Itziar Echebarrieta_CV+Portfolio

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Experienced architect with 5 years in small and medium-sized firms across Spain and the UK, managing diverse projects throughout Europe.

Specializes in Office, Industrial, Residential, and Interior Design with a strong interest in Cultural and Public sector projects.

Currently exploring AI-driven innovation tools and Design Thinking methodologies.

Recently relocated to Melbourne, seeking a challenging role in a leading firm to advance career and contribute to impactful architectural projects.


Arquid S.L.P

Architecture and Project Management company


Madrid, Spain

Research & Innovation Department founder

Publications leader

Document producer, Project leader and Supervisor of a wide range of typologies from concept phase to construction closing


Architecture Master

Polytechnic Architecture School of Madrid (ETSAM

Madrid, Spain



Originallyfrom: Madrid,Spain

Currentlylivingin: Southbank,3006

Melbourne, VIC,Australia


Phonenumber: 0456207508

Building their future

School construction

Nairobi, Kenya

Volunteering work to build school facilities

Andrew Wallace Architects

Architecture Office

Manchester, UK

Publications production

Document producer on residential and cultural projects design

Post-industrial Identity


Porto, Portugal

Research Publication

Final Degree Thesis

Polytechnic Architecture School of Madrid (ETSAM)

Madrid, Spain – remote from Manchester, UK

International Workshop Porto Academy

Tatiana Bilbao Group (FAUP)

Porto, Portugal

Architecture Master Exchange

Erasmus Scholarship (FAUP)

Porto, Portugal

Architecture Degree

Polytechnic Architecture School of Madrid (ETSAM)

Madrid, Spain – remote from Manchester, UK



Office refurbishment

The project involves the design and refurbishment of an old warehouse integrated in the city but at the same time hidden in it, that was found almost abandoned. The old structure was preserved to keepitsidentity,directlylinkedwiththecompany'spersonalityandportfolio.

Thedifferent levels,thetransparencyandthegreenelementswerethemaintoolsusedtoconfigurate thespacesinsidetheoffice,whatallowedtorespecttheindustrialheritageoftheplace.

Office & Lab building

As a result of a masterplan, a new office and laboratory building was to be constructed for the Shell Grease Manufacturing Plant in Ghent, located on the north industrial area of the city, particulary on theEastsideofthePantserschipstraat.

This building was to contain all the lab functions, currently housed on the West side of the street, a newreceptionandcentralizationsitemanagementoffices,qualitycontrollaboratoriesandlockersfor allShellstaff.

DOW Office Fit Out

Design and execution of new offices and showroom for Dow in Antwerp. This new space might be located in an empty floor of an existing offices building with a traditional structure, which was to be kept,butwithoutlettingthisimpacttheprojectfromgettinganuniquecharacter.

The aim of the project was to promote a collaborative atmosphere that could communicate the values of the company. Meeting rooms, open work spaces and the integrated furniture were designed so people could work together. The arena, located right in the centre of the space, settles as the project heart and as the main sample of the democratic


Housing project

GC7 is a single-family home project located in the northeast area of Madrid. The project chase the creation of a home isolated from the noise of the street, facing a private garden, which could be directly related to the ground floor of the house, so the family coulddeveloptheirday-to-daylifethere.

Toresolvetherelationshipbetweenpublicandprivate,theprojectisdesigninfourmain volumes:

onefacingthestreetthatfunctionsasafilter,andthreemore openonesfacingtheback garden.

Thecompositionofthesevolumestogetherwiththematerialsofeachoneandtheholes thatareformedinthem,supplementtheprojectwithsmallpersonalandprivateoases.

This filter façade works together with the vegetation of the patios and terraces to achieve a calm atmosphere inside. Small reminiscences of the ceramic material used in the volume to the street also appear on the garden terraces, working as a protection againstsunlight.


Housing project

Entrepeñas is a single-family home project located on a very steep slope near Peñalagos reservoir, Guadalajara. The night areas and services are located on the ground floor, while the day areas are on thefirstfloor.

Theinitialvolumeisbrokenupanddividedintodayandnightareasinordertostackthematdifferent heights.Thisway,thebuildingopensupandblendsinwiththesurroundings.

The steep slope of the terrain presents both as a challenge and as an opportunity, given that it has to be preserved and allowed to flow with the architecture, but at the same time it offers a privileged locationwiththebestviewsofthereservoir.

Throughthestackingofvolumes,weachievespaceswherethenaturalenvironmentfollowsitscourse andgetsconcentratedunderthehouse.


Research & Specifications

Worldwide Building Design Team is dedicated to produce comprehensive documentation for all types of Amazon buildings. This includes creating detailed project briefs, guidelines, construction details, and explanatory images to ensure consistency and quality across various projects. Their primary objective isthe standardizationof projects toachieve greater efficiency and cost savings. The team's meticulous approach ensures that every aspect of building design and construction is clearly definedandaccessible,facilitatingsmoothprojectexecutionandmaintenance.

Their work involves close collaboration with architects, engineers and suppliers to gather and organize technical information. Thisresults in thorough andprecise documentation that supportsthe complex needs of Amazon's diverse infrastructure. By providing clear and detailed technical specifications, the team plays a crucial role in maintaining the high standards of Amazon's global buildingprojects.

This proposal is an investigation of the contemporary uses of a library, rethinking spaces considering their necessary flexibility in order to future developments. The connection with the public space was also clue, conceived as part of the project itself and resolved through a vernacular and bioclimatic filter.

The metabolic nature of the project is cut off at the ends of the plant when it runs into a transparent but rectangular membrane. This antagonistic geometry to that of the previous hard nucleus of laboratories highlights it, and it is also enhanced with a second resounding cut to generate the social patiothatdividestwodifferentareasnorth-south.

An exercise in juxtaposition in front of the first cornerstone: the nucleus of laboratories; reminding us that stem cells, like life itself, function in a continuous dichotomy between the technical and the relaxed,betweenpraxisandpoiesis.Andthatbotharemergedunderthesameroof.



Dance Center

Aneo-GothicchurchinanorthernEnglishcityisbeingtransformedintoavibrantculturalcenter,designedto serve the local community with a focus on musical activities. The project meticulously preserves the church'shistoricwallsanddecorativemoldingswhileintroducingatechnicalfloorthatsupportsmodern uses such as concerts, workshops, and event rentals. This innovative floor provides the necessary infrastructure withoutalteringthebuilding'soriginalaestheticcharm.

Byimplementingasecondarylayerbellowthepreservedmoldings,followinganoffsetoftheir geometry, all modern utilities are integrated in a lightweight, sculptured way, ensuring minimal visual impact on the historic interior. The new cultural center will blend historical preservation with contemporary functionality,offeringauniquevenueformusicalexpressionandcommunityengagement.


Cultural Center

An industrial warehouse in a semi-abandoned area is being transformed into a space- themed cultural center, featuringexhibitionzones,workshops,anauditoriumandacaféforvisitorsofallages.Thedesignconceptstartsfrom ahermeticspace,concealingthemysteriesofspacewithin,withacrack-likeentranceonthefaçadereminiscentofa fissureonadistantplanet.Theprojectretainstheoriginalstructurewhileintroducingagrandhallthatservesasthe mainexhibitionspaceandcentralhub.

Thespacioushallactsastheheartofthecenter,distributingaccesstovariousfunctionalareaswhilehostingmajor exhibitions. By leveraging the existing framework of the warehouse, the design blends industrial elements with imaginative displays that inspire curiosity about space. This conversion revitalizes the semi-abandoned area, providingadynamicandeducationalenvironmentforthecommunityandvisitorsalike.



Environment complex

Thedegradationofnatureinitstwomostpresentformsintheplace:vegetationandwater,infavorof an economic activity now in a recession period. It becomes necessary to rethink the city's support infrastructuresandtheirimpactontheenvironment.

The existing port platform thus becomes the basis for a new dynamic between man and the environment. A biological machine that accepts nature itself as a collaborative energy for its regenerationprocesses. Anew infrastructurethatprioritizes the citizenandtakesresponsibility for its effectsontheenvironment,dedicatedtoenvironmentalstudyandintertwinedwiththecity.

Instead of directly greening the industrial landscape, trying to recover a pristine idyllic nature, a humanizedsupportisproposedtosustainthenewlandscapeinsteadofmakingitdisappear.

Thisnew infrastructure consists ofanewsection ofthe place in the form ofmonolithicshapeseroded bywaterandtime; atectonics anda filter systemthataccommodate devices andarchitecturesaimed atdevelopingandcomplementingtheactivitiesandtechniquesofthecomplex.




Exhibition space

The Ficus space, beyond the typical office, undergoes a vibrant transformation into an art gallery several times a year, serving as the perfect venue for exceptional events organized by ourownteam.

With exhibitions featuring guest artists, this venue becomes the new epicenter of creativity and artistic expression. With a diverse agenda that includes both public and private events, elegantcocktaileveningsandintimateconcerts.


Innovation + Academic + Communication Event

The collaboration between our Innovation, Academic, and Communication departments is pivotal in organizing engaging conferences and roundtable discussions. From advertising to guest coordination, catering, and transforming the space, each department plays a crucial role in ensuring seamless events that captivate both our internal team and the public audience. These collaborative efforts not only foster knowledge exchange but also create immersive environments for meaningful connections and open dialogue, enriching our community'sintellectuallandscape.



installation that explores the decay of the upper class, symbolized by the changing seasons portrayed through meticulously crafted golden leaves scattered throughout a regal, white room reminiscentofancientpalaces.

Each golden leaf represents a phase in the inevitable passage of time, with opulence and privilege depicted through the richness of gold and fragility embodiedinthedelicatenatureofleaves.

The immersive experience guides visitors through a symbolic journey, prompting contemplation on the transitory nature of affluence and the cyclical patternsofsocietalriseandfall.

Against the pristine palace-like backdrop, the installation serves as a poignant commentary on the fragility of wealth and the inexorable passage of time,invitingviewers to reflect on societal structures andpowerdynamics.


is an impactful art

installation featuring a large antique-framed mirror intentionallyshatteredintoperfectverticallines.

This deliberate fragmentation serves as a metaphor for the controlled distortion of reality in the virtual world, avatars, and the prevalence of fake news. The shattered mirror confronts viewers with the manipulated nature of digital landscapes, prompting reflection on the blurred boundaries between truth andillusion.

The intentional fractures symbolize the selective presentation and manipulation of information, creating a distorted reflection of reality. As viewers engage with the shattered mirror, they are encouragedtoconsider theconsequencesoflivingin an era where truth is increasingly elusive. The antique frame adds historical context, emphasizing the timeless struggle to discern reality in a world dominatedbydigitalinfluences.

The installation encourages viewers to reflect on the challenges of navigating a landscape where perception is manipulated, ultimately questioning the authenticity of the information presented in the digitalage.


is a captivating art installation featuring a sizable stone cube suspended at the heart of a museum space. The illusion of fragility is created by thin tension cables, but a concealed circular magnet on the floor is the true force supporting the cube. This visually striking piece serves as a metaphor for the weight of preconceived notions and the influential, oftenunseen,biasesthatshapeourperspectives.

The suspended cube symbolizes ideas tethered by delicate threads, while the tension cables represent the frailty of preconceptions. The concealed magnet beneath the surface highlights the potent force of ingrainedbiasesthatelevateandsustaintheseideas. Viewers are encouraged to question their own perspectives, recognizing the unseen influences that shapetheirunderstandingoftheworld.

"Levitated Perspectives" invites contemplation on the strength of rejection and the subtle forces that upholdbiases.Theinstallationencouragesvisitorsto reassess their preconceptions and adopt a more open-mindedapproach,acknowledgingthepowerful magnetic pull that shapes their views and perceptions.

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