Isq r i newsletter #15

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August 2017

R+I NEWSLETTER 15 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage Learning through Heritage

Culture is the action of the people about the natural world and, at the same time, it’s the medium between people and the world itself. Culture provides experiences that empower, form, shape and emancipate. (‌) culture consists also of


physical spaces and all the post-industrial legacy, which can

Workshops # Seminars # Learning Activities p.4

be a good starting point to find new paths for learning. To do

CULTOUR Final Conference p.8

this, we need a greater connection between the cultural and

GET THERE Final Conference p.9

educational sectors: heritage needs to become politicised and training has to gain new contexts and new approaches.

Project Meetings p.10

Ongoing Projects p.12 The team p.14

(Vocational Education and Training in Post-Industrial Landscapes. A Methodological Handbook) 1

Learning through Heritage Europe is preparing to celebrate Culture, as 2018 is going to be the first European Year of Cultural Heritage. And what is Culture besides the sum of ties that bind all communities around Europe? Cultural heritage is the fabric of our lives and societies. It surrounds us in the buildings of our towns and cities and is expressed through natural landscapes and archaeological sites. See Website.

Portugal, a route of industrial heritage: Sites of interest to use in training and education Barcarena Gunpowder factory, past and present Industrial Tourism of São João da Madeira Eletricity Museum Seixal, Route of Labour and Industry

Barreiro: memory and future industrial route

The French philosopher Edgar Morin, in an interview to the Portuguese Transdisciplinary Association in 2012, said that “teaching cannot be limited simply to the transmission of ideas, it must also correspond to concrete experiences (...) it is also necessary to teach in the landscapes, in the visits to the museums, etc. If we teach the great problems that affect each one there will be not only the passion and the enthusiasm of the teachers but also great enthusiasm of the students”.

If we now bring those lines of thought into being in straight connection with the intrinsic value and nature of knowledge, accessibility and the variety of post-industrial landscapes, we find a remarkable set of available resources that can and must be used, in one hand to help develop competences of research, analysis of the scientific and technological problems of our current society and, on the other hand, to contribute to the development of an historical, a technological, and also an artistic civic education.

Echoes International Seminar, Portalegre, 29th of June The international seminar “Echoes of the Past – Heritage Futures: Vocational Educa-

tion and Training and Post-Industrial Landscapes” was held in Portalegre, in the Robinson Space (old Robinson Cork Factory), on the 29th of June 2017. This event marked the culmination of two years of a project that developed an OER 2

Echoes—VET with educational resources whose aim is to enhance the use of the industrial heritage and post-industrial landscapes as an important educational resource and facilitate the implementation of diverse educational practices in those heritages sites. The first part of the seminar program included oral presentations from different experts on post-industrial landscapes and industrial heritage, educational professionals and heritage professionals. In the second part of the seminar, participants were guided through practical sessions in site, making use of the tools and some

of the educational resources produced during the project. The seminar ended with a world café session where the participants were challenged to answer the major questions raised during the day. This helped the different target groups (heritage professionals and educational professionals) to exchange points of view and to establish contacts for future collaborations.

National transfer workshop, Porto Salvo, 2nd of June Partners from ISQ, Fundação Robinson (Portalegre) and Fundão Municipilaty jointly organised two workshops

with the objective to present and test the main outcomes produced whiting the scope of the ECHOES project. These workshops took place in the premises of ISQ, in Porto Salvo, and targeted two different groups: trainers and teachers, and heritage professionals. The first part of the workshop was common to both groups and it took place in a post-industrial site – the Barcarena Gunpowder Factory. Another objective of these workshops was to motivate the participants to discover the educational potential of these places by challenging them to make use of it in their training and teaching practices.


Workshops # Seminars # Learning Activities

Using creative arts to work on key skills is the CRE8IVE project idea. In ISQ, we promoted workshops on using Drama and Storytelling and it was a suc-

cess. Besides these, the curriculum developed in the scope the project includes also the use of Music, Photography, Film production and Digital media. This ERASMUS+ project is now coming to its end and it’s final conference will take place in Romania on the 15th of September.

Transparency of credit allocation in VET and HE in Manufacturing, an ERASMUS+ project focused on the permeability between VET and HE, is reaching its

final stage. Its final conference, organised by the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting, will take place in Portugal on August 30th and it will be possible to follow some of the morning communications via webinnar.

Taking into account the hazards of the workplace for welding personnel (fume, radiation, noise, vibration, …), factors with potential high risk on the health and safety of welders, and also the significant impact on the environment, the need for personnel training has a major importance, both for employers and

also for employees. HSE Joining, an ERASMUS+ project, aims to provide an harmonised training and qualification in the field of Health, Safety and Environment Training in Joining Technologies. More news will come soon, but meanwhile you can take a look at our project’s website. Between February and July, ISQ delivered the Pilot Course “Innovation Management in SMEs, to a total of 24 trainees. The objective of this 600 hours blended learning course was to test the INMA training pack enhanced to a national level. The test also integrated an internship program to implement the knowledge, skills and competences acquired thought the INMA Training in real enterprises. From the participation in the internship program, students were able to apply the innovation methodologies and strategies learned to real business environments. All the Innovation Reports produced will be compiled and each partner will elaborate a recommendation report to adjust the definitive INMA Training Pack. Follow us at INMA website and Online Community. 4

Workshops # Seminars # Learning Activities On the 2nd of June ISQ implemented the Hands on Approach Seminar for 10 external Trainers (VET trainers and teachers). The objective was to present the project, test & validate the innovative XXI Trainer products regarding the national context. Recognising the significance and innovative character of the project outputs, ISQ went further and also promoted a session addressing internal staff to upgrade the knowledge, skills and competences of ISQ trainers and training technicians, on the XXI Trainer methods and tools. The next phase of the project will be dedicated to assemble the XXI Trainer Exploitation Guide and implement the Sustainability Round Table, a national multiplier event to present the project main outcomes, create network opportunities and collect feedback for the Exploitation Guide. Learn more at XXI Trainer website.

Organized by IFRTS & ITG in June 2017, the Final Conference of the TICS project was held at the premises of the Agir Contre l’Exclusion Foundation (FACE / “Fight against exclusion”, one of the largest private French foundations actively involved in action projects in favor of Disadvantaged young people, unemployed or retrained, and in the field

of school and vocational training. This was an opportunity to ISQ and the other project partners to share the TICS tools and outputs among the participants: O1 - Study practical analysis O2 - Toolkit Young Digital O3 - Uses of TICS in EU O4 - Toolkit – Accompany with the digital O5 - TICS virtual community and Website O6 – TICS Kit This conference is not the end of the TICS project, but has emerged as a further step towards an even wider

spread in Europe and the possibilities for complementary actions that could be organised in the coming months, such as local and National tools of TICS or complementary developments with other projects. Keep following us on the official website and Facebook Page.

After a successful Capacity Building Workshop for trainers, hosted by ISQ during March 2017, MAKE-IT partners are presently preparing the pilots phase, for the testing of the European Welding Practitioner (EWP) qualification’ learning outcomes and related exercises. Also the RPL scheme and tools, developed under this qualification, will be tested in each of the partnership countries Portugal, Spain, Hungary and Norway. The pilots will start this August and end next April 2018. Keep updated trough the project website . 5

Workshops # Seminars # Learning Activities

On the past 4th of July happened in Warsaw, the GreenCompIT Final Conference, marking the end of this three-year project. ISQ and the project partners from Poland, Sweden and Germany, are proud to announce the successful completion of project key –results: Bank of blended learning training modules ICT tool providing selection of training modules based on identified competency gaps European network of training institutions and enterprises in the waste management area The GreenCompIT project, implemented between September 2014 and August 2017, focused on the transfer of good practices on waste management and, on the development of professional competences for the occupation “Technician/Organizer of Waste Management in an Enterprise” (level 4-5 EQF); The above project deliverables, and others, can be downloaded from the project website. LINK-INC International Final Conference of the project was held at the City Hall of Turin, Italy, on the 13th July 2017. The main outputs of the project were presented

on detail in the conference, the State of the Art Report on cultural and ethnic integration in Work-based Learning, an ECVET based Training Curriculum, a Handbook and Toolbox containing new approaches and practical tools to apply and manage diversity in Work-based Learning, as well as the Open Online Centre. All outputs are accessible on the project platform. Furthermore, in this event, regional and national stakeholders shared their experiences and reflections about the integration of migrants and ethnic minorities through WBL. This project has been developed by six partners from Spain, Austria, Bulgaria, France, Italy and Portugal, that worked together during the last two years defining and developing common strategies to foster equity and inclusion of migrants and ethnic minorities in

Work-based Learning. Follow us on our website. A month to its completion, the UseWine project proved to be effective in achieving its main goals: raising the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) awareness, among policy makers and environmental groups, while supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) - within the rural wine sector - in adopting the TBL model to improve its business performance. The UseWine Impact Report of the activities carried out by ISQ and the other project partners from Spain, France, Austria, UK, Poland, Romania, Cyprus, among other project products, will be soon available for download (in all partners´ languages), in the project website. 6

Workshops # Seminars # Learning Activities On the past 1st and 2nd of June the project partners gathered for the last project meeting, in Malpils, Latvia where, at the same time, took place the fourth and last blended mobility of VET learners. By organizing real transnational work based learning motilities, WBL project contributed to sustainable and effective work-based learning experiences, improving VET learners, trainers and also SME leader’s willingness to be more active and better prepared to these kind of experiences.

The testimonials from the learning activities’ participants, can be found at the project tangible result - “EGuide – WBL your opportunity” - which also includes useful guidelines and recommendations for all parties involved in a WBL experience. The second seminar of the pan-European course “European Workplace tutor” was hosted by Salpaus Further Education, in Lahti, and turns out to be one more fruitful opportunity for exchange of experiences, methods and practices between the course participants from Portugal, Germany, Hungary, Finland, Ireland and Spain. The third session of the course, designed for in-company trainers and vocational education and training

(VET) personnel, will happen in November 2017 in Germany, being mostly focus on the assessment and documentation of learning processes, topics. Keep following the project track. The project partners are now focused on finishing the curricula and training materials for the Laser Welding qualification. In October 2017 will take place, in Timisoara, a trainer’s workshop where the developed modules will be transferred and analysed in order to be further tested at national level, during November 2017. Keep following the project track.

I-YES Final Conference was held in Corsica on the 22nd June, being the closure point of a 24 months’ project. This was the moment, where ISQ and partners from France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Romania, presented to stakeholders the successfully finalized project keyoutputs: Innovative Intervention Program I-YES Online Platform I-YES handbooks The I-YES project aimed to develop social and emotional skills of young people. The project outputs and the virtual space for learning, can be found in the project website. 7

Cultour—Final Conference, Istambul

The final transnational event was held by GOI, Turkish partner, in Istanbul on June 05th 2017. This Final Conference allowed to give some general information about the project and main results, to implement a networking session with Turkish stakeholders and to validate the intellectual outputs and tools developed by the consortium. ISQ, and the rest of the Cultour project partners, from France, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Bulgaria, made a presentation of the results and impact of Cultour in their own territories. Moreover, all the participants - 70 persons - were invited to give their feedback and suggestions to the consortium for future project exploitation. Cultour project aims to overcome the skills gap and foster mobility in tourism sector trough the recognition, validation and up-skilling of intercultural competences for tourism jobs. Keep following us on our website and join the Open Online Center, addressed to trainers, instructors, tourism managers and employees, policy-makers and all other stakeholders with interest in the Tourism sector.


Get There—Final Conference, London

GET THERE project final conference took place in London, at the Europe House, on the 8th of June. In an event organized by the English partners - ASDAN (project coordinator) and Diagram - with the support of the remaining partners: ISQ, INFODEF (Spain), IEKEP (Greece) and CARDET (Cyprus) - the audience had the opportunity to get to know the Products resulting from this project: GET THERE Handbook, dedicated to addressing key issues such as teamwork skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, dealing also with topics such as Customer Service, Rights and Responsibilities, and Health and Safety; GET THERE Competency Matrix, making use of a learning outcomes approach to each learning unit; and Guideline for the implementation of the GET THERE program, to facilitate its implementation by other organizations. In addition to brief expository moments and the presentation of each product, there was also room for experimentation, allowing participants to try out some of the activities proposed in the GET THERE manual. It was with great satisfaction that we were able to observe the interest of the target group - trainers and

counselors who prepare young people for their entry into the labor market - and discuss the products’ potential use according to their needs. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of each of the products in this project, you can download them directly from the website.


Project Meetings ISQ hosted the third meeting of Health and Safety in Electromagnetic Fields in Welding project. At this stage, learning outcomes for the short course designed in this ERASMUS+ project are already set and partners are now finalizing the training materials. A series of workshops will be organized in September 2017.

On the 20th and 21th May the project partners gathered for the second transnational meeting in Namur (Belgium). The first day of the meeting was dedicated to the analysis of results of the national desk researches and round tables, organised with the stakeholders, in order to exchange good practices and provide the partners with the required information to complete the territory plans in each partner country. The collected data was summarised in the Overall State of Art report that will be available for download on the project website, by September 2017. On the second day of the meeting AID, the hosting organization, scheduled a field trip to “La Ressourcerie Namuroise�, a Cooperative Association with social and environmental purposes. The next phase of the project will be dedicated to the finalisation of the National Territory projects, creation of the Tool box for project leaders in the reuse sector, development of the Curriculum and the contents for the blended learning course. In October 2017, the partners will meet again to evaluate the work progress and to prepare the national pilots.


FIT4RRI - Kick-off Meeting New EU project works on fostering improved training tools for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) FIT4RRI is precisely intended to contribute to bridging the gap between RRI and Open Science and promoting viable strategies to render institutional changes in RFPOs (Research Funding and Performing Organizations)

FIT4RRI moves from the assumption that there is a serious gap between the potential role RRI and OS (open science) could play in helping RFPOs (Research Funding and Performing Organizations) to manage the rapid transformation processes affecting science (especially the science-in-society aspects) and the actual impact RRI and OS are having on RFPOs, research sectors and national research systems. The project will act on 2 key factors: Enhancing competencies and skills related to RRI and OS through an improvement of the RRI and OS training offer Institutionally embedding RRI/OS practices and approaches by promoting the diffusion of more advanced

governance settings ISQ is part of the FIT4RRI consortium and will also be lead an experiment on the Ebergy sector. The FIT4RRI project was granted within the Horizon 2020 Program of the European Union after a competitive one stage selection process. The project started with a kick-off meeting in Rome at the Sapienza University on the 12th & 13th of June 2017 and will be funded for three years.


Ongoing Projects GOOD NEWS for the chemical - pharmaceutical sector in Portugal! ISQ is actively involved in the development of a new vocational training profile for Process Operators in the European Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry. At the moment we are coordinating the validation of the new professional profile in 5 partner countries (Germany, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia). In case you would like to know more about the project and the new profile, or share your opinion about it, please contact us. We welcome the feedback of experts and education providers with experience in the field. Contact Person: Joana Santos ISQ has joined an extended European project partnership to help refugee’s finding their place in their new home. A Refuskills project was launched with the goal and vision of creating an online surface for job market integration, a user-friendly platform where refugees can register their existing skills and former competences in various languages, including arabic. Having a job means heaving one more purpose for a valuable life; that’s why we to help people to show what they know and thus get employed more easily. The platform’s wire frame has been designed, the need analysis with the key actors has been made in each country, and now the partnership is undertaking the challenging task of harmonizing the various country specific needs and realities in order to make the most out of the project; to create a tool that is truly useful and reflects on real needs. Contact Person: Lara Ramos Microbond project has reached its creative peak; our vocational training development team is in the heat of content development. Together with partners in Italy, Romania and Spain we are creating 3 new accredited trainings 3 types of bonding for the future experts, including people with learning difficulties. The course training Guidelines has been designed and fine-tuned in cooperation with the European Welding Federation, and the training curriculum is in the last hours before being born. The project partnership will gather in early autumn in Italy to finalize the content. Contact Person: Célia Tavares With Portugal’s growing popularity as a holiday destination, the country is becoming a more and more charming destination of migration. In order to facilitate the best possible outcome of the tendency, ISQ is contributing with its own training development experience. Our R&D Training team got busy with creating two new modules on the psychological - social aspects of migrant integration. The final result of the international project will be two complete trainings, one for trainers and one for migrant women themselves to capacitate and empower integration in their proper surroundings in an innovative, participatory way. From September on we will run the testing of the training curriculums among target group members in Portugal. Contact Person: Célia Tavares 12

Ongoing Projects In EMVOI project it will be developed a virtual learning environment allowing self-assessment of skills and, thereafter, a tailored training and certification of EU Project Managers according to ISO 17024. The final certificate will be a clear proof of the manager’s qualification, therefore enhancing employability and opportunities for job-related mobility. Project partners are making several Focus groups with experienced project managers to discuss and validate

the EU Project Manager Competence Chart that will be the basis for the training development.


Training | R&I Team

Catarina Miranda

CĂŠlia Tavares

Joana Santos

Lara Ramos

Margarida Segard

Paulo Ferreira

Raquel Almeida

Tânia Avelino ISQ Training Unit

Av. Eng. Valente de Oliveira, 19, TAGUSPARK 2740-254 Porto Salvo Portugal Phone: +351 214 234 00



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