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Chinese Taipei
Creating and developing a major gymkhana championship across Asia involving nine ASNs.
Following the successful grant-assisted launch of a grassroots programme to attract more people to participate in motor sport through low-cost gymkhana events, the Chinese Taipei Motor Sports (CTMS) established a multiple-round Asia Auto Gymkhana Championship in 2017. This process involved the establishment of a set of regulations, preparation of the championship rounds, and communication of the project goals to other Asia Zone ASNs in order to build support for the competition. Following a second successful season in 2018, the ASN aimed to continue the activity, again supported by the grant programme with championship events being staged across five countries, in Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand, Chinese Taipei and India. The programme would involve the expansion of the gymkhana concept more widely across the region, involving nine ASNs and a total of 32 competitors.

AUTOMOVIL CLUB DE COSTA RICA (ACCR) Fostering future motor sport stars through youth talent development programme.
In 2019 the Automovil Club de Costa Rica (ACCR) aimed to build on the success of the ‘Stars of Tomorrow’ karting scheme begun in 2016. The grant-aided programme was launched to encourage grassroots motor sport in the Central American nation by providing support to young karting drivers, offering them the chance, through two selection events, to receive training and to take part in a national karting championship. Over the following two years 130 young drivers participated in expanded versions of the programme and this year the ASN planned for some 80 youngsters to take part in the 2019 edition of ‘Stars of Tomorrow’. Those who performed best would have the opportunity to compete at the second, higher level.