ISRF FLEXIBLE GRANTS FOR SMALL GROUPS COMPETITION The Independent Social Research Foundation wishes to support independent-minded researchers to explore and present original research ideas which take new approaches, and suggest new solutions, to real world social problems. Such work would be unlikely to be funded by existing funding bodies. There are two categories of award, (I) Flexible, and (II) Residential. The ISRF intends to make several awards in each category, on a competitive basis, to candidates of sufficient merit. Both categories of award are intended as providing support for intensive small group research collaboration. Category I: The Flexible award is intended to facilitate collaborative face-to-face working over a period of up to one year, by providing the PI(s) with funds for expenses for meetings and small workshops, for travel, and for associated fieldwork and practical work. Such projects must begin no later than the end of December 2019. For Category I (Flexible) awards, the ISRF expects applications up to a maximum of £5,000 or €5,500.† Category II: The Residential award is intended to support a week’s intensive face-to-face group work in an onsite residential meeting. The designated date for this is 4-9 August 2019, and the venue in Berlin is provided at no cost; PIs will be able to use their monetary award for participants’ travel, and for any extra expenses associated with the residential research programme. The awarded research groups will each have provided for them a dedicated onsite research space, accommodation in ensuite study bedrooms, and full board. There will also be social space shared by all research groups, and the ISRF will host an informal social event. The ISRF-funded Interdisciplinary Editor at The Conversation will also be available for groups or individual group members to discuss ways in which research findings may be disseminated to a wider audience.