19 minute read

Kindergarten to High School


All students who live within the Issaquah School District boundaries are entitled to attend schools in the District. All kids are accepted. If you are unsure in which school boundary your home is located, please email transportation-enews@ issaquah.wednet.edu with your complete address, including city and zip code, and they will look up the schools for you.


Tuition is free, but some activities have fees for additional offerings such as after-school programs, field trips, and sports. Please ask the school office if your family needs financial assistance. All requests are kept completely confidential.


For your school’s bell schedule for the 2023-2024 school year, please visit your student’s school website, hover over “Our School,” and click on “Bell Schedules” on the menu that appears.


If your child is absent, parents need to call or email the school attendance with the student’s full name, the date of absence, and the reason for absence. The contact information can be found at the bottom of each school’s home page.

The school will contact families using a computerized phone call message if your child has missed that day. You must call or email the school attendance and explain why your child has missed school. Some excused absences are due to illness/health, family emergencies, preapproved family trips, and religious observances. If you know your child will have to miss school, communicate with the school with the following information: name of the child, teacher/periods, date(s), and the reason for their absence.

If a student has 3-5 or more unexcused absences in a single month during the current school year, the District will schedule a conference with the student and their parent(s). A conference may also be scheduled if a student has five or more excused full-day absences within any month. If a student has 15 or more excused absences, the school may request that further absences be excused with a doctor’s note.

If a student has 7 unexcused absences in one month or 15 unexcused absences in a year, the District will refer the student to a community truancy board or file a petition and affidavit with the juvenile court. The school will attempt interventions upon the third unexcused absence and continue interventions* until student attendance improves.

* Intervention will include a meeting with parents and tips or resources to ensure the student’s attendance improves.


To find your student’s bus route, parents need to log in to the e-Link (https:// versatransweb05.tylertech.com/ Issaquah/elinkrp/Login.aspx) to find it. Please note not all the students have bus route information because the families who live close to the school and meet certain criteria will not have bus service.

Due to the weather, the bus will use a different schedule; please use the snow e-Link (https:// versatransweb05.tylertech.com/Issaquah/ elinkrpsnow/Login.aspx) to find the bus stop for the snow route. If it is a snow route, please arrive at least 5 minutes before the normal bus stop time unless there’s a school delay.

Bus stop and route information will be available online in mid-August: https://www. isd411.org/programs-services/buses/findyour-bus-route. E-link and SNOW E-link Information is also available on this website.

Students are required to arrive at their bus stop five minutes prior to pick-up time. Pickup times may change during the school year; parents will be notified. Parents are responsible for their children prior to pickup and after drop-off. Drivers do not allow parents or any other person to board the bus.

Students are expected to behave properly and safely on the bus and at bus stops and to comply with the driver’s directions. Disciplinary rules are enforced on buses in the same manner as on school campuses, and video cameras are installed to assist staff in maintaining discipline. A complete list of bus rules can be found here: https://www.isd411. org/about-us/departments/transportation/ school-bus-information-handbook

Students may ride on other buses or get off at a different stop on a space-available basis with a written request from the parent to the school. A bus pass must be obtained from the school office at least a half-hour before school is dismissed. Students will be dropped off only at authorized bus stops. Kindergarten students must be released to their parent or guardian unless there is a “Release Form” signed by the parent.

Middle school and high school students also have the option of riding the activity bus if they participate in after-school sports or clubs. Please note that the activity bus route drops off at different stops than the regular route.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding a particular bus route, bus stop, or bus driver, or if you wish to speak with someone regarding student bus behavior, you may contact the Transportation Department at 425-837-6330.


If there’s an emergency situation and the school needs to open late in the morning or dismiss early in the afternoon, families need to follow the guidelines from the emergency transportation bulletin. It is available on the district website: https://www.isd411. org/programs-services/buses/emergencytransportation-bulletin. Please scan the QR code on this website to read more details. The bus will be at the alternative stops. A hard copy of the emergency transportation bulletin will be mailed to all families at the beginning of the school year. Please keep it at home and make sure it is easily accessible. It is important to provide their accurate address during EVP (Enrollment Verification Process), so mail and documents from the District will be sent to you correctly.


Elementary school kids often receive homework packets or an individual page assigned to reinforce classroom instruction. Most teachers require daily reading as a part of homework. Homework will not be graded; it is only for practice. The teacher usually reviews the homework in class. All elementary students will have their own Clever accounts. Clever is the online learning platform for students to access a variety of curriculum tools and technology resources. This includes many apps, such as Zearn and BrainPop, that they use in class. Students only need to remember one username and password to sign into Clever, Office 365, and many learning apps.

For middle school and high school students, homework depends on the classes that they are taking. Most homework is posted on the Canvas Learning Management System. Through Canvas, students will have access to teacher information, course syllabus, assigned homework with due dates, and a single calendar for all classes. When a student is absent or misses the class for any reason, it’s their responsibility to check on Canvas for the school work they missed and/or contact the teacher if they have any questions.

Students can also use Canvas to turn in homework and email their teachers directly. To make sure your student is doing homework, you can create your own Canvas account and have an Observer Role. Parents can get notifications from their Canvas accounts only if they set them up. Official final class grades are posted in the Gradebook in Family Access. The periodic grades will be updated or available on Canvas for parents to check. In some classes, students can turn in late work, make-up assignments, and even retake tests if needed. If students have questions, students can email their teacher or stop by their office before or after school. Schools offer after-school help for many classes. Check the website of your school for additional resources.


Student progress is carefully monitored through state testing of the Common Core Standards and the use of the i-Ready Diagnostic Assessments. However, these assessments are not part of your child’s grade. The Smarter Balanced assessments and the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS) are given in spring. I-Ready is given 1-3 times per year, depending on the grade level. More information can be found at: https://www. isd411.org/academics/testing.

  • Kindergarten: Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS)

  • Kindergarten - 5th grade: i-Ready Reading & Math

  • Grades 3th to 8th, and 10th to 12th: Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA)

  • Grades 6th-8th: i-Ready Reading

  • Grades 6th-8th: Alex Math

  • Grades 5th, 8th, 11th: Washington Comprehensive Assessment in Science (WCAS)

  • Grades K-12th: English Language Proficieny Assesment the 21st Century (ELPA 21)


It is very important for you to be informed. Be sure during EVP (Enrollment Verification Process) that the school has your accurate home address, phone number, and email. The school can communicate with you as needed.

Contact your teacher if you have questions or concerns about your child, and inform her/ him about any important life events that may affect your child at school, such as the birth of a sibling, divorce, death in the family, etc. You can also contact your teacher, school counselor, or principal if you want to discuss academics or behavior. The phone numbers and email addresses of all teachers are listed on the school websites.

For Communications, the Weekly Bulletin is how schools send information to parents. Families do not need to sign up for the Weekly Bulletin – they are automatically signed up with the email provided upon registering their student(s). But if you would like to sign up with an alternate email (for example, if you provided a home email to the school but want to receive the Weekly Bulletin at work as well), you can sign up here: https://www.isd411.org/ about-us/announcements/sign-up.

If the parent thinks they did not receive the weekly bulletin, please check the email address they provided to the school and the email spam folder.

There is also a lot of information on the websites of the Issaquah School District, the school, and PTSA/PTA. To help your child succeed at school, sign up for a Canvas observer account (middle school and high school) or check your child’s Clever account (elementary school). Teachers also post syllabus information (expectations for the class, tests, and homework), the calendar, and contact information on Canvas and Clever.

For all the parents, it is very important to attend Curriculum Night at the beginning of the school year to learn and understand the entire year’s course syllabus and information.

At any grade level, you can always request a meeting with your student’s teacher by emailing them to discuss your student’s progress or if you are worried about grades.

In elementary school, there’s a ParentTeacher conference, a meeting with your child’s teacher. Your school will give you the details. Every day check your student’s backpack because teachers will send forms and information to parents with kids.

In middle school and high school there are no Parent-Teacher conferences, but you can always request a meeting. Contact a teacher to discuss your student’s academic issues.

Email or call the school counselor if there are any social, behavioral, or emotional concerns.

All schools have access to interpreter services if needed. This is a free service for parents. Interpreters are available on the phone, in person, or in a Zoom meeting at no cost to the parents. Please request an interpreter from your school’s staff.


Students (grades K-12) in the Issaquah School District are provided a Microsoft 365 account to communicate, complete assignments, and facilitate their schoolwork. The MS365 account is a cloudbased dashboard giving students access to Word, Excel, Sway, PowerPoint, Teams, OneNote, Outlook, and more. Students may access these tools through a web browser or mobile app.

Students in grades 6-12 are provided a laptop by the District during the first week of school. They return it during the last week of school. Student needs to take the laptop fully charged to the school every day since they are expected to use the laptop daily during the school day.


All grade levels and content areas use a curriculum that is aligned with the State Standards. For more information, visit: https://www.isd411.org/academics/ academics-overview.


For students in grades 6-12, online textbooks are available for a variety of content and curriculum using Classlink or Canvas as directed by their teacher.


Our District has programs that serve students with disabilities from birth through twenty-one years who reside within district boundaries. For more information, visit https://www.isd411.org/programsservices/special-education.


A 504 plan is a written plan that describes the educational and related aids and services that a district determines a student needs to receive a Free and Appropriate Public Education. Students who have health concerns such as hearing loss, anxiety, diabetes, asthma, severe allergies, etc., should share this information with the school counselor to make sure they receive the support and accommodations that they need.


Students wear casual clothes to school; there are no uniforms. In elementary school, students are encouraged to wear appropriate shoes so they can play on the playground or take PE class. Check the school handbook on each school’s website for a detailed dress code for each school.


For the 2023-2024 school year, lunches will be available to purchase for all students in each school’s cafeteria. The meal price is approximately $4.00 at the elementary schools and $4.25 at the middle schools and high schools. A standard meal will be available, prepared by District Food Service staff members. A la carte items (such as bottled drinks, pizza from vendors, or bags of chips) will be available at middle schools and high schools for students to purchase at a cost.

Menus and nutritional data are posted before the end of each month for the following month: https://www.isd411.org/ programs-services/lunch/lunch-menu. Students can also bring their lunch from home.

For families who need financial assistance, the Free & Reduced lunch program will be available to apply in early August and throughout the entire school year: https:// www.isd411.org/programs-services/ lunch#fs-panel-12954. If the family consents to disclose eligibility to the school, other financial aid programs will be available to access, such as sports and clubs.


Schools are not responsible for any lost items. However, there are assigned places where all misplaced items are collected. If students are missing something, they can look for it at their school’s Lost & Found location. A couple of times throughout the year, unclaimed items are donated to local charities.


Each school has Counseling Services. All students have access to and the right to participate in the school guidance and counseling program. The counseling program is based on specified goals and developmental competencies for all students to support of student achievement. It is planned and coordinated by school counseling teams with consideration of other school, parent or guardian, and community representatives. School counselors help students manage emotions, apply interpersonal skills, and plan for post-secondary options.

Counselors deliver classroom lessons and facilitate small psychoeducational groups on the elementary school level. All the grade-level counselors connect students with outside resources and collaborate with families, teachers, administrators, and community members for student success. To contact your student’s school counselor, visit: https://www.isd411.org/programsservices/counseling-and-mental-health/ school-counselors


If a student feels that he or she is being harassed, intimidated, or bullied (including) mistreatment due to race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, or disability, the student should immediately report such incidents to a teacher, counselor, or building administrator and submit online report: https://issaquah.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_035VKztyAacu75Q. A complete copy of Regulation #3207 may be obtained at any school or at https://www.isd411.org/about-us/safety-and-security/hib.


Middle schools and high schools provide identification cards to students with their name, grade, and photo. Students are expected to carry their card at all times during the school day and at school activities.

ASB Associated Student Body

The state does not provide funds for middle and high school sports, clubs, and events. Every middle school and high school has an ASB organization of students that sells cards to students for them to participate in sports, clubs, and events. Cards cost between $35 to $55. There is financial assistance available for students that qualify. Students need to pay the ASB membership fee to participate the sports and clubs, and the fees are collected at the beginning of the school year, but it can be paid throughout the year too. An ASB stamp/sticker will be put on the student’s identification card.


Schools offer a variety of after-school clubs at no cost. Check the school’s website to see what clubs are at the school and the dates the clubs meet. Some clubs require ASB cards. Information is also sometimes included in the school’s E-news.


Schools offer a variety of sports for students each year. They will be asked to have an ASB (Associated Student Body) card in order to participate in a sport. Additional fees might apply to certain sports. Practices are held after school, and students can take the activity bus home afterward. Available sports, sports seasons, and further information should be available on the school’s website, as well as posted in the school’s E-news. All students wishing to participate in a school sport need to have a physical dated after June 1st.


Schools offer students an opportunity to participate in music programs and productions throughout the year that includes concert band, jazz band, orchestra, choir, etc. Check the website of your school for details.


Middle school will be assigned a locker to store books, school supplies, coats, and sports gear during the day. High School students can request a locker. Some students may have to share lockers.


Each school has a Student Responsible Use Agreement form. Students and parents will be asked to review and sign during EVP (Enrollment Verification Process): https:// www.isd411.org/portals/family-access/ enrollment-verification-process.


If you notify the school that your child speaks any language other than English, your student will be given the WIDA, an English Language Screener. This is a short test given by school staff where your child’s listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills are tested.

A letter with the results will be sent to parents. The Screener will identify which students will be eligible for MLL instruction.

Issaquah School District multilingual students will access grade-level instruction in an inclusive, culturally and linguistically responsive learning environment as they develop their language proficiency. The Issaquah School District uses an acceleration model that empowers multilingual students to develop the social and academic English language proficiency that they will need to be successful in content-area instruction throughout their day. Language and skill development is accelerated so that students can meet high standards in ALL academic areas.


The “Supportive Mainstream” model is used in our elementary schools. In this model, students spend their day in a regular classroom. Many of the classroom and MLL teachers are trained in Project GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design). As the basis for service, MLL-certificated teachers and paraprofessionals come into the classroom to help students develop academic language and/or provide other interventions as needed to be successful in their class.


A certified teacher leads the English Language Development (ELD) class for MLL students.

This class works to build student proficiency in academic language, helping students access the core curriculum throughout the rest of their day. These classes focus on oral language development, explicit instruction in the structure of the English language, and academic language development through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. They may also support the student in their core classroom work. Some middle schools also provide after-school support for MLL students. This class takes the place of one elective.


A certified teacher leads an English Language Development (ELD) class for MLL students. This class works to build student proficiency in academic language, helping students access the core curriculum throughout the rest of their day. These classes focus on oral language development, explicit instruction in the structure of the English language, and academic language development through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. They may also support the student in their core classroom work. Some high schools also provide after-school support so that students can receive extra help with academics and language learning.

Once a year, the students take an online test in February or March called the WIDA annual test; the results will show their language growth and current language proficiency level. Scores are sent home from the district office after testing results are received from OSPI.

For more information about the WIDA assessments, families can review the information here: https://www.isd411.org/programsservices/multilinguallearners/wida-access.

For more information, please contact the MLL office at 425-837-7078.


The Issaquah School District uses the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) to identify student needs for both behavior and academics. The goal is to proactively identify and respond to student needs, provide different levels of support, and promote social-emotional well-being. This set of supports is continually changing and improving. The MTSS model includes many areas of ongoing work in the Issaquah School District.

MTSS employs a team-driven, data-based, problem-solving approach. Team-driven means that a group of staff members work together to identify needs. A single teacher is not responsible for identifying a need and developing a solution. Databased means that sets of measurements are reviewed at specific times throughout the school year. Problem-solving means the team develops solutions to help the student improve in the identified areas. Important parts of this process include early interventions (identifying needs before they become big problems for the student) and comprehensive assessment (regular monitoring of student progress). The staff uses high-leverage practices, the fundamentals of teaching that have been shown to improve student achievement, to ensure that students learn. These practices include student instruction, intervention when a student is behind, and regular assessments to identify both needs and progress.

To learn more about ISD MTSS system, visit: https://www.isd411.org/programs-services/ mtss.


In High School, it is called National Honor Society (NHS). In middle school, it is called National Junior Honor Society (NJHS).

It is an organization that recognizes and encourages academic achievement while also developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. The National (Junior) Honor Society elevates a school’s commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. These five pillars have been associated with membership in the organization since its inception in 1929.

Learn more about these five pillars of membership, visit: https://www.njhs.us

To join their school chapter, students are required to have a certain cumulative grade point average (GPA) after the first trimester of 7th grade. To maintain membership, students must complete 40 hours of community service and attend meetings. The required hours might differ by school. Members will have the option of doing this activity until High School when it’s called the National Honor Society.


It is recommended that all elementary school parents complete their volunteer application on the District website (https:// www.isd411.org/get-involved/volunteer) to ensure they can participate in classroom activities and attend lunch/recess events as they are organized by the school during the school day. Only the parents on the approved volunteer list can participate or volunteer inside a school during the daytime.

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