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from Book of Bull

What It Means to Be a Bull
Like the University itself, USF Bulls are strong, diverse and vibrant individuals. Students share a common experience that bonds them forever and alumni apply that experience in their personal journeys through life.

What does it mean to be a USF Bull? The simple answer is it means everything. No matter where destiny leads, for thousands of Bulls, it all began at USF. As a relatively young University and emerging alumni nation, USF has made tremendous strides and competes with many of the country’s most respected institutions. This energy, tenacity and ambition define the spirit of a USF Bull, which grows and lives within every graduate of USF.

School Colors
USF’s official primary colors are green and gold, suggested by founding President Allen’s wife, Grace. Green represents life on Earth and gold symbolizes the life-giving heat and light of the sun.

The USF Seal

In 1958, Dr. John Allen, USF’s first president, commissioned Henry Gardner of Industrial Supply Corporation to design and create the official seal for the University. President Allen wanted a symbol that would represent education on a global scale. Each element of the seal has a special meaning:
The SUN represents life to all living things.
The LAMP symbolizes learning.
The GLOBE signifies the broadened perspective and opportunities provided by higher education.
The seal has been used since the first USF course catalog in 1960.