ispo china 2011 Preview

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Welcome Words 欢迎词

欢迎光临第七届亚洲运动用品与时尚展 Welcome to ispo china 2011 尊敬的运动用品与时尚界的朋友们: 衷心感谢您翻阅《ispo china 2011展前预览》,与我们一 起迎接亚洲运动用品与时尚行业新的一年。在筹备ispo china 2011的过程中我们欣喜地发现,诠释着运动挑战 精神与时尚个性气息的户外运动与雪地运动不再带有浓 重的西方色彩。亚洲,尤其是中国在全民健身的热潮下 已经成为新兴体育与时尚用品的消费大国。市场需求的 蓬勃发展催生出一批优秀的本土品牌,他们和海外品牌 一样,不仅坚定了做好产品的决心,更为重要的是营销 意识的不断提升、营销媒介的整合创新运用,本土品牌 已经显示出强劲的发展势头。当然,海外品牌也不甘示 弱,他们不再只是试探中国市场,开始或寻找代理商、 或成立公司及代表处、或把亚洲总部移到中国,通过各 种方式投身于中国市场。这一系列变化证明了中国已经 成为全球运动品牌的竞技场。 作为品牌争奇斗艳的又一舞台——ispo china 2011,将于 2011年2月23-25日在国家会议中心(北京)隆重登场。 30,000余平方米展示面积、国内外350余个品牌将向您演 绎一场运动与时尚行业的盛会! 设计创新是行业蓬勃发展的源动力,ispo china 2011将联 合中国纺织信息中心及中国流行色协会共同发布《2012 中国运动时尚流行趋势报告》,助您洞悉行业发展趋 势。运动关乎科技,在可穿戴技术专区您将体验到高科 技带给运动的安全性、舒适性及创新性。同时,我们也 精心为您准备了形式多样的同期活动、专家讲座、论坛研 讨,如户外产业论坛、ispo china零售商论坛、亚太雪地产 业论坛、流行趋势秀以及攀岩嘉年华等。 精彩不容错过!我们衷心邀请您于2011年2月23-25日莅 临国家会议中心,共同揭开ispo china 2011的神秘面纱。 让我们一起集思广益,共同为亚洲运动用品与时尚行业 的快速、健康发展添砖加瓦! ispo china 项目组

Dear Sports Enthusiasts, Thank you for browsing ispo china 2011 PREVIEW magazine and welcome to a new era of Asian sports and fashion industry. During our preparation for ispo china 2011, we are happy to find that the outdoor and winter sports that stand for the spirits of challenge and individualism are no longer solely western. Asia, especially the post-Olympic China, has become an emerging market for the industry. This demand has given birth to a series of local brands that, like their overseas counterparts, not only have the determination to produce outstanding products, but are also creative in marketing and promotion strategies. These brands have shown steady growth. On the other hand, overseas brands are also gaining strength. They have gone through the tasting period and are starting to search for agents, or set up subsidiaries or representative offices, or even move their Asian headquarters to China – all being the proof of China’s role as the stage for world sports brands. ispo china 2011, the important platform for outdoor brands, is going to open again at China National Convention Center from 23-25, Feb., 2011 to offer a grand event for the sports and fashion industry with more than 30,000 sqm exhibition space and over 350 brands. As innovation makes the source of industry development, ispo china 2011 will present, together with China Textile Information Center and China Fashion Color Association, the 2012 Report for China Sports Fashion Trend to help you understand the future of this industry. As for sports technologies, the Wearable Technology Area will provide a comprehensive overview of safety, comfort and innovation high-tech has to offer. At the same time, large numbers of accompanying events, lectures and conferences as ispo china Retailing Conference, China Outdoor Industry Conference, Asia Pacific Snow Conference (APSC), Fashion Show and ispo china 2011 Climbing Festival are organized. It’s an event you can’t afford to miss! We look forward to your coming on 23-25 Feb. 2011 to China National Convention Center to unveil ispo china 2011. Let us find together ways to help the sports and fashion industry in Asia grow faster and healthier!

目录 Contents 综合信息 General Information


展会总览 ispo china 2011 Introduction


活动前瞻 Event Highlights


展馆交通图 CNCC Traffic Guide


展位分布图 Hall Plan


品牌巡礼 Brands 意大利展团 Italian Village


奥地利展团 Austrian Village


斯堪的纳维亚展区 Scandinavian Village


雪地运动 Winter Sports


户外服装 Outdoor Clothing


户外鞋类 Outdoor Footwear


户外装备和配件 Outdoor Gear and Accessories


功能性面辅料 Functional Fabrics and Materials


招商信息 Investment Information



Your ispo china Team

慕尼黑办公室 Munich Office 高拓 Tobias Gröber 项目组总监 Business Unit Leader Tel: +49 89 949 20 155 Fax: +49 89 949 20 199 慕凯琳 Kerrin Müggenburg 项目经理 Project Manager ispo china

Tel: +49 89 949 20 165 Fax: +49 89 949 20 199

上海办公室 Shanghai Office 王亦磊 Oliver Wang 高级项目经理 Senior Project Manager Tel: +86 21 2020 5535 Fax: +86 21 2020 5699 朱蔚娜 Juju Zhu 助理项目经理 Assistant Project Manager Tel: +86 21 2020 5512

吴媛静 Iris Wu 助理项目经理 Assistant Project Manager

Tel: +86 21 2020 5570 杨云波 Kevin Yang 销售主管 Sales Executive Tel: +86 21 2020 5562 霍晓南 Sara Huo 销售主管 Sales Executive Tel: +86 21 2020 5559 张帆 Nina Zhang 项目助理 Project Assistant Tel: +86 21 2020 5561

深圳办公室 Shenzhen Office 王继国 Stanley Wang 深圳办事处经理 Manager of Shenzhen Office Tel: +86 755 3335 8738 Fax: +86 755 3335 8730

赵默雷 Molei Zhao 销售主管 Sales Executive Tel: +86 755 3335 8732

Monica Galante 意大利 Italy

Tel: +39 02 3653 7854

王静 Ice Wang 销售主管 Sales Executive Tel: +86 755 3335 8731

Stefan Reschke 奥地利 Austria Tel: +43 1 512 9490

国际联络人 International Contacts

Takaya Miyoshi 日本 Japan Tel: +81 3 3524 4770

Martin Kössler 斯堪的纳维亚 Scandinavia Tel: +46 31 817 096 Fax: +46 31 817 889

Dieter Tremp 美国 U.S.A Tel: +1 415 868 88 82 Fax: +1 415 868 88 83

LEE Tae-Wan 韩国 South Korea Tel: +82 31 383 7887 Sabine Ho 台湾 Taiwan Tel: +886 2 2716 8712


活动前瞻 Event Highlights

2011亚太雪地产业论坛 聚焦雪场多样化经营,促进雪地产业发展

The 6th Asia Pacific Snow Conference

Focus on Diversified Ski Resorts Management Development of ski resorts is always the foundation for Chinese winter sports. In the winter of 2010, the first international-standard ski resorts appeared in China, and we observed that more and more people began to enjoy the fun from this sports. Asia Pacific Snow Conference will continue its professional attitude and, apart from introducing overseas experiences, invite more Chinese ski resorts managers to share their views. "Ski Resorts and Tourism Real Estate", "Non-snow Season Management", "Resorts Safety" and "Skiing Training Schools", a series of topics will draw together industry professionals to discuss the development and opportunities of the winter sports industry. Limited seats, reserve right now: Ms. Juju Zhu Tel: +86 21 2020 5512 Email:

滑雪场的发展永远是中国雪地运动的基础。 2010年的雪季,中国出现了第一家国际级豪华滑雪度假村,同时我们看到越来越 多的人开始接触雪、感受雪、爱上雪。本届的亚太雪地产业论坛(APSC)秉承一 贯的专业态度,在传播国际经验的同时,将邀请更多中国的滑雪场经营者来分享 他们的心得。“雪场与旅游地产”、“非雪季经营”、“雪场安全”、“滑雪学 校”等一系列的话题,将让这个行业的从业者汇聚一堂,共商中国雪地产业的发 展与机遇。 听众坐席有限,请即刻预订: 朱蔚娜 女士 电话:+86 21 2020 5512 电邮

2011 ispo china零售商论坛 练好内功,共迎产业升级

2011 ispo china Retailing Forum We Upgrade the Industry

ispo china同期举办的“零售商论坛”伴随着中国户外零售行业从无到有、从小到 大、从单一到多元化的发展,得到了全行业的高度认可。2011年,他将与产业一 起迎来全面升级! ispo china联合中华全国商业信息中心发布的《2010年度中国运动用品与时尚品牌 百货商业零售报告》将在论坛中首次与大家见面,该报告抽样全国20个重点城市 的100余家主要百货商场和购物中心的运动时尚类别品牌,包含商场渠道近百个户 外品牌的零售总额及市场占有率的统计、分析和对比,并对全国典型城市的市场 发展做出了分析和预测。

share and its analysis and comparison of about 100 outdoor brands. It also predicts the market development of outdoor retailing in typical Chinese cities. Targeted at different demands, the Forum will feature two sub-forums: “outdoor stores” and “department stores”. Professional consultants will give advice on layout, decoration, goods matching and other aspects. Audiences can also participate in the topics they are interested in. In addition, the Forum will also bring speeches and lectures from representatives of the European retailing markets and Chinese marketing channels.


Are you ready for the Upgrade? For details please mind our latest releases. For ticket booking, please contact: Ms. Gao Xing


Tel: 010-5160 3016*801 Mobile: 159 0103 1628 Email:


场零售商及国内各大渠道代表的经验分享。 练好内功,共迎产业升级,你准备好了吗? 详细议程敬请关注主办方近期发布的资讯,抢票热线: 高兴 女士 电话:010-5160 3016*801

手机:159 0103 1628


The widely recognized ispo china Retailing Forum has been with the outdoor retailing industry from its birth to the prime days it is having today and has witnessed its diversification in the past years. In 2011, the Forum will start an overall upgrade together with the industry. The first 2010 China Sports Goods and Fashion Brand Retailing Report compiled by ispo china and China National Commercial Information Center will be released at the Forum. The report sampled sports fashion brands in over 100 major department stores and shopping malls of 20 big cities in China, covering the gross retailing sales, market 06

Event Highlights 活动前瞻 2012中国运动时尚流行趋势 创造决定未来

2012 China Sports Fashion Trend Innovation Creates the Future

在这个全民运动大行其道的年代,流行设计与功能性面料的加法让一场关于“运 动时尚”的风暴正在刮起。你还在一身“素”装的玩“自虐”吗?街头的时尚达 人早已浓墨重彩的为运动重新定义了。 运动时尚从来不缺发布的先驱者,却始终没有机会行业上下游“集体亮相”一 番。ispo china 2011携手中国纺织信息中心、中国时尚同盟、《国际纺织品流行趋 势》,与重量级的行业品牌一同,首次从全行业的角度发布《2012中国运动时尚 流行趋势报告》。INVISTA英威达(Coolmax和Cordura)、3M、TORAY东丽、 KOLON Fabrics可隆纺织、YKK等行业领军品牌将带来他们的下一季主打产品,向我 们诠释“功能性”运动时尚服装的新定义,并从色相、明度、彩度和趋势主题流 行色等方面,专业解析下一季的运动时尚。现场还会邀请重量级的嘉宾与我们一 起头脑风暴,探讨中国未来运动流行趋势走向,更与我们分享专业的“功能性面 辅料”的知识。 无论是设计师、采购者、产品研发人员,还是运动潮人,谁能错过这场运动时尚 行业内的流行趋势处女秀? 邀请函索取 请联系:霍晓南女士 电话:+86 21 2020 5559


When the public are in for sports, a fashion storm combining functional fabrics and popular design has started. Are you still wearing the old bland clothes? Fashion-sensitive trend-setters are already redefining sports. Sports fashions are never short of fore-runners. But they never had the opportunity to stage together. ispo china 2011, China Textile Information Center, China Fashion

Federation, and View International Fashion & Fabrics Magazine will release the first 2012 China Sports Fashion Trend Report with important brands. INVISTA (Coolmax and Cordura), 3M, TORAY, KOLON Fabrics and YKK are presenting their major releases for next season that give new definition to functional fashions. They are going to interpret the trend of next season in hue, brightness, saturation and colour. Important guests will brainstorm with audiences about the future of Chinese sports fashion and share with us knowledge about professional functional fabrics. Be you designers, purchasers, R&D staff, or sports fashion leaders, this would be a sport fashion event you can't miss. For Forum Invitation, please contact: Ms. Sara Huo Tel: +86 21 2020 5559 Email:

可穿戴技术专区 Wearable Technologies Area 加入ispo china,分享独一无二的可穿戴技术专区!即刻领略技术革新在运动服装和各类配件上的应用, 让您的运动生活更舒适、更有趣! 可穿戴技术专区主要推出各类内置或附带电子设备,或采用新型功能性面辅料的服装或饰品。该专区不 仅推出市场上已有的产品,更将带来各种原型样品或具有应用潜力的新技术,帮助运动和服装行业接触 更多创新技术开发者。 有MP3触摸控制器的外套,带有太阳能装置、能为手机充电的手袋,各类内置蓝牙技术的运动测量设 备——在这里您将感受未来的运动和生活。此外,您还能在可穿戴技术专区台上的每日活动中了解到 更多背景知识和应用前景。 欲知详情,请登录 联系信息: Navispace公司 电话:+49(0)8152-9099047 传真:+49(0)8152-9099894 电邮

Join the unique Wearable Technologies Area at ispo china! Come and see how technical innovations can be integrated into garments and accessories and what has been achieved within the sports and lifestyle sector to make sports experiences more comfortable and fun. The Wearable Technologies Area represents all kinds of garments or accessories with built-in electronics or electronic devices and new materials that enable functions far beyond conventional ranges of applications. The exhibition is not only showing products already available on the market, but also prototypes or new technologies that have the potential to be integrated into garments, making this a networking event that couples the sport and lifestyle industry with a wide variety of innovative technology providers. From jackets with integrated touch pads to control your MP3 player or cell phone over solar bags which allow you to charge your cell phone to activity measurement devices with integrated Bluetooth technology, Wearable Technologies Area you what the future of sports and lifestyle will look like. In addition, you will be able to learn more about the background and visions of WT in daily sessions at the WT area. Find more information please visit Contact: Navispace AG Angelika Daniels, Madeleine-Ruoff-Str. 26, D-82211 Herrsching Tel: +49 (0) 8152-9099047 Fax: +49 (0) 8152-9099894 Email: 07

活动前瞻 Event Highlights

第二届中国户外产业论坛 嬗变中的中国户外

The 2nd China Outdoor Industry Forum China Outdoor Industry in Transformation

洞悉欧美市场户外产业的现状和趋势,聆听国内资深产业实践者的经验与心得,第二届中 国户外产业论坛(2011)即将在ispo china 2011期间精彩开幕。 论坛由ispo china与《睿户外》杂志联合主办、精心策划,将邀请来自欧洲权威产业机构的 负责人,国内在品牌运营、专业渠道、商场渠道方面的成功企业负责人,以及推动户外运 动方面作出卓越实践的人士,为户外界提供一场充满真知灼见的思想盛宴。每一位演讲者 都具有八年以上行业经验、并在所属领域内位列前茅,他们都对户外事业有着高度的热 忱、深刻的思索,并愿无私分享。 与上届不同的是,本届将在ispo china的大会议室举行,合计200席,仅对户外企业中高级管 理层人士开放,申请参会、媒体合作、赞助支持请发邮件到。

The 2nd China Outdoor Industry Forum is going to open again along with ispo china 2011, giving you insights into the outdoor markets and trends of Europe and America, and opinions from industry insiders. Co-hosted by Ray Outdoor Magazine and ispo china, the forum is featuring lectures and opinion-sharing activities from officials of important European outdoor industry organizations and decision-makers from domestic enterprises successful in brand management, channel expansion and outdoor event promotion. All speakers enjoy at least 8 years of outdoor industry experience and are considered among the most important persons in their own areas of expertise. They are also highly devoted to the industry and are willing to think and share with others. Different from the last version, the 2nd Forum will be held in the Large Meeting Room of ispo china with a seating capacity of 200. The Forum is open only to general managers and senior officials from outdoor enterprises. For admission application, media support and sponsorship, please contact

2011中国商业地产系列高峰论坛 拓展户外经营渠道,直击百货购物中心

2011 China Commercial Real Estate Summit

Outdoor Channel: Face to Face with Shopping Malls 当越来越多的购物中心进入人们的生活、并开始逐渐改变人们的购物习惯时,我们应该如 何看待这一“后百货”业态的发展?抢点、布局、人气、租金、地价……商业地产的发展 早已站在地区发展的宏观层面来看待每一个市场参与者。户外运动品牌如何理解和面对这 样的变化? ispo china联合新浪乐居,首次为中国的运动行业带来大规模直面购物中心经营者的机会。 万达广场、大悦城、世茂广场、嘉信茂广场、宝龙城市广场、万象城……看到这些名字, 你不想做些什么吗?

When more and more shopping malls start to enter people's lives and change our buying habits, what do we expect from this "post-department store" era? Location, layout, popularity, rent and land price... the commercial real estate is now operating on a macro level where every participator is viewed from an overall perspective for regional development. How will outdoor brands understand and face such changes? ispo china will join hands with Sina Housing to offer the sports industry in China opportunities to meet face-to-face with shopping mall managers. Wanda Plaza, Joy City, Shimao Plaza, Jiaxinmao Square, Baolong Town Square, and Vientiane City... don't you want to join us after seeing these names?


Event Highlights 活动前瞻 ispo china 2011攀岩节 ispo china 2011 Climbing Festival

“向往自由” —中国户外生态线路建设论坛 “Long for Freedom” —China Outdoor Ecological Trails Construction Forum

承袭往届ispo china攀岩节的高水准,本届攀岩节将聘请专业机构进行赛事组 织,成立赛事组委会,委派裁判团及定线员,保证赛事的权威、公正。届时, “向往自由”——中国户外生态线路建设论坛由ispo china、磨房网和《户外》











Professional organizations will be invited to host the game, an Organizing Committee will be set up and appoint referees as well as route-setters to ensure a fair and professional event. Around 100 top bouldering athletes from whole China will get together at China National Convention Center to exchange their knowledge and compete in an exciting game that brings fun for the audiences.

件,并与大家共同探讨中国户外生态线路如何吸取国外成功经验的话题。 中国户外生态线路建设论坛倡导将保护当地生态、民俗、环境作为户外线路建 设的首要部分,使生态线路的模式更好满足户外爱好者需求,也同时给当地民 众带来更好收入。

ispo china 2011 Climbing Festival is strongly supported by Mammut brand. Mummut is a leading alpine, mountain and outdoor sports gear manufacturer known for its reliable quality and innovative design.

Co-hosted by ispo china, and Outside Magazine, the “Long for Freedom” - China Outdoor Ecological Trails Construction Forum will be held at China National Convention Center on Feb. 24, 2011. The forum focuses on the status quo of outdoor trails in China, introduction of successful cases of trails construction in other countries and the integration of local ecological, cultural and environmental factors in the construction process. Decision-makers from top European outdoor brands are invited to illustrate on best practices in outdoor activities organization. The ambassador and tourism institution representatives from Nepal, the country for hikers, will introduce the development of hiking activities in their country. Officials from Leye County, Guangxi Province, a place rich in outdoor resources, are going to present their regional advantages and discuss with visitors on how to integrate successful experiences from overseas into their own practices. “Long for Freedom” -- China Outdoor Ecological Trails Construction Forum will help the construction of trails to accommodate the demand of outdoor fans and bring better profit to the local people.

2011北京冬季跑步嘉年华 我们不能控制生命的长短,却可以拓展生命的宽度。

2011 Beijing Winter Running Festival

We can't change the length of our lives, but we can change the way we live it. 跑步是目前国际上最流行的一项体育运动,不仅拥有普通体育比赛的竞赛项 目,还拥有多项衍生而来的越野项目和趣味项目,其举办地往往选择在自然 环境中,使参赛者尽享人类与自然的融合,彰显奋勇拼搏、团结进取的运动 精神。 2011北京冬季跑步嘉年华将打造一个跑步运动爱好者的节日,它不仅仅是简单 意义上的爱好者聚会,更是一场跑步运动的文化盛宴,是冬季跑步运动的全方 位拓展和展示,构建了一个跑步产品及相关装备品牌与消费者充分交流体验的 互动平台。 冬季跑步嘉年华将分为场外活动和场内活动两大类别。其中场外活动包括首次 在奥林匹克森林公园举办的冬季越野跑挑战赛,场内活动包括赤足跑体验与分 享、越野跑专题讲座、超级耐力跑讲座、铁人三项讲座等跑步专题讲座,这其 中既有前沿跑步科技产品的信息、全新跑步理念的体验,也有跑步爱好者带来 的全球跑步赛事和国内经典赛事的分享。 2011北京冬季跑步嘉年华由ispo china与北京赛诺国际文化传播有限公司、北京 爱巅峰体育文化有限公司共同主办,北京赛诺国际文化传播有限公司和北京爱 巅峰体育文化有限公司联合承办推广。

As the most popular sport in the world, running features not only ordinary races and competitions, but also cross-country and entertainment activities that are usually held in natural environments to ensure the integration of human beings into the nature, and to exemplify on the spirits of courage and forward-looking. The 2011 Beijing Winter Running Festival will be more than a simple get-together of runners, but rather a cultural feast for fans of running that brings all-round presentation of the running sport. It is also a communication platform for running sports brand and consumers. The event will be held in two large categories: inner and outside. The outside activities include the first Winter Cross-country Running Challenge and the inner ones include Bare-feet Running and Sharing, Cross-country Running Lectures, Super Aerobic Running Lectures, and Triathlon Lectures. Also on the agenda are frontier running technologies and products, sharing of new running ideas and presentation of running competitions home and abroad. The 2011 Beijing Winter Running Festival is co-organized by ispo china, Beijing Sino Outdoor Sports Culture and Beijing Summit Experience, and promoted by Sinoac and Summit Experience. 09

活动前瞻 Event Highlights

2011年度(第五届)中国户外年度金犀牛奖颁奖典礼 The 5th China Outdoor Golden Rhino Award Ceremony

Initiated by ispo china and Outdoor Exploration magazine, the Golden Rhino Award has been held for 4 successfully years. The Award, seen as the Oscar of the Chinese Outdoor Industry, gives just evaluation to the contribution its laureates made in the past year to the outdoor industry in China. The 5th China Outdoor Golden Rhino Award will stick to the spirit of "real exploration that records the progressing Chinese outdoor industry" and give awards according to the criteria of influence, primacy and social value. It will be a comprehensive record of the past year for Chinese outdoor industry. The judging made by outdoor experts lasted for 3 months, and the most important outdoor events and persons are selected from a number of nominees. This year, two new awards, the Best DIY Traveler and the Best Cross-Country Driver, are added to expand Golden Rhino's vision into greater populations. “中国户外年度金犀牛奖”由ispo china与《户外探险》杂志共同发起,至今已 成功举办四届。金犀牛奖公正客观地评价了上一年户外人对日趋发展完善的中 国户外产业所作出的贡献,是一项被国内外媒体誉为“中国户外界奥斯卡”的 年度评选活动。 2011年(第五届)中国户外年度金犀牛奖继续秉承“真正的户外探险记录行进 中的户外中国”的主导精神,依照影响力、领先性和社会价值等标准,综合、 全面地回顾了中国户外运动年度发展的状况。此次评选历时三个月,由权威户 外专家组成的评审团,从众多推荐候选者中遴选出年度最具影响力和先锋精神 的户外事件和人物。 本年度增加“最佳自助游明星”“年度最佳越野车手”两个奖项,将金犀牛奖 的视野突破户外业内的局限,投向更广阔的大众群体,将在自助旅行、自驾车 的群体中取得更广泛的影响力。

_ 2010 2011第二届户外年度装备大奖颁奖典礼 2010 _ 2011 OUTSIDE Gear of the Year Award Ceremony 2011年1月《户外》杂志推出第二届户外年度装备大奖暨装备购买指南,达成合 作的知名品牌超过50家,参与评测的各类产品超过120款。大奖测试系统取自 《OUTSIDE BUYER‘S GUIDE》,拥有多年实际成功操作经验,遵循严格的测试流 程和规范,力求最大程度的“公正、公平”,值得读者信赖。测试队伍除户外 杂志编辑、专业运动员、OUTSIDE编辑、资深玩家外,还利用多个平台公开招 募测试人员,保证测试公正性,提高活动知名度。 “户外年度装备大奖”由《户外》杂志于2010年1月在中国首度推出,当年即有 四十余家知名品牌参与评测,送测产品达100余款,评选出包括背包、帐篷、睡 袋、徒步鞋、越野跑鞋、冲锋衣、滑雪服、单板、双板等11类年度最佳装备和8 款最佳性价比产品。 “2010-2011第二届户外年度装备大奖”评选结果敬请密切关注2011年1月随正 刊发行的《装备购买指南》,盛大的颁奖典礼将再次在ispo china 2011展会现场 举行,邀您同来见证荣耀时刻!

In January 2011, OUTSIDE’s second edition “The Gear of The Year & Buyer’s Guide” has attracted more than 50 famous brands for cooperation with over 120 products. The test methods are from the OUTSIDE Buyer’s Guide. With long standing experiences of success, strictly following the flow and standard and pursuing fairness and preciseness, the test has won the trust of readers. Except for the magazine editors, professional athletes, OUTSIDE editors and amateur experts, tester are recruited publicly through different ways in order to guarantee its fairness and to increase the popularity. In January 2010, OUTSIDE published China’s first “The Gear of The Year & Buyer’s Guide”. Over 40 well-known brands cooperated with us. Out of more than 100 products, the Guide evaluated and selected the Best Equipments for 11 product 10

categories, including backpack, tent, sleeping bag, trekking shoes, trail running shoes, storm shell, ski suit, snowboard and ski. This year, two new awards, the Best DIY Traveler and the Best Cross-Country Driver, are added to expand Golden Rhino's vision into greater populations.

Event Highlights 活动前瞻

代理洽谈区 搭建国际品牌与国内代理商、经销商了解交流的完美平台

Distributor Match Making

The Perfect Communication Platform Between International Brands and Local Distributors ispo china自2009年起设立了“代理洽谈区”(原名“品牌商与经销商配对洽谈 区”),旨在帮助更多海外公司和品牌分享蓬勃发展的中国体育用品市场,为尚 未进入中国市场的欧美企业提供了解中国市场、寻找贸易伙伴、发现商业机会的 平台。ispo china代理洽谈区已经成功帮助如SALEWA等品牌找到国内合作伙伴, 登陆中国市场。 届时,展会现场将搭建起1对1私密的商务接洽区域,提供中国代理商、经销商与 海外品牌商之间充分了解和交流的场所,主办方同时提供贴心的免费翻译服务。 ispo china 2011代理洽谈区吸引了众多有实力的国际知名品牌,真诚邀请更多有 意向、有实力从事国际品牌代理的企业和个人积极参与! “代理洽谈区”仅限预约进入,详细信息请见ispo china电子行业通讯和官方网 站,免费报名预约请联系: 吴媛静 女士 电话:+86 21 2020 5570 电邮

The successful “Distributor Match Making” platform will be further expanded at ispo china 2011: companies and brands not yet active in China will be offered new marketing and development opportunities in a special concept area. The goal is to promote the communication of companies amongst each other, as well as between exhibitors and visitors, and to generate business synergies. Companies will benefit from guaranteed meetings with potential Chinese distribution partners, including complimentary translation services on site. Based on the requirements of the companies, Messe München International will create individually designed trade show contact schedules for each company prior to ispo china 2011. To ensure that

subsequent business activities continue without problems companies will receive a specially developed handbook with important tips on how to deal with Chinese distributors and business partners. International trade show visitors will also benefit from the “Match Making” service: prior to the trade show visitors can identify potential partners for meetings according to area of interest, resulting in time and cost savings. If you are interested in Distributor Match Making service, please contact: Ms. Iris Wu Tel: +86 21 2020 5570 Email:

猛犸象:传奇始于1862 Mammut: a Success Story from 1862 to Today Mammut运动用品集团是世界领先的高山运动、登山和户外运动装备生产商,其产品以可靠的质量和创 新的设计领导着世界潮流。Mammut品牌代表着最高的安全性,其产品线几乎覆盖所有户外领域,包括 内衣、中间层、冲锋衣、高山靴(可装冰抓)、睡袋、背包、登山绳索、快挂、保险带、头灯和防雪崩 设备。谁能想象这样一家在户外届举足轻重的公司竟起源于148年前一个年轻的绳索工匠呢? 1862年,Kaspar Tanner在作坊里开创了Mammut运动集团的雏形。当时,他所生产的绳索主要用于农业耕 作。第二次世界大战以后,合成纤维制成的绳索首次用于登山、帆船和其他运动。 今天,Mammut运动集团70%的产品销往世界各地,总营业额也在过去13年内从2500万法郎增长到了2亿 1530万。Mammut集团执行总裁Rolf G. Schmid相信,户外产业还有巨大潜力,其中在欧洲、美国和亚洲 的增长将尤其明显。集团现有员工近330名,在德国、挪威、日本、英国和美国拥有分公司,并已形成全 球性销售网络。近年来,公司大力投入,锐意进取,为亚洲市场的发展做好了充分准备。

Mammut Sports Group AG is one of the most important and successful companies for alpine, climbing and outdoor equipment. Our products set standards in terms of quality and innovation and create new trends. Mammut the mountain sports brand stands for highest safety and is today almost an all-round supplier in the outdoor world. The product range includes underwear, insulation layers, weather protection jackets, crampon compatible mountain boots, sleeping bags, backpacks, climbing ropes, carabineers, harnesses, head lamps and avalanche equipment. Who would have thought that the cornerstone of this internationally operating corporation was set by a young Swiss rope maker over 148 years ago? The roots of Mammut Sports Group AG are in a small family business founded in 1862 by the young rope maker Kaspar Tanner. Back then, the ropes were mainly produced for agricultural use. After the Second World War, first ropes were made of synthetic fibers for mountaineering, sheets for sailing and ropes and nets for other sports. Today, Mammut Sports Group generates 70% of its sales abroad and its total revenue has increased from 25 million francs to nearly 215.3 million francs over the last thirteen years. Rolf G. Schmid, CEO of Mammut Sports Group AG, is convinced there is even more growth potential for the industry, especially in Europe, the United States and Asia. With about 330 employees, subsidiaries in Germany, Norway, Japan, UK and the United States, a worldwide sales network and an infrastructure into which a lot of money has been invested in recent years, the Mammut Sports Group AG is well prepared to take part in this growth. 11

活动前瞻 Event Highlights

Klättermusen: 极致安全,亲近自然 Maximum Safety for You, Minimum Impact on Nature Klättermusen于1984年由Peter Askulv创立,主要面向高品质要求客户提供户外服装及用品。公司目 前年销售达3800万瑞典克朗,并在19个国家开展了零售业务。Klättermusen总部位于Are市,产品 主要投向瑞典、德国、挪威、日本和韩国市场。公司对环境保护尤为重视,每年将1%销售收入用 于环保项目。公司在过去4年中获得了13项国际设计奖项。 我们竭力为您提供这样的产品: 经久耐穿;尽可能减少使用有害化学制品;使用可循环材料;使用自然生长及可生物降解材料。 我们尽力满足企业社会责任要求,更能为客户提供所需产品功能。在过去的每一个季度里,我们 都做到了离这个目标更近一些!

Klättermusen is an entrepreneurial company that manufactures outdoor clothing and equipment for customers with high demands on strength and reliability. The company was founded by Peter Askulv in 1984. Klättermusen now has sales worth SEK 38 million and retailers in 19 countries. The head office is located in Åre and its biggest markets are Sweden, Germany and Norway, Japan and Korea. Great emphasis is placed on environmental work, including one percent of sales being allocated to environmental projects. Klättermusen has received thirteen international Design Awards in the last 4 years. We like to take responsibility on our part by making products that; are durable and strong and lasts a long time, contains a minimum of chemicals that can be hazardous to man and nature use materials that are made from recycled post consumer waste and can be recycled again. are made from materials that are organically grown and biodegradable We try to ease our conscience as regards CSR issues and the environment as well as meeting customer requirements for features and functions. With every passing season, we are a little closer to our goal.

Haglöfs: 定位功能性户外市场 Positioning Technical Outdoor Haglöfs是世界领先的户外产品供应商,以优秀的品牌理念服务于现代社会。Haglöfs产品均保证高 度的功能性、优良的设计和性价比,给爱好者带来最体贴的户外体验。2009年,公司营业额达5.9 亿瑞典克朗。在过去5年中,Haglöfs取得了15.8%的年增长率。自2010年8月20日起,Haglöfs品牌 由ASICS公司持有。 Haglöfs定位于功能性户外市场,产品涵盖三大领域:装备、鞋类和服装。

Haglöfs is one of the world’s leading outdoor suppliers and offers a responsible brand that meets modern day demands for products with a high level of functionality, good design and value for money to people who invest in an active outdoor lifestyle. Sales for 2009 amounted to SEK 590 million and the company has over the last five years achieved an average growth of 15.8 percent. Haglöfs is owned by ASICS Corporation since the 20th of August 2010. Haglöfs is positioned in the field of Technical Outdoor and operates three business units: Hardware, Footwear and Clothing.


活动前瞻 Event Highlights

乐美福:用火点亮生活 Light My Fire: We Sell Fire 源于瑞典的致力于生产在城市与野外间都能适用的户外用品配件。从生火到用餐, 我们的产品赢得了全球的从野外探险到丛林生存者广大顾客的青睐。

Based in Sweden, Light My Fire specializes in outdoor accessories that are as practical in the city as they are in the wild. From making fires to eating meals - our products have been taken to heart all over the world by both the backyard adventurer and the backwoods survivalist.

Icebug: 不仅仅是抓地力 Outstanding Traction and More

Rywan: 法国设计/意大利制造 Designed in France/Made in Italy


R y wan品 牌 始 于 1986年 , 是 法 国 领 先 的 运 动 袜 品 牌 。 公 司 产 品 包 括 70个 品




兰 和 布 雷 西 亚 生 产 。 R y w a n 研 发 部 门 和 世 界 著 名 的 纱 线 品 牌 如 Ad v a n s a 的



Icebug也是冬季运动专家,产品从极寒环境专业用靴(滑雪场操作员等)到滑 雪后轻便冬靴,一应俱全。公司产品采用优秀的抓地技术BUGrip和BUGweb,让 用户在湿滑地面仍能保证安全与舒适。

线品牌如Dryarn®,Meryl®,Seacell®,Biofil®和Lenpur®等均保持着良好的合作 关系。Rywan的技术优势:双层技术,防止足部起泡。该技术目前已经全面 革新,内外袜材料质量更高,并采用了Climasocks®透气针织技术。Rywan还 是如下协会和组织的官方供应商:法国滑雪队、法国滑雪协会、法国国家滑







Icebug is a premium Swedish footwear brand. Icebug was established in 2001, when we won the ISPO outdoor award for best innovation in footwear, at the very first trade show we exhibited. Our products offer superior functionality for off-trail running, trail running, speed hiking and after sports. Icebug is the Swedish trail running alternative, and the market leader for orientering where a lot of world championship gold medals have been won in our shoes.

Launch in 1986, Rywan is the French leading technical sport socks brand. Covering a range of 70 Articles, mainly for Outdoor, Running and Skiing use, Rywan Technical socks are designed in France and made in our Italian knitting plan located between Milan and Brescia. RYWAN research and development department work with world famous technical yarn brand as Coolmax®, Thermolite® and Thermocool® from Advansa® or Tactel® from Dupont® and also with second range of yarn producer specialized in specific fiber as Dryarn®, Meryl ®, Seacell®, Biofil® or Lenpur®. Technical advantage of Rywan: The double layer Technology to prevent blister. This knitting technology have been improved with a breathable knitting patent called Climasocks® and the choice of different fiber for inside and outside socks. Rywan is proud to be official supplier of: The French Skiing team, the French Ski Federation, The French National School for ski and Alpinism, the French National Institute for Sport and Physical Education. The headquarters, stock and logistic are located 50 km away from PARIS. Rywan is now looking for a Chinese importer who will focus on the ‘’Designed in France / Made in Italy’’ marketing advantage.

Icebug is also an expert for winter, where our products range from professional use boots for extreme cold weather (ski area operators etc), to light and attractive winter boots for after-ski use. With the market leading traction technologies BUGrip and BUGweb, we make it safe and fun to hike and run in slippery conditions. Our Swedish origin is an important part of the brand. The design is always optimized to be functional, with a clean and distinct expression. We love nature, but conditions in Sweden are often quite tough (rain, snow, ice, cold) - we make products to be able to stay outside and enjoy in nature even in those conditions.


Event Highlights 活动前瞻 Snugpak®: 保暖运动产品专家 Specialists in Insulated Activity Products Snugpak为野营、背包旅行和轻装旅行市场生产重量轻、体积小的睡袋和保暖服装,旨在以 最小的质量和体积提供最大程度的保温和舒适。 Snugpak®是英国仅存的最后一家合成填充物睡袋制造商。公司成立于1977年,有30多年的行 业经验,所生产的睡袋和服装把优质科技纺织物和独特的保暖性能与英国的设计和构造融为 一体,在世界各地都取得了有据可证的成就。Snugpak在每个大洲都经受了考验,畅销世界 30多个国家(其中包括几个亚洲国家)。 除了核心系列的自制产品,Snugpak公司还提供从全球采购的多种多样的辅助产品,包 括:睡袋、保暖服装、露宿bivvi袋、防水睡袋罩、帐篷、自充气睡垫、手套、旅行毛巾和 盥洗袋。

Lightweight / low pack size sleeping bags and insulated clothing for the camping, backpacking and lightweight travel market, aiming to give the maximum amount of thermal protection and comfort with the least weight and volume. Snugpak® is the last remaining manufacturer of synthetic fill sleeping bags in the United Kingdom. Established in 1977 with over 30 years of experience, they have proven track record of success around the world with their sleeping bags and clothing which combine quality technical fabrics, unique insulations with British design and construction. Tried and tested on every continent Snugpak® is actively distributed in over thirty countries around the world (several in Asia). To compliment its core range of manufactured items Snugpak also offer a diverse range of complimentary products sourced globally, including sleeping bags, insulated clothing, bivouac ‘bivvi’ bag, waterproof sleeping bag covers, tents, self Inflating sleeping mats, gloves, travel towels and wash bags.

Walkstool: 能跟你走的椅子 The Tool that Walks Scandinavian Touch AB是一家始创于1996的瑞典公司。公司主要产品为瑞典独有的适途轻 便椅(Walkstool),采用专利的可伸缩椅腿,并已注册商标。我们已在包括中国和日本 在内的所有主要工业国获得专利。 Walkstool是世界上独一无二的产品。没有其他产品能同时满足这么多需求:可稳定站立(三 条椅腿),可供长时间坐而仍保证舒适(宽大的人体工程设计椅面),寿命长(强调每个 细节的质量)。 我们在瑞典拥有工厂,生产4个型号的Walkstool Comfort产品。Comfort系列 以超大尺寸椅身、宽大的橡胶制椅脚和极高质量而著称。Walkstool的产品中,95%出口到世 界30多个国家,其中最大的销售国为德国和美国。Walkstool产品的主要销售领域包括传统户 外、摄影、观鸟、狩猎、钓鱼等,此外一些专业领域如电工、露营、徒步、老年人和体型 较大的人群也青睐我们的产品。人人都需要一把能随时保证休息的椅子,因此所有的家庭 都是我们的潜在用户。欲知详情,请登录我们的网站。

Scandinavian Touch AB is a Swedish company established in 1996. Our product is different models of Walkstool which is a Swedish invention and the only 3 legged stools in the world with telescopic legs, patents and trade mark protections. We have patents in all big industrialized countries including China and Japan. Walkstool is a unique product. No other stool fulfils all these requirements at the same time: it should stand steadily (three legs), be comfortable to sit on for long periods (big and ergonomically designed seat), last for years and years (quality in every detail). We have our own factory in Sweden where we produce 4 models of Walkstool Comfort. These are the Kings of 3 legged stools with big seat sizes, big rubber feet and extremely high quality. We have 95% of exportation and are selling Walkstool to more than 30 countries around the world with Germany and USA as the two biggest markets. Some sectors where we are selling Walkstool is traditional outdoor, photo sector, bird watching, hunting, fishing, professional users like electricians and installers, camping, hiking, old people, big people. All families are potential buyers of Walkstool since everyone need to sit from time to time being outdoors. For further information, please visit our website: 15

活动前瞻 Event Highlights

Hilleberg: 专业帐篷品牌 The Tentmaker

Arch Flex System: 自然的革命,动态支撑 Dynamic Support—A Natural Revolution


Arch Flex System是瑞典最好的矫形鞋垫生产商。AFS能加强足部的自然运动,为







目前,公司生产28个型号的帐篷,适用于各类天气。所有Hilleberg的产品都拥 有相连的内外帐,这是品牌首创的理念,让用户能更快、更有效地搭建。 Hilleberg产品均在瑞典北部设计和开发,上市前通过了严苛的自然环境测试, 并能同时保证轻量、高强度和舒适度的性能。

不好的鞋变得适合穿着。AFS产品适用于跑步、户外、高尔夫、滑雪和日常用 途等各个领域,为零售商提供新的利润增长点。AFS超薄型号可用于不带可拆 卸鞋垫的正装鞋。 如零售商对矫形学有所了解,他们更可以借助AFS产品帮助足部有问题的客

Hilleberg Tents have been the top choice of discerning outdoor travelers around the world for over 35 years, and with good reason: They are utterly dependable in any season, comfortably spacious, and yet are still remarkably lightweight. Hilleberg, being family owned and run, is a company that has always been guided by their family passion for being outdoors and traveling in the wilderness. “Quality” for the company equals making the kinds of tents that they would not only be happy to use themselves, but that they would also be proud to have their best friends use, as well. Today, the company offers 28 models of all season tents. All have linked inner and outer tents – an idea Hilleberg pioneered – for far quicker, more efficient pitching. All are conceived and developed in northern Sweden, and go through rigorous, real world testing before they are brought to market. And all offer the ideal balance of low weight, extraordinary strength and remarkable comfort.

户,仅需小小投资便可在店内开展矫形服务。AFS能矫正足部结构,降低疼痛 和过劳损伤风险。保证了足部的安全,您的身体也将获得更加稳固的支撑。

Arch Flex System makes the best of Swedish orthopedics available for all. AFS strengthens the natural movement of the foot, by giving the main arches a dynamic support (strengthening the foot's own shock absorption). It is the best pre-fabricated footbed, and it can be used for all types of footwear, adding outstanding orthopedic functionality and immediate comfort. It adds performance to all different activities - making anatomically good footwear even better and making anatomically bad footwear good. AFS is a new launch that already has proved successful for running, outdoor, golf, skiing and everyday use. It adds an additional profit center for the retailer. With the slim version, AFS will alos be possible to use in dress shoes without removable insole. If the AFS selling is coordinated with more training in orthopedics it can also be a strong tool for a retailer to help people who have problems with their feet, setting up an in-store orthopedic center with small investments. AFS corrects faulty alignment in foot structure and lessens the risk for pain and overstrain injuries in the feet and also higher up in the body, since the feet is the base.

Tenson: 始自1951年的户外生活方式 A Way of Living Outdoor Since 1951 1951年,Tenson以其超凡的功能性在瑞典海滨小城Varberg创立。今 天,Tenson依然以此立足:专注于创新的功能性,专为户外量身定制。 我们挥洒汗水,只为你能拥有一流的功能服装,尽情享受户外活动。无 论风雨或是冰雪,对我们来说都不是问题。我们的目标是领袖世界户 外、滑雪与水下服饰界,却不舍弃时尚的设计。我们让它与功能性和谐 共处,因为你和我们一样,需要的是令人兴奋、不拘一格的生活——这 正是我们生活的方式。


Right from day one when Tenson was established in the little Swedish coastal town of Varberg in 1951, it was a brand with groundbreaking functionality at its heart. Today, Tenson is exactly the same. A brand with innovative functions in focus, tailor-made to work underneath bare skies. We sweat to make sure you get a garment with world-class functionality for your active outdoor life. No weather is a problem for us and we design clothes with this in mind. Our ambition is to become a world-leader in Outdoor, Ski and Marine clothing, with a look that’s now sportier than ever. Fashion in harmony with masses of functionality. For you who just like us, wants to live an exciting, uninhibited life. That’s our way of living.

Event Highlights 活动前瞻 凯德:运动器材与休闲产品世纪品牌 KETTLER: Fitness and Leisure Products Brand of the Century 凯德公司是德国的运动器材和休闲产品生产商,欧洲市场的领导者。凯德是德国最知名的品牌之一,被 授予“世纪品牌”之称。凯德公司还生产户外家具,自行车以及儿童玩具。 公司业务已拓展至全球70多个国家,凯德的成功源于严苛的品质要求和“德国制造”。2009年和2010年 凯德两次被PLUS X AWARD授予最具革命性的健身器材品牌(全球最知名的一项技术创新国际奖项)。凯 德家用健身几乎包含全部家用健身设备。ELYX椭圆机和UNIX跑步机是市场上最受欢迎的两款产品。除了 家用健身器材,凯德也生产高品质的乒乓球桌。 凯德计划拓展亚洲市场,我们相信中国是下一个最重要的市场。我们很高兴能够参加ispo china 2011。欢 迎参观我们展台,你可以直接联系我们,或登录凯德公司网站

KETTLER is a leading producer of fitness and leisure products based in Germany and European market leader. With its six production facilities all over Germany, KETTLER is one of the most well known German brands and awarded as “brand of the century”. Besides home fitness equipment, the company is also operating in the area of garden furniture, bikes and toys. Internationally well established and present in more than 70 countries, KETTLER’s success is due to its high quality standard and the products “Made in Germany”. Moreover KETTLER has been awarded two times in 2009 and 2010 as most innovative fitness brand by the PLUS X Award (one of most ambitious technology-, sportsand lifestyle awards in the world). The KETTLER home fitness range varies from exercise machines, ergo meters, cross trainers, rowing machines and weight benches to treadmills and fitness accessories. The new cross trainers ELYX and UNIX as well as our new treadmill range are already one of the best selling products in the market. Besides the home fitness branch, KETTLER is also producing high quality table tennis products for indoor and outdoor sports. KETTLER is planning to expand its business in the Asian markets. The upcoming sales growth with high quality products will now take place in China. KETTLER is proud to be part of the ispo china 2011 and welcomes you to our fair booth. Please feel free to contact us at the ispo or visit us on our homepage

展馆交通图 CNCC Traffic Guide

北京北辰洲际酒店 Intercontinental Beijing Beichen

国家会议中心大酒店 CNCC Grand Hotel

地铁8号线: 奥林匹克公园站 Subway Line 8 Olympic Green Station 公交汽车站 Bus Station 行车线路 Driving Drection

一层观众、参会代表入口 1/F Visitors delegates/ Visitors Access 空中连廊出入口 Access to Walkway 酒店与展区外连廊 Walkway between Hotel and CNCC


展位分布图 Hall Plan

Turning Points





ᑆ㈭॰ Tent Area

展位分布图 Hall Plan


Jiening 1.809


























1.825 1.827

2 808 2.808

















2.8 28

Longcheng Օⴑᢙޭ




















DKHS Zhenghong

4.808 4.810 4.812

ᰬ㻻ૂ㻻༽ਇᐹ॰ Fashion Show Area

HX Outdoors YOUNGS

2.807 2.809













ᝅཝ࡟ኋഘ Italian Village


1.811 Fulonglin



Շᚥ॰ Coffee Area







Nano Ti Power






2.706 2 706



2.708 2









1.705 1.707 1.709























䏁ࣵਇᐹ॰ ispo china Trend Area ਥサᡪᢶᵥщ॰ Wearable Technology



1.602 1.606















ԙ⨼⍳䈾щ॰ Distributor Match Making Area


ྛ൦࡟ኋഘ Austrian Village

1.600 0 San Xia

ᯥ๠Ⲻ㓩㔪Ӑኋ॰ Scandinavian Village



1.609 Towk







Gerber Silva

1.504 1.510
















䴠㊱䘆ࣞ Winter Sports


ALC 08

KEEN 1.503

ALC 10

4.019 9 People Like You

ALC 12




ALC 18

ALC 16



ALC 06



ALC 05


2.202 2.206

















4.205 4 205



Gidel GAG




ALC 38



ALC 37 ALC 32









The Free







To Conference Room (Conference Area)










ispo china 2011 ᬶዟ㢸 ispo china 2011 Climbing Festival











ࣕ㜳ᙝ䶘䖻ᯏ Fabrics & Materials




4.212 Evergreen


ALC 03 ALC 02

ALC 35







2.210 2.212


ᡭཌ㻻༽ф䞃Ԭ Outdoor Gear and Accessories






03 4.303





ALC 04




ALC 41 ALC 30




1.119 MAS




ALC 42 ALC 28





ᡭཌ䷁㊱ Outdoor Footwear


4.306 3.507



1.301 1.303 1.305

ALC 44


3.503 3.505


Super Snow Korea




ALC 14 ALC 19













PN JONE Aquafe el

3.103 3.105


2.001 Action Asia





䏀䠄 eᰅ

Quewo Pealees







4.002 䫷㹶㖇



㿸Սⲱ䇦ѣᗹ Registration Centre






ᵃ㻻ᓍ ૂ䉆ҁ᯻ ѣള࡬㺙 ᡭཌ㻻༽

2.004 2.005 2.006 2.008

㿸Սⲱ䇦ѣᗹ Registration Centre













ᶵ㊱䘆ࣞᆫौ॰ ispo china Boardsports WARM UP Village


㠩ኋ㿾॰Ր䇤ᇚ To Conference Room (Exhibition Area)

ispo china ┇ᶵిᒪ঄ ispo china Skate Master 2011

ኋփ࠼ᐹഴӻ֒৸㘹θԛ⧦൰ᇔ䱻ᆿᧈѰ߼θᴶ㓾䀙䠀ᵹᖈѱࣔᯯᡶᴿȾ Please refer to the allocation on site. The final explanation rights powered by ispo china.



奥地利展团 Austrian Village

ispo china 2011 第七届亚洲运动用品与时尚 第七届亚洲运动用品 与时尚展 奥地利展团参展商


Austrian Village 奥地利展团

第七届亚洲运动用品与时尚展 奥地利展团主办单位


斯堪的纳维亚展区 Scandinavian an Village


It’s more fun to do Business with Scandinavians

斯堪的纳维亚户外联合会 简介

Scandinavian Outdoor Group - Key Facts 斯堪的纳维亚户外联合会(S.O.G.)成立于2000年,联合了来 自挪威、瑞典、芬兰、丹麦和冰岛五个国家的户外运动品牌, 致力于服务北欧户外产业零售商和媒体机构。 S.O.G.为非盈利、非政府组织,注册于瑞典。至2010年1月, 已有37个成员,年利润超过20亿美元。 作为欧洲户外联合会(EOG)的会员,斯堪的纳维亚户外联合 会代表北欧户外产业出席全球各大产业活动,并从属于欧洲运 动用品零售协会联合会(FEDAS)。 The Scandinavian Outdoor Group (S.O.G.) was founded in 2000 as an industry initiative to serve outdoor retailers and media in export markets. It unites well-respected outdoor gear manufacturers from all five Nordic countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland. S.O.G. is organized as a non-profit, non-political association registered in Sweden. In January 2010, the S.O.G. has 37 member companies with a united turnover of more that 2 billion USD per year. The Scandinavian Outdoor Group is an associated member of the European Outdoor Group and represents the Scandinavian outdoor industry in lobby and global industry issues (Through EOG indirectly represented in FEDAS).

联系方式 Contact 斯堪的纳维亚户外联合会 Scandinavian Outdoor Group

Bolshedens Industriväg 35, SE-427 50 Billdal, Sweden Tel: +46 (0) 31 209910 Fax: +46 (0) 31 912910 Internet:

亮相ispo china 2011的斯堪的纳维亚户外联合会成员 The Scandinavian Outdoor Group Members on ispo china 2011


Winter Sports 雪地运动

PHENIX: 定义卓越 Defining Excellence


2. 102

Phenix公司创立于一九五三年。长期致力于户外运动产品的研发,在滑 雪、登山、滑翔及皮艇等多项户外运动领域享有很高的声誉。自1993年成 为挪威国家高山滑雪队及日本国家滑雪队的官方合作伙伴。成为获得18次 世界杯赛冠军及本届奥运会个人金牌的著名选手Aksel与28次世界级比赛冠 军Aamodt等才华横溢的选手赞助商。 Phenix的技术研究中心拥有基于对运动力学和生理学深入研究的、先进的 运动服装产品专业开发技术。几十年的点点滴滴、周年复始的技术积累, 与世界领先水平同步的功能材料的广泛使用,与各种各样户外活动相匹配 的功能性的完善,独特的设计时尚性被不断彰显出来。 Phenix作为一个全球知名的业内顶尖品牌,极其注重装备的功能性和时尚 性,每一个细节都精益求精。其简洁的设计和美观的外形下,是功能性与 时尚性的高度融合。体现了日本人特有的注重细节以及积极吸纳其它行业 设计特点的研发理念,其产品已经不仅是单纯的户外装备,而是一件件体 现时代性特征和潮流趋势的服装作品。

Established in 1953, Phenix has long been dedicating itself in the R&D of outdoor activity products. It enjoys a very high reputation in the field of outdoor activities, such as skiing, mountaineering, gliding, canoeing and so on. Since 1993, it became an official partner of both Norwegian National Alpine Ski Team and Japan National Ski Team. Also it became a sponsor of Aksel, the famous player who has won 16 World Cup Super-G titles as well as Aamodt, who has won 3 Olympic gold medals for Super-G, 5 World Championship titles, 21 individual event gold medals. Ever since its foundation, Phenix has dedicated itself whole-heartedly into all extreme outdoor sports, such as skiing, and hopes its products can best serve sportsmen. The technology research center, has a professional development technology for advanced sportswear, based on its past several decades intensive research for motion dynamics and physiology. As a top brand of this field in the international arena, Phenix pays extreme attention to the function and fashion of the equipments, seeking perfection for every detail. Under its streamlined design and beautiful appearance is the high integration of its function and fashion. Phenix embodies Japanese hallmark of paying attention to details and actively absorbs R&D ideas from other products’ design features. Its products are more of pieces of clothing works which embody state-of-the-art features than mere outdoor equipments.

Oakley: 卓越高清晰度光学技术 Insuperable Lens Technologies— High Definition Optics


1. 119

Oakley创立于1975年,总部位于南加利福尼亚,是全球领先的运动品牌之一。 Oakley拥有600多项专利技术,并不断地发现问题并以艺术的方式寻求解决方 案。这一独特的哲学让Oakley成为市场上最具代表性和最独特的品牌,Oakley 的革新技术让世界级的运动员在竞技当中发挥出最佳水平。 Oakley因其卓越的高清晰度光学High Definition Optics (HDO)技术著称,这一技 术应用于包括太阳镜、光学眼镜和滑雪镜等领域。Oakley已经从全球领先的运 动眼镜品牌发展为涉足运动服装、鞋类和配件的领先运动品牌。Oakley的产品 包括男士和女士的专业运动系列和积极生活方式系列。更多资讯可访问Oakley 官方网站。

Established in 1975 and headquartered in Southern California, Oakley is one of the leading sports brands in the world. The holder of more than 600 patents, Oakley is continually seeking problems, solving them with inventions and wrapping those inventions in art. This philosophy has made Oakley one of the most iconic and inimitable brands on the market, with innovations that world-class athletes around the globe depend on to compete at the highest level possible. Oakley is famed for its insuperable lens technologies such as High Definition Optics (HDO) which is incorporated into all Oakley sun and prescription eyewear, and goggles. Oakley has extended its leadership position as the world’s leading sports eyewear brand into apparel, footwear and accessories collections. Laser focused on the consumer, Oakley has both men’s and women’s product lines that target Sports Performance, Active and Lifestyle consumers. Oakley is a subsidiary of Luxottica Group (NYSE: LUX; MTA: LUX). Additional information is available at 27

雪地运动 Winter Sports

哈尔滨铁人:携众品牌精彩亮相 TIEREN SPORTS GOODS: Present Various Snow Sports Brands


1. 510

公司成立于1997年,总部位于哈尔滨。2001年开始主营滑雪和户外方向的专业器材、服装和配件,公司拥有外贸、进口商品代理以 及零售店铺业务。2010年本公司成为德国沃克和马克公司MARKER & VOELKL、瑞士TOKO-SWIX公司在中国的独家代理商,销售网络涉 及北京、河北、河南、新疆、内蒙古、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江地区。

TIEREN SPORTS GOODS Co., LTD was founded in 1997. The headquarter was located in Harbin, Heilongjiang province in China. TIEREN SPORTS GOODS Co., LTD has foreign trade businesses, as well as business of import products agent and retail stores. The company has started the business of ski and outdoor since 2001, such as professional equipments, apparels, accessories, etc. Since 2010, TIEREN SPORTS GOODS Co., LTD became the exclusive agency for MARKER & VOELKL which are German brands, as well as TOKO-SWIX, a Switzerland brand. The company has strong sales network, covering the whole North China.

MARKER & VOELKL: 世界著名滑雪器材品牌 World Famous Ski Equipment Brand 世界著名滑雪器材品牌,赞助中国自由式滑雪队获得2006奥运冠军 和亚军、2010奥运会银牌和铜牌,并曾多年赞助中国高山滑雪队和 解放军八一高山滑雪队。主要产品:滑雪板、固定器、滑雪服装、 网球拍。

MARKER & VOELKL, German brands, are famous for ski equipment all around the world. The China National Freestyle Team, which was sponsored by MARKER & VOELKL, has gained both gold metal and silver metal in 2006 Olympic Games, and both silver metal and bronze metal in 2010 Olympic Games. MARKER & VOELKL also has sponsored China National Alpine ski team and Chinese People's Liberation Army Bayi Alpine ski team for many years. The main products of MARKER & VOELKL are skis, bindings, apparel, and tennis racket.

TOKO-SWIX: 最大的滑雪器材维护生产商 Ski Equipments Maintenance Products Manufacturer 最大的滑雪器材维护生产商。主要产品:滑雪蜡、维护工具、功能 性纺织品清洗和防护剂。

TOKO-SWIX, a Switzerland brand, is the biggest and most famous maintenance products’ manufacturer for ski equipments. The main products of TOKO-SWIX are ski waxes, maintenance tools, performance textile cleaners and protective agent.

OnTopcreeper: 追求极致完美的户外精品 Pursue Perfect Outdoor Products


4. 302

2001年OnTopcreeper品牌的高档滑雪服问世,2004年世界上第一个采用EHPS技术制作防水压胶衣,同年在欧 洲第一个将不织棉primaloft超细纤维应用于滑雪服,2005年研发采用schuetc超细纳米纤维用于滑雪服。 2005年大量采用无缝热合技术应用到设计的登山服中。2007年OnTopcreeper的滑雪服正式开始了国际化的脚 步进入欧洲以外的北美加拿大及美国市场,2008年进入新西兰及澳大利亚市场,2009进入日本市场。2010 年进入中国市场。

2001 the high quality skiwear of OnTopcreeper came out. In 2004, OnTopcreeper was the first user to adopt the new method of EHPS to waterproof suit in Europe. At the sametime, Ontopcreeper first applicated primaloft the superfine fibre to skiwear in Europe. In 2005 ontopcreeper first researched and applicated schuetc the superfine fibre to skiwear. In 2005 OnTopcreeper applied the seamless joint technics to mountain suit. In 2007 Ontopcreeper entered Canada and America market. In 2008 OnTopcreeper entered New Zealand and Australia market, Japen market in 2009 and China market in 2010. 28

Winter Sports 雪地运动 北京雪上飞:携世界著名品牌诚招经销商 Beijing Snowfavor Sports: Inviting Dealers with World Famous Brands


1. 202

北京雪上飞商贸有限公司成立于2001年9月,专业从事滑雪装备营销服务。我们致力于打造中 国滑雪服务第一品牌,做顾客身边的滑雪朋友与专家。

The company was founded in Sep 2001. It’s specialized in ski equipment marketing service. We are devoting ourselves to the goal of creating NO.1 brand in ski and being friends with the customers in China.

K2: 美国第一雪具品牌 The No.1 Ski and Snowboard Brand in America K2 SPORTS于1961年始建于美国华盛顿VASHON,产品线涵盖雪板、雪鞋、雪具附件等众多品类。

K2 was born as an American ski company on Vashon Island in Washington State's Puget Sound. They market snowboard, snowshoe, bike, in-line skate, alpine, telemark/Nordic ski equipment, apparel and accessories.

ROSSIGNOL: 始于1907年的著名法国百年雪具品牌 The Centenary French Ski Brand Since 1907 法国ROSSIGNOL公司成立于1907年。倚仗大山,100年金鸡倾注了激情昂扬,100年金鸡带着热衷与执着,100年金鸡以专业著称。金鸡目前的产品涵盖雪板、雪鞋、雪 服、雪具附件等。

From 1907 to 2011, ROSSIGNOL is over 100 years old. 100 years during which we have always been thrilled by the mountains, 100 years of passionate commitment, 100 years in which we have lived our professional skills to the full. The products cover skis, snow shoes, snow clothing and equipment rental accessories, etc.

前程美景:瑞典户外生活,彰显跃动人生 ROYALWAY: Sweden Outdoor Experience, Active and Exciting Life


3. 206

深耕专业运动的ROYALWAY,设计风格源自斯堪的纳维亚半岛,色彩取自大自然,剪裁精炼简洁,材 质凸显功能。ROYALWAY产品线包含滑雪运动、登山穿越、摩托运动、徒步旅行与户外装备。 作为滑雪服市场强劲品牌,ROYALWAY滑雪服为使用者提供了优异的功能性外套,满足了滑雪中激烈 运动需要。人性化的细节和最新的功能面料提供了专业级呵护,细节设计为运动者考虑周到。

ROYALWAY is a professional outdoor and sports brand. The design style of ROYALWAY derived from the Scandinavia and the color arrangement is taken from the natural landscape. ROYALWAY inherits the simple but delicate pattern design, uses the high technology fabrics and trims to provide the professional outdoor experience. The product of ROYALWAY includes ski and snowboard series, mountain climbing series, motocross series, hiking series and Equipment. To meet the active demands of ski-wear market, ROYALWAY provides the professional-grade ski suit. Human-friendly detailed design and new functional fabrics give full protection and comfort for the outdoor amateurs and athletes. 29

雪地运动 Winter Sports

诺斯威:源于意大利的经典滑雪靴 Northwave: Rock Your Snowboarding Experience


1. 206

Northwave(诺斯威)1978年诞生于意大利制鞋重镇Montebelluna。Piva家族最初以自行车鞋广为专业选手认 可;秉持对户外活动的爱好,Northwave于1991年开始制造滑雪靴等滑雪相关产品。与专业滑雪选手反复沟通 的设计研发加上Mr. Piva对质量近乎苛刻的艺术标准,Northwave滑雪靴、单板滑雪板与固定器在世界最主要的 滑雪市场占有举足轻重的地位。2011年是第一双Northwave滑雪靴二十周年纪念,全世界已有30个国家在营销 Northwave专业滑雪用品;Northwave将继续坚持对质量的要求与创新,继续研发专业竞赛及休闲滑雪用品,随 着中国市场成长, 让滑雪运动走向下一个高峰。 图为Northwave二十周年精典推荐款,结合了传统制靴技术与追求卓越的创新研发,兼具时尚的造型,让滑雪 运动进阶到运动艺术的极致境界。

At Northwave, we’ve been outfitting this journey since 1991. Founded by the Piva family in the heart of Northern Italy’s famed boot making region, Northwave began building snowboard boots after years of crafting performance footwear, at a time when most were retro-fitting hunting and hiking shoes. From the very beginning the company has been entirely devoted to define the way a snowboard boot should be, working hard in the R&D with our team riders and experienced staff. Today we continue that tradition and after 20 years of dedication Northwave is proud to still offer you the most stylish, innovative, high quality products in the industry. Over the years we have worked hard to meet your riding needs. We have dedicated our time to develop and bring you some premium and high performance snowboard products who takes riding to a new level. Snowboarding is not just a sport or paycheck for us. It’s a mission and a lifestyle. We firmly believe in our philosophy of providing great quality boards, bindings and boots and we guarantee that they will rock your snowboarding experience. Northwave is celebrating its 20th anniversary and this model is a tribute to it. Inspired from the Apollo style and updated with latest technologies, the Double Decade takes the best from tradition and innovation: It is the deluxe version of our top free-styler’s boot – The Decade Sl. Add golf appeal, and an old school rubber outsole to provide a high performance system and the result is a bombproof, stylish product.

Drake: 冲破极限,绝佳表现 Extreme Freestyle Power


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UVEX: 为使用者提供最佳保护 Protecting People


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Drake Snowboards brings extreme freestyle power with all around maneuverability and full edge to edge control. The new DF2 with Double rocker features a premium poplar wood core to decrease weight, but allow precise response that gives you peerless amount of pop. It comes with pre-tuned edges for street and rails. A true freestyle stick to enhance mountain to park playfulness. This binding RELOAD boasts of ultra lightweight freestyle performance in a new package which rips in the park and uses the whole mountain as a playground. It is solid, responsive, and bomb proof - ready to assault every type of terrain.


到脚的全面防护,75年来,UVEX产品得到了各个年龄段使用者的首肯和信任。 为使用者提供最佳保护,既是UVEX公司义不容辞的责任,也意味着对我们能力 的挑战。

UVEX WINTER HOLDING GmbH und Co. KG is a family -run enterprise, now in its third generation. Most of our manufacturing work is done in Germany and Europe: UVEX is “Made in Germany” by conviction and tradition. In-house expertise and know -how ensure our products are of the highest quality and adhere to stringent safety standards. Research and development work into new materials and processes is also undertaken in Germany and forms an integral part of our company philosophy– PROTECTING PEOPLE.

Winter Sports 雪地运动 LEYSIN: 热爱运动,崇尚自然 Passion for Snow Sports and Love for Nature


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在高高的瑞士阿尔卑斯山中,坐落着美丽的小村庄LEYSIN,每年冬季,它是雪上运动者爱好者进行各 种活动的天堂。多年来,LEYSIN一直是滑雪、滑板、登山、远足和自行车比赛场地的最佳选择。 热爱运动、崇尚自然的我们,用它的邮编1854和村名LEYSIN一起镌刻在我们的每一件产品上,以表示 我们对它的热爱。LEYSIN品牌总是和充满激情的雪上运动紧密相连。滑雪与滑板这些既专业、时尚, 又有具有乐趣的运动,赋予我们无限设计灵感。 本季,我们的推出的设计,结合了现代户外运动爱好者的思想,融入了雪上运动产品对功能性、保暖 性和时尚性等方面的需求。

High in the Swiss Alps locates a small village named LEYSIN. In winter, it is a popular and well-maintained snow sports resort. For years LEYSIN has been the perfect choice for skiing, snowboarding, climbing, hiking and biking to enthusiasts of all ages. For the LEYSON brand there has always been a strong association with the passion for winter sports: the snowboard and ski style is always fashionable and functional and, most of all, full of fun on the mountain. Our products of this season, the technical and stylish alpine apparels, are designed for the outdoor enthusiasts, incorporated function and form with warmth and style.



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Tittallon:国际户外与滑雪运动的“个性与 技术”先锋 The Pioneer Of Distinctive & Technical Outdoor/Ski Wears


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Tittallon于2007年由中国资深户外服装生产集团FASHION POWER和一个具有百年 户外服装历史的荷兰公司共同创立,致力于个性化与技术化的户外与滑雪产品 的研发、生产、销售与推广,是极少数能两者兼顾的高品质专业品牌。 除了具备专业功能性的特点以外,Tittallon颠覆了传统户外与滑雪产品的设计理 念,满足了消费者对除专业性要求以外的时尚与商务需求,使个性得到充分体 现,用途得到完全延伸;在工艺与技术方面,Tittallon团队以其执着的态度、创新 的精神使产品的品质、技术得到了全面的保障和提升,而更显得与众不同。

Tittallon is an international outdoor and ski wear brand founded in year 2007, carrying the features of the distinctiveness in design and specialty in technology. Also it is one of the few high level brands who are handling both fields in the world.

SPOUNTIN在选材和设计过程中充分汲取了单板运动所特有的炫丽、舞动、色 彩、野性、叛逆等元素,将其与户外功能、都市风尚相柔和,由此造就了

Tittallon is created not only for professional wearers with its functional characteristics, but also for normal people who would like to wear for multiple purposes and activities, even business and fashion. It is almost a kind of challenge in designing against traditional concept, what’s more, the uniqueness of Tittallon, immediately you will be impressed, is from its sophisticated workmanship and amazing technique which are built by the critical attitude and tremendous efforts of the whole team, as well as the born talent.

SPOUNTIN独有的产品特质:风格时尚但不输功能、款形都市又适于户外、着色 个性而不事张扬。 SPOUNTIN一直致力于创造非比寻常的户外产品,向消费者展示功能化、都市 化、生活化、个性化的时尚户外理念,时尚户外可以简单地用一句SPOUNTIN的 英语口号加以概括:LIFE IS MORE!

SPOUNTIN products represent the spirit of colorful and untamed motion of board sports, wild rebellion from single-board activities, combining function and urban fashion. Up to today, SPOUNTIN has proved itself faithful by creating unparalleled attraction with unique function and style. The brand’s commitment is to develop extraordinary outdoor products, showcasing a unique outdoor concept, under consideration of individual fashion, urbanization and young people’s paze of living. Resuming the company’s slogan: LIFE IS MORE! 31

雪地运动 Winter Sports

K2: 首次参展ispo china Debut Show on ispo china


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K2是美国著名的体育用品公司。来自美国华盛顿州普吉特海湾的Vashon岛。K2 在设计、生产和营销的个个方面都领先世界。目前经营的产品有滑雪双板、单 板、滑冰、轮滑和各种服装。 通过热情和创新,美国K2推出一种开阔而真实的生活方式。K2就是快乐和科学 技术的结晶。 K2 was born as America's ski company on Vashon Island in Washington State's Puget Sound. K2 is world renowned as leaders in design, production, and sales and marketing. Currently market Ski, Snowboard, Inline skate, apparel and accessories. Driven by innovation and a passion for the sports enthusiast looking for unique and authentic lifestyle experiences, K2 is what happens when fun meets science and technology.

阿尔派妮:捷克奥运会国家队指定装备提供商 ALPINE PRO: Exclusive Partner of Czech Olympic Team


北京卡宾:滑雪设备和雪场经营综合公司 Beijing Carving: Specializes in the Management of Ski Equipments and Resorts

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ALPINE PRO是来自欧洲的户外运动品牌,在登山和滑雪方面有很强的实力,在 欧洲的28个国家已经成功开设品牌专营店300多家,并于2009年成为捷克参加冬 季和夏季奥运会的唯一指定装备提供商!

北京卡宾滑雪设备有限公司是一家专门从事滑雪设备和滑雪用品销售、租赁;滑 雪场规划设计、承包经营管理;滑雪技术培训;滑雪行业经济信息咨询及雪场工



附件及全系列的户外运动鞋。ALPINE PRO品牌拥有一支专业的设计团队,它的






达80%的全新设计产品。除此之外,ALPINE PRO品牌还投入了大量的资源在产品


开发领域,已拥有十几项面料和户外功能专利技术。现在,中国市场已成为 ALPINE PRO欧洲以外的第一个自营市场!


ALPINE PRO is an outdoor sports brand from Europe, which is predominant in climbing and skiing market. Nowadays, ALPINE PRO has opened more than 300 authorized shops and franchise stores in 28 countries. Since 2009, ALPINE PRO has become the exclusive partner of Czech Winter and Summer Olympic Team. The company offers several professional product lines such as outdoor clothing, winter ski garments, clothing for cycling, functional underwear, rucksacks, bags, accessories and a complete collection of outdoor footwear. ALPINE PRO has a team of professional designers, whose product design focuses on combining technical and functional characteristics with daily leisure lifestyle. New and innovative style plays a central role in the business strategy, based on which up to 80% of designs in every collection are fresh. ALPINE PRO devotes a large share of resources to research and development and it possesses more than 10 special technologies in materials and outdoor functions. China is its first self-developed market out of Europe.



Beijing Carving Ski Equipment Co., Ltd. specializes in the sales and rental of skiing equipment and articles, the planning, designing and contractual management of ski resorts, skiing training, ski industry consultation and ski resort project investigation and designing. Decision-makers and technical staff of Carving all have considerable experiences in ski equipment sales and maintenance, ski resort construction and management, and are widely acknowledged in the industry. As the general agent for leading brands as SUFAG, ARECO, and GEMINI, Carving has been committed to the Perfect Product and Service concept to promote the ski equipment and technology level in China. With strong technical knowledge and experiences, Carving has helped ski resorts deal with problems arising in their operations and management. Our services can enable extended longevity of equipment, lower management costs, and reduction of investment risk that ensures the economic profit and high management level of ski resorts.

Outdoor Clothing 户外服装 奥索卡:巅峰印记,品牌成立15周年 OZARK GEAR: 15th Anniversary—Hallmark from the Peak


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OZARK GEAR(奥索卡)品牌是专业户外运动装备品牌,由瑞士户外爱好者Hans Shallenberger在1996年建立。OZARK之名来源于北美洲一座未被污染的山脉, 象征着OZARK GEAR(奥索卡)品牌自然、纯净的品质。OZARK GEAR(奥索卡) 一直坚持“OZARK YOUR LIFE”的理念,以保证产品的高品质为基础,不断开发 更先进、更舒适、更加专业化的登山及户外装备,以满足不同层次户外爱好者 的需求。 如今,在越来越多的探险和户外活动中,OZARK GEAR(奥索卡)成为了户外 爱好者的首选,帮助他们在各种严酷、恶劣的自然环境下经受住了考验。多 年来,OZARK GEAR(奥索卡)不遗余力地推动着中国的户外登山事业的发展, 在珠峰、在南北极,OZARK GEAR(奥索卡)以出色的产品质量和可靠的专业 保证,赢得了登山及探险家的充分信赖,见证了中国登山探险界的一个又一 个辉煌。 2011年是OZARK GEAR(奥索卡)品牌成立15周年,引领户外行业的领军品牌奥 索卡会在ispo china期间以各种形式和户外爱好者一起分享15年来的品牌历程。

OZARK GEAR is a professional outdoor brand founded by Swiss outdoor enthusiast Hans Shallengerger in 1996. The brand name originates from an unpolluted mountain in North America, which stands for the natural and pure quality of OZARK GEAR products. It has always adhered to the idea of ”OZARK YOUR LIFE". Apart from high quality products, OZARK has managed to develop more advanced, comfortable and professional mountaineering and outdoor gears to cater for different needs. Today, OZARK GEAR has become the first choice for exploration and outdoor activities to help sustain harsh environments. For many years, OZARK GEAR has constantly supported the outdoor activities in China. In the Himalayas, the South and North Poles, OZARK has won trust for its outstanding quality and professionalism and witnessed continuous climbing successes. The year 2011 marks the 15 anniversary of OZARK GEAR. We will share our history with outdoor fans at intriguing ispo china activities.

科诺•修思:专注新科技,户外轻松行 KROCEUS: Focus on New Technology & Outdoor Lifestyle


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上海嘉麟杰运动用品有限公司系上海嘉麟杰纺织品股份有限公司(股票代码:002486。是中国第一家成为世 界上最严格的环保标准bluesign system合作伙伴)的全资子公司。作为高新技术企业,关注户外产品研发、 设计、制造,力争服装细节的完美,制造高品质优设计的产品。旨在为消费者提供质优、高性价比的商品和 专业服务,向消费者开启户外、城市生活与自然间的真谛,传递我们生活中平衡的智慧,享受KROCEUS服装 “Anywear, Everywhere”的产品和心灵体验。 KROCEUS(科诺•修思)取大地的原色之意,寻求户外环保自然之真实,将高品质户外服装赋予享受户外的 自然理念,追求自然和城市的平衡生活方式,拉近户外和城市之间的距离。KROCEUS品牌通过服装向消费者 传递回归自然、享受自然、关爱生活的平衡理念。 作为中国造的KROCEUS,突破了传统户外冲锋衣的市场,更加关注户外中间层和内层。将质优舒适,并 具环保意识、最自然的MERINO WOOL(运动羊毛)系列和世界第一抓绒并全面覆盖内层、中间层、内层的 POLARTEC整合纳入KROCEUS的CHALLENGE(酷爱专业级);ENCHANT(爱好户外级);IGNITE(向往自然 级)三大系列中。

Shanghai Challenge Sports & Adventures Co., Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Shanghai Challenge Textile Co., Ltd., which is the first company in China becoming the system partner of Blue Sign – the most stringent environment certification in the world. As a state-certified high-tech enterprise, we attach great importance to products R&D, design and manufacture. We do our best in pursuing the perfection in garments details to create products of both beautiful design and high quality. We aim to provide customers products and services of high quality and great value. With KROCEUS, customers will feel essences of outdoor, nature and urban lifestyle, enjoy the products themselves as well the inspiration within. KROCEUS brand originates from the natural characteristics of the earth, and pursues environmental outdoor lifestyles. It attributes an outdoor idea in favor of natural enjoyment and a balance between nature and urban life, and shortens the distance in between. KROCEUS sends a message of returning to the nature, enjoying the nature and caring about life. As an original Chinese brand, KROCEUS surpasses the traditional outdoor jacket market, and pays more attention to the middle and inner layers. We created the most environmental and natural MERINO WOOL series and the POLARTEC-integrated inner and medium layers, which are applied to our CHALLENGE, ENCHANT and IGNITE series.


户外服装 Outdoor Clothing

探路者:领航中国户外产业 Toread: Leading China Outdoor Industry


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北京探路者户外用品股份有限公司(300005,深圳),注册资本1.34亿人民币,成立于1999年1月11日, 一直致力于向广大消费者提供性能可靠、外观时尚的户外用品。公司自成立以来业绩得到了快速增长, 十年来复合增长率高达50%,截止2010年9月底,公司员工人数600余人,公司营销终端网络覆盖全国30 个省(市、区)170个大中城市,标准化店面600余家。 “探路者”品牌是公司最核心、最具价值的资产。2007年,探路者品牌被认定为“中国驰名商标”,并 成为“2008年北京奥运会特许生产商”,创造了中国户外用品行业的两项唯一。2009年,著名企业家、 登山家王石先生担纲探路者品牌形象代言人;公司也成为中国南北极考察队独家专用产品提供商,标志 着产品品质和综合实力被高度认同。 技术研发与产品设计是“探路者”产品生命力的源泉。引领时尚、诠释品味、创造经典是公司技术研发 与产品设计的使命。公司目前拥有十七项专利,2008、2009年设计的七项产品荣获国内设计界最具权威 性的“红星奖”。2008年,公司建成了中国户外用品业规模最大、创新能力最强的研发设计中心。2009 年首批成功登陆创业板,为探路者的发展注入了新的活力。

Beijing Toread Outdoor Products Co., Ltd. (300005, Shenzhen), with registered capital of 134 million yuan, was founded in January 11, 1999. It has been working to provide consumers with reliable, stylish outdoor supplies. Performance of the company since its inception has been developing rapidly at 50% CAGR. And by the end of September 2010, the company has more than 600 employees, sales network covers 170 cities in 30 provinces (cities, regions), with more than 600 standard stores and counters. The brand “Toread” is the core and the most valuable asset of the company. In 2007, it was recognized as "Well-known Trademark in China" and "Licensed Manufacture of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games ", which created two unique in China outdoor products industry. In 2009, the well-known entrepreneur and mountaineer Wang Shi features the brand Ambassador for Toread; the company has also become the exclusive provider of specific products for China National Antarctic Research Expedition, the product quality and overall strength of Toread were highly recognized ever since. R & D and product design is its source of vitality. Fashion leading, taste annotation and classic creation are the mission of its R & D and product design. The company now has seventeen patents, and seven products won the most authoritative domestic design award of “The Red Star” in 2008, 2009. In 2008, the company completed the largest and most innovative R & D center of the Chinese outdoor industry. The successful listed on GEM has brought new vitality to Toread.

莫耐:更多来自生活,诚邀您加盟 Molife: More From Life


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莫耐,集研发、设计、生产、销售为一体的户外旅行专家。公司总部设立在香港,在福建有6万多平方米的 现代化生产基地,汇集了国际资深产品设计团队,包括香港、欧洲及国内户外产品设计精英,销售网点以中 国的所有省份为基础向欧美国家辐射。 一直以来莫耐以旅行者“情感体验、自我实现”的心理需求,将品牌精准定位于户外旅行人群,带给消费者的 不仅仅是户外产品,更是一种悠闲的休旅生活方式,一种心灵休憩的自我实现,一种乐趣、时尚的情感体验。 为了给旅行者带来极致的旅途享受,莫耐通过时尚商旅、轻松自驾、城市漫步、休闲度假、户外登山五大系 列的演绎,描绘着每一条精彩的旅途生活。 你的完美旅途是我们不懈的追求!莫耐,更多来自生活。

Molife is a company specialized in R&D, design, manufacturing and sales. Molife’s headquarters is in Hongkong and there is 60,000-square-meter modern production base in Fujian province. Our design team consists of international senior designers who come from Hongkong, Europe and the domestic. Molife’s marketing network covers whole China, and far to the Occident. Molife understands that travelers always desire to enjoy experiencing the life and nature. So Molife supplies not only outdoor product but also a leisure lifestyle, fashion and fun. Molife has developed 5 product series: business, self-driving tours, city hiking, vacation tours and outdoor climbing. On your trip, you will find the extreme enjoyment from Molife. Molife, more from life. 34

户外服装 Outdoor Clothing

沙乐华:百分百源自高山探险 SALEWA: Genuinely Innovative Products for Mountain Sports


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SALEWA,拥有75年历史、百分百源自高山探险的欧洲户外运动品牌。无论是在世界任何一个角落,我们 的核心价值、产品研发与品牌形象始终围绕高山探险。德国的血统为品牌注入了严谨、可靠、高品质的 特性,意大利的管理团队为产品提供了充满激情、时尚、品味的元素。我们的研发团队结合运动员探索 地球上环境最恶劣的极限之地的体验,运用最好、最新的面料与技术,研发出完全值得信赖的全天候、 全系列产品,为探险家提供最安全、舒适的保护。 SALEWA服装涵盖4大系列,提供从专业到休闲的选择:alpineXtrem,极限登山系列;Alpine Active,运 动登山系列;5 Continents,5大洲,城市、旅行、休闲系列;LA MANO,攀岩系列。

Born in Munich, Germany, the SALEWA brand has been synonymous with alpine competence for 75 years and provides genuinely innovative products to meet the specific needs of mountain sports enthusiasts. These are products whose quality and functions are tested under the harshest conditions on any mountain on Earth. SALEWA, appropriately enough, stands out from the crowd with its passionate loyalty to the mountains and all mountain activities. And because these activities can be as varied as the rocks and mountains of our planet, we offer a complete range of products that provides 100% safety, comfort and reliability in the mountains. Through our athletes, we make long-term and trustful relations with our customers all over the world, and establish a culture of respect and love for people who climb mountains. For us, this means combining alpine activities with a certain kind of lifestyle. As a result, SALEWA has 4 main collections and each with specific purpose. alpineXtrem: Designed and developed in close association with extreme mountain climbers and guides – for the maximum in performance and high-tech engineering. Alpine Active: Whether you’re climbing, snowshoeing or trekking, what really counts is performance, safety and reliability. Alpine Active provides the balance in mountaineering competence – with peak in comfort. 5 Continents: No matter in the forest or city, mountain or sea side, 5C provides you the products with highest comfort, best cutting and most trendy fabrics – let 5C bring you round the world. La Mano: Performance meets fashion – La Mano combines freedom of movement and durability for sports climbing with fashionable design for everyday wear beyond the bouldering routes.

牧高笛:相约山水• 品尚生活 Mobi Garden: Invitation from the Garden


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牧高笛户外品牌系浙江来飞户外用品股份有限公司旗下的自主品牌,自2003年 起全面进入中国市场,八年来,牧高笛的销售渠道遍布全国100多个城市,连续 五年被评为中国户外行业新锐奖,先锋品牌奖,中国十大户外知名品牌,户外 产品金奖、银奖等诸多殊荣,并成为国际露营联合会中国区官方合作品牌,中 国汽车露营协会唯一指定用品,装备类产品销量全国遥遥领先。 2009年起,牧高笛全面启动全国专卖店和商场专柜计划,短短一年时间,牧高 笛以其户外聚会和度假生活的品牌理念,倡导自然,自由的休闲户外生活方 式,得到了全国代理商的认可和支持,在全国建立了100多家品牌专卖店及商场 专柜,直营店数量达到15家,2010年在全国开店数量突破200家。 浙江来飞户外用品股份有限公司是中国前三位的帐蓬等户外装备类产品的研 发、生产大型企业。拥有现代化的总部大楼及两个具有国际水准的户外产品生 产基地,2009年起大型的物流仓储基地也投入了使用。是浙江省户外行业的龙 头企业。

Wholly-owned by Zhejiang Lai-Fei Outdoor Co., Ltd, the Mobi Garden brand has been marketed in China since 2003. During the past eight years, Mobi Garden has setup channels in over 100 cities and is awarded Prominent New Outdoor Brand, Pioneer Brand, Top 10 Outdoor Brands, Outdoor Product Gold Prize and Silver Prize for five consecutive years. It is also the official partner brand of International Camping Federation China Division, and the only Specified Brand of China Automobile Camping Association. Its sales in outdoor gears are leading the market. 36

In 2009, Mobi Garden started its nationwide franchise and department stores strategy. Promoting the idea of outdoor parties and vacation living, it has won recognition and support from agents all over the country in just one year. Over 100 franchise stores and department store counters are opened and fifteen self-operated stores are setup. In 2010 the number grows to be over 200. Zhejiang Lai-Fei is one of the top 3 outdoor gear product enterprises able to do R&D as well as manufacturing. Lai-Fei has a modern headquarter building and two international-level manufacturing bases. In 2009, a large-scale logistics base is also put into use. It is a leading outdoor company in Zhejiang province.

户外服装 Outdoor Clothing

野玫瑰:展示多功能女性户外时装 Wild Roses: Feminine Outerwear Collection with Sophisticated Functionality

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户外时尚品牌Wild Rose野玫瑰将把2010/2011年冬季功能性户外女装推向市场。 野玫瑰品牌经理Johanna Rastner说:“野玫瑰填补了市场的一个缺口,它只生 产多功能的户外女装。我们的产品从高品质中的初级水平时装直接提升至专业 的高山服装。” 野玫瑰是一个专门由女性体育家设计的高端品牌。除了名称以外,野玫瑰的品牌 特征是激情般的品质。野玫瑰时装工艺精致完美,功能多样,设计富有女人味, 裁剪非常贴身。它只使用高级面料,如Gore-Tex Pro Shell 3L和2L,Toray Dermizax, Polartec Power Shield,Polartec Thermal Pro和带防水聚酰胺外壳的鸭绒。 野玫瑰崇尚“为梦想而工作”,它在2010/2011冬季时装展上展出了五个系列的 时装。Dream


现—自由;Pulse活力系列:运动—心跳—身心和谐;Base Camp营地系列:多 用途—探险—耐用;Explore探险系列:旅行—记忆—功能。2010年福建拉雅户 外用品有限公司正式成为Wild Rose中国及中国香港两地总代理商!

Outerwear fashion brand Wild Roses will begin conquering markets with feminine, functional outerwear in winter 2010/2011. “Wild Roses closes a gap in the market. This brand produces sophisticated, functional outerwear for women only. Our range stretches from a high-quality entry level collection right up to professional high-alpine gear,” says Johanna Rastner, Wild Roses Brand Manager. Wild Roses is a premium brand exclusively designed by female athletes. Brand characteristics, apart from the trade name, are qualities like passion for detail, absolutely perfect workmanship and high functionality. Wild Roses, with very feminine and figure-hugging tailoring, uses only high-class materials like Gore-Tex Pro Shell 3L and 2L, Toray Dermizax, Polartec Power Shield, Polartec Thermal Pro and down jackets with a waterproof polyamide outer shell.

The brand claim “Working on a Dream” is present throughout all five lines in the winter collection 2010/2011: Dream Line: Premium – Innovation – Limited; 8000: Technology – High Performance – Freedom; Pulse: Activity – Heartbeat – Harmony of Body and Mind; Base Camp: Versatility – Adventure – Durability; Explore: Journey – Memories – Functionality.

Montane: 轻量化的设计伴你远行 Further and Faster


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英国专业户外服装品牌Montane,由热爱户外生活的工程师于1993年创立,其初衷是制作适合户外运动的衣 物给身边的朋友及热爱登山的人。逐渐的,其眼光独到的配色,辅以精心挑选的功能性面料,所制作的超轻 量化服装,为登山家所推崇。 而其创新设计的里程碑,则是推出了全球第一件最轻的风衣,当时轰动整个户外界。其设计特点体现在折叠 后容易收纳,仅相当于一颗苹果的大小,超轻量化、防风且耐磨。尤其是Montane的冲锋衣,因为超轻量化 又耐磨!而时尚的剪裁,配合上乘的用料且兼顾实用性。近年,英国的山难救助队及英国的(PKO)和平部 队都选用Montane的服装,由此可见其信赖度!未来,Montane将继续以轻量化的设计,伴随你登山的步 伐,去到更远的地方。 2010年福建拉雅户外用品有限公司正式成为Montane中国总代理商!

Montane creates lightweight and breathable clothing for mountain climbing, running and biking. Montane was created over 18 years ago. Founded by a young passionate engineer who in between venturing out to explore the remote and wild places of this earth, he began sewing garments for friends and fellow mountain enthusiasts. It's a classic beginning really. Innovation was the start. The first super packable and lightweight windshirt, the first extreme conditions one layering system. The focus was and always will be on pushing the limits of garment design in order that those who are attracted to wild places can raise the limits of endurance and adventure in the mountains. Those in the past and those who now currently work and belong to Montane from designer, office support, sales, sponsored athlete and active user help perpetuate that pursuit of innovation. A pursuit that enables all of us in the mountains to move further and faster. 38

Outdoor Clothing 户外服装 傲峰雪:热爱户外,挑战巅峰 Alpinex: Love the Outdoor, Challenge the Extreme


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傲峰雪是德国凯威德公司经营的户外运动用品品牌。公司专注于经营高质量、高性能的户外运动系列用品, Alpinex是专为旅游、登山、攀岩、越野和滑雪运动者而特别设计的最专业的全天候盔甲。现公司已在福 州、上海、大连、广州、北京成立了办事机构,为中国迅速发展的户外运动用品事业建立了有力的平台。 傲峰雪源于被著名诗人拜伦称为“大自然的宫殿”的阿尔卑斯山脉。阿尔卑斯山脉代表着无数人的梦想,一 直 激 发 许 许 多 多 的 户 外 运 动 爱 好 者 去 战 胜 和 拥 有 他 , 傲 峰 雪 也 因 此 而 诞 生 。 他 以 一 颗 永 恒 的 爱 心 ( A: Always),不断创新,给予热爱生活(L: Love)、热爱自然、热爱生命、热爱户外运动、追求(P: Pursue)健康 时尚的人们以无穷的智慧(I: Intelligence)和无尽的勇气,去挑战自己、去挑战大自然的颠峰极限(E: Extreme & Exercise)运动。

Alpinex is an outdoor brand operated by Cape Verde Outdoor Int’l Group Ltd. The company focuses on managing high quality and high performance products, specially designed for traveling, mountaineering, rock-climbing and skiing enthusiasts. Our branch offices are located in Fuzhou, Shanghai, Dalian, Guangzhou and Beijing to meet the demands of the fast growing China market. Alpinex came from Alps, the Palace of Nature praised by Byron. Alps represents countless people's dream and has been stimulating lots of outdoor fans to defeat the great mountain. Alpinex of Germany was also named after this idea: to always love life and nature with a sincere heart, to pursue the outdoor lifestyle and to challenge the extreme with intelligence and courage.

欧格翠:超越无极限,环保无界限 OmnXtreme: Eco No Border, Over the Limited


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欧格翠,一个取源于欧洲,植根于中国,并在其广袤无际的大地上蓬勃发展的 品牌。以其高标准的质量及追求卓越创新的核心精神,秉持着环保、超越极限 的理念,誓言将欧格翠品牌做到世界的顶峰。 2011年是欧格翠的环保年,新的口号:超越无极限,环保无界限。让欧格翠迈 入一个新的里程碑。不止每季专门策划专属系列的环保概念商品,更全面使用 环保的包装材料,和世界性的环保公益组织定期举办活动,让欧格翠的理念能 深入大街小巷,并推广到户外环境保护的实践上,把超越无极限,环保无界限 的观念深植在所有人的心中。

OmnXtreme, the brand originated from Europe, grows stronger in China, and expands to the endless land. The core spirit is to never stop innovation and reach the highest quality. Continuously exceeding the limited and adhering to environment protection, OmnXtreme is heading to reach the top of the world. In the year of 2011, OmnXtreme advocates “Eco no border, over the limited”, bringing the brand to a whole new world. We not only promote the ECO series products, but also use the ECO-friendly packing materials for each product, joint with the environment organization to promote the spirit of OmnXtreme, to everywhere and everyone.

CHUMS: 舒适、快乐和品质 Comfortable, Fun and Quality


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CHUMS品牌于1983年在美国犹他州Hurricane市由Mike Taggett创立。 上世纪80年代早期,CHUMS的创始人Mike Taggett主要为到科罗拉多河探险的人 们提供向导服务。当时他有个困扰:身上的太阳镜总是容易丢失;因此他发明 了一种多功能的眼镜包,这是当时市场上第一款可调节的全棉眼镜包。 现在,CHUMS品牌已经成为 户外市场上的主力军,并将产 品线扩大到了包、帽子和服 饰。所有CHUMS的产品都遵 循“舒适、快乐和品质”的设 计理念。

Established in 1983, Hurricane, Utah, U.S.A. by Mike Taggett. In early 80s, CHUMS founder Mike Taggett was guiding people down the raging Colorado River. Only trouble is he kept losing expensive sunglasses, so he invented a versatile, comfortable eyewear retainer, it was the first adjustable all cotton eyeglass retainer on the market. Now CHUMS is a mainstay in the outdoor fashion industry and expanding products line to bags, cap/hat and clothing. All CHUMS products are designed with the concept “comfortable, fun and quality”. 39

户外服装 Outdoor Clothing

凯图巅峰:致力提倡优质户外生活,诚邀品牌加盟共享 K2summit: Dedication to Quality Outdoor Lifestyle


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北京凯图巅峰(K2summit)户外运动有限公司是集自主设计研发、市场营销、仓储、售后服务、人力资 源和资金平台整合为一体的户外品牌公司,成立于2001年。目前旗下共有5个使用商标品牌,涉及产品 包含登山、徒步、滑雪、自驾露营、低碳骑行五大类。公司总部设在北京,拥有全国各地经销商300余 家,商场、直营门店数十家,良好的合作平台、深厚的企业积淀使得产品销售网络覆盖了全国各大、中 城市,并凭藉着优异的口碑信誉荣膺为2010年中国纺织品商业协会户外分会副会长单位。 十年来我们始终对产品的功能性、可靠性进行严格把关。公司队伍始终贯彻执行严谨务实、创新坚持的 团队精神为客户服务,并具备快捷有效的售后服务体系及优质的产品加工线。良好的团队素养成为 K2summit品牌质量信誉的有力保障。为共享户外行业的美好前景携手民族品牌的创建和维护,现诚邀热 爱户外事业的人士加盟合作,K2summit将为您提供优厚的加盟待遇,敬候良好的合作伙伴共同进退,共 享优质户外前景。我们为您虚位以待。

Founded in 2001, K2summit Outdoor is able to design, market, store, and provide after-sale services for outdoor products. It is also an excellent platform for outdoor talents and finance. K2summit owns five brands, covering mountaineering, hiking, skiing, self-drive camping and low-carbon cycling. Headquartered in Beijing, K2summit has over 300 retailing partners and dozens of department stores and franchise shops all over the country. Its mature cooperation platform and rich culture has led to a comprehensive network in all major and medium cities in China. In 2010, K2summit is elected the vice president unit of the China Outdoor Commerce Alliance. K2summit has always focused on product functions and quality. Its team, following a spirit of pragmatism and innovation, is able to provide professional pre- and after-sale services to clients. The experienced staff is a strong guarantee of K2summit quality. In order to further develop Chinese outdoor industry, we are now inviting partner retailers on highly reasonable terms. Welcome to share our promising prospects. We are looking forward to your contact.

康尔健野:用家庭户外诠释幸福人生 KingCamp: This is All!


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KingCamp,家庭户外领导品牌,户外自驾露营装备第一品牌。自2002年创立以来,KingCamp始终致力 于的向全世界推广户外生活方式,倡导“舒适、轻松、分享、环保”的户外理念,以其独特设计、专业 品质和优质服务赢得全世界户外爱好者的青睐,产品畅销全球38个国家。KingCamp的产品涵盖露营、徒 步、旅行、休闲等四个系列近千个品种。无论产品设计、面料选择还是产品生产、质量监控,KingCamp 品牌均严格遵循国际惯例,领先国际一流水平。 KingCamp不仅是一个品牌,更代表一种健康的生活方式,倡导人们轻松舒适地享受户外,贴近自然。其 品牌内涵是一种独特的情感体验——户外绝不仅仅是个体对自然的征服和探险以及对自我极限的挑战, 而更应该是与家人一起到户外去,共同感受、相互分享户外运动所带来的快乐体验并把这种愉悦的心境 传递给周围的朋友——这就是“家庭户外”,幸福就是这样!

Founded in 2002, KingCamp brand has become the leader and professional brand in the manufacturing and distribution of outdoor gears in more than 30 countries worldwide, providing excellent products aimed at satisfying the needs of our clients and their relationship with nature. KingCamp is not only a brand, but also a concept which reflected in the design and function of products to serve the comfort, needs, and security of our clients while respecting the environment. KingCamp is not only an outdoor brand, but also a concept of life style which reflected in the design and function of products to elevate clients’ enjoyment of life while joining the outdoor activities. KingCamp develops continuously a wide range of products covering outdoor activities of camping, hiking, travel and leisure. Each product design is based on the specific requirements of our clients and the comments from our testers who use the products in extreme outdoor conditions. KingCamp incorporates the most advanced technology in machinery, manufacturing techniques and materials to produce the item which are subject to our strictest quality control. KingCamp work with famous European designers to guarantee our products always in the world class level and in the same step of design trends in outdoor developments worldwide. 40

Outdoor Clothing 户外服装 思凯乐户外:诚邀品牌加盟 SCALER: Join Our Brand!


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“SCALER”意为攀登者,孕育着锐意进取,不断超越的拼搏精神,代表着自然、乐观、不懈追求的生活态度。 北京思凯乐旅游用品有限公司,致力于打造白领时尚第一户外品牌,为国内外喜爱户外的白领人士提供一站 式户外用品采购及服务。目前,思凯乐十二大系列,五百多个品种的产品已涉及户外运动的各个环节,可全 方位满足户外爱好者及企业用户个性定制的需求。 目前公司在全国开展招商加盟工作,希望与一些优质的经销商和对户外有着浓厚兴趣的有识之士,共同打造 好中国的户外市场,公司将竭诚为客户提供产品知识,经营指导,道具支持等相关的扶持政策,希望有识之 士莅临洽谈!招商电话:18601381624,18601381629,18601381631

The Brand name SCALER means to be enterprising and make arduous efforts all the time. The name stands for natural, positive and ever-pursuing life attitude. Beijing Scaler Outdoors Suppliers Co., Ltd. is dedicated to the top white-collars and tourists fashion, providing the customers one-stop service. At the moment, SCALER owns 12 product series and more than 500 various products, relating to any of the outdoor aspects. We can meet all customers’ demands, including the personal or companies’ needs. Scaler Outdoor welcomes the elitist dealer and people join us, to develop the best outdoor market in China. We will provide the products knowledge, marketing assistance and support etc. Hope you can join our team! Contact Tel: 18601381624, 18601381629, 18601381631

喀尔沃:快乐生活,创意人生 CARAVA: Live Happily, Live Innovatively


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山林路:穿在身上的自由 BOULEVARD: Freedom to Wear


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CARAVA秉承“快乐生活,创意人生”的品牌理念,积极倡导低碳环保的户外生 活方式,将专业户外与时尚休闲的风格完美融合,与您共同分享户外的自然和 谐之美。 CARAVA历经多年的积淀,已发展成为集产品设计、生产、营销为一体的专业化 户外品牌,坚持“关注户外,专注品质”的服务理念,严格执行品质的保证策 略,为户外运动提供安全舒适的 全面保障。

CARAVA stands for the camel group traveling through the deserts and represents the footsteps of mysterious lifestyle, represents the footsteps of mysterious lifestyle. Sticking to the idea of "Live Happily, Live Innovatively", CARAVA is in strong approval of low-carbon outdoor lifestyles. It integrates professional outdoor technologies with casual fashion to offer customers natural and intriguing outdoor experiences. Years of development made CARAVA a professional brand combining design, manufacturing and marketing. It concentrates on product quality and outdoor functions to provide comprehensive protection for your outdoor sports.

一直对他们进行长期的跟踪和调研,逐渐积累了专业的滑雪和登山服的设计生 产经验。90年代初期,公司率先在业界提出了“时尚户外”的概念。 1996年,公司在中国湖北地区投入了1800万美元建造全球生产基地,为公司的 全球化发展奠定了坚实的基础。2009年公司在对中国市场进行调查和分析后, 决定倡导“穿在身上的自由”的户外新理念,并开始全面启动中国市场的发展 计划。 现 公 司 面 向 全 国 招 商 。 联 系 人 皮 先 生 , 手 机 : 13371679236; 电 子 邮 箱 :。

BOULEVARD was established in Aspen, Alaska, the skiing capital of America. As the biggest ski resort of America, every year outdoor fans from around the world come to Aspen for the challenges. Through continual consumer surveys and research, Boulevard designers have accumulated rich experiences in ski and mountaineering manufacturing. In the early 1990s, Boulevard proposed the "outdoor fashion" idea. In 1996, it invested in a $18 million manufacturing base in Hubei, China, an important step for its global strategy. After careful investigation and analysis in 2009, BOULEVARD started "Freedom to Wear" concept and its full-range marketing in China. BOULEVARD is now attracting partners nationwide. Please contact us if you are interested. Contact: Mr. Pi, Mobile: 13371679236,


户外服装 Outdoor Clothing

北极狐:悠久历史的瑞典户外休闲品牌 Fjällräven: Swedish Outdoor Brand with Honorable History


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Fjällräven(北极狐)创建于1960年,是拥有悠久历史的瑞典户外休闲品牌。随着公司的发展,相继收购 了瑞典的炉具品牌Primus,北欧户外服装品牌Tierra,德国专业户外鞋品牌Hanwag(悍威)以及美国知名 户外品牌Brunton。2001年正式成立跨国集团Fenix Outdoor AB,并成功在瑞典交易所上市。今日,公司销 售网络已经遍布全世界。公司自创品牌Fjällräven(北极狐)是瑞典王室御用供应商品牌。公司旗下还拥 有瑞典著名的户外用品连锁店Naturkompaniet。 江苏飞耐时户外用品有限公司成立于2008年5月,是Fenix Outdoor AB的第7家子公司,也是中国大陆地区唯 一负责Fenix Outdoor旗下品牌在中国市场的推广和销售。

Founded in 1960, Fjällräven is a well-known Swedish outdoor brand with honorable history. With the development of company, a serious of top-end outdoor brands as Primus, Tierra, Hanwag and Brunton were acquired successively. In 2001, Fenix outdoor AB was founded and became a public-listed company at Stockholm Exchange. The well-known outdoor chain of Naturkompaniet is also a part of the global enterprise of Fenix Outdoor AB. Fjällräven is the royal appointed brand by Swedish King. Today, Fenix operates its brand in Europe, North America and Asia. Jiangsu Fenix Outdoor Inc. was founded in May 2008 and it's the 7th daughter company of Fenix Outdoor AB. Jiangsu Fenix Outdoor Inc. is appointed to be the sole agent for sales and marketing of brands owned by Fenix Outdoor AB in Chinese market.

天石:中国专业户外装备领军品牌 HIGHROCK: China’s Leading Outdoor Specialty Brand


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哥仑步:享受“轻户外”,打造轻生活 Kolumb: Enjoy the “Light Outdoor”


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Kolumb Light Outdoor series offer you all-weather comfort and outstanding experiences in sports, traveling and lifestyle through the adoption of light materials, portable technologies, and lightweight design.

外服装,睡袋工厂为依托,以国际知名设计组织为助力。为中国户外爱好者 带来更好的户外产品。

HIGHROCK, as one of the leading specialty brands of Chinese outdoor market, has entered a new era. From this year onwards, HIGHROCK will expand its classic and well-known sleeping bag line, adding more innovative elements. Also, HIGHROCK newly improved apparel line will be re-introduced to the market this year. We will keep bringing new and exciting products to outdoor enthusiasts.


户外服装 Outdoor Clothing

极星:专业户外,超越梦想 Shehe: More Than You Can Dream


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土拨鼠:专业的户外人生 MARMOT: MARMOT for Life


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探险者合作,借助他们的实际经验去不断地完善产品,致力于为国内户外运动 用品零售商提供专业户外服装装备。

MARMOT的产品,广泛使用当今世界上最新科技的布料、材料和生产技术, 如最新Gore-Tex XCR面料、有“三维立体排汗王”之称的DriClime材料、超级





Dry®、 Wet Free®、Dry Bulk®、SH-Wall®等多种功能面料,并应用于相关产品上。





套 / 配 件 、 SPOR TSWEAR/运 动 装 和 EQUIPMENT/装 备 。 MARMOT曾 荣 获 《Backpacker》杂志“编辑之选”年度装备金奖、《National Geographic》杂志


Shehe, as a professional outdoor equipment manufacturer and brand, aims at providing the most reliable and scientific equipments for outdoor adventurers. Since the birth of brand, Shehe never stops cooperating with professional adventures for improving products with their practical experience continuously. It is committed to providing professional outdoor clothing and equipment for retailers. Originated from the end of twentieth century, Shehe established an Outdoor Apparel R&D Centre in 2003 and developed six series functional fabric with KOMATSU by now. They have carried out a variety of registered trademark functional fabrics including All Dry®, Wet Free®, Dry Bulk®, SH-Wall® etc which have been applied to related products widely.


As an american professional outdoor equipment brand, MARMOT gave its birth in 1971. It has a nearly 40 years history and taken a marmot as a mascot. Marmot is one of world's top outdoor brands. MARMOT products widely use the newest materials and technology, for example Gore-Tex XCR, DriClime, WindStopper, DryLoft, POLARTEC, CoolMax and so on. MARMOT puts new product series to use since 2006, including ALPINIST, OUTDOOR, BACK COUNTRY, BASELAYER, GLOVES/ACCES, SPORTSWEAR and EQUIPMENT. It has won many awards including Backpackers Editor's Choice Gold Award, National Geographic’s Best Of Adventure Gear and Outside Gear of the Year Award, etc.

The main products of Shehe are waterproof and breathable, windproof, quick drying, insulated, down apparels and sleeping bags, boots, backpacks, accessories etc.

户外研究:探险者为您精心设计 Outdoor Research: Designed by Adventure


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1981年,美国人Ron Gregg成立了Outdoor Research公司。此后二十多年中,Ron一直专注于为户外运动爱好者在野外 遭遇到的各种难题研究解决方案和提供实用的、功能性的装备。随着户外手套、帽子、雪套等产品的开发,OR得以 快速成长,并成为美国军方的手套和帽子供应商。到世纪之交时,OR已拥有服装、户外附件和轻量化宿营系列产品 线。OR不再仅仅局限于生产世界顶级户外附件产品,而是为广大用户提供从头到脚、从里到外,功能性与舒适性俱 佳的产品。2003年,Ron遭遇雪崩罹难,Dan Nordstrom成为OR的新主人,OR度过短暂的低谷得以复兴,又开发出许 多新的经典产品。OR品牌理念的核心所在Designed By Adventure,在2011年产品的功能性方面表现得淋漓尽致。

Started in 1981 by Ron Gregg to manufacture and distribute his newly designed gaiter, Outdoor Research focuses on creating practical, functional tools and solutions to the problems faced by outdoor enthusiasts in the backcountry. Outdoor Research designs and manufactures the best outdoor gear that our customers could be covered head-to-foot. Outdoor Research products are Designed By Adventure and every day we work to make our gear reflect the adventures for which they are designed. 44

Outdoor Clothing 户外服装 凯瑞摩:重现英伦经典传奇 Karrimor: The British Legend Returns


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作为一个具有超过60年历史的专业户外运动品牌,Karrimor重视随身装备的实用性及耐用性。在欧洲用领先的户外科 技带领了一波又一波的户外运动热潮,也是众多知名登山冒险家共同的选择,谱写过众多脍炙人口的传奇。 Karrimor将再次粉墨登场ispo china 2011,聚焦会场所有人的眼球,为中国户外运动爱好者带来更完善的产品线,更 专业的操作团队,更多元化的经营路线,以及针对亚洲特别是中国市场设计的产品。所有的户外运动爱好者与从业 者均将耳目一新!

Karrimor, the legendary outdoor brand from Britain, is the choice of many outdoor enthusiasts. With over 60 years of history, Karrimor gives their highest credit to the functionality and durability of outdoor gears, bringing waves of outdoor fever in Europe with its advanced technology. At ispo china 2011, Karrimor will again be the most eye-catching part of the trade show that brings outdoor enthusiasts advanced products lines, professional service teams, diversified management and gears that specially made to suit the Asian market.

PRORAINER:航行同进,引领风潮 Sail With Us, Lead The Trend


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威泰格:享受户外,乐在其中 WTIGER: Play It, Feel It


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美国威泰格(WTIGER)户外品牌始创于2001年。是WHITE TIGER英文名称的简



北欧波罗的海及北海上极端恶劣的气候,PRORAINER不仅严防海水侵袭,保温 防寒御冷,在大量体力消耗、汗流浃背之间,还可以凭借自己身上的透气功能 面料,以及迭层的夹心料,使内层功能性衣物保持干爽,为专业玩家贴身护 航。在我们建立航海运动品牌的同时,PRORAINER还开发和生产相关系列产 品,诸如滑雪装特有的功能并加以时尚化、户外登山系列拥有防雨防寒功能 外,且具休闲舒适感,使在城市往来有若徜徉山水之间。

PRORAINER is a leading brand established in Hamburg, Germany. Since its birth in 1987, PRORAINER has been widely recognized by sailing professionals in every harbour of Europe. In the stritigent weather of Nordic seas, PRORAINER is not only able to prevent seawater and keep the warmth, but also to keep the underwears dry and cool through its breathable fabric and the medium layer. Apart form the sailing sports products, PRORAINER has also developed other related lines. It has adopted the characteristics of ski suits and applied them to casual wear, so that its mountrianeering products can enjoy both water-proof and casual fashion.

的户外运动装备品牌。2008年,WTIGER(威泰格)国内首家零售店于北京开 业,标志着品牌正式进入一个新里程。WTIGER (威泰格) 是一个生产全线产品的户 外品牌,集团拥有一支专业的研发生产队伍,紧贴国内外户外行业的信息及需 求。“创新”成为品牌的核心推动力,我们不断精益求精,务求时刻推出更新 更好的户外产品,满足广大消费者的需要。品牌生产包括登山鞋、工作鞋、凉 鞋、冲锋衣、防风裤、卫衣、登山包、休闲背包等全线户外产品。威泰格在注 重优越功能性同时,也将各类流行元素融入设计,让大家尽情享受大自然户外活 动时,也将都市潮流引入其中,充分体验“享受户外,乐在其中”的品牌理念。

Established in 2001, WTIGER (USA) is a simplified form of WHITE TIGER. WTIGER labels itself as a rare white tiger. In 2008, the first WTIGER retailing store in China was opened in Beijing, signaling the start of its new adventure. Endowed with a professional R&D team, WTIGER is capable of manufacturing the entire line of outdoor products that caters for the need of the international market. Innovation is the core value of WTIGER brand. We endeavor to create better products for our customers, including trekking boots, work boots, sandals, breathable jacket, windproof trousers, sweaters, rucksacks and backpacks. WTIGER concentrates on both functions and fashion designs to enable trendy as well as natural outdoor experiences that reflect the "Enjoy the Outdoor" concept.


户外服装 Outdoor Clothing

普尔兰德:中国户外品牌的中坚力量 Pureland: Core Power in China Outdoor Brands


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天津普尔兰德旅游装备有限公司是集研发、生产、销售于一体的中国户外品牌公司。企业致力于户外生活的 推广,倡导更多的人去体验露营休闲、山野探险等户外活动,放松心情,去感受大自然的种种乐趣。 自2002年公司在天津创立,Pureland不仅已成为中国户外品牌中的中坚力量,同时在德国、美国、新西兰、 澳大利亚、瑞典、印度等11个海外国家均已取得了一定的成绩。Pureland依靠不断进取、努力创新的研发精 神,使产品线迅速拓宽,目前户外基础装备种类已超过320余种,产品涵概帐篷、睡袋、背包和服装等类。 Pureland集聚了各方优秀的人才,拥有近30年户外行业经验的产品研发团队和生产团队,拥有充满激情和智 慧的年轻销售团队和经验丰富的管理人员。Pureland的每个部分紧密相连,员工与企业的发展方向一致,公 司与经销商、供应商,服务商等合作伙伴的奋斗目标相同;这一切使得Pureland这条价值链上的每个节点都 能和谐发展,使得Pureland得以健康的成长! 如今的Pureland,正以优秀的团队、诚信的品牌形象、卓越的产品质量、完善的售后服务,为共同的理想而 奋斗,我们将投入所有的热情和智慧,真诚的为每一位消费者、每一位合作伙伴、每一位客户以及每一位员 工而服务!

Pureland Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer, marketing, exporting operations and brand distributor and wholesaler of camping and outdoor gears such as tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, apparel, mattresses and accessories. As one of the biggest and famous brands of outdoor products in Chinese market, Pureland with over 200 retailers and stores throughout China is offering you a complete production and technology with design, colourful combination and technical materials. Besides, Pureland has been helping international branded importers and wholesalers to get hold of a vantage point in their local markets with constantly quality control of production and ogistic assistance. Pureland is getting bigger and stronger with the full support from the customers and partners. By working with Pureland, you will have various choices for your business through all kinds of service and efforts. Pureland always hopes to build a cooperative and mutual beneficial business relationship with you.

塔咔咔:高品质,新技术 TAKAKA: High Quality, New Technology


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TAKAKA(塔咔咔)一直以高品质,新技术作为产品必不可少的元素,突出产品的高性价比。TAKAKA产品在 生产和检验过程中严格按照国外品牌的流程,保证一流的质量和超高的性价比。 无缝热贴合技术:使用高温热熔胶贴合技术,实现无缝拉链贴合,无缝折边处理,无缝贴胶技术;超声波无 缝技术:通过使用业界领先的专业无缝技术,实现无缝线无针孔的设计,实现面料的熔合,提高防水性和加 强轻量化;无缝压胶技术:通过使用业界领先的专业无缝压胶技术,可以有效提高防水性,增强舒适性,加 强衣服的收纳性能,带给你完美的外在和内在的体验;防静电技术、防风技术、防水技术、透气透湿技术、 镭射建材技术、快干防晒技术、超轻量设计、保暖技术、除污技术。 TAKAKA has always been focusing on high quality and new technology as essential elements of products to highlight the cost-effectiveness of products. The process of producing and inspecting of its products strictly accords to the process of foreign brands to ensure top quality and ultra-high cost-effectiveness. Seamless Thermal Laminating Technology: use high-temperature hot melt adhesive lamination, fit seamlessly zipper, seamless hem treatment, and seamless rubberized technology. Ultrasound Seamless Technology: Realize the design of seamless wire-free pinhole and the fusion material, improve waterproof and strengthen lightweight by using industry-leading professional seamless technology. Seamless Adhesive Technology: Improve waterproof effectively, enhance comfort, enhance storage performance of clothing and give you perfect external and internal experience by using industry-leading professional seamless adhesive technology. Anti-static technology; Anti-wind technology; Waterproof technology; Breathable and moisture permeable technology; Laser building materials technology; Quick-drying sun technology; Ultra-lightweight design; Thermal technology; Decontamination technology.


Outdoor Clothing 户外服装 傲石开:更健康,更时尚 Oursky: Healthier, More Fashionable


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MANGROVE:发现生活的乐趣 Discover the Joys of Life


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MANGROVE产 品 以 服 饰 、 包 、 鞋 及 睡 袋 为 主 , 品 牌 注 册 及 概 念 源 自 英 国 。













比户外产品”的采购与定制。 我们本着:品质、诚信、专心、互利的企业精神,愿与所有有识之士谋求共同 发展,为大家带来一个健康、环保、时尚的生活新方式!

Oursky stands for the spirit of endurance, persistence and passionate. It is also leading the idea of environmental protection. Oursky is a brand of Guangzhou Oursky Trading Co., Ltd. Founded in 2008, Guangzhou Oursky is the only authorized agent of Oursky brand products. It is formerly a state-owned enterprise manufacturing outdoor products for leading western outdoor brands. After years of technology and equipment upgrades, we finally started our own brand! Oursky is committed to the pursuit of quality and adopts the core values of Healthier and More Fashionable. We are supplying the high-quality outdoor products from Hong Kong.

MANGROVE products range from clothing, bags to shoes and sleeping bags. Ideas inspired and the brand registered in the United Kingdom. The logo MANGROVE is a kind of plant that grows in the saline coastal habitats. With its own special capabilities, it can overcome different environmental conditions. MANGROVE’s spirit is to have a positive attitude to life and nature. It provides excellent functional products, yet smart and attractive for the travel and outdoor enthusiasts. Through the series, reflecting an authentic attitude to life and the environment. Combining high performance materials with trendy and innovative elements, all styles developed are fit for your needs and make you look and feel unique. Each MANGROVE product is made with great love and passion. Our affection for life and the surroundings has inspired us to start the MANGROVE‘s adventure.

Adhering to the principles of high quality, credibility, concentration and mutual benefits, we would like to go into partnership with all persons willing to explore the outdoor market and bring a new healthy, environmental and fashionable lifestyle!

塞沃斯:生活在旅行 SKYWARDS: Living in Travel


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SKYWARDS(向往天空)简写SWS,译音塞沃斯,源于中国上海。塞沃斯的产品开发设计不仅针对款型和色 彩鲜明的搭配,还具备专业的户外功能性,进而保证每件产品对舒适性的苛刻要求,造就了塞沃斯专业的品 质。从产品的设计、材料的选择、后期的加工,每一细节都注入了我们的缜密和创新。 时尚的引领,赋予了塞沃斯时尚的风格。我们时时把握最前沿的时尚导向,个性与流行,时尚与品味,经典 与智慧,演绎于塞沃斯的每件产品。塞沃斯:生活中的选择,旅行中的感觉。生活在旅行!

Abbreviated as SWS, SKYWARDS (Shanghai) represents a spirit longing for the sky. SWS products provide professional outdoor functions apart from innovative styles and bright colors. Each product of SWS is guaranteed for their comfort and quality. In every detail lies our care and innovation: from design to material selection to manufacturing. SWS is always pioneering the fashion trends. We keep a watchful eye on the market and needle innovation, taste, intelligence, and tradition into every thing we make. SWS: Selection of Lifestyle, Feeling in Traveling. Living, Traveling! 47

户外服装 Outdoor Clothing

泛姆泰克:彻底改变攀岩能力 FMTECH: Climbing has Evolved


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伊思佳:引领户外新生活 Yisijia: Pilot Outdoor New Life


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From the crowded streets of Tianjin, China to Rocky Mountains of Colorado - FM Tech personifies the climbing experiences through its apparels and shoes. It advocates the new lifestyle, the movement, the revolution - a generation of young passionate climbers ready to take over. From the tight, functional shoe designs, especially X2 rubber, to the whole streamline, movable apparels, FM Tech is the next generation of climbing outfitters. Climbing has evolved.

伊思佳经过多年的产品研发、市场拓展,品牌在国内户外市场享有美誉,独树 一帜。伊思佳先后成为国家自行车队、亚洲轮滑赛、中国测绘院指定服装,并 联手山岳户外、飞鹰户外等众多国内外知名户外俱乐部策划完成户外休闲生活 活动,志在推广中国户外运动休闲的新生活方式。

Yisijia is a brand held by Zhejiang Yisijia Group, a company with 15 years experiences in making casual wear. We have not only unique techniques in design and production but also in sales and marketing. We are able to provide consumers with professional, comfortable, and high cost performance casual wears. Yisijia strictly follows its motto of “pilot outdoor new life” and create better life for our customers. After years of development and marketing, Yisijia has won great acknowledgment in outdoor sports field in China. Yisijia is also a sponsor of National Cycling Team and Asian Roller Skating Event and has held outdoor events with Blue Moon, Mountains and other outdoor clubs to promote a new lifestyle in China.

北客:细节流露经典,户外彰显时尚 BEAUME: Classical Style, Fashionable Outdoor


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“细节流露经典,户外彰显时尚”是BEAUME特有的品牌DNA。以户外运动“家庭”为目标人群,BEAUME产 品线涵盖了风雨衣、冲锋衣、背包、鞋子、帽子等品类,全力呵护全家人在户外休旅时的各种活动。 在材质选用上,BEAUME自主研发的面料充分满足使用者的需求,以“高质优价”赢得更多顾客的青睐;颜 色与剪裁是品牌的亮点,“多姿多彩”策略体现了BEAUME的户外时尚感,立体化剪裁更是让户外装同样具 有时装的塑身美感。款式上,BEAUME力求经典,每一件户外服装都能看出设计师的周到考虑与照顾。 2011年,BEAUME抢占户外休闲市场的同时,开启“BEAUME假日训练营计划”,让更多的家庭在大自然的清 新中与BEAUME度过难忘时光,BEAUME让每一个人自由自在,营在天下。

Classical style is from the particular detailed design; fashionable life is born of the outdoor activities. This is the key value of BEAUME. Targeting at the family consumers, its product line covers rainwear, outdoor parka, backpack, footwear and headwear, giving the families full protection in any kind of outdoor activities. BEAUME’s self-researched and developed raw materials satisfy the consumers’ need for lower price but higher quality. The highlights of this brand lie in color collection and tailoring, which make the products stylish and also shape the body. Always pursuing perfection, its design team produces everything with enormous attention to the details. In 2011, BEAUME’s market share will grow rapidly. BEAUME Holiday Training Camping activity will be launched to provide opportunities for many families to experience the outdoor life and fresh air. BEAUME encourages you to free yourself and enjoy the camping life. 48

Outdoor Clothing 户外服装 远行客:选择了远方,便只能风雨兼程 TOPSKY: Accompany You through the Wind and Rain

数星客:原生态户外旅行家 SURETEX: Original Ecological Outdoor Traveler

展位号 展位号

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户外运动爱好者的好评,产品远销全国以及世界各地。国际一流的用料,近乎 完美的细节,最严格的技术测试和实地测试把关,让我们的产品更有信心面对 任何恶劣环境的挑战。 TOPSKY主营冲锋衣、冲锋裤、背包、羽绒服、速干衣、皮肤风衣、登山鞋、睡 袋、手套、户外帽、沙滩鞋等一系列户外装备。TOPSKY的所有产品都严格按照 最高环保要求生产设计,以最大限度减少人类活动对自然造成的影响! 蝉翼系列皮肤风衣采用尼龙20D面料经过多重加工处理,达到风衣整体轻盈滑 爽、透气排汗等户外装备要求,不变形不退色,穿着舒适贴身,色彩效果艳 丽,款式造型颇具立体感,让您在户外环境或者城市休闲成为一道迷人的风 景线。

Created in 2006, TOPSKY is positioned as an outdoor brand to meet the demands of outdoor sports lovers. All its products are designed by professionals from all over the world and deeply favored by customers. The brand enjoys a good sale nationwide and even worldwide. Boasting of world-class materials, perfect workmanship, most strict technological tests and on-the-spot tests, TOPSKY is confident and capable of facing any challenges in the adverse circumstances. TOPSKY produces various series of outdoor sports equipments as mountaineering clothes, down-filled coats, windproof jackets, climbing boots, sleeping bags, hats, gloves and so on. All the products are designed and manufactured in strict accordance with the highest environment-protection requirements, aiming to minimize the pollution to the nature. Securidaca series of skin fabric 20D nylon windbreaker processed through multiple procedures, to coat the whole light and smooth, breathable perspiration and other outdoor equipment requirements. It brings customers the personal comfort as well as beautiful color and body-shaping effects.

SURETEX致力于为户外爱好者提供高品质的功能性与舒适性相结合的产品,秉 承“原生态户外旅行家”的品牌理念,将该理念融入产品设计当中,开发出丰 富的产品系列,产品类别涉及:户外运动,户外休闲,户外商旅等。 SURETEX在全面进军国内市场的同时,已经在国际市场崭露头角,荣获2010年 GMC全球巡展(世博站)“GMC服装行业推荐品牌”称号。为了丰富SURETEX 的品牌理念,SURETEX斥资设立了SURETEX(武功山)户外运动基地,定期举行 武功山国际帐篷节,引领更多的消费者了解户外,享受自然。

SURETEX is an outdoor brand that leads people understanding natural environment, returning to nature, and then enjoying it thoroughly. SURETEX, which is the subsidiary of FULTA APPAREL COMPANY Co., Ltd. boasts 13 years rich experiences in developing, designing and producing outdoor products. SURETEX has been endeavored to providing the high-quality outdoor products combining both functionality and comfortability. Upholding “Original Ecological Outdoor Traveler” brand slogan and integrating it into design and production, SURETEX produces multiple series and collections of products, including outdoor sports, outdoor leisure, outdoor traveling, etc. In the same time of striving in domestic market, we have achieved greatly in the international market. SURETEX was honored with “GMC Clothing Industry Recommending Brands” in 2010 GMC global exhibition. To enrich SURETEX brand ideas, we invested and established SURETEX (WuGong Mountain) outdoor base and organize the International Tentage Festival periodically. Absorbing more and more enthusiasts to comprehend the nature and enjoy the outdoor.


户外服装 Outdoor Clothing

THINKPACE:打造完美户外体验 Create Perfect Outdoor Experiences


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HOPERISE:优质服务,合理价位 High-quality Service, Competitive Price


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时,将荣耀回归本土市场。我们将以高品质、专业化的产品,努力开拓国内市 场,使广大户外运动爱好者,能享受到集品质、专业和时尚于一身的 THINKPACE户外运动产品。

THINKPACE creates perfect outdoor experiences with products of high quality, and focuses on promoting the professional outdoor sports products into the general population. Over the years, THINKPACE persists on applying the technology of seamless process, avoiding the drawbacks of the traditional seam line technology. THINKPACE attracts a number of outdoor sports enthusiasts from America and Europe. In 2011, according to the brand developing strategy, THINKPACE will return to the domestic market, while maintaining a steady growth in overseas markets. We will strive to expand the domestic market with high-quality professional products, so that the majority of outdoor sports enthusiasts can enjoy the THINKPACE outdoor sports products integrating quality, profession and fashion as a whole.

目前,HOPERISE已在中国北方地区设立旗舰店,直营店分布于沈阳、长春等 地,建立起一套成熟的店铺运营模式。并在新加坡、意大利、英国、塞尔维 亚,外蒙古等国家登陆,采用直营+加盟开店模式。HOPERISE订货流程简单、 迅捷,供货价格更有竞争力,致力为加盟商提供最有效率的服务。HOPERISE正 全力打造一个优质服务,合理价位的户外品牌。

HOPERISE is an international outdoor brand with high-quality service and moderate price. Based in Germany, HOPERISE has a senior design elite team, which lead the outdoor fashion trend integrating with fashion, style and technology. Apart from that, HOPERISE is dedicated to developing practical accessories, which provides customers with full set of outdoor equipments. At the moment, HOPERISE sets flagship store in North China and regular chain stores in Shenyang, Changchun, etc. It is professional in store operation. Further, HOPERISE regular chains and franchisers are scattered in Singapore, Italy, England, Serbia, Mongolia, etc. HOPERISE offers the most effective services with simple order flow and competitive prices.

弗仑斯潘:中国区招商全面启动 FRASPENS: Business Investment in China Market


1. 501

FRASPENS(弗仑斯潘)是最早起源于英国的专业生产户外用品的品牌之一,2005年低调进入国内,经过 几年的市场耕耘,已经越来越被国内户外旅行爱好者认识和认可。FRASPENS从诞生之日起,就向人们表 达了追求健康的高品质生活的愿望,提倡人们回归自然、享受自然、热爱自然的品牌精神内涵。其产品 设计风格简洁、大气又时尚,更以其专业的户外技术和态度,为广大户外旅行爱好者所喜爱。 2011年FRASPENS将加大品牌推广力度,全面建立终端市场开发建设机制,增加产品研发及质量管控力 度,丰富产品类别,全面提升FRASPENS品牌市场竞争力,为加盟商提供国际化的优质产品和更具竞争力 的价格,促使品牌与广大加盟商共同发展。

FRASPENS was the one of the first professional outdoor brands originated in the United Kingdom. It entered China market in 2005. After several years of growth, it has been increasingly recognized by domestic outdoor and travel enthusiasts. From the date of birth, FRASPENS expresses the idea to pursue high quality of life and encourage people back to nature, enjoy nature, love nature. Its simple design style and professional skills and attitudes attract the majority. In 2011 FRASPENS will establish full mechanisms for the development and construction of end markets, streamline ordering processes, increase product development and quality control efforts, extensive product categories to enhance the market competitiveness of FRASPENS brand, for the franchisees to provide more international quality and competitive products, in order to promote common development of the majority of franchisees. 50

户外鞋类 Outdoor Footwear

INOV-8: 保持足部的自然功能 Optimizing the End User’s Performance


2. 509


La Sportiva: 富有激情的革新 Innovation with Passion


2. 509

1928年La Sportiva第一次在意大利米兰参加商业展会,并且取得重大的成功。


取得了军队高山靴的订单。1950年代La Sportiva的品牌业务遍布欧洲各国。同


时也开始设计生产滑雪靴及夏季运动的鞋子。1970年代La Sportiva继续在登山

INOV-8相信让足部在最自然的状态自由活动的功能可以为徒步和越野者提供 一个安全的平台。无论是专业的越野跑鞋还是休闲的越野鞋。“保持足部的 自然功能”永远是INOV-8设计鞋类产品的核心理念!团队由登山、航海、户 外、工业在鞋类领域中的专家组成,在产品研发和设计中能够自如地应用众

鞋及冬季穿越靴方面发展。1980年代伴随着攀岩运动的发展,La Spotiva在累积 多年的制鞋经验后,开始生产攀岩鞋,并成为全球户外领域的知名品牌。1995 年La Sportiva在全球的需求快速增加,并在Ziano,建设新的工厂。其开发及设 计中心就在这里。


2004年欧洲商业周刊评选La Sportiva为欧洲最具潜力的公司之一。2005年在北


美的攀岩鞋市场市占率超过35%。除了在攀岩领域的成功外,La Sportiva的登山



INOV-8团体在设计时坚信人类的足部是在机械及结构设计方面的杰作。2010年 福建拉雅户外用品有限公司,正式成为INOV-8中国及台湾两地总代理商!

Based in "England’s last Wilderness", the North Pennines, INOV-8™ is a British company that’s passionate about specialist off-road running and extreme sports products. All of our products are extensively tested by enthusiasts and elite international athletes to guarantee they perform. Our whole design development process centers on optimizing the end user’s performance. The uppers are extremely functional with mesh in the forepart and tongues for maximum breathability. This creates a foot climate that helps you run at your best. The team is made up of experts with proven track records in the footwear fields of Sports, Mountaineering, Marine, Outdoor and Industrial design and development. This linked with a strong bio-mechanics input, coupled with a test team of elite athletes in the Mountain Sports environment gives INOV-8 the creative culture for next generation products.

的探险家眼中,更是首选装备。 2008年La Sportiva和奥运会火炬一同成功登顶珠峰。2009年11月福建拉雅户外 用品有限公司成立,正式成为La Sportiva中港台三地产品代理商!

In the 20s, 30s and 40s of the last century, Narciso Delladio hand-crafted wooden clogs and leather boots for many lumber-jacks and farmers of the Fassa and Fiemme valleys (Dolomites, Italy). After the war, the demand for boots increased, obliging Narciso to hire new workers: the good name of "Calzoleria Sportiva" crossed the boarders of the valleys. Starting from here the La Sportiva’s history and fame continued to grow. Now the firm produces in Fiemme Valley boots and shoes for all kind of outdoor activities from climbing and mountain, categories in which La Sportiva has the market leadership, to mountain running and trekking. After 82 years, La Sportiva’s mission remains still the same: innovation with passion.


户外鞋类 Outdoor Footwear

爱步Terra Vg凉鞋:远足和其他户外活动的理想选择 ECCO® Terra Vg Sandal: Your Perfect Companion for Hiking and all other Outdoor Adventures


4. 502

作为全球领先的鞋履品牌,ECCO已在全球90多个国家开设超过4,000家品牌零售店,拥有员工15,000 多人,并且在泰国、葡萄牙、印尼、中国、丹麦和斯洛伐克都拥有自己的生产工厂。每一双ECCO鞋 完美体现了北欧设计、先进技术和卓越品质。ECCO的成功源于其可靠的产品质量,不断创新的技术 水平以及“鞋必须遵循双足”的设计理念。 ECCO® Terra Vg凉鞋是远足和所有其他户外活动的理想选择。采用牦牛皮制作,坚固度是普通牛皮 的三倍,这款凉鞋具有出色的抓地力、摩擦力和耐用性,适于多种地形。Terra Vg采用直接注射成 型的PU皮鞋底夹层,提供脚趾保护和侧面稳固结构,以及解剖学鞋底设计,即使在最艰苦的条件下 也能保证穿着舒适。此款凉鞋具有黑色、浓咖啡和野鸽色,你可以根据自己的喜好选择不同颜色搭 配穿着。

A true global leader in footwear innovation, ECCO has 4,000 branded retail locations in more than 90 countries, over 15,000 employees and its own production facilities in Thailand, Portugal, Indonesia, China, Denmark and Slovakia. Each pair of ECCO shoes showcases Scandinavian design, progressive technology and superior quality. ECCO has built its success on uncompromising quality, innovative technology and the design philosophy, “the shoe must follow the foot”. The ECCO® Terra Vg Sandal is your perfect companion for hiking and all other outdoor adventures. Designed in Yak leather, which is three times stronger than cow leather, the sandal features excellent grip, traction and durability – and is suitable for a broad range of terrains. The Terra Vg keeps you comfortable even in the roughest conditions thanks to its direct-injected PU midsole with toe protection and side stabilizer frames – as well as an anatomical comfort foot bed. ECCO® Terra Vg is offered black, Espresso and Wild Dove color to meet your individual taste for dressing match.

Vibram Fivefingers®: 再掀制鞋业技术革新 Revolutionizing the Footwear Forever


4. 305

位于全球鞋类加工生产中心的Vibram中国研发中心装备了顶级基础设施,有全球最先进测试设备的性能测 试中心。Vibram中国研发中心致力于扩展Vibram技术领域,以及更重要地为国际以及本土客户提供先进技 术与市场宣传支持,其中包括产品研发支持方面的Vibram Fast Development服务,质量控制方面的全方位专 业性能测试,以及市场宣传支持方面。为客户提供在中国的品牌/产品宣传的内容与物料支持,以提高客 户品牌价值。 随着Vibram Fivefingers®在美国超过200万销量成为2010年全国年度最高销量运动鞋,Vibram Fivefingers®已经 在上海世博上正式与中国消费者见面,并开始在北京、上海、杭州以及香港地区开始授权销售。在本届 ispo china展会中,Vibram将向大家展示其目前在全球最受欢迎的款式:专用于跑步的Bikila与专用于户外 运动的KSO Trek。

Over 70 years ago, our founder, Vitale Bramani invented the first rubber sole ever used on mountaineering boots. It was an invention that changed outdoor sports forever. To this day, most of the best footwear brands in the world use Vibram soles. Today, we find ourselves the leader of an exciting new movement in running and fitness, as our Vibram FiveFingers® have become the catalyst of the natural footwear revolution. We don’t know what the future will hold, but we’re pretty confident that whatever it’s wearing on its feet will have a Vibram logo. The Vibram China Technological Center, located at the heart of the shoe making district of Guangzhou, is provided with state of art infrastructure, including a futuristic Performance Test center equipped with the latest research instruments. Vibram China is dedicated to expanding the range of Vibram technologies as well as to provide technical and marketing support for international and local customers, including Product research & development (Vibram Fast Development), Quality Control (Performing test), Marketing supporting program (Support customers’ brand / product communication in China to provide added brand value). While becoming the hottest sport shoe in US, with over 2 million pairs of sales in 2010, Vibram has launched Vibram Fivefingers® in Shanghai Expo, and started selling in China in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Hong Kong with steady growth. On ispo china 2011, Vibram will present its world-wide best selling models “Bikila” and “KSO Trek”. 52

户外鞋类 Outdoor Footwear

KEEN: 秋冬新款RED ROCK震撼出世 KEEN in 2010 F/W, RED ROCK Shocks the World


4. 503

以一款NEWPORT溯溪鞋设计惊艳业界,被时代周刊称为“神像上的荣誉”美国户外品牌KEEN,2010 秋冬续写神话,推出新款重量级明星RED ROCK,功能全面,无懈可击。4mm多方向凸缘无痕橡胶, 各种角度都可以贴合地面,无论多湿滑的场合,双脚都可如四驱车轮一般牢固抓地。后跟部加入了防 扭转TPU连接片,更好地保持平衡和双脚的稳定性。下覆EVA插片,内嵌双重密度EVA+PU压膜中底, 有效缓解冲撞和震动。三技合一,崎岖路面也如履平地。不止如此,KEEN引以为傲的防泼水小牛皮鞋 面,防水网面和KEEN.DRY™防水透气层,将潮湿无处循形。除了以上的户外功能,RED ROCK在人性化 上也做足了功夫。时尚抢眼的“大黄蜂”鞋带和后跟设计,一反以往户外鞋给人的呆板厚重感,无论 外形和功能性,都震撼力十足!

KEEN, which became a hit when the NEWPORT sandal - designed with toe protection, stormed the world market; once again rocked the industry by its new FW style of RED ROCK. Non Marking rubber outsole with 4mm multi directional lugs, drop in EVA heel insert, dual density compression molded EVA and PU midsole, all these consideration compose RED ROCK a versatile star. More than this, KEEN.DRY™ waterproof breathable membrane keeps your foot refreshed. Besides the outdoor function, RED ROCK also expresses its outstanding by shoe lace design which is inspired by bumblebee.

威斯:高质量户外鞋的同义词 Vasque: High Quality Outdoor Footwear


3. 506

HiNature: 为深度敏锐的旅行者,可以信赖 的徒步鞋 Special for Outdoor Travelers, Reliable Hiking Shoes


4. 302

于1965年在美国成立,是世界知名的Red Wing鞋业公司的子公司。今天,Vasque 这个名字已经成为了高质量户外鞋的同义词。我们致力于制作集功能、创新、








更多的灵感,我们总会在你最需要的地方陪伴着你。我们的2011年产品系列以 更新的先进科技和更多的越野跑鞋、跨界户外鞋、轻型健行鞋、重型徒步鞋为 广大户外爱好者带来全新的穿着体验和运动激情。

Vasque is a brand that has been known worldwide for high quality outdoor footwear for more than 40 years. We are committed to making functional, innovative and aesthetic product that performs to the highest standard. Our ultimate goal is to make shoes that inspire you to get outside as soon as you pull them on your feet. Our 2011 product line builds on some of our recent technology successes, and more trail running shoes, crossover shoes, hiking shoes, backpacking shoes, which bring new experience to you.


Hanbee was begun in 1938. At the very first it was the famous band of rain boot in the city of CHUAN in Korea. In the 70s of last century it evolved into a professional manufacturer of hiking shoes. In 2003 Hanbee entered the China market. In April 2009 it was changed to the new name, Hinature. Due to its high quality products and perfect service, HiNature is greeted by outdoor shops and consumers with rapturous applause.

户外鞋类 Outdoor Footwear

GARMONT: 文化与科技结合的经典 Quality Family Footwear from Italy


4. 306

GARMONT来自于意大利北部山区,其前身Morlin公司从为其他品牌做代工,逐渐发展到拥有自己的 制鞋技术和理念,并在1990年正式注册GARMONT品牌,有143年连续五代人的家族制鞋历史。20世 纪九十年代公司完成了前期品牌推广及产品结构调整等国际市场的销售策略。目前GARMONT销售 遍布全球40多个国家,并在美国成立子公司。 GARMONT是一个以技术见长的品牌,始终处于新技术的前沿。从1968年生产自己注塑模底制作的 皮靴开始,三十多年内GARMONT在户外鞋研发上推出十几项专利技术,如ADD、GSA、3D龙骨设 计,在户外鞋的功能性上做足了文章。 GARMONT自2001年进入中国,已连续发展了十个年头。为庆祝GARMONT进入中国十周年,北京夏 朗多吉公司将携手意大利GARMONT公司,在2011年推出一系列答谢顾客活动,敬请期待。

In the Montebelluna area of Northern Italy where we are based, the threads of footwear heritage weave through most homes, most families and most generations. In our case, an unbroken lineage of five generations is the foundation of a long-standing, highly respected development and production operation. For over 140 years, we have had effectively one owner, one 'home', one primary focus: innovative, functional, quality outdoor footwear. But that is not to say our eyes see only those markets near to Northern Italy. Many years as a contract factory with diverse and demanding customers forced us to develop into a brand with an open-minded perspective. Inspirations from all continents have been evident in our collections. Watching and serving the product needs of many markets has helped keep our egos in check and resulted in a wide-ranging, sometimes eclectic collection. GARMONT went across ten years since firstly entered in China. We will celebrate this big event in China together with Chana Dorje in 2011. A new decade has begun. Pay close attention to us!

ASOLO: 更轻捷,更精彩 Less Weight, More Performance


4. 307

自1975年始创以来,Asolo不断进取,目前已经成为重要的世界登山鞋技术领先厂商。作为世界上 为数不多的全系列生产厂商,公司产品种类丰富,既能满足高水平雪峰攀登需要,又能符合日常 休闲登山人群要求。Asolo致力于为您的户外需求制造最合适的装备,满足任何环境、任何海拔需 要——从轻快的山间漫步、背包旅行到最严苛的攀登旅途——无论冰雪地面还是混合地形,都能 保证您游刃有余。 公司最新研发了Power Lite技术,能大幅提升产品性能和观感,并有效降低重量。作为公司不断创 新的成果,该技术主要用于徒步旅行产品。其中,POWER LITE ASFLEX系列结合耐磨鞋垫和后跟支 撑技术,双重保证,鞋底永不变形,且重量降低了40%。OUTSOLE/MIDSOLE系列则着眼于轻量材质 和高科技的结合,产品比目前为止所有的传统产品轻35%。

Since its inception in 1975, Asolo has gained an important worldwide leadership position in producing technical mountaineering shoes. The product range covers footwear from the most technical alpine demands to the more relaxed leisure activities line, permitting Asolo to be one of the few companies in the world to completely cover the outdoor area. Asolo’s goal is to create great footwear for all of your outdoor needs, in all conditions, at all altitudes: from light walking to hiking, from backpacking to the most treacherous climbing - whether it be on ice or mixed terrain. The Asolo R&D department has created Power Lite, an innovative project about performance, lightweight and visual technology. This new line of products dedicated to trekking is the result of continuous research and innovation. POWER LITE ASOFLEX series mainly features the integration of the lasting board with the heel counter, which creates a dual non-deformable structure with the decrease of the weight by over 40%. OUTSOLE/MIDSOLE series aims to develop a mix of low weight elements with high technical properties. The result is a reduction in weight of about 35% compared to the traditional components used up to today. 55

户外鞋类 Outdoor Footwear

特哇:科技创新EVA产业 WTSTEVA: Technological Innovation for EVA Industry


KNOWAY:阐释何谓经典 Interpret the Classic


4. 202

4. 303

斯堪的纳维亚半岛铸造了热烈奔放的灵魂,挪威的森林里孕育出张扬的个性, 源自北欧的KNOWAY带来浓郁的欧洲风韵。KNOWAY用浓烈的色彩,诠释出青春 美国特哇户外用品公司是一家以户外花园鞋研发、生产、经营为主导的综合型 企业,也是行业内第一家真正以产业化模式经营EVA产品的企业。其产品开发和 经营范围以EVA材料为核心,覆盖EVA花园鞋、EVA休闲鞋、EVA跑鞋、EVA户外鞋 等春夏秋冬品种,颠覆传统花园鞋销售季节和经营模式,也让人们在生活中的 任何场合任何时候都能够享受花园鞋带来的健康与舒适。特哇秉持“科技创新

的颜色。舒适、绚丽、张扬是KNOWAY特色。 KNOWAY春夏品于2007年进入中国,迅速掀起潮流风暴,其先进的设计理念让人 叹为观止,有媒体称:“KNOWAY解放了双脚”,其受追捧程度可见一斑。2010 年更是引进全线秋冬季产品,8月份新品发布会,惊艳轰动。




The Scandinavia has made souls bold and outspoken. The flaunt spirit from the forests of Norway has given KNOWAY a rich Nordic culture that interprets the youthhood with strong colors. Comfortable, Colourful and Flaunt is the way of KNOWAY.


US TEVA Outdoor Equipment Company is a comprehensive enterprise that specializes in R&D, production and operation of outdoor garden shoes. It is the fist enterprise that truly operates EVA products in an industrialization pattern. Based on EVA materials, the products include EVA garden shoes, EVA casual shoes, EVA running shoes and EVA outdoor shoes that are suitable for four seasons. The products turn over the traditional selling seasons and operation mode of the garden shoes. They enable people to enjoy the health and comfort anytime and anywhere. Adhering to the core concept of “technological innovation brings new EVA industry”, WTSTEVA has always persisted in innovation and breakthrough and launched three EVA product technologies, namely, W-ALLFIT, W-SST and W-BFFB. They enhance the health and comfort of the shoes and earn great reputation from the industry and consumers.

Since its entry into China in 2007, KNOWAY has led a fashion revolution in a very short time. It is reported that KNOWAY has "emancipated the feet", a simple sign of its popularity. In 2010, KNOWAY introduced its entire fall-winter lines. The August product release conference was an instant hit. KNOWAY: Interpret the Classic.

洛弛:健康时尚的户外生活 CLORTS: Bring Men and Nature Together


4. 501

洛弛制鞋技术发展有限公司是集设计、研发、生产、销售于一体的创新型专业户外鞋制造企业。CLORTS是 洛弛原创的户外品牌之一,是由韩国和意大利优秀设计师共同设计,原材料以高环保、高性能、高品质为 目标面向国际化采购,供应商来自于欧美国家、韩国以及中国台湾,采用先进的制鞋工艺精心打造。 CLORTS坚持以技术突破和产品创新为品牌发展理念,以“融入国际主流市场、稳步开拓国内市场”为战略 方针。自品牌诞生以来,CLORTS专门设立了研发中心,严格控制产品品质。目前,旗下八大系列产品均已通 过ITS瑞士国际公证测试,并成功登陆亚洲、欧美等海外市场,开创了中国户外鞋品牌进军国际市场的先河。 在CLORTS迅速发展的今天,CLORTS始终坚持原创设计的理念,倡导“健康时尚的户外生活”,并加强市场 推广力度,为全球消费者带来具有国际水平和丰富文化内涵的中国原创户外产品。

Originated in Europe and North-America, CLORTS was initiated by early explorers for scientific expeditions. CLORTS has stuck to its strategy in internationality and has set up research centers to ensure product quality since its beginning. The influence of western way of life has encouraged the Chinese people to value better their geographic treasures through outdoor sports. Backpacking, hiking and climbing have been gradually adopted by the Chinese as a way to discover and enjoy the magnificent Chinese territory. In response, CLORTS has come up with the slogan “healthy and fashionable outdoor life” that prioritizes original design as well as cultural connotation in our products. 56

户外鞋类 Outdoor Footwear

高步:高性价比的户外休闲鞋 Hi Walk: Hiking Shoes that You can Trust


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高步(Hi Walk)1986年源自于美国德州的达拉斯,起初只专注于校园产品的研发和生产,不惜重金 在美国聘请化工专家及设计大师,打造出五彩缤纷手编格仔琉化鞋,为全球的校园休闲产品注入 了时尚的元素。 2000年Hi Walk为了更好的为更多人提供更优质的服务,毅然决然地投入户外登山休闲系列产品的开 发。在美国的首席设计师Mr. Wilson Minaarr的领导下,Hi Walk生产出完全知识产权的全套户外登山 徒步系列,并于2006年荣获中国国际体育联合会颁发的时尚创新奖、最佳人气奖,由此拉开了Hi Walk品牌进军户外的序幕!2009年初,Hi Walk成功生产出拥有奥运鸟巢元素的徒步鞋及超轻量的 休闲系列,在市场上引发了新一轮的轰动。 Hi Walk本着“没有最好,只有更好”的理念,为全球客户提供高性价比的户外休闲产品。

Founded in Dallas, Taxes in 1986, Hi Walk focused on campus wear products at its start. The company invited chemistry experts and design masters to develop hand-woven rubber outsoles for students who prioritized style and fashion. In 2000, to better serve more targets with our products and services, Hi Walk entered the outdoor mountaineering market. A series of products were developed by our team led by Mr. Wilson Minaarr. In 2006, Hi Walk won the Fashion Innovation Award and Popularity Award honored by China International Sports Federation, a signal of our successful integration into the market. At the beginning of 2009, Hi Walk developed hiking shoes with Bird Nest design elements and ultra-light casual wear series which were warmly welcomed by the market. Hi Walk will never stay at what we already have but always move on to the next level for better products, better services and better quality for customers around the world.

第一户外:适合亚洲人的户外用品 THE FIRST OUTDOOR: Outdoor Gears for Asian


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FBA国际集团有限公司(注册地:美国DELAWARE州,注册号:0206683)是一家位于美国Delaware 州的由拥有多位数十年专业户外登山探险经验人士创立的投资公司,旗下THE FIRST OUTDOOR品牌 所有产品全部按照美国ASCA(美国安全探险协会)和美国TAAC(登山俱乐部)标准研发生产。以 创新专利技术和新材料为动力,以满足全球户外运动人士的专业要求为宗旨。 2005年由亚洲具有多年户外专业产品推广背景的销售机构代理THE FIRST OUTDOOR获得四项专利的 登山鞋系列产品在中国大陆、台湾和香港同步上市。 2006年6月为了配合公司具体实施亚洲战略目标,将设在香港的分支机构重新整合,成立了The First Outdoor (China) Co., Ltd.第一户外(中国)有限公司(注册地:中国香港,注册号:959488)设立以亚 洲人特别是中国人的身体生理结构参数为设计研究开发基础的第一户外(亚洲)产品研发中心, 专门设计研发更加适合亚洲人脚型和身体结构的户外用品。

FBA International Group locates at Delaware, USA. FBA is founded by scores of professional mountaineers. THE FIRST OUTDOOR brand products all comply with ASCA and TAAC standards which prioritize innovation and new materials to fulfill the needs of outdoor customers around the world. In 2005, THE FIRST OUTDOOR patented hiking boots were marketed in China mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong at the same time. In 2006, FBA authorized to initiate U.S.A. the First Outdoor Inc in California to manage its international, especially Asian strategy. In June, 2006, FBA reorganized its Hong Kong branch to set up U.S.A The First Outdoor (China) Co., Ltd., targeting to develop products that fit Asian and especially Chinese people’s body structure and feet.


户外鞋类 Outdoor Footwear

翼尚:释放真我 EASOUL: Ease My Soul


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EASOUL源于“EASE-释放”与“SOUL-心灵”的英文组合,以灵感、创新、激情、探索的精神,打造时尚 户外产品,引领人们探索户外,羽翼心灵,释放真我!EASOUL翼尚采用国际尖端制鞋技术,将时尚与科 技完美结合,涵盖登山鞋、徒步鞋、越野跑鞋、溯溪鞋、时尚越界鞋等产品,满足不同户外环境需求。 EASOUL于2011年推出SOUL-WALK系列轻量户外鞋,并将亮相 ispo china 2011。AS不对称鞋楦经过精确的 足部立体三维测算,给予足部最完美的舒适状态,轻量化鞋底与橡胶包头一次成型技术大大减轻整鞋重 量,鞋底抓地效果出众,加厚PHYLON缓冲中底具备更柔软舒适的减震作用,行走时犹如漫步云端。特别 适合城市旅行,户外远足,是您放松身心的理想之选。关注EASOUL翼尚全新春款轻量户外鞋,开始您非 凡的时尚之旅。

The EASOUL brand originates from the combination of "EASE" and "SOUL" that stands for inspiration, innovation, passion and exploration. It concentrates on the designing of fashion outdoor products to enable a free and happy outdoor experience. EASOUL integrates international technologies and fashion elements to manufacture a full range of trekking boots, hiking shoes, cross-country boots, upstream shoes and cross shoes. In 2011, it will release its SOUL-WALK lightweight shoes at ispo china 2011, whose asymmetric last is determined by advanced 3-dimensional calculation to ensure the most comfortable experience. The superlight sole and one-piece rubber toes can reduce weight greatly and offer outstanding gripping force. The ultrathick PHYLON insole provides softer and more comfortable shock-resistance for the best walking experience. EASOUL products are most suitable for urban tour and outdoor trekking. Welcome to choose EASOUL and start your extraordinary tour.

捷威:最具性价比的户外品牌 JIE WAY: The Most Cost-effective Outdoor Brand


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捷威,前身是众多世界户外品牌产品的代工生产厂家,产品远销世界各地,在 欧美及泛太平洋经济区域有着举足轻重的地位。

悍威:源自德国巴伐利亚,遍及全世界 Hanwag: Born in Bavaria, Worn around the World


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从2001年开始,建立了属于自己的品牌捷威。十年的寒暑,捷威走出了一条, 属于自己的不同寻常的路,以精湛的生产工艺、超凡的质量、大众化的价格打 造出一系列户外的产品,把原来在国内消费高昂的户外产品,带进了千家万 户。同时,捷威积极参与国内各项大型户外活动,从赞助茶马古道(昆明到北 京千里徒步),到主办攀登哈巴雪山、穿越塔克拉玛干沙漠、探索新疆大峡谷 ……十年来,捷威经历无数艰巨考验,始终无损其优良品质,被众多消费者誉 为国内最具性价比的户外品牌。 捷威的第一个十年是不同凡响的,在未来的日子里,必会百尺竿头,更进一 步。捷威,愿意与所有户外运动爱好者一起风雨同途,无畏无惧!

Formerly an OEM manufacturer for leading outdoor brands, Jie Way has sold product all over the world and is holding an important position in Europe, America and the Pan-Pacific region. Since 2001, it started the operation of its own brand, Jie Way. The past 10 years have witnessed a unique path that Jie Way covered. With its fine craftsmanship, high quality and reasonable prices, it manufactured a number of highly cost-effective products that offered outdoor experience to people unable to afford the expensive outdoor gear before. At the same time, Jie Way was actively involved in large-scale outdoor activities from sponsoring the Tea and Horse Road (1,000km hiking from Kunming to Beijing) to the organization of Haba Snow Mountain Climbing, taklimakan Desert Tresspassing and Xinjiang Valley Exploration. After 10 years of hard-working, Jie Way is now accredited the most cost-effective brand by outdoor fans. The first decade of Jie Way has been extraordinary. It will surely find greater success in the future! Jie Way is willing to climb higher along with outdoor fans, rain or shine! 58

Hanwag(悍威)1921年诞生于德国巴伐利亚,是至今仍坚持使用德国传统手工 工艺制造专业户外鞋的品牌。90年来,Hanwag在产品研发和制造过程中对产品 的质量、工艺以及功能性方面的要求几乎达到了苛刻的程度,力求达至户外鞋 的最高境界:完全合脚性。Hanwag的价值观:可靠质量、舒适合脚、优质材 料、不断创新、功能强大。目前Hanwag的销售网络已经遍及欧洲、北美和亚洲 的22个国家和地区。 在Hanwag(悍威)品牌成立90周年之际,这一高品质的专业户外品牌将继续为 充满活力的中国市场提供源自欧洲的优质产品,让更多的中国消费者尽享户外 运动的乐趣!

Since 1921, Hanwag has been manufacturing functional outdoor footwear in Vierkirchen, Bavaria. Over the years, our authentic footwear has established itself as an integral part of outdoor explorations. Over the past 90 years, Hanwag has always been ambitious to develop the best shoes for hikers and mountaineers applying a rigorous standard on quality, technique and function. The foundation for this is technical state-of-art: thus, our work is defined by innovation as well as tradition. Fitness has always been the ultimate goal that Hanwag pursues. Hanwag's core value: Quality, Fitness, Material, Innovation and Function. Today, Hanwag boots are available in 22 countries in Europe, North America and Asia. With the coming of its 90th anniversary in 2011, Hanwag will keep providing boots with excellent quality made in Europe to vigorously grow Chinese market just as in the past 2 years.

户外装备和配件 Outdoor Gear and Accessories

雪顶科贸:诚邀品牌及零售商加盟 HOOWAY SPORTS: Brand Integration and Service Perfection


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北京雪顶科贸有限公司成立于2003年,是中国最早引进国外户外体育用品的专 业代理公司之一。在过去的几年,雪顶科贸成功的引进了西班牙BUFF头巾、美 国 B I S ON户 外 休 闲 腰 带 、 意 大 利 MAS T ERS手 杖 、 德 国 UVEX 雪 镜 头 盔 、 美 国 CAMELBAK水具等多个国际一线品牌。 随着中国户外运动行业的蓬勃发展,雪顶科贸也在迅速成长。2010年,公司引 进了科学化,现代化的商业管理机制,提出了“整合品牌,完善服务”的方 针,取得了卓越的成效。未来,雪顶科贸将保持持续快速的成长,致力于为广 大客户提供更专业,更完善的代理服务,并逐步向信息化的办公模式过渡。公 司把“诚信,负责,创新,协作”作为雪顶人不断追求的目标,愿与广大朋友 携手创造中国户外运动产业美好的明天。

BISON DESIGNS: 科罗拉州登山锁制作者的户外腰带 The Most Popular Professional Outdoor Belts 在近来不到两年的时间中,BISON已经成为户外爱好者中最受欢迎的腰带品 牌,HOOWAY公司在未来的一年中将会努力实现销量的成倍的增长,与此同时 将与BISON公司合作开发具有户外风格的饰品产品线。

BISON belts have become the most popular Outdoor belts in China in less than 2 years. Hooway is looking to double the sales and work with BISON DESIGNS on some new outdoor jewelry products.

BUFF:世界多功能无缝魔术头巾缔造者 Multi-functional, Seamless, Tubular Headgear 1992年,西班牙BUFF公司在巴塞罗那生产出世界上第一款无缝的多功能头巾,

Hooway Sports was founded in 2003. It is one of the very first distributors of international outdoor sports brands. In the short history of the company, Hooway Sports has successfully helped the following brands to enter the Chinese market: Uvex, Buff, Bison Designs, Masters, and Camelbak. Up until now, Snowpeak is the official distributor of Uvex, Buff, Camelbak, Masters and Bison in China. With the fast development of Outdoor Market in China, Hooway Sports is growing rapidly. In 2010, with the mission of “brand integration and service perfection” always in mind, Hooway Sports has achieved great success by introducing scientific and advanced commercial management system. In the future, Hooway Sports will keep the stable and speedy development, aiming at providing more professional and better service.

MASTERS:来自意大利的专业登山杖生产者 Professional Trekking Poles Maker from Italy MASTERS从最开始的提供登山杖的零件发展到目前最大的生产 者经历了30年的发展历程,现在的MASTERS产品遍布中国各地 的150多个户外店,2009年,品牌在整体的类别商占据了第二 名的位置,HOOWAY公司在未来的一年中会继续引入MASTERS 品牌的滑雪杖和滑雪盔等系列。

MASTERS Company is riding the Sporting Good Market since 30 years, developing at the beginning its range of accessories for ski poles and becoming later one of the biggest reality as producer of this product. MASTERS trekking poles have been sold all over China in about150 outdoor shops. In 2009, Masters trekking poles have reached the 2nd place in its category. In the new year, Hooway will also introduce Masters Ski-Poles, Helmets into China.

驼峰:世界自由饮水设备的创造者和领导者 CamelBak: World Leader in Hands-free Hydration Systems

从1995年开始发展到欧洲,到目前为止,BUFF 百分之八十的销售额在全球四十 五个国家和地区。HOOWAY公司从2009年7月获得BUFF的中国代理权,短暂的几 个月时间销量已经超越了其他的品牌,2011年公司会将渠道从传统的户外行业 拓展到运动和时尚领域。

最早的CAMELBAK产品最早流行于山地自行车和摩托车穿越的爱好者,因为产 品的技术特质使他们能够将双手解放出来。后来一些科学研究表明CAMELBAK 产品能为运动员提供更多更好的饮水环境,使得产品开始拓展到其他的运动领 域。从那时候开始,更多的运动原来开始携带CAMELBAK的水具设备来实现运

In 1992, Original Buff, S.A. (previously Caviro S.L.) created the first multifunctional, seamless, tubular headgear in the Buff® brand. In 1995, it began to export to diverse European destinations. Currently, 80% of sales are in exports to over 45 countries through exclusive distributors. Hooway started to represent BUFF since July 2009, but the sales have looked good, and the total volume already surpassed that of the over Brands. In 2011, Hooway is looking to expand BUFF from its original outdoor channel into multi-sports and fashion channel.


The first CamelBak products proved to be very popular among mountain bikers and motocross riders, because it allowed them to drink without taking their hands off of the handlebars in technical terrain. The product began to cross over into other sports when scientific studies showed athletes drank more fluids and performed better when they wore a CamelBak. Since then, athletes from an evergrowing list of sports and activities use CamelBak hydration systems for their convenience and performance benefits.


户外装备和配件 Outdoor Gear and Accessories

OSPREY: 打造专业背包的时尚特性 Blend in the Professional Backpack with Fashion Feature


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自公司成立以后,我们坚持不懈的进行创新,用苛刻的标准来设计制造OSPREY背包,融入 大都市灵感来保证背包的时尚性,我们的目标是创造革新性高性能装备,折射出我们对冒 险的热爱和对户外的献身,当面临最具辨识能力的消费者的苛求时,我们成功了,他们自 豪的使用我们的OSPREY背包。 OSPREY为在行业中率先扮演可持续性生产企业,积极关心环境和社会的角色感到自豪。我 们一直致力于可持续发展事业,在我们的背包产线中深入研究,逐渐采用无石油原料和可 循环织物。 奉献创新设计和质量的背包依然是我们一贯的重点。除了延续我们的经典徒步背包氩气、 氙气;苍穹、精灵,和小鹰外,云层又推出了其女款背包SIRRUS天狼星;HORNET胡蜂继 EXOS飘逸之后成为极致轻量化背包的代表;在2011年我们还推出了新款的骑行包VIPER毒蛇 和VERVE玲珑;并在城市背包FLAP和24/SEVEN系列外,增加了METRON脉冲、MOMENTUM动 量和ESCAPIST隐者;轮盘旅行箱SHUTTLE穿梭为出行的狂热爱好者提供了巨大的装载空间和 完美的出行体验。

We have been committed to renovation since we were established. We set up strict standards to design and produce backpack of OSPREY and blend in with fashion feature. Our goal is to create innovative gear with high-performance so as to reflect our affection and devotion to adventure industry. Facing most discerning clients, we have achieved it. They are very confident to choose OSPREY backpack. OSPREY has initially played role as sustainable production enterprise and we are proud of our society role and what we have done for environment protection. We make intensive research and take steps to use materials without petrochemical and recycling fabric to persist sustainable development career. Devoting creative design and quality packs are the key points we are always believe in. Apart from our classics pattern like ARGON\XENON\AETHER\ARIEL and KESTREL, STRATOS has its feminine style SIRRUS, HORNET becomes the new king for ULTRA BACKPACKS in OSPREY besides EXOS, in 2011, VIPER and VIRVE show up in our HYDRAULICS series, flap and 24/SEVEN! Lever up! There comes to METRON\MOMETUM and ESCAPPIST; our wheel travel bagSHUTTLE will offer a plenty room for big adventures and perfect journey.

史密斯光学:制造全球最顶尖的视觉防护产品 Smith Optics: The Highest and Best Visual-protect Product Company on the Earth


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1965年,第一副Smith雪镜诞生的理由:自己动手解决其他任何品牌雪镜无法消除的起雾问 题。随后,双层镜片的诞生使Smith成为第一个真正意义上的防雾风雪镜。而之后, Hydrophilic镀层、可调节通风系统、可透气发泡材料、防刮划材料、辅助通风、镜片涂层技 术等等一个个革命性的技术应运而生。一次次掀起雪镜历史上的革新,只因为我们是Smith Optics,史密斯光学-全球最顶尖的视觉防护产品制造公司。如今,Smith Optics将把最先进 的设计理念、最尖端的制造工艺带入中国,让你体验前所未有的视觉防护享受。Smith Optics产品系列:太阳镜、近视镜框、雪镜、头盔、配件、Elite军用系列等。

In 1965, the first Smith Optics Goggle was invented, just because no one can solve the problem that goggles always got foggy. Then, a sealed thermal lens and breathable vent foam beat it. Smith wins. Hydrophilic coating film, adjustable ventilation system, breathable foam, anti-scratch materials, assist-to-air technology, lenses coating, etc, all of them come to you, just because Smith Optics is the highest and best visual-protect product company on the earth! Now, we bring Smith Optics into China with the most advanced design and the highest producing technologies. Let’s enjoy the Smith Feeling you never imagine. Smith Optics product series: sunglasses, goggles, helmets, accessories and Elite.


户外装备和配件 Outdoor Gear and Accessories

FERRINO: 140年的传奇 Legend of 140 Years


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Ferrino始终以科技、信赖、进步、研发、敏锐以及时尚为品牌主要理念。公司成立于1870年,距今已 有140年的历史。二十世纪早期开始,伴随着第一个帐篷Cervino的诞生,Ferrino全力打造适合远足者 使用的专业设备。这段时期见证了远足和探险的传奇时期,也使Ferrino成就为“安全可信赖”的代名 词。二十世纪六十年来,随着更多的探险家“在路上”,Ferrino也深入人心,成功地将帐篷理念确立 为“自由”。伴随着八十年代的来临,Ferrino进入了发展的黄金期,为Reinhold Messner的伟大历程 提供专业装备。Ferrino产品就用于一系列探险之旅——从南极洲探险到墨西哥Naica洞穴,阿尔卑斯 到喜马拉雅,Ferrino无处不在。2006年,T.RES项目启动,Ferrino关注可持续性环保主义,强调爱的信 念、对自然以及人类社会的尊敬。 Ferrino拥有众多高端产品,位居其首的是高地实验室(High Lab)。这一战略成就于1994年建立在 Monte Rosa的Quintino Sella Refuge。自2009年起,High Lab也是一系列高科技含量装备服饰,展示其 与时俱进的风格和最新科技。

Ferrino has always emphasized ideas as technology, trust, advance, R&D, awareness and fashion. Founded in 1870, Ferrino has dedicated 140 years to the development of professional gears suitable for longdistance trekking. Since the early 1900s, a legendary era of trekking and exploration when Ferrino released its first Cervino tent, Ferrino has also established its name as a "safe and trustworthy" brand. As more explorers hit the road since 1960s, Ferrino has won wider recognition and labeled its tents as symbol of "freedom". In the 1980s, Ferrino entered a new golden era and provided professional gears for the great Reinhold Messner. Its products are used everywhere - from the Antarctica to the Mexicon Naica caves and the Alps to Himalaya. In 2006, Ferrino initiated the T.RES project that cares for sustainable environment and boasts the idea of love and respect for the nature as well as human society. Ferrino features a wide range of high-end products, the most prominent being High Lab, built at Quintino Sella Refuge at Monte Rosa in 1994. Since 2009, High Lab represents a series of high-tech clothing that features fashion trends and latest technologies.

路客:新装亮相,全新出发! AceCamp: New Style, Fresh Start


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上海路客户外用品有限公司是上海锐进野营用品有限公司的姊妹公司,是户外小产品的专业公司。公 司创立于1999年,通过十年的辛勤耕耘,已经成长为一个国际性企业,拥有齐全的户外小产品系列, 并自有品牌AceCamp(路客),Munkees及Ti-Time(钛时代)。AceCamp(路客)旨在丰富户外装 备,Munkees以“乐趣和功能”为主题,Ti-Time(钛时代)打造高端的户外生活。 目前行销包括德国、法国、瑞士、奥地利、俄罗斯、韩国等二十多个国家,并打入Interspor t、 Decathlon以及Jack Wolfskin等世界零售巨头。公司在德国法兰克福和中国上海均有营销与服务机构, 欢迎就近联系,合作共赢。2011年上海路客全新亮相,开启非凡的户外旅程!

Shanghai AceCamp Outdoor co., Ltd., which specializes in outdoor accessories, is a sister company of Shanghai Ragie Industrial co., Ltd. Founded in 1999, the company has grown into an international enterprise, processing the complete line of outdoor accessories, and established its own brands AceCamp, Munkees and Ti-Time. AceCamp aims to enrich the outdoor equipment, Munkees themes at fun and function, and Ti-Time to create high-end outdoor life. At present, its products are distributed in around twenty counties, including Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Russia, Korea and etc. The products can also be found in the worldwide retailing giants, such as Intersport, Decathlon and others. Currently, marketing and service offices are located both in Frankfurt, Germany and Shanghai, China. You are warmly welcomed to contact any office at your conviniency for the future cooperation. Join us at AceCamp on ispo china 2011, and start your extraordinary outdoor travelling!


户外装备和配件 Outdoor Gear and Accessories

丹索:勇敢前进,决不后退 DENISO: Going Ahead and Never Falling Back

1. 612


鲁滨逊:专业手杖生产者 Robinson: Dedicated to High Quality Sticks


1. 610

鲁滨逊户外从2004年开始致力于户外休闲产品的研发、生产和贸易,现拥有手 杖、箱盒和户外服饰高品质产品线。手杖包括登山杖、健行杖、滑雪杖三大 类,高山、穿越、休闲、健身、家庭、摄影六大系列。材质为碳纤维合成物, 既有很好的弹性又具备足够的支撑力;手柄、杆身、锁件、杖尖均由公司自主研 发生产;进口碳布,含量从10%-100%均可完成;核心组件已获得国家专利。此 外,公司代理的韩国KOLPING品牌为户外爱好者提供服饰、鞋帽等全线装备。


Since 2004 Robinson Outdoor started to engage in developing, producing and trading outdoor products and has owned several manufacturing lines in high quality for assembling carbon sticks, fly fishing boxes and outdoor garments. Robinson carbon sticks can be defined as 3 main items including Alpenstocks, Walking sticks and Ski poles. Sticks are divided into 6 different series which could be summarized as for Alpine, for Trekking, for Leisure, for Body-building, for Family and for Photographing. The main material is composite carbon fiber, which is featured for nice elasticity and sufficient sustentation and support. All spare parts, such as grips, pole shafts, locker systems, and the tips are professionally selfdeveloped and self-manufactured. The carbon cloth is imported from South Korea with the carbon content from 10% to 100%. The key components have been awarded the National Patents. Additionally, about Brand KOLPING imported from Korea provides outdoor enthusiasts the total outdoor solutions from garments to shoes and caps etc.

的样子集体跳舞,并发出“DENISO DENISO”的声音,寓意象袋鼠一样勇敢前 进,绝不后退。 酷爱运动和旅游的路易来到这片美丽的大地,深深的被这里淳朴并兼具野性的 美所吸引,在迷人的海滨城市阿德莱德创立了DENISO户外品牌。三十多年来, DENISO把这种勇敢前进、绝不后退的品牌含义深刻地体现在其产品中。并坚持 以“品质、色彩和款式”为目标,成为澳洲和新西兰户外运动者们深爱的品牌, 同时通过自身的不断发展和创新,在欧洲也被户外运动爱好者广为接受和喜爱。

In Australia, before out for hunting, the hunters of Aborigines gather together to dance, imitating the jump of kangaroo, shouting “DENISO DENISO”, with the meaning of bravely going ahead and never falling back. Louis, reveling in sports and travel, came to the fair land. Lured by the unsophisticated and wild beauty here, he created the outdoor brand “DENISO” in the enticing seaside city - Adelaide. For 30 years more, DENISO has deeply embodied the signification of the brand in its products, of bravely going ahead and never falling back. Taking “quality, color and style” for goal, DENISO has become the brand deeply favored by the outdoor enthusiasts in Australia and New Zealand, and by its ceaseless development and innovation, accepted and recognized by the outdoor industry in Europe as well.

N-rit:全力打造高价值休闲文化 Establish Advanced Cultural Activities


1. 716

NASCHEM公司虽成立时间不长,但已成为世界户外产品业界中备受认可的公司。我公司是户外用品 出口专业制造企业,成立于1983年,拥有30多个国内外优秀专利技术,产品在美国、欧洲、亚洲等世 界市场倍受好评。 NASCHEM公司致力于国内外户外产品行业的发展,并通过先进的经营理念在技术、品质和价格方面 最大程度的满足客户需求。今后,NASCHEM公司仍将以最上乘的服务来为客户创造价值,开发和供 应符合未来社会需求的多种休闲商品,并全力以赴为建设健康的休闲文化而做出不懈的努力。我公司 承诺将以创造高价值休闲文化的信念和自豪感而成长为广受认可的一流企业。

Naschem Co., Ltd, which aims to be the best outdoor supplies manufacturing company in the world that does things together with customers first in the 21st century, has focused on developing differentiated products and services with efforts towards product development which allows for enjoying leisure sports in more various ways. It has played the leading role in the establishment of advanced cultural activities and industry advancement by doing such things as introducing various advanced management systems. 62

户外装备和配件 Outdoor Gear and Accessories

火枫/黑鹿:拥有领先技术的炉具产品 FIRE-MAPLE/BLACK DEER: Enrich Your Mobile Kitchen


1. 606

火枫野营用品是国内率先通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证、欧盟CE认证和美国FDA(食品药 品管理局)检测标准的,户外炉炊具生产企业。拥有FIRE-MAPLE(火枫)和BLACK DEER(黑 鹿)两个品牌。为消费者提供完善的户外“移动厨房”系列产品。不仅被包括港、澳、台在 内的各地户外旅行者所使用和信任,还出口到美国、德国、俄罗斯、新西兰、阿根廷等几十 个国家和地区。 作为国内移动厨房用品的领先企业,我们始终走在行业发展的最前沿,以全新的理念打造更多 优质产品来满足“你的移动厨房”多样的需求!

Fire-Maple Camping Equipment Co. is one of famous enterprises who specialize in manufacturing cooking series for camping and outdoor. Especially we have more experiences in designing & making gas stove, cookware set, gas lantern, cutlery & accessories, etc. We have passed ISO9001 (2000 edition) Quality System Certification. Most of products have gained CE & FDA Certifications. Always adhering to the tenet of To Win Customers’ Trust and Serving, our customers have covered Europe, South America, Asia, Australia, Far East Asia, etc. We have strong capacity to develop new products and control quality system. Also we do OEM for some famous super markets and importers in the world. As a leading brand of professional camping cooker, we will keep standing in the foreland in camping cooker industry and produce more and more high-quality products to enrich YOUR MOBILE KITCHEN. We sincerely hope to cooperate with you and create a flourishing future together. Your presence and guidance are warmly welcomed.

兄弟人:皆熔精华,鼎铸经典 BRS: Make Creams, Cast Classics


2. 706

中国 • 兄弟控股集团有限公司是大型的综合性知名企业,位于享誉海内外的五金之都——浙江永 康。本公司自2005年涉足野营用品领域以来,在吸收消化国外先进技术的同时不断地改革创 新,并以每年六项以上的专利申请量的速度正在迅速递增,先后获得国家专利十多项。 承蒙各界人士的厚爱,产品质量和档次得到迅速提升,目前产品已享誉国内外,在同行业中已 享较高地位。为确保产品质量的稳步快速的提高,我们不惜巨资购进多种具有国际先进水平的 生产设备和检测设备,不断完善产品性能和品质。 兄弟人将“皆熔精华,鼎铸经典”的精神,不断开发具有自主知识产权的国际一流产品以满足 您日益提升的市场需求。

Brother Holding Group Co., Ltd is a large famous comprehensive company in China, located in Yongkang, Zhejiang, which is the capital of hardware known home and abroad. Since the company began to engage in the camping products three years ago, it has absorbed overseas advanced technologies, and innovated at the same time, whose application for patents increases at a speed of over 6 items per year, and more than 10 national patents have been obtained. Thanks to the trust and affection gained from people from all circles, the quality and level of products have been improved quickly, which now have enjoyed a good reputation home and abroad, as well as a high status in the industry. To ensure the stable and quick improvement of products’ quality, we invested huge capital to introduce several production equipments and inspection equipments of advanced world standard, and bettered the performance and quality of our products continuously. With the spirit of “Make creams, cast classics”, staffs of Brother Holding Group will constantly develop first-class products with proprietary intellectual property rights to satisfy your elevating market demand.


户外装备和配件 Outdoor Gear and Accessories

喜马拉雅:纵情山水,激情跨越 Himalaya: Revel in Landscape and Span with Passion


1. 702

Himalaya户外自驾露营装备的提倡者,中国户外行业的新锐品牌。由常州恒君户外用品公司创始人张琪先生创 建于2009年,并在国际成功注册。 凭着十多年为全球顶级品牌OEM的经验和资源,公司自有品牌Himalaya一经推出即于世界知名户外品牌同步, 将国外的户外流行趋势和设计理念带到中国。产品种类覆盖自驾露营、徒步、登山、休闲旅游等多个种类。 无论是产品设计,原辅料选择还是产品生产,质量管控,喜马拉雅品牌均遵循国际惯例,规范化操作。 Himalaya品牌倡导“纵情山水,激情跨越”的户外理念,让越来越多的人贴近自然,享受生命的激情与挑战。

Himalaya, as new emerging outdoor and camping equipment brand of Chinese industry, was registered and founded in 2009 by Aren zhang, chairman of Changzhou Outdoor Trade Products Co., Ltd. For years of experiments and resources of global top brand OEM, together with the well-known outdoor brand reputation, Himalay brings the fashionable overseas outdoor trend and design concept to China. We have many kinds of outdoor sports products, such as drive camping, backpacker, mountain-climbing, leisure tourism etc. Whatever product design, the choice of raw material or production quality, Himalaya all keep to international conventions and normalized operation. Himalaya advocates the outdoor concept of “revel in landscape and span with passion”, giving more and more people a natural approach to feast the passion and challenge of life!

格莱曼:源于加拿大,专为户外爱好者打造 Granmen: Originated from Canada, Dedicated to Outdoor Sports


1. 706


杰骜:别树一格的户外品牌! JR GEAR: The Unique Outdoor Brand


2. 817







在短短的几年间,JR GEAR带领着各类户外爱好者进入了一个全新的户外体验


区。通过聆听不同国家各种客户的宝贵意见和钻研各种新技术,JR GEAR开发团








Granmen is a Canadian outdoor sports brand, which is dedicated to outdoor sports enthusiasts with comfortable, healthy, high-quality outdoor sporting goods. The current main products of Granmen are hats, scarves and gloves. The Asia region promotion and extension business are taken by Shanghai Senyi Trade Ltd. Shanghai Senyi Trade Ltd., has top-class sells teams and it insists on professional service and development, relying on advanced technology, service, quality and cost-saving and other competitive advantages to establish its own reputation in the local market. Meanwhile, Shanghai Senyi Trade Ltd is always engaged in business of internationalization through its good and quality brand value. Glory and dream coexist, responsibility and mission counterpart. Shanghai Senyi Trade Ltd. will continuously innovate and accelerate the development of outdoor sports industry. Also, it will keep creating value for all the customers. 64

Brand Philosophy: Establish the Unique Outdoor brand; Target: Provide Professional and Top Quality Products; Mission: Let outdoor enthusiasts precisely choose their gear in order to truly enjoy the outdoor fun and excitement. During these years, JR GEAR leads various outdoor sports enthusiasts into a new era. By listening to the different customers’ comments and developing new technology, JR GEAR R&D team continuously launch creative products and widen its range. Product Series: Mountaineering Backpacks, Casual packs, Waist Bag, Professional Waterproof Bags, Selfinflating Mattress and Self-inflating Pillow, Rain Cover, Poncho and Travel Accessories, etc.

户外装备和配件 Outdoor Gear and Accessories

麦格霍斯:先进设计,优异质量 MAGFORCE: Advanced Design, Best Quality


4. 509

麦格霍斯MAGFORCE(台湾马盖先国际开发有限公司)创立于1988年。1993年开始主动提供产品系列设计而 获得第一张ODM订单,奠定了日后MAGFORCE品牌设计、研发、生产的基础与优势。1994年全力投入通路营 销与国际贸易业务并确认中止OEM、ODM与国际的配合模式,开始了以MAGFORCE品牌踏入国际市场。现在 MAG F O R C E ( 台 湾 马 盖 先 国 际 开 发 有 限 公 司 ) 拥 有 更 纯 熟 的 国 际 化 经 营 理 念 与 品 牌 知 名 度 、 专 属 于 MAGFORCE独树一帜的产品。近20年MAGFORCE以独特实用的先进设计,坚固耐用的优异质量畅销美国、英 国、法国、德国、意大利、日本、瑞典、瑞士、波兰等三十多个国家和地区,在国际上拥有很高的品牌知名 度。2003年台湾马盖先公司开始以MAGFORCE品牌在中国大陆地区销售。MAGFORCE以专业的品质为您营造 出一个全新生活的伙伴。现面向全国诚招经销商,有意者请致电:0512-65166791。

MAGFORCE (Taiwan) was founded in 1988. In 1993, MAGFORCE won its first ODM order with a design series, and made the foundation for later design, R&D and manufacturing. In 1994, it started to focus on channel exploration and international trading as the MAGFORCE brand, and stopped OEM and ODM activities. Today, MAGFORCE enjoys an established international management and high brand recognition for its unique products. For nearly 20 years, MAGFORCE has sold products to over 30 countries and districts as the USA, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, and Poland. In 2003, it started marketing in China as the MAGFORCE brand. We are building a new professional life pal for you. MAGFORCE is now inviting partners nationwide. Please contact: 0512-65166791 if you are interested.

黑钻:专业攀登和滑雪装备的行业领导者 Black Diamond: The Best Climbing and Skiing Gear in the World

纳丽德:真品质,值得信赖 NexTORCH: Dependable Quality, Brilliant Solution

展位号 展位号

1. 710

3. 506

Black Diamond从后院里简单的一块铁砧和一把铁锤发展成为横跨美、欧、亚三 大洲的跨国公司。其总部设在美国犹他州盐湖城,并在瑞士巴塞尔和中国珠海 设有分公司。Black Diamond是一个员工拥有的公司,它集设计、生产和测试于 一身,不断致力于改进和创新攀登及滑雪类产品,同时还积极地倡导保护环 境,多年以来在专业攀登和滑雪装备领域中占据着行业领导者位置。 今天的Black Diamond比过去更忠于它的承诺,因为Black Diamond美国、欧洲和 亚洲的所有员工的无穷精力、创造性和奉献精神成就了世界各地攀登和滑雪爱 好者的锦绣未来和向极限挑战的无限可能性。

What began with a backyard anvil and a hammer has grown into a global company with offices on three continents that's not just for rock climbers, but one that stands for the spirit of the sports we live, their values and goals, past, present and future. We're a company of users—it's who we are. Our base in Salt Lake City is located within minutes of great rock climbing, ice climbing and backcountry skiing. We've devoted our energy toward the goal of creating a company which fosters the enthusiasm and dreams necessary to design and manufacture the best climbing and skiing gear in the world. Our innovative gear designs have set the standards in numerous areas.

阳江市纳丽德工贸有限公司成立于2005年,坐落在著名的“刀剪之都”广东省 阳江市,是一家专门从事高品质手电制造的企业。公司集设计、生产、销售于 一体,拥有资历雄厚的设计队伍,先进的现代化生产设备,完善的销售服务体 系。“品质可靠,值得信赖”是纳丽德引以为傲的核心价值所在。凭借可靠的 品质,纳丽德手电远销欧美等发达地区,成为欧洲狩猎市场的第一手电品牌。 在国内,纳丽德深受广大用户欢迎,畅销全国各地。2006年纳丽德被公安部任 命为中国警用强光手电研发单位,并于2008年成功配备1,200,000警察。“真品 质,值得信赖”,纳丽德随时为您点亮征程。

Since our inception, NexTORCH’s sole focus has been to produce superior portable lighting products. Utilizing the most advanced lighting technology, we incorporate the brightest light sources available while reaching maximum efficiency for the power supply. For durability, longevity and lightweight, ergonomic carry, NexTORCH flashlights are housed in rugged aluminum bodies produced of aerospace grade 6061-T6 aluminum with Mil-Spec Type III hard-anodized finish. Simply put, NexTORCH offers “The Brilliant Solution” for portable lighting products which are powerful, efficient, reliable and compact. In 2006, NexTORCH was contracted by China’s Ministry of Public Security to design and develop a higher standard Chinese government issue flashlight. Since then, NexTorch has equipped the police with over 1.2 million flashlights, currently serving police officers in public safety, security, combat crime and terrorism. 65

户外装备和配件 Outdoor Gear and Accessories

骑达:世界知名自行车全国连锁商业机构 RBIKE: Leading Bicycle Business Chain in China


1. 601

骑达RBIKE是专业销售世界知名品牌自行车及相关户外休闲产品的全国连锁商 业机构。骑达已获得意大利兰博基尼、法拉利、美国悍马、法国雷诺等授权在 中国骑达连锁专营店销售上述品牌自行车及相关产品。 骑达连锁专营店主要位于大型百货购物中心之中,一般与户外休闲类产品同区 展示销售,将自行车作为时尚户外休闲产品,并在购物中心展示销售的商业模 式是RBIKE在中国的首创,受到了消费者的普遍欢迎。骑达每年以100%的速度 快速增长,在全国构建连锁经营网络。骑达坚信“善骑者达天下”。 骑达此次参展品牌包括:意大利兰博基尼、意大利法拉利、美国悍马、法国雷 诺品牌自行车。

RBIKE is a professional bicycle business chain that distributes leading brand bicycles and related products. It has now won authorization from Lamborghini, Ferrari, Hummer and Renault to market their bicycle products in China. RBIKE franchise stores usually locate in big department stores and shopping malls, together with outdoor products. This unique distribution concept is widely welcomed by customers. RBIKE has had an annual growth rate of over 100%. It has built a distribution network all over China. RBIKE believes that good riders can reach every corner of the world. At ispo china 2011, RBIKE will present bicycles form Lamborghini, Ferrari, Hummer and Renault.

悠度:野餐包第一供应商 YODO: Top One Picnic Bag Supplier


2. 708


图途:倡导健康时尚的户外生活方式 Tutwo: Advocate the Healthy and Fashionable Outdoor Life


2. 618

销售十余年,产品涵盖野餐包、冰袋、野餐地毯、妈咪包、休闲配套产品等五 大系列户外休闲用品,享有“野餐包第一供应商”的美称。作为休闲行业的倡









Karrimor、Deuter、Green Gaint、Acome、Spountin、MG-V、One Two等二十





Xiamen YODO Group Co., Ltd., focuses on outdoor leisure products research, development, design, production and sales for more than ten years. Its products cover five series of outdoor leisure products including picnic bag, cooler bag, picnic rug, diaper bag, leisure products. YODO upholds the "leisure, healthy, natural and environmental protection" concept and brings pure picnic culture to China, spreading new health outdoor leisure life experience. YODO owns independent intellectual property rights and has achieved over 100 picnic bag related product patents. It meets up the food safety standard, certificated by FDA (USA) and LFGB


(Germany) food safety tests. Along with the further channels development, YODO will quickly join in the national large and medium-sized cities and provinces, creating the top one picnic bag brand and actively promote China outdoor leisure industry development. 66

行用品顾问式服务的窗口,至10年10月,已在全国十四个省份落地。伴随着图 途“创业支持计划”的不断完善与优化,我们期待更多的国内外知名户外运动 用品品牌及户外行业从业者加入到图途所搭建户外运动用品销售渠道。

The goal of Tutwo is to advocate the healthy and fashionable outdoor life and create the distributing brand for the outdoor equipments. After 3 years of efforts, we have reached alliance with thousands of domestic outdoor shops, clubs and associations to establish the direct and efficient distribution network and offer the outdoor enthusiasts and travelers the multi-brand, whole series, high quality equipments. Tutwo provides more than 20 famous brands, including Karrimor, Deuter, Green Gaint, Acome, Spountin, MG-V, One Two, etc. Products cover tents, backpacks, climbing boots, clothes, pots, lamps, etc, to meet all demands of professionals and leisure travelers. Until the October, 2010, Tutwo outdoor equipments franchises have covered 14 provinces of China. Through these channels, we provide travelers the outdoor equipments consulting service. As our New-Career Supporting Plan perfectly developed, we expect more domestic and international outdoor enterprises and professionals to join us.

Functional Fabrics and Materials 功能性面辅料 CORDURA: 持久耐用,坚韧轻巧 Durable Fabrics for Durable People


3. 610

正如“As Long as the World is Full of Durable People, We’ll Keep Making Durable Fabrics”所述,英威达公司 提供的CORDURA®品牌面料的精髓在于弘扬个人的顽强精神与持久力。 CORDURA®品牌面料是世界顶尖的高品质装备和服装产品的首选用料,拥有抗磨损、抗撕裂、抗擦伤的 特性。从背包、行李箱到鞋类、成衣和室内饰材,CORDURA®品牌面料使全球的优质品牌兼备时尚耐用 和超轻重量这两项看似矛盾的优势。CORDURA®品牌面料的设计源于生活的更高层次需求,其品质经久 耐用,具有卓越的抗擦伤、抗磨损和抗撕裂性。目前在市场上,能够同时兼顾持久的耐用性、既坚韧又 轻巧,只有一个品牌能做到:那就是CORDURA®品牌。 欲 了 解 更 多 有 关 CORDURA®品 牌 、 适 用 的 产 品 及 营 销 渠 道 的 信 息 , 敬 请 登 陆。 CORDURA®面料品牌是英威达耐用面料的注册商标。英威达是全球最大的聚合物、中间体和纤维综合生 产商之一。

INVISTA’s CORDURA® brand essence celebrates individual durability: As Long as the World is Full of Durable People, We’ll Keep Making Durable Fabrics. Known for its resistance to abrasions, tears and scuffs, CORDURA® fabric is a primary ingredient in many of the world’s leading high-performance gear and apparel products. From backpacks and luggage to footwear, apparel and upholstery, CORDURA® fabrics add stylish durability and lightweight strength to quality brands all over the world. CORDURA® fabric is designed for living and built to last, providing exceptional resistance to tears, scuffs and abrasions. For maximum durability and for toughness that lasts, there’s only one brand that can take it: the CORDURA® brand. To learn more about INVISTA’s CORDURA® brand, end-use products, and marketing tools please visit The CORDURA® brand is a registered trademark of INVISTA, one of the world’s largest integrated polymer, intermediates and fibers businesses.

英威达:满足运动员特殊要求的面料 INVISTA: Fabrics Meet the Specific Athletes Demands


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英威达服饰是全球最大、最富有经验的综合纤维、面料及表面涂层的生产商及行销商,其生产与销售业 务遍布全球每一个主要市场。英威达服饰的产品可应用于成衣、内衣、泳衣、运动服装、足部服饰和职 业服饰。英威达服饰致力于提供可带来超卓价值的创新解决方案,以协助服饰行业的客户洞察消费者需 求、发挥价值链效率、进入全球市场及获得英威达品牌相关的关键创新能力,从而实现盈利最大化增长 的目标。 英威达服饰的产品涵盖各种消费者服饰——从内衣到外衣,从工作服到休闲服,从宴会服装到沙滩服装 和街头服饰,直至最新潮的时尚服装,不一而足。从今年开始,又有了一个新的选择:用LYCRA® SPORT 面料制造的衣服——这种系列的衣服被设计来满足运动员的特殊要求,并通过纤维制造商和世界各地的 面料工厂的创新合作促进商品的销售。 英威达服饰业务总裁David Trerotola说,LYCRA® SPORT面料的性能标准和品牌保证“给消费者提供性能全 面的运动用高级面料,是具有附加值的运动服装。我们相信我们的行业伙伴都将获益。”

As the largest and most experienced global integrated producer and marketer of premium fibers, fabrics and finishes, INVISTA Apparel maintains a manufacturing or marketing presence in every major region of the world. Market segments include ready-to-wear, intimate apparel, swimwear, activewear, legwear and career apparel. The focus of INVISTA Apparel is to provide innovative market back solutions that bring differentiated value to help customers in the apparel industry maximize profitable growth through consumer insights, value chain efficiencies, global access and key innovations that are linked to INVISTA brands. INVISTA Apparel encompasses the breadth of consumer clothing – from innerwear to outerwear, from work to play, from boardroom to beach and urban streetwear, and even the latest runway fashions. Starting this year, however, INVISTA has a new option: apparel made with LYCRA® SPORT fabric – a family of fabrics engineered to meet the specific performance demands of athletes and merchandised through an innovative collaboration between the fiber manufacturer and fabric mills around the world. David Trerotola, president of INVISTA Apparel, says the performance standards of LYCRA® SPORT fabric and the brand franchise “provide consumers an outstanding fabric for sport with a well-balanced level of performance, representing a premium component and value-add for sport garments. We are confident that our valued partners throughout the industry will benefit.” 67

功能性面辅料 Functional Fabrics and Materials

3M新雪丽:更轻、更薄、更保暖 3M Thinsulate: Lighter, Thinner, Warmer


3. 706

东丽:品质上乘、性能卓越的面料 Toray: Fabrics of High Quality & Excellent Performance


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3M为国际公认的研发领域的企业先驱,基于对40多个卓越科技平台的开发和交 互使用,3M开发了成千上万种创新产品,以满足广泛市场领域的客户需求。3M






之外成立的中国第一家外商独资企业。目前3M公司在中国建立了12家公司、7个 生产基地、25个办事处、3个技术中心和1个研发中心,员工超过5,700人。

公司产品面向全球客户,集透气透湿防水、超强泼水、超细纤轻量、吸汗速 干、多向弹力、环保、凉感、发热保温、抗菌、防风、防污、防晒防透、抗静







A recognized leader in research and development, 3M produces thousands of innovative products for dozens of diverse markets. 3M’s core strength is applying its more than 40 distinct technology platforms – often in combination – to a wide array of customer needs. With $25 billion in sales, 3M employs 76,000 people worldwide and has operations in more than 60 countries.


In Nov, 1984, 3M established 3M China, Ltd., which is the first foreign-invested enterprise outside of special economic zone. With investment of around 700 million US Dollar, 3M China has set up 12 companies, 7 manufacturing sites, 25 offices, three technique centers and one R&D center with more than 5,700 employees. Thinsulate™ is a trademark owned by 3M Company. Thinsulate™ insulation is one of best warm insulation of the world, with the feature of “lighter, thinner, warmer”, which will meet the requirements of light while warm.

Toray Sakai Weaving & Dyeing (Nantong) Co., Ltd is the core part of Toray Nantong Group industrial base. It was established in Aug, 1994, specializes in weaving, dyeing and selling of long fiber fabric like polyester, nylon, etc. Now we totally have 1,800 Chinese and Japanese employees, monthly output 9 million meters. Facing global customers, our functional fabric products are featured with air & moisture permeable, super-waterproof, super-lightweight micro-fiber, sweat absorbing and quick dry, high four way stretch, eco, cooling, thermal insulation, anti-bacterial, windproof, stain proof, UV cut, anti-static, etc. On the basis of Toray’s perfect high-end technology in the line, with the most excellent talents and excellent equipment, we keep integrating our professional development and fiber manufacturing into a whole industrial chain. Through our unique all-in-one producing & selling system, we will be dedicated to develop knitted and woven fabrics of high quality and excellent performance for our customers.

YKK:高质量产品满足中国市场全方位需求 World Class Products Meet China Market Demands


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YKK集团创始于1934年1月1日。到目前为止,YKK集团的业务活动覆盖全世界的70 多个国家和地区。事业区域分为中北美,南美,EMEA(欧洲,中东和非洲),东 亚,ASAO(东南亚联盟,南亚和大洋洲)和日本6大板块。这种区域式管理,使 得YKK能够根据各地区的不同特性来开展国际化经营活动。 YKK集团旗下的大连吉田拉链有限公司和吉田拉链(深圳)有限公司于1995年12月 分别在大连和深圳投资注册,主要从事YKK拉链的生产以及在中国北方和南方地区 的销售。大连YKK和深圳YKK拥有先进的生产设备,健全的管理体系和完善的销售 网络。公司秉承追求高品质产品的传统,结合中国市场的特性生产出品质优良的 金属、尼龙、树脂拉链产品,以及扣具、钮扣产品,以满足中国市场的全方位需 求。进入中国市场10多年来,一直致力于新产品的研发与推广,在提供高品质拉 链的同时,不断打造更多的时尚产品。 YKK Group was founded on Jan.1st, 1934. Currently, it does business in 70 countries / regions worldwide. Its geographical management structures is divided into six blocks - 1) North/Central America; 2) South America; 3) EMEA(covering Europe, the Middle East, and Africa); 4) East Asia; 5) ASAO(covering ASEAN, South Asia, and Oceania); 6) Japan. YKK has always taken local characteristics into account in YKK's business activities, and allowed marketing to be conducted more efficiently. Dalian YKK Zipper Co., Ltd and YKK Zipper (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd were invested and established by YKK Group in Dalian and Shenzhen in Dec. 1995, and began YKK zipper manufacture and sales in North and South China. Inheriting the company tradition of


striving for the greatness and combining with the characteristics of local market, Dalian YKK Zipper Co., Ltd and YKK Zipper (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd make full use of all the world-class production equipment and certified management systems to provide high quality zipper of metal, nylon & vislon with producing buckles & buttons for full-scaled needs in China. Having spent years developing its high-quality presence in China, YKK's products have earned us a reputation as a global market leader. YKK always committed to the new products’ R&D and promotion and to create more fashionable zippers to the market.

Functional Fabrics and Materials 功能性面辅料 龙时服装:把制造业当服务业来经营 Dragon Times: Turn Manufacture into Service


3. 712

可隆纺织:遍布全球的网络 Kolon: Fabrics Network Worldwide


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龙时服装辅料有限公司创立于2003年,为一家专注于户外服装辅料的台资企 业,公司总部设于中国台北,工厂设在广东省东莞市虎门镇,龙时并在中国台 北、上海、福建、北京、广东设有客户服务办事处,龙时服装辅料专业生产各 类拉链及其它服装辅料和服装配件,拉链包括:防水拉链(如:印刷防水拉 链、转弯防水拉链、胶牙防水拉链、反光、荧光、迷彩、布纹、蛇皮纹、渐进 色、金属色、彩虹等防水拉链),尼龙拉链、胶牙拉链、金属拉链、隐形拉链 等,服装辅料及服装配件包括:标章、钮扣、扣具、拉片、粘扣带、小五金、 织带等,其中又以防水拉链为龙时最主力之产品。龙时服装辅料为一家生产型 公司,产品为一条龙生产,并不断的创新,持续的研发新的产品。 龙时服装辅料发展的早期我们就已经有了非常明确的目标和市场定位:要成为 国内外知名的服装辅料品牌,并成为各著名户外服装品牌指定的服装辅料供货 商。因此龙时在质量上一直不断的提升,至今已连续多年通过瑞士Oeko-Tex Standard 100 class 1的环保认证,并达到BS,ASTM,JIS,KS等标准之产品质量 要求,同时龙时还设立有研发部门,每个季度都会自行研发新的产品供客户参 考及运用,并能根据客户的构想,客制化的为客户开发专属产品满足客户需 求,从而达到龙时的服务宗旨:把制造业当服务业来经营!

Established in 2003, Dragon Times Accessory Co., Ltd, the headquarter of which is in Taipei China and the factory is in Dongguan, China, is specialized in all kinds of the accessories for outdoors garments, also have offices in different areas, such as Beijing, Fujian, Shanghai, etc. Our main products are zippers---WP zippers (key products): printed WP zipper, waved WP zipper, plastic WP zipper, reflective WP zipper, fluorescent WP zipper, Fabric WP zipper, Snake WP zipper, gradual changed WP zipper, Metallic WP zipper, Rainbow WP zipper and so on; NL zippers; Plastic zippers; Metal zippers…; and the other accessories: label, button, buckle, puller, cuff tab, metal logo, tape and so on. Dragon Times, as a producing company, have full producing line and are taking up with continuously innovation and research of the new trims. We had clear target and market positioning at the very early stage of our company’s development. Our strategy is to be a famous brand of the garments accessories all over the world and as an outdoor sportswear accessory supplier appointed by famous garment manufacturers. And as a result, we are taking up with quality improvement. Now we have passed environmental protect testing of Switzerland TESTEX Oeko-Tex Standard 100 class 1 for many years, and also reach the standard of the BS, ASTM, JIK, KS and so on. Also, we apply ourselves to products R&D development and can provide new products to our customers every quarter. Furthermore, we can design and develop new products according to our customer’s ideas and our work will continue till their satisfaction. And so we can achieve our vision to turn manufacture into service.

韩国可隆国际株式会社是韩国十大集团之一,是韩国尼龙产品的创始人,创 建于1954年,在世界上享有很高的信誉并且占有较大的市场份额。现在全球 许多国家共设有16个办事处或分支机构,已经形成了一个高效的全球行销服 务网络。 集团公司拥有经验丰富的产品企划/开发部门,在韩国有织布厂、印染厂、涂层 处理厂、纱厂一条龙式的生产线。面料品种广泛、质量保证,适用于各种中高 档箱包,户外运动及时装面料,是国内授权生产杜邦CORDURA面料的生产厂家 之一。主力产品有:羽绒服、风衣等服装面料,超细纤维面料(目前最细纱织 为尼龙10D,产品质量稳定,同行业内技术领先),冲锋衣裤,快干舒适、保 暖、吸湿、排汗等功能性户外、高尔夫运动面料。目前跟DUPONT公司共同合 作开发2层冲锋衣面料,使用DUPONT专利膜DUPONT ACTIVE LAYER,防水透气 系数可以达到20000/20000,在行业内有很强的市场竞争力。 箱包、背包和登山包面料也是公司的强项,目前跟全球绝大多数的户外品牌都 保持多年的合作,客户反映及关系良好。

Kolon I’Networks is one of the ten largest companies in Korea. Since it was founded in 1954, it has maintained a foursquare position in the market. Now it has 16 overseas networks worldwide, and has built up highly effective global service networks. Our group has a great planning/development sector. We have dying mills, mud-handling mills, textile-mills as an organic whole. We have variety, quality-guaranteed fabrics. We are also one of the authorized companies to produce the Dupont's “CORDURA”. Our main items are fabrics for down jacket, wind jacket and highly-flimsy fabrics. (Currently, the most flimsy is nylon 10D; quality is assured, outstanding among the other companies in the same field. We also have some functional fabrics such as warming, absorbing moisture, quick-drying and have some golf sportswear fabrics. Currently we developed 2-floor jacket with Dupont company, used a patented Dupont's Active Layer. Its waterproof coefficiency is getting to 20000/20000, which is highly-competent in the market. Fabrics for Leather bags, backpacks, and climbing bags are also the main items of company. Nowadays we have been maintaining cooperating with most of foreign brands. Customers' reaction and interest are also great.


功能性面辅料 Functional Fabrics and Materials

三川集团:专为户外运动研发功能性面料 Sanchuan Group: Specialized in Functional Fabrics for Outdoor Activities


3. 718

三川集团成立于一九九九年,专业从事功能性面料的开发、设计、生产与销售,广泛应用于户外运动休闲, 如滑雪、探险、登山、高尔夫,为欧洲很多品牌及国内一线品牌提供优质面料。 公司主要产品有:1. 贴合面料:2层、2层半、3层,可选TPU、PU、PTFE各种膜,还可赋予更多功能,如抗 菌除臭等、负离子等;2. 涂层面料:各种PU涂层,赋予不同功能及风格;3. 超轻面料:羽绒服、自行车服、 跑步服,如15D、20D、30D等;4. 弹力面料:尼龙弹力、涤纶弹力、交织弹力等;5. 花式面料:如色织、阳 离子等、压花、经轴印花;6. 印花面料:圆网印花、转移印花等各种花型,包括迷彩印花、数码印花等。

Sanchuan Group was established in 1999, specialized in functional fabrics for outdoor activities, i.e. skiing, exploring, mountaineering and golfing, supplying quality fabrics for European brands and domestic top brands. Now we have the following ranges: 1. Laminated Fabrics: 2-layer, 2.5-layer, 3-layer, including PU, TPU & PTFE membrane; 2. Coated Fabrics, different performances and styles; 3. Super Light Fabrics, i.e. 15D, 20D, 30D; 4. Stretch Fabrics, i.e. nylon stretch, polyester stretch, inter woven stretch; 5. Fancy Fabrics, i.e. dyed woven, cationic, embossing, beam print; 6. Print Fabrics, i.e. rotary, paper transfer, camouflage, digital.

宏远:高科技功能性面辅料首席供应商 Everest: Leading High-tech and Functional Fabrics Manufacturer


3. 710

迈埤:世界粘合技术的先锋 MACPI: Worldwide Leader for Bonding Technology


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shell三层贴、Light shell两层贴、智能记忆面料、各式染整加工面料、拨水拨油 易去污以及纳米银抗菌面料、超薄功能性面料等。其产品丰富、组织变化多 样、具有科技时尚感。宏远全系列产品均通过当今最严格之瑞士Bluesign®环保 纺织品认证。

Everest Textile is a leading high-tech and functional fabrics manufacturer with products used by major global outdoor sportswear and leisure wear brands. Everest Textile (Shanghai) Ltd. was established in 1996 that previously belonged to the dyeing division of Far Eastern Textile Taiwan. On Nov. 1, 1996, Everest Textile (Shanghai) Ltd. became an independent company. Everest has marketing offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Xiamen, Shishi, and Keqiao that enable Everest to better serve and enhance business relationships with domestic and global branded customers. Everest’s innovative products include sustainable eco-products, 3-layer soft shell, 2-layer light shell, intelligent shape memory fabric, various dyeing and finishing fabric, stain resistant/oil and water repellent fabric, Nano-silver anti-bacterial fabric, and extreme lightweight fabric. Everest’s wide range of products offers variety of textures with high-tech and fashion. All of the fabric collections are certified by Swiss Bluesign®, the strictest eco textile standard.

由于我们深知粘合的产品特性,加之我们拥有专业的团队,我们的最终目标是 使粘合工艺简易化,可靠以及达到成本可承受性,作您战略伙伴的首选。 我们相信,创新是必须基于一种全新的客户关系,而非遵循原始的“供应商和客 户”思想。通过环球资源方案,迈埤将能够给您提供最高水平的技术创新之路。

MACPI GROUP ITALY is a worldwide leader for bonding technology with innovative solutions able to satisfy the most demanding applications. Today it is not enough to sell reliable machines to the customers, but technological and advanced solutions which could provide the best performance from the machines. The new concept of Global Sourcing Solutions is proposing to a potential end-user a wide range of solutions based on raw material knowledge and application know-out for the developing of products from garments/shoes to automotive industry. Our goal is to make the “bonding” easy, reliable and affordable thanks to a deep knowledge of its features and to a professional team which will become a strategic partner for your choices. We believe innovation must be based on a new relationship with the customers which must go over the classic way of “suppliercustomer” thinking and through the Global Sourcing Solutions MACPI will be able to offer a top level pre and after sale service able to grant endless solutions and applications.


功能性面辅料 Functional Fabrics and Materials

利强纤维:专业运动休闲运动用布制造商 LC Tex: Multi-functional Sportswear Fabric Supplier


4. 706

利强纤维染整股份有限公司成立于1985年4月,为专业运动休闲运动用布制造商,以生产梭织布为 主、针织为辅。作为多功能与机能性运动服饰布料的供应者,除了加强自我专业的知识与训练外, 其目的就是希望能提供所有客户的需求与高质量的服务态度。在高度自我的要求下,于2007年与 SGS成立了质量检验策略联盟达到厂内高质量的检测要求,希望在生产的过程中,除了硬设备的加 强更新之外,也在软件设施上尽可能达到最高质量的呈现。 利强公司不断强化研发能力、健康舒适、环保概念与流行美学掌握下,提供客户所需,并于2009年 与法国知名厂商合作生产开发特殊机能性布料以满足更高阶层的客户需求。表现出客户做最佳沟通 与协调、尊重客户意见、提供优质服务是利强一直以来贯彻的精神与原则。Sporty Starch的概念就 是将运动活力的想法注入在利强公司与客户间,也是与客户永续经营的目标与愿景。

LC Technical Textile Co., Ltd (LC Tex) was established in April 1985 to produce mainly woven fabric and knitting supplement. As a multi-functional sportswear fabric supplier, in addition to strengthening self-knowledge and professional training, our aim is to provide all customers with high quality services; thus, in 2007 LC Tex has worked with SGS quality inspection of a strategic alliance which was established to plant high-quality testing requirements. Strong corporate profits continue to strengthen research and development capability, health, comfort, environmental protection and pop aesthetic control, to provide customer's needs. Since 2009, LC Tex has cooperated with the one of French well-known special functional fabrics manufacturers in order to satisfy a higher class of customer requirements. Presenting the best communication, coordination, and respect for customer feedback, providing quality service is strong profits that have been carrying out the spirit of and principles. The concept of Sporty Starch is to inject the idea of dynamic movement in LC Tex and among customers, but also with the customer's goals and vision of sustainable operation.

华阳纺织:服务客户,精益求精 SunshineTex: Customer Priority, Service Foremost


2. 111

华阳集团由昆山华阳纺织染整有限公司、昆山华阳纺织复合材料有限公司、昆山华阳纺织涂层有限 公司、上海华阳印染科技有限公司及安徽华阳纺织有限公司组成。公司拥有国际先进的染整、涂 层、热熔复合、油胶复合、PU透湿转移涂层、PU人造革、PU透湿膜、压光等生产设备。专业生产 各类化纤面料、混纺面料、交织面料、户外运动面料、特殊工装面料等。尤其擅长生产各种功能性 面料,所生产的热熔胶复合面料、高防水透湿涂层面料、EN471荧光面料、阻燃面料、防静电面料 等产品均达到或超过同类产品的质量标准,于2005年通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系,并获得多种 质量认证。 精良的生产设备、科学的生产工艺和严格的质量管理体系,是我们不断提高客户满意度的基础,诚 实处事、诚信经营、服务客户、精益求精、不断创新是我们的经营理念。我们的产品已赢得广大客 户的赞誉,并将更加努力使之发扬。竭诚欢迎广大国内外客商光临采购、来样定货、来料加工。

SunshineTex Dyeing & Coating Co. Ltd. is one of China’s leading suppliers in functional fabric. SunshineTex guarantees quality production equipment, advanced technology and strict quality control. It specializes in processing all types of functional fabric, outdoor fabric, sportswear fabric, etc. SunshineTex high quality finishes quality dyeing, breathable laminating, soft shell laminating, breathable coating, fluorescent dyeing, fire resistant finishing, anti-static finishing, quick-dry finishing. It has also been awarded many certificates including IS09001:2000. All fabrics exceed standard of quality similar fabrics throughout China and we earned sound reputation among customers worldwide. We are committed to providing you with fast, efficient and friendly service. We wish to continue to build this co-operation and trust together. Our mottoes: Trust before business, Customer before business, Service and reliability foremost, Unremitting improvement.


Functional Fabrics and Materials 功能性面辅料 百和:纺织辅料专业制造商 PAIHO: Specialty Manufacturer of Fabrics


百美贴:Sewfree®双面胶完美取代传统缝合 BEMIS: Sewfree® Adhesives Eliminate Stitching

4. 702

无锡百和织造股份有限公司生产粘扣带、贴而美射出钩、松紧带、织带、鞋 带、竹炭纱系列、反光材料、商标系列等产品。


3. 622

其主打产品MIRROR LOOP (ML series)系列的优点是:1. 轻量化:轻薄、透明度 佳。2. 可印刷:凸显品牌形象。3. 搭配61钩和62钩,咬合强度佳。横向咬合力 达2000g以上。4. 使用寿命长,钩毛咬合超过10000次以上。5. 耐水洗、不易断 丝、后期性佳。

WUXI PAIHO Textiles Co., Ltd specially manufactures touch fasteners, easy tape, elastic, webbing, shoelace, bamboo charcoal, reflective materials and trademark. The five characteristics of the MIRROR LOOP (ML series) are: 1. Light weight: thin and clear in appearance; 2. MIRROR LOOP is printable on for your custom logo or as text to promote your company or products; 3. Use MIRROR LOOP with our Easy Tape ETN-61&62 molded hooks for cuffs on jackets and apparel for a strong closure combination. Shear strength is above 2,000g/cm2; 4. Long cycle life: Its closure can provide over 10,000 cycles. 5. MIRROR LOOP is washable and fray resistant for durability. 使用百美贴Sewfree®双面胶,可取代传统缝合工序,确保功能服饰具有良好的 防水性能。使用Sewfree®双面胶能令服装更美观并减少粗糙感。无论是提高产 品性能,还是增强产品的美感,Sewfree®双面胶均是焊接、贴合、密封或加工 的重要元素。此类双面胶专门设计来满足服装生产的最严格要求。

Eliminate stitching and guarantee the waterproof integrity of your technical outerwear garments and gear by using Sewfree® adhesive films and tape from Bemis. Sewfree® seams are sleeker and lighter than sewn seams, resulting in a less abrasive garment. From the general purpose film adhesives supplied on release paper substrates in wide-width rolls, to engineered tapes, there is a Sewfree® formula that will give you the results you need. There are a multitude of features and benefits realized from using film adhesives that can’t be achieved with cut and sew methods.

旭荣集团:世界主要品牌的主要供应商 NEW WIDE: Prior Supplier of the Main Brands in the World


3. 801

旭荣集团1975年在台湾创立旭宽企业股份有限公司,致力于生产各类针织面料,多年秉持着“品质、创新、 快速反应”的经营策略,经过三十五年的辛勤耕耘与海外扩展,至今已从一家中小型企业,跃升成为拥有纺 织染整、成衣贸易、策略联盟三大事业体的集团公司。 研发是旭荣集团创造差异化竞争优势的核心能力。除致力于纺织新素材与新加工过程的创新研发之外,还将 多年生产实务经验及世界最新潮流结合在一起,在各类功能性布料、凉爽纱、冷转印与自然可分解的环保素 材等方面皆有突破性的成果,每年开发新布样多达千种以上,也凭借强大研发实力成为2010上海世博会的特 许生产商。

New Wide Group was integrated from New Wide Co., Ltd which was established in 1975. With its business strategy of pursuing high quality, continuous innovation and quick response, New Wide has been dedicating to developing and producing various knitting fabrics. Over the previous thirty-five years’ hardworking and overseas exploration, New Wide Group has now transformed from a small and medium-sized company into a comprehensive group integrating knitting and dyeing division, garments manufacturing and trade division, and strategic alliance division. R&D is core competence of New Wide Group in diversified competition. We are devoted to the innovation of new materials and production process. In addition, we combine our practical experiences with the latest trends in the world. Developing thousands of new fabric items every year, we have breakthrough in such aspects as all kinds of functional, cooling, cool-transfer, and eco-friendly fabrics which helps us to be the authorized manufacturer of Expo 2010 Shanghai China. 73

招商信息 Investment Information



KEEN全国21家自营店的营运,作为经销商后台 操作的强力保障。


ALPINE PRO成为捷克国家队在2010年温哥华冬奥会





杨天宝 Paul Yang

和 粉丝中取得了惊人的成功,被加拿大的THE


哈森商贸(中国)有限公司 商务经理



电话:021-5199 7515

上的官方指定服装,这使得ALPINE PRO的国际地位

选择ALPINE PRO的理由: 设计: ●

加盟支持: ●









效的资料,实现双赢; ●

广告支持 - 全国及区域性的报刊、户外等媒体广告


- 全国及区域性的公关及促销活动

产品都是经过ALPINE PRO专业人员检验过的。





卖场道具; 完备的业务支持系统。总部与加盟商关系建立在 供充足的货源支持,并主动为加盟商提供货源分

材料: ●


免费提供各类 广告画,统一制作各种销售用品、

趋势 : ●


手机:136 2175 5565

自2002年创立以来,KingCamp始终致力于的向全世界 推广户外生活方式,倡导“舒适、轻松、分享、环 保”的户外理念,以其独特设计、专业品质和优质服 务赢得全世界户外爱好者的青睐,产品畅销全球38个 国家。

- 品牌形象设施及用品







ALPINE PRO坚守让客户在高品质标准下有合理合







商业支持: ●


营销支持: ●

● ●

店铺形象/设计规划; 装饰理念; 店铺整体设计陈列规划。





ALPINE PRO目前正在全国范围内招募品牌代理商, 有意者请联系范小姐:

BOULEVARD BOULEVARD品牌于1978年在美国滑雪之都阿斯蓬诞 生。阿斯蓬作为美国最大的滑雪圣地,每年都有来 自世界各地的户外爱好者在此接受挑战。公司的设 计师一直对他们进行长期的跟踪和调研,逐渐积累


专卖店营业面积不低于80平米,商场专柜营业面 积不低于40平米。

加盟政策: 因省级代理商、市级代理商、普通加盟商、经销商 的性质不同,所以有关换货率、扣点及其它相关政 策也各不相同,详情请致电咨询。 联系方式:010-67042171 13371679236 皮先生

强有力的对供应商的掌控能力,能让我们在成本、 质量、交付上优于竞争对手,保证我们的产品能 做到优良的品质和超值的价值;

理解并接受公司的经营管理模式,按照本品牌认 可形式装修店铺;

电话:0573- 8228 7982 *8020 邮箱


有合法的营业执照、税务登记证,并具备一般纳 税人资格;


商品规划支持: ●

丰富的国际户外行业经验,能让我们有极强的市 场预测和捕捉能力,并能快速反应在我们的产品


我们能做到客户不满意100%退货的承诺,让客 户无忧地消费我们的产品,提供无忧的享受。

欢迎您加入KingCamp经销商的行列,与我们一起带领 中国户外行业快速成长! 电话:010-6772 9361/5128 5839 传真:010-8795 1782 网址 邮箱
























新理念。并开始全面启动中国市场的发展计划。 ●

产品描述:轻量化的功能面料,立体的修身剪裁, 人性化的细节设计,时尚的款式外形,让您时刻无







品牌定位: 国际化中高端品牌。适合喜爱户外运







品牌口号:穿在身上的自由 加盟优势: ●

公司品牌拥有多年国际化运作背景,对市场信息 能快速反应,强大的设计团队可持续开发具有市

熟悉户外运动品牌经营运作,理解并接受远行客 的经营管理模式;

有渴望成功的热情,有勇于开拓创新、吃苦耐劳 的精神;













有固定办公场所及设备,一定管理经验和一定的 组织能力;


加盟热线:020-3801 9580

Investmentt Information 招商信息 部分参展品牌目标客户列表 Target Customer List (Part of the Exhibiting Brands) 以下信息由品牌自愿提交,依展位号排序。

首选 First Choice

The following information is provided by exhibitors, sorted by booth No. 品牌名 Brand Name

展位号 户外店 Booth No. Outdoor Shops

雪具店 加盟/区 百货商场 其他 页码 Snow 域经销 Dept. Others Page Shops Distributors Store

品牌名 Brand Name

展位号 户外店 Booth No. Outdoor Shops

次选 Second Choice

雪具店 加盟/区 百货商场 其他 页码 Snow 域经销 Dept. Others Page Shops Distributors Store

Alpine Pro 阿尔派妮



Tutwo 图途


57 66




BRS 兄弟人


66 63






63 66






66 48




Yisijia 伊思佳


48 48


48 49





Fire-Maple 火枫野营



K2summit 凯图巅峰


49 40

Black Deer 黑鹿



KingCamp 康尔健野


40 40

Robinson 鲁滨逊





40 46




Oursky 傲石开


46 47

Himalaya 喜马拉雅



Shehe 极星


47 44

NexTORCH 纳丽德





29 44






48 29




Molife 莫耐


48 34

Toread 探路者



Karrimor 凯瑞摩


34 45






45 36




Outdoor Research 户外研究


36 44






44 33






33 47






47 58

SCALER 思凯乐户外





56 58

Wild Roses 野玫瑰





58 56






28 58

La Sportiva





54 30






54 56

AceCamp 路客





55 55


55 56

Alpinex 傲峰雪




OmnXtreme 欧格翠





56 54

SWS 赛沃斯



Fjällräven 北极狐


54 42

Hi Walk 高步





42 65


Alpitec China 2011 SAM:《国际滑雪场管理》 Ski Area Management


ALC 14


生态设计:山地娱乐休闲旅游胜地 规划公司 Ecosign: Mountain Resort Planners Ltd.



ALC 38

区经营管理者、设备供应商、相关政府机构读者和滑雪场设计者的喜爱。SAM拥有近50年 滑雪行业出版经验,并为全球大大小小的滑雪场经营管理商提供最新的业内创新资讯、设 备信息、最佳应用案例和业界趋势。这些滑雪场能创造数亿元的滑雪收入。每期SAM包含 丰富的内容,涉及滑雪缆车、市场营销、雪场维护、人工造雪、滑雪学校、租赁、服务、 餐饮、夏季活动、员工培训、滑雪场介绍等等。2011年,SAM中文版将出版三期,分别在 3月、9月和12月,目前为免费赠阅。我们的读者是中国滑雪度假村的业主和经营者,还有 其他重要的相关产业人士。SAM中文版会在夏季出版快讯简报。请到我们的展台,会见出 版人,并且领取SAM中文版杂志。

Ski Area Management (SAM) Magazine launched SAM China in 2010 with excellent response. We look forward to increasing our distribution of SAM China to the Chinese ski industry in 2011. SAM Magazine is the global ski industry foremost trade publication for owners, operators, suppliers, government agencies and designers of mountain resorts around the world. With almost 50 years of publishing expertise in the ski and resort business, SAM Magazine brings the latest innovations, equipment news, global best practices and trends to ski areas, large and small, around the world that represent billions of dollars in skiing revenue. Each issue contains information about: Ski Lifts, Marketing, Grooming, Snowmaking, Ski School, Rental, Customer Service, Food and Beverage, Summer Activities, Maintenance Employee Training, Ski Area Profiles. And Much More! In 2011 SAM China will be delivered three times a year, in March, September and December, for free! Our readers are the owners and operators of the Chinese ski resorts and other important industry people. SAM China also produces a newsletter in the summer months. Please stop by our booth and meet the publishers and pick up a copy of SAM China.


ALC 05

78 Alpitec China 2011



四季主题度假区总体规划设计、滑雪度假区规划设计、高尔夫球 场设计、娱乐设施规划、度假村规划、居住区规划、经济可行性 分析与规划、运营业务咨询

欲了解更多详情,请浏览我们的网站 ●

● ●

International planners of four-season ski resorts and associated development. Mountain and village master planning for new and existing ski areas. Four-season resort planning and design, ski resort planning, golf course routing and design, recreational planning, village and resort base area planning residential planning, financial feasibility and planning, operations consulting.

For more information, visit our website at

Alpitec China 2011 双威力:中国滑雪设备市场超过70%占有率 MWI: Takes More Than 70% of the Chinese Skiing Equipments Market Share


ALC 44

双威力公司成立于1995年,总部位于加拿大卡尔加里市。我们是美国SMI造雪工程公司、意大 利PRINOTH压雪机公司和加拿大SKI-DOO雪地摩托车公司在中国的总代理,并且和加拿大 Ecosign山地规划设计公司有多年的合作。 依靠优良的设备品质、专业的服务和合理的产品价格,双威力公司已经获得了中国滑雪设备市 场超过70%的占有率,我们有能力也有信息去赢得每一个中国滑雪场的信任。

MWI was established in 1995. The Headquarter is located in Calgary, Canada. We are the general distributors of American SMI Snow Machines Inc, Italian Prinoth and Canada Ski-Doo in China. We have cooperated with Canadian Ecosign for many years. MWI has won most of the ski resorts’ trust by excellent product quality, perfect after service, rational price and profuse experience. MWI takes more than 70% of the Chinese skiing equipments market share. We have the ability and confidence to win the heart of every customer in China.

法国滑雪胜地—阿尔卑斯大区来华参展了!法国著名的阿尔卑斯山再度光临中国! The French Alps at ispo china & Alpitec China 2011. Famous French Alps back in China!


ALC 04

法国罗纳阿尔卑斯大区拥有超过185处的滑雪场地,其占地面积约90万公顷。源于 阿尔卑斯地区卓越的自然资源,罗纳阿尔贝斯大区成为了欧洲最大且最富盛名的 滑雪胜地。罗纳阿尔卑斯大区拥有充满活力的山区产业和户外产业,这些产业的 很多专业技术及专业知识在全球范围内享有盛誉。1924年,第一届冬季奥运会在 法国的夏蒙尼举行。从此,阿尔卑斯大区开始在顶级山地设施行业发展中扮起了 举足轻重的角色。在1968年和1992年,阿尔卑斯大区又相继举办了两届冬奥会。 在成功举办了三届冬季奥运会后,如今罗纳阿尔卑斯大区又在全力以赴的为安纳 西申请2018年的冬季奥运会做着积极的准备工作(!

With more than 185 ski resorts and 90 000 ha of ski slopes, Rhône-Alpes is one of the largest and most appreciated ski area in Europe. It directly benefits from the excellence of Alps’ natural resources. A dynamic mountain and outdoor industry which expertise has already been recognized and exported world-wide is also settled in Rhône-Alpes’ area. Effectively, since 1924’s first Winter Olympic Games held in Chamonix, Rhône-Alpes has played a strong role in developing top-level mountain facilities and industry. That is why it also hosted 1968 and 1992 Winter Olympics Games, respectively in Grenoble and Albertville. Taking advantage of this Olympic tradition, the Rhône-Alpes city of Annecy has already applied to host 2018’s Winter Olympics (

2010年上海世界博览会期间,罗纳阿尔卑斯大区馆迎来了众多参观者。罗纳阿尔 卑斯大区馆向参观者提供了众多与阿尔卑斯山相关展览、大小型会议和多彩的体 育活动。游客们亦可品尝到由法国极富盛名的博古兹美食学院管理餐厅所精心烹 制的法国美食!2010年9月初,超过200名中法相关人士应邀参加了为期一周的 “登山运动和休闲产业主题活动周”。在此期间,中法双方对体育、登山、自行 车等相关运动和产业进行了深入的讨论和交流。法国前奥运冠军Gwendal Peizerat 先生,Bernard Hinault先生及法国罗纳阿尔卑斯大区众多企业的首席执行官均出席 了这次主题周活动,参会者均对此次主题周给予了高度赞赏和评价! 在成功参展2010年国际冬季运动机械设备博览会后。今年,罗纳阿尔卑斯大区企 业国际发展协会(ERAI)亦将率领一支法国企业代表团来华参加第七届亚洲运动 用品与时尚展/2011年国际冬季运动机械设备博览会(ispo china / Alpitec China 2011)。届时,ERAI将向您展示法国乃至世界领先的专业产品和高端技术,例 如:登山缆车及其维护、滑雪区维护、自动售票系统、压雪机、人工造雪制造 商、专业的救生员和滑雪教练、滑雪场经营管理等等。 同时,ERAI也将为您介绍法国罗纳-阿尔卑斯大区山区产业集群CIM(Mountain Industry Cluster),这些企业致力于户外、休闲和山地产业的生产和发展。山区产 业集群CIM汇集了这一领域的精英企业,它们拥有世界领先水平的科学技术和专 业知识。这些企业将向您展示:山地旅游设计、滑雪场设计、旅游娱乐设施开发 和运营、度假村设计等等。这次法国代表团的一些参展商已经在中国拥有并开展 了自己的业务,他们亦期望通过这次展会与中国客户有更深的交流。

During 2010 Shanghai World Expo, many visitors drew the line at Rhône Alps’ eco-constructed pavilion. They enjoyed many exhibitions, conferences and sport activities related to the French Alps. They even tasted French cuisine and gastronomy at the Paul Bocuse Institute. In the beginning of September, more than 200 enthusiastic Chinese and French guests were invited during a week to talk together and share their experience of mountain sports and leisure industries. The participants highly appreciated meeting with former French Olympics and sport champions (Mr Gwendal Peizerat, Mr. Bernard Hinault) and Alps’ companies CEOs during this mountain and sports’ thematic week. After its successful presence at ispo china / Alpitec China 2010, the region’s agency working on the promotion and international development of French Alps’ industry (ERAI), will lead a delegation of French companies to participate to ispo china / Alpitec China 2011. ERAI would like to present you top-level ropeway systems, ski resorts, ticketing systems, grooming machines, snowmaking equipments, lifeguards, maintenance solutions, etc. Besides, ERAI would like to present you its Cluster CIM (Mountain Industry Cluster) dedicated to outdoor, leisure and mountain industries. CIM aims at bringing together all the major regional actors working in that field and recognized for their high degree of expertise. Finally, Rhône-Alpes’ companies would like to share with you their expertise in mountain tourism design, ski station design, tourism development and exploitation, resort architecture, mountain equipments, outdoor clothes, etc. Some of them already have business in China. They now wish to get closer with their Chinese customers!


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.