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Launch of a nationwide talent search to encourage motor sport participation, grow grassroots motor sport and discover new racing talent.
The Automobile Association of Bangladesh (AAB) aimed to grow grassroots motor sport by implementing an ambitious nationwide talent search involving youngsters aged 5-15 in motor sport activities, on and off the track. The initiative would visit all Bangladesh’s divisions, Barisal, Chittagong, Mymensingh, Khulna, Rajshaji, Rangpur and Sylhet, concluding with a grand final in the capital, Dhaka. Two Playseats would be used to assess drivers in the target age group, with the programme accessible to youngsters from every socioeconomic background. Three drivers from each selection event would progress to the final, during which the ASN would also have displays to attract over16s to other motor sport vocations and to promote road safety, FIA Women in Motorsport and the FIA’s Action for Environment programme. The ASN targeted 3,500-7,000 participants in the divisions and 5,000-10,000 for the final.