Isq r i newsletter #16

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February 2018

R+I NEWSLETTER 16 Join us for the next call Key Action 2—Strategic partnerships in the field of education and training A new year has just started and with it, new opportunities, new priorities. The next Erasmus + call is just around

the corner. Save the date: 21st march. Have you ever thought to apply to a Strategic partnership in the field of education and training? Strategic Partnerships aim to support the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices, as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience at European level. To be funded, Strategic Partnerships must address a) at least one horizontal priority or b) at least one specific priority relevant to the field. Here are some highlights: Horizontal priorities: 

Development of relevant and high-quality skills and competences

Social inclusion

Open education and innovative practices in a digital era

Professional development of educators and youth workers

Transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications

Sustainable investment, performance and efficiency

Social and educational value of European cultural heritage

In the field of vocational education and training (VET), priority will be given to: 

Developing institutional partnerships supporting the set up and implementation of an internationalisation strategy of VET learners and apprentices

Developing partnerships aimed at promoting work-based learning in all its forms

Establishment of feedback loops to adapt VET provision based on outcomes

Strengthening key competences in initial and continuing VET

Systematic approaches to, and opportunities for, the initial and continuous professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors

Among these priorities, National Agencies (NA) may give more consideration to those that are particularly relevant in their national context. Learn more at the Programme Guide Online and visit the website of your NA. ISQ an experienced partner


ISQ has more than 25 years of experience in EU funded projects and was involved in over 500 projects in diversified fields. From 2006, until now, ISQ Training Unit has participated in more than 60 Lifelong Learning projects, Erasmus +, Amif and Horizon 2020. programs. ISQ is a Board member of EVBB (European association of VET Centres) and is member of SOLIDAR (European Association for Social Justice in

T-Challenge p.2


Digital competences & social inclusion p.8 Contact us: Catarina Miranda

Welding & Industry 4.0 p.3 Entrepreneurship and transition to CE p.5 Inclusion trough education and training p.6 Social Innovation and Social Competences p.7

Ongoing Projects p. 10 1

T-Challenge Kick-off Meeting

T-Challenge: Entrepreneurship education using challenge-based learning T-Challenge kicked off in Trim, Ireland, on the 28th of November 2017, funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union. Led by Zemgales NGO, from Latvia, the consortium counts on ISQ, Spektrum, from Romania, FIPL, from Ireland, CARDET, from Cyprus, and ECQ, from Bulgaria.

The aim of this new project is to provide high quality opportunities for skills and competences development under an Entrepreneurship education programme which will make use of alternative pedagogical methods established in a digital area. Assuming that the experienced training models become decisive elements in the construction of the trainees' professional behavior and knowledge, it is expected that trainees acquire project work methodologies that encourages learning by discovery. A set of six fundamental and main subjects for an entrepreneurship education—Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership, Critical thinking, Social impact and Circular economy - is going to be prepared, contributing to the development of several transversal and specific skills. The call for active participation and collaborative work among learners should guide the intervention of trainers. Reflection on the respective practices and a sharing environment should make trainers and teachers aware of the need to build and stimulate communities of practice, networks of trainers who share knowledge, ways of doing and help each other in the search for better training solutions. Webquests consist of an approach on constructionist theories, focusing on the development of transversal competences. The authenticity of the activities developed is also an important factor to consider in this methodology, which intends that the learnings are meaningful for the trainees. T-Challenge will produce a number of webquests on six different, but related matters, allowing flexibility and customization instead of going for a“one size fits all approach”. Follow us on Facebook Contact Person: Raquel Almeida


Welding & Industry 4.0

Given that the digital transition alters requirements for employees across all steps of the value chain, work in industry will increasingly consist of designing, maintaining and supervising intelligent machines that assist in the performance of tasks, and future jobs will require an appropriate mix of basic, soft and technical skills, notably the digital and business-specific skills, a new ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership project started in Warsaw, Poland, in October 2017. Its main aims are : 

To establish a sustainable VET business partnerships aimed at promoting work-based learning on the topic of Industry 4.0;

To involve social partners, companies and VET providers in the apprenticeship training.

On the project website you can follow our activities. Contact person: Raquel Almeida

The main innovation of the project is the inclusion of digital technologies in the existing professional welding profile in the manufacturing industry, working in the context of Industry 4.0. that will address an actual market need in terms of qualified personnel. The kick-off meeting of this Erasmus + project was in Oeiras, Portugal, in December 2017, where the partnership constituted by HighSkillz (UK), EWF (BE), BIBA (DE) and ISQ (PT) gathered to define the next steps of the project. WELD 4.0 is going to innovate the welding VET by updating the European Welder profile, to harmo-

nise and standardise requirements and training standards across Europe. Contact person: Tânia Avelino


Welding & Industry 4.0

FSW-TECH project supports the creation of three new professional profiles (European Friction Stir Welding Operator, Specialist and Engineer), which includes the development of guidelines, training manuals and methodologies, in order to boost high quality and efficient work-based learning in VET. This new project has a duration of two years (2017-2019) and the consortium is composed by the Welding Institute of Slovakia (VUZ), the Institute for Technology and Quality [ISQ, Portugal], the Welding Institute of Slovenia (IZV), the Welding Association of Romania (ASR) and the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF). The project kick-off meeting was held, between the 29the and 30th of January, in the facilities of the Welding Institute of Slovenia, the project coordinator. Contact person: CĂŠlia Tavares

ISQ is collaborating in a new KA3 project . WOW project aims to bridge the gap between the worlds of education and business by developing a Work-based learning (WBL) system for the manufacturing sector, supported by a cooperative structure involving the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF), National Authorized Bodies (ANBs) for Qualification, VET providers (ATBs—Authorized Training Bodies), companies and learners. The partnership, composed by the EWF members from Portugal (ISQ), Spain (CESOL), United Kingdom (TWI), Hungary (MHtE), Romania (ISIM) and Italy (IIS), gathered for the kick-off meeting on the 28th and 29th of November 2017, where the main steps for introducing a WBL model in the EWP and EWS (European Welding Practitioner and Specialist) qualifications, were established. Contact person: Joana Santos


Entrepreneurship and transition to circular economy The Erasmus+ project CIR-ECO promotes the transition towards Circular Economy, by developing and implementing a new professional profile in the Household Appliance sector, for the low skilled workers participating in the repairing, refurbishing and recycling of discarded equipment.

It was in Bilbao that the CIR-ECO consortium met for the first time, on the days 8 and 9 of November—counting on organizations from Portugal (ISQ), Spain (ACLIMA and Fondo Formacion), Belgium (Syntra West and VOLTA), and Slovenia (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) — who share the common will to enhance the individuals’ skills and competences in the green economy. Contact person: Joana Santos

Entrepreneurship and transition to circular economy have been prioritised by the EU for a more competitive, innovative and equitable society. The Erasmus+ Skill-Circle project will apply innovative methods to mainstream and enhance understanding for “circular economy thinking ” as a

solution to increase the EU's competitiveness by protecting businesses against scarcity of resources and unstable prices, helping to initiate new business opportunities and more sustainable ways of producing and consuming, as well as to create local jobs at all skills levels and opportunities for social integration. The kick-off meeting was hosted by SEC, in Baile-Tusnad, Romania, on the 26th October 2017, with HEA, from Sweden, ISQ, form Portugal, Inthecitym from Netherlands, EOLAS, from Spain and ETA, from UK. Partners are now identifying “Circular skills for the fu-

ture" , interviewing both CE experts and lower skilled people, in order to propose a curriculum. This project will also develop Digital Stories and Guidelines for circular micro businesses, a Training Kit and a B-learning space. Follow us on Facebook Contact Person: Lara Ramos 5

Inclusion trough education and training Myself&Europe Project: Tools for promoting an active citizenship for disadvantaged youngsters with diverse backgrounds is an ERASMUS+ project that aims to answer to “Social inclusion” horizontal priorities and “further strength key competences in VET” and "introducing systematics approaches to development of VET professionals” sectoral priorities. This project will develop an innovative Training Pack - Curriculum, Manual and Toolboxes - that serves both trainers and trainees. The purpose is to "foster the development of social, civic and intercultural competences" and, at the same time, empower "media literacy and critical thinking through education and training". The consortium is composed by six partners, from six European countries; CIEP (Belgium), ISQ (Portugal), CIJ (France), STP CONSULTING, S.L. (Spain), Zemgale NGO Centre (Latvia) and Eurocultura (Italy).

The kick-off meeting was held at ISQ facilities in Oeiras and it was an opportunity for partners to get to know each other and define the action plan. Follow us on Facebook Contact Person: Lara Ramos

Adults seem to try to find a balance among three different aspects/fields in their life: work, personal and social life. The most challenging task seems to be the effort to find a harmony between work life and family, especially for women, in the current occupational circumstances. To support women in their work life balance, seven partner organizations (counselling NGO’s, research centers and VET providers, companies and social partners) from six countries (Greece, Cyprus, France, Portugal, Bulgaria and Italy) will work together to develop Ladies First! project, in order to define common strategies to address women work life balance through coaching in Europe. This two-year project (2017-2019) kick-off meeting was held in Paris between the 23rd and the

24th of November 2017. To learn more about the project click here. Or follow us on Facebook. Contact person: Célia Tavares, 6

Social innovation and social competencies Innovation is a key source of competitiveness and sustainable economic growth, which has earned major political attention and corporate interest in Europe. With the Erasmus+ Coop-in project, the consortium aims to raise the awareness about the advantages of implementing social innovation in the business world, by developing a complex Social Innovation Training Kit for the most important actors of the field, primarily focusing on VET trainers and mentors. The Coop-in partnership is composed by SFEDI [Coordinator] from United Kingdom, ISQ from Portugal, Cardet from Cyprus, Trebag from Hungary, Meath Partnership from Ireland, Documenta from Spain and ETA from the UK. The kick-off meeting of this two-year project (2017-2019) was held in Santander, Spain, between the 23rd and the 24th of November 2017. Contact person: Joana Santos Follow us on Facebook

Move Up — Boosting the Social Skills for Adults for better Employability and Success at Work is an Erasmus + project that aims at giving an opportunity for low-skilled blue/pink collar workers to develop their social skills. It is aimed to be developed an online web portal personalized for each

The project kick-off meeting was held in Istanbul

user to assess and enhance their needs in terms

in January 2018, where all the partners GOI (TR),

of social skills according its occupation.


This project will try to contribute to develop social skills in adults, which will lead to a better integration in their professional life and to increase their productivity and also the opportunities of employment.

(TR) were present to start to define the pathway of the project. To know more follow us on Facebook. Contact person: Tânia Avelino 7

Digital competences

The kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ APP & TEACH project was held in Valladolid, Spain, between the 9th and 10th November 2017. The aim of this project is to facilitate the participation of SMEs in apprenticeship by equipping in-company VET trainers with the necessary skills and innovative ICTbased tools to support both the management and the training activities involved in apprenticeship programs. To do so, an alliance of VET experts and providers, companies and intermediary bodies from eight countries (Austria, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom) will work together to lead the project and co-create and test innovative methods and freely accessible OER. To learn more follow our website. Contact person: Lara Ramos

LEARN ENGAGE APPLY AND PERFORM LEAP is a three-year project (2017-2020) that aims to create a ‘step change’ in the use of ePortfolios as process-based pedagogical tool to improve learner and VET provider performance. It will exploit Digital Badges including open digital badges to create an engaging learning process leading to improved performance by learners and teacher/ trainers. The LEAP partnership is composed by Exponential Training & Assessment [Coordinator] from the United Kingdom; ISQ from Portugal; Dekaplus from Cyprus; BEST Institut from Austria; Institute of Technology Tralee from Ireland; Best Cybernetics from Greece. The kick-

of meeting was held in Vienna, between the 30th and 31st of October, and it was a chance for partners to discuss the operating procedures and working practices for the management and implementation of the project. Contact person: Célia Tavares 8

Digital competences and social inclusion

The LIFT project addresses women who lack basic ICT knowledge and who may also have a low level of technological confidence. The project aims to offer compensatory learning in basic IT and programming skills through mentoring,

training and confidence-building measures. This two-year (2017-2020) project will be implemented by a consortium of seven partners from Romania, (SEC and DWEB), Portugal (ISQ), Netherlands (IntheCity), Ireland (Meath Partnership) and Spain (ITCenter and EOLAS). The LIFT kick-off meeting was held in Porto Salvo, at

the facilities of ISQ Training, between the 22nd and 23rd of November 2017. Contact person: CĂŠlia Tavares


Ongoing Projects

ISQ is actively involved in the development of a new game for the promotion of a safe and environmentally responsible work place for WELDERS. In October 2017, ISQ hosted this HSE Joining project third meeting and kicked off with the training materials development. Next steps will include the sign off of the training materials development and it is expected that the game is ready for testing by the end of the Summer 2018. More news soon at HSE Joining website. Contact Person: Raquel Almeida

FIT4RRI—Fostering Improved Training Tools for Responsible Research & Innovation —an Horizon 2020 project, had its second meeting in Trondheim, Norway, in November 2017. In the preceding months, the consortium carried out a literature review and information gathering on five research and disciplinary sectors: A. Sustainable energy use (and, if possible, specifically zero-emission innovations for the built environment); B. Materials science (and, if possible, specifically new coatings); C. Information and communication technologies (and, if possible, specifically big data); D. Biotechnology (and, if possible, specifically stem cell research and pilots, and personalised medicine); E. Photonics (and, if possible, specifically fibre glass technologies and new light-electron chips). In Portugal, the government has established a national policy and strategy for Open Science (OS). The Resolution of the Council of Ministers number 21/2016 (Open Science, n.d.) gives an overview of the national position towards practicing OS within a paradigm of knowledge sharing, bringing science to society, involving its various components in the formulation of research agendas, in collaborative and participatory research processes and in the search for joint answers to the challen-

ges and problems that arise in today’s society. Find out more at Fit4RRi website Contact Person: Raquel Almeida


Ongoing projects

ISQ participated in the fifth ADTECH project meeting, hosted by SZA in Vienna, Austria, in October 2017. This project, now entering its third and final year, has now practicaly closed the reformulation of the EWF Adhesive Bonding Qualifications—European Adhesive Bonder, Specialist and Engineer. In April 2018, trainers from the partner organisations will gather in Oeiras, Portugal, for a joint learning activity meant to promote an effective exchange of good practices, besides allowing an opportunity to get to know the project results and have a say if improvement actions are spoted. Check out our project website Contact Person: Raquel Almeida

Although not finalized yet, the professional profile for an European Car Body Repair Technician (ECRT), which is being designed under this ERASMUS+ funded project, is almost done and it is foreseen that this professional will be able to use joining processes to perform repairs in the damaged body of an automobile. These repairs can range from small damage on non -structural components, up to heavily damaged bodywork structural panels, requiring complex and detailed joining on major structural elements of the vehicle. Partners met in September at ISQ premisses for an extended meeting, which included a special session on learning outcomes deve-

lopment. Find out more about the project at Contact Person: Raquel Almeida 11

Training | R+I Team

Catarina Miranda

CĂŠlia Tavares

Joana Santos

Lara Ramos

Margarida Segard

Paulo Ferreira

Raquel Almeida

Tânia Avelino ISQ Training Unit R&D VET Projects

Av. Eng. Valente de Oliveira, 19, TAGUSPARK 2740-254 Porto Salvo

Portugal Phone: +351 214 234 00


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