TICS News4

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ICT in social-educational support services to fight early school leaving Newsletter Nr 4 TRAINERS GONE WILD! Learning Activity IO2 Toolkit “young digital” IO4 Toolkit “Accompaniment by the digital: it’s possible “

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Learning Activity - 19th to 23rd September - Portugal This short mobility of five days took the form of a management training ac‐ tivity for partners structures personnel in their mission of accompaniment / guidance / counselling / training, youth. ISQ this hosted staff capacity building action with participants from Portugal, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Slovakia. Each trainer shared it’s own materials to prevent Digital Addictions focused on three main areas:




“The opportunity to meet with colleagues from different countries and compare experiences. “ “New tools, new pedagogic approaches! “ “We've appreciated every activity as it was new for us and enriching.” “Very rich in interesting exchanges between participants “

From this LA resulted a “young digital” Toolkit (IO2), a set of finalized tools ready to be delivered by trainers to the youngsters, such as films, comics, board games, tests and quizzes. These tools have the purpose to advise and sensitize trainees to the arising danger from intensive use of Digital. Besides this product, a Toolkit exclusively directed to trainers ‐ “Accompaniment by the digital: it’s possible “ (IO4)‐ was also assembled. Trainers shared several methodologies to use digital with youngsters on the right way: combining ICT, learning, motivation and pedagogy. This Learning Activity also had the special participation of Eduarda Ferreira, from CICS.NOVA Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, who shared her work under Digital Practices and School: Mind the Gap. This researcher concur that “formal learning could profit from young people’s interests and enthusi‐ asm in informal learning contexts, bridging the gap be‐ tween formal learning and everyday digital practices”. TICs is on the right way to fight early school leaving!

Transnational Meetings The 4th project meeting will be held on Cividale del Friuli, in Italy, on 12th and 13th January 2017. Civiform will host the TICs consortium.

Workshops Face to face workshops are being held in partners coun‐ tries between September 2016 to February 2017 according to the needs and realities of each territory. At least 15 young trainees and two trainers from each country are in‐ volved. Each young participant in the experiment will choose at each workshop one of two activities: the Small Papers or Suggestion Box on the http://ticsproject.eu/ platform. Do not miss the results!

Next steps

Coordinator Ins tut Corse de Forma on et Recherche en Travail Social ( France) h$p://ifrtscorse.eu/

Each na onal partner can provide you informa on about TICS project:

Civiform societa coopera va sociale (Italy) www.civiform.it

Le Centre d'Informa on et d'Educa on Populaire (Belgium) - www.ciep.be

Ins tuto De Soldadura E Qualidade (Portugal) www.isq.pt

Agentúra RRI (Slovakia) - www.2ri.sk

ITG CONSEIL (France ) - www.itg.fr

Quarter Media on (Netherlands)www.quartermedia on.eu

Project N°: 2015‐1‐FR01‐KA202‐015032. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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