 #36689

Dec 6 Dec 20 Jan 3 Jan 17 Feb 7 Feb 21

Th Th Th Th Th Th

2:45pm to 5:00pm 2:45pm to 5:00pm 2:45pm to 5:00pm 2:45pm to 5:00pm 2:45pm to 5:00pm 2:45pm to 5:00pm

School Day Out

CMS Out-of-School and Teacher Workday Programs Out of School PLAY Days

(Positive Leisure Activities for Youth) offers a variety of activities on CMS Out of School days to keep participants moving and engaged. Activities may include games, social time, fitness and some field trips and are offered at multiple recreation centers on various schedules. Ages 5 to 12 $10.00

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #40622 #40623 #40626 #40627 #40628 #40629 #40630 #40631

Dec 21 Dec 26 Dec 27 Dec 28 Dec 31 Jan 21 Jan 22 Feb 18

Fri Wed Thu Fri Mon Mon Tue Mon

8:30am to 5:30pm 8:30am to 5:30pm 8:30am to 5:30pm 8:30am to 5:30pm8:30am to 5:30pm 8:30am to 5:30pm 8:30am to 5:30pm 8:30am to 5:30pm

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center #40614 #40615 #40616 #40632 #40634

Dec 27 Dec 28 Jan 22 Feb 18 Jan 21

Thu Fri Tue Mon Mon

9:00am to 5:00pm 9:00am to 5:00pm 9:00am to 5:00pm 9:00am to 5:00pm 9:00am to 5:00pm

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #40753 Dec 7


6:00pm to 9:00pm

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #41004 Jan 3 #41005 Feb 7

Thu 5:30pm to 8:30pm Thu 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Out of School - PLAY Days We’re offering a variety of activities to keep participants moving and engaged. Fun activities may include sports, group games, fitness, art and crafts. Ages 5 to 11 $20.00

Berewick Recreation Center #40155 Jan 21 #40156 Feb 18

Mon 9:00am to 5:00pm Mon 9:00am to 5:00pm

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39753 Jan 22 #39754 Feb 18

Tue 7:00am to 6:00pm Mon 7:00am to 6:00pm

Elon Recreation Center Ages 8 to 12 $20.00 #41360 Jan 22 Tue

9:00am to 5:00pm

Play the Day Away Schools out and all we want to do is play. Ages 6 to 10 $25.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #36353 Dec 27 #36354 Dec 28 #38296 Jan 21

Thu 9:00am to 5:00pm Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm Mon 9:00am to 5:00pm

Skating at Starlight Skating provides great exercise and an opportunity to get out of the house... skating is fun! Ages 6 to 17 $5.00

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #40446 Dec 21


11:00am to 3:00pm

Martin Luther King School Recreation Site #28531 Jan 23

Mon 12:00pm to 3:00pm

Girl Scouts - Daisy Troop 1035 Girl Scout Daisies are in grades K-1 and meet in a nurturing, inclusive environment. They go on trips, learn about nature and science, and explore the arts and their communities. Girl Scout Daisies can also earn Learning Petals and receive participation patches. For more information, contact Lee Ann Clark at wilson9229@bellsouth.net

CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number.

Tom Sykes Recreation Center

Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.

#36368 Ongoing

Register One of Three Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select one option: COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed throughout this guide.

CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed.

Tue 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



SPOTLIGHT ON: Youth Sports Youth Sports Philosophy The Youth Sports Philosophy in Mecklenburg County is based on three main goals:

1. Safety 2. Fun 3. Participation development based on the following: Everyone Plays - Providing opportunities to learn skills and improve conditioning by minimizing roster sizes and ensuring that players play at least half of every game. Balanced Teams - Building teams that are evenly balanced with regard to skill level and ability. Positive Coaching - Providing training and education for coaches to assist in the development of the player’s self-worth and confidence. Sportsmanship - Creating a positive environment that fosters mutual respect.

Youth Baseball and YOUTH TRACK AND FIELD Softball Leagues Age Divisions: 4 -18 Age Divisions: 3-5, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 (Age as of Dec 1, 2013) & 11-12 (Age as of May 1, 2013) Girls and Boys Girls, Boys and Co-Ed leagues Registration Period: Feb 1 - 28 are available Cost: Registration Period: Feb 1 - 28 $65.00 (Includes uniform and award) Costs: $45.00 ages 3-5 (Start Smart) $55.00 ages 5-6 (Tee Ball) For More Information or to Register Visit $65.00 ages 7 & up


VOLUNTEER TO BE A YOUTH SPORTS COACH! Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department Youth Sports Leagues rely heavily on the support of volunteer coaches. Anyone who may be interested in volunteering as a head or assistant coach should contact their preferred recreation center to begin the application process. Any parent choosing to be a volunteer head coach will receive a refund for $65.00 at the completion of the season for their child’s registration fee. Refund limited to one child. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION & RESOURCES www.parkandrec.com Or call the Athletics Division: 704.432.4963

Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department encourages and promotes inclusive leisure experiences in all of our programs, activities and sports. Inclusive leisure experiences enhance opportunities for people of varying abilities to participate and interact in life’s activities together with dignity. It also provides an environment that promotes and fosters physical, social and psychological inclusion of people with diverse experiences and skill levels. Inclusion enhances individuals’ potential for full and active participation in leisure activities and experiences.

For more information contact YouthSports@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation



2012 Winter Programs & Activities Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Teen Programs & Activities 4-H Club Programs

Register 1 of 3 Ways:

4H Health & Fitness - High School

Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option:

Join the 4H group in learning about staying healthy and leading healthy lifestyles using health projects and activities (curriculum by the National 4H Cooperative). Ages 15 to 18 FREE

1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program.

Albemarle Road Recreation Center

3. COME to the location where the program is offered.

#40145 Ongoing Thu 4:00pm to 5:00pm

Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39.

After School Programs

Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.

Teen Excel Program To assist teens to excel in academics and life through after school tutoring, team building activities, social activities, life skills, and out of school day trips. Ages 13 to 18 $50.00

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #41323 Ongoing Mon - Fri 4:00pm-6:00pm

Athletics Fencing Join the School of Fencing group and learn the ins and outs of one of the world’s oldest sports. Fencing is fast paced, exciting and challenging, but a safe and fun activity. For more information, call Adam Kuchavik at 704.654.6739 or www.schooloffencing.com. Ages 9 to 50 $75.00

Scott’s Creation Basketball Skills Clinics Participants will gain the optimal skill set and athletic ability to be able to perform at their highest potential! For more information, contact Scotty10scott@aim.com, 704.287.2755 or www.scottcreations.net Ages 13 to 19 $2.00 / $20.00

Marion Diehl Recreation Center #39947 Ongoing Tue #39947 Ongoing Sun

Hot Shot Basketball Test your skills on the court Ages 13 to 17 FREE

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #40777 Dec 29

Elon Recreation Center

Show off your skills and participate in fun basketball drills to help develop your game. Drills will focus on dribbling, passing and shooting. Ages 12 to 17 FREE

West Charlotte Recreation Center #41018 Jan 8 #41019 Jan 15 #41020 Jan 29

Tu Tue Tue

3:00pm to 4:00pm 3:00pm to 4:00pm 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Skillz-N-Drillz GATORBALL Edition (Football/Soccer) #41021 Jan 10-Jan 31 Thu 3:00pm to 4:30pm

Kings of the Court Structured open play with the clock running and lots of competition. If you enjoy playing the game, this program is for you! Ages 12 to 17 FREE

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #40204 Ongoing Tue, Thu ,Fri 3:30pm- 5:30pm

Get Going Guide


10:00am to 12:30pm

Cultural Arts

#40484 Ongoing Mon 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Basketball: Clinic

8:00pm to 9:00pm 1:33pm to 3:33pm

Afro Russe Everybody Dance Program is designed to inspire, build character, and give students an all around cultural and dance experience by fusing African, Ballet, and Contemporary Dance. . For more information, contact Elsie Mufuka at mufukaworks@gmail. com or 843.441.8803 Ages 13 and older $1.00 / $6.00 / $18.00

Albemarle Road Recreation Center Middle School #38987 Ongoing Thu High School #38980 Ongoing Thu

6:15pm to 7:15pm 7:15pm to 8:30pm

Black History: Athletes in Action Help create a display showing Black History through Sports. Ages 12 to 17 FREE

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #40657

Winter 2012-2013

Feb 4


4:30pm to 6:00pm

Writers Block Youth are encouraged to voice themselves through creative writing, poetry, or song. They also learn to recognize internal and external obstacles and how to deal with them in a positive manner. Ages 12 to 17 FREE

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center #31946 Ongoing Fri

3:00pm to 6:00pm

Music: Piano Lessons By appointment only. Lessons are available for all ages and skill levels. For more information, contact Amouel Brackett at amouel@aol.com or 704.965.1235. All Ages $18.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #36271 By Appointment

Sports Around the World This program brings sports of the world to our backyard. Learn about Badminton, Cricket, Table Tennis and much more. Ages 13 to 17 FREE

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #40573 Dec 12

Wed 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Broadway Super Star Actors Participants will learn the basics of acting through activities, arts & crafts and theatre games. The class will write the script and give a performance on the last night for family members. Ages 11 to 15 $45.00

Berewick Recreation Center #40336 Ongoing Tue 6:30pm to 7:30pm

For More Information or to Register Visit

www.parkandrec.com www.parkandrec.com


Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Teen Programs & Activities Cheer & Dance: Young Champions

Educational Programs

Ongoing: Children will learn the basics and improve their current skills of cheer, dance, and stunts during this 17 week session with Young Champions. For more information, contact Young Champions at 1.877.313.6893. Ages 5 to 17 $8.00

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #28505 Ongoing Thu

6:00pm to 8:00pm

Sky Hy Step and Drill Team March, dance, drum, and compete in step shows, contests, community events with the beat of learning discipline, self esteem and having fun. Ages 5 to 17 FREE

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center #31931 Ongoing Mon,Wed 4:00pm-8:00pm

Performing Arts Club In partnership with Eastway Middle School, the students write and perform poetry, plays and music. First Thursday each month. Ages 12 to 15 FREE Methodist Home Recreation Center #40987 Dec 6 Thu 1:00pm to 3:00pm #40988 Jan 3 Thu 1:00pm to 3:00pm #40989 Feb 7 Thu 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Step Team: RPSA Steppers Come out and learn steps and dances. We will work together to create a fun, upbeat routine. Ages 10 to 13 $15.00

Revolution Park Sports Academy #33559 Ongoing Mon & Wed 5:30pm-7:00pm

Berewick Dance AcademyTeen Hip-Hop Teens will have the opportunity to experience and learn various dance forms . Ages 10 to 15 $45.00

Berewick Recreation Center #40439 Ongoing


7:45pm to 8:30pm

College Bound Mentoring Need help preparing for college? This is the program for you! Program is designed to offer life coaching, SAT prep, college tours, guest speakers, and personal development workshops. Ages 14 to 18 $3.00 Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39959 Nov 1 Thu 5:30pm to 7:00pm #39960 Nov 14 Wed 5:30pm to 7:00pm #39961 Nov 28 Wed 5:30pm to 7:00pm #40471 Dec 5 Wed 5:30pm to 7:00pm #40472 Jan 26 Sat 8:00am to 12:00pm #39962 Feb 6 Wed 5:30pm to 7:00pm #39963 Feb 20 Wed 5:30pm to 7:00pm

Girls Club Weekly celebration of learning, exploration, and decision making for young women. Ages 6 to 11 FREE

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center #31955 Jan 11-Jan 20 Wed,Fri 5:00pm-8:00pm

Teens TOGETHER Program contributes to leadership development, education, career development and healthy living/personal development. Ages 13 to 17 FREE

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center #32375 Ongoing Tue,Thu 6:00pm- 9:00pm

Academic Achievers Designed for students who would like structured academic support in order to achieve their very best. Ages 7 to 17 FREE

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #39217 Ongoing Tue & Wed 4:30am-5:30am

1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39.Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.

Fitness & Wellness Fitness: Jump X-Treme To motivate and encourage youth to use jump ropes for sport, cross training, fitness, weight loss, and recreational jump rope as a way of life. Ages 15 to 18 $35.00 Naomi Drenan Recreation Center #39674 Ongoing Thu 5:00pm to 7:00pm Sugaw Creek Recreation Center #41104 Ongoing Tue 6:00pm to 7:00pm Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #41287 Ongoing Fri 6:00pm to 7:00pm Elon Recreation Center #41384 Ongoing Wed 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Home School PE- 6th-12th grade This program gives the child an opportunity to participate in a traditional P.E. class and make new friends. Ages 12 to 18 $50.00

Mallard Creek Recreation Center

#39751 Ongoing Mon 10:00am to10:50am

iFit: Foundation

Boys Club Designed to teach young men how to make positive decisions and obtain strong leadership skills. Ages 11 to 13 FREE

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center #40589 Ongoing Wed 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Writeous Ink Creative Writing Class Expand your mind and learn a new way of expressing yourself. Ages 9 to 14 FREE

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center #40659 Dec 3

Register 1 of 3 Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option:

Mon 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Teens will challenge themselves to build a solid fitness foundation by performing exercises to improve strength, endurance, balance, flexibility and overall fitness. Ages 14 to 18 FREE

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #40456 Ongoing Thu

Martial Arts: Young Champions Students are invited to learn martial arts and self-defense through this 16 week session. For more information, contact Young Champions at 1.877.313.6893. Ages 12 to 18 $8.00

Albemarle Road Recreation Center

#39360 Ongoing Tue

Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013

3:00pm to 4:00pm

5:30pm to 8:45pm



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Teen Programs & Activities Social Activities

Hip-Hop Dance Do you love to Dance? Come learn the latest dance moves while at the same time meeting new people. Ages 11 to 16 FREE

H.O.M.E. (Helping Our Males Excel) Teen Club Workshops, guest speakers and trips will be a part of this teen mentor program. Ages 13 to 18 FREE

Tuckaseegee Recreation Center #39980 Ongoing Tue

6:00pm to 7:00pm

Arbor Glen Outreach Center

Shukokai Karate

#40752 Dec 5

Improved gross motor skills, reflexes, agility, focus, discipline, confidence and determination. This style of karate teaches the student to use the biggest muscle groups of the body to generate power and speed. For more information, contact Sensei Ruiz at CharlotteShukokai@gmail.com or www. facebook.com/CharlotteShukokai Ages 6 and up $75.00

Wed 6:00am to 7:30pm

Interactive Games – Game Daze Test your ability and skills against fellow game fanatics. Games will include interactive video games, board games, and non-traditional sports/group games Ages 12 to 17 FREE

Holiday Activities

West Charlotte Recreation Center #41076 Ongoing Mon 2:30pm to 4:30pm

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #40329 Ongoing Tue, Wed 5:00pm- 8:30pm

Teen Fit Club This program is designed to educate teens about healthy habits and promote fitness through exercise and weight training. Ages 12 to 17 $5.00

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #41282 Ongoing Tue ,Thu 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Friday Night Mixers Need time to yourself for a date, or to do some much needed Christmas shopping, or just get the kids out of the house for a few hours? Ages 6 to 13 $10.00

Methodist Home Recreation Center #40660 Dec 7 #40663 Dec 14 #40664 Dec 21

Fri Fri Fri

6:00pm to 8:30pm 6:00pm to 8:30pm 6:00pm to 8:30pm

School Day Out

Double Elimination Tournament. Bring your best three to see if you can stay alive on the floor. Program designed for youth to compete against each other in a safe and structured environment. Ages 13 to 18 $2.00

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #31753 Jan 21

Mon 3:30pm to 5:30pm

MeckTeens Ski Trip ROAD TRIP to the mountains. Enjoy your day out of school in the fresh air, skiing or snowboarding with food and more. For more information, contact Tari.Turner@ MecklenburgCountyNC.gov at 704.432.0061 Ages 11 to 18 $55.00

Departs Albemarle Road Recreation Center #39721 Jan 21

Mon 6:00am to 6:00pm

Get Going Guide



Team Building

CMS Out-of-School and Teacher Workday Programs Basketball: 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament

For More Information or to Register Visit

No School Scavenger Hunt Take an adventure to discover the unknown in a scavenger hunt with various themes. Ages 8 to 13 FREE

Methodist Home Recreation Center #40868 Feb 18

Mon 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Museum Visit Take a trip to uptown, we will visit the Harvey Gantt Museum as an activity in observance of MLK Day. Ages 13 to 17 $3.00

Winget School Recreation Site #32270 Jan 12


1:30pm to 5:30pm

Skating at Starlight Get out of the house and get some great exercise. Lace them up, get on the floor and join your peers, this is fun! Ages 6 to 17 $5.00

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #40446 Dec 21

Winter 2012-2013


11:00am to 3:00pm

The team building program will ensure self development, positive communication, leadership skills and the ability to work closely together as a team to problem solve. Ages 12 to 15 FREE

Martin Luther King School Recreation Site #28394 Feb 20

Mon 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Winter Break Activities Stay active during Winter Break through structured activities including; arts & crafts, Legos, board games, parachute games, indoor homerun derby, and more! Ages 6 to 11 $45.00

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #40452 Dec 26-Dec 28 Wed -Fri 9:00am-5:00pm

TEEN DAY OUT PARTY Socialize in a fun and safe environment while dancing to the latest music and gaming with the best. Ages 13 to 18 $3.00

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #41340 Feb 18

Mon 1pm to 3pm



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Teen Programs & Activities Teen Activity Night

Boy Scouts The mission of the Boy Scouts of America and the Mecklenburg County Council is to prepare young people to make ethical choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Ages 10 to 18 FREE

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center #40597 Ongoing Mon 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Club: D.I.V.A.S Step Team The D.I.V.A.S. female mentoring and step team will participate in fun trips and educational activities. Ages 9 to 15 FREE

Tuckaseegee Recreation Center #39974 Ongoing Sat

1:00pm to 3:00pm

We will have different activities the first Friday of each month. Teens will interact with peers in crafts, video games, and taking field trips around the county. Ages 13 to 17 $2.00

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #39735 Dec 7 #39736 Jan 4 #39737 Feb 1 Ages 11 to 15

Fri 4:00pm to 6:00pm Fri 4:00pm to 6:00pm Fri 4:00pm to 6:00pm $2.00

Elon Recreation Center #41373 Dec 7 #41374 Jan 4 #41376 Feb 1

Fri Fri Fri

6:00pm to 8:00pm 6:00pm to 8:00pm 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Are you bored? Join the teen club and plan fun activities for your friends. Ages 12 to 17 FREE

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center Ongoing


6:00pm to 7:00pm

Teen Date Night Participants will enjoy a night of supervised fun with games, snacks and activities in a safe environment. Ages 13 to 17 $5.00

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #40780 Dec 11 #40781 Jan 11 #40782 Feb 8

Game Night Show us your game skills. We will have board games, gaming systems and ping pong for you to play. Ages 8 to 17 FREE

Recreate, take field trips, do community service, and discuss college and technical schools. Ages 13 to 16 $2.00

Winget School Recreation Site #40448 Feb 27

Tue Fri Fri

6:00pm to 9:00pm 6:00pm to 9:00pm 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Youth Empowerment Breakfast Designed to teach youth how to make positive decisions and obtain strong leadership skills. Ages 8 to 18 FREE

Albemarle Road Recreation Center

Ongoing Fri

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Sister’s With Amazin’ Gifts Girls will participate in various activities that teach them how to be LADIES. Ages 12 to 14 FREE

Southview Recreation Center #40033 Ongoing Wed 5:30pm to 6:30pm

Games Time An opportunity to play cards, board games, video games and make new friends. Ages 8 to 14 FREE

Methodist Home Recreation Center #40855 Ongoing Wed 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013

9:00am to 1:00pm

MeckTeens Teen Council

Methodist Home Recreation Center #41325 Dec 11



MeckTeens Hearts @ Play MeckTeens Teen Council presents MeckTeens Heart at Play - a Valentine’s Day Fundraiser. Teens will enjoy life size games, music, light refreshments, and more. Come out and have a great time with your friends. Ages 11 to 17 $2.00

Methodist Home Recreation Center #41330 Feb 8




6:00pm to 7:30pm

#40700 Ongoing Thu


Be a part of planning and execution of MeckTeens programs and events. The Teen Council is designed to give teens a voice in the community and be a part of what happens for teens. For more information, contact Tari.Turner@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov or 704.432.0061. Ages 12 to 17 FREE

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center 39513

Wed 5:00pm to 10:00pm

Special Events

#40455 Nov 17

Teen Club


Teens In Action

College Tour Students will get a chance to explore some of the local colleges and universities. We will take guided tours and interact with the staff and students at each college. Bring money for lunch on campus. Ages 14 to 19 $5.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center UNC Charlotte & Davidson College #41006 Jan 22 Tue 9:00am to 5:00pm Queens University & Wingate University #41007 Feb 18 Mon 9:00am to 5:00pm

For More Information or to Register Visit

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Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation



2012 Winter Programs & Activities Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Family Programs & Activities Cultural Arts

Fitness & Wellness

Black History Display

Karate Kidz

This four-day event recognizes and celebrates contributions made by African Americans. Participants will enhance their knowledge of Black History. All Ages FREE

Youth and teens will be able to learn discipline, karate techniques, and form from a certified karate instructor. Ages 6 to 17 FREE

Martin Luther King School Recreation Ste

#40579 Ongoing Wed

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Register 1 of 3 Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option: 1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered.

#28530 Feb 13-Feb 16 Mon-Thu 6:00pm-7:30pm

Black History Extravaganza

Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39.

Celebrates contributions made by African Americans to History by viewing and contributing to our display. Participants will enhance their knowledge of Black History. All Ages FREE

Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.

Christmas: Brunch with Santa

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center

Tell Santa if you have been naughty or nice while making some fun holiday crafts for your favorite elves. Continental brunch provided. Ages 1 to 6 $5.00

#40551 Feb 18-Feb 22 Mon - Fri 12:00pm-7:00pm #40653 Feb 22 Fri 6:00pm to 8:00pm

#41355 Dec 13

#40791 Feb 8


6:00pm to 7:30pm

Sugaw Creek Recreation Center #40699 Jan 21

Mon 11:00am to 1:00pm

Elon Recreation Center

Martial Arts: Karate Students will learn self-confidence, discipline, and physical fitness through lessons from a certified black belt martial arts instructor. All Ages FREE


10:00am to 12:00pm

Christmas Creek Holiday Celebration

#39992 Ongoing Sat 10:00am to 12:00pm

To provide a fun filled and enjoyable holiday atmosphere for families. Door prizes, games refreshments and entertainment will be provided. All Ages FREE

Martial Arts: Tora Ha Kempo

#40696 Dec 21

Tuckaseegee Recreation Center

Sugaw Creek Recreation Center Fri

11:00am to 3:00pm

Learn safety awareness and self-defense through Martial Arts in a fun, structured and disciplined environment. For more information, contact Kevin Hinson at 704.533.2994. Ages 4 to 16 $5.00

Mallard Creek Recreation Center

Dance: Praise Dance

39436 Ongoing Mon 5:30pm to 9:00pm

Learn the basics of praise dance and participate in a recital at the end of this fun program. Separate classes for children, adults and seniors are offered at the recreation center. All Ages FREE

Marion Diehl Recreation Center 39943

Ongoing Wed 6:00pm to 8:00pm

William R Davie Park #33526 Ongoing Thu 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Tuckaseegee Recreation Center

Holiday Activities

#39977 Ongoing Thu 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Line Dancing

Christmas: Brunch with Santa

Join the fun way to relieve stress and learn the latest line dance moves, improve fitness and get a workout while making new friends! All Ages $6.00

Revolution Park Sports Academy

Tell Santa if you have been naughty or nice while making some fun holiday crafts for your favorite elves. Continental brunch provided. For more information, contact the recreation center listed. Ages 18 months to 6 $2.00

#30061 Ongoing Sat 1:30pm to 3:30pm #30062 Ongoing Wed 7:15pm to 8:15pm

#40591 Dec 15

Get Going Guide


Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center

Winter 2012-2013


9:00am to 11:00am

For More Information or to Register Visit

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Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Family Programs & Activities Christmas: Swim with Santa Yes, Virginia... there is a Santa Claus! Take pictures as Santa slides down the big three story Blue Comet Slide and relaxes in the Lazy River. Be sure to bring your wish list as Santa will be available for visits! Ages 12 and under $10.00

Ray’s Splash Planet #39884 Dec 20


5:00pm to 7:30pm

A Special Merry Christmas Join us for a delightful program as our youth share a fun Christmas program, play games, arts and crafts and culminating with a visit from Santa. Ages 3 to 7 $2.00

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center #41273 Dec 21


11:00am to 1:00pm

Father Daughter Date Night This event will be for daughters to bring their fathers or male guardian for a night of dancing. During the event there will be music, light refreshments and a photographer. Each daughter will be able to decorate their own picture frame. Dress is semi-formal. All Ages $10.00

Father Daughter Valentine’s Dance A semi-formal dance for young ladies ages 4-12 and their Father figures. An evening filled with dancing, socializing, and creating special memories that will last a lifetime. Ages 4 and older $5.00

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #40464 Feb 15


7:00pm to 9:00pm

McAdenville Christmas Lights Trip Join us as we enjoy an evening of Christmas Cheer viewing over 375 Christmas Trees and lights along the South Fork River in Gaston County, NC. Dinner on your own at Golden Corral. Ages 5 and older $5.00

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #41135 Dec 19

Wed 4:30pm to 10:00pm

Mother and Daughter Tea Party Celebrate Mother’s Day with a Tea Party. Games, crafts and light refreshments. All Ages FREE

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #31930 May 12


11:00am to 1:00pm

Elon Recreation Center #41372 Jan 18


6:00pm to 8:00pm

For More Information or to Register Visit


Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013

Winter Wonderland Enjoy the wonders of the winter with a fun day at Ivory/Baker Rec. Center. We will have crafts, stories, and activities going on all day, so stop on by! Ages 2 to 12 $2.00

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #40792 Dec 15

Sat 11:00am to 4:00pm

Social Activities Family Game Night Come socialize with friends and family while playing a variety of games and activities. Fun for all ages. Parent participation is required. All Ages FREE

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #39012 Ongoing Wed 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #40633 Jan 18 #40635 Feb 15

Fri Fri

5:00pm to 8:00pm 5:00pm to 8:00pm

Youth Pep Rally & Coaches Challenge Youth basketball pep rally to kick off the basketball season. We will also have the coaches challenge. All Ages FREE

Sugaw Creek Recreation Center #40693 Dec 8


11:00am to 2:00pm



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation



2012 Winter Programs & Activities Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Adult Programs & Activities Cooperative Extension Good Farmers Market Practices for Market Managers N.C. Good Farmer’s Market Practices is a new N.C. Cooperative Extension program developed to educate farmer’s market managers and vendors about measures to minimize food safety risks. The training focuses on Good Farmer’s Market Practices (GMFPs). This workshop will provide market managers’ valuable information to enhance the safety of products sold and practices at farmer’s markets across Mecklenburg County and surrounding areas. Lunch will be provided. Ages 18 and older $15.00

Basketball: Men’s 30 & Over ‘12 Winter League League is run through the athletics division, interested participants should contact Aaron Cheeks, Athletic Coordinator at 704-336-7639 or Aaron.Cheeks@MecklenburgoCountyNC.gov Ages 30 and older $450.00


Afro Russe Everybody DANCE

#33428 Feb 19-May 6 Sun 2:00pm to 6:00pm

This program is designed to inspire, build strong character, and give students an all around cultural and dance experience by fusing African, Ballet, and Contemporary Dance. Ages 18 and older $1.00 / $6.00 / $18.00

Lunch Time Basketball

#38983 Ongoing Thu 7:15pm to 8:15pm

Escape from work during lunch to relax and play a little hoops. Ages 18 and older $2.00

Arts: Jewelry Making Class

Hickory Grove Recreation Center

Albemarle Road Recreation Center

#39227 Ongoing Mon - Fri 12:00pm- 3:00p

Albemarle Road Recreation Center

Learn the basics of jewelry making. Participants will take their finished product home after class. Ages 18 and older $5.00

Hickory Grove Recreation Center

Armory Training Facility

#32361 Feb 24

Cultural Arts

#40958 Feb 5

9:30am to 2:00pm

Tue 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Master Gardener Training Class

Ballroom Dancing

Training series for new Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners. Ages 18 and older FREE

Learn various ballroom dancing techniques while meeting new friends with the Charlotte Purple Steppers Group. For more information Daniel Felton at 704.713.0919 or felton2307@ gmail.com Ages 16 and older $10.00

Armory Training Facility

#39467 Jan 15-Mar 21 Tue,Thu 9:00am-12:00pm

Mecklenburg Friends of Agriculture Meeting The purpose of the Mecklenburg Friends of Agriculture program is to build a network of businesses, institutions and individuals that support the local food economy in Mecklenburg and surrounding counties. Hosted by the Mecklenburg Cooperative Extension and NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences, this meeting will provide a time of networking and opportunity to learn about cutting edge developments in local foods. Breakfast included. This meeting will be held at the Ballantyne Hotel and Lodge (10000 Ballantyne Commons PKWY, Charlotte NC 28277) Ages 18 and older $12.00

Off Site - Ballantyne Hotel and Lodge

#32997 Feb 7 #33444 Mar 6

Tue Tue

7:00am to 8:30am 7:00am to 8:30am

Athletics Adult Volleyball Participants will learn the basic fundamentals and current techniques of volleyball, as well as more advanced strategies to become a more successful, confident and stronger player. Ages 18 and older $2.00

Marion Diehl Recreation Center

#39921 Ongoing Mon & Fri 6:00pm-8:00pm

Get Going Guide

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center

#39220 Ongoing Tue

6:30pm to 8:00pm

International Cooking Club Club members share food, recipes and cultural experiences. Classes take place on the 3rd Friday of each month. Ages 18 and older FREE

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center #40552 Dec 21

Volleyball:Co-Rec B (Recreation) Co-Rec B winter ‘11 volleyball league. Team registration only. For more information, contact Aaron Cheeks at 704-336-7639 or Aaron.Cheeks@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov All Ages $225.00

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center

#33445 Jan 23-Mar 26 Mon 6:00pm-9:00pm

Volleyball:Co-Rec BB (Intermediate) Co-Rec BB volleyball winter volleyball league. Team registration only. For more information, contact Aaron Cheeks at 704-336-7639 or Aaron.Cheeks@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov All Ages $225.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center

#33446 Feb 8-Apr 11 Wed 6:00pm- 9:00pm

Winter 2012-2013


6:00pm to 8:00pm

Register 1 of 3 Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option: 1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39. Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.

For More Information or to Register Visit

www.parkandrec.com www.parkandrec.com


Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Adult Programs & Activities Educational Programs Book Club Participants will discuss various topics and questions about the book of the month. For more information, contact the Recreation Center listed. Ages 18 and older FREE

Berewick Recreation Center

#40385 Jan 29 #40386 Feb 26

Tue Tue

7:00pm to 8:30pm 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Computer Class The class with include computer basics, Windows® operating system, data storage, working with folders and files and provides an introduction to word processing, spreadsheet, how to access your email, and surf the internet. Ages 18 and older $5.00

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center

#40557 Jan 8-Jan 29 Tue 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Computer Classes Classes will cover basic computer introduction to Microsoft Work, using the application tool bar menu, open, edit and saving a file, inserting a file, Internet, setting up e-mail account, managing an e-mail account, attaching and sending files through e-mail. Ages 18 and older $40.00

Aerobics: DanceOut Megamix

Fitness Assessment

DanceOut involves fun, easy to follow, hot dance moves from all different styles of dance and movement, including Hip Hop, Pop, Latin, Reggae, African, Belly, Swing & Martial Arts. Get a cardio workout that feels more like a party than a workout! For more information, contact info@queencitydancing.com or 704.999.4071. Ages 18 and older $10.00

Understand how to get better results in your fitness program. Test your muscle endurance and power by participating in a series of fitness test such as body weight activity, equipment activity, and flexibility. After your evaluation, you will be assisted in designing a fitness program to improve your results. You will have a pre-evaluation (starting fitness level) and a post-evaluation (post fitness level) class. Ages 18 and older $15 / Members $10.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #36695 Ongoing


7:00pm to 8:30pm

Aerobics: DanceOut! Making the vital connection between fitness and fun, our classes feel more like a party than a workout. We combine the best parts of dancing and fitness to deliver a high-energy, body toning and fat burning experience that leaves your whole spirit invigorated! All fitness and dance levels welcome. For more information, contact Angie@ queencitydancingqueen.com or 704.526.8845 or visit QueenCityDancingQueen.com. Ages 18 and older $10.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #36254 Ongoing


Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #41294 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY


Berewick Recreation Center #40355 Ongoing Mon, Wed 6:00pm-7:00pm

Personal Training

Need that one on one trainer...then sign up for this great program and let us get you on the right track! Develop a personal training routine with our Personal Trainer and learn proper stretching techniques, strength training moves and cardio routines.

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #41281 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Core Stretch Workshop Using stretches and movements to help build core strength and increase flexibility this class gives you an overall workout for your core muscles. Ages 18 and older $2.00 / Members FREE

Berewick Recreation Center

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center

#40878 Ongoing Sat 9:30am to 12:30pm

#41291 Dec 8 #41292 Jan 12 #41293 Feb 9

Fitness & Wellness

12:30pm to 1:30pm 12:30pm to 1:30pm 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Dance Impact

Action With Jackson Exercise beginners will learn how to use multiple forms of resistance training such as functional movement and free weights in order to achieve your fitness goals. Ages 17 and older $5.00

Arbor Glen Outreach Center

#40261 Ongoing Wed

Sat Sat Sat

7:30pm to 8:30pm

Aerobics: Cardio Step Get moving in this low-impact class where you will learn basic step moves while getting your heart rate up! For more information, contact ArborGlenOutreachCenter@ MecklenburgCountyNC.gov or 704.432.1533. Ages 15 and older $3.00

Anusara Yoga Anusara Yoga a life-affirming yoga weaving an uplifting philosophy with alignment principles is being offered in fun-filled classes at Lake Point Hall in Colonel Francis Beatty Park. For more information or to sign up contact Linda Oelschlaeger at 704.843.9699 or visit www. yoga.9k.com. Ages 18 and older $10.00 Colonel Francis Beatty Park #33535 Ongoing Mon, Tue 9:00am-11:15am

Come relieve some stress and jam to the beat while throwing some punches, blocks & kicks. Dance Impact is an exhilarating fusion of dance & martial arts set to tone the entire body. For more information, contact info@ queencitydancingqueen.com at 704.999.4071 or www.QueenCityDancingQueen.com Ages 18 and older $7.00 Hickory Grove Recreation Center #40530 Ongoing Mon 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Express Workout

Arbor Glen Outreach Center

Body Pump Fitness

A vigorous 30 minute workout to keep up with your busy schedule. Get ready to work hard using only your body and a set of dumbbells doing Cardio and Strength Training. Ages 18 and older $2.00 / Members FREE

#40422 Dec 3 - Jan 7 Mon 6:00pm-7:00pm

This class focuses on aerobic circuit training. Ages 18 and older $10.00 / Members FREE

#40559 Ongoing Mon,Wed,Fri 8:00am- 9:00am

For More Information or to Register Visit


Get Going Guide

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #41290 Dec 4–Jan 1 Tue,Thu 9:00am-10:00am

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Adult Programs & Activities Fitness Dance Class Come learn the latest dance moves while you exercise!! Ages 15 and older $10.00 / Members $3.00

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #40435 Dec 5

Wed 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Get a great cardio workout while participating in a fast paced session that combines boxing and kicking. Ages 18 and older $3.00

Ray’s Splash Planet

9:30am to 10:15am

Fitness: N’Shape with ‘N Funky Fit is dance based aerobics that puts emphasis on fun. You will also receive fitness and nutrition tips. For more information, contact Nettie Reeves at 704.334.4848 or visit nshapewithn.com Ages 18 and older $5.00

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center #31940 Ongoing Fri - Sat 7:45pm to 8:45pm

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center #39920 Ongoing Tue, Thu 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Jazzercise An effective, total body conditioning program that will help you feel great, look terrific, and bring new energy to your life. Jazzercise combines the art of jazz dance with the beat of today’s hottest music. For more information contact Charlene Bisiada at 704.502.3074 Ages 18 to 55 $45.00

Elon Recreation Center #40487 Ongoing Mon -Thu 6:00pm- 7:45pm

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #40457 Ongoing Mon -Thu 6:00pm-7:15pm #40457 Ongoing Sat 8:30am-9:45am

Laughter Yoga

Tom Sykes Recreation Center Sat Sat Sat

10:00am to 11:30am 10:00am to 11:30am 10:00am to 11:30am

Power Walking Participants will enjoy intense power walking while socializing, toning and strengthening

Get Going Guide

#39007 Ongoing Tue, Thu 10:00am-12:00pm

Arbor Glen Outreach Center 6:15pm to 7:15pm

Zumba Let’s Zumba! This Latin-dance inspired fitness class uses international rhythms and dance moves for an invigorating and exciting workout! All fitness levels welcome. For more information, contact info@ queencitydancingqueen.com or 704.999.4071 or visit www.QueenCityDancingQueen.com Ages 18 and older $6.00

Social Activities Celebrate Life! LIFELINE Support Group This is a support group is for women who have been newly diagnosed with cancer or have already gone through the cancer journey. Ages 18 and older FREE

Southview Recreation Center #40131 Dec 8 Sat #40132 Jan 12 Sat #40133 Feb 9 Sat

10:00am to 12:00pm 10:00am to 12:00pm 10:00am to 12:00pm

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #39528 Ongoing Sat 10:00am to 11:00am

Hickory Grove Recreation Center #40533 Ongoing Wed

7:00pm to 8:00pm

Zumba at Winget This Latin-dance inspired fitness class uses international rhythms and dance moves for an invigorating and exciting workout! Ages 18 and older $7.00

Winget School Recreation Site

#40881 Ongoing Tue

7:00pm to 8:00pm

Zumba Fit Class Let’s Zumba! This Latin-dance inspired fitness class uses international rhythms and dance moves for an invigorating and exciting workout! All fitness levels welcome. This class is designed to promote physical and mental health. Ages 18 and older $5.00

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #39732 Ongoing Tue, Thu 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Revolution Park Sports Academy

#30058 Ongoing Tue, Thu 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Laughter Yoga is one of the best anti-stress exercises. Guru Ranjit will teach you a number of simple physical group exercises to help you “fake it until your mind gets it.” This class meets the 1st Saturday of each month. For more information, contact Guru Ranjit at 704.277.6049 or rdeora@yogahealthsolutions.com. Ages 18 and older FREE #36259 Dec 1 #36260 Jan 5 #36261 Feb 2

Albemarle Road Recreation Center

#33902 Ongoing Mon

Fitness: Kickboxing

#39964 Ongoing Sat

your body. For more information, contact the recreation center offering the program. Ages 18 and older FREE

Marion Diehl Recreation Center #39955 Ongoing Tue, Thu 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Holiday Activities

Hickory Grove Recreation Center Tue

1:00pm to 2:00pm

For More Information or to Register Visit

Winter 2012-2013

Bring your best game! Spades, Bid Whist, Rummy, & Bridge. Bring your partner and meet new people. Enjoy an evening of competition, prizes, light refreshments and lots of fun! Ages 18 and older $5.00

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #40914 Dec 7


6:00pm to 9:00pm

Scrapbooking Class meets monthly on the third Saturday of each month and are themed based on the previous month’s holiday or season. Class prices may vary depending on the layout and supplies for that specific month. Ages 18 and older $12.00

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39760 Dec 15 #39761 Jan 19 #39762 Feb 16

Sat 9:00am to 12:00pm Sat 9:00am to 12:00pm Sat 9:00am to 12:00pm

Scrapbooking Working Together

Holiday Workshop Instructions provided for a seasonal craft that participants can “Make and Take.” Ages 18 and older $5.00 #40956 Dec 18

Card Night


Do you have shoeboxes overflowing with pictures? Come learn how to personalize your own scrapbook and use various techniques and methods on your layouts. Ages 18 and older $5.00

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center

#40645 Dec 11 Tue 10:30am to 12:00pm #40646 Jan 8 Tue 10:30am to 12:00pm #40647 Feb 12 Tue 10:30am to 12:00pm



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation



2012 Winter Programs & Activities Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Senior Programs & Activities Athletics Basketball: Senior Women’s League Join this women’s league, specifically for those 55 and better, in advance of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Senior Games. Coaches and volunteers are needed. For more information, contact Betty Davis at 704.588.1264 or Jean Grayson at 704.545.7880. Ages 55 and older $1.00

Tom Sykes Recreation Center #36375 Ongoing

Mon 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Cheerleaders: Silver Fox Senior Cheerleading is alive and running full speed ahead as they represent CharlotteMecklenburg Senior Games throughout North Carolina. Ages 55 and older FREE

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center #40575 Ongoing Wed 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Senior Games Prep Hone your skill for Senior Games. Year round practices for events offered through Charlotte Mecklenburg Senior Games. Ages 55 and older FREE

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #40568 Ongoing Tue & Thu 11:00am-12:00pm

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center Basketball #40728 Ongoing Thu 9:00am to 10:00am Cornhole #40736 Ongoing Fri 9:00am to 10:00am

Cultural Arts Arts: Oil Painting This program is a self paced oil painting social activity for all levels. New painters are welcome. Participants will need to bring their own supplies. Ages 50 and older FREE Albemarle Road Recreation Center #39009 Ongoing Thu 10:00am to 11:00am

Clogging Ever wanted to learn to clog but didn’t know how to get started, joining one of the many groups in the area that offers this timeless dance style. Ages 18 and older FREE

Tom Sykes Recreation Center Carolina Classic Cloggers #36277 Ongoing Mon 6:00pm to 8:30pm Firehouse Cloggers #36283 Ongoing Thu 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Crafty Seniors Seniors will take part in unique arts and crafts projects once a month. For more information contact the Recreation Center listed. Ages 55 and older $5.00

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #40642 Dec 4 Tue #40643 Jan 15 Tue #40644 Feb 5 Tue

10:30am-12:00pm 10:30am-12:00pm 10:30am-12:00pm

Senior Crafts Socialize with new friends while creating various arts and crafts. Ages 55 and older FREE

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #41277 Dec 5 Wed #41279 Jan 2 Wed #41280 Feb 6 Wed

11:00am to 12:00pm 11:00am to 12:00pm 11:00am to 12:00pm

Air-Dried Pottery Seniors use your hands to create masterpieces! Participants learn beginner techniques to create various forms with clay projects. All creations are make and take. Ages 55 and older $5.00

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #41284 Dec 12 Wed 10:30am to 11:30pm #41285 Jan 16 Wed 10:30am to 11:30pm #41286 Feb 13 Wed 10:30am to 11:30p

Educational Programs Computers: Senior Computer Class Learn to use a computer, access the Internet, and connect to family and friends through e-mail in a low-pressure environment. Class offerings include Computer Fundamentals, Intermediate Computer Skills, Introduction to the Internet, Introduction to Microsoft Office, E-Mail, and Computer Security. Ages 55 and older FREE

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #39027

Ongoing Wed 11:30am to 1:00pm

Hickory Grove Recreation Center

#41125 Dec 20 Thu 10:00am to 11:00am #41126 Jan 17 Thu 10:00am to 11:00am #41127 Feb 21 Thu 10:00am to 11:00am

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center

Computers: Senior Computer Class-Beginner #38115 Dec 4 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am #40648 Dec 11 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am #40649 Dec 18 Tue 10:00am to 11:00am

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center

Computers: Senior Computer Class-Advanced #40650 Dec 4 Tue 11:00am to 12:00pm #40651 Dec 11 Tue 11:00am to 12:00pm #40652 Dec 18 Tue 11:00am to 12:00pm

Bath Salt Workshop This workshop will allow participants to create a product that will be exciting as well will help relax and soothe the body. Ages 55 and older (PRICE) Sat – Sun ??

Hickory Grove Recreation Center #40951 Dec 4 Tue

1:00pm to 2:00pm

For More Information or to Register Visit


Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Senior Programs & Activities Fitness & Wellness Aerobics: N’Chair Aerobics Take your seat for N’Chair Aerobics, these exercises can increase your strength, balance and vitality all while sitting down. Ages 55 and older FREE

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center

#39917 Ongoing Mon,Wed,Thu 10:30am-11:30am

Badminton Open Play/ Seniors & Adults Badminton is a great way to stay active and keep your competitive spirit alive for Seniors & Adults. Your serve! Ages 55 and older $1.00

Marion Diehl Recreation Center

Fitness: A.B.L.E. All Bodies Like Exercise Self paced chair exercise class for low impact exercise, stretching and conditioning. Ages 55 and older FREE

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center

#39926 Ongoing Sat 12:00pm to 2:00pm #39927 Ongoing Wed 6:00pm to 8:00pm

#40337 Ongoing Mon, Wed 10:00am-11:00am

Chair Aerobics

Walk around the gym while listening to gospel music. Ages 55 and older FREE

Take your seat for Chair Aerobics; these exercises will increase your strength, balance and vitality all while sitting down. 55 and older FREE

Arbor Glen Outreach Center

#33907 #33908 #33909 #33910 #33911 #33912 #33913

Mar 2 Mar 9 Mar 16 Mar 23 Mar 30 Mar 30 Apr 6

Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri Fri

10:30am to 11:30pm 10:30am to 11:30pm 10:30am to 11:30pm 10:30am to 11:30pm 10:30am to 11:30pm 10:30am to 11:30pm 10:30am to 11:30pm

Feeling Fine After 59

Inspirational Walking

Tuckaseegee Recreation Center

#39986 Ongoing Mon, Tue 9:00am-11:00am

Light & Lively Designed to maintain cardiovascular fitness, improve strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, and activities of daily life. Ages 55 and older $3.00

Mallard Creek Recreation Center

Stretch and Tone

Tuckaseegee Recreation Center


10:00am to 11:00am

For More Information or to Register Visit


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Elon Recreation Center

#40497 Ongoing Tue, Fri 10:00am-11:30am #40500 Ongoing Wed 4:30pm-5:45pm

Rhythm & Grooves Got a passion for line and cultural dancing? Come out and move your feet and dance to the beat. Ages 55 and older FREE

#39510 Ongoing Mon - Fri 8:00am-12:00pm

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center

The class will help to increase strength, flexibility and balance while relieving soreness, stiffness and reducing stress. All skill levels welcome. Ages 55 and older FREE

Zumba Gold

Enjoy Senior Basketball while socializing. Ages 55 and older $1.00

#41274 Ongoing

Training: Active Adult Yoga

An effective, exhilarating, Latin-inspired, easyto-follow dance fitness party for seniors. Ages 50 and older $7.00

#41082 Ongoing

This program includes various stretching techniques to help keep your body in tip top shape. Ages 55 and older FREE

West Charlotte Recreation Center

#41094 Ongoing Wed 11:00am to 11:30am Fitness After 55 #41095 Ongoing Wed 11:00am to 11:30am Freedom to Move Designed to improve strength and mobility. #41097 Ongoing Fri 10:30am to 11:00am

#39644 Ongoing Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00am-9:45am

This program encourages seniors 60 and older to become more active and develop better health habits through education and exercise. Participants also benefit from the onsite senior fitness consultant provided in partnership with the Mecklenburg County Senior Center. Ages 60 and older $2.00

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center

Senior: Fitness Join participants in improving overall health and wellness with chair exercise. Ages 55 and older FREE

West Charlotte Recreation Center Fri

11:00am to 11:30am

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #41300 Ongoing


Winget School Recreation Site

#40884 Ongoing Sat 10:30am to 11:30am

11:00am to 12:00am

Senior Basketball

#40002 Ongoing Mon, Wed 2:00pm-5:00pm

Senior Fitness Club Engage in low-impact exercise and chart your progress to better physical and mental health. Ages 50 and older FREE

Marion Diehl Recreation Center

Senior Walking Club #39952 Ongoing Mon, Wed, Fri 7:30am- 8:00am

Southview Recreation Center

Register 1 of 3 Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option: 1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39. Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.

#40022 Ongoing Mon 11:00am to 11:45am

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Senior Programs & Activities District 8 Senior Rockers

Holiday Activities

Club provides seniors with leadership, leisure, and social activities. Ages 55 and older FREE

District 8 Celebration Members of the District VIII North Carolina Association of Senior Citizens Clubs will meet and fellowship with food, games and dance. Ages 55 and older FREE

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #40288 Dec 21 Fri #40289 Jan 18 Fri #40290 Feb 15 Fri

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #40938 Dec 13 Thu

10:00am to 3:00pm

Coffee and Cards

New Year’s Eve at Noon Count down the New Year at Noon! We will mark the event by reminiscing about the past year and planning for the new. Come dressed to party the afternoon away. Ages 55 and older $5.00

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #40571 Dec 31 Mon 10:00am to 12:30pm

BIG Hat, HOT Tea Day - Wacky Holidays There are traditional holidays and there are holidays that not everyone has heard of yet. Come join us in celebrating some of these nontraditional fun days. Ages 55 and older FREE

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center

#40655 Jan 16 Wed 10:00am to 11:00am

Senior Valentine’s Day Ball This special evening will be a great time for every person to create lasting memories. Dress up, grab your friends, put your dance shoes on and let’s party. Ages 55 and older $3.00 Advance/$5.00 Door

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center

#31959 Feb 16 Sat

6:00pm to 10:00pm

Social Activities

Bingo and Beyond Enjoy a morning of fun and fellowship with other seniors. Ages 55 and older FREE

Arbor Glen Outreach Center

#40242 Ongoing Mon 11:30am to 1:00pm

Bingo: Senior Bingo Come play one of America’s favorite games. Fun, friendship and bingo. Ages 55 and older FREE

Albemarle Road Recreation Center

#39237 Dec 17 Mon 10:00am to 12:00pm #39238 Jan 28 Mon 10:00am to 12:00pm #39239 Feb 18 Mon 10:00am to 12:00pm

Naomi Drenan Recreation Center #40360 Dec 14 Fri

Bid Whist

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center

#39507 Ongoing Mon -Fri 1:00pm-3:00pm

Bid Whist Tournament Quarterly Card Tournament to show off your skills. We will have healthy snacks for everyone. Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Ages 55 and older $3.00

Bowling Seniors join in on the fun during a bowling trip to the AMF University Lanes. Afterward an all you can eat buffet to Golden Coral. Fee includes unlimited bowling, bowling shoes, and buffet lunch with drink! Pre registration is required. Space is limited. Ages 55 and older $23.00

Albemarle Road Recreation Center #40454 Dec 18 Tue

11:30am to 3:30pm

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center

Club provides seniors with leadership, leisure, and social activities. Ages 55 and older FREE

Participate in various card games ranging from bridge to pinochle. The program will focus on fellowship and socialization of the participants. Free with Membership, annual membership is $5 Ages 50 to 99 FREE Elon Recreation Center Bridge #40473 Ongoing Fri 12:00pm to 4:00pm Poker #40476 Ongoing Wed 10:00am to 1:00pm

Leisure and Learn Enjoy seminars with dynamic keynote speakers, workshops, lunch and fun while meeting new friends and learning something new. Transportation provided from various locations. Ages 55 and older $8.00

William R Davie Park #36115 Dec 20 Thu #36116 Jan 17 Thu #36117 Feb 21 Thu

9:30am to 2:00pm 9:30am to 2:00pm 9:30am to 2:00pm

Korean Mask Dinner Theater Join us for a unique cultural experience as the members of the Korean Senior Center perform & teach a Korean Mask Dance, which features masked dancers wearing colorful costumes accompanied by Korean instrumentalist all while enjoying an Asian inspired meal. Ages 55 and older $5.00

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #41421 Feb 24 Sun

3:00pm to 5:00pm

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center #39929

Ongoing Wed 12:00pm to 1:00pm

District 8 Valentine Party Come join us for a fun filled celebration. Enjoy dancing, games and other activities. Refreshments will be served. Ages 50 and older FREE

Wallace Pruitt Recreation Center #39958 Feb 14 Thu

9:00am to 2:00pm

For More Information or to Register Visit

#40558 Jan 24 Thu 1:00pm to 6:00pm

Get Going Guide

10:00am to 1:00pm

District 8 Golden Angels

Senior Citizens enjoy an afternoon of Bid Whist. Learn the basic fundamental of the game from experienced bidwiz players and engage in all the social activities associated with playing the game. Ages 18 and older FREE

10:00am to 12:00pm 10:00am to 12:00pm 10:00am to 12:00pm

Winter 2012-2013




Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Senior Programs & Activities Senior Winter Mixer Seniors will play for awards in the game of spades, and dominoes. They will also be to win some great prizes while playing bingo. Light refreshments will be served. Ages 55 and older FREE

Methodist Home Recreation Center #40661

Dec 13 Thu

11:00am to 1:00pm

Social: Bridge Metrolina Duplicate Bridge Club Join your peers, play or learn to play bridge with other experienced players. Ages 55 and older FREE

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #40114 Ongoing Tue, Thu 4:00pm to 7:30pm

Lunch Bunch Enjoy socializing and making new friends while tasting new cuisines. Ages 55 and older $1.00

Tuckaseegee Recreation Center #28322 Jan 12 Thu #28323 Feb 9 Thu

11:00am to 2:30pm 11:00am to 2:30pm

See Charlotte! Seniors, enjoy smiling faces and great places as we journey and See Charlotte! Lunch is on your own. For more information, contact the Recreation Center listed. Ages 55 and older $5.00

Social interaction for Charlotte area seniors. All are welcome, come and enjoy yourself in a quiet, yet competitive atmosphere that promotes the card game known as Bridge. Ages 55 and older FREE

Berewick Recreation Center #40340 Ongoing Mon 1:00pm to 3:30pm

Mallard Creek Recreation Center #39418 #39418 #39420 #39424

Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

Mon 10:00am to 12:30pm Wed 1:00pm to 3:30pm Thu 10:00am to 2:00pm Fri 1:00pm to 4:00pm

Super Senior Advocates Enjoy a morning of fun and fellowship with other seniors. Ages 55 and older FREE

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #40258 Dec 5 Wed 10:00am to 12:00pm #40259 Jan 2 Wed 10:00am to 12:00pm #40260 Feb 6 Wed 10:00am to 12:00pm

Youth After Fifty-Five Club Join these mature adults for wholesome recreational, cultural, and educational experiences for ‘Youth After 55 Club’ participants. This club is a District VIII Member with the North Carolina Association of Senior Citizen Clubs. Ages 55 and older FREE

West Charlotte Recreation Center #41085 #41086 #41087 #41088 #41089

Dec 4 Dec 18 Jan 15 Feb 5 Feb 19

Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue

10:00am to 12:00pm 10:00am to 12:00pm 10:00am to 12:00pm 10:00am to 12:00pm 10:00am to 12:00pm

Register 1 of 3 Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option: 1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39. Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #40255 Dec 19 Wed 10:00am to 4:00pm #40256 Jan 16 Wed 10:00am to 4:00pm #40257 Feb 20 Wed 10:00am to 4:00pm

Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center #40565 Dec 11 Tue #40566 Jan 8 Tue #40567 Feb 12 Tue

10:00am to 4:00pm 10:00am to 4:00pm 10:00am to 4:00pm

Ivory/Baker Recreation Center #40273 Dec 5 Wed 4:00pm to 8:00pm #40274 Jan 8 Tue 11:00am to 5:00pm #40275 Feb 5 Tue 11:00am to 5:00pm

Senior Mardi Gras Potluck Luncheon Seniors will be able to enjoy the festivities of Mardi Gras with a potluck luncheon, games, music and more. Ages 55 and older FREE

Arbor Glen Outreach Center #40184 Feb 26 Tue

10:00am to 1:00pm

For More Information or to Register Visit


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Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Senior Programs & Activities

MeckSeniors Day Trips

Tuesday, December 11 Bear Creek & Seagrove NC Southern Supreme Gourmet Specialties & Pottery Excursion Departs Mallard Creek @ 7:00 am and Marion Deihl @ 7:45 am. Returns 6:00 pm


Course Code: 27921

Register by 11-27-12

Join us as we travel across the state for exciting day trips! For more information contact MeckSeniors@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov or call 704.432.4580. Trips are for those ages 55 and older. Picking up from the Mallard Creek Recreation Center and the Marion Deihl Recreation Center

The North Carolina Pottery Center showcases the remarkable history and ongoing tradition of pottery making in North Carolina. Located in Seagrove, one of the state’s key historical and contemporary pottery producing regions, the Center is your first stop in exploring North Carolina’s rich clay heritage. We will watch a pottery demonstration by a local artist; then visit other local galleries. Dine on your own at the Asheboro K&W, then as we depart we will view the Pisgah Covered Bridge, one of two remaining covered bridges in North Carolina. For More Information or to Register Visit


Tuesday, November 27, 2012 Asheville, NC Grove Park Inn Gingerbread Competition & Luncheon. MeckSeniors & RSVP Adventures

3rd Tuesday of the Month (Except June—August) Departs 9:00 am, returns 1:00 pm

FREE As partners, we will provide opportunities for a group of RSVP and MeckSeniors to visit local municipalities that are in need of volunteers. We will then visit a nearby local restaurant where you will dine on your own. To register contact RSVP at 704-817-5465.

Get Going Guide

Departs Mallard Creek @ 6:00 am and Marion Deihl @ 6:45 am. Returns 6:00 pm


Course Code: 27919

Register by 11-13-12 Experience the enchantment of gingerbread when contestants from across the country show off their culinary masterpieces. Delight in the imagination shown in these sugar-and-spice creations. Strolling through the competition display is a sure way to get swept up in the holiday spirit! Lunch is included.

Winter 2012-2013

Register 1 of 3 Ways: Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select an option: 1. CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number. 2. CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed for that program. 3. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed on pgs. 28, 35 and 39. Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Senior Programs & Activities

MeckSeniors Day Trips Tuesday, January 15 Lexington, NC The Bob Timberlake Gallery and Davidson County Historical Museum Departs Marion Deihl @ 9:00 am and Mallard Creek @ 10:00 am. Returns 4:00pm


Tuesday, February 26 Winston-Salem, NC Reynolda House & Germanton Vineyard & Winery

Course Code: 41102

Register by 1-05-13 We’ll visit the gallery of Bob Timberlake before stopping off for some of NC’s best BBQ. After lunch, we will take in the exhibits at the Davidson County Historical Museum featuring the show “As a Shadow Passes: Native American People of the Yadkin Valley.”

Departs Marion Deihl @ 8:15 am and Mallard Creek @ 9:00 am. Returns 6:00pm


Course Code: 41103

Register by 2-16-13 Discover Reynolda House, a centerpiece of the Reynolda Historic District showcasing masterpieces of American art and history. Shop and dine in Historic Reynolda Village and stroll the formal gardens, greenhouses, and woodland walking trails of the Reynolda Gardens. After touring the home we will visit the award wining Germanton Winery for a tasting which includes Gold Medal winner Sweet Red.

Healthy Holiday Fitness Challenge It’s easy to use the holidays as an excuse to “pig out” and not care about what you are eating and drinking. It is all too easy to promise yourself you’ll start your healthy routines again with your New Year’s resolutions. The holidays are a time to have fun, enjoy friends and family, and get away from work. But why make getting into shape harder for yourself on January 1st? After all, will that extra helping of holiday ham or those extra cookies really make that much difference in your enjoyment of the festivities? Here are 15 tips to help you live sensibly this holiday season: 1. Limit the variety of foods consumed at an event; if you put many different types of food on our plate, you are likely to consume significantly more calories than we think. 2. Make physical activity a routine part of the day; it burns calories, helps manage stress and is beneficial to our general health. 3. Drink plenty of water; it’s calorie-free and benefits our bodies in many ways from regulating body temperature to removing waste. 4. Learn to recognize and acknowledge your true hunger and appetite. Don’t automatically accept seconds and if you have eaten enough, just stop. 5. While Christmas and other holidays are a special time for being with family, they are just another day of the year when it comes to what you eat. Don’t undo all the good

Get Going Guide

work of the year by gaining pounds over the holidays and then feeling disappointed with yourself. 6. To reduce stress allow time for yourself; don’t feel obliged to attend every event you are invited to, if you really don’t want to go, simply decline politely. 7. Have bowls of nuts and dried fruit for snacks instead of the bottomless plates of sweets. 8. Raw vegetables with dips (hummus, guacamole or salsa) are a good alternative to pastries, cookies and cakes. 9. Trim down the fat by using fat-free ingredients or skipping the crust and eating the filling. Pie gets most of its fat and calories from the crust. 10. Workout more than your wallet. When

Winter 2012-2013

shopping, wear comfortable shoes and see how quickly you can walk from store to store. Put on a pedometer and monitor how many steps you are taking. 11. Dance or do exercises to your favorite holiday music. 12. Stay away from the buffet table to avoid “unconscious nibbling.” 13. Count to 10 before you reach for more. Think about what you’re eating and whether you really want it. 14. Put your stress on a schedule. Set aside a specific time every day and give yourself permission to worry during that period. 15. Schedule quiet time for yourself. Read, listen to music, meditate, or take a warm bath or shower.



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Senior Programs & Activities

Senior Nutrition Program

Make A Difference! While these important nutritional services are provided without cost to Meckenburg Seniors 60 and older, voluntary contributions are greatly appreciated. Call 704-3363144 today to learn more about how you can make a difference!

The Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation Department and the Senior Citizens Nutrition Program Partner up to Provide Nutritional Services to Senior Citizens. Congregate Meals are offered at 3 Recreation Centers: Bette Rae Thomas, Mallard Creek, and Southview This program provides dine in meals for Mecklenburg County residents 60 years of age and older who are looking for fun, fellowship and a healthy, delicious hot lunch. Seniors come together Monday - Friday at the recreation centers, as well as at 15 other nutrition sites located throughout Mecklenburg County. This service also offers a variety of educational and recreational activities. Each site is staffed by a full time coordinator who is responsible for all functions of that site. The Park and Recreation Department and the Senior Citizens Nutrition Program are strong advocates of health and wellness for senior citizens. We offer many opportunities to our customers to participate in health promotion activities such as medical screenings, wellness education and a variety of exercise programs. SCNP

Get Going Guide


also provides arthritis self management classes which are taught by registered nurses and physical therapists/ certified exercise trainers. Park and Recreation staff provides support to the programming at the site. Pre-registration is required for participation in the meal program. For more information, contact the Senior Citizens Nutrition Program Information Line at 704.336.3144.

meals to those who become temporary disabled and homebound after being discharged from a hospital or a longterm care facility. All these services are provided at no cost to Mecklenburg County seniors 60 years of age and above. Voluntary contributions are accepted from customers. To inquire about any of these services, call our meal hotline at 704.336.3144.

In addition, the Senior Citizens Nutrition Program provides other types of meal services to seniors. Home-delivered meals are provided to those who are unable to leave their homes because of physical/ or mental impairment. Liquid nutrition supplement is provided to those who are at nutrition risk and their doctors recommend them to drink supplements to get the nutrition they need. The short-term meal service provides home delivered

Signing up is easy! Pre-Register by contacting the Senior Citizens Nutrition Program Information Line:

Winter 2012-2013

704-336-3144 www.parkandrec.com


Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Senior Programs & Activities

The Nutcracker

Want To Go?

Dress Rehearsal Program for Seniors

To reserve seats: Use Course Code 37510 and register online at parkandrec.com ,OR call 311 at Park & Rec or 704.336-8105, OR E-mail MeckSeniors@Mecklenburg CountyNC.gov for more details. Transportation to be provided from Mallard Creek Center and Marion Diehl Senior Center.

Nutcracker, the classic ballet, celebrates the sights and sounds of the season. Come and hear Tchaikovsky’s beautiful music and see two acts of dazzling dancing! Enjoy Charlotte’s favorite holiday tradition! North Carolina Dance Theatre invites Senior Adults to the Dress Rehearsal of Nutcracker on Friday, December 7, 2012. This fully costumed and staged dance production features choreography by NCDT Artistic Director Jean-Pierre Bonnefoux.

When: Friday, December 7, from 1:00 -3:00 PM Where: Belk Theater Blumenthal Performing Arts Center,130 North Tryon Street, Charlotte

Cost: $12 per person

For specific program information, please call the North Carolina Dance Theatre Education and Outreach Department at 704.372.0101 x2767 Ballerina Photo by Jeff Cravotta, Pictured: Anna Gerberich. Stage Photo by Peter Zay.

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation



2012 Swim Lessons & Fitness Programs Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Aquatics Starfish Aquatics Swimming The Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department is proud to implement its Starfish Aquatics Institute (SAI) “Starfish Swimming” program format at each of the aquatic facilities. SAI offers a nationally recognized swim instruction program for children and adults of all ages and abilities. The different programs offered are StarBabies (6-18 months), StarTots (18-36 months), Starfish Swim School (ages 3 years and up), Starfish Stroke School (once they have surpassed Starfish Swim School), and the Starfish Swim Team (a development program designed to transition students from swim lessons to a competitive swim team program). Each of these programs is benchmark focused and contains five stages that each focus on a specific core competency. The core competencies are the building blocks of swimming. All lead-up skills, activities, and benchmarks in each stage focus on the core competency. Each stage has two benchmarks to achieve: a safety skill benchmark and a swim skill benchmark. Please read about the different levels below. StarBabies (formerly Puddle Ducks) Parent or Guardian with child 6 months – 18 months StarTots (formerly Puddle Ducks) Parent or Guardian with child 18 months – 36 months The purpose of this course is to develop in very young children a high comfort level in the water while at the same time training parents in water safety and drowning prevention. This course does not teach children to become accomplished swimmers or survive in the water; it does provide a confidence building, fun, loving experience. One parent or guardian must be in the water with each child. Swim diapers required, along with plastic pants recommended and a lined swim suit. Starfish Swim School Pre-School (formerly Sand Dollar and Seal) Ages 3-5 years Designed to meet the needs of preschoolers, this course develops a high comfort level in the water, a readiness to swim, and for children who are developmentally ready, teach beginning swimming skills. This class teaches swimming through creative, fun activities in the water. Students work toward development of the five core swimming competencies and receive color level stars in their personal record books for each achievement. Children progress at their own pace in a small group setting. Starfish Swim School Elementary (formerly Otter) Ages 6-8 years, Age 5 can register upon completion of pre-school program Starfish Swim School Primary (formerly Otter) Ages 9-13 Children progress at individual rates with the opportunity to learn the core swimming skills and progress to basic strokes. Learning is self-paced but challenging. Starfish Swim School Adult Beginner (formerly Teen/Adult Beginner) Ages 14 and up This course is designed to improve comfort and skill in the water, regardless of past swimming experience. Perfect for adults who desire to learn or improve strokes and water skills for fitness fun. Students work toward development of the five basic core swimming competencies. Starfish Stroke School (formerly Manatee and Marlin) Ages up to 14 that meet skill prerequisites Starfish Stroke School Adult Intermediate (formerly Teen/Adult Intermediate) Ages 14-older Students refine freestyle and learn stroke technique for backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and more!

Click on one of the logos below to learn more.

Marion Diehl Pool 800 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013

2219 Tyvola Rd. 215 N. Sycamore St.



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Aquatics Swim Lessons - Mecklenburg County Aquatic Center Session Dates: Fees: P ublic Member

Mon/Wed Mon/Wed Saturday Saturday 1/7 - 1/30 2/4 - 2/27 1/5 - 1/26 2/2 - 2/23 (no class 1/21) $70 $80 $40 $40 $56 $64 $32 $32

Register One of Three Ways

STARBABIES / STARTOTS Ages 6 mo. - 36 mo. Introductory Level The purpose of this course is to develop in very young children a high comfort level in the water. Fun and water adjustment are emphasized. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 6-18 mo. 39815 39816 Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 18-36 mo. 39822 39823

Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select one option: CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number.

STARFISH SWIM SCHOOL PRESCHOOL Ages 3-5 Beginner Level Designed to meet the needs of preschoolers, this course will develop high comfort level in the water, readiness to swim, and will teach basic swimming skills for children who are developmentally ready. Mon/Wed 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 39842 39850 Mon/Wed 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 39843 39851 Mon/Wed 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 39844 39852 Mon/Wed 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 39845 39853 Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 39846 39854 Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 39847 39855 Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 39848 39856 Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 39849 39857

CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed. COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed throughout this guide.

STARFISH STROKE SCHOOL - PRESCHOOL Ages 3-5 Intermediate Level Students refine freestyle and learn stroke technique for backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and more. Mon/Wed 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 39824 39825 Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 39287 39828 STARFISH SWIM SCHOOL - ELEMENTARY Ages 6-9 Beginner Level No entry skills required. Students learn blowing bubbles, front and back float and glide and submersion Mon/Wed 5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. 39837 39838 Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. 39840 39841

Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.

STARFISH STROKE SCHOOL - ELEMENTARY Ages 6 - 9 Intermediate Level Must be able to swim 25 yards using over arm recovery to enroll. Students will improve over arm recovery, rotary breathing on front, flutter kick, and backstroke. Mon/Wed 4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 39817 39818 STARFISH SWIM SCHOOL - PRIMARY Ages 10 - 13 Beginning Level No entry skills required. Students learn blowing bubbles, front and back float and glide and submersion. Mon/Wed 7:00 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. 39862 39863 Saturday 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 39866 39867 STARFISH STROKE SCHOOL - PRIMARY Ages 10 - 13 Intermediate / Advanced Level Must be able to swim 25 yards using over arm recovery to enroll. Students will improve over arm recovery, rotary breathing on front, flutter kick, and backstroke. Mon/Wed 6:15 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 39871 39872 Saturday 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 39873 39874 STARFISH SWIM SCHOOL - TEEN/ADULT Ages 14+ Beginner Level Improve comfort and skill in the water, regardless of past swimming experience. Perfect for adults who want to learn or improve strokes and water skills for fitness fun. Students work toward five basic core swim competencies. Mon/Wed 6:15 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 39832 39834 Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. 39835 39836 STARFISH STROKE SCHOOL - TEEN/ADULT Ages 14+ Intermediate Level Students will improve their freestyle and backstroke in order to swim distances, get some exercise or just have fun. Mon/Wed 7:00 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. 39829 39830

Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013

800 East Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28202 704.336.DIVE (3483) parkandrec.com/aquatics



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Aquatics Water Exercise - Mecklenburg County Aquatic Center Session Dates: 1/7 - 2/1 2/4 - 3/1 no class 1/21 Fees: Mon/Wed/Fri $40 Public, $33 Member $48 Public, $36 Member Tues/Thurs $30 Public, $24 Member $32 Public, $24 Member HYDROMANIA Moderate-High Intensity SHALLOW WATER All-over body toning and cardiovascular workout. Since each participant works at their own pace, this class is great for the beginner to the most advanced fitness level. Mon/Wed/Fri 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 39653 39655 Tues & Thurs 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 39654 39656 EASY DOES IT Beginner-Moderate Intensity SHALLOW WATER A low-level, low-impact exercise class. Activities include water walking, aerobic exercise to build cardiovascular endurance and range-of-motion classes. Mon/Wed/Fri 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 39649 39650 ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION Beginner Intensity SHALLOW WATER Gentle stretches and range-of-motion exercises keep tender joints mobile. The buoyancy of the water assists movements, while the resistance strengthens muscles that support joints. A physician’s release is required to participate. Tues/Thurs 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 39651 39652

800 East Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28202 704.336.DIVE (3483) parkandrec.com/aquatics

For Consideration For questions or for more information, visit

www.parkandrec.com/aquatics or call the facility where the activity is listed.

Register One of Three Ways

Registration is required for most programs whether or not there is a fee. Select one option: CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com and use the course code number.

COME to the location where the program is offered. Recreation & Nature Center addresses and phone numbers listed throughout this guide.

CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed.

Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.

Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Aquatics Swim Lessons - Ray’s Splash Planet Session Dates: Tues/Thurs Tues/Thurs Tues/Thurs Saturday Saturday Saturday 12/4 - 12/20 1/8 - 1/31 2/5 - 2/28 12/1 - 12/22 1/5 - 1/26 2/2 - 2/23 Fees: Public: $60 $80 $80 $40 $40 $40 Member: $48 $64 $64 $32 $32 $32 STARFISH SWIM SCHOOL-PRESCHOOL Ages 3-5 Beginner Level (formally Sand Dollar) Designed to meet the needs of preschoolers, this course will develop high comfort level in the water, readiness o swim and for those children who are developmentally ready, teach beginning swimming skills. Tue/Thur 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 39778 39779 39887 Saturday 9:15 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. 39780 39781 39782 STARFISH SWIM SCHOOL - ELEMENTARY Ages 6-9 Intermediate Level (formally Otter and Walrus) Students work toward development of the five core competencies and progress to basic strokes. Learning is self paced but challenging. Tue/Thur 6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. 39773 39774 39886 Saturday 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 39775 39776


STARFISH SWIM SCHOOL - PRIMARY Ages 10-13 Beginner Level (formally Otter and Walrus) Students work toward development of the five core competencies and progress to basic strokes. Learning is self paced but challenging. Tue/Thur 6:45 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 39783 39888 39787 Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. 39784 39785


RAY’S WATER FITNESS Open to Public walk-in Tues & Thurs 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. $4 Per Class $3 for Members $2 for seniors ages 54 and up All-over body toning and cardiovascular workout. Since each participant works at their own pace, this class is great for the beginner to the most advanced fitness level. PARENT & TOT / MEET & GREET Dates: Dec 3 & 17, Jan 7 & 28 and Feb 11 & 25 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 4 :00 p.m. Cost: $3.00 for toddlers (Mom and Dad are Free) Additional guests will be charged admission fees, other coupons and/or discounts may not be applied This will be not be offered on a CMS has a no school day/ or other programs accure. HOME SCHOOL THURSDAYS Open to home school students Dates: Dec 6 , 13 and 20, Jan 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 and Feb 7, 14, 21, 28 Time: 12:00 p.m. - 3 :00 p.m. Cost: $4.00 child, $2.00 adult, $3.00 dry ticket WATER FITNESS: SENIOR AEROBICS CLUB Mon/Wed 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p .m. Seniors 55+ can join us for gentle water movement in shallow water with beach entry. This is a free program that is offered year-round. Contact Jody Corum at 704-432-1141 for more information. Club does not meet on CMS no school days / Summer Dates and Time can change

215 N Sycamore St., Charlotte NC 28202



SWIM WITH SANTA Cost: $10 Dec 14 and Dec 20 5pm-7:30pm Get in the holiday spirit early and spend some quality time with the man himself......SANTA! Join him for a swim in the splash park this holiday season. Be sure to bring your wish list. He will be available for photos. Please bring your own camera for pictures with Santa. HEART HEALTHY BRUNCH - FEBRUARY 14 Keep a healthy heart with this Heart Healthy Brunch. Bring in your special high fiber, low fat and calorie brunch item for this Heart Healthy Brunch. All dishes need to be healthy for your heart with the recipes included. The brunch will be held from 10:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m. at Ray’s Splash Planet. Join the water exercise class from 9:30 a.m. -10:30 a.m. for a splash before the brunch!

Get Going Guide

Winter 2012-2013



Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Aquatics Swim Lessons - Marion Diehl Pool Session Dates: 2 Days/Wk 2 Days/Wk 1 Day/Wk 1/7 - 1/31 2/4 - 2/28 1/5 - 1/26 (no class 1/21) Fees: Public $70 $80 $40 Member $56 $64 $32

1 Day/Wk 2/2 - 2/23 $40 $32

STARBABIES/ STARTOTS Ages 6 mo. - 36 mo. Introductory Level The purpose of this course is to develop in very young children a high comfort level in the water with a parent. Fun and water adjustment are emphasized. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 6-18 mo. 39240 39241 Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 19-35 mo. 39247 39248 STARFISH SWIM SCHOOL - PRESCHOOL Ages 3-5 Beginner Level Designed to meet the needs of preschoolers, this course will develop high comfort level in the water, readiness to swim, and for those children who are developmentally ready, to teach beginning swimming skills. Tues/Thur 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 39273 39281 Mon/Wed 6:15 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. 39270 39279 Tues/Thur 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 39272 39282 Mon/Wed 6:45 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. 39271 39285 Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 39275 39289 Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 39276 39291 Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 39277 39290 Starfish STROKE School - PRESCHOOL Ages 3-5 Intermediate/Advanced Level (formally SEAL) Students refine freestyle and learn stroke technique for backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and more. Tues/Thur 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 39475 39476 Mon/Wed 5:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. 39471 39472 Tues/Thur 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 39473 39474 Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 39266 39267 Starfish SWIM School - ELEMENTARY/PRIMARY Ages 6-13 Beginner Level (formally Otter and Walrus) Students work toward development of the five core competencies and progress to basic strokes. Learning is self-paced but challenging. Mon/Wed 6:30 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. 39308 39309 Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. 39302 39303 Starfish Stroke School - ELEMENTARY/PRIMARY Ages 6-13 Advanced Level (formally Manatee and Marlin) Students refine freestyle and learn stroke technique for backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and more! Tues/Thu 5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. 39399 39300 Mon/Wed 5:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 39481 39482 Tues/Thur 6:15 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 39301 39480 Saturday 8:45 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 39296 39297 Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. 39743 39744 Saturday 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 39741 39742 Starfish Swim School Adult Ages 14+ Beginner Level (formally Teen/Adult Beginner) This course is designed to improve comfort and skill in the water, regardless of past swimming experience. Perfect for adults who desire to learn or improve strokes and water skills for fitness fun. Students work toward development of the five basic core swimming competencies. Mon/Wed 7:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 39257 39258 Saturday 8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 39263 39264 Starfish Stroke School Adult Intermediate Ages 14+ Intermediate Level (formally Teen/Adult Intermediate) Students refine freestyle and learn stroke technique for backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and more! Saturday 11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 39254 39255

Marion Diehl Pool Get Going Guide


Winter 2012-2013

2219 Tyvola Rd., Charlotte, NC 28210 704.432.0237




Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation

Aquatics Water Exercise - Marion Diehl Pool Session Dates: Session 1 1/7 - 2/1 (No Class 1/21) Fees: Mon/Wed/Fri Adult/Member/Senior $44/33/22 Tues/Thurs Adult/Member/Senior $32/24/16 Saturday Adult/Member/Senior $16/12/8

Session 2 2/4 - 3/1 $48/36/24 $32/24/16 $16/12/8

HYDROMANIA Moderate-High Intensity SHALLOW WATER All-over body toning and cardiovascular workout. Since each participant works at their own pace, this class is great for the beginner to the most advanced fitness level. Mon/Wed/Fri 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 39346 39347 Mon/Wed/Fri 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 39348 39349 Tues/Thurs 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 39350 39351 Tues/Thurs 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 39352 39353 DEEP WATER FITNESS Moderate-High Intensity DEEP WATER N o swimming skills required, float belts are worn. All-over toning and cardiovascular p rogram held in deep water with float belts. A great upper body workout. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 39325 39326 Mon/Wed/Fri 7:15 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. 39335 39323 Mon/Wed/Fri 8:15 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. 39322 39324 Tues/Thurs 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 39327 39328 Tues/Thurs 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 39329 39330 Tues/Thurs 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 39331 39332 Tues/Thurs 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 39333 39334 EASY DOES IT Beginner-Moderate Intensity SHALLOW WATER A low-level, low-impact exercise class. Activities include water walking, aerobic e xercise to build cardiovascular endurance and range-of-motion classes. Tues/Thurs 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 39344 39945 Tues/Thurs 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 39338 39339 Tues/Thurs 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 39340 39341 Tues/Thurs 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 39342 39343

Register One of Three Ways

ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION Beginner Intensity SHALLOW WATER Registration is required for most Gentle stretches and range-of-motion exercises keep tender joints mobile. programs whether or not there is The buoyancy of the water assists movements, while the resistance strengthens muscles a fee. Select one option: that support joints. A physician’s release is required to participate. Tues/Thurs 9:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 39320 39321 CLICK on Eparks at www.parkandrec.com DEEP WATER RUNNING Moderate DEEP WATER and use the course code number. N o swimming skills required, float belts are worn. Class format involves interval running cadence class d esigned to improve endurance, stamina, breathing, and muscle toning. Tues/Thurs 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 39336 39337 CALL 311 (704.336.7600) or the number listed. SWIM TEAM Do you want to gain that winning edge and get ready for summer? If so, the Marion Diehl COME to the location where the Spring Swim Team is the program for you! We work on all of the competitive strokes and program is offered. Recreation kicks. The cost includes: t-shirt, awards and an end-of-season party. All meets are held on & Nature Center addresses and Saturdays. Call 704-432-4333 for more information. phone numbers listed throughout Swim Team 1/9/13 - 3/6/13 37009 this guide.

Marion Diehl Pool 2219 Tyvola Rd., Charlotte, NC 28210

704.432.0237 www.parkandrec.com

Get Going Guide


To register, or for more information, visit www.parkandrec.com/aquatics or call the facility where the activity is listed.

Winter 2012-2013

Phone and web registration requires payment with Visa or MasterCard only.



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