PRESIDENT University of South Florida Alumni
Association Board of Directors Kimberly Choto, `92 Communication
& M.A. Adult Education`02
Monty Weigel, `76 Finance
Jon Smith, `07 MBA
TREASURER Donna Brickman, `81 Accounting
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Rich Heruska, `99 Business
Audry Hirst, `89 Management & M.S. `94
Ed Hoeppner, `81 Marketing
Manley Jaquiss, `86 Criminology
Merritt Martin, `04 & MPA ‘06
Andy Mayts, `93 Finance
Betty Otter Nickerson, `76 Psychology
George Pappadeas, USF Student Government Vice President
Michael Peppers, `85 & M.Acc `90
Randy Norris, `79 Marketing
Brad Kelly, CPA, `79 Accounting
Jeff Reynolds, `91 Finance BOARD MEMBERS
Carl J. Abeleda, USF Ambassadors President Brian Campbell, P.E. `93
Lee Winter, `85 Finance
Andy Coe, `95 & MBA `00
Tony Umholtz, `99 Finance & MBA `02 Christi Womack-Villalobos, `92 English
Mike Griffin, `03 Marketing
Ken Griffin, `96 & MBA `98
Sean Grosso, `05 Business & M.A. Adult Education, `08
Dr. Judy Genshaft, University of South Florida System President
Mary Harper, `97 Early Childhood Education, M. Ed & Ph.D, Curriculum & Instruction, `01 & `07
Bill McCausland, `96 MBA USF Alumni Association Executive Director
Gordon Gillette, `81 Mechanical Engineering & M.S. Engineering Management `85 USF Foundation Board Chairman
Joel D. Momberg, Senior Vice President of Advancement and Alumni Affairs
Richard Headley, `93 & M.Acc `95
Lisa Provenzano Heugel, `93 Mass Communications/Journalism, `96 Information Systems & `07 M.S. Computer Science
In Bull Pride Fellow Alumni, Did you know that if you put all 260,000 living USF graduates in one place, you’d have a community that would be among the 75 largest cities in the United States? Keeping Bulls Country connected is no small task, but with our strategic direction and the participation of members like you, alumni are becoming a powerful force on behalf of our alma mater. We were excited to announce in 2012 two important business relationships: the USF Federal Credit Union, which now offers the new, redesigned Bulls credit card, and Liberty Mutual, which provides an array of important insurance services to alumni. We hope that every member will apply for the new Bulls credit card because by doing so, you help support your university and Alumni Association. It’s only with the support of members like you that we can create all the programs, services and opportunities that alumni use to help our great university succeed. Because of your membership, we were able to serve more than 14,000 members, 68 alumni groups, and rally thousands of Bulls who sent more than 40,000 messages to their legislators seeking fair and equitable treatment for USF. Alumni shared their Bull pride with more than 15,000 license plates on the road, they visited the alumni website more than 200,000 times to share USF news and events, and nearly 10,000 celebrated and reconnected at Homecoming Super Bull XVI. During 2012, Bulls helped to impact student success by committing more than $400,000 in scholarship awards. Because of your membership, USF Alumni Voice magazine is free for all Alumni Association members and the online e-magazine is free for everyone who visits You also make it possible for us to offer library services to members, career services to graduating students and alumni in transition, and host social media communities where Bulls foster and strengthen their relationships with each other and our university.
OUR PROMISE TO ALUMNI To connect alumni and provide meaningful ways for alumni to help USF succeed. OUR MISSION To foster a mutually beneficial, lifelong relationship between the university and its alumni; to inspire loyalty and pride among current and future alumni; and to advocate for excellence in teaching, research and public service.
We are infinitely grateful to the members who make this possible. Go Bulls!
Bill McCausland, `96 Executive Director USF Alumni Association
CONTACT US Gibbons Alumni Center 4202 E. Fowler Ave. ALC100 Tampa, FL 33620-5455 Phone: 813-974-4380
2012 Annual Report 1
Bulls Make an Impact The USF Alumni Association exists to connect alumni and act as a conduit for alumni to help USF succeed. SUPPORTING STUDENT SUCCESS
Scholarships have a direct impact on USF students because they make a college education attainable and a bright future more accessible.
90 $402,880
students received scholarships.
in FY 2012.
Alumni Association total scholarship endowments totaled
2 University of South Florida Alumni Association
Life Members have made additional annual gifts of $250 or above in support of the Association’s mission to support USF student accomplishment and 14 have made an even deeper commitment as members of the University Club, a philanthropic society of members giving $25,000 or greater.
The 2012 USF Alumni Award recipients:
Each year the USF Alumni Association recognizes outstanding graduates and non-graduates for exemplary achievement in their profession or for service that helps USF succeed. Through their individual achievements and their gifts of time, talent or treasure, this year’s recipients have made significant impacts on current and future student opportunities and achievement.
• Class of `56 Award Roger Monsour, D.O.
• Outstanding Young Alumnus Award Nikole Collins-Puri, `01
• Donald A. Gifford Alumni Service Award Angie Brewer `82 & M.S. `84
• Distinguished Alumnus Award Leslie “Les” Muma, `66
total honorees of USF Alumni Awards since inception of the program
2012 Annual Report 3
Bulls Stay Together Through engaging events and programs, alumni unite with other Bulls to extend social, athletic, business and academic connections. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MEMBERS
Alumni Association members
2012 membership 14,188 Members
members—27% of all annual members—chose auto renewal. Auto renewal saves the Alumni Association valuable resources that can be directed into programs and scholarships that make an impact on student and alumni engagement.
2,426 10%
Life Members 2,426
Annual Members 8,627
Alumni Association Life Members
growth in Life Members since last year
46 University Universityof ofSouth Florida South FloridaAlumni AlumniAssociation Association
Auto Renewal Annual Members 3,135
CONNECTING THROUGH ALUMNI GROUPS Alumni chapters are designed to connect and serve groups of USF grads who live in various geographic areas throughout the state and country. Alumni societies connect alumni and friends who share common interests, education and experiences. These groups hold events that focus on community, scholarship, networking, volunteerism, advocacy, recruitment and retention and lifelong learning.
ALUMNI HELPING STUDENTS JOIN THE HERD Alumni chapters nationwide coordinate Hometown RoundUp receptions each summer for incoming USF freshman from their areas.
students at student More than RoundUps across the country met other incoming freshmen, parents and alumni from their hometowns. • Atlanta • Broward • Chicago • Ft. Myers • Hernando
• Jacksonville • New York • Panama City • Tampa Bay • Washington D.C.
STUDENT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION In its second year, the Student Alumni Association (SAA) has doubled its membership, providing many more opportunities to support and enhance students’ educational and social experiences.
alumni groups • 19 in Florida • 23 out of state • 26 societies
10,616 and society events
total attendance at chapter
students joined the SAA, a number that is expected to double again next year. SAA events included: • 7 at 7 Dinners • Tailgates/socials • Professional • Professional U series etiquette dinners • Networking events
2012 AnnualReport Report 5 7 2012 Annual
Alumni trips to unique locations bring together alumni and friends for an enriching experience they can share forever.
alumni and friends traveled on action-packed tours and cruises. • Baltic Cruise • Mediterranean Cruise • Kentucky Derby
email invitations to game watch parties, tailgates, exclusive receptions, networking socials and benefits that boosted Bull pride.
Nearly alumni celebrated and reconnected at 2012 Homecoming events, such as the Alumni Awards reception, Life Member reception, Running with the Bulls Parade Watch Party and pregame events – all special traditions honored and supported by your USF Alumni Association.
members signed up to use the alumniexclusive CareerBeam online job resource service.
students participated in Professional U, which featured guest speakers discussing how to make the transition from college student to working professional.
6 University of South Florida Alumni Association
Bulls Share their Pride Alumni share stories and experiences that make them proud to be Bulls. SHOW PRIDE ON THEIR RIDE Strong marketing campaigns have driven record growth in Bulls license plates—a popular way that Bulls promote USF with high visibility.
SHARE PRIDE ONLINE - WEBSITE & SOCIAL NETWORKS Through Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn , more than
alumni and friends participated in online conversations that help build awareness and encourage engagement. During the year Bulls made more than
visits to the alumni website
to search for classmates, register for events, join the Alumni Association, post jobs, find jobs and share news with other alumni promoting USF’s success.
Bulls license plates on the road Ranked 31 in sales out of 120 Florida specialty license plates.
SHOW PRIDE IN THEIR POCKET Bulls share their pride with the new USF Bulls credit card from the Association’s new provider, the USF Federal Credit Union.
2012 Annual Report 7
pieces of marketing collateral More than were produced, including:
Alumni members and their friends read the print version of Alumni Voice magazine, and all 260,000 Bulls have access to the online magazine at
• 27 ads, 36 banners/signs, 7 T-shirt designs, 4 magazines, 2 custom Tervis®tumblers • 268 emails totaling 5.4 million individual emails delivered.
SHARING THE SPIRIT OF USF Embodying the spirit of USF, USF Ambassadors serve as a link between the current student body and alumni. They are tomorrow’s leaders who participate in this once-in-alifetime opportunity to welcome dignitaries to USF, host prominent alumni and assist with campus events.
Ambassadors on the Tampa campus
Ambassadors on the USF SarasotaManatee campus
• More than 50 membership direct mails and 30 emails. • 44 Chapters & Societies use the Groups email tool, extending their geographic reach and increasing participation at their local events. • 8,797 members of the Alumni Association received thank you calls for their membership. • 13,032 alumni members received a birthday card from the Alumni Association. • 1,914 alumni received graduation anniversary postcards. • 1,104 Life and auto-renewal annual members purchased member-exclusive promotional items.
810University University ofof South Florida South Florida Alumni Alumni Association Association
Bulls Protect USF ADVOCACY By rallying the Bulls to protect their university, alumni and friends of USF sent more than
emails, letters and messages to
state legislators, advocating vigorously for fair and equitable treatment of USF during the 2012 budget session.
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS One of the leading advisory boards on the campus, its voting members are pivotal in guiding the mission and vision of the Alumni Association, ensuring that programs and services create meaningful ways for USF’s
alumni to help amplify the university’s success. (For a list of board members, see inside front cover.)
students had the opportunity to become actively involved in the political process through the Alumni Association’s Student Legislative Programs, which took them inside the legislative process and introduced them to the policy makers, their all-important staff, lobbyists and our USF alumni already working in government.
Annual Report9 20122012 Annual Report
Financials (as of June 30th)
Revenue Sources Other 1%
Contributions 12%
Membership 21%
Foundation Support 18%
Affinity Agreements 31%
License Plates 17%
Other Programs and Events 17%
Student Programs 10%
Traditions 5%
Admin Costs 10%
Communications 15%
Member Services 11% Membership 15%
10 University of South Florida Alumni Association
Alumni Groups 8%
Volunteer Development 4% Management 5%
Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants The Board of Directors University of South Florida Alumni Association, Inc. We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of the University of South Florida Alumni Association, Inc. (the Association) as of June 30, 2012 and 2011, and the related statements of activities and changes in net assets, cash flows, and functional expenses for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Association’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. We were not engaged to perform an audit of the Association’s internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Association’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Association as of June 30, 2012 and 2011, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with US generally accepted accounting principles. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated October 18, 2012 on our consideration of the Association’s internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audits.
University of South Florida Alumni Association, Inc. Statements of Financial Position
June 30 2012 2011
Assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 7,648 $ 45,947 Membership dues receivable, net 25,769 23,491 Contributions receivable, net 124,240 2,918 ̶ Due from University of South Florida 449 Prepaid expenses 20,418 16,578 Equity in the USF Foundation, Inc.: Operating pool 602,381 502,816 Equity pool 3,419,583 3,233,861 Total assets $ 4,200,039 $ 3,826,060 Liabilities and net assets Liabilities: 103,070 $ 61,488 Accounts payable and accrued expense $ 119,498 Due to University of South Florida ̶ 1,283,277 1,147,986 Deferred revenue 1,505,845 1,209,474 Total liabilities Net assets: Unrestricted net assets Temporarily restricted net assets Permanently restricted net assets Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets
2,165,479 2,250,089 64,190 107,497 464,525 259,000 2,694,194 2,616,586 $ 4,200,039 $ 3,826,060
Total Net Assets
$2,616,586 $2,694,194
October 18, 2012
2012 Annual Report 11
Proceeds generated from affinity programs are used in support of alumni programming and scholarships.
The Alumni Association collaborates with colleges and departments system wide to help engage alumni and support students. In 2012, dozens of our campus partners utilized the Alumni Association’s editions of AlumNews, a monthly e-newsletter distributed to more than 100,000 USF alumni, to publicize their news and alumni-focused events. This mutually beneficial collaboration is crucial to engaging alumni and strengthening the support of USF.
American Insurance Administrators (AIA) Optional health insurance for alumni and their families. All Points and Global Express – Travel partner for alumni travel program. AlumniDent -- Optional dental insurance plan. Liberty Mutual – Provides casualty and personal liability on home and automobile for alumni and their families. Florida Bureau of Motor Vehicles – Proceeds from license plate sales are for scholarships and student programming.
King O’Neal Scholars
Kosove Scholars
Center for Leadership & Civic Engagement
President’s Office
College of Arts and Sciences
School of Communication Student Affairs
College of Behavioral and Community Sciences
Student Alumni Association
College of Business
University Advancement
College of Education
University College
College of Engineering College of Marine Science
University Communication and Marketing
College of Medicine
University Lecture Series
Cap & Compass - Alumni mobile application
College of Nursing
developer and host.
College of Public Health
University Scholarships & Financial Aid Services
College of The Arts
USF Career Center
Fraternity and Sorority Life
USF Libraries
Information Management Information Technology
USF Sarasota-Manatee
USF Federal Credit Union – Official affinity credit card provider of the USF Alumni Association.
Capital Advantage-CapWiz – Provides communication tool for advocacy program in support of the university.
Student Government
USF St. Petersburg
HarmonTampa Public Relations – Provides social media marketing and media relations services. iModules – Provides online community solution. Interprint Web Printing – Printer of the alumni member magazine, Alumni Voice.
4202 E. Fowler Avenue ALC100 Tampa, FL 33620 © 2013