Sports shrink talks a good game
See Page A8
Officers protect — and serve — burgers for Special Olympics
Little League swings into spring Sports,
Page B4
Page B1
See Page B1
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 • Vol. 112, No. 13
Locally owned since 1900 • 75 Cents
Ex-Mariner now swings a hammer
City preserves Tiger Mountain forest in historic milestone Park Pointe protection occurs after yearslong effort to stop proposed construction
By Warren Kagarise Issaquah Press reporter The long-running saga to preserve Park Pointe — a slice of Tiger Mountain forest near Issaquah High School — ended late March 24, after more than a decade of public and behind-the-scenes negotiations to halt construction of hundreds of houses once proposed for the land. The tradeoff: Under the agreement, city leaders steered construction from Park Pointe to the Issaquah Highlands instead, and,
as a result, preserved more than 140 acres in the process. “I think that this will transform the community in a very, very positive way,” Mayor Ava Frisinger said, minutes after the deal closed. “It has the three elements of sustainability. It has the environment — the environmental protection and preservation. It has a huge social element. It has economic vitality benefits as well.” The historic conservation effort is part of a complicated transfer of development rights. City planners and officials shep-
herded the agreement through the arduous process after Frisinger outlined the landmark opportunity to preserve Park Pointe in late 2008. In the years since, representatives from the city, highlands developer Port Blakely Communities and other partners pursued the project until the recession scuttled the developer behind the proposed Park Pointe development. Since a Seattle bank foreclosed on the land from the defunct developer last March, the preservation effort lurched into gear. Issaquah
and King County officials adopted a series of agreements late last year to advance the process. Finally, in another historic but little-noticed decision March 21, the City Council approved a set of housekeeping agreements to complete the process and preserve Park Pointe. “It certainly is the light at the end of the tunnel — and that’s not a freight train coming at us,” Councilman Fred Butler said before the unanimous decision. “It is what is going to allow us to secure Park Pointe and deal with
some of the minor technicalities associated with the other transaction. It’s another big step forward.” Under the agreement, the city preserves 101 acres at Park Pointe, plus another 43 acres near Central Park in the highlands. “We finally freaking did it,” citizen activist and Issaquah Environmental Council member Connie Marsh said. Park Pointe pact required ‘guts’ The other key component of the agreement allows construction on 35 acres adjacent to the highlands
By Warren Kagarise Issaquah Press reporter For a Clark Elementary School class, raising coho salmon from eggs no larger than a BB pellet to miniscule fish is part lesson, part ritual. Students traipse down the hallway from class to the aquarium in a science room in the morning, again at lunchtime and before the last bell rings in the afternoon. Using a small spatula, students scoop salmon food — a coarse substance similar to dirt in color and texture — into the aquarium.
U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert and school board members from six different districts, including the Issaquah School District, met March 25 to discuss the problems swirling around the No Child Left Behind federal law.
listed as failing. Schools receiving federal Title I funds for lowincome students that do not meet AYP must notify their parents and could face sanctions. For instance, depending on how many years a school has missed AYP, it must See REICHERT, Page A2
See COACH, Page A5
In Washington, no school district larger than 6,100 students is meeting standards required by No Child Left Behind, Issaquah School Board member Chad Magendanz said. “This is an issue that I’ve heard over and over and we just can’t seem to make any progress on it,” said Reichert, a federal represen-
Tamara “Tammy” Fox, the assistant cheer coach at Skyline High School, died March 20, according to the King County Medical Examiner’s Office. Fox, a 31-year-old Issaquah resident, was found dead in her home. Authorities are still working on a toxicology report to determine the cause of death, according to the medical e x a m i n e r ’s office. A 1998 graduate of Liberty High School, Fox danced on the drill team her freshman year and cheered for three years as Tammy Fox a member of Liberty’s cheerleading squad. Her classmates awarded her the honor of having the most school spirit in her senior year and she was a member of Signet, Liberty’s senior service club. Liberty principal’s secretary Kathy Schroeder knew Fox from the cheer squad and from her work as an office teacher’s assistant. “She was a great gal,” Schroeder said. “I’m just heartbroken.” She remembered teasing Fox about the crush she had on former Seattle Mariners’ star Alex Rodriguez during their hours together in the main office. “I remember her as our TA and
Clark Elementary School students (from left) Callie Mejia, 10, Hannah Halstead, 10, Jackson Rubin, 10, and Caelan Varner, 11, take turns feeding the coho salmon fry growing in the science room aquarium.
Congressman, school board discuss education law By Laura Geggel Issaquah Press reporter
site. Bellevue College and local homebuilders plan to add a satellite campus and homes on the 35-
By Laura Geggel Issaquah Press reporter
“I like the fact that they grow and seeing the steps they’re going through,” fifth-grader Callie Mejia, 11, said during a pause in salmon care and feeding March 22. The annual salmon-rearing program faces a murky future, despite popularity among students and elementary school teachers in the Issaquah School District and elsewhere in the state. The culprit is a state budget gap deeper than Puget Sound. State legislators eliminated dollars for the Salmon in the Classroom program in a round of budget cuts during a December special session. The state faces a $5.1 billion hole for the 2011-13 budget. The decision to eliminate Salmon in the Classroom saved $110,000 through June 30 and a See SALMON, Page A2
Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust executive director
Skyline High School cheer coach dies
Salmon in the Classroom reaches crossroads Questions remain about start-up costs, permits
“The average city the size of Issaquah would have not had the stamina or the mental horsepower or the guts to tackle this.” — Cynthia Welti
tative for the 8th Congressional District, an area including Bellevue, Issaquah, Sammamish and other Eastside and South King County cities through rural Pierce County. During the meeting, Reichert, RAuburn, and the school board members agreed that No Child Left Behind needs reform.
No Child Left Behind uses data from standardized test scores in reading and math. In Washington, the tests are called the Measurement of Student Progress, for grades three through eight, and the High School Proficiency Exam, for sophomores. If a school fails to meet standard in one of the 37 subgroups, it is
Legendary rocker offers hope for Japan Don Wilson, of The Ventures (left), prepares to deliver a message of sympathy to be broadcast in Japan as videographers Holland Hume and Justin Peterson prepare to record several takes.
Japan ‘embraced The Ventures like no other’ By Warren Kagarise Issaquah Press reporter The walls almost groan beneath a Fort Knox of framed gold records. Inside a house on the Sammamish Plateau, amid a museum-quality collection of rock ‘n’ roll history, Don Wilson offered encouragement to people in catastrophe-stricken Japan. Wilson, a cofounder of the semi-
INSIDE THE PRESS A&E . . . . . . . . A8
Opinion . . . . . . A4
Classifieds . . . . B6
Police & Fire . . A5
Community . . . B1
Schools . . . . . . B8
Obituaries . . . . B3
Sports . . . . . . B4-5
nal band The Ventures and a Sammamish resident, reached out March 23 to people impacted by the earthquake, tsunami and stillunfolding nuclear crisis in the island nation. The Ventures, unlike perhaps any foreign musicians before, enraptured Japan in the early 1960s and have remained popular in the decades since. Because the band is revered in Japan, NHK, the largest public-TV network on the island nation, reached out to Wilson to offer a message of encouragement to millions of viewers. So, a crew set up cameras and
See JAPAN, Page A3
YOU SHOULD KNOW Crews plan to close all lanes on Interstate 405 in both directions between Northeast Eighth Street and state Route 520 from 11 p.m. April 1 to 4 a.m. April 4 to remove the Northeast 12th Street Bridge — and the closure could impact Interstate 90 traffic through Issaquah. Nearly 450,000 vehicles use the route on a typical weekend. Learn more about the closure at the state Department of Transportation’s project website,
lights amid the rock ‘n’ roll history, to capture a brief message from the unofficial ambassador to Japan. “After all these years, I’ve really learned to love the Japanese and made so many friends,” Wilson said from behind rock star sunglasses before the filming. The memorabilia surrounding Wilson and the film crew included a sculpture of a triumphant figure holding aloft a record — the statuette bestowed upon Rock and Roll
“We finally freaking did it.”
— Connie Marsh Citizen activist and Issaquah Environmental Council member, after the deal was done to preserve 101 acres at Park Pointe, plus another 43 acres near Central Park in the Issaquah Highlands. (See story above.)
A2 • Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Issaquah Press
King County invites landfill neighbors to Issaquah meeting King County is considering changes to how officials communicate to residents about the Cedar Hills Regional Landfill near Issaquah. Officials started meeting with landfill neighbors in the mid1980s to offer updates about landfill activities, and to allow citizens a chance to provide feedback and ideas for improving operations. The county Solid Waste Division is hosting the next community meeting April 6 in Issaquah. Participants can hear updates about proposed changes to community meetings, updates about operational activities — including construction and environmental management activities at the landfill — and the Bio Energy Washington landfill gas-to-energy
GET INVOLVED Cedar Hills Regional Landfill community meeting 7-9 p.m. April 6 King County Library Service Center 960 Newport Way N.W
plant at the site. The community meetings offer a forum for residents and Solid Waste Division to discuss conditions and problems at the landfill. The meetings occur at least twice per year. The landfill encompasses 920 acres in unincorporated King County between Issaquah and
give students the option of moving to another school within the district and paying for their transportation. In 2010, seven schools in the Issaquah School District, as well as the district itself, did not meet AYP. At Issaquah Valley Elementary School, parents were given the choice of moving their students to another school. “When we’re sending the messages out to all of the parents saying our school didn’t meet AYP, it’s first labeling the school as a failure, which may or may not be the case,” Magendanz said. “Quite often, it isn’t.” He noted that when parents were given the option to change schools due to AYP sanctions, children were typically moved for unrelated reasons. “What we’re finding is that the parents who do move their child are not doing it for academic reasons, and in most cases are not the affected kids in the cell that failed,” Magendanz said. “In many cases, they are going to a school with a lower performing level for their cell.” Labeling a school as failing was damaging not only to the community, but also to teachers, Issaquah School Board President Jan Woldseth Colbrese said. “It goes from being No Child Left Behind to ‘no school left unpunished,’” Issaquah board member Marnie Maraldo said. No Child Left Behind has other consequences, too, Magendanz said. Since the program only measures math and reading, some schools are pouring resources into those two subjects, neglecting others, such as science or writing. Schools might also give extra time
Maple Valley. Crews completed major construction on the Bio Energy Washington landfill gas-to-energy facility in March 2009 and the plant began operating last year. The facility is the largest landfill gas-to-energy plant in the nation. Operators faced another hurdle related to noise from the landfill gas-to-energy facility. Residents in neighborhoods near the landfill reported hissing and droning sounds emanating from the plant. The parties heard from landfill neighbors about the noise at a November meeting in Issaquah. Leaders announced a deal in February to sell emissions credits from the plant to earn about $1 million for the county.
U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert listens to school board members discuss the No Child Left Behind law March 25. and attention to students who are not meeting standard instead of giving all students challenging resources. “One of the improvements that has been suggested is going to an evaluated model or a growth model, so we are looking at all kids and whether they got a year’s worth of education,” Magendanz said. He and the other school board members asked Reichert to work to suspend the penalties affecting schools that do not meet AYP. Reichert agreed and said he would try to move the conversation along at the federal level. President Barack Obama announced plans to reform No Child Left Behind, allowing more flexibility, resources and accountability in a March 15 press release. As of March 28, there was no new legislation to reauthorize No Child Left Behind, said Lincoln Vander Veen, Reichert’s senior outreach manager. In the meantime, Reichert urged the school board members to get in touch with the
After the U.S. Congress approved the bill, President George W. Bush signed it into law in 2002. The law uses standardized test scores to rate schools and school districts. Schools receiving federal Title I funds — money for low-income students — must meet standard on math and writing standardized tests, or face penalties. If a school meets standard, it meets Adequate Yearly Progress. In Washington, the standard increases every three years, requiring students to score higher on standardized tests. The standardized test scores are divided into 37 subgroups for schools and 111 subgroups for school districts. Subgroups include categories delineating race and ethnicity, students with disabilities, English language learners and low-income students. To meet AYP, schools and districts must also meet a number of other factors, including a certain on-time graduation rate and unexcused absence rate. House Education and Labor Committee. “I think there is an argument that everyone understands that the federal government cannot operate schools at a local level,” Reichert said. “That local school districts, and principals and teachers at the local schools, should be the ones making decisions about specific students.” Laura Geggel: 392-6434, ext. 241, or Comment at
Issaquah Press readers are invited to participate in a Community Conversation Group Times are changing! Tell us how you read the paper, what you read often, what you’d like to see added, how your reading habits have changed, and more. Our goal is to continue being your No. 1 choice for local news! • Thursday, April 14, 6:30-8 p.m. • Friday, April 15, 1-2:30 p.m.
Refreshments will be served!
12 readers per group will be invited to participate. Those not selected will be asked to participate in an online survey. Apply online at Click on the link on the home page.
projected $442,000 in the 2011-13 budget. Gov. Chris Gregoire also proposed eliminating Salmon in the Classroom in the upcoming budget. The state Department of Fish and Wildlife — the agency responsible for the program — shifted the federal dollars to fund Salmon in the Classroom to other fish and wildlife programs. The program at Clark, under fourth- and fifth-grade teacher Liza Rickey, is all but certain to endure because the class has the proper equipment in place. Other programs in the Issaquah School District might succumb to the cutback. Salmon in the Classroom, cuts in the statehouse Lauren Molnar, a third-grade teacher at Apollo Elementary School, participated in the program, and joined students to release 243 salmon into Issaquah Creek during a March 23 outing. Then, Molnar cleaned and stored the tank. “It was a very positive, hands-on and experienced-driven learning experience for the students, where they were able to learn about the life cycle of a salmon, as well as learn about an important part of the environment in which they live,” she said. “This program will be missed next year.” Jo Wadsworth, deputy assistant director of the fish program at the Department of Fish and Wildlife, said educators remain interested in maintaining Salmon in the Classroom despite the lack of state support. “All of the schools that we’ve heard from that are interested are looking at a variety of ways to continue the program, work with volunteer groups in their communities, see if they can get some funding to print the materials, that sort of thing,” she said. Funding for Salmon in the Classroom included salaries for 2.5 full-time employees to offer instructional assistance to teachers and to help educators secure the permits necessary to raise and release salmon. Educators do not pay for the permits, though the process can be difficult to navigate. Wadsworth said the agency is considering options to assist schools in securing permits. Perhaps the state hatchery system could handle permitting, she added. Undefined plans for the future Celina Steiger, Friends of the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery education coordinator, said permitting remains the No. 1 hurdle for teachers participating in Salmon the Classroom for multiple years. “Ultimately, the permitting is the big issue,” Steiger said. “It’s not necessarily the in-classroom support or the tank troubleshooting, that kind of thing.” For teachers joining the program, start-up costs — including a large tank and a chiller to maintain the water temperature at 46 degrees — can be prohibitive. “Once the system is up and run-
Coho salmon fry swim in a well-equipped aquarium at Clark Elementary School. ning, the only help you need is a permit,” Rickey said. The decision to eliminate Salmon the Classroom brought together stakeholders from the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery, Seattle Public Utilities and schools in the Issaquah and Seattle districts. Beth Miller, Seattle Public Utilities storm water outreach and education planner, said the details for continuing the program remain undefined. The municipal utility is a longtime supporter of Salmon in the Classroom in Seattle schools. “The big, imminent issue is trying to figure out how to make sure that those permits can get done so that everybody’s in compliance,” Miller said. The timing of the decision to eliminate Salmon in the Classroom surprised teachers in the Issaquah School District and educators at almost 500 schools statewide. Most participating teachers pick up salmon eggs in early January, and the decision to cut funding for the program left educators and students uncertain about the future. In the end, Rickey and other teachers secured permits and received coho eggs from the Issaquah hatchery. For students, salmon make ‘a huge impact’ Rosemary McPhail, a Sunset Elementary School third-grade teacher, started participating in Salmon in the Classroom 16 years ago. “My daughter had actually participated in the program, and three years later she said to me, ‘Mom, this is the year our salmon come back,’” she recalled. “That really did it. Here, I had a middle schooler sitting here going, ‘My salmon are coming back.’ It was a huge impact for her and it made a
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“It was a very positive, handson and experienced-driven learning experience for the students, where they were able to learn about the life cycle of a salmon, as well as learn about an important part of the environment in which they live.” — Lauren Molnar Apollo Elementary School teacher
connection for me.” McPhail relied on grants from the Issaquah Schools Foundation and the Sunset Elementary PTA to cover start-up costs. Sunset students plan to release 250 salmon into Lewis Creek near the school March 31. “I think it’s a great program and would love to see it continue, but it’s certainly meaningful to the students,” McPhail said. “I have kids that come back, and they’re in middle school or they’re in high school, and they stop by and they always talk about the salmon program.” The program also sparks important conversations about science. In the science room at Clark, fourth-grader Hannah Halstead, 10, and fifth-grader Caelan Varner, 11, conducted a pH test on the water in the aquarium. The conditions in the salmon environment require near-constant monitoring. “It shows acid and how salmon can’t live in it,” fourth-grader Jackson Rubin, 10, said during the acidity test. “They will die.” The team also minds the salmon school for food-hoarding bullies and “wimpies” — undersized fish struggling for food. Soon, the classmates plan to release the salmon into Issaquah Creek and test the creek for pollutants. “Hopefully, next year will be a great year like this year,” Jackson said. Warren Kagarise: 392-6434, ext. 234, or Comment at
The Issaquah Press
Park Pointe
The process to halt development at Park Pointe started more than a decade ago. The developer once proposed hundreds of homes for the forested site.
acre parcel. The pact allows for up to 500 residences on the site, but developers proposed 100 in initial plans submitted to the city in October. In order to serve the additional construction in the highlands, the agreement outlines about $2 million in transportation upgrades for the neighborhood. The transfer-of-developmentrights package includes another incentive for highlands residents: recreation improvements for Central Park and the surrounding area. Bellevue College could break ground on the highlands parcel in the near future, although construction on the campus could stretch for decades. City Major Development Review Team Program Manager Keith Niven, the point man on the transfer of development rights, logged years on the project. “The reality is, we never controlled all of the pieces,” he said. “So, there was always a chance that one of the parts could just pick up their toys and go home. I couldn’t worry about that, because I didn’t control it — ever. I marched forward with this blind faith that it was either going to happen or it wasn’t.” The multipronged effort to preserve Park Pointe dominated politics and government in Issaquah for more than a decade. Cynthia Welti, Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust executive director, praised Issaquah leaders and residents for not abandoning the project despite the long list of challenges. Park Pointe is part of the 101-mile-long greenbelt from Seattle to Central Washington. “The average city the size of Issaquah would have not had the stamina or the mental horsepower or the guts to tackle this,” she said. Observers also credited former City Administrator Leon Kos, former Councilwoman Maureen McCarry, David Kappler, a councilman turned citizen activist, and other officials and environmentalists for toiling to preserve Park Pointe. In perhaps the most dramatic decision attached to the process, the council decided in February 2008 to cancel the planned Southeast Bypass — a Tiger Mountain road link meant to serve Park Pointe and alleviate traffic congestion through downtown. Celebrating a conservation milestone The last set of plans presented by the developer, Wellington Park Pointe, proposed 251 units or 344 units for Park Pointe. The required environmental studies for the proposed neighborhood raised questions about traffic congestion near Park Pointe and runoff from the mountainside. Since Wellington Park Pointe proposed building homes on the land in the mid-1990s, opponents maintained Park Pointe could harm the environment, clog nearby streets and mar the Tiger Mountain panorama. “Development would have been
1994 Regional planners recommend designating Park Pointe as urban land. 1997 City amends Comprehensive Plan to include a Park Pointe urban village. 2001 City changes long-term plan for Park Pointe, and calls for public or private open space instead. September 2008 Mayor Ava Frisinger proposes a transfer of development rights to preserve Park Pointe. BY DONA MOKIN
WHAT THE PARK POINTE DEAL MEANS In addition to preserving 144 forested acres, the Park Pointe transfer-of-development-rights deal includes changes to transportation and recreation. For transportation Developers agreed to add transportation upgrades in the Issaquah Highlands, including a traffic signal along Northeast Park Drive at 15th Avenue Northeast, a road running parallel to Northeast Park Drive
a huge visual blight on what people presumed was forest,” Welti said. The builder collapsed into bankruptcy in late 2009, and a Seattle bank foreclosed on Park Pointe last March. In the same period, the cooling real estate market caused the price for Park Pointe to dip from $18.9 million in early 2009 to about $6 million in late 2010 — a critical boost for the deal. “To a degree, an unexpected outcome of the down economy was that this became purchasable,” Frisinger said. “For years, people tried to figure out how this might be accomplished, and even with all of the efforts of the Cascade Land Conservancy and others who put together ways of purchasing land, it just was too expensive.” Issaquah could offer the open space to other agencies. The city could transfer the highlands land to the county for inclusion in Grand Ridge Park, and shift Park Pointe to the state for Tiger Mountain State Forest. Representatives from the city and the state Department of Natural Resources also conducted discussions about options for jointly managing the Park Pointe property, as the transfer of development rights neared completion.
from Central Park to 15th Avenue Northeast, and the completion of a missing link of Northeast Discovery Drive near Seventh Avenue Northeast. For recreation The tradeoff also means the addition of a trail network west of Central Park in the highlands, paved parking and a restroom facility at the park, and assistance from highlands builder Port Blakely Communities in creating and funding a mountain bike skills course in the neighborhood.
In the meantime, Issaquah Environmental Council teams plant to tackle the invasive plants choking the Park Pointe property. The mayor said city officials plan to discuss future goals for the preserved land soon — after some celebrating, of course. “I don’t think I have any Champagne in my house,” Frisinger said. “But I was about to look for a bottle of something that would be a good substitute.” Warren Kagarise: 392-6434, ext. 234, or Comment at
June 2009 Consultants release environmental impact statement for Park Pointe, days after developer defaults on loan. November 2009 Park Pointe developer Wellington Park Pointe files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. March 2010 Wellington Park Pointe nixes plan for land and Regal Financial Bank forecloses on Park Pointe. October 2010 King County Council shifts urban growth boundary to allow additional Issaquah Highlands development. December 2010 City selects Bellevue College and homebuilders to purchase highlands land, and then annexes site. March 2011 Issaquah concludes successful transfer of development rights and preserves Park Pointe.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 •
Hall of Fame inductees. The band joined the hall in March 2008. The rarest honor earned during a lifetime in rock ‘n’ roll is nestled inside a case not much larger than a deck of cards. The medal inside the case — called the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette, a decoration conferred on only a handful of foreigners — comes from Japanese Emperor Akihito. The band behind the “Hawaii Five-O” theme and surf-rock anthems “Pipeline” and “Walk, Don’t Run” received the honor last June for the “contribution to the development and enrichment of music culture in Japan” and for fostering “cordial relations” between Japan and the United States. Wilson and other band members accepted the medal at the Japanese consulate in Seattle. The Ventures earned success in the United States, but on the other side of the Pacific, the instrumental rock band reshaped the popular-music scene. The band scored 20 No. 1 hits in Japan and, for a time, outsold The Beatles in the electric-guitarcrazed nation. ‘Hang in there’ The Ventures’ sound is as much a part of California as the Hollywood sign, but the band formed in the Evergreen State — Tacoma, in fact. The instrumental music appealed in part because no language barrier existed. In Japan in the early days, the band encountered reserved audiences unaccustomed to no-holdsbarred rock ‘n’ roll concerts. “You could drop a pin and you could hear it — while we’re playing,” Wilson recalled. “After we played, it was an eruption of applause.” Japanese fans “embraced The Ventures like no other,” Wilson’s son and Issaquah resident Tim Wilson said. The band continues to tour in Japan each year, and usually sells out a 3,000-person venue in devastated Sendai. The magnitude-9 earthquake struck about 80 miles from the coastal city, and the subsequent tsunami ruined seaside areas. “Sendai is a beautiful city,” Don Wilson said. The band played in the city almost every year for the past halfcentury. In the aftermath, Don
Don Wilson reflects on his love for the Japanese and empathy in the triple disaster of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear reactor radiation leak. Wilson remains uncertain about friends and business contacts in Sendai. “It was surreal to me,” he said. “This can’t be happening. The more I saw on TV, the worse it got.” The Ventures scheduled summer tour dates in Japan, although the catastrophe put the plans on hold. The band toured in Japan last summer. Don Wilson rode out temblors in earthquake-prone Japan before the March 11 disaster. “I’m thinking, ‘Thank God he wasn’t there,’” Tim Wilson said. In the meantime, the band is planning a benefit concert in the United States to assist disasterrelief efforts. “I’ve been doing a lot of praying for those people,” Don Wilson said. “But, actually, those people are pretty resilient, amazingly so. They’re very compassionate to each other. You know how organized they were after the disaster, lining up for food and water and things like that.” Before recording the message for THK, as the film crew transformed a downstairs rec room into a makeshift studio, Don Wilson said Japan could overcome the challenges. “It’s such a cliché to say, ‘Hang in there. You just have to get through it.’ And I’m sure they will,” he said. “I’ve never seen harder-working people in my life.” Warren Kagarise: 392-6434, ext. 234, or Comment at
Montaine at Aldarra $768,000
Loree Estates $825,000
Apply to represent council district on county boards Issaquah and Sammamish residents can apply to represent King County Council District 3 on county advisory boards. County Councilwoman Kathy Lambert, the District 3 representative, urged people to apply for open seats on the Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Administrative Board, Mental Health Advisory Board and Women’s Advisory Board. The alcohol and substance abuse panel recommends policies and programs related to prevention, intervention and rehabilitation. The mental health board focuses on the access and quality of mental health services in the county. The women’s group makes recommendations to the county executive and council to ensure the county meets the needs and rights of women. Interested people should contact Grace Reamer at 206-296-0331 or
Homeowner associations, come to Sustainability Challenge Friends of Quadrant Homes, a social network hosted by Quadrant Homes, has launched a 90-day sustainability challenge, lasting from March 15 through June 15. Anybody living in a homeowner association can participate. The two HOAs that make the most creative environmental changes will receive $2,000 grants. Of the HOAs that place, one will be urban and the other suburban, which includes communities in King County. To register, HOA residents must
do the following: Register online at, Make a pledge to do at least one of the items in each of the three categories or Create a pledge of their own. Participants can make a difference by being conscientious of their energy, water and land use, including giving up paper cups for beverage mugs, replacing outdated showerheads with low-flow ones or planting a tree. In addition to sustainability commitments, participants can share their photos, videos and stories on the Friends of Quadrant Homes Facebook page.
Special 50% OFF 1st & 2nd Month
Pine Lake $800,000 - $1,190,000
Pine Lake Waterfront $975,000
Corner of Newport Way & Juniper St.
Broadhurst $1,599,000
The Issaquah Press
A4 • Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Preserving Park Pointe is a triumph for entire city The momentous effort to preserve Park Pointe is complete. Issaquah leaders and residents can celebrate after more than a decade of squabbling and maneuvering to stop hundreds of homes from rising on the land. The transfer of development rights benefits the entire city. Park Pointe, a majestically named parcel on Tiger Mountain near Issaquah High School, is forever preserved as public open space. So, too, is a 43-acre forest near Central Park in the Issaquah Highlands. In exchange, homebuilders can construct up to 500 residences on 35 acres in the highlands. Despite the large figure, developers proposed far fewer homes for the site. The deal protects land ill-suited for development and shifts construction to a site near roads and utilities. In addition, the added residents to the highlands could help attract the retail businesses promised to neighborhood residents so long ago. The deal is not perfect, but the benefits outshine the problems. Indeed, the incentives attached to the exchange make the prospect of additional construction in the highlands easier to stomach. Motorists should benefit from the construction of roads to alleviate congestion on traffic-clogged highlands streets. Countless hikers and mountain bikers can use trails and other recreation facilities promised in the agreement. The entire community, most importantly, stands to benefit from the planned construction of a Bellevue College campus in Issaquah. The long-sought campus has the power to transform the community for the better. Though many leaders — elected and unelected — and citizens deserve a share of the credit for preserving Park Pointe, former City Administrator Leon Kos merits special recognition. Kos, alongside Mayor Ava Frisinger and point man Keith Niven, Major Development Review Team manager, steered the complex — and at times convoluted — agreement through difficult patches. Many times, the process seemed stalled or undoable, but the city did not waver in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Sometimes, the opponents included Issaquah residents. City Council members and other city leaders held firm last year despite protests from highlands residents concerned about additional construction and skeptics doubtful of the city’s ability to pull off the deal. Ironically, the recession helped seal the deal. Park Pointe’s developer could not weather the tough economy, and the land headed into foreclosure. The downturn also dropped Park Pointe’s price from the stratosphere to a more attainable level, aiding the transfer of development rights. Preserving Park Pointe marks a milestone for Issaquah, and all residents stand to reap the benefits of the deal in the years ahead.
DownTown Issaquah Association
Merchant resigns membership over unwelcome leadership change Greg Spranger and Michael Johnson are examples of individuals who are so passionate about their work that it is contagious. They created projects that they would do for free, and in fact did, until one day an association saw fit to compensate them a little for the countless volunteer hours they spent. Front Street owes its entire historical restoration to Greg, without whom it would just be a run-down bypass on the way out of town. Music on the Streets and ArtWalk would not exist without Michael Johnson. People like this are one of a kind. You cannot advertise their “position” and fill it on a 15hour a week “salary.” I’m sad to say it, but I cannot see a way that the association will accomplish anything meaningful after the elimination of Greg Spranger, followed by the voluntary resignation of Michael Johnson. Downtown will not be the same, and that’s a shame. Regretfully, I do not see the association as currently representing my interests, and respectfully resign the membership of Hammond Ashley Violins from the association.
Bryce Van Parys Issaquah
stunned at both the number of break-ins and the value of the lost items. In summary, these are the items that have been reported stolen during vehicle break-ins in recent months: 11 purses, eight GPS units, seven backpacks, six wallets, five iPods, five cell phones, five computers, four coats/jackets, three groups of CDs, two cameras, two cash thefts, two credit cards, two gym bags, two pairs of sunglasses, a gun, headset, checkbook, set of keys, solar panel, diaper bag, saxophone, suitcase, stereo, racquetball racket, Kindle, calculator, tools, groceries, perfume and other unspecified items. The total reported known value of items lost comes up to $27,696.75. About half of the reports say value unknown, so the total monetary loss is likely twice this number. My first thought is reviewing this is when are people going to learn to stop leaving valuables in the car? My next thoughts question our society. Why has this type of activity become so common? Why have our politicians been allowed to decide that the property of the citizens has so little value that when perpetrators are caught, they barely receive a slap on the wrist? Punishment should be enough so that the perpetrators will not want to take a chance on getting caught again.
Bruce Miller
Police blotter
Council vote was almost a time warp s the Issaquah City Council’s first vote to fill its vacancy ended in a 3-3 tie, my life suddenly began flashing before my eyes. And all I could think after the second ballot was, “Thank you, Joshua Schaer!” If it hadn’t been for his wisdom and flexibility, I might’ve relived one of the craziest news stories of my life, the headline being, and I’m not making this up, “56 ballots to a council deadlock” in the Edmonds Enterprise in January 1984. That was during my first fulltime newspaper job just out of college, and not only was I doing the photography, but on that small staff one of my writing beats was Edmonds city govern-
ment. Here are rhetorical questions for you: What if the Southeast Bypass was still the major policy issue dividing Issaquah’s City Council? What if MauGreg reen McCarry’s Farrar retirement had Press Photographer left the council in two evenly split coalitions? I can answer that what if. That’s exactly what was going on in my hometown in the early See VOTE, Page A5
To eliminate things stolen from your car, remove valuables or lock them up I have been carefully following the Police Blotter in The Issaquah Press for a number of months, taking particular notice of the reported vehicle break-ins and the items stolen. I am
F ROM THE W EB Should noneducators serve as school principals? Obviously Rep. Anderson doesn’t know that the primary job of a principal is to be the academic leader of a school (ask any principal or superintendent). That means being the academic leader who supports and guides the teaching corps. Yes, a principal is also a disciplinarian, a manager and a public relations person. But the first job is academics. Someone with zero background in education is not going to be able to do the primary job well. In Seattle, our teachers, superintendent and school board signed a new contract with new assessments. Then, the principals’ union signed a new contract, with more money in it for them, based on the assessments the principals will have to be making of teachers.
Issaquah Note from the editor: Emily Lee’s third-grade class at Grand Ridge Elementary School recently learned about Pacific salmon, and how “responsible citizens have an obligation to speak out to make positive change in our world.” Letters to The Press
If I were a teacher, I would not want some principal who knows zero about pedagogy and class management to do my assessments. (Imagine if someone off the street came into where you work and was told to assess your work. They watch you for 30 minutes and then make an assessment that becomes your job performance rating. How thrilled would you be?) And, if you were a teacher with a noneducator principal, you would likely demand and get someone who is qualified to judge your work. That means bringing in someone to the school (at an extra cost) to assess your work. Most districts don’t have that kind of extra money. Melissa Westbrook
are the students’ first foray into persuasive writing. Last year, more 150,000 people visited and celebrated Salmon Days. If all of those people remember and still think about salmon, which means don’t pollute, I think it will be great! My opinion is that we should care about the salmon, care about the environment and not pollute. First, here are just a few interesting facts about the salmon. The male spawner can produce milt so the eggs can be born. Did you know that when the eggs grow, they look like eye shapes? I like the caudal fin of the female, because it is strong and is used to dig a nest for the eggs! I like that they use their special sense of smell to find their way back to their streams where they were born. A salmon’s life is hard — only about one of every 1,000 eggs survive all the way through the life cycle of the salmon. There are many reasons why we should care about salmon. The first reason why we wouldn’t want them to become extinct is because salmon are fascinating animals, and scholars won’t have any salmon to study if we don’t keep them healthy. Next, the salmon are part of the food chain, so the animals that rely on salmon would suffer if salmon were gone! The most important reason why we should help salmon is that when we take care of the salmon habitat, we take care of our own. I will feel so proud if you care about salmon, too. I am grateful to live in a city like Issaquah! We should do our best to help the Pacific salmon! Thank you for your time.
Rachel L. Grand Ridge third-grader
this surprises nobody anymore. Stacey Hughes
LETTERS WELCOME The Issaquah Press welcomes letters to the editor on any subject, although we reserve the right to edit for space, potential libel and/or political relevance. Letters addressing local news will receive priority. Please limit letters to 350 words and type them, if possible. E-mail is preferred. Letters must be signed and have a daytime phone number to verify authorship. Deadline for letters is noon Friday for the following week’s paper.
Puget Sound Energy rate hike
So, with 241 members of the public against the increase and none supporting, it gets approved nevertheless. Government for the special interests by the special interests. Sadly,
P.O. Box 1328 Issaquah, WA 98027 391-1541
Postmaster: Send address changes to: Issaquah Press, PO Box 1328 Issaquah, WA 98027
The Issaquah Press Issaquah senator aims to pull shark fin soup off the menu
Liberty High School picks a new assistant principal
Though shark fin soup is considered a delicacy in Hong Kong, state legislators took a step March 7 to pull the item from menus. State senators unanimously passed legislation to eliminate commercial shark finning in Washington waters. Sen. Steve Litzow, a freshman Republican from Mercer Island and a 41st Legislative District representative, urged colleagues to adopt the measure. (The district includes Cougar Mountain communities in Issaquah.) “What has been most interesting as I looked into this is that over 73 million sharks are killed every year,” he said. “Ninety percent of the shark population in the open oceans has disappeared in the last several years. This is another one of the small steps in keeping a healthy ocean.” Fins sell for as much as $700 per kilogram in Asia. Officials said finning has increased near the Washington coast in recent years as the price climbed. The bill sponsor, San Juan Island Democrat Kevin Ranker, said the bill is meant to address trafficking in shark fins, not shark finning alone. So, recreational fishermen and -women could still fin sharks under the measure. “Shark finners are active up and down Washington’s coast to an unsustainable extent,” he said. “Many catch the shark, cut off the fins and throw the body back into the water. Without this legislation, shark communities will only continue to shrink until they become endangered or extinct.” The legislation heads to the House of Representatives for further consideration.
Sean Martin, the Skyline High School dean of students and International Baccalaureate c o o r d i n a t o r, has a new job at Liberty High School. This sumSean Martin mer, he will start his new position as Liberty High School assistant principal. Martin replaces Bernie Gibson, who is retiring. Donna Hood will continue as Liberty’s other assistant principal. Martin has taught not only in Issaquah but also in Turkey. He earned his master’s degree in teaching from the University of Washington in 2001, and began teaching English and history at Skyline that fall. In 2003, he moved to Turkey, first teaching at Tarsus American College and later at an international school, Bilkent University Preparatory School. In Turkey, he led his students in a Model United Nations program, traveling to Istanbul, the Hague and the Netherlands. “Teaching internationally was a wonderful experience, allowing me to travel and learn a great deal about the people, cultures and history of several areas of the world,” he said. He returned to Skyline in 2008. In 2010, he earned his principal certification from the UW Danforth Educational Leadership Program. He said he would miss teaching at Skyline, but looked forward to his new job as a Patriot.
P OLICE B LOTTER California reading A woman said her credit card information had been used to make fraudulent purchases at a bookstore in Redlands, Calif., March 12. The estimated loss is unknown.
Buzzkill Men in hoods and masks damaged the building and stole security cameras from Gourmet Latte, 14327 Issaquah-Hobart Road S.E., at 11:30 p.m. March 14. The estimated loss is $1,500.
Northeast prior to 11:18 p.m. March 16. The estimated loss is $25.
Assault Police arrested a juvenile female for assault and malicious mischief in the 100 block of First Avenue Northwest at 2:33 a.m. March 17.
Blown up A leaf blower was stolen in the 1500 block of East Beaver Lake Drive Southeast prior to March 17. The estimated loss is unknown.
“Looking to next year at Liberty High School, I am very excited to become a part of the school community,” he said. “The most enjoyable elements of teaching for me have always been the connections that I build with students, staff and parents, and I look forward to continuing this as an assistant principal.”
Route 200 bus expansion is delayed until 2013 Route 200 bus riders can enjoy many more free rides following a City Council decision last week. The council reluctantly agreed to delay the Route 200 expansion — and the plan to collect fares — to the Issaquah Highlands and Talus until February 2013. “I hope nobody in our community views the delay until February of 2013 as this council not being committed to improving public transport throughout our city,” Councilman Mark Mullet said. “I think we’re firmly committed to that goal.” In a January letter to the city, Port Blakely Communities — a financial partner in the Route 200 agreement — announced its decision to pull out of the agreement. The route had been scheduled to extend to the highlands and Talus in September. The city and King County Metro Transit had also planned to start collecting fares then. Municipal and transit officials could someday establish a route, 928, to offer additional service on Squak Mountain. In order to fund the additional service, Metro Transit needs to charge fares on Route 200 buses. “I believe that the delay in expanding this bus service hurts
18. The estimated loss is unknown.
Domestic violence Police arrested a 29-year-old Ephrata man on suspicion of domestic violence after he threw his cellphone at his wife in a vehicle parked at 7-Eleven, 3302 E. Lake Sammamish Parkway S.E., March 18. The woman sustained a cut and black eye during the incident.
Police arrested a juvenile male for shoplifting from Front Street Market, 80 Front St. S., at 3:56 p.m. March 17. The estimated loss is unknown.
Police cited and a released an 18-year-old Purcellville, Va., woman for failing to cooperate with a police officer in the 1000 block of Northwest Sammamish Road at 11:09 p.m. March 18.
Driving under the influence Police arrested a 33-year-old Bothell man, Derek Bowman, for driving under the influence and a hit-and-run accident, in the 19000 block of Southeast 44th Way at 8:08 p.m. March 16.
Free parking A no-parking sign was stolen in the 100 block of Second Avenue
April 4 City Council regular meeting 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall South 135 E. Sunset Way
River & Streams Board 7 p.m. Pickering Room, City Hall Northwest 1775 12th Ave. N.W.
Police visited a vacant residence in the 4000 block of 212th Way Southeast the afternoon of March 14. Officers and a real estate agent had recently discovered the home being used by teenagers a party location. The agent found the shed unlocked on the most recent occasion, but nothing had been stolen.
Jewelry, a DVD player and a flat-screen TV were stolen from a residence in the 15600 block of Issaquah-Hobart Road Southeast prior to 2 p.m. March 16. The burglar used a hoe in the yard to smash a window and gain entry. The estimated loss is $2,550.
Police responded to a report of harassment in the 2100 block of Shy Bear Way Northwest at 6:54 p.m. March 18. Officers forwarded the case to the juvenile section at the King County Prosecutor’s Office.
The oft-delayed Issaquah Valley Trolley Project could be on track due to a recent City Council decision. Before trolleys can run through historic downtown Issaquah, the decades-old tracks and trolleys must be restored. The longplanned restoration proposal received a boost from the council March 21. Members awarded the $135,274 track refurbishment contract to Lakebay-based Coast Rail and, in the same legislation, awarded the $220,000 trolley contract to Mukilteo-based Advanced Construction. The measure also increased the project budget to $524,700 from $517,400 to reflect the original project budget, and to account for $7,400 in additional federal funds and expenditures made to date. The council rejected track and trolley bids late last year. Because the lowest bid for the track project amounted to $15,000 more than the state Department of Transportation had estimated, city engineers and project backers raised concerns about running out of money before the trolley car could be repaired. The city oversees and administers the grant dollars used to fund the trolley project. The nonprofit trolley group leased a trolley from a Yakima organization, and ferried more than 5,000 passengers through downtown Issaquah in 2001 and 2002 in a successful test.
April 5
Market rate
Police responded to the Issaquah Library, 10 W. Sunset Way, at 6:46 p.m. March 17 after a librarian reported a man using a syringe to shoot up in a restroom. The librarian said the man left blood on the restroom floor, and then fled the library. Police could not locate the man.
City Council puts the trolley project on track
Backyard bash
Squak Mountain,” Councilman Joshua Schaer said. “It hurts Talus and it hurts the highlands.”
Unwanted Police arrested an 18-year-old Issaquah man for trespassing in the 100 block of Front Street South at 2:06 p.m. March 19. The Press publishes names of those arrested for DUI and those charged with felony crimes. Information comes directly from local police reports.
Urban Village Development Commission 7 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall South 135 E. Sunset Way
April 6 Cedar Hills Regional Landfill community meeting 7-9 p.m. King County Library Service Center 960 Newport Way N.W.
For the latest news, go to
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 •
1980s, with the issue being downtown development and building heights versus preservation and slow growth. When City Councilman Larry Naughten won the race for mayor, there was an open seat to fill. During the first council meeting’s vote, three candidates survived after the first 10 ballots to fill the unexpired term. Votes were changing back and forth, and one candidate even had collected more than enough votes to win if only he’d gotten four votes on the same ballot. A week later, they began another round of voting. One of the three candidates dropped off in the voting by ballot 15, and then a 90-minute marathon began. They were voting by paper ballot, not by the raising of hands as Issaquah’s council members did this month. There were 90 printed slips of paper. A clerk distributed six ballots, then collected them and read them. She distributed six more ballots, then collected them again. And so on, and so on! This was my lead paragraph: “About halfway through the balloting, Deputy City Clerk Jackie Parrett began tearing pages out of her steno pad. And near the end,
we would sit and talk about her love for Alex Rodriguez,” Schroeder said. “She was just helpful and sweet and hardworking and a great cheerleader.” After graduating from Liberty, Fox earned a degree in communication from the University of Washington and studied at Seattle University for her law degree. She had passed the Washington bar, started her own law practice and recently gained her first client, a family member said. In addition to managing her practice, Fox started working at Skyline this fall. “She quickly became one of my closet friends,” Head Cheerleading Coach Stephania Lemeshko said. The two spent hours coaching their 44 cheerleading students, and “besides that I spent countless hours on the phone with her every night,” talking about cheer and life, Lemeshko said. In August, Fox sat down Lemeshko and the other assistant cheer coach, Blake Jahnke, and orchestrated the creation of 44 scrapbook journals for each of their cheerleaders. Coaches wrote a personal note in every journal, welcoming their students to a new year of cheer. “It was really nice,” Skyline junior Kaitlyn Oss said. “It was so personal. Not a lot of coaches take the time to do that, but she wanted to get to know each of us individually.” Skyline junior Katherine Lammers said she hadn’t used her journal yet, but said she
they were tearing up leftover copies of the council agenda.” It was crazy! Naughten read a book while the council battled. Despite a 10-minute recess after ballot 47, they remained deadlocked between two candidates — an Edmonds Chamber of Commerce president and an engineer with the Alderwood Water District who had once been a Kiwanis Club president. The council adjourned without a decision. And scheduled one more session for voting. This is what I wrote: “The council will hold a special session 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2 at the Edmonds Library Plaza Room with just one agenda item. This one. Bring your sleeping bags just in case.” Well, they met. They voted 10 more times and remained deadlocked. They had taken a total of 66 ballots. So, what I wrote in my very first story turned out to be strangely prophetic: “If they were to fail, Mayor Larry Naughten will be in the unique position of appointing a citizen to fill his own former seat. The odds of that happening are slim…” It is 27 years later. Let me repeat, “Thank you, Joshua Schaer!” Greg Farrar: 392-6434, ext. 235, or Comment at
would start writing in it as a memorial to Fox. “She would always do the sweetest things for us and at any point make us smile,” Lammers said. Lemeshko said the journals were an example of how Fox approached life. “She was always going above and beyond,” Lemeshko said. “With Tammy, nothing was a little project.” Fox brightened the team, bringing treats for her students and joking about her love for shoes with her students, Lammers said. She helped one student land a Washington State Cheer Coaches Association scholarship for college by writing her a letter of recommendation, Lemeshko said. In January, both the Skyline Silver and Green teams won awards at the State Cheerleading Championships, a feat that had never before happened. Lemeshko credits her students for their hard work, and said the team couldn’t have done it without the help of assistant coaches Jahnke and Fox. “We were truly lucky to be on the receiving end of her generous spirit and enthusiasm for sharing what enjoyment and leadership qualities cheerleading could bring for the student-athletes involved in the program,” Skyline Principal Lisa Hechtman wrote in an email to parents March 21. Skyline observed a moment of silence March 21 in honor of Fox. The high school also provided counseling services to those struggling with the news of her death. Laura Geggel: 392-6434, ext. 241, or Comment at
Extra! Extra! Police responded to a report of a vehicle break-in in progress at Newport Way Southwest and Wildwood Boulevard Southwest at 4:38 a.m. March 18. The subject turned out to be a newspaper deliveryman warming up before delivering the papers.
Heist Jewelry, clothing and a computer were stolen from a residence in the 3000 block of Northeast Logan Street prior to 11:08 a.m. March
• Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Pelage Spa & Skin Centre indulges, educates, beautifies clients Founded in 1999 by JoAnne Mendenhall, a nurse with 16 years of accumulated knowledge and experience in Dermatology, Infectious Disease and Cosmetic Surgery and certified in both laser treatment and permanent cosmetics, Pelage Spa and Skin Centre is a medical spa whose mission is to serve clients with honor and integrity and to provide services that meet their client’s goals and needs. “Pelage is a boutique spa,” explains owner JoAnne Mendenhall. “We strive to do the best we can for our clients, first by listening to each person’s goals and then educating them so they can make decisions based on their own needs or lifestyle. “If there is a solution that will cost the client less money, or if the service they are asking about doesn’t really fit their goal, we tell them,” JoAnne says firmly. “We want to build long term relationships with clients who trust us, rather than take their money today and risk losing them in the future.” Today, Pelage is a place where like-minded professionals work together to educate their clients
Some of the Pelage staff members include, from left, Jill (massage), Rebecca (esthethics,nails), Nakia (reception), Meghan (esthetics), Karissa (massage) and JoAnne (founder). Not shown, Vici (esthetics), Alia (electrology), Cody (reception), Dr. Davidson (medical director), Julie (esthetics), Brenda (nails) and Elaine (massage). about the best options for skin care. They share the desire and the ability to tell the “real story” of skin rejuvenation and anti-aging options or just general selfcare based on the established principles of skin health combined with regular training in order to remain up to date on the latest in skin care techniques. In addition to top-notch customer service, Pelage offers a wide array of beauty enhance-
ments. These range from traditional spa services like massage, facials and pedicures, to resultoriented services like laser hair removal, permanent cosmetics, cellulite treatment, microderms and chemical peels. Skin care products, haircuts and color services are also available. “For over six years now, I have been going to this spa and have seen how it evolves over time and my, how it continues to impress
me!” said one customer in an online review. “The owner knows so much about skincare and is always educating clients. Whether you’re interested in skincare, massage or laser, they have the best technicians and staff on hand…it’s truly a great find!” Pelage is located at 317 N.W. Gilman Boulevard, in Gilman Village and is open 7 days a week. Call 425-837-8710 or visit
Copperleaf Condos offer nearby luxury living at affordable prices One of the Eastside’s newest housing projects, Copperleaf Condos has all the features new homebuyers are looking for. The homes at Copperleaf offer two and three bedroom homes with den and two baths, approximately 1,400 square feet and territorial views with private decks or patios. Interior features include a chef’s kitchen with high-end cabinets, hardwood floors, slab granite counters, designer tile, stainless appliances and gas range. Homeowners will also enjoy a gas fireplace, 9-foot ceilings, secure parking garage and convenient elevator service. Copperleaf floor plans are open, spacious and well contemplated, designed for entertaining. There is also a common area patio and game room, complete with kitchenette — the perfect venue for overflow guests! Copperleaf is brought to the marketplace by the Infused Marketing team of Jen Harper of Coldwell Banker Bain and Lacey Clark of Windermere. Harper and Clark, co-founders of Infused, have specialized in a unique mar-
Copperleaf, located at the base of Lakemont, offers luxury living at entry level pricing with a special 5 percent down lending program. keting outreach program. They offer a fresh spin on project marketing and sales programs designed specifically for each project. The condos have easy access to Interstate 90, the Lakemont trail system, the local Starbuck’s, as well as Matthew’s gro-
cery store. Proximity to golf courses, Lake Sammamish, Snoqualmie skiing and other outdoor activities make Copperleaf a terrific home base for exploring. “Copperleaf homes are elegant and yet so livable,” said Harper. “And the location is so convenient
that owners have the best of all worlds by living close to the city life of Seattle/Bellevue, while enjoying proximity to the Northwest outdoors.” Harper and Clark expect Copperleaf to outsell the market. The project has been well received by the marketplace and has numerous recent sales. “No one can touch this price point for new construction with secure parking in this great location,” said Clark. “In this market, buyers are searching for a deal and when they perceive value, they buy!” Lending is available for as low as 5 percent down. Open house hours are Friday through Sunday, noon-5pm. Or call 425-443-2478 or 206-999-9251 to schedule a private tour. Currently, Infused is also marketing and selling Nelson Ridge in Redmond, Cambria Hills in Bothell, Bella Luna in Columbia City, and has sold out the Boulders project in Redmond and the Westwater in Seattle. For more information, see or
From left, Jamie Whyte, Todd Holmes, and owners Nancy and Ross Latham
Big Trees, Inc. provides instant mature landscaping for homes Trees for shade, trees for privacy, trees for color — Big Trees, Inc. has them all, and you won’t have to wait for your new trees to grow up! Moving a mature tree in your yard is another specialty of Big Trees. Whether you want to take a sentimental tree with you or relocate a tree on your property, the pros at Big Trees can do it. Big Trees is a Snohomish retail nursery providing 300 different varieties of large trees 7 to 25 feet tall. Big Trees offers larger stock than most nurseries. “We start in size where most nurseries stop,” explains Nancy Latham, who co-owns the company with her husband Ross. “We have evergreens starting at 10 feet and deciduous trees starting with 2-inch trunk diameters and only get bigger from there! And we warranty all new trees that are planted by our crews.” For 30 years, Big Trees has provided professional installation by its transplanting crews. “Planting and transplanting large trees requires experience and skill,” said Ross. “Our crews have the knowledge to get trees planted and moved successfully.” Ross says that 60 percent of Big Trees’ business is from homeowners looking for instant impact in their yard. But the company also serves cities, golf
courses, universities, corporate campuses and construction companies. Nancy says the company is especially proud to play a part in saving trees when they might otherwise be destroyed. Big Trees, Inc. helped kick-off a major construction project at Seattle University. The library remodel required a complete demo of the area and eight trees up to 18 feet tall were successfully relocated to new homes within the campus. “Big Trees, Inc. crews worked very hard under very challenging site conditions and did a great job getting these large trees transplanted successfully,” recalls Becki, the facilities manager at Seattle U. Big Trees does offer free estimates. Design and consultation services are also available. Clients have plenty of accolades for Big Trees professionalism. “Wow! I’m so impressed with the quality of the trees, the quality of the service and the quality of the employees at Big Trees. A big thank you for helping create a little privacy in my backyard,” writes Trish. The nursery is open MondaySaturday. No appointment is necessary! To learn more, call 360563-2700 or visit
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• Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Mathnasium helps Issaquah and Sammamish students ‘get it’ There were no bars on the windows or guards at the door, yet students were quietly doing math exercises in a Klahanie storefront on a beautiful day. “Kids don’t hate math. They hate embarrassment,” says Sumitha Reddy, the owner of Mathnasium, 4546 Klahanie Drive S.E., Issaquah, a math tutoring franchise in the Klahanie QFC shopping center. Reddy, a biomedical engineer, has never felt the gut-wrenching math phobia so familiar to many. She just has a “feel for the numbers,” but credits “some really good teachers in high school” with instilling her love of math. Reddy and Mathnasium Assistant Director Priyanka Pant help students K-12 overcome the embarrassment of falling behind in math and “not getting it.” Along the way, some even develop Reddy’s love for those numbers. She says parents are often the motivating force that gets students into Mathnasium for help. “A lot of parents don’t want the fight,” says Pant, “the battle to get homework done.” Reddy believes there is a math
Tutor Bryce Goodwin, owner/director Sumitha Reddy, tutor Thao Nguyen and tutor Ashley Williams person in all of us, despite what your child’s report card might say. Parents typically sign up for six-
or 12-month packages that cost $225 to $300/month. The Mathnasium staff first does an assessment of the students’ skills to de-
sign a learning plan. “One of the best ways to teach fractions is using slices of pizza,” says pizza-math advocate Reddy. She says students can see that, no matter how many slices you cut a pizza, it still adds up to only one pizza. Ten-year-old Alex hit the math wall in fifth grade. “Math has always been my best subject,” he says while taking a break from working with instructor Alan Wang, a graduate in biomedical engineering. “But since we moved here, I have not been doing as well. I just get confused when we do the tests.” Across the room, instructor Bryce Goodwin is working with Brian, a Skyline High School junior who hit the wall in algebra II. “I was passing all my classes first semester,” says Brian. “Then second semester, I got lost.” Brian knows he’ll need math in college and is getting back on track. “On my last test, I got a 84, so it must be working,” says Brian. For more information, call 425270-1054 or visit
Snoqualmie Valley Golf Academy readies for spring and summer lessons & camps It’s no wonder that the popularity of golf is on the rise with today’s youth. Fresh air, a little competition and new friendships make this sport one that players as young as 5 years old can enjoy for a lifetime. Brandon Proudfoot, golf instructor and head golf coach at Mount Si High School, can’t get enough of teaching kids and sharing his own passion for the game. After teaching golf for six years and running youth programs at multiple golf courses while overseeing the instruction of thousands of students, Proudfoot opened Snoqualmie Valley Golf Academy last year, creating an environment where students can get the most out of golf and improve to become lifelong players. Snoqualmie Valley Golf Academy offers golf instruction, league play and tournaments
for players ages 5 to 17. Players are now being accepted for spring teams for middle school golfers. Spring Break Camp will be held April 4-7. This camp is for players who have a basis in golf and would like to refresh their game with lessons and on-course time. Golf skills development will be covered as well as rules and competition. Classes are offered once a week or in weeklong camps. Spring classes are April 4 to June 10. Summer session is June 22 to Aug. 31. Snoqualmie Valley Golf Academy is working with Si View Parks Department ( in North Bend to bring classes to new golfers. They are also teaching a golf class for Encompass ( during the summer to bring golf to a broader range of students
Brandon Proudfoot with a wider range of socioeconomic backgrounds. Proudfoot relies on the skills of five other golf instructors to assist him with the many teams and classes available through the Academy. The Academy also works with local golf courses to offer more affordable access to its young members. Snoqualmie Valley Golf Academy focuses on four pillars of success in its golf program. • ACCESS - make the game of
Join us for Spring Break Golf Camp Spring Break Camp 1 Intro level for students a bit rusty after the winter, or just picking up the game. Ages 7-10 Mon-Thurs April 4th-7th 9:00am - noon
golf within everyone’s reach • EDUCATION — camps, classes and other learning opportunities throughout the year, taught by qualified instructors • COMPETITION — leagues, tournaments & more • FRIENDSHIP — activities for students and families For more information about classes, camps and golf teams, call 425-802-5482 or go to
with books, toys, movies and video games. Chair-side DVD players are available to watch your own movies or select from the office collection. The friendly staff brings an array of talent, including the ability to communicate in Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese and Spanish. “Our practice is to provide patients with the highest level of quality dental care,” said Emily Briels, office administrator. “We strive to give patients as pleasant an experience as possible.” Apex Dental Care is a member of the Issaquah and Sammamish Chambers of Commerce, and the Washington State Dental Association. It works on behalf of the community by donating frequently to the Issaquah Food & Clothing Bank and participates in the Dental Donation Service. Apex Dental offers flexible hours, including evening appointments three days a week and Saturday appointments 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Apex dentists also work hard to be available for emergency patients. Payment plans and cash discounts are available. You’ll find Apex Dental conveniently located near I-90 exit 17 at 22525 S.E. 64th Place, suite 170, in the Meadow Creek Professional Center. For more information, call 425-837-0383 or visit
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Spring Break Camp 2 This camp is for players who already have a basis in golf and would like an opportunity to refresh their game with lessons and on course play. Ages 9-14 Mon-Thurs April 4th-7th 4:30pm - 7:30pm
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The Issaquah Press
A8 • Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wings & Things, the music of Paul McCartney, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Field of Champions Sports Bar & Grill, 385 N.W. Gilman Blvd., 392-7111
Village Theatre presents ‘Iron Curtain’ through April 24, Francis J. Gaudette Theatre, 303 Front St. N., $20 to $60, 392-2202 or
31 1 2
Jessica Houghton CD release party, 7-10 p.m., Vino Bella
April Fool’s Day Party with 3 Trick Pony, 8-11 p.m., Pogacha
Uncle Bonsai, 7:45 p.m., Bake’s Place Bake St. Blues Revue, 8-11 p.m., Pogacha Little Bill & the Bluenotes, 7:30 p.m., Bake’s Place
Breakfast at Bake’s with Michael Gotz, 10 a.m. Sundays, Bake’s Place Burgers & Benz car show, noon, XXX Rootbeer Drive-in
3 9 10
Vintage Travel Trailer & Motor Home Camp Out, 8 a.m., XXX Rootbeer Drive-in
Darren Motamedy, 8-11 p.m., Pogacha Trish, Hans & Phil, 7:45 p.m., Bake’s Place
Breakfast at Bake’s with Michael Gotz, 10 a.m., Bake’s Place All Emergency & Military Vehicle Show, 8 a.m., XXX Rootbeer Drive-in
Fans can meet young adult author Dori Jones Yang, the author of a novel for young adults about the Mongol Empire, is scheduled to sign books for fans April 2 in Issaquah. Yang’s debut novel — “Daughter of Xanadu” — introduces readers to 16-yearold Princess Emmajin, the granddaughter of Kublai Khan. The princess is determined to serve as a warrior in the Mongol army — something no woman has done before. Fans can meet the author at 1 p.m. at Costco, 1801 10th Ave. N.W. Yang, a former China correspondent for Business Magazine, teamed up with Starbucks chief Howard Schultz to write the bestselling “Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time” in the late 1990s.
Starbucks CEO to sign books at Costco Starbucks chief Howard Schultz is due at Costco early next month to sign copies of a book about navigating the coffee titan
TO SUBMIT AN ARTS CALENDAR ITEM: Call 392-6434, ext. 237, or Submit A&E story ideas to
Issaquah sports shrink talks a good game By Laura Geggel Issaquah Press reporter Mike Margolies always tells his audience that he was a very good, unsuccessful athlete. “I had the physical tools, but I didn’t understand the mental side of the game,” he said. “I didn’t understand that my thoughts contributed to how I performed on the field. I didn’t understand there were things I could do to help me focus better.” No matter at what level an athlete is playing — from Little League baseball to the Olympics — the field of sports psychology can help players channel the pressure of their sport into a positive force. “I’ve worked with athletes who have won world championships, gone on to play professional sports,” Margolies said. “The difference between them and someone who has an equal level of tools is how they deal with adversity, how they deal with the stress of the game, how they plan and prepare for the game.” ‘More focused, ready to play’ Haliey Richmond, a sophomore at Ballard High School, plays for a soccer team coached by Margolies. She recently began taking sports psychology sessions with him, and its effects are already helping her game, she said. The two review how she felt and acted during previous games. Then, they’ll visualize the next game and give Richmond scenarios for what might happen on the turf. “I feel a lot more focused and ready to play when the games come,” she said. Using his sports psychology background, Margolies, of Issaquah, primarily works with high school athletes, but he has a wider audience — one he can’t even see and who listens to his every word on Toginet radio. Margolies started broadcasting his radio show, “The Athlete Within You,” Feb. 7. Every Monday, he talks to athletes from a range of sports, including baseball, soccer, track and roller-skating derbies. Instead of asking athletes to wax on about their careers, Margolies focuses on the steps they took to achieve success. Bobby Howe, a soccer coach who has helped coach teams, such as the Portland Timbers and the Seattle Sounders, volunteered as Margolies’ first guest on the show. “I thought it was terrific,” Howe said. “For me, he looked at my background, he looked at my views on player development, especially the younger players, and also looked at my view on coach education.” Howe called Margolies’ interview style thoughtful and well rounded. “I like the way he tries to look at your past to determine what makes you tick,”
through a successful turnaround. Shultz, Starbucks’ president and CEO, is scheduled to appear at the Issaquah warehouse at 1 p.m. April 8. The book is “Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life Without Losing Its Soul” — a frank account of how the Seattle-based company reached out to customers and battened down to weather the recession. Schultz joined Starbucks as director of marketing in 1982. In 2000, Schultz stepped down from daily oversight of the company, but returned as CEO eight years later as the company foundered. The experience is the basis for Schultz’s account. Publishers Weekly praised “Onward” as “a must-read for anyone interested in leadership, management or the quest to connect a brand with the consumer.”
‘Million Dollar Quartet’ tours to Seattle “Million Dollar Quartet” — the Tony Award-winning musical about a famous jam session — reaches Seattle next spring after originating at Village Theatre in Is-
Issaquah radio show host Mike Margolies gets ready for his program, ‘The Athlete Within You’ from his home office on Squak Mountain.
ON THE WEB Listen to Mike Margolies’ radio show ‘The Athlete Within You’ from 6-7 p.m. every Monday at
“I had the physical tools, but I didn’t understand the mental side of the game.” — Mike Margolies Sports radio psychologist
he said. A history of sports Margolies relationship with sports is one that has lasted his whole life. He started playing baseball at age 5. Between then and college, he played basketball and football, and made his football debut as a freshman at California State University in Los Angeles. He had played football casually with friends, but not for his school team. Even so, he went to tryouts and played as the No. 2 wide receiver. He could play physically, but didn’t have the mental tools or confidence to take it to the next level, he said, adding his coach spent more time yelling instead of giving advice for how to succeed. He transferred to Humboldt State University his sophomore year. When he approached the football coach about playing, the coach asked if he had played in high school. Margolies said no, and tried to say he had played for a Division I university, but the coach cut him off. “He never let me get the next words out,” Margolies said. Now, he suspects his appearance — it was the 1970s and Margolies had long hair and a beard — might have turned off the coach. “Instead of saying, ‘This is what I really want to do — I’ll cut my hair, my beard — and that I really want to play,’ I said a few words and left,” he said. The rejection was a mixed blessing. Margolies took up soccer and played un-
saquah and achieving success on Broadway. The national tour of the musical is scheduled for a run at the Paramount Theatre from May 15-20, 2012. Find ticket information at the Seattle Theatre Group website, “Million Dollar Quartet” tells the true story of a chance meeting in December 1956 of Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis. The legendary entertainers jammed together at the Sun Records studio in Memphis. The rockabilly musical debuted at Village Theatre in September 2007 and then on Broadway in April 2010. Actor Levi Kreis originated the Lewis role in Issaquah and continues to perform in the Broadway production. “Million Dollar Quartet” garnered multiple Tony nods and a statuette for Kreis.
‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ tickets on sale Village Theatre is preparing a rock opera of biblical proportions to conclude the ongoing season: “Jesus Christ Super-
til he graduated. Sports were his passion, so he went to the University of Denver to earn his master’s degree in sports science. In Denver, he worked with his professors, coaching worldclass athletes for the Tour de France, The National Football League and the Olympics. CONTRIBUTED
From good to elite As a sport psychologist and founder of Sports Psychology Consultants, he teaches athletes how to play their best. Visualization is a main component, he said. One athlete he worked with was training for the discus event in the 1980 Olympics — an event the U.S. ended up boycotting because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The athlete could throw the discus 140 feet when Margolies met him. He improved a few feet, but then one day he called Margolies to say he had thrown it 177 feet. “That morning when he went through his imagery rehearsal, he noticed his hand was at the wrong angle,” Margolies said. “That afternoon when he went to practice, he made the adjustment. “That really put him into that elite world class,” he said. Margolies fills the airwaves with stories like that one, showing how athletes can improve their craft through sports psychology. “I didn’t get the chance because I gave up on myself,” he said. “So if I can
star.” The downtown Issaquah theater presents the blockbuster show about the last weeks of Jesus’ life from May 11 to July 3. Purchase tickets at the theater website, Or call the box office at 392-2202. Tickets can also be purchased at the box office, 303 Front St. N., from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday. Tickets range from $20 to $60. Students and military members can pick up halfprice tickets 30 minutes prior to curtain for any available seat. The theater also offers group discounts for parties of 10 people or more. Issaquah native Brian Yorkey — a Tony Award- and Pulitzer Prize-winner for the musical “Next to Normal” — is set to direct “Jesus Christ Superstar.” The show opened on Broadway in October 1971 to controversy, because some religious groups considered some elements as blasphemous. The original run ended in June 1973 after 711 performances.
Issaquah sports psychologist Mike Margolies works with three girls on a challenge course for a team-bonding exercise. By working together, the athletes learn how to cooperate and depend on one another. help kids in any sport get closer to what their real potential is by them using their mind, then I think I’ve done something.” Laura Geggel: 392-6434, ext. 241, or Comment at
In honor of Village Theatre’s new musical comedy “Iron Curtain,” Village Theatre presents a scavenger hunt. Village Theatre is posting a photo of a potato in seven iconic Issaquah locations for the seven Tuesdays on its Facebook page. Figure out where that location is, take your own photo with a potato of your choice (receive extra points for style) and post it to Clues to the potato’s location will be posted every Wednesday through Friday. Those who post their photo in the correct location first will win a pair of free tickets to see “Iron Curtain.” Everyone who posts will be entered to win a pair of season tickets. Get more info at
Amazing grandkids! Order photo reprints of your grandchildren when they are in the news! Click on banner ad at the bottom of the home page.
The Issaquah Press
Leadership Eastside is committed to change
Baskets and Buddies fundraiser is ‘hysterical’
By Laura Geggel Issaquah Press reporter Baskets filled with goodies — coffee and tea, flowers and gardening tools, and Italian food — will be for sale at the Issaquah Women’s Club third annual Baskets and Buddies live auction April 14. Every year, the club hosts IF YOU GO two big fundraisers: Baskets Harmony and and High Tea in the Buddies fall and Bas 9-10:30 kets and Buda.m. April 14 dies in the spring. The Tibbetts Creek Manor club has already put its 750 17th funds to use, Ave. N.W. donating Admission $17,000 to stuis free. dent scholarships and 13 local schools and organizations, including the YWCA Issaquah Family Village and Issaquah High School, at its March 3 meeting. “I just think it’s a great venue to be able to give to the local charities that you may or may not have known about,” club member evé Martinez-Petrut said. Baskets and Buddies starts every year with the creativity of the ladies in the Issaquah Women’s Club. Members fill baskets with themed treats, such as spa products, chocolate truffles or handmade quilts. Some women combine forces and create baskets together. Issaquah City Councilman Fred Butler will act as auctioneer, much to the delight of club members. “He makes the event absolutely hysterical,” club community outreach chairwoman Mary Mallett said. “I think lots of the ladies come just because of Fred.” The event starts with 30 minutes of socializing, giving guests time to chat and peruse the 75 baskets before the auction begins. Participants can snack on finger food for breakfast, or for energy, to compete for the best basket at the auction. “The whole auction lasts about an hour, with people just screaming out their numbers See BASKETS, Page B3
Wanted: gardeners and home improvers Spring is in the air, and the longer days cause many people to consider gardening and home-improvement projects. For upcoming coverage in the Home & Garden section, The Issaquah Press seeks Issaquah School District residents for pieces about the following topics: Does your home need a seismic retrofit to prepare for earthquakes? Have you undertaken any seismic upgrades in recent years? Does your yard feature any unusual plants — palm trees and other exotic species, for instance? Is a better mattress — and a better night’s sleep — in your future? Have you gone on the hunt for the perfect mattress and come back with tips and stories to share? Do you have experience in adding ponds or other water features in turning backyards into oases? The arrival of spring means the return of migratory birds to the area. What species land in your yard, and how do you foster a good environment for backyard bird watching? Do moles thwart your attempts to create a perfect lawn year after year? Do you have tips and stories to share about the battle of man versus mole? Email your contact information to by April 6. Or contact us on Twitter @issaquahpress, or Facebook.
By Melanie Coleman
Chris Wilson (right), an Issaquah Police sergeant, serves lunch at Red Robin during the Special Olympics Tip-A-Cop fundraiser March 26. Members of the Gaines family are (from left) Bob, daughter Kara, 18, a Special Olympics basketball athlete, and mother Kathy, all of Newcastle.
Officers collect more than $7,000 in tips for Special Olympics By Warren Kagarise Issaquah Press reporter Issaquah police officers protect and serve — and on March 26, men and women in blue served meals, too. For the annual Tip-a-Cop fundraiser, officers dished up burgers, fries and more to diners at Red Robin. Tips collected by officers benefited Special Olympics Washington. Issaquah and Snoqualmie officers served meals for nine hours during the Saturday lunch and dinner rushes — and collected $7,741 in tips for the nonprofit organization. “It’s just a positive feeling to
know that you’re having fun and getting money to help out people that might not be able to participate in these sports events otherwise,” Issaquah Communications Specialist Jacqueline Kerness said. Motorcycle officers and other motorcyclists kicked off the fundraiser at a motorcycle ride from the Issaquah Microsoft campus to the restaurant. Special Olympics Washington set a statewide goal of $150,000 for the fundraiser. For people unable to attend Tip-a-Cop, Red Robin also accepted donations to the Special Olympics at the restaurant for days leading up to the fundraiser.
The nonprofit organization uses the dollars to provide year-round sports training and competition to build self-confidence and social skills, improve physical and motor skills in disabled children and adults. Issaquah officers collected more than $6,000 during the Tip-a-Cop fundraiser last year. Overall, officers and department personnel from numerous agencies set aside badges and handcuffs for aprons and menus at 34 Red Robin restaurants in the Puget Sound region and Eastern Washington. Officers and command staff members serve as “celebrity” servers alongside the Red Robin staff.
ON THE WEB Learn more about Special Olympics Washington programs, and donate to the nonprofit organization, at
“The officers did a great job of explaining why they were there and what it benefits and where the money is going,” Kerness said. “They were really good at disseminating information.” Warren Kagarise: 392-6434, ext. 234, or Comment at
Edgar Martinez now swings a hammer Local resident is passionate about giving back By Josh Liebeskind To say Frank Perry is a busy man is quite an understatement. Between volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity, The Martinez Foundation, The Moyer Foundation, The College Success Foundation, Washington State Mentoring and Zion Preparatory Academy, Perry is always busy with something. And to top it all off, Perry serves on the boards of a couple of those organizations. Did I mention he also he does human resource consulting on the side? “The days and the weeks just fly by with activities,” Perry recently said with a laugh. Yes, Perry — a former senior vice president of human resources at Lanoga/ProBuild — is a busy person, but that didn’t stop him from taking five days off to help build a house for a low-income family in Puerto Rico. The East King County affiliate of Habitat for Humanity organized the trip, which took place Feb. 14-18. The trip was special not only for the work that the group was able to accomplish, but also for one of the members who joined them: Seattle Mariners legend and Puerto Rico native Edgar Martinez. Perry, who lives on the plateau, said being able to swing a hammer next to Martinez was a memory that won’t be easily forgotten. And the respect is mutual. The former designated hitter said he thinks very highly of Perry, whom he
Frank Perry (left) and Edgar Martinez pause in the middle of work to wave while building a home in February with other East King County Habitat for Humanity volunteers in Puerto Rico. Martinez’s assessment of Perry isn’t isolated. David Thompson, a vice president at Microsoft and trip member, also provided a glowing description of Perry. “Frank is a wonderful person,” Thompson said. “He’s got incredible people skills … great motivational and supportive guy. He’s a great person to talk to for advice.” So, Perry’s a generous man and willing to put forth the effort — but why trade a week of a busy schedule for hard labor? Well , the answer’s really quite simple. Perry appreciates the work all nonprofits do, but an organization like Habitat gives him the opportunity to see the impact his donations are making. “You can actually see where CONTRIBUTED your money — or your sweat eqThe team of Habitat for Humanity volunteers continue carpentry work on a uity — goes. You’re building a low-income family’s new home in Puerto Rico after pouring the cement walls. home,” Perry said. “Sometimes when you give money, it kind of works with through his own founinterview. “And with our foundagoes into a black hole and you dation, The Martinez Foundation. tion, he put a lot of time and work “He gives a lot of time to organi- and is very generous with his See EDGAR, Page B3 zations,” Martinez said in a phone time. He’s just a great guy.”
Leadership Eastside’s mission is to create fundamental changes — within the community and within the individuals who participate in the organization. “One of our alumni recently said that the real project is you,” said James Whitfield, president of Leadership Eastside. The nonprofit, officially launched March 16, 2005, “partners with the community’s greatest assets, its leaders, to meet the community’s greatest needs,” Whitfield said. Indeed, the combination of ON THE WEB community inLearn more volvement and personal enrich- about ment has seen Leadership much success Eastside, and during its past find application six years, largely information, at due to what www.leaderWhitfield refers shipeastside. to as LE’s primary product, a com. three-year leadership-development program, which accepts 40 to 45 applicants per year. Issaquah Highlands resident Stuart Linscott, who was drawn to the program in 2006, said he believed the training would give him a “toolkit of skills” which could then be applied to many aspects in life, including furthering his community leadership, as well as personal and business relations. Additionally, the people you encounter in the process, who share your values and goals of moving the community in a positive direction, often become lifelong friends, Linscott said. “I think the neatest thing about the organization is that the people are all passionate about community involvement, and that really struck a chord with me,” he added. The program attracts a broad mix of participants from various walks of life, including those from nonprofits, municipalities and businesses. “You’re bringing all these people together and able to understand more about what they’re up to and their different roles, and also you’re picking their brain to hopefully become a better person and a better leader,” Linscott said. Whitfield said he believes that the development program is probably the best in the country because “it’s focused on a thing called adaptive leadership.” Adaptive leadership, as explained by Whitfield, is a type of leadership that isn’t only focused on one thing like servant leadership. It’s about learning how to be the kind of leaders who can adapt to different issues that exist in the community, addressing not just the surface problems but also the roots, he said. Such leadership doesn’t ask the leader to know all of the answers all of the time, but to be able to bring the right people together in such a way to come to a new and better answer than there has been. Throughout the program, members are led with that approach in mind, which helps them not only solve a community’s technical problems, but ultimately get to the root of deep-seated issues, promoting lasting change. During the second year in LE, after members are trained in the adaptive leadership approach and are exposed to the most critical challenges that the Eastside region faces, often from the perspective of guest speakers, participants form teams to work on projects that they feel need to be dealt with. Linscott and his group chose to partner with LuAnn Johnson, a disaster expert from the state Emergency Management Division. “We ended up presenting our initiative that we were going to team up with LuAnn and help roll out Map Your Neighborhood throughout all the Eastside communities,” Linscott said. The process involves defining See LEADERSHIP, Page B3
B2 • Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Issaquah Press
Items for the Community Calendar section need to be submitted by noon the Friday before publication to
“Art for the Soul” — 9:30 a.m.
to noon, April 15, $35
“Sumi Happy Hour” — 6:30-
8:30 p.m. April 15, $35
“Elements of Design” — 7-8:30
p.m. April 19, $25
“Open Studio for Glass Fusing”
Barn sale The Pickering Barn Craft and Garden Show, featuring thousands of handcrafted items made by over 75 vendors, is from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. March 31 to April 1 and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 2 at 1730 10th Ave. N.W. Admission is free. Go to
Events ArtEAST hosts an Education Open House from 5-9 p.m. April 1 at UpFront Gallery, 95 Front St. N. Meet instructors, see demonstrations, mingle, view art and eat snacks. Call 391-3191 or go to If your computer’s list of maladies seems to outnumber yours this cold and flu season, let the experts in the Issaquah Kiwanis’ Young Professionals Club identify and help fix the problem at a PC Clinic from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 2, at Gibson Hall, 105 Newport Way S.W. Issaquah History Museums Winter History Program: The Alpine Dairymen, presented by museum director Erica Maniez, is at 11 a.m. April 9, at the Issaquah Train Depot. Learn the history of Issaquah’s scrappy football champs. All Issaquah History Museum history programs are open to the public, and free of charge. Refreshments will be served. Call 392-3500 or email Eastside Mothers & More presents “6 Lessons We Learn from our Kids” by Leta Hamilton, from 7-9 p.m. April 12, in the Spring Room at Eastshore Unitarian Church, 12700 S.E. 32nd St., Bellevue. This is a moms-only event and is open to the public. Go to ArtEAST presents Art of the Garden Event & Marketplace from noon to 8 p.m. April 16 at UpFront Gallery, 95 Front St. N. More than 20 artists will share their special garden-themed work. Call 391-3191. Mother/Daughter Book Club, girls in fourth through sixth grades and their moms, discusses “Becoming Naomi Leon,” by Pam Munoz Ryan, from 3-4 p.m. April 23 at the Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. S.E. Email Seattle Revival Center hosts an Easter egg hunt from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 23 at 12636 S.E. 89th Place, Newcastle. There will be 2,500 eggs, 50 golden eggs, games and crafts, inflatables, free hotdogs, chips and punch. Go to
Volunteer call Issaquah Valley Senior Center needs volunteers to help with washing dishes and general clean up Tuesdays and Fridays after lunch. Call 392-2181. Issaquah History Museums: Be a docent greeting the public at the restored Train Depot or at the old Town Hall and adjacent jail. Or help with mailings and scanning photos. Email or call 392-3500.
ARAS African Bike Drive needs used adult and children’s bikes to send to Ghana on May 7. All bikes and parts are accepted except for those severely rusted. Bike drop off is from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 7 at Sammamish City Hall 801 228th Ave. S.E. To arrange drop off before May 7, or volunteer for the bike drive, call 868-8448 or 836-4431. Donations are tax-deductible.
Fundraisers During the month of April, Issaquah Curves gym, 40 Front St. S., will participate in the 13th annual Curves Food Drive to collect nonperishable food and cash donations to benefit area food banks. From April 4-17, Curves will waive the membership fee for new members who donate a bag of nonperishable food or make a minimum donation of $30. Call 392-2330. The fifth annual AtWork! Fundraising Breakfast, with emcee John Curley, is from 7-9 a.m. April 13 at The Westin Bellevue, 600 Bellevue Way N.E., Bellevue. RSVP by April 1 by calling 274-4030. The suggested minimum donation is $150. Donations are sought for St. Vincent de Paul to help the community’s needy. Anyone anticipating a downsizing or move, or who has leftover garage sale items, are encouraged to call the St. Vincent de Paul pick up service at 206-767-9975, ext. 1.
Classes ArtEAST offers the following workshops at 95 Front St. N. Go to “Viking Knit Bracelet” — 5:309:30 p.m. March 30, $80 “Dichroic Fused Glass Jewelry” — 6:30-9:30 p.m. March 31, $80 “Introduction to Mixed Media” — 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 2, $85 “Figure Open Studio” — Mondays 10 a.m. to noon April 4 to May 23, $95 “Expressive Figure Drawing” — Tuesdays 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. April 5 to May 24, $85 “Dry Pastels: A Bit Beyond Basics” — 6:30-9:30 p.m. April 6 and 7, $85 “Lino Block Printing” — 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 6 and 13, $125 “Palette Knife Painting” — 6-9 p.m. April 8 and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 9, $145 “Introduction to Peyote Stitch” — 1-4 p.m. April 10, $70 “Word Play: Say What You Want to Say” — 1-4 p.m. April 10, $40 “Nature Journals” — 6-9 p.m. April 11 and 18, $95 “Art Critique Group” — 6-9 p.m., April 12, $75 “Let’s Paint!” — 6:30-9:30 p.m. April 13, $65
— 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 1-4 p.m. and 4-7 p.m. April 20, $35 “Introduction to Oil Pastels” — 6:30-9:30 p.m. April 20 and 21, $85 “Byzantine Chain Bracelet” — 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., April 21, $100 “Paint Dancing” — 9:30 p.m. April 23, $30 “Learn the Art of Silhouette/Paper Cutting” — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 23, $95 “Introduction to Glass Fusing” — 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 27, $35 “Basic Digital Photography” — 10 a.m. to noon, April 28, $38 “The Patinerly Print: Introduction to Monotype” — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 30 and May 1, $140 Issaquah Parks and Recreation offers the following classes at the community center, unless otherwise noted. Learn more or register by calling 8373300. ARC Lifeguarding, for ages 15 and up, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 48, Julius Boehm Pool, $140 ARC Fundamentals of Instructor Training, for ages 15 and up, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 4, Julius Boehm Pool, $45 ARC Water Safety Instructor, for ages 16 and up, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 4-8, Julius Boehm Pool, $150 “Teen Art: Mosaic,” for ages 11-18, 2:30-3:30 p.m. or 3:454:45 p.m. April 13, free “Introduction to Navigation Clinic,” 6-8 p.m. April 4, $20 “AAA Driver Improvement Program,” presented by American Driving Services, is from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 2 at Timber Ridge at Talus, 100 Timber Ridge Way N.W., $160. Register by calling 206-243-3564. “Show, Don’t Tell: A Writing Workshop for Teens” is from 2-4 p.m. April 16 at the Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. S.E. Register online at
Library The following events take place at the Issaquah Library, 10 W. Sunset Way. Call 3925430. ArtEAST and the King County Library System offer the following classes as part of “The Art of the Written Word,” for ages 14 and up, at the Issaquah Library. Register by calling 391-3980: “The Illuminated Writer” — 68 p.m. April 9 “The Inspired Writer” — 6:308:30 p.m. April 14 “Great Duets II – Love Duets,” a discussion about operas, for adults, 7 p.m. March 30 Puppets Please Marionettes, 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. April 5 Manga Club, for teens, 3 p.m. April 11 Teen Book Group, 3:30 p.m. April 21 Game On! 3 p.m. April 28 “Culinary Herb Gardening,” for adults, 2 p.m. April 2 “New Job Search in the New Economy,” for adults, 7 p.m. April 12 “What is That? Unusual and Offbeat People, Places Things and Events in Washington,” for adults, 7 p.m. April 19 “Google Apps: Learn How to Take Advantage for Your Organization,” for adults, 7 p.m. April 20 “Effective Networking for Employment,” for adults, 7 p.m. April 26 Issaquah Library Book Discussion Group: “Half Broke Horses,” by Jeannette Walls,
Borth, Wood Danielle Borth, of Issaquah, and Robert Wood, of Phoenix. Ariz., were married Sept. 11, 2010, at Pioneer Square, in Seattle. Josh Powell officiated. A reception followed at Court in the Square, Seattle. The couple honeymooned at Kona, Hawaii. The bride, the daughter of Scott and Barbara Borth, of Issaquah, was attended by co-maid of honors Jacklyn Borth and Marit Borth and bridesmaids Amy Crecelius, Brooke Westlund, Lindsay Johnson and Kelly Wood. A 2003 graduate of Issaquah High School, Danielle earned a Bachelor of Science degree in public relations in 2008 from Arizona University, in Flagstaff, Ariz. She works at Nordstrom in downtown Seattle. The groom, the son of Tricia Wood, of Phoenix, was attended by best man Billy Carroll and groomsmen Danny Milligan, Dan Mason, Chaz Moody and Preston Borth. A 2003 graduate of Arcadia High School, Robert earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in business management in 2007 from Northern Arizona University. He works at Wells Fargo in Seattle.
C OLLEGE NEWS Local students graduate from the University of Idaho The following students from Issaquah recently graduated from the fall 2010 commencement ceremony at the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho: Benjamin Lavigne, Bachelor of Science in accounting and doctorate in education; David Xiong, Bachelor of Science in business; Christopher Pelchat, Bachelor of Science in marketing.
Local students make Gonzaga president’s list Kuylie R. Clark, Michael D. Johnson and Monica M. Zender, all from Sammamish, have earned placement on the president’s list for fall 2010 semester at Gonzaga University, in Spokane. To qualify, a student must earn a 3.7 to 4 grade point average for the semester.
6:30 p.m. April 27
Youth Friends of Issaquah Salmon Hatchery present the following one-week camps: Salmon Science Camps, for ages 6-9, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 11-15, 18-22 and 25-29 and Aug. 1-5; $175 for FISH members, $205 for nonmembers. Salmon Science Camp, with Baxter Barn, for ages 9-11, is 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 27 to July 1, $205 for FISH members and $225 for nonmembers. Little Fry Camp, for ages 3-5, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $145 for FISH members, $175 for nonmembers, Go to mmer-camps.html for dates. Super Salmon Sleuths, for ages 3-6, 9:30-11:30 a.m. April 11, May
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Mao Mao, a 1-year-old purebred Pomeranian, has pep in her step! If you or your dog is looking for a playmate, Mao Mao would love to fill the role of best friend and lively companion.
Danielle Borth and Robert Wood
Meet Sam, an irresistibly charming 8-year-old longhaired kitty. He loves hanging high in the sky on his kitty perch and will surely lure you in for a belly rub when he rolls over on to his back.
These pets may already have been adopted by the time you see these photos. If you’re interested in adopting these or other animals, contact the Humane Society for Seattle/King County at 6410080, go to or e-mail All adopted animals go home spayed/neutered, microchipped and vaccinated, with 30 days of free pet health insurance and a certificate for an examination by a King County veterinarian. The Seattle Humane Society is now open from noon - 6 p.m. seven days a week.
Ashlyn Raine Cerar Jonathan and Jeanine Cerar, of Birch Bay, welcomed daughter Ashlyn Rain, Feb. 13, 2011. She was born in Bellingham, weighing 7 pounds and 9 ounces and measuring 20 3/4 inches. Ashlyn joins sister Aryanna Jean Cerar, 2. Grandparents are Charles and Jean Cerar, of Issaquah, and David and Mary Bryant, of Spanaway. Great-grandmother is Dorothy Bryant, of Olalla. Jonathan is a 1996 graduate of Issaquah High School.
Ashlyn Cerar
W HO ’ S N EWS Friends of Youth receives $20,000 grant Friends of Youth recently received a $20,000 grant from The Seattle Foundation to provide general operating support. Friends of Youth, which has an Issaquah branch and is celebrating its 60th year, provides a broad, comprehensive spectrum of shelter, housing, counseling and prevention services for young people and their families in King and Snohomish counties.
Bellevue College student wins award for interior design Bellevue College student Anne Aristya, of Issaquah, won an award for excellence in Interior Design from the Seattle Design Center as part of its 12th annual Northwest Design Awards Competition, which celebrates the best of regional interior design.
9 and June 13. Lounge and Listen, for teens, is at 4 p.m. April 6 at the Sammamish Library, 825 228th Ave. S.E. Teens are invited to relax and listen to a librarian read tempting book bits while lounging and munching on snacks amid flickering lanterns. There will also be a drawing for copies of the books previewed.
Sports Gliders Track & Field open house, grades kindergarten through 12, 3:30-5:30 p.m. April 20, community center, or 392-8230 Quick Handle Fundamentally Sound Spring Break Basketball Clinic, for grades one through five is from 2:30-4 p.m. April 5-7 and for grades six through eight is from 4-5:30 p.m. April 5-7, $75. Register by calling 369-2221 or email Coed Volleyball League, ages 18 and up, 6-10 p.m. Wednesdays April to June 15, $235 per team. Men’s 35+ 4-on-4 Basketball League, ages 35 and up, 6-10 p.m. Thursdays April 14 to June 9, $225 per team Men’s Open 4-on-4 Basketball League, ages 18 and up, 610 p.m. Thursdays, April 14 to June 9, $225 per team
Seniors Issaquah Valley Senior Center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday at 75 N.E. Creek Way. The following activities are open to people 55 and older. Call 392-2381. Volunteer appreciation luncheon is from noon to 2 p.m. April 11. Sign up at the front desk if you plan to attend. Beginning computer workshop, 12:30-2:30 p.m. April 14, free, sign up at the front desk
Aristya took first place for her work in INDES 265 Design Illustration under the guidance of instructor Sandra Wilson. Designers, architects and students competed with projects in 10 competition categories. A panel of local subject experts evaluated submissions through an anonymous process, measuring each project on the basis of proportion, composition, use of space, materials and appropriateness of the design solution. This year’s categories were: bathroom, bedroom, commercial, hospitality, kitchen, outdoor living, student design, whole house (less than $400,000), whole house (more than $400,000) and yacht/jet. More than 250 members of the design community attended the awards presentation at the Northwest Design Awards Gala.
AARP Driver Safety course, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 6 and 13, $14/$12 for AARP members The following day trips are offered through the month of April: Ladies Lunch at The British Pantry in Redmond — 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 4, $8 for members/$10 for nonmembers Tacoma Art Museum — noon to 5 p.m. April 6, $30/$32 Skagit Valley tulips — 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 13, $15/$17 Olympia Capital Tour — 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 14, $11/$13 Lunch at Armondo’s Restaurant in Renton — 12:30-3:30 p.m. April 18, $5/$7 Far Reaches Farm in Port Townsend — 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. April 20, $19/$21 NW Trek — 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. April 25, $29/$31 Clearwater Casino — 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. April 27, $12/$14 Free art classes — 1-3 p.m. Fridays Weekly yoga classes — 1:302:30 p.m. Thursdays, $5 Activity Night — 6-9 p.m. Wednesdays Board Games — 2 p.m. Wednesdays Books & More — 10:30-11:30 a.m. second and fourth Wednesdays Broadway Show Tunes Sing Along — 2 p.m. Thursdays Bridge: Party Bridge — 10:55 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays Duplicate Bridge — 1 p.m. third Tuesday Cards — 8:30 a.m. Thursdays Food bank deliveries — 1-2:30 p.m. Thursdays Happy Hookers — 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursdays Joyful Laughter Class — 10:3011:30 a.m. Mondays, $20 for four weeks Let’s Talk About It conversation — 11 a.m. Tuesdays
The Issaquah Press
Jo Garner
Jo Garner, a longtime Issaquah resident, died March 14, 2011, in Cashmere. She was 85. A gathering will be held in her honor at Jo Garner the Issaquah Senior Center at 11 a.m. April 16. Her ashes will be buried at Hillside Cemetery, Issaquah, with her family. She was born to Italian immigrant parents, Nick and Teresina DeGrosse, on July 24, 1915, in Pilchuck. Jo was 14 when her mother passed away, and that is when she went to live with a schoolteacher friend in Darrington so she could finish high school. She graduated from Darrington High School in 1933 and attended the 68th reunion in 2001. Upon coming to Issaquah in 1934, she met Ai Garner at a dance and in 1940 they were married. They lived on Bush Street for many years and that was perfect for her to walk to work at Issaquah Junior High School, where she worked for 25 years. She loved working with the faculty and
made friends easily with the students. She was instrumental in the beginning of the Issaquah Senior Center. She typed the monthly newsletter. She was very good at anything clerical. Whenever the center had a fundraiser, she was there to help. She was part of a guild for Seattle Children’s. After moving to their new house on Rainier Boulevard and retiring, she liked working in the yard. Every summer, she had to get her hanging fuchsia baskets up across the front of the house. She lived in the house on Rainier until fall 2002, when she went to live with Judy in East Wenatchee to be near her grandkids. Within a few years, because of declining health, she lived in several care facilities. She was preceded in death by Ai in 1983. She is survived by Karen (David) Danbom, of Seattle; Judy (Bob) Shriver, of East Wenatchee; a grandson; and two great-granddaughters in East Wenatchee. Remembrances may be made to Seattle Children’s or the charity of your choice. Friends are invited to share memories and sign the family’s online guest book at
Willis Dabney Holland Willis (Will) Dabney Holland died peacefully after a short hospital stay March 19. He was 89. A celebration of his life will be in April at TimWillis Holland ber Ridge at Talus, Issaquah, where he enjoyed the last three years of his life. Burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery beside his wife, Beverly Joy. He was born Sept. 4, 1921, in Richmond, Va., to LouEllen Sanders and William Russell Holland. He graduated from the University of Richmond in 1942. He served in the U.S. Navy Aviation
as a meteorologist, attending the U.S. Naval Academy Post Graduate School and achieving the rank of senior lieutenant. He taught mathematics at the University of Maryland, 1947-50. He entered the U.S. Army Medical Service as a physicist in nuclear medicine at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He retired in Stuart, Fla., as a colonel in 1976. He is survived by his son Willis D. Holland, Jr. and wife Barbara (Sykesville, Md.); his daughter Dabney Holland Roush and husband Jeff (Sammamish); five grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; sister Mary Lou Holland Taylor (Richmond, Va.); and his lovely “lady friend” Victoria Hughes. Arrangements are by Flintoft’s Funeral Home and Crematory. Friends are invited to share memories and sign the family’s online guest book at
Betty Jo Kenney Betty Jo Kenney, a Provident Point resident for nearly 20 years, died March 22, 2011. She was 82. She was born to Oscar and Laura Betty Jo Kenny Mooney in Bunker, Mo., on May 23, 1928, and grew up in Fredericktown, Mo. She married Reverend Lester Kenney, of Auburn, in 1950. After pastoring for seven years, they served as Assemblies of God missionaries to Southeast Asia for 42 years, living in the Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore. Jo served as a pastor’s wife, bible college educator, speaker and counselor. She spoke about family issues at international conferences in Seoul, Korea; Taipei, Taiwan; Moscow, Russia; and Manila, Philippines. She was also an editor and writer with three books and more than 100 articles, short stories and poems published. She received her diploma from Central Bible College in Springfield, Mo.; a Bachelor of Arts from Northwest
University in Kirkland; and a Master of Arts in social science from Azusa Pacific University, California (all summa cum laude). She was a member of the Pacific Northwest Writers Association and an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. After retirement, she lived in Issaquah and was a member of The Neighborhood Church in Bellevue for about 20 years. Jo is survived by her son David (wife Gigi), of Jakarta, Indonesia; daughter Joy (husband Don) Fitzwater, of Bellevue; and two granddaughters. Her sisters Alberta Holt, of Dallas, and Mildred Hedicke, of St. Charles, Mo., also survive her. She was preceded in death by her husband Lester in 1994; three brothers, Rod, Elbert and Albert Mooney; and sister Vera Mosier. In her own words, she wrote “I wanted to be a teacher from early childhood and had the joy of teaching more than 50 years. I wanted to serve God as a missionary from age 16, and was an active missionary in Southeast Asia for 42 years, never once regretting my choice, but delighting in service to God and to people of all ages. God, my husband and my children were the delight of my life. My granddaughters always brought me blessing, never sorrow.”
Michael Juhl Martinson
Michael Juhl (Mister Mike) Martinson died peacefully in his sleep March 12, 2011. He had been an Issaquah resident since 2003. He was Michael Martinson 59. Family and friends celebrated Mike’s life at a private memorial service. Mike was born July 12, 1951, in Fort Ransom, N.D., and moved to Seattle in 1960 with his mother Eugenia Collette Martinson and his sister Susan. He had a long and far-ranging
career as an electrician, and hydraulics engineer and designer in the marine industry. He retired in 2009, but continued to work part time, as the “go-to” electrical guy in the Ballard shipyards. Mike loved dogs, boating, gardening and tinkering with his tools and toys, and was a fanatic of both the Mariners and NASCAR. Above all, Mike loved family. He was devoted to his son Myles Juhl, a mortgage broker in Ballard, and his daughter Macy Ann, a physician in Salt Lake City, Utah. In addition to his children, Mike is survived by his sister Susan Orht, of Normandy Park; his partner Susie Kinsella; his “other sister” Judith Tetzlaff, of Issaquah; and numerous cousins, nieces and nephews.
Mary Elizabeth Neel Mary Elizabeth Neel, of Issaquah, died at home March 24, 2011. She was 69. A graveside service will be at 11:15 a.m. April 1 at Tahoma NaMary Neel tional Cemetery. A celebration of her life will be April 9, 2011 at Calvary Baptist Church, Renton; service time is pending. Mrs. Neel was born to Louis and Ada Ann Fisher on May 27, 1931, in Brown County, Neb. She grew up in Berwyn, Neb., attending a one-room school in Berwyn from elementary school through high school. She then attended Kearney State Teachers’ College in Kearney, Neb., and earned her teaching certificate. She then moved to Pueblo, Colo., where she taught in the public schools. She and her husband Clyde Neel drove home from Pueblo to her parent’s house in Broken Bow, Neb., and were married April 16, 1954. For the next 13 years, they lived in several places — Longview; Lexington, Ore.; Walla
Walla; and Preston, before finally settling in their home in Issaquah in 1967. Mrs. Neel always had a passion for teaching young children. Public school, church quizzing, or as she was out and about, you could see her love of children in her eyes. Almost as avid a passion was her garden. She looked forward to her garden every year, and was planning another for this spring. She loved to can her produce, and share her garden’s produce with everyone. Her other passions were her books and pets. If you found her without her book, she was looking for it. If you were to catch her at mealtime, she was saving some of her food for the pets in the home where she was. Her husband remembers her as a wonderful wife and mother with a very forgiving spirit and a kind word about all she met. She is survived by her husband Clyde; daughters Robin Loen (Jeffrey), of Kenmore, and Sue Hollingsworth (Jerry), of Portland, Ore.; sister Frances Kraft (Herbert), of Russell, Kan.; and numerous nieces and nephews. Friends are invited to view photos, get directions and share memories in the family’s online guest book at
Baskets FROM PAGE B1
and Fred trying to get the number higher and higher,” Mallett said. Thanks to its participants and the humor and energy of Butler, the fundraiser has been a success in the past, club President Mariann Crane said. With the recession, club members are working harder to raise needed funds for Issaquah organizations, she said. “The Issaquah Women’s Club
don’t know for certain where your money went. “With Habitat, if it’s your money that you give, you can see exactly where your money has gone. It’s building a home for a needy family. If you want to give your sweat equity, you can go and work at a job site and do a myriad of tasks.” For Perry — who has been on numerous other job sites — the trip was an eye-opener. The team members had limited down time but when they did, they visited some of the poorer areas of Puerto Rico. “I saw some areas of Puerto Rico
strongly believes in making a difference for our community, and the funds we raise are donated to local charities,” Crane said. “Some of the charities we support have shared that the number of individuals who need their support has increased each year, so our fundraising efforts are more important than ever.” Mallett invited the community to attend the free event. No RSVP is required. Laura Geggel: 392-6434, ext. 241, or Comment at
that were heart wrenching,” he said. “There’s a lot of people that don’t have the kind of housing that you would expect people to have.” That is what helps drive his commitment to Habitat — and the other nonprofits. An idea that seems to never stay under the surface for very long in a conversation with Perry: giving. “When you can roll up your sleeves and swing a hammer with Edgar Martinez and Dave Thompson and see the beads of sweat coming off of them in the Puerto Rico heat, you say, ‘You know what, this is what it’s all about,’” Perry said. “Good people giving to people who are in need.” Josh Liebeskind is a student in the University of Washington Department of Communication News Laboratory. Comment at
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 •
Kiwanians offer help for stricken computers Forget the Geek Squad. Bring ailing PCs to downtown Issaquah for some TLC. Members of the Issaquah Kiwanis Young Professionals plan a free computer clinic April 2. The session runs from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Gibson Hall, 105 Newport Way S.W. Members can run hardware diagnostics, scrub machines of viruses and spyware, and conduct some performance tuning. The team can also offer advice and tips on buying a computer. People should bring only computers and power cords to the clinic. The club has monitors, keyboards and more to plug in for testing.
The computer help is free, but club members accept donations. Funds raised during the event support the group’s community service programs. The group is also offering free recycling for computers, laptops and monitors at the event. The clinic is part of a worldwide day of service for Kiwanians. Members of the local club plan to scan documents for the Issaquah History Museums, remove invasive plants from parks and collect items for Eastside Baby Corner. Issaquah Kiwanis Young Professionals formed more than a year ago as a spin-off of the Kiwanis Club of Issaquah.
safe destinations in the event of an earthquake or other disasters, and creating a list of neighbors who can provide resources needed in the event of an emergency. Linscott, who allied with the city of Issaquah and the Issaquah Citizen Corps, said he is proud of what his team accomplished. “We ended up coming up with a real sustainable program for the city of Issaquah,” he said. According to LE’s website, past projects have included registering voters, especially non or limited English speakers; encouraging individuals and organizations to donate fresh produce from community gardens to local food banks; and addressing needs for gathering spaces in Eastside communities where people of all ages and cultures can comfortably mingle. The third year of the program is a culmination of using the skills one has accumulated over the course of the first two years, with an emphasis on a personal development plan. Though the program costs time and money (tuition for three years is $3,350), Linscott said he believes the benefits outweigh any negatives. “I know when I got interested in 2006 it was because you’re with a bunch of people that are all passionate about the same thing,” he said. Board Chairman Earl Bell agrees. “Getting involved in Leadership Eastside is great for connections — in other words, building a strong network of individuals,” he said. Whitfield said he feels that people are drawn to the program for two main reasons, “one being a passion for the community and a desire to make a bigger difference, and the second being that they’ve experienced some sort of change in their personal leadership profile,” he said. While the leadership-development program is a key part of what comprises Leadership Eastside, it is not the only way in which the organization spreads awareness about issues that require attention. It often hosts informational luncheons, speakers and seminars. On Feb. 10, LE hosted a luncheon, during which Whitfield gave a State of the Eastside Address where he hoped to dispel some rumors, one being that the Eastside is 100 percent affluent.
Karin Duval, a member of a team credited with expanding the King County Mental Karin Duval Health Court to Issaquah, has been named managing director of Leadership Eastside. “Karin’s history as a class member of LE, her experience working with nonprofits and community groups, her executive management experience and the synchronicity of our working styles were exactly what I was looking for to build out our staff infrastructure,” organization President James Whitfield said. “I am very excited to have Karin with us.” Duval, a member of the Leadership Eastside Class of 2011 and a Redmond resident, lobbied the county to protect and expand the mental health program beyond Seattle to Issaquah and Kent. “The challenges we face in our communities demand leaders who are informed, equipped and connected,” she said. “I am thrilled and honored to be a part of the organization that develops these leaders.”
According to Whitfield, the most diverse ZIP codes in the state are actually on the Eastside, and he hoped to convey the message that a variety of community projects are crucial in order to improve the living standards of many in the area. Whether for personal gain or due to a desire to improve the community, becoming associated with Leadership Eastside can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. “At the end of the day, involvement in Leadership Eastside helps build a vibrant region in many ways,” Bell said. Melanie Coleman is a student in the University of Washington Department of Communication News Laboratory. Comment at
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The Issaquah Press
Page B4
Issaquah baseball bounces back, coach gets 300th victory By Bob Taylor Issaquah Press sports editor It was inevitable that Issaquah High School baseball coach Rob Reese would get his 300th career victory this season. After all, Reese, one of the state’s most successful coaches, entered the season with 298. The odds were definitely in his favor. With his youngest team in 17 years as Issaquah coach, Reese
didn’t get those wins right away. Reese, who has coached three state championship teams, needed six games this season before hitting 300. He accomplished the feat March 26 when the Eagles defeated host Sedro-Woolley, 9-1. After the game, longtime Issaquah assistant coach Steve Sanelli got the game ball after the final out and saved it for Reese. How special was the win?
“Every win feels good,” Reese said. “I always like to win games.” Reese attributed 300 to the quality of Issaquah teams over the years. “We’ve had some real good teams here. Good teams,” he said. “That’s how you get to 300.” Issaquah opened the season with a four-game losing streak. “We got off to a real tough start. We didn’t pitch, hit or field well. With the young guys we have, I
knew it would take a while,” Reese said. After opening last week with a tough 4A KingCo Conference 1-0 loss to Newport, the Eagles bounced back with two victories. Junior Andrew Kemmerer figured heavily in both wins. “He had a great pitching performance against Eastlake and he was unbelievable Saturday against Sedro-Woolley. He could become a real good player,” Reese said.
Kemmerer was the winning pitcher March 24 when the Eagles edged Eastlake, 3-2. The victory snapped the four-game losing streak for Issaquah. Kemmerer held Eastlake to three hits over 6 1/3 innings and struck out four to register his first victory of the season. He also drove in a run. Cole Westover relieved Kemmerer in the seventh inning and earned his first varsity save. West-
“Every win feels good. I always like to win games.” — Rob Reese Issaquah High School baseball coach
over entered the game with the bases loaded, but got the final two See BASEBALL, Page B6
PLAY BALL! The Sammamish Little League’s Opening Day celebration March 26 invited more than 700 registered youngsters and their families to the annual Parade of Teams at Pacific Cascade Middle School, for a pancake breakfast, special game activities, the National Anthem and Little League Pledge topped off with the team parade.
At right, teammates from the Cubs carry their banner along the opening day parade route. Below, Jamey Vinnick, 14, with the Sammamish Juniors, holds his catcher’s mask during the National Anthem.
Makenzie Sexsmith, 6, with the Warriors softball team, holds the baseball that she used to throw out the ceremonial first pitch of the Little League baseball season.
Malcolm Fisher (left), 9, and twin brother Malik, take turns leading all the players and parents in reciting the Little League Pledge. At right, Corran Boyd, 5, gets help with his stance from dad Michael to hit a ball on an air cushion at the Baseball Slugger game.
Johnny Watson (left) and Jack Knike, with the Orioles T-ball 6-year-old team, run across the field.
The Issaquah Press
Prep baseball
4A KingCo Conference March 21 Game Ballard 4, Seattle Lutheran 2 March 22 Games Newport 1, Issaquah 0 Mount Si 11, Skyline 5 Garfield 3, Ballard 1 Bothell 7, Roosevelt 6 Woodinville 5, Inglemoor 1 March 24 Games Issaquah 3, Eastlake 2 Roosevelt 9, Garfield 8 Inglemoor 9, Ballard 2 Bothell 5, Woodinville 2 Redmond 5, Skyline 3 March 26 Games Redmond 10, Lake Washington 7 Mercer Island 6, Bothell 5 Inglemoor 6, Sammamish 2 Skyline 13, O’Dea 7 Garfield 10, Yelm 9 Issaquah 9, Sedro-Woolley 1 ISSAQUAH 3, EASTLAKE 2 Eastlake 000 010 1 - 2 3 2 Issaquah 000 120 x - 3 5 1 Stull, Dunn (6) and Fithian; Andy Kemmerer, Cole Westover (7) and Walker. W: Kemmerer, L: Stull. Sv: Westover. 2B: Kemmerer (I), Armour (E). Issaquah highlights: Blake Miller 2-3, 1 run; Gavin Schumaker 1-3, 1 run, 1 RBI; Kemmerer 1-3, 1 RBI, 6.1 IP, 4 Ks. NEWPORT 1, ISSAQUAH 0 Issaquah 000 000 0 - 0 3 0 Newport 000 000 1 - 1 6 0 Ethan Kalin, Scott Boydston (4) and Andrew Kemmerer; Cole Wiper, Jared Fisher (6) and Daniel Altchech. W: Fisher, L: Boydston. 2B: Lee Stoops (N). Issaquah highlights: Gavin Schumaker 2-3. ISSAQUAH 9, SEDRO-WOOLLEY 1 Issaquah 003 120 3 - 9 7 1 Sedro-Woolley 000 000 1 - 1 3 2 Brandon Mahovlich Scott Boydston (6), Cole Westover (7) and Zach Walker; Blake Martin, Malmberg (3), Stroosma (5), Janicki (7) and Wood. W: Mahovlich, L: Martin. 2B: Andrew Kemmerer (I) 2, Jake Bakamus (I). HR: Janicki (SW). Issaquah highlights: Kemmerer 4-4, 1 run, 2 RBIs; Bakamus 1-4, 1 run, 2 RBIs.; Gavin Schumaker 1-4, 1 run; Blake Miller 1-3, 2 runs; Jack Gellatly 1 RBI, Ben Rosellini 1 RBI, Ethan Kalin 1 RBI; Mahovlich 5 IP, 1 hit, 0 ER, 8 Ks. SKYLINE 13, O’DEA 7 O’Dea 000 043 0 - 7 8 1 Skyline 042 502 x - 13 12 0 W: Ryan Parks; L: Tony Davilla. Skyline highlights: Clayton Huber 3-3, Zach Liddle 22, 4 RBIs, 2B; Nate Litka 1-4, 2 RBIs, 3B; Conner Reinertsen 2-3, 1 RBI. REDMOND 5, SKYLINE 3 Skyline 200 010 0 - 3 7 4 Redmond 202 010 x - 5 6 0 Skyline highlights: Nate Litka 2-4, 2B, 2 RBIs; Matt Sinatro 1-3, 1 run, 2B. MOUNT SI 11, SKYLINE 5 Mount Si 201 242 0 - 11 12 0 Skyline 500 000 0 - 5 8 2 W: Trevor Lane, L: Brandon Lundeberg. Mount Si highlights: Max Brown 1-3, 2B; Robb Lane 3-4, 2 RBIs, 2B; Tim Proudfoot 1-5, 1 run, 2 RBIs, HR; T. Lane 4 IP, 5 Ks. Skyline highlights: Zach Liddle 2-4, 2B; Nate Litka 2-3, 1 RBI, 2B.
3A/2A KingCo Conference March 21 Game Mount Si 15, Auburn Mountainview 2 March 22 Games Mount Si 11, Skyline 5 Sammamish 20, Lindbergh 15 Interlake 14, Renton 2 March 24 Game Mercer Island 10, Franklin 0 March 25 Game Kentlake 11, Liberty 2 Interlake 8, Kennedy Catholic 7 March 26 Games Redmond 10, Lake Washington 7 Mercer Island 6, Bothell 5 Inglemoor 6, Sammamish 2 KENTLAKE 11, LIBERTY 2 Kentlake 112 124 - 11 10 1 Liberty 000 020 - 2 2 3 W: Dylan Wright, L: Ben Wessel. HR: Brian Hartnett (K).
Metro League March 21 Game EASTSIDE CATHOLIC 17, INGRAHAM 1 Eastside Catholic 272 33 - 17 14 1 Ingraham 000 01 - 1 3 2 W: Austin Soukup, 3 Ks. March 22 Game EASTSIDE CATHOLIC 1, SEATTLE PREP 0 Seattle Prep 000 000 0 - 0 5 0 Eastside Catholic 100 000 x - 1 3 0 2B: Jake Gober (EC). March 23 Game EASTSIDE CATHOLIC 10, BAINBRIDGE 5 Bainbridge 140 000 0 - 5 7 5 Eastside Catholic 422 020 x - 10 11 4 WP: Max Wolfron. Eastside Catholic highlights: Justin David 3-4, 2 runs, 1 RBI; Matt Wenzinger 2-4, 3 runs, 1 RBI. March 25 Game EASTSIDE CATHOLIC 6, BAINBRIDGE 3 Eastside Catholic 100 010 4 - 6 9 1 Bainbridge 020 100 0 - 3 6 0 W: Austin Soukup; Sv: Lyle Jaske. Eastside Catholic highlight: Braden Wolgamott 4 RBIs, Hr.
Prep boys soccer 4A KingCo Conference March 21 Games Skyline 5, Auburn Mountainview 1 Issaquah 1, Highline 1 March 22 Games Eastlake 5, Ballard 1 Newport 1, Redmond 0 Bothell 1, Woodinville 0 Garfield 2, Seattle Prep 0 March 24 Games Issaquah 2, Woodinville 0 Skyline 3, Newport 2 Inglemoor 1, Bothell 1 Garfield 4, Roosevelt 0 O’Dea 4, Ballard 1 March 25 Game Eastlake 4, Redmond 2 March 26 Games Issaquah 1, Skyline 1 Ballard 6, West Seattle 0 Bishop Blanchet 2, Newport 1 ISSAQUAH 1, SKYLINE 1 Skyline 1 0 -1 Issaquah 1 0 - 1 First half goals: 1, Travis Strawn (S, unassisted), 23:00; 2, Zach Lawless (I, Michael Roberts assist), 38:00.
ISSAQUAH 2, WOODINVILLE 0 Woodinville 0 0 - 0 Issaquah 0 2 - 2 Second half goals: 1, Nick Smith (Iss, unassisted), 72:00; 2, Alex Shane (Iss, unassisted), 74:0. Shutout: Nathan King (Iss). ISSAQUAH 1, HIGHLINE 1 Issaquah 0 1 - 1 Highline 0 1 - 1 Second half goals: 1, Axel Flaten (H, unassisted), 43:00; 2, Alex Shane (Iss, Drew Tacher assist), 68:00. SKYLINE 3, NEWPORT 2 Skyline 0 3 - 3 Newport 1 1 - 2 First half goal: 1, Vlad Srava (N, unassisted), 13:00. Second half goals: 2, Braxton Griffin (S, Geoffrey Enos assist), 44:00; 3, Kaleb Strawn (S, Griffin assist), 48:00; 4, Jake Bechtel (S, unassisted), 77:00; 5, Brandon Koch (N, unassisted), 79:00. SKYLINE 5, AUBURN MOUNTAINVIEW 1 Skyline goals: Pedro Miola, unassisted; James Molyneux-Elliot, assist Miola; Kyle Olmstead, unassisted; Travis Strawn, unassisted; Molyneux-Elliot, unassisted. EASTLAKE 4, REDMOND 2 Redmond 0 2 - 2 Eastlake 2 2 - 4 First half goals: 1, Sean Klauer (E, Evan Yamada assist), 16:00; 2, Sawyer Preston (E), penalty kick. Second half goals: 3, Derek Horner (Red, J.T. Newton assist), 45:00; 4, Chris Discolo (E, unassisted), 50:00; 5, Julian White (Red, Preston Horner assist), 60:00; 6, James Gee (E, Klauer assist), 65:00. EASTLAKE 5, BALLARD 1 Ballard 1 0 - 1 Eastlake 4 1 - 5 First half goals: 1, Gerard Galvin (E, Evan Yamada assist), 4:00; 2, Brent Campbell (B, unassisted), 14:00; 3, James Gee (E, Yamada assist), 24:00; 4, Sean Klauer (E, Galvin assist), 32:00; 5, Galvin (E, Yamada assist), 38:00. Second half goal: 6, Klauer (E, Austin Aumell assist), 76:00.
3A/2A KingCo Conference March 22 Games Liberty 3, Mount Si 1 Sammamish 3, Juanita 1 Mercer Island 2, Lake Washington 0 Bellevue 1, Interlake 0 March 25 Games Bellevue 2, Liberty 0 Sammamish 2, Mount Si 1 Lake Washington 2, Interlake 0 Mercer Island 6, Juanita 0 March 26 Game Eastside Catholic 3, Bellevue 0 LIBERTY 3, MOUNT SI 1 Mount Si 0 1 - 1 Liberty 0 3 - 3 Second half goals: 1, Danny Dapper (L), penalty kick, 49:00; 2, Dane Aldrich (MS, unassisted), 56:00; 3, Josh Muttart (L, Dapper assist), 62:00; 4, Alex Velasquez (L, Oliver Janders assist), 75:00. Goalkeepers: Dillon Oord (MS), Nate Mak (L).
Metro League March 22 Game EASTSIDE CATHOLIC 4, BISHOP BLANCHET 3 Eastside Catholic 0 4 - 4 Seattle Prep 21-3 First half goals: 1, Anthony Coccaro (SP, Aaron Maserjian assist), 20:00; 2, Maserjian (SP, Daniel Brabant assist), 28:00. Second half goals: 3, Maserjian (SP, Ryan Deem assist), 41:00; 4, Spencer Spears (EC, Bryce Bacic assist), 50:00; 5, Colin Malaska (EC, Brian Jewitt assist), 72:00; 6, Spears (EC, Garrett Newell assist), 78:00; 7, Erik Thornquist (EC, unassisted), 80:00. March 26 Game EASTSIDE CATHOLIC 3, BELLEVUE 0 Bellevue 00-0 Eastside Catholic 2 1 - 3 First half goals: 1, Spencer Spears (EC, Aaron Callow assist), 30:00; 2, Bryce Bacic (EC, Joe Mancini assist), 33:00. Second half goal: 3, Tory Stewart Steele (EC, unassisted), 58:00. Shutout: Sabastian Van Coevorden.
Prep softball 4A KingCo Conference March 21 Games Newport 9, Interlake 3 Ballard 13, Sammamish 1 Bothell 12, Lake Washington 0 Bellevue 12, Inglemoor 0 Garfield 9, Mercer Island 5 March 22 Game Woodinville 10, Sedro-Woolley 0 March 23 Game Eastlake 5, Kamiak 3 March 24 Game Issaquah 9, Skyline 3 March 25 Games Everett 8, Inglemoor 7 Newport 12, Sammamish 1 Woodinville 11, Lake Washington 1 ISSAQUAH 9, SKYLINE 3 Issaquah 320 300 1 - 9 3 0 Skyline 000 201 0 - 3 5 7 Issaquah highlights: Heather Benjamin 3-3, 1 RBI, 2B, 1 SB. Skyline highlights: Anya Kamber 1-4, 1 SB; Lindsey Nicholson 2-3, 2B, 2 SBs.
3A/2A KingCo Conference March 21 Games Newport 9, Interlake 3 Ballard 13, Sammamish 1 Bothell 12, Lake Washington 0 Bellevue 12, Inglemoor 0 Garfield 9, Mercer Island 5 March 22 Games Interlake 10, Lake Washington 7 Juanita 19, Mercer Island 0 Bellevue 1, Sammamish 0 Liberty 12, Mount Si 3 March 24 Games Liberty 14, Mercer Island 4 Juanita 1, Bellevue 0 Interlake 19, Sammamish 4 Mount Si 10, Lake Washington 5 March 25 Games Newport 12, Sammamish 1 Woodinville 11, Lake Washington 1 LIBERTY 12, MOUNT SI 3 W: Amber Smith. Liberty highlights: Denise Blohowiak 3-4, Jenn Rucker 3-4, Ana Faoro 2-3, Marissa Jeffers 2-2, 2 RBIs. LIBERTY 14, MERCER ISLAND 4 Liberty 272 30 - 14 Mercer Island 000 40 - 4 Liberty highlights: Denise Blohowiak 3-4, Ana Faoro 3-3.
Prep boys track & field 4A KingCo Conference March 24 Meets SKYLINE 82, WOODINVILLE 55 100: 1, Blake Young (S) 11.40; 3, Christian John (S) 11.50. 200: 1, Young (S) 24.20; 2, Drew Matthews (S)
Adult sports
Issaquah Alps Trail Club
April 2, 9:30 a.m., Squak Mountain loop, 5-6 miles, 2,000-foot elevation gain. Call 823-0747 ... April 3, Cedar River Trail, 9:30 a.m., 8 miles. Call 8371535. Cascade Bicycle Club March 31, 6:45 p.m., Eastside Tour, 20-30 miles from Sammamish Valley Cycle in Redmond. Call 394-1347 ... April 2, 8:30 a.m., Issaquah hills. Call 206-931-1469 ... April 3, 10 a.m., Eastside Jaunt, 33 miles from Marymoor Park east parking lot. Ride goes along Lake Sammamish, Beaver Lake and Pine Lake. Call 260-4177. Rowing Sammamish Rowing Association holds introductory courses in rowing for ages 13 and up. Register at
Youth sports/activities Fencing The Washington Fencing Academy offers fencing lessons for youth, beginning and intermediate groups at Clark and Issaquah Valley elementary schools. New sessions start in April. Call 837-3300. Soccer Issaquah Parks and Recreation is registering players for its spring soccer program, for children kindergarten through the fifth grade. Register online at Call 837-3346. Volleyball Sammamish YMCA offers volleyball program for girls 15-17 from 3:30-5 p.m. every Thursday. Call 391-4840. Sports sampler Issaquah Parks offers sports sampler program for ages 3-5 in soccer and basketball. Classes started March 28. Call 837-3300. Karate Issaquah Parks offers karate class24.20. 400: 1, Trevon Clark (S) 54.40; 2, Andrew Millett (S) 56.60; 3, Ryan Abrahamson (S) 59.60. 800: 1, Matthews (S) 2:05.40; 3, Jay Bowlby (S) 2:08.50. 1,600: 1, Kyle Branch (S) 4:47.20; 3, Karl Grant Uselman (S) 4:53.60. 3,200: 1, Branch (S) 10:04.10; 2, Keegan Symmes (S) 10:09.30; 3, Kevin Tidball (S) 10:20.90. 110 hurdles: 1, Riley Herrera (S) 17.10. 300 hurdles: 1, Kurtis Max (W) 44.70; 2, Joel Dooley (S) 46.90. 4x100 relay: 1, Skyline (Young, Charles Premone, John, Dominic Sblendorio) 45.30. 4x400 relay: 1, Skyline (Clark, Branch, Kasen Williams, Jay Bowlby) 3:39.70. Shot put: 1, Jacob Hollister (W) 41-7.50; 2, Jake Monroe (S) 39-11.50. Discus: 1, Hollister (W) 132-8; 2, Bryan Lee (S) 104-0; 3, Dylan Morgan (S) 97-6. Javelin: 1, Garrett Corlis (S) 153-7. High jump: 1, Williams (S) 6-9; 2, Jordan Coutts (S) 5-10. Pole vault: 1, Austin Sodorfk (W) 12-0. Long jump: 1, Williams (S) 21-0; 2, Coutts (S) 18-10; 3, Premone (S) 17-9. Triple jump: 1, Nick Luitgaarden (W) 32-5. ISSAQUAH 93, GARFIELD 52 100: 1, Tony Wroten (G) 11.0; 3, Kyle Farmer (I) 11.5. 200: 1, Byron Howell (G) 22.9; 2, Jorrell Dorsey (I) 23.4. 400: 1, Darien Gates (G) 54.7; 4, Trevor Dolan (I) 55.4. 800: 1, Isaac Robinson (I) 2:07.4. 1,600: Chris Wozniak (G) 4:32.1; 3, Turner Wiley (I) 4:38.3. 3,200: 1, Wiley (I) 9:45.5. 110 hurdles: 1, Tom Ung (G) 17.78; 2, Dave Nam (I) 18.80. 300 hurdles: 1, Nam (I) 47.3; 2, Joey Domek (I) 47.8; 3, Matt Howell (I) 48.9. 4x100 relay: 1, Issaquah (Allen Su, Farmer, Dorsey, Alex Rylander) 44.7. 4x400 relay: 1, Issaquah A (Su, Farmer, Robinson, Dorsey) 3:38.2; 3, Issaquah B (Domek, Joshua Park, Connor Pearl, Bob Varney) 4:01.1. Triple jump: 1, Blake Wedekind (I) 34-11; 2, Pearl (I) 34-7.5; 3, Andy Meigs (I) 34-6.25. Shot put: 1, Mike Baba (I) 39-6; 2, Trevor Dolan (I) 38-10; 3, Jonathan Martyn (I) 34-8. Discus: 1, Martyn (I) 96-6; 2, Dolan (I) 92-5. Javelin: 1, Baba (I) 157-4; 2, Meigs (I) 129-2; 3, Zach Garner (I) 99-7. High jump: 1, Cory Nevin (I) 5-8; 2, Wedekind I) 5-6; 3, Alexander Ivanoff (I) 4-10. Pole vault: 1, Jason Hollaway (I) 12-6; 2, Andrew Larsen (I) 10-6; 3, Varney (I) 9-0. Long jump: 1, Brandon Jimerson (G) 20-6; 2, Dorsey (I) 19-10.5; 3, Farmer (I) 18-3.75.
3A KingCo Conference March 24 Meet LIBERTY 82, LAKE WASHINGTON 57 100: 1, Joshua Gordon (Lib) 10.80. 200: 1, Devin Bennett (Lib) 23.90. 400: 1, Michael Smith (LW) 56.20; 2, Chris Volk (Lib) 56.60; 3, Dawson Solly (Lib) 59.70. 800: 1, Hiron Redmon (Lib) 2:08.30; 2, Scott Turner (Lib) 2:09.60. 1,600: 1, Tyler Westenbroek (Lib) 4:50.90; 2, Chris Turner (Lib) 4:57.90. 3,200: 1, S. Turner (Lib) 10:55; 2, Westenbroek (Lib) 10:55.40; 3, C. Turner (Lib) 10:57. 110 hurdles: 1, Kelen Lewis (LW) 18.20; 2, Dylan Clark (Lib) 19.00. 300 hurdles: 1, Filip Juric (LW) 45.20; 3, Clark (Lib) 47.80. 4x100 relay: 1, Lake Washington (Lewis, Kenyon Butler, Mason Gray, Kian Fahimdanesh) 46.80. 4x400 relay: 1, Liberty 3:39.40. Shot put: 1, Kevin Ahrens (Lib) 39-5; 3, Shane Small (Lib) 34-5. Discus: 1, Bennett (Lib) 99-4; 3, Solly (Lib) 85-0. Javelin: 1, Trevor Merritt (Lib) 155-7; 3, Clark (Lib) 130-10. High jump: 1, Gordon (Lib) 6-3; 3, Robert Talbot (Lib) 5-0. Pole vault: 1, Chase Kenney (Lib) 11-6; 2, Hamilton Noel (Lib) 11-0. Long jump: 1, Gordon (Lib) 22-4.50; 2, Bennett (Lib) 20-9.25. Triple jump: 1, Smith (LW) 33-10; 4, Solly (Lib) 31-3.
Nonleague March 26 Meets LIBERTY INVITATIONAL Team scores: 1, Liberty 163; 2, Yelm 121; 3, Kennedy 103.5; 4, Mariner 100.5; 5, Steilacoom 70.5; 6, Eastside Catholic 41. 100: 1, Darian Brooks (KC) 10.8; 2, Joshua Gordon (Lib) 11.1; 12, Shane Small (Lib) 12.1; 14, Ashby Brown (Lib) 12.5. 200: 1, Tyler Rebillion (Steil) 23.1; 14, Chris Volk (Lib) 25.3; 17, Brown (Lib) 26.2. 400: 1, Devin Bennett (Lib) 51.5; 8, Volk (Lib) 55.8; 10, Dawson Solly (Lib) 58.4. 800: 1, Hiron Redmon (Lib) 2:02.7; 6, Nathan Sjoholm (Lib) 2:27.5. 1,600: 1, Tyler Westenbroek (Lib) 4:42.0; 2, Scott Turner (Lib) 4:49.5; 3, Chris Turner (Lib) 4:57.3; 7, Aaron Bowe (Lib) 5:11.7; 8, Jason Murray (Lib) 5:13.1. 3,200: 1, Westenbroek (Lib) 10:16.9; 2, S. Turner (Lib) 10:17.8; 3, Mason Goodman (Lib) 11:10.9. 110 hurdles: 1, Daniel Zmuda (Steil) 15.64; 7, Dylan Clark (Lib) 20.4. 300 hurdles: 1, Zach Williams (Yelm) 41.6; 6, Clark (Lib) 46.2. 4x100 relay: 1, Kennedy Catholic (Jason Cowan, Dana Williams, Orion Prescott, Brooks) 44.5; 4, Liberty 48.5. 4x400 relay: 1, Liberty (Gordon, Redmon, Hamilton Noel, Bennett) 3:32.5. Shot put: 1, Travis Neri (Yelm) 48-5.75; 3, Kevin
es taught by the Washington Shotokan Association for beginners and continued levels, ages 6-11, at the Community Center. New session begins April 28. Call 837-3300. Swimming Issaquah Parks has started registration for spring swimming lessons. Register at Special programs Issaquah Parks provides bowling for people with special needs, ages 13and-up. Bowling is 6-9 p.m. Wednesdays at the Adventure Bowl in Snoqualmie. Transportation is provided at the Community Center. Call 8373346.
High school sports Baseball March 30, 3:45 p.m., Newport at Skyline, Redmond at Issaquah; April 1, 3:45 p.m., Issaquah at Skyline, 4 p.m., Hazen at Liberty; April 2, 4 p.m., Issaquah vs. Kentwood (Safeco); April 4, 4 p.m., Interlake at Liberty; April 5, 3:45 p.m., Inglemoor at Issaquah, Roosevelt at Skyline. Boys soccer April 1, 7:30 p.m., Roosevelt at Issaquah, Lake Washington at Liberty, Inglemoor at Skyline; April 5, 7:30 p.m., Liberty at Juanita. Track & field March 31, 4 p.m., Issaquah at Roosevelt, Ballard at Liberty, Skyline at Newport; April 1, noon, Skyline at Eastmont Invitational. Softball March 31, 4:30 p.m., Liberty at Bothell; April 1, 6 p.m., Liberty at Redmond; April 4, 4:30 p.m., Sammamish at Liberty; April 5, 4 p.m., Skyline at Eastlake. Boys lacrosse March 30, 8 p.m., Mount Si at Liberty. Ahrens (Lib) 40-3.25; 10, Small (Lib) 34-0.5. Discus: 1, Neri (Yelm) 101-9; 4, Small (Lib) 84-5; 6, Solly (Lib) 73-1.5. Javelin: 1, Scotty Miller (Yelm) 163-3; 2, Trevor Merritt (Lib) 143-10; 6, Robert Talbot (Lib) 127-6; 10, Clark (Lib) 107-9. High jump: 1, Gordon (Lib) 5-9; 4, Talbot (Lib) 5-2. Pole vault: 1, Jesse Bergen (Yelm) 116; 2, Noel (Lib) 11-6; 3, Chase Kenney (Lib) 11-0; 8, Matt Morris (Lib) 9-0; 10, Oliver Issa (Lib) 8-6. Long jump: 1, Gordon (Lib) 22-4.25; 3, Bennett (Lib) 19-10; 15, Talbot (Lib) 16-9.5. Triple jump: 1, Brooks (KC) 441; 3, Bennett (Lib) 40-11.5. KENT-MERIDIAN INVITATIONAL Top 10 team scores: 1, Kent-Meridian 78; 2, Rogers-Puy. 69; 3, Federal Way 60; 4, Roosevelt 41; 5, Curtis 40; 6, Peninsula 36; 7, Emerald Ridge 31; 8, Todd Beamer 30; 9, Port Angeles 29; 10, Kentridge 28.5; 18, Issaquah 14. Issaquah results 100: 22, Kyle Farmer 11.80; 28, Jorrell Dorsey 11.96. Frosh/Soph 100: 21, Zach Garner 12.55; 30, Harry Gao 13.15. 200: 21, Allen Su 24.24; 37, Trevor Dolan 25.14. 400: 25, Connor Pearl 56.38; 29, Blake Wedekind 57.70. 800: 10, Isaac Robinson 2:04.63. 1,600: 30, Parker Phair 5:06.28; 34, Hunter Sapienza 5:10.64. Frosh/soph 1,600: 17, Aidan Heninger 5:06.84; 22, Keagan Moo 5:13.25. 3,200: 5, Turner Wiley 9:55.20. 110 hurdles: 28, Joey Domek 19.50. 300 hurdles: 26, Domek 47.57. 4x100 relay: 6, Issaquah (Alex Rylander, Su, Dorsey, Farmer) 45.42. 4x200 relay: 7, Issaquah (Joshua Park, David Park, Rylander, Farmer) 1:37.74. 4x400 relay: 12, Issaquah (Dorsey, Su, Robinson, Dolan) 3:40.74. 4x800 relay: 9, Issaquah (Connor Alfheim, Moo, Connor Higgins, Joseph Webster) 9:24.60. Shot put: 22, Mike Baba 41-7; 33, Jonathan Martyn 38-5.25. Discus: 50, Martyn 78-4. Javelin: 4, Baba 149-5; 38, Garner 103-0. Pole vault: 3, Jack Wheeler 10-0. Long jump: 19, Rylander 18-8. Triple jump: 33, Pearl 35-10.50.
Prep girls track & field 4A KingCo Conference March 24 Meets ISSAQUAH 83, GARFIELD 63 100: 1, Haley Jacobson (I) 12.4. 200: 1, Kim Varney (I) 27.3; 3, Mack Wieburg (I) 27.9. 400: 1, Varney (I) 63.9; 2, Amanda Chalfant (I) 65.7; 3, Madison Callan (I) 67.1. 800: 1, Shelby Parthemer (I) 2:41.5; 2, Emma Longo (I) 3:05.4. 1,600: 1, Kendall Jones (G) 5:46.6; 2, Rachel Osgood (I) 5;55.1. 3,200: 1, Raisah Vesteinsdottir (G) 13:13.8; 3, Lindsay Yamane (I) 14:13.7. 100 hurdles: 1, Lauren Bruner (I) 16.6; 3, Anna Fairhart (I) 17.9. 300 hurdles: 1, Annie Schlossman (G) 53.9; 2, Maddie Tasker (I) 55.5; 3, Ashley Young (I) 59.1. 4x100 relay: 1, Garfield (Elise Hermennsfeldt, Nhautrey Brown, Taylor McKinney, Bailenn Simms) 50.86; 2, Issaquah (Wieburg, A.J. Bowers, Bruner, McKenna Hogan) 53.40. 4x200 relay: 1, Issaquah (Varney, Callan, Juliana da Cruz, Jacobson) 1:49.3. 4x400 relay: 1, Issaquah A (Varney, Callan, Chalfant, da Cruz) 4:25.9; 2, Issaquah B (Parthemer, Sam Salmon, Mackenzie Williamson, Longo) 4:58.6. Shot put: Aliana Dinish (G) 30-5; 2, Katie Zhong (I) 27-1. Discus: 1, Dinish (I) 79-7.5; 3, Zhong (I) 65-1. Javelin: 1, Zhong (I) 86-5; 2, Emilie James (I) 67-9; 3, Mileno Go (I) 61-7. High jump: 1, Wieburg (I) 5-0. Pole vault: 1, Eva Perry (I) 11-6; 2, Amelia Meigs (I) 7-6; 3, Fairhart (I) 7-0, Christine Hertogs (I) 7-0. Long jump: 1, McKenna Hogan (I) 16-2; 3, Ashley Bonner (I) 11-7. Triple jump: 1, McKinney (I) 34-7.5. SKYLINE 88, WOODINVILLE 62 100: 1, Michelle Bretl (S) 13.20; 2, Emily Hayes (S) 13.30; 3, Dorie Dalzell (S) 13.70. 200: 1, Dalzell (S) 27.80; 3, Alexis Daugherty (S) 28.40. 400: 1, Cassidy Berday (W) 1:07.50; 2, Hailey Theeuwen (S) 1:13.10; 3, Erin Bryar (S) 1:13.20. 800: 1, Chandler Olson (W) 2:21.20; 2, Jordan Branch (S) 2:26.20. 1,600: 1, Olson (W) 5:09.00; 3, Caitlin McIlwain (S) 5:46.00. 3,200: 1, Kathryn Steele (S) 12:24.20; 2, Samantha Krahling (S) 12:24.50. 100 hurdles: 1, Christina Gonzalez-Gandolfi (W) 17.60; 4, Ashley Richardson (S) 19.10. 300 hurdles: 1, Gonzalez-Gandolfi (W) 52.60; 6, Anne Luempert (S) 58.40. 4x100 relay: 1, Skyline (Bretl, Caroline Cindric, Aleeya Neal, Allie Warfield)
Photo Reprints from this week’s Issaquah Press
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 • 53.60. 4x200 relay: 1, Skyline (Maria Volodkevich, Dalzell, Daugherty, Bretl) 1:49.80. 4x400 relay: 1, Skyline (Luempert, Branch, Maddi Hutson, Christina Smith) 4:18.30. Shot put: 1, Haley Ziegler (S) 28-9; 3, Kara Alden (S0 23-7.25. Discus: 1, Ziegler (S) 87-11; 2, Elena Frerker (S) 84-11; 3, Alex Bicknell (S) 72-10. Javelin: 1, Melissa Gilkey (W) 120-1; 2, Ziegler (S) 113-10; 3, Frerker (S) 99-7. High jump: 1, Lindsay Coutts (S) 5-0; 2, Sydne Tingey (S) 4-10; 3, Richardson (S) 4-8. Pole vault: 1, Jaci Wolff (W) 7-6. Long jump: 1, Coutts (S) 149. Triple jump: 1, Marissa Fortier (S) 30-3.50; 2, Devyn Butenko (S) 27-7.35; 3, Alexa Lowry (S) 26-11.25.
3A KingCo Conference March 24 Meet LIBERTY 108, LAKE WASHINGTON 39 100: 1, Madison Birdsall (Lib) 13.20. 200: 1, Elizabeth Ryker (Lib) 27.50. 400: 1, Aimee Christensen (Lib) 1:03.50; 2, Amy Broska (Lib) 1:04.80. 800: 1, Michaela Chucka (Lib) 2:37.00; 3, Broska (Lib) 3:05.40. 1,600: 1, Megan Chucka (Lib) 5:40.90; 2, Megan Larson (Lib) 5:43.70; 3, Rachel Shaw (Lib) 5:44.10. 3,200: 1, Shaw (Lib) 14:10.30, Megan Chucka (Lib) 14:10.30, Broska (Lib) 14:10.30, Larson (Lib) 14:10.30. 100 hurdles: 1, Emily Pestl-Dimmitt (Lib) 18.20; 3, Madelyn Steenis (Lib) 20.10. 300 hurdles: 1, Kate Roberts (LW) 52.80; 2, Pestl-Dimmitt (Lib) 54.10; 3, Ida Bakke (Lib) 55.40. 4x100 relay: 1, Liberty (Birdsall, Ryker, Stacy Christensen, Delane Agnew) 57.00. 4x200 relay: 1, Liberty (S. Christensen, Ryker, Birdsall, Agnew) 1:51.40. Shot put: 1, Alexis McGinnis (Lib) 30-4.50; 2, Eve Maher (Lib) 30-2. Discus: 1, McGinnis (Lib) 64-7. Javelin: 1, Pestl-Dimmitt (Lib) 102-3; 3, Anna Frodsham (Lib) 85-7. High jump: 1, Agnew (Lib) 4-10; 2, PestlDimmitt (Lib) 4-8. Pole vault: 1, Sky Frost (LW) 8-0; 2, Danielle Richards (Lib) 8-0. Long jump: 1, Bakke (Lib) 14-9.7. Triple jump: 1, Bakke (Lib) 30-0.75.
Nonleague March 26 Meets LIBERTY INVITATIONAL Team scores: 1, Liberty 206; 2, Yelm 144; 3, Steilacoom 109; 4, Kennedy Catholic 103; 5, Mariner 87. 100: 1, Madison Birdsall (Lib) 13.3; 6, Stacy Christensen (Lib0 14.1. 200: 1, Elizabeth Ryker (Lib) 28.0; 7, S. Christensen (Lib) 29.6. 400: 1, Brittany Bennett (KC) 61.; 2, Aimee Christensen (Lib) 63.7. 800: 1, Bennett (KC) 2:26.3; 2, Amy Broska (Lib) 2:28.5; 3, Michaela Chucka (Lib) 2:33.2. 1,600: 1, Megan Chucka (Lib) 5:30.7; 2, Megan Larson (Lib) 5:36.3; 3, Rachel Shaw (Lib) 5:38.8. 3,200: 1, Megan Chucka (Lib) 12:21.5; 2, Larson (Lib) 12:25.8; 3, Shaw (Lib) 12:26.6; 5, Kaily Davies (Lib) 12:42.4; 6, A. Christensen (Lib) 12:42.6. 100 hurdles: 1, Joanna Mazer (Yelm) 16.9; 3, Emily Pestl-Dimmitt (Lib) 17.6. 300 hurdles: 1, Mazer (Yelm) 49.5; 4, Pestl-Dimmitt (Lib) 53.7; 5, Ida Bakke (Lib) 55.9. 4x100 relay: 1, Liberty 52.9. 4x200 relay: 1, Liberty 1:52.2. 4x400 relay: 1, Liberty 4:19.4. Shot put: 1, April Mayerl (Yelm) 37-4.5; 4, Sofie Safley (Lib) 31-6.75; 7, Alexis McGinnis (Lib) 30-7.5; 8, Eve Maher (Lib) 30-7.25; 11, Lauren Steinert (Lib) 229.75. Discus: 1, Mayerl (Yelm) 92-9; 5, Safley (Lib) 7611; 8, McGinnis (Lib) 64-7. Javelin: 1, Pestl-Dimmitt (Lib) 101-2; 3, Dana Frodsham (Lib) 92-1; 6, McGinnis (Lib) 84-1; 10, Maher (Lib) 69-1. High jump: 1, Miranda Osadchey (Steil) 4-10; 2, Pestl-Dimmitt (Lib) 4-6; 3, Delane Agnew (Lib) 4-4; 4, Jessica Pickering (Lib) 4-4. Pole vault: 1, Danielle Richards (Lib) 7-0; 2, Tia Riley (Lib) 6-6; 3, Pickering (Lib) 6-0. Long jump: 1, Bakke (Lib) 14-11.25; 10, Emily Elledge (Lib) 11-3. Triple jump: 1, Lexi Davenport (Steil) 33-1.75; 3, Bakke (Lib) 30-10.75. KENT-MERIDIAN INVITATIONAL Top 10 team scores: 1, Tahoma 69; 2, Thomas Jefferson 63; 3, Kent-Meridian 57.5; 4, Issaquah 54; 5, North Kitsap 53; 6, Federal Way 52; 7, Curtis 47; 8, Corvallis, Ore., 36; 9, Auburn Mountainview 33; 10, Enumclaw 32, Marysville-Pilchuck 32. Issaquah results 100: 2, Haley Jacobson 12.64. Frosh/soph 100: 9, Mckenna Hogan 13.89; 19, Juliana da Cruz 14.38. 200: 1, Jacobson 26.52. 400: 10, Kim Varney 63.03; 15, Amanda Chalfant 64.73. 800: 13, Shelby Parthemer 2:38.29. 3,200: 8, Rachel Osgood 12:26.62. 100 hurdles: 4, Lauren Bruner 16.95; 21, Maddie Tasker 18.69. 300 hurdles: 6, Bruner 50.07; 23, Tasker 55.10. 4x100 relay: 8, Issaquah (Madison Callan da Cruz, Bruner, Hogan) 53.29. 4x200 relay: 3, Issaquah (Varney, Jacobson, Callan, da Cruz) 1:49.04. 4x400 relay: 4, Issaquah (Callan, Jacobson, Varney, da Cruz) 4:20.05. 4x800 relay: 12, Issaquah (Chalfant, Amanda Levenson, Lindsay Yamane, Sam Salmon) 11:20.24. Shot put: 34, Jasmine Watters 24-6.75. Discus: 25, Watters 74-1; 29, Alex Arteritano 69-10. Javelin: 28, Emilie James 52-7. Pole vault: 1, Eva Perry 11-6; 11, Mallory Cooke 8-0. Long jump: 4, Hogan 16-3.50; 25, Bruner 13-1.50. Triple jump: 24, Marisa Klomp 28-6.
Prep girls tennis 4A KingCo Conference March 24 Matches ISSAQUAH 7, EASTLAKE 0 Singles: Dayna Bennett (Iss) d. Hannah Thornburg 61, 6-1; Alyssa Wilson (I) d. Kelly Song 6-1, 6-3; Kelsey Wilson (Iss) d. Beth Rheinberger 6-1, 6-1; Jenny Thomson (I) d. Nina Kondra 6-1, 6-3. Doubles: Sam Garrard-Sabrina Norton (Iss) d. Lilia Rodriguez-Sara Marien 6-2, 6-0; Serena Lustig-Rachel Gonchar (Iss) d. Teresa Wu-Wendie Yeung 6-1, 6-0; Molly Shade-Amber Lee (Iss) d. Shannon Keogh-Nicole McKesson 6-3, 6-2. NEWPORT 7, SKYLINE 0 Singles: Ami Vo (N) d. Kirsten Park 6-0, 6-0; Rixiag Xu (N) d. Laura Parsons 6-0, 6-1; Renata Lemanau (N) d. Jinny Choi 6-1, 6-1; Stephanie Lim (N) d. Kianna Bertolino 6-3, 6-2. Doubles: Angela Chen-Jen Choi (N) d. Alisa OpitzMolly Knutsen 6-1, 6-2; Allison Lee-Emily Chen (N) d. Sunyu Ye-Kasumi Maeda 6-3, 6-3; Crystal Shen-Amy Yuan (N) d. Sanjawa Galgalikar-Rachel Kim 6-0, 7-5. March 22 Matches ISSAQUAH 5, GARFIELD 2 Singles: Fiona Cerg (G) d. Dayna Bennett 6-2, 6-3; Alyssa Wilson (I) d. Arina Abbott 6-4, 6-1; Kelsey Wilson (I) d. Anya Kazanjian 6-2, 2-6, 2-1, retired injury; Summer Than (G) d. Jenny Thomson 6-1, 3-6, 6-2. Doubles: Sam Garrard-Sabrina Norton (I) d. Sheri Tran-Lauren Schechter 6-0, 6-0; Serena Lustig-Rachel Gonchar (I) d. Mariye Medling-Sophie Manum 6-0, 6-3; Molly Shade-Amber Lee (I) d. Anna Cai-Charlotte Robinson 6-1, 6-1. SKYLINE 6, ROOSEVELT 1 Singles: Kirsten Park (S) d. Amy Shearer 6-2, 6-2; Jinny Choi (S) d. Amilie Fischer 6-1, 2-6, 6-4; Laura Parsons (S) d. Rochelle Wong 4-6, 6-2, 6-2; Julia Haussmann (Roos) d. Kianna Bertolino 4-6, 6-4, 6-2. Doubles: Alison Opitz-Emily Murphy (S) d. Molly Knutson-Izzy Mason 6-3, 6-0.
3A/2A KingCo Conference March 22 Match LIBERTY 4, MOUNT SI 3 Singles: Emmie Kellogg-Smith (L) d. Shelby Thomas 6-4, 6-1; Kristy Braunston (L) d. Baily Barnard 6-4, 6-4;
Jenny Adams (L) d. Natalie Knoetgen 6-1, 6-1; Lindsay Masters (MS) d. Michelle Gillespie 6-4, 6-3. Doubles: Amber Eastham-Audry LaFraugh (L) d. Trina Erck-Rachel Swarny 6-2, 6-1; Lauren Wood-Rory Newcomb (MS) d. Julie Do-Annie Trumbull 6-4, 7-5; Megan McCarthy-Evonne Webster (MS) d. Noelle Rauschendorfer-Stuti Sulgaonkar 6-1, 6-4. March 24 Matches LIBERTY 5, JUANITA 2 Singles: Emmie Kellogg-Smith (L) d. Tennesse-Taylor Chan 6-1, 7-6 (7-5); Kristy Braunston (L) d. Devin Clawson 6-3, 5-7, 6-4; Jenny Adams (L) d. Kelsey Glenn 6-3, 6-0; Julie Do (L) d. Nancy Chang 6-2, 7-5. Doubles: Amber Eastham-Audry LaFraugh (L) d. Molly Ichikawa-Anna Ludvigson 6-1, 6-3; Chris HanleyAmber Hill (J) d. Stuti Sulgaonkar-Noelle Rauschendorfer 6-1, 6-1; Hannah Skurnik-Claudia Lin (J) d. Annie Trumbull-Michele Gillespie 6-2, 6-4.
Prep girls golf 4A KingCo Conference March 21 Matches ISSAQUAH 249, GARFIELD 331 At Snoqualmie Falls GC, par 36 Medalist: Lauren Merdinyan (I) 42. Other Issaquah scores: Elin Skaardal 46, Morgan Young 52, Cassie Chan 54. EASTLAKE 268, BOTHELL 331 At Sahalee GC, par 36 Medalist: Megan Wotherspoon (E) 42. Other Eastlake scores: Jamie Midkoff 50, Taylor Finlon 54, Rebecca Priestley 60, Amulya Cherala 61. March 22 Match SKYLINE 288, ROOSEVELT 328 At Plateau GC, par 36 Medalist: Bryalynn Vowels (Sky) 48. Other Skyline scores: Shirley Chung 51, Kacy Cunningham 63, Zahra Rehmat 63, Sonya Garber 63. March 23 Match NEWPORT 230, ISSAQUAH 294 At Newcastle GC, par 36 Medalist: Isabel Chien (N) 41.
3A KingCo Conference March 24 Match LIBERTY 273, BELLEVUE 276, SAMMAMISH 304 At Bellevue Municipal, par 35 Medalist: Arden Phillips (B) 51. Liberty scores: Kysta Dawson 53, Brandi Petryk 53.
Prep boys lacrosse Washington Lacrosse Association Division I March 21 Game ISSAQUAH 19, EASTLAKE 1 At Marymoor Park Issaquah 7 7 5 0 - 19 Eastlake 0 0 1 0 - 1 Issaquah statistics: Ben Director 2 goals, 1 assist, 1 groundball; Jake Fritz 1 assist, 2 groundballs; Duncan Hamilton 2 goals, 1 groundball; Michael Hatcher 1 goal, 3 assists, 2 groundballs; Kole Lindor 1 goal, 1 assist, 5 groundballs; Aidan McDonald 1 groundball, Matt O’Neill 4 goals, 3 groundballs; Kevin Powers 5 goals, 1 assist, 7 groundballs; Austin Richert 3 groundballs, Ashton Ritchie 1 goal, 1 assist, 1 groundball; Julian Ritchie 1 groundball, Matt Thomas 2 groundballs, Hunter VanHorne 3 groundballs, Brady Hahn 2 saves, O’Neil Hughes 1 save. Eastlake statistics: Tanner Clinch 1 groundball, Tyler Gillies 1 groundball, Avery Harkins 1 groundball, 8 saves; Michael Harper 1 groundball, Dylan Jessum 1groundball, Danny Keogh 1 groundball, Brian Quick 1 goal, 1 groundball; Joe Talbot 1 groundball, Cooper Rosenthal 3 groundballs, Nolan Smith 4 groundballs, Wil Tseng 1 groundball, Chris Wright 1 groundball. March 22 Games SKYLINE 14, OVERLAKE 6 Skyline 3 4 3 4 - 14 Overlake 0 1 2 3 - 6 Skyline statistics: Ryan Benz 1 goal, 2 assists, 1 groundball; Phoenix Abernathy 2 groundballs; Michael Cowin 1 groundball, Alan DeWeirdt 1 groundball, Andrew Hankey 2 goals, 2 groundballs; Raymond Hess 6 groundballs, Alex Klee 1 groundball, Jacob Krahling 1 groundball, Robert Lockard 1 goal, 1 groundball, Ryan McMackin 3 goals, 3 groundballs; Tristan Miller 1 assist, Spencer Noonan 1 goal, 4 groundballs; Jack Pruitt 3 goals, 10 groundballs; Matt Riley 1 groundball, Nick Riley 1 groundball, Max Saffle 3 goals, 2 assists, 3 groundballs; Christopher Debenham 3 saves, Cory Larson 12 saves. March 25 Games SKYLINE 13, TIMBERLINE 12 (OT) Skyline statistics: Phoenix Abernathy 8 groundballs, Ryan Benz 3 groundballs, Michael Cowin 5 groundballs, Nick Davey 1 groundball, Alan DeWeirdt 4 goals, 1 groundball; Andrew Hankey 2 goals, 4 groundballs; Raymond Hess 7 groundballs, Robert Lockard 2 groundballs, Ryan McMackin 1 goal, 1 assist, 2 groundballs; Spencer Noonan 9 groundballs; Matt Riley 1 goal, 1 groundball; Nick Riley 1 groundball, Max Saffle 5 goals, 1 assist, 3 groundballs; Cory Larson 8 saves. ISSAQUAH 9, O.E.S. 6 O.E.S 0 0 3 3 - 6 Issaquah 5 1 2 2 -9 Issaquah statistics: Ben Director 1 goal, Jake Fritz 2 assists, 3 groundballs; Duncan Hamilton 1 goal, 1 groundball; Michael Hatcher 1 goal, 3 groundballs; Kole Lindor 3 groundballs, Matt O’Neill 1 goal, 1 groundball; Kevin Powers 5 goals, 6 groundballs; Austin Richert 1 groundball, Matt Thomas 2 groundballs, Mitchell Undi 1 groundball, Hunter VanHorne 3 groundballs, O’Neil Hughes 4 saves. March 26 Games CENTENNIAL 11, ISSAQUAH 10 (OT) Centennial 3 4 3 0 1 - 11 Issaquah 0 2 5 3 0 - 10 Issaquah statistics: Ben Director 2 goals, 1 groundball; Jake Fritz 1 goal, 1 assist, 1 groundball; Duncan Hamilton 1 groundball, Michael Hatcher 2 goals, 2 groundballs; Kole Lindor 5 groundballs, Matt O’Neill 3 goals, Austin Richert 2 groundballs, Matt Thomas 1 groundball, Mitchell Undi 3 groundballs, Hunter VanHorne 5 groundballs, O’Neil Hughes 8 saves. SUNSET 18, SKYLINE 10 Skyline statistics: Phoenix Abernathy 2 groundballs, Ian Anderson 2 groundballs, Ryan Benz 3 goals, 2 assists, 1 groundball; Michael Cowin 1 assist, 1 groundball; Nick Davis 1 groundball, Raymond Hess 3 groundballs, Jacob Krahling 1 groundball, Cory Larson 1 groundball, 18 saves; Robert Lockard 1 groundball, Ryan McMackin 2 goals, 3 groundballs; Tristan Miller 2 assists, 1groundball; Spencer Noonan 8 groundballs, Mark Rawson 1 goal, Matt Riley 1 goal, 1 groundball; Nick Riley 1 groundball, Max Saffle 3 goals, 1 assist, 2 groundballs; Cody Weaver 1 groundball. Division II March 25 Games REDMOND 5, LIBERTY 2 Liberty statistics: Jeffery Arnevick 1 goal, 1 groundball; Alex Batali 4 groundballs, Sam Dodt 7 groundballs, Aaron Fleis 2 groundballs, Forrest Hurley 1 groundball, Wyatt Johnson 3 groundballs, Colin Larson 1 assist, 5 groundballs; Shane Maio 1 groundball, Anthony Mantz 5 groundballs, Dalton O’Brian 1 goal, Colin Ross 1 groundball, Gunner Wilson 1 groundball, Roland Deex 7 saves.
Eagles battle Spartans to 1-1 draw B6 • Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Issaquah Press
When the Issaquah and Skyline boys high school soccer teams get together, it is usually a battle down to the final second. On March 26, the two Issaquah district teams had another spirited battle that ended in a 1-1 draw in Gary Moore Stadium.
S OCCER R OUNDUP Both goals were scored in the first half. Skyline took a 1-0 lead on an unassisted goal by Travis Strawn at the 23rd minute. Zach Lawless, assisted by Michael Roberts, tied the score for Issaquah at the 38th minute. The tie left both teams with a 10-1 record in the first week of 4A KingCo Conference play. Issaquah is 4-0-3 on the season and Skyline is 4-0-2. Issaquah scored two late second-half goals March 24 to win its opener 2-0 against visiting Woodinville. Nick Smith, of Issaquah, scored the game’s first goal at the 72nd minute. Alex Shane added insurance two minutes later with his sixth goal of the season. Skyline, meanwhile, nipped Newport 3-2. Jake Bechtel’s unassisted goal at the 77th minute proved to be the game-winner for Skyline. Braxton Griffin and Kaleb Strawn scored Skyline’s other goals. The Spartans handed Newport its first loss of the season. Both teams played nonleague
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Zach Lawless, Issaquah High School sophomore midfielder (left), gets an elbow on the neck of Woodinville junior defender Nick Norton during the first period of their March 24 soccer match. games March 21. Skyline defeated visiting Auburn Mountainview, 5-1. James Molyneux-Elliott scored two goals for Skyline. Pedro Miola contributed a goal and an assist for the Spartans. Issaquah and Highline fought to a 1-1 tie in Highline Stadium. Shane, assisted by Drew Tacher, scored Issaquah’s goal at the 68th minute. Shane’s goal also tied the
game. Liberty soccer rolls to win The Liberty High School boys soccer team exploded for three secondhalf goals March 22 as the Patriots defeated visiting Mount Si, 3-1, in a 3A/2A KingCo Conference game. After a scoreless first half, Liberty’s Danny Dapper tallied the game’s first goal on a penalty kick
at the 49th minute. Mount Si’s Dane Aldrich tied the scored at the 56th minute. Josh Muttart, assisted by Dapper, broke the tie at the 62nd minute. Alex Velasquez, assisted by Oliver Janders, wrapped up scoring for Liberty with a goal at the 75th minute. Liberty lost to Bellevue, 2-0, March 25.
Skyline races to win first meet of the year By Bob Taylor and Christopher Huber Issaquah Press reporters Skyline High School senior Kyle Branch didn’t even look like he was trying as he rounded the final curve on his way to a win in the 1,600-meter race against Woodinville. The standout distance runner finished way ahead of the competition, but afterward said he was actually trying to conserve energy for his next events, the 3,200 and the 4x400-meter relay. “It was a nice, relaxed pace,” he said. He finished in 4 minutes, 47.2 seconds. His wins in the 1,600 and 3,200 (10:04.1) helped the Skyline boys to an 82-55 season-opening 4A KingCo Conference win March 24 against the Falcons. The Skyline
girls also beat Woodinville, 88-62, despite lacking points from key returning players like high jumper Sydne Tingey, who was out with an injury. Williams leads Skyline boys Perennial star Kasen Williams was a leader on the boys’ team, winning the high jump with a leap of 6 feet, 9 inches and the long jump with a mark of 21 feet. Teammate Blake Young pulled his weight in the sprints events. He won the 100 in a time of 11.4 seconds, as well as the 200, with a time of 24.2 seconds. Trevon Clark rounded out Skyline’s sprints sweep with a win in the 400-meter race. He crossed the finish line in 54.4 seconds. In the 800-meter race, Skyline’s Drew Matthews won with a time of 2:05.4. Other than Garrett Corlis’ 153-7 mark in the javelin, the Spartans struggled in the throwing competition. Woodinville’s Jacob Hollister won the shot put with a toss of 417.5. He also won the discus event, heaving it 132-8. The Skyline relays looked to establish their winning ways again early in the season. Young, Charles Premone, Christian John and Dominic Sblendorio won the 4x100 relay in 45.3 seconds. Clark, Branch, Williams and Jay Bowlby won the 4x400 relay in 3:39.7. In the girls meet, thrower Haley Ziegler took both the shot put and discus. She won the shot put event with a throw of 28-9 and the discus with a toss of 87-11. Skyline’s Lindsey Coutts also won two events. She cleared 5-0 in the high jump and leapt 14-9 in the long jump. Marissa Fortier took first in the triple jump, measuring 30-3.5. Skyline’s Michelle Bretl won the 100 (13.2 seconds) and Dorie Dalzell won the 200 (27.8 seconds). As the girls will try to compete again in the relays, Skyline got off to a good start, winning the 4x100 relay in 53.6 seconds, the 4x200 relay in 1:49.80 and the 4x400 relay in 4:18.3.
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Skyline High School’s Chase Premone (right) hands the baton off to Christian John during the boys 4x100 relay race March 24 at Skyline High School.
Skyline High School senior Michelle Bretl crosses the finish line first in the 100 March 24 against Woodinville.
Josh Gordon sets records for Liberty Josh Gordon set two school records March 24 as he sparked
the Liberty High School boys track and field team to a 82-57 victory against host Lake Washington in a 3A/2A KingCo Conference meet. Gordon went 10.8 seconds to win the 100 meters. He broke Liberty's oldest record, set in 1980. Gordon leaped 22 feet, 4 1/2 inches to win the long jump and broke a record he set last year. The Liberty junior rounded out his day by capturing the high jump by going 6-3. Devin Bennett, of Liberty, won the 200 and the discus. In the girls meet, the Patriots won 108-39. Liberty swept all three relays. Ida Bakke captured the long jump and the triple jump. Alexis McGinnis won the shot put and discus. Emily PestlDimmitt took the 100 hurdles and javelin. Both Liberty teams finished first March 26 in the Liberty Invitational. The Liberty boys had a first-place total of 163 points. Yelm was second with 121. The Liberty girls finished first with 206 points and Yelm was second with 144. In the boys meet, Gordon had another busy and successful day. He won the high jump and long jump. Gordon also ran as a member of the Patriots’ winning 4x400 relay team. Tyler Westenbroek, of
the winning run. Against Sedro-Woolley, the Eagles had their best offensive game of the season. Kemmerer, playing as the designated hitter, went four for four with a pair of doubles. He drove in two runs. Shortstop Jake Bakamus also knocked in two runs. Winning pitcher Brandon Mahovlich blanked Sedro-Woolley over the first five innings. Mahovlich, in his first game of the season, allowed a hit and struck out eight. Issaquah scored three times in
the third inning with two of the runs coming across on a double by Kemmerer. The Eagles lost their league opener March 22 to host Newport, 1-0. Newport scored its run in the bottom of the seventh to end a pitchers’ duel. Ethan Kalin started for Issaquah and threw hitless innings before being relieved by Scott Boydston, who blanked Newport until the seventh. Cole Wiper, Newport’s starting pitcher, worked the first five in-
outs to preserve the victory. With the tying run on at third base, Westover got the final out with a strikeout. Issaquah snapped a 1-1 tie in the bottom of the fifth inning with two runs. Blake Miller scored the first run on an Eastlake error. Gavin Schumaker singled in Jack Gellatly with what proved to be
Liberty, won the 1,600 and 3,200. Bennett captured the 400 and anchored the 4x400 relay team. Hiron Redmon won the 800 and also ran as a member of the winning relay team. In the girls meet, Megan Chucka won the 1,600 and the 3,200. Other first places came from Madison Birdsall (100), Elizabeth Ryker (200), Pestl-Dimmitt (javelin), Bakke (long jump) and Danielle Richards (pole vault). Liberty also won the 4x100, 4x200 and 4x400 relays.
nings and allowed just two hits. He struck out eight. Jared Fisher, the winning pitcher, worked the final two innings for Newport. Daniel Altchech singled in pinch runner Ioannis Kritsonis with the winning run. Skyline also lost its league opener March 22 as the Spartans fell to Redmond, 5-3. Nate Litka had two hits and drove in two runs for Skyline.
Eagles sweep Garfield The Issaquah track teams defeated Garfield March 24. The Issaquah boys won 93-52 and the girls won 83-63. In the girls meet, Kim Varney won the 200 and 400. She also ran as a member of Issaquah's winning 800 and 1,600 relay teams. In the boys meet, Mike Baba won the shot put and javelin. Jorrell Dorsey won the long jump. He also ran as a member of the Eagles' winning 400 and 1,600 relay teams. On March 26, Issaquah competed in the Kent-Meridian Invitational. The girls finished fourth. Haley Jacobson won the 200 and Eva Perry captured the pole vault. The Issaquah boys tied for 18th place.
Bob Taylor: 392-6434, ext. 236, or Comment at
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134-Help Wanted PART-TIME OFFICE ASSISTANT. Sales company seeks Assistant proficient in Microsoft Office and administrative/clerical skills. 20-25 hours/week, $15/hour DOE. Submit resume: or call Doug, 206-999-8436 SHEPHERD OF THE Hills Lutheran Church is looking for a part-time Youth Director. This is a part-time position (15 hours/week) with responsibilities for youth ministry for both middle and high school youth. The mission of the YD is to develop and nurture the Christian faith, values and spirituality of students in the church and community. Location: Issaquah-Fall City Rd., Issaquah WA 98029. Contact: Pastor Drahus Oslik. Phone: 425391-8431. Website:
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NOTICES WARM, CARING HOST FAMILIES needed for high school exchange students. Volunteer today! Call 1 (866) GO-AFICE or visit <w> RECEPTIONIST: OUTGOING, EXCELLENT communication & clerical skills, MSOffice, ability to multi-task, detail-oriented. Responsibilities: scheduling, filing, patient-interaction, other clerical duties. Salary/retirement/holidays/vacation/sick leave. Weekdays, 8:00am5:00pm. Contact
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210-Public Notices 02-2124 LEGAL NOTICE ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DISTRICT SURPLUS SALE On Tuesday, May 3, 2011 from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM, the Issaquah School District will hold a sale of surplus computer systems, furniture and equipment. The sale will be held at the May Valley Service Center, 16430 SE May Valley Road, Renton, WA 98059. Questions can be referred to the Purchasing Office at 425837-7071.
CITY OF ISSAQUAH PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2011 Water Main Replacement Project Number W00111 Sealed bids will be received by the City of Issaquah in the Office of Public Works Engineering, physical address 177512th Ave NW, Issaquah, Washington 98027, mailing address City of Issaquah, Department of Public Works, PO Box 1307, Issaquah, WA 98027 until 1:00 P.M., Pacific Time, April 6, 2011, at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read for the 2011 Water Main Replacement, Project Number W00111. The work to be performed under the base bid includes the installation of approximately 3,200 lineal feet of 8-inch ductile water main with associated fittings, valves, services connections, fire hydrants, and a pressure reducing station in the City of Issaquah. Plans, specifications, bid forms, and other contract documents may be examined and obtained at the City of Issaquah Department of Public Works, 1775 - 12th Ave. NW, PO Box 1307, Issaquah, Washington. Questions re-
Published in The Issaquah Pres on 3/30/11
EASTSIDE FIRE & RESCUE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Eastside Fire & Rescue is accepting sealed bids for the supply and installation of a new Breathing Air Compressor, Containment Fill Station, Carbon Monoxide Monitor, and Air Storage System to be placed at Station 83, located at 3425 Issaquah Pine Lake Road, Sammamish, Washing-
$431,500 SI VIEW
BY APPT: Immaculate 4 bdrm home. Spacious kitchen, bonus room, office, 3 car gar, mtn views, close to downtown & I-90. Bob Richards 425-392-8050/392- #105798. D. Reardon 425-
BY APPT: Gorgeous 3 bdrm + den on quiet cul-de-sac. Walk to amenities. Custom touches thru-out. #181546. 6600.
for Wednesday Publication.
REAL ESTATE ADS Noon Friday for Publication the following week.
RESIDENTIAL BY APPT: 3 bdrm/2.5 bth w/ den. Updtd hm on priv .54 acre fenced lot. Rmdld kit, designer pnt, mstr ste w/5 piece bth. 2 car gar w/strg. #189698. T. Church 425-3926600.
$379,000 ISSAQUAH
BY APPT: Private and completely remodeled Bellevue daylight rambler, 4 bedroom/2 bath. #165790. Lou Bergman 392-6600.
BY APPT: Former Burnstead model w/4 bdrms + den + bns, many upgrds + view. Lndscpd yd has patio, wtr feature + putting green. #81978. L. White 425-3926600.
BY APPT: Custom built rambler on .88 acre. 4 bdrm, office, 2.5 bths, hardwoods, granite, 3 car garage. Built in 2007. #177753. D. Reardon 425-3926600.
BY APPT: Sought after Sunset Valley Farms, 3 bdrms, den, 2.5 bth, granite hdwds, 3 car gar, new roof, Iss schools. #195207. D. Reardon 425-392-6600.
BY APPT: 1+ Acre level lot in Sunny May Valley. 4 bed, 2.5 bath 2-story built in 1997. 3car garage. #159256 Dale
BY APPT: Downtown Snoqualmie. 3 bdrm/2.5 bth home w/2 car garage and fully fenced level yard. #182990 Valerie MacKnight
BY APPT: 3 bdrm/1 bth Fryelands rmblr on lrg fenced lot. Rmdld bth, new tile flrs, updtd kit, security sys, 2 car gar, RV pkg, & mtn views! #190291. T. Church
BY APPT: Top floor, end unit w/Tiger mtn views! Walk to dwntn Issaquah! Great investment property! #194027. Cheri Klavano 425-
BY APPT: Stylish townhome...3 bdrm, 2-car gar, hrdwd flrs, stainless, crown mldg. #131763. Bruce
Clouse 206-660-3777/425-3926600.
$849,950 BY APPT: Classic 4 bdrm SAMMAMISH
$639,000 WOODSIDE TERRACE $142,000
BY APPT: Astonishing thruout this 4 bdrm, den, bonus, 3 car gar hm resonates high quality to detail on 1+ acre. #180502. D. Kinson 206-9486581/425-392-6600.
$575,000 MONROE
425-765-6844/ Reardon 425-392-6600.
BY APPT: 2 river front cabins ISSAQUAH $497,000 w/full kitchens, baths & W/ BY APPT: Rare, larger D. Unique opportunity. Live, rambler in sought after Work, Art? #154303 Jan Brookshire Estates. 3 yr Lipetz 425-392-6600. roof, A/C. Gorgeous! KLAHANIE $415,000 #195613. Bob Richards 425- BY APPT: 3 bdrm plus bonus 392-8050/392-6600. rm 2.5 bth. Former model home. $5,000 carpet allowance. Newer roof. RESIDENTIAL #178918. D. Paremski 425-
$449,950 ISSAQUAH
POLICIES In accordance with the laws of Washington State: All licensed contractors must include their contractor number in the ad. Ads can be accepted only from licensed daycare providers. No discriminatory wording will be allowed in housing ads. Adoption ads will be accepted only from those with approved home studies.
3pm M onda y
ADJUSTMENTS The Issaquah Press will not be responsible for any mistakes to any ad after the first insertion. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to notify us of any errors prior to the second insertion. Our financial responsibility is limited to the advertising charge. Cancellations must be requested by deadline.
Published in The Issaquah Press on 3/30/11
DEADLINES Our tight production schedule does not allow us to accept ads after 3 p.m. Monday for the next Wednesday publication. Holiday deadlines are 3 p.m. Friday when our office is closed Monday.
ton, 98075. Sealed bids will be received at the office Eastside Fire & Rescue, 175 Newport Way NW, Issaquah, Washington 98027 up to 1:00 p.m. on April 14, 2011, for one new SCBA Breathing Air System, after which time bids will no longer be accepted. Sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the office of Eastside Fire & Rescue at 1:15 p.m. on April 14, 2011. Bids are to be submitted only on the form provided in the Bid Package. Bid documents can be downloaded from our website at Bid documents can also be obtained at our Headquarters office located at 175 Newport Way NW, Issaquah, Washington. Bid packages shall be submitted at the office of Eastside Fire & Rescue in a sealed envelope marked: Sealed Bid for SCBA Breathing Air System, along with the bid date and time of the bid opening. The Bid form shall contain all the information requested, or the bid may be rejected as unresponsive. Eastside Fire & Rescue reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive minor informalities, and to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of Eastside Fire & Rescue and the Citizens residing therein, and it is not bound to accept the lowest bid submitted. In accordance with RCW 39.34, other governmental agencies may purchase off this Bid Package at the terms and prices offered.
210-Public Notices garding this bid may be directed to the City of Issaquah Project Engineer (425) 8373400. Proposals shall be on the forms included in contract documents and shall be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond (with an authorized surety company as surety) made payable to the City of Issaquah, in an amount not less than 5% of the amount of the bid. Plans, specifications, and addenda, are also available online through Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc. at Click on: “”; “Posted Projects”; “Public Works”, “City of Issaquah”, and “Project Bid Date”. (Note: Bidders are encouraged to “Register as a Bidder”, in order to receive automatic email notification of future addenda and to be placed on the “Bidders List”. This service is provided free of charge to Prime Bidders, Subcontractors, & Vendors bidding this project. Features: No downloading required; time saving on-line digitizer / take-off tools; automatic addenda notification; view and or print plans, details, & specifications without wait/down time at your own desk top printer, plotter, or from multiple reprographic houses utilizing on-line print order form. Contact Builders Exchange of Washington at 425-258-1303 should you require further assistance.) A non-refundable fee of $30.00 will be charged for each set of plans and specifications. An additional $5.00 will be charged if mailing is required. The City of Issaquah reserves the right to waive any irregularities or informalities and to reject any or all bids. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the time announced for the opening, or before the award and execution of the contract, unless the award is delayed for a period exceeding sixty (60) days. The City of Issaquah in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color or national origin in consideration for an award. Bidders must comply with all applicable governmental requirements including but not limited to, affirmative action programs and other equal opportunity actions as explained in the specifications. EEO/AA/Nondiscrimination against handicapped.
Published in The Issaquah Press on 3/30/11 & 4/27/11
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GENERAL The Issaquah Press reserves the right to correctly classify and edit copy. Prepayment may be requested at our discretion.
210-Public Notices
traditional Buchan resonates quality throughout. Offers entertainer’s floorplan. #155805. D. Kinson 206-948-
BY APPT: Park & Pine Lake hm w/5 bdrm + bonus or 4 + bonus, rec room. Granite kitchen. Beach access. Yd has H20 feature. #192609. L. White 425-392-6600.
BY APPT: Much better then renting. 1 bdrm/1 bth condo. Back of complex for privacy. Easy access to 405. #180433. D. Kinson 206-948-
The Issaquah Press
Page B8
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Chain reaction of compassion
r Gold Sta
First Columbine shooting victim’s message of kindness lives on By Tim Pfarr Issaquah Press reporter
Flutist wins award Issaquah Middle School student Elizabeth Moore won the merit-based Frances Walton Youth Music Scholarship from the Bellevue Youth Symphony Orchestra. Moore received the $100 award March 6. Conductor Sandy Saathoff honored one musician from each division who best exemplified the qualities of the orchestra. The award is named for Frances Walton, a former music teacher in the Issaquah School District.
One day in a busy high school lunchroom, a new student sat down at an almost full table. Those at the table rudely cleared out as the new girl sat, prompting Rachel Scott — who sat at a different table — to approach and join the new student for lunch. That was one of the many ways Rachel reached out to others with compassion and kindness. She challenged others to do the same and surprise themselves with the results, which could include a chain reaction of compassion, she said. When she was 17, Rachel was killed in the April 1999 Columbine High School shootings near Littleton, Colo. She was the first to be shot that day, and although her death was untimely, her message
Summer computer camp registration open
Supporting your child’s social development
Current fourth- and fifthgraders can register for Summer Computer Camp. Students will learn how to use a camera, how to film correctly and how to transfer video to a computer. They will learn the fundamentals of video production and editing, and how to use still pictures and video to make a movie on a DVD. Summer Computer Camp runs weekdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. July 11 to July 22 at Clark Elementary School, 500 Second Ave. S.E. Tuition for the two-week program is $225 and applications are available in school offices and on the school district website. Go to, choose “academics,” select “programs” and then click on “summer school.”
Parents are invited to a free parenting lecture about “Friends and Frienemies: The Love/Hate Relationships that Form Our Youth” from 7-8:30 p.m. April 26 at Cougar Ridge Elementary School, 4630 167th Ave. S.E., Bellevue. Laura Doerflinger, mental health therapist and executive director of the Parent Education Group, will discuss how parents can encourage the best social experiences for their children.
Resisting raising children who feel entitled How should parents manage children who automatically think they should have every new electronic game? What are strategies to tame their desire for instant gratification and feelings of entitlement? How can parents teach responsibility and accountability? The community is invited to see noted author and parent educator Jan Faull talk about raising responsible children from 7-8:30 p.m. April 18 at Sunset Elementary School, 4229 W. Lake Sammamish Parkway S.E., Bellevue. The PTSA-sponsored event is free and no registration is required.
School district summer school registration opens Students can get a jump-start on their studies this summer at Elementary Summer School, an Issaquah School District program for first- through fifth-graders. Classes, which cost $375, are held weekdays from 9 a.m. to noon July 5-29 at Clark Elementary School, 500 Second Ave. S.E. Summer school teachers will use GLAD training — Guided Language Acquisition Design — a strategy of teaching that appeals to all students, especially English language learners. Summer school subjects include language arts, content-area reading and math. Classrooms are limited to 22 students, and students on free and reduced-price lunch may be eligible for partial scholarships if money is available. Download scholarship and registration forms at Go to “academics,” “programs” and then “summer school.”
of kindness lives on. This message graced the students at Liberty High School March 8, when Rachel’s father, Darrell Scott, visited the school for an Rachel Scott assembly. For an hour, Scott — who founded the nonprofit organization Rachel’s Challenge — told students, teachers and visitors about who his daughter was, what she believed in and how she impacted the lives of those around her. Scott also read excerpts from Rachel’s journals, showed photos of his family and screened videos containing interviews and footage from the day of the shootings. Rachel had been shot while eating lunch in the grass outside the school. She had a journal in her backpack at the time, and a bullet hole pierced her words. That and other stories brought tears to attendees’ eyes. “It was above my expectations,” said Chris Turner, a senior. “I didn’t think it was going to be as
Darrell Scott asks Liberty High School students at an assembly March 8 to raise a hand if they lost a loved one recently.
ON THE WEB Learn more about Rachel Scott and her message at
emotional as it was.” However, the assembly focused more on Rachel’s life than her death, and Scott asked Liberty students to partake in her challenge of compassion. As part of the challenge, he asked them to look for the best in others, dream big, write goals, keep a journal, choose positive influences and use kind words. “Your words can heal and your words can hurt,” Scott said. “Let
It’s not easy being ‘green’ Kermit the Frog knows that “it’s not easy being green.” Though his challenge to accept himself is a little different from that of the challenge to be environmentally “green,” he can definitely sympathize with those of us who are struggling with this color. Being “green” is not as easy as it sounds. Sure “reduce, reuse, recycle” is a great jingle, but it is not that simple. There are many nationwide rules regarding what can and cannot be recycled and composted, most of which are unknown to the majority of citizens. Such guidelines only further complicate the situation. Many people seem to have gotten stuck in the struggles of how to be green. In the lunchroom at Liberty, people constantly approach the trash can, the recycling bin and the compost bin with their waste and, not knowing what belongs where, end up throwing everything into the trash. Similarly, in classrooms, an easily accessible trash can can encourage students to throw away their recyclables instead of
Hall Monitor By Shayna Waldbaum Liberty High School finding the far off recycling bin. However, knowing the basics and making that extra effort to be “green” can really make a difference. The state Department of Ecology published an article that said that the 6.8 million tons of recycled material collected in 2008, “saved energy equivalent to about 1 billion gallons of gasoline … or about a third of all energy used by Washington businesses annually.” Collecting all of this material for recycling prevented it from just being sent to a landfill. Although landfills can work to produce usable energy, they are still garbage dumps that take up valuable land
Why Do Smart Kids Struggle?
that can be used for more beneficial purposes. The more land we use for our landfills, the less land we can use for places like neighborhoods and parks. In 2008, the department also stated that 45 percent of Washington residents were recycling. In order to continue to increase this percentage and decrease waste, we all need to step up to the challenge and embrace the responsibility of being “green” individuals, thus creating a “green” community and a “green” nation. Whether it means sorting out compostables and recyclables at lunch or making that extra trek across the classroom to get to the recycling bin, the little extra energy given with each action and choice can make a huge difference. In the end, Kermit decided that, “green can be cool and friendly-like, and green can be big like an ocean or important like a mountain … And I think it’s what I want to be.” So, take Kermit’s example: Be cool, be friendly-like, be big, be important and be “green.”
the Rocky Mountains this year. Camera crews from KING-5 news — with whom the organization had partnered — were on hand to tape the presentation, interview students after the assembly and gather footage for an upcoming television special about the nonprofit. Liberty Associated Student Body Activity Coordinator and Dean of Students Michelle Munson worked with representatives from Rachel’s Challenge for several months to bring one of its many speakers to the school. “I just wanted to strengthen the Liberty community,” she said. She hoped to have a speaker attend the school’s Martin Luther King Jr. assembly in January, but it fell through, she said. Weeks later, she received a call from Rachel’s Challenge representatives who told her Scott wanted to personally speak at the school and bring camera crews with him. “It was a chain reaction on some level,” Munson said. “I thought, ‘That just amped it up a notch.’ I knew it would be powerful.” She said she was moved by the presentation, and that a presentation from such an influential speaker is sure to help students understand that they can make a difference. Liberty ASB President Lauren Bay and Vice President Jordan Thompson said Scott’s presentation was incredibly moving. Thompson said he hopes to work with Rachel’s Challenge at some point in the future, and Bay said she expects the message of compassion to have lasting effects on the student body. “I think it’s going to keep going at Liberty,” she said. The school held meetings March 29 during lunch, during which students brought their lunches with them into the auditorium to discuss their feelings about and reactions to the March 8 assembly. Tim Pfarr: 392-6434, ext. 239, or Comment at
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them be words of healing, not hurt.” For the final part of the challenge, he asked students to tell seven to 10 of their closest loved ones how much they mean to them. He said to do that sometime in the following three days. He asked students to raise their hands if they wanted to participate, and hundreds of arms shot into the air throughout the gym. Students treated Scott to a standing ovation after the assembly, and many took the opportunity to shake hands with or hug the man who lost his daughter almost 12 years ago. “They’re a great group of students,” Scott said. “I know I connected with them.” Liberty was the only school Scott will visit on the west side of
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