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Building an Equitable Future
The Future is Now
“…there’s no single answer that will solve all of our future problems. There’s no magic bullet. Instead, there are thousands of answers — at least. You can be one of them if you choose to be.” ~Octavia Butler
By Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman
IN THE SUMMER OF 2022, I had the opportunity to travel to Montgomery, Alabama, as a research consultant on a grant awarded to Denise Davis-Cotton as part of the Florida Center for Partnerships in Arts-Integrated Teaching on USF’s Sarasota-Manatee campus. The primary goal of the grant was to expose teachers to representations of the civil rights history of Montgomery, as it is represented in museums, and provide guidance to teachers about how they might integrate lessons from museum studies into their pedagogy. After the weeklong trip, I was disabused of the idea that I knew even a tenth of the rich legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, John Lewis, Claudette Covin, and other civil rights leaders. These individuals were connected by their sheer determination to stand in their truth and their willingness to courageously confront hatred and discrimination. They did so without allowing the pain of bigotry to dim their sense of hope for what the future might bring.
I write this column on the day following the conclusion of an election cycle that exposed the ongoing polarization of our society. But, no matter where we fall on the political spectrum, we must figure out how to forge our future together. Beginning in 2020, as senior advisor to the president and provost for diversity and inclusion, and later, as interim vice president of institutional equity, I made — and continue to make — collaboration and partnership the cornerstone of my approach to campus transformation. The restructure of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the development of the Diversity, Anti-Racism and Equity dashboards, the cultivation of impactful virtual space through the Enlightenment Series (reaching over 1,000 participants), and the creation of new institutional practices, policies and councils, have been established by partnerships designed to institutionalize inclusive excellence. USF’s recognition as a recipient of the 2022 Higher Education Excellence in Diversity award is a tribute to the power of the multiple stakeholders, organizations and leaders who collaborated to drive this transformation.
I am turning a page in my professional journey with my transition into the role of interim associate vice provost for faculty recruitment, retention and engagement. In this role, I am thrilled to be integrating inclusive excellence into one of the most significant areas of the university: faculty success. As USF strives to sustain its incredible upward trajectory, we must be able to attract talented and diverse faculty and retain them if we are to benefit from their intellectual promise. This involves providing competitive compensation packages, ensuring their access to state-ofthe-art technology, providing a robust research infrastructure and offering teaching support. My attention will also be directed towards faculty retention by developing robust mentorship programs, inclusive and equitable annual evaluation processes, and transparent and inclusive tenure and promotion processes. Our support of faculty success must also recognize the work-life challenges that implicate both the professional and personal lives of faculty, including mental health and well-being.
I can think of no better way to end my last column than to share the wisdom and work of science fiction writer Octavia Butler. Butler wrote imaginative stories that were an eclectic mix of speculative fiction, fantasy and epic tales of human and alien co-existence. She dared readers not to just imagine worlds of endless possibility, but to then apply that same thinking to imagine themselves living up to their full potential. If the future is now, let’s commit ourselves and our institution not to just find the answer, but to be the answer. #USFbeginswithUS.
Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman is an associate professor of sociology and interim associate vice provost for faculty recruitment, retention and engagement.
USF magazine is published three times a year by University Communications & Marketing and the USF Alumni Association for alumni, friends and members of the USF community.
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