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Newsletter, December 2022


A message from the President

Looking back at my presidency since last June, I like to share with you what we have done so far and what is on the horizon. These past few months have been very demanding and intense but also motivating. A lot has happened during this period: the Board went outside the confines of the boardroom by going to meet key stakeholders who can build bridges, create a better understanding and appreciation of the podiatrist profession, and help move our agenda forward.

Some of these contacts were promising or fruitful, others not so much (yet). Those are still a work in progress or on the drawing board for next year. We believe that we will eventually get to where we want to be if we all persevere, remain committed to the cause, and keep up our dedication. The most precious thing we can give to the organisation is our time as volunteers. This is far from obvious. The Board and you, we can all vote with our feet—excuse the pun— on what we want to do with our spare time when we’re not working our bread-and-

butter jobs. We voluntarily choose to spend some of it on FIP, in different capacities. The Board certainly doesn’t take this for granted. Any contribution you make to FIP is greatly appreciated.

There is, of course, a potential to do better. Many hands make light work. Let it be one of our New Year resolutions to continue our enthusiasm for FIP with renewed energy. Together, we can do great things!

I hope that the past year left you with a good feeling about what you achieved with your patients, your national podiatry association and your involvement with FIP.

Now, it's time to celebrate. I hope you will manage to take a break from work and return to the new year safe and stress-free, ready to take on new challenges.

On behalf of the Board, I wish you a relaxing and enjoyable festive season. See you next year!

With kind regards Ivan

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Keeping the house in order

Filed the 2022 Articles of Association

The General Assembly approved the revised Articles of Association in Malta in June 2022. The minutes of the General Assembly meeting and the Articles were translated into French and submitted to the French authorities who subsequently approved them. FIP is now functioning under the new Articles.

Filed the 2021 financial statements

The 2021 financial statements, including the 2021 profit and loss statement and balance sheet, were filed with the French authorities, as is legally required.

Filed the Board changes (UBO) with the French authorities

The elections and dismissals in the Board, the elections in the Nominating Committee and the details of the Ultimate Beneficiary Owners were registered with the French authorities

Solved a tax issue with the Belgian tax authorities

FIP used to have a Belgian legal entity, which was closed in 2021. Earlier this year, we received a request from the Belgian tax

authorities to submit an outstanding tax return for 2021, pertaining to the fiscal year 2020. We contacted the tax authorities arguing that FIP was not legally required to submit such a tax return due to its status as a non-profit association and employing no staff. We received formal confirmation that our file is now closed and no further action on our part is needed.

Held 7 Board meetings averaging 2 hours each

Since the General Assembly in Malta last June, the Board held 6 online Board meetings averaging 2 hours each. The minutes of the meetings are available in the membership area on the FIP website.

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Preparing SOPs referred to in the Articles of Association

In Malta in June, the General Assembly approved the Articles of Association. The Articles refer to further details to be included in the Standing Operating Procedures, which, at the time of the General Assembly had not been drafted yet. The Articles of Association Committee is in the process of preparing matching Standing Operating Procedures. This work is almost completed for submission and approval by the Board. Once the SOPs are final, they will be made available for consultation in the member area on the website.

Migrating the bookkeeping to another software

In 2021, General Assembly decided to be more professional in the way we record our finances. We decided to use QuickBooks, an online accounting software, to manage our accounting. Unfortunately, QuickBooks informed us that they will phase out their software in 2023. The Board decided to develop simple but equally robust and effective accounting records in linked spreadsheets. The financial data are

currently being migrated from QuickBooks to the spreadsheet, supervised by the financial controller.

Preparing the General Assembly 2023 Contacts have been established with the President of the French podiatry association to prepare for the General Assembly meeting in France in 2023. The tentative dates are 10 and 11 June 2023 in Lille in France. More information later.

Closing the Société Générale bank accounts

More on the financial front: giving the increasing difficulties in operating the bank accounts with the Société Générale account now that we no longer have a French citizen authorised to liaise with the bank and execute transactions, we are moving all the FIP funds in France to our online WISE bank and are in the process of closing the Société Générale accounts. This is taking some time due to the strict French banking regulations. But final closure is in sight.


GOVERNANCE Keeping the house in order

To prepare the work of the Nominating Committee

Elections for the next Board rotation will take place in June 2023. The Nominating Committee will commence its work early in the new year. With the resignation of Isabo Huyghe, who was a member of the Nominating Committee, Yvonne Midolo has filled her vacancy. But the position is available.

To appoint/elect new Board members Isabo was also Vice-President and a member of the Board. In addition, James Hill, our Treasurer, also resigned, leaving 2 vacant positions on the Board. I invite you to propose candidates to fill the open positions. At least 1 vacant position must be filled in order for the Board to function legally under its Articles of Association. We have collective accountability to fill the required vacancies. I urge you, therefore, to honour your accountability as members of the General Assembly and come forward with candidates urgently. The Board needs a Treasurer and a Vice-President.

The Board has received a candidature from Maurizio Volpini, proposed by Valerio Ponti,

the President of our Italian member association. The General Assembly has to elect the members of the Board, so you will receive an invitation to formally vote in the days to come.

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MEMBERSHIP FIP’s foot soldiers

Attracted ABPM as a new USA member association

I’m pleased to report that the Board admitted the American Board of Podiatric Medicine as a Provisional Member. Lee Rogers is the voting Delegate, supported by Matt Garoufalis and Will Ward, the CEO of ABPM, as non-voting Delegates. We wish them a warm welcome.

Re-established contacts with the Royal College of Podiatrists (UK)

As you know, the Royal College of Podiatrists, the former UK member association, left FIP in 2018. Thanks to Daniel Weisz’s efforts, we are now back on speaking terms with the leadership of the RCP, with a possibility that the RCP may consider rejoining FIP as soon as the turnover in the leadership and senior management of the RCP will have been completed. We shall keep you informed of progress.


MEMBERSHIP FIP’s foot soldiers

Reaching out to individual podiatrists (IAIP)

Last year, we created a separate category of membership to give a home to individual podiatrists who don’t have a national podiatry association. We have asked Simone McConnie in Barbados to be the liaison and take care of the administrative process of managing the individual podiatrists. We don’t have any individual members yet but hope that will be the case in the coming year.

Exploring professional liability insurance for podiatrists

We are exploring professional malpractice liability insurance for podiatrists, particularly for podiatrists who practice in a country where podiatry is not yet a recognised healthcare profession. These colleagues experience unsurmountable obstacles in obtaining proper insurance and are thus exposed to considerable liability risk from potential malpractice claims. We are working with insurance brokers to see if this situation can be remedied. So far without success but we may have a solution in the near future for at least podiatrists on the European continent.

The situation in other parts of the world looks far less promising. We may not be able to offer a solution to them.

Discussing the fees for FIP, ECP and individual membership

Also at the General Assembly meeting in Malta, the General Assembly resolved a motion to revisit the FIP membership fees and the levy contribution to the ECP for the European members. We have been discussing options to revise the association membership structure and also the individual membership. No conclusive proposal as yet. Discussion is still ongoing.

Looking for companies to advertise offers for the FIP Members

The income to FIP depends almost entirely on membership fees. To expand our activities and projects, we need additional external funding, in the first instance coming from industry. And we want companies to offer the FIP members competitive deals on their equipment and medicine. Both are on our ToDo list.

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To involve and engage the association membership

We were pleased to see the large and enthusiastic turnout at the General Assembly meeting in Malta. It was a good meeting, creating a powerful momentum on which we can build during the time between General Assembly meetings. However, we do notice that the response and engagement of the member association Delegates are wavering. We ask Delegates to revive the connection with FIP and become more actively involved in our organisation. We must keep the fire burning.

To attract new members

Today, we have 24 member associations, including the American association that recently joined us. There is podiatry in countries where there is no podiatry association or, if a podiatry association exists, it is not yet a member of FIP. We are continuing to prospect for new members but, here again, we need your help to identify associations that we could approach.



Updating the FIP social media platforms

Our social media presence is not enormous but with the limited resources we have, we are on FaceBook, Instagram and LinkedIn, and we regularly update the platforms with fresh news. Please forward and broadcast news about FIP and podiatry through your own channels. Let’s all spread the word.

Inviting the member associations to contribute to FIP

The Board is extending a permanent invitation to all of you to contribute to FIP as best as you can. The Board can’t do it alone. We need an active and participatory podiatry community to be able to make the difference that we want to make. FIP is the membership. It’s not just the Board.

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To set up a discussion and advisory forum for Past-Presidents

The Board would like to set up an online discussion and advisory forum for PastPresidents. They were the former leaders of the organisation, they are our historical memory and can be valuable assets in making recommendations to the Board for strategy and direction.

To set up a platform to exchange educational material

To allow you to provide an additional educational service to your members—and to promote FIP at the same time—we are initiating an online collection of presentations and webinars on foot and ankle conditions. I wrote to you about this a while ago.

Content will be hosted on the FIP website and can be freely accessed by your members and also non-members. We would be happy to receive any relevant, not-copyrighted content that you have created or have access to that you would like to make available to the wider FIP podiatrist community. Presentations and webinars in English will have the widest

reach but content in other languages is also welcomed.

Video files in common formats are accepted, as well as PowerPoint presentations, fact sheets, infographics, etc. Please look for relevant information and send it to us so we can share it with a wider audience.



Developed a seal for product support

We develop an FIP seal for product support. Companies that offer quality products can apply for the seal. If vetted after thorough scrutiny, approved products can then carry the FIP seal as an indication of reliable and proven quality.

Concluded a barter agreement with the JAPMA

Recently, we concluded a barter agreement with the Journal of the American Podiatric Medicine Association. In exchange for promotion on our channels, the journal offers free full articles in each of their issues to FIP. This is a worthwhile service to your individual members. More practical information about this initiative soon.

Participated in the UIA meeting in Rotterdam, 24-25 November

The President recently participated in a meeting of the Union of International Associations in Rotterdam in Holland.

Appointed a FIP spokesperson

To broadcast our news and messages, we want to interact and communicate with the outside world, with the media and other

organisations. To do that, the Board appointed Yvonne Midolo to be the official spokesperson for FIP. If you have relevant news or want FIP to make a position statement, please let Yvonne know.

Organised the International Podiatry Day (8 October)

We organised the International Podiatry Day campaign on 8 October. The global campaign was started in September with weekly infographics and other educational material, leading to more than 4000 followers on social media and more than 400,000 page views. Preparation for the 2023 campaign has already started. The first committee meeting is scheduled for January 2023.

Contributed to the EWMA programme

The European Wound Management Association invited us to contribute to their scientific programme. Under the leadership of Yvonne, we submitted podiatry topics and speakers to be included in the programme.

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Updating the FIP social media platforms

We are continuously updating our social media platforms. They obviously cover both our internal and external communication. We shall be pleased to add and promote your association news through our channels. Delegates were invited to add a FIP section on their own national websites.

Contributing to the 2023 IWGDF Guidelines on the diabetic foot

Every 4 years, the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot publishes updated guidelines on the diabetic foot. Advisory panels from across the world contribute to the new guidelines. FIP was asked to advise on the podiatry perspective of the treatment and care of the diabetic foot. We should see our input reflected in the 2023 Guidelines.

Preparing a FIP promotional video

Using the slide presentation for the UIA meeting in Rotterdam as a basis, we are planning a promotional video to introduce FIP. We shall share the video as soon as it’s ready.



To foster relationships with like-minded professional organisations

The UIA meeting was a useful occasion to meet other associations, albeit in a variety of fields, most of which were even outside the medical field. Closer to home, we plan to foster relationships with like-minded healthcare organisations to see whether we can develop joint activities to achieve objectives that wde have in common.

To prepare the FIP World Podiatry Congress

Last June, the General Assembly voted to organise the congress in 2024. We are starting to prepare for the event.

As you may recall, our most recent congress was held in Miami in November 2019. We have to recognise that this congress was not an abundant success: only 344 paying participants were reported to have registered. In addition, key supplier issues resulted in a substantial financial loss and a legal claim from the organiser.

The Board is determined not to let that happen again. We want to change the concept of the congress to create a ” Wow!” event. I wrote to you in November

asking to propose delegates to participate in the Organising Committee or the Programme Committee. Please suggest names so we can start the organisation of the congress.

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Launched a curriculum survey to European podiatry institutions

As part of its multi-year strategic plan, the ECP initiated its first 2 projects. One of them is a curriculum survey to European podiatry institutions. Responses are currently being collected for analysis.

Met the Deputy Director-General of DG Health and Food Safety

Last September, a delegation of FIP went to see John Ryan, the Deputy DirectorGeneral of DG Health and Food Safety, in his office in Luxemburg to ask for his help and advice on how to manage the process of getting podiatry recognised at the European level, and what would be the best way from a European perspective to harmonise the profession of podiatry.


Following up with DG GROW

Following the meeting with John Ryan, and at his recommendation, the ECP is now in contact with DG GROW, the DG responsible for the Internal Market and the recognition of professions at the EU level. It is a slow process and meets with quite a few hurdles, one of which is the limited reach of podiatry and the fact that we are a small profession that’s not making a lot of noise compared to other healthcare disciplines, which makes us less of a priority for EU action. But we are continuing our battle for recognition. Hopefully, we’ll be able to realise a breakthrough in the coming months.

Executing projects 1, 2 and 3 of the ECP strategic plan

Work Package 1 - Led by Stephen Mizzi

The survey has been finalized. The survey was translated into French, Italian and Spanish, and was sent to the pre-identified institutions offering a BSc (or higher) podiatry courses.

The response is pretty low. Till now around 6 out of 35 institutions approached submitted the completed survey. Reminders were sent. The teams were

encouraged to reach out to any individuals/ contacts they might know/have within these institutions to have a better response rate.

Work Package 2 - Led by Daniel Weisz

Sadly ALL the team have avoided 3 ZOOM meetings which they said they will attend. Daniel is trying to compile the information as much as possible with regards to skills and competences of podiatrists across EU countries.

Work package 3 - Led by Alfred Gatt FIP following the AGM in June communicated with ECP that it was not advisable to engage the lawyer proposed by ECP at this point.

Daniel Weisz organized a meeting in Luxembourg to evaluate the best way forward to address harmonization of Podiatry in Europe. A contact detail was given to address this issue further in Brussels.

A meeting was held with Brussels in the presence of Alfred Gatt, Cynthia Formosa and Daniel Weisz - which meeting proved to be unfruitful.

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International Federation of Podiatrists

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