Apresentação Brasileira na Conferencia do transition Towns 2010

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Transition in Brazil: following the football trail?

Brazil in a nut-shell •The largest of the Latin American countries •It occupies nearly half the continent of South America •It is a federation of 26 states and Brasilia -the federal district •Its largest cities are São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro •People 49%White, 43%Mestiço, 0.4%Indigenous, 0.5%Asian

Ecological Footprint

Ecological Capacity Biocapacity

Eco Footprint

Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo Curitiba


Carrying capacity 2006

‌Brazil’s ecological capacity represents 16 % total of the world

Ecofootprint 2006

Relation between Population and Poor Population

Relation of People in Irregular Urban Areas

State of the World Cities 2010 - UN

Climate Change

Fossil Fuel Dependency S達o Paulo 22 million people 6 million cars 1,000 news cars a day 600.000 new cars in 2009 Over 50% cars on Etanol

Etanol Diminish Emissions 61% compared with Gas

PrĂŠ-Sal: Increasingly Deep

Where the Royalties will go

Transition Arrived in Brazil

Case Studies Transition of 1st Order Change Occurs within a system, which itself, remains unchanged *restore balance, improve within givens *rooted in past decisions *renew – refurbish – reform *work harder and smarter Basic Theme: More of the same Transition of 2nd Order Mega-system shift to new paradigms, new assumptions and structures *Generated by outside events/ influences *Driven by perceived future *Puzzling, paradoxical, unexpected *New wine and new wine skins

Transition in Brazil From what to what? When? Why? For what reasons? What are the consequences? If the change from what to what does not take place then what? If the change from what to what does take place then what?

Vila Brasilandia

242.000 people North of S達o Paulo 84% of irregular occupancy 35% in Preservation Area The worst IDH of SP (City)

Relation of People in Irregular Areas in SP

Initiating Group

Education – 3 people Health – 4 people NGOs – 10 people Culture – 3 people Mayor – 3 people Religious groups – 3


Use Local Services | Lets Work Togheter

PAVS Green and Healthy Environment Program Healthy Cooking with fresh food

Reskilling for Plant and Recicling

Culture and Tradition

Rescue Culture and Tradition

Serra:The First TT In Brazil

Planejamento Conjunto – Seminårio Pensar Serra hoje e daqui 20 anos. Finalizado com carta para entregar a Rob Hopkins

Serra in 20 years • Increase os years of study, to renda per captures or HDI. • Education and health for all • Sustainable Growth • Better life quality • Conection between secretaries, undertakers and population. • Increase technological development • More security and quality of life • Increased opportunities. • Increase in green areas and clean city • Increase the qualifying of people • Orderly Growth • Urban Planning • Selection of the recycled garbage

Unleashing Parade

Rio de Janeiro Population: 6.186.710

Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo Curitiba

Views and Favelas

Last Rains


Transition Training December 2009

Santa Teresa Population: 45 000 Area: 515.71 hectars

Art and Culture

Cosme Velho e Laranjeiras Population: 53.700 Area: 338.60 hectars

Initiating Group

What we have done Recycling workshop for children

Next Steps Exchange Fair World Cafe

Low Cost Solar Panels Workshop


“Detach” Exchange Fair

Backyard Farm Workshop

Raw Food Workshop

Next Steps:

CAPACITAÇÃO CONSTRUÇÃO PAINÉS SOLARES DE BAIXO CUSTO - ASBC. Em 15 e 16 de agosto 2010. 50% da turma será de bolsistas da comunidade carente do bairro. Os coletores construídos durante o curso serão instalados nesta mesma comunidade.


Initiating Group Petropolis

TGV – Transition Granja Viana Granja Viana: a community 20 miles from the biggest economic and financial center in South America. We made a choice: migrating from the big city to live near the green belt of São Paulo.

The Solidarity Exchange Fair AUescambAU happens every last Sunday of the month in Granja Viana. The fair puts into practice the idea of changing consumer habits. People exchange clothes, books, objects and services. The fair intends to change our consumption habits, aiming at sustainability, solidarity and community spirit.

EARTH HOUR A worldwide event in which Granja Viana participated in a very particular way. Besides joining world campaign that aims to draw attention to global warming, the action at Granja Viana had a local and particular approach: 27 restaurants joined and offered candlelit dinners and also contributed with resources gathered that night for revitalizing Santa AdĂŠlia Square, a square at the heart of Granja Viana.

I VOTE WHERE I LIVE The campaign "I Vote Where I Live", which main objective was to motivate the “Granjeiros”, inhabitants of Granja Viana, who live in Carapicuiba town, but voted in São Paulo, to transfer their voting documents to Granja Viana electoral college and putting into practice its citizenship where they live.

GOL (Goal: We Like Local Organic Products!)The idea is simple and is already being implemented by a group of families: to buy organic food directly from local organic farmers. Our local farmers were about to give up their jobs because they were not being able to sell their organic production.






How can we promote environment awareness in a deep way to those who do not have their basic needs met? Monica How can transition effectively help to reduce the gap between rich and poor, which leads to violence? Taisa Any other ideas on how to mobilise wealthy consumers into slowing down? Silvia & Isa

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