Last update: August 2023

Drop Off
Real San Agustín walking entrance (MI - 9th Grade)
2 Students reception (PI - 9th Grade)
3 Students drop off and pickup (MI - PP & Older Siblings)
4 Students reception (1st - 9th Grade)
5 Lampazos walking entrance (1st - 9th Grade)
7 Students drop off sports extracurricular activities (3:00pm)
8 Students morning drop off (1st - 9th Grade) (On their own)
Carpool Students pick up (1st - 9th Grades)
Students walking exit (Red ID) (MI - PP)
Students walking exit (Red ID) (1st - 9th Grades)
Students pick up (3rd - 9th Grades) (with no younger siblings)
Lampazos Carpool Lane 1 (West - East)
10 Lampazos Carpool Lane 2 (East - West)
We welcome you into the 23-24 school year. We ask for your understanding and collaboration in helping with the traffic flow. Remember that the safety of our students is our main priority.
The entrance and exit of the students will be through the ACCESS FIELD #1 door (Sports services building).
Advantages for students using school transportation:
They do not wait in line
In case of late arrivals due to weather or traffic problems, their late arrivals will not be registered
The use of school transportation and/or carpooling helps reduce the waiting time in line and contributes to our environment
The options you have as a family to bring your children to school are as follows:
1.WALKING - there is a pedestrian crossing light on the corner of Av. Real San Agustin and Lampazos as well as pedestrian crossings in different points. There will be traffic officers supporting the safe crossing of the students. Students may enter ISR walking through the following access points:
Walking access on Lampazos St near the corner of Ave. Real San Agustín from 7:10 am- 9:00 am
Walking entrance on Lampazos (walking entrance gate) starting at 7:25 am
Traffic flow will be restricted to the use of two lanes on Lampazos from east to west:
2.LEFT LANE - Thru lane to access entrance near the corner of Lampazos and Real San Agustin marked for student drop off (BLACK GATE)
1st-9th grade starting at 7:10 am PI- PP starting at 7:25 am
3.RIGHT LANE - (inner lane, next to the school’s sidewalk)- To access through the inner street and drop off students through the following gates:
Access to basketball courts starting at 7:25 am
Covered area for reception and delivery of students starting at 7:10 am
4.LAMPAZOS LANE WEST-EAST - Lampazos lane on the sidewalk in front of the school (direction from west to east) drop off exclusive for elementary and middle school students so they may cross using the pedestrian crossing on their own. There is no school staff assigned to this area, so student drop-off will be the responsibility of the parents.
After 3:00 PM (arrival to extracurricular activities), students may either walk to school or arrive as follows:
Student’s Drop Off/Pick Up Covered Area - Fine Arts, Basketball and Track & Field students
Soccer Field #1 (Sports Service Building) - Soccer students
All students will be dismissed with the use of the DISMISSAL APP. It will be used during the general dismissal times and also during after school activities.
1.Enter the App Store from Apple or Play Store from Google and search for "Skolable”
2.Install the app
3.When running the app the first time, type your registration code and follow the steps on the app (skolable register). Each parent mom/dad should use their own username and password
Students who stay for extracurricular classes, will gather in the students pick up/drop off covered area and their names will appear on the IPAD screens of staff and duty when they are called upon through the APP.
Lampazos carpool lane 1 or 2. (With use of Car Top Sign)
Internal street lanes 1 or 3: With exit to the right on Av. Real San Agustin
Please select the corresponding lane in the APP until the car enters that lane to avoid confusion.
The identification signs are to make it easier for the guards to identify the grade level of the students and, therefore, support the movement of cars in the lines.
We ask that the vehicle identification sign be clearly visible. The colors of the labels correspond to the following:
Light Pink - Prenursery
Orange - PI & PII
Lilac - Preprimary
Green - 1st grade to 5th grade (with younger siblings)
Yellow - 3rd to 9th grade (with no younger siblings)
Bright Red - Daycare
Mint magnetic ID sign (carried on the roof of the car)- Indicates cars heading to the exit Lampazos Carpool 1-2.
We ask you to come in to pick up your children according to the assigned times. It is not allowed to enter the student drop-off area and stay there until the next departure time.
PreNursery and Nursery
Preschool I and Preschool II
Elementary and Middle School (students with siblings in elementary)
PEDESTRIAN EXIT (LAMPAZOS)(Elementary-Middle School):
Dismissal EXCLUSIVELY for students with red ID card that live in the surrounding colonies and walk away to their homes.
Dismissal time: 2:30 pm. For special cases, please contact campus director’s assitant by email at for authorization.
The registration process to request a red ID card will be informed before the beginning of the school year.
PEDESTRIAN ACCESS (NURSERY-PREPRIMARY): Covered area (techito) for student entrances that arrive walking and departures for students from Prenursery to Pre-primary with red ID.
ACCESS SOCCER COURT #1 (SPORTS SERVICES BUILDING): Students 3rd to 9th grade (no younger siblings): Cars will enter the soccer court parking lot for pick up students.
Sports Initiation and Nursery Ballet - 1:00 p.m.
Sports School PI & PII and Fine Arts - 2:00 p.m.
Sports School PP and/or Fine Arts - 3:00 p.m.
Fine Arts - 4:00, 5:00, 6:00 & 7:00 p.m.
Basketball, Soccer and Track & Field - 4:30, 6:05 & 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday- Dismissal 1:00pm for elementary and middle school. Ballet and Sports Initiation Nursery (Wednesday) - Please pick up your children on the internal street, 12:45pm and use lane 1. Priority access will be provided to cars with the Fine Arts/Athletics ID sign. ACCESS SOCCER COURT #1 (Sports Services Building) 4:30, 6:05 and 7:30 p.m. - Soccer (Access court #1)

In case of rain, dismissal of the students will be by Covered Area (Techito), internal road.
Our priority is the safety of our students and to promote the traffic flow at the entrance and exit. To achieve this, we ask that you comply with the following guidelines:
It is NOT allowed to drop off or pick up students in the underground parking lot
Leave your house 15 min. before the usual time during the first days of school and rainy days to help support traffic flow and thus avoid delays Ask students in 3rd grade up to open the door from the car and get in/out the car without the help of the teacher on duty
Always stay in your car
Respect teachers when they are receiving or delivering students avoiding distractions. Appointments with the teachers can be requested with the assistants
Respect and follow the instructions of the security guards
When leaving your children, please have all your belongings ready, unfasten seat belts and say goodbye in advance
Please advance to the end of the lane before stopping your car
Leave all your children in one door ALL at the same time to speed up the traffic flow
Students from Pre Nursery to PP will be able to walk out with a red ID (techito). To obtain it, it will be necessary to comply with the following requirements:
Live in the surrounding area and walk home. Parents must present a COPY of proof of address; only documentation in the name of the parent will be accepted
The parent must sign the authorization form. Students from Pre-Nursery to 3rd grade must go out with an adult who presents the red ID. Students may not leave if the adult does not show the red ID
If you work in a nearby office or if you have a special situation and would like to request a red ID, please send an email to the campus director’s assitant at and once authorized, upload it to the requested form.
Daycare students will be delivered by the nannies in lane 1 of internal street. Parents will use the App (SKOLABLE) and use their red sign.
Use the places intended for visitors.
-Do not park in places marked with an Exclusive or Reserved sign.
-Respect the use of parking places for disabled.
Please arrive 15 minutes before your class check-in time, in extracurricular activities
The delivery time established at the end of each class is of 15 minutes. After that time, the Nursery and Preschool students will be sent to daycare with an additional cost
Carpooling - applies to elementary and middle school students only (3 students or more plus driver). In order to support traffic, all students who arrive to school are expected to carpool from 7:20 am to 8:00 am.
Those elementary and middle school students who cannot participate in carpooling during these hours must bring their children between 7:10am and 7:20 am and drop them off in the inner street to enter through the covered area.
DISMISSAL: (Elementary and Middle School)
Carpool- Start line at Lampazos. Families with car pools must register in the Skolable App before the start of school. The carpool must include 2 or more families and at least 3 students leaving at the same time. Please select the proper lane on the Skolable App once the car enters the lane to avoid confusion.
Carpools can choose the following lanes:
Lampazos 1 or Lampazos 2
Carpools will have priority access from: 2:15pm to 2:20pm - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 12:45pm to 12:50pm - Wednesdays.
All carpools must carry their visible identification mint magnetic cone so that the guard can give them access to the line.
We appreciate your kindness, patience, enthusiasm, and respect to contribute to the success of a more efficient security and traffic flow process.