3 minute read

Sourcing the Right Food

The Vetdsaerinary Industry

A major cause for confusion in the dog world is that veterinary professionals rarely take a holistic approach to health 🔎

Did you know that at college, the average vet spends only 19 hours learning about nutrition for all animals?

It’s a remarkable statistic when you consider how much of an impact our dog’s diet has on their health and wellbeing. In fact, it’s scarier than that. Vets are not only under informed, but they are also regularly misinformed. All of the nutrition courses that Vets take are created by large companies who are financially invested in the outcomes. They are taught by these businesses to recommend their “medicinal” dry and wet dog foods to sick dogs, the same foods that are typically at the root cause of illnesses. It’s a mess.

Complete Dog Food lies...

The FEDIAF and AAFCO are the regulatory body’s behind pet food standards and they set the nutritional requirements for dogs and for puppies. Not mother nature as it turns out.

The members of this regulatory body happen to be the companies who only produce mass market, low quality processed foods. If you look at the nutritional guidelines for a complete meal, you’ll see how comically hard they are to follow and it’s no wonder owners don’t want to take on the enormous and complex task of a simple homemade meal for a dog. The term complete is extremely misguiding. You cannot feed a dog the same meal every day and consider that healthy. Also a “complete meal” made up of the worst quality ingredients and synthetic additives to ensure its complete, is no-where near equal to a balanced fresh food meal. They are worlds apart. The requirements for puppies make them seem like completely different animals ,that need completely different diet. In reality this is all designed to make you give up and buy food, because let me tell you, dog nutrition is really simple. Just lke us, a basic knowledge of balancing a diet, and providing a variety of foods, will ensure your dog is getting nutrition that ensures their long term health. Making meals is easy, it’s the healthiest, it brings you closer to your dog and it will save you’ll save loads of money in the process. In this course, we’ve provided all the recipes you need, so stress no more and trust you’re doing the right thing for your dog and you’re going to have the healthiest pup in the park.

Chapter 3

Real dog food

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