CONTENTS Schedule at a Glance
Seminar Director - Ms. Marcia Richards
Chairman SLJ - Dr. the Hon. R. Danny W illiams THE SEMINAR PLANNING COMMITTEE President & CEO,SLJ - Mr. Richard Byles
6 7 9 10
VP &Head Individual Line - Mr. Mark Chisholm VP Human Resources - Mr. Karl Williams VP Group Marketing - Mrs. Tanya Miller
Chairman SLJ Production Club - Mrs. Arlene Lawrence THE MIND
MAIN PLATFORM Programme - Friday
21 24
18 19 28 29
Programme - Saturday THE SOUL
SMS 2010
SEMINAR DIRECTOR Ms. Marcia Richards hen the theme ‘TRANSFORMATION’ was chosen it seemed almost cliché, many felt it was overused and somewhat redundant. I am so happy we stayed with it because I believe it creates excitement, keeps one thinking and highlights what life is all about, CHANGE.
Transformation\Change\Reinvention is one of the surest things in life and presents an opportunity to write a new life script. Our lives are managed never mastered and so we must do the work that is required to have the experiences we desire. It is my wish that this Seminar will inspire each of you to action as reaching your true potential should be more than an ideal but rather your ultimate goal. I would like to say a special thank you to all our speakers, many of whom made sacrif ices to be with us today . T o our planning committee, I personally cannot express how grateful I am for your passion and dedication to the vision of this seminar . You sacrif iced work, family and self to make this a stellar event. It was an honour to serve as Chairman of the Planning Committee, I trust the seminar programme and activities selected will take you on a journey and leave you fulf illed in Mind, Body and Soul.
Ms Marcia Richards
SMS 2010
CHAIRMAN OF SAGICOR LIFE JAMAICA Dr. the Hon. R.Danny Williams ongratulations to the Production C Club for continuing to stage the Annual Motivational Seminar . I
have so many fond memories of these seminars and the value they continue to bring to the development and motivation of our field force. My regret is that I cannot be with you this year. I note the theme of your seminar is “Transformation”. This is so relevant a topic in our lives at this time and is most appropriate. If it were possible I would like to have addressed the topic from the economic, cultural, social, or corporate aspect. However , your seminar is a motivational one so I have decided to talk about personal transformation and its possibilities. We know huge changes can take place in an orderly and structured way. In my time I’ve witnessed seemingly miraculous changes happen very quickly . There is the agent who struggled for two years with mediocre results, yet six months later he was in the middle of a transformation that would place him in the top 5 agents company-wide. What happened? I would say he looked within and created for himself a dream. A clear vision of what he really wanted to achieve in life.
wants to fly , you can have just as dramatic a transformation. Even if to others your dream may appear impossible... you can realize it. Once your vision is strongly held and YOU believe in it... there can be no circumstances strong enough to stop your transformation. Interestingly you do not need to know exactly how you will achieve your vision. Once you ACT each day with your vision in mind... the next step becomes clear. We cannot grow by regurgitating the past... we must have a clear vision, take action, and grow like the seed buried in fertile soil that becomes a GREAT fruit bearing tree in 7 years. Become one with your vision... internalize it until the day it manifests in your outer world. The language of the mind is not words but images. W ords can only attempt to describe images, which are the language of your inner self. Take hold of, and manage YOUR images so you transform according to YOUR VISION instead of living someone else’s dream. My wish for each of you is that your greatest vision will become your reality.
To understand transformation, we must look to Nature for the best examples. The caterpillar is certainly one because it dreams of flying when it simply appears impossible. Y et in time its legs are shed for wings and a transformed caterpillar prepares for a life of flight. But you say I’m not a caterpillar, and you’re right... but if you want success in life as strongly as the caterpillar
R. Danny Williams, O.J. C.D., Hon. LLD. J.P.
Planning Committee
SMS 2010
From left: Hugh Meredith-Focus Sessions, Meila McKitty-Director PR /Activities, Pauline Ainsley-Anderson-PR /Activities, Lynette Chin-McDaniel-Registration, Deniece Aiken-Entertainment, Chantal Thompson-PR/Entertainment, Marcia Richards-Seminar Director/Speaker Protocol/Sponsorship, Arlene Lawrence-Director Registration/PR, Tracey-Ann McLeod-Secretariat /Registration, Karla Reece-PR /Activities, Olivia Campbell-Director Charity/Registration, Carla Peterkin-Director Entertainment/Magazine & DĂŠcor, Michael Forbes-Transportation Missing: Nikolaus Price-Technical/ Magazine, Sharon Duncan-Fraser-Registration, Cheryl Anthony-Budget/Registration & Nadia Brown-Secretariat/ Sponsorship/Booths/Magazine.
SMS 2010
PRESIDENT & CEO Mr. Richard Byles
he Production Club and Agents Association of Sagicor Life Jamaica have done it once again! “Transformation”, Sagicor’s 2010 Motivational Seminar , comes as a result of the tremendous effort of a hardworking team of dedicated individuals. Congratulations to the entire Planning Committee, and kudos to Chairman of the Production Club, Arlene Lawrence and Seminar Director, M arcia Richards. I applaud you for taking this Seminar to international standards over the years. Throughout the world, the heart rending plight of children living with HIV/AIDS is unmistakable. This year , I am particularly proud to be associated with a group of people who have decided to take a stand for a cause whose importance can never be overstated. I congratulate the committee for their dedication and humanitarian ef forts towards the “Dare to Care” Children’s Home. The Home, which caters to the welfare of boys from ages 6 to 15 years living with HIV and AIDS is the 2010 Motivational Seminar Charity . Through generous donations from Sponsors and Sagicor Team members, we have touched the lives of some precious children.
This year’s Seminar theme, “Transformation” is poignant and thought provoking. I encourage us all to think of this moment as an opportunity to experience true revolution and renewal in our lives, our company and our country . Transforming our workplace ethos in our communication and relations with each other will unquestionably bring positive change in the growth and development of Sagicor Life Jamaica and ultimately, ourselves.
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On behalf of the entire Sagicor Life team, I welcome you to and I wish for you an inspiring, exciting “Transformation” experience.
Richard Byles
SMS 2010
ast year , we started a process with the Inaugural Motivational Seminar, which embraced ALL team members of Sagicor Jamaica and extended to our colleagues throughout the Sagicor G roup. It was a resounding success and laid the platform for this years ’ renewal under the theme “transformation”. Transformation will be the vehicle that drives us to making the Sagicor Jamaica Group a great place to work. It begins with transforming our workplace culture in terms of our relationships with each other ; changing how we interact and even collaborate across “Divisions”, breaking down the divide between administration and agency and getting to the place where we are celebrating success together. It is said, “coming together is a start but working together is success ”. Working together will then propel our high performance culture where we are recognizing and rewarding individual and team achievements. It will also positively impact and transform our service culture. In this regard, we have launched a three (3) year “Service First” Initiative commencing with W orkshops, themed “Feelings, Quality Service...First time, Every Time”. Transformation then demands us to be “singing from the same SCRIPT”. I laud the Planning Committee, led by Seminar Director , M arcia Richards for their diligence and commitment to the renewal and transformation of our company and I have no doubt that every participant will be inspired by the content of the seminar and the presenters. Now, let the adventure of transformation begin over the course of the seminar, by taking the time to get to know someone, to heal a wound with someone, to congratulate someone, to make a dif ference to someone. One love, same SCRIPT!
Karl Williams
SMS 2010
very warm welcome to our team members throughout the group and of course our very talented speakers both local and overseas.
‘Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude’ – General Colin Powell. This attitude is what has enabled Sagicor to continuously strive for and achieve greatness. Congratulations to the planning committee for staging another successful motivational seminar ; you should all be proud of the results of your hard work which is a world class event. I believe that self transformation has endless positive results and each of us should embrace this change. Successful transformations come from how we think, feel and act, coupled with the passion and a belief in self improvement. W e are in part motivated by self interest and this year ’s focus on transformation will aid each of us in recognizing our true potential and develop our personal brand. I wish for all in attendance a wonderful and rewarding Seminar experience.
Mrs. Tanya Miller
SMS 2010
t is a real pleasure for me to be placing a message in this year’s Sagicor Motivational Seminar Magazine. My warmest welcome to everyone.
The theme of this year ’s motivational seminar is Transformation. It is one that I consider to be most relevant and timely in this rapidly changing global environment. “Transformation” suggests the need for change and adaptation to new ideas and actions that will create success and if sustained, ultimately lead to individual and organizational growth. It is therefore my hope that the ideas and information that will be shared at this seminar will inspire us all to recognize and appreciate the era in which we are living, and to take actions that will embrace the type of change that will work to our advantage. This year is also signif icant in that it is the second straight year that our A dvisors are joining forces with the A dministrative Staff to present this annual motivational seminar . It is a great idea, because it helps to underscore the fact that we are all working towards a common purpose – and that it is only through this kind of collective
effort that the success of Sagicor on a whole and ourselves as individuals, will be achieved. On behalf of the Sagicor Production Club and on my own behalf as Chairman, I extend a warm welcome to all our local participants and in particular to all those who have taken the time and ef fort to travel from overseas to be here with us. A special welcome is also extended to all main platform speakers and panellists who will be sharing ideas and information with us at this seminar. Thanks to members of the Seminar Planning Committee, under the leadership of Chairman Marcia Richards, who have been working tirelessly over several months to ensure the success of this seminar. One of the joys of living is the ability to enjoy anything that you set out to do. It is therefore my hope that everyone will f ind joy, happiness and fulf ilment in the activities that are in store for us at this Sagicor Motivational Seminar!
Arlene Lawrence
Give Yourself a Mental Makeover N
OBODY CAN RESIST a great makeover , whether the before-and-after photos are evidence of a killer workout routine, a wardrobe revamping, or the genius of a makeup artist. B ut there ’s another kind of makeover that transforms your life from the inside out, and we all have the power to achieve it. Hard work is necessary , requiring you to make some major choices about how you think, feel, act, and react. But the payof f is looking in the mirror and knowing you’re a better, happier , more peaceful version of yourself. No matter what or how you want to change, here’s your plan for a revolution from within. Own up. When things aren ’t going your way, resist the temptation to point the f inger at the other people, and remember: You are the creator of your life experience. I’m not saying that your loved ones don ’t play a role in rocky relationships or that your boss can ’t be a jerk sometimes. Still, how you relate to others is completely in your hands. If you confront people with hostility , hostility is what you’ll get back. If you instead rely on compassion and understanding, you’ll likely see the principle of reciprocity kick in and your compass flowing back to you. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: We teach people how to treat us. Even if kindness isn’t always repaid in kindness, remember that no one else has the power to hijack your state of mind and make you feel resentful or bad about yourself. Y our emotions belong to you alone. Start taking ownership of them now. Be a T rend-spotter. Look for patterns in how you view yourself, your career , your bonds with friends and family-
every aspect of your life. If fear and apprehension colour how you raise your kids or negotiate the workplace, then you’re bound to see failure and missed opportunities all around, even when things are going swimmingly . If you’ve become complacent in the role of put-upon spouse or saintly friend (the one who can always spare two hours on the phone to sort out a pal ’s latest crisis), your martyr complex will cast a negative spell on other relationships too. Ask yourself what kind of lenses you ’re wearing and whether they’re distorting your view of the world. When you adjust your perception, you transform your reality. Shed toxic emotions. If you are hampered by anger, anxiety, or the pain of betrayal, it’s time to close that book and store it on your shelf: you ’ll know it’s there, yes, but you won’t have to read it every day. Or maybe guilt is your warden: you feel locked into unhappiness because you’re being punished for the sins and errors of your past. Remember, guilt can be self-serving- a convenient excuse to beat yourself up on the sidelines instead of doing the harder, braver thing: jumping back into the game and giving it your best shot. No matter what emotions burden you, closure is possible. Start by indentifying what I call the minimal ef fective response: the simplest action you can take to satisfy your need for resolution without creating new problems. Y our minimal effective response can come in all kinds of forms. Do you need to pour out your heart in a letter to a parent or an ex (even if you never send it)? Should you clear the air with someone? A pologize? F orgive yourself ? Go to confession? Meditate? Cut a certain person out of your life completely? F igure out the least you can do to clear your mind of debilitating thoughts. Unless you want your past to
It happens when you love yourself enough to believe that you can do better and deserve better. The more you understand who you are and who you want to become, someone who ’s not as critical, or guilt-ridden, or anxious, or bitter, or… become your future, you need to let go. Y ou can’t reach your destination if you’re always looking behind you.
Adjust your approach. A t this point, you ’ve jettisoned negative thoughts, behaviours, and maybe even people, from your life. Now reflect on ways you can improve how you engage with the world and the people you love most. For example, perhaps you can recognize that your marriage is terrific except for those same dumb arguments that flare up every few weeks, In that case, pinpoint the triggers that ignite conflict, and simply choose not to react to them. Or when you feel trouble brewing, take a long, deep breath- in midsentence if necessary- and stop yourself before you blurt out something you’ll regret. Disputes will still bubble up, but they’ll move toward a different outcome: one of mutual understanding, rather than a pointless battle to prove each other wrong. Or maybe your main issue is that you ’re a dreamer who lacks direction. If so, recast yourself as a goal-setter . The major difference between a dream and a goal (whether it ’s to get in shape, save a down payment for a home, or retune your career) is a timeline for progress coupled with accountability , so mastermind your plan and get moving. Whatever the challenge before you, keep in mind that a feverish pace doesn’t necessarily guarantee the quickest route from A to Z. Keep your tempo slow and steady, and check in with yourself to make sure that your hour-to-hour decisions and behavior jibe with your ambitious, long-term goals.
Write a new life script. If you ’re stuck in the doldrums of your daily routine, it ’s time to draft a plan to change your behavior . Start small: If you always exercise alone, try a group class at the Y. If your circle of friends hasn ’t varied in years, make it a goal to talk to three new people every day. If you always sit in the back and stay quiet in staf f meetings, next time grab a spot up front
and speak up. P ushing yourself outside your comfort zone means you’ll find new opportunities to live differently, and better. A SUCCESSFUL REINVENTION DOESN’T HAPPEN WHEN YOU HATE THE PERSON YOU ARE NOW.
Accept yourself. This may strike you as an odd directive for a makeover column. B ut a successful reinvention doesn ’t happen when you hate the person you are. It happens when you love yourself enough to believe that you can do better and deserve better. The more you understand who you are and who you want to become (someone who ’s not as critical, or guilt-ridden, or anxious, or bitter, or…), the less validation you’ll need from others. Picture your typical response when, say , a grocery store clerk is rude to you. Are you rude right back? Do you hold your tongue but f ind that the incident casts an angry cloud over the rest of your afternoon? Or do you think, Wow, she must be having a bad day, and move on? When you lack respect for yourself, you will cling to every morsel of respect you can get from other people, and you’ll feel threatened and unmoored if they don’t cooperate. But when you have an internal reservoir of dignity and self acceptance, you won’t be begging others to fill it. Sometimes we need to be more hands-on in directing our behavior and outlook. Seize this moment to put yourself in the shop for an inside-out tune-up. When you ’ve pulled off a makeover worthy of your best self, the people around you won ’t just marvel at your stunning results- they ’ll feel blessed themselves, and maybe ready for a makeover of their own. (Article taken from the September’s issue of O Magazine.)
A Word from the Wise BY DR. KERRY JOHNSON A Word from the Wise features expertise from industry-related professionals to put you at the top of your game. Q.You have said that sales are about building relationships. Would you elaborate? A.Too many agents regard their clients (potential and established) as just a transaction. Y ou can’t close sales if the customer perceives that your focus isn ’t about them. Customers want to know what are they buying and that you are going to communicate with them frequently ; if they haven ’t heard from you in the past year , you won’t gain more business or referrals. They don’t know you, so why should they trust you to assist them with making decisions about their retirement. You’ve missed the opportunity to build trust with them. Clients buy based on trust which is the primary reason to build frequency in your relationships. Q. Many agents regularly conduct seminars to educate the buying public. In industry training webinars you ’ve conducted you talk about four key questions to ask potential clients about why they want to attend a seminar you are sponsoring. What are those questions? A. When an individual calls in response to your invitation the f irst question is “what about the invitation interested you?” “Plate lickers” or those who only come to your seminar for the meal won’t know why they are attending other than they want a free meal. The next question is more of a ‘check’ question. What do you hope to gain by attending? Someone just looking for an evening out isn ’t the best candidate to f ill your seats. A third question is whether they already have a f inancial professional working for them. F ind out if they are happy with that person. When did they last speak to that person? If they have spoken to their advisor in the last 90 days, it is unlikely that you will be able to make the sale. The last thing you want to do is provide a potential client with a great idea for their retirement and then have them take that idea to another professional to implement it. Finally, you need to qualify a prospect. I generally ask if a person would say that their retirement account is more than $100,000. Another great technique is to ask them if they have lost money in the market in the last year . If they haven ’t, they possibly are in fixed instruments like CD’s. Ask them about their retirement assets. If they don’t have any, again, they won’t be good candidates to fill your seats. They may just come to eat the food and distract people around them. Prescreening in this manner, with this type of question may help you in setting up follow up appointments. Q. What’s new out there for agents to use to build their sales? Or is it all “tried and true?” A. There is a lot of new stuf f out there for agents to capitalize on.
Many agents are successfully using what we call ‘Circle of Friends’ events. These events are brilliant ways to build referrals in order to build business. You invite clients for a brief ing on the economy and market conditions that might af fect their retirement accounts, and ask them to bring their friends who could also benef it from the information you have to share. The guests will likely come because they trust the person who invited them. These can be large events, like a client appreciation dinner (you will need to be aware of state regulations regarding the value of this ‘gift’), or more intimate events like small seminars, depending on what your goals are. I’d suggest that you follow up each invitation with a personal phone call af ter they attend the event. Your closing ratio could be about 85% from those guests who attend. Y our current cost per public seminar attendee may be about $600 per appointment. Using Circle of Friends events can bring that to around $50. Q. You’re speaking at the 2009 Learn to Earn Agent Sales S ummit on how to sell to the growing female market. Can you give a brief overview of what your topic covers? A. This has been an overlooked market until just recently. Over time, financial and insurance professionals have focused on building relationships with the male in the partnership, and not paid much attention to the female. This means there is a large chance that women widowed this year will leave their current agent because there is no relationship there. One wire house executive estimated that 87% of women widowed this year will move their portfolio to another firm they trust. Women are more risk-averse and focused on the long term, but they do represent a signif icant percentage of most large item purchases in America. Their inclination is to protect against disaster and to focus on their kids and grandkids. Most males will sell as if a male were on the other side of the table. Women buy dif ferently, and if an agent learns that, they can successfully build a relationship that can lead to sales. Q. Finally, in your opinion, if agents could do one thing better to close more sales, what would it be? A. I’d say they should get better at reading people. Many agents don’t push at the right time or back off at the right time because they can’t read the signals well enough. Every potential client will send buying signals or stress cues. If the prospect breaks eye contact, if they blink more than 40 times per minute, if they rub their forehead from side to side, these may be signs of ‘buyer stress.’ The FBI, when in the f ield, of ten determines the credibility of potential suspects statements using these types of proven cues. When you are sitting across the table from a client, it takes that kind of skill level to attain a 100% closing ratio! Otherwise prospects will say , “Let me think about it,” and you will never know why.
Senior Vice President, MetLife Joseph W. Jordan started his career with Home Life in 1974—was named “Rookie of the Year” and member of Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT). He ran insurance sales at Paine Webber from 19811988 and then joined MetLife in 1988 to manage annuity (and later life) sales and product development. He is currently responsible for MetLife's Behavioural Finance Strategies. Joe is an industry-renowned thought leader in the areas of behavioural economics, client-centric tools, ethical selling and client advocacy. He helps financial professionals around the world recognize and celebrate the intrinsic value that they deliver to their clients. He is also a well-respected speaker who is famous for his motivational and inspirational messages. Joe was a main platorm speaker at the 2004 MDRT Conference as well as the 2006 and 2010 MDRT Experience in Bangkok, Thailand and Seoul, Korea. He was a main platform speaker at GAMA's Leadership And Management Program (LAMP) Conference (in 2006 and 2009), In 2008, Joe was the keynote speaker at LIMRA's Retirement Industry Confererence as well as the keynote speaker at MDRT Ireland, Greece and Poland between 2009 and 2010. Joe is also a founder of the Insured Retirement Institute ( formally known as the National Association of Variable Annuities, or NAVA). Joe is married with two children, lives in M anhattan and is a member of the Fordham University Football Hall of Fame; and played rugby for over 30 years with the New Y ork Athletic Club.
Tanya Miller, BSc (Hons.), MBA Vice President – Group Marketing Tanya joined PanCaribbean in 2006 as head of the M arketing Division. In 2009, her responsibilities were expanded to include the Sagicor Jamaica Group. She brings over 16 years of experience in strategic marketing gained from the tourism, agriculture and manufacturing industries. Tanya earned her undergraduate degree in International Business and Management (Hons.) at Rochester Institute of Technology and her MBA in Marketing from UWI. She chairs the Management Committee of the Sagicor PanCaribbean Foundation.
Hugh Meredith
Hugh Meredith was born in the parish of Clarendon and attended the Edwin Allen Comprehensive High School. He started his career in insurance in 1990 at the age of 24 with the C rown Eagle Insurance Company. After a 2 year stint he moved on to Island Life Insurance Company and later joined Sagicor (formerly Life of Jamaica Limited). Hugh’s many accomplishments include being a member of the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table, attaining Court of the Table qualification on three(3) occasions, being first Vice Chairman of the Sagicor Production Club and becoming the f irst Jamaican to qualify as a President’s Club Lifetime member of the Sagicor Pace Setters Club. Hugh believes that the insurance industry is poised for renewal, bringing young minds to the management of the industry . His determination to chart that course comes from his involvement on the Boards of JAIFA and the Insurance Employees Co-operative Credit Union, his involvement in the Kiwanis Club of Downtown and recently, his role as a motivational speaker to local groups and organizations.
Kerry L. Johnson, MBA, Ph.D.
Kerry Johnson is a bestselling author and speaker who speaks at least 8 times a month ranging from Hong Kong to Halifax, and from New Zealand to New York. Traveling 8,000 miles each week, his talks are on such topics as "How To Read Your Customer's Mind," "Marketing to the Affluent," and " How To Increase Your Business by 80% within 8 weeks. In addition to speaking, Kerry heads a personal coaching company called Peak Performance Coaching which guarantees an 80% increase in sales production within just a few weeks. H e currently writes monthly for fifteen(15) national trade and management magazines whose editors have dubbed him "The Nation's Business Psychologist." He is also the author of six bestselling books including, MASTERING THE GAME (Louis & F ord), PEAK PERFORMANCE: HOW TO INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS BY 80% WITHIN 8 WEEKS (Prentice-Hall), and WILLPOWER: THE SECRETS OF SELF-DISCIPLINE.
PROGRAMME W. St. Elmo Whyte, B.Sc. (Hons) FIA Chairman/Chief Actuary Co-founder and Director of FIRM Insurance Brokers Limited and founder of ACTMAN International Limited, W. St. Elmo Whyte spent over twenty-three years in the Life Insurance Industry rising to the position of V ice President in one of the then largest such companies in the Caribbean. He has served as Director with NEM Insurance Company, Edward Gayle and Company, Jamaica Unit Trust Services and Jamaica Mutual Pension Funds Limited. A consultant and Chief M arketing Officer through ACTMAN, he was instrumental in establishing four Approved Retirement Plans and is the Consulting A ctuary for three such plans. W. St. Elmo Whyte is currently a senior lecturer in the Mathematics Department of the University of the W est Indies and Programme Director for Actuarial Science. He is passionate about delivering information and education to the general public and is a much sought af ter Motivational Speaker/Presenter..
Les Brown
Born in low-income Liberty City in Miami, Florida, Les was adopted at six weeks old by a Miss Mamie Brown; a struggling single woman with a big heart. W ith young Les’ inattention to school work, restless energy and the failure of his teachers to recognize his potential, Les was misdiagnosed as educable mentally retarded. Suffering for years by the label and the stigma, Les was nevertheless driven by his passion to learn and his hunger to achieve his goal as a radio disc jockey. In an interesting twist of fate and cunning, Les rose from a hip-talkin’ morning DJ to a broadcast manager; from voracious reader to author; from community activist to community leader; from political commentator to three-term state legislator; from a banquet and nightclub emcee to a premier keynote speaker for Fortune 100 Companies. Les received the National Speakers Association’s highest honour; The Council of Peers Award for Excellence (CPAE). He was also selected one of the World’s Top Five Speakers by Toastmasters International and received the Golden G avel Award. As a renowned author, speaker, television and radio personality, Les Brown has risen to national prominence by inspiring others to shake off mediocrity and live up to their full potential. With no formal education beyond high school, Les has distinguished himself as an international authority in harnessing human potential.
Friday, October 1, 2010
8:25 am – 1:00 pm
Chairman - Pete Forrest, Senior Branch Manager Opening Ceremony Invocation - Mr. Marston Thomas, Branch Manager Greetings - Arlene Lawrence Chairman, Production Club Greetings - Olivine Barnes AVP Individual Line Sales & Distribution Greetings - Mark Chisholm VP Individual Line Sales & M arketing “Living a life of Significance” Joe Jordan Senior Vice President, Metlife “BRAND ME” Tanya Miller,BSc (Hons.) MBA VP Group Marketing Transformation: “My Journey” Hugh Meredith Unit Manager Designate BREAK How to develop trust in your Business Relationships Dr. Kerry Johnson, MBA, Ph.D. Retirement Planning - “Opportunities for the Salesman” W. St. Elmo Whyte, BSc (Hons.) FIA Chairman/Chief Actuary “YOU GOTTA BE HUNGRY” Strategies for transforming your mind and your lives Les Brown The World’s Leading Motivational Speaker END OF SESSION Focus Session: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm & 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Chairman: Patrick Sinclair, Branch Manager Presenters: 2:30 pm-3:30 pm Topics: "Achieving your Goals"...Learn from the Greats Joe Jordan, Dr. Kerry Johnson & St. Elmo Whyte Presenter: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Topic: "Maximize your Potential" - Les Brown TRANSFORMATION • Page 19
Mindful Living By Rese Young, H.C AADP MSc. B.A.
Health & Lifestyle Coach, Motivational Speaker, Certified in Herbology
e live in the age of technology , where everything is almost instant. It ’s an awesome time to be alive. We are able to connect with and reach long lost friends through various social media platforms. It ’s just spectacular! Supermarkets are stocked with tons of convenience items such as, breakfast cereals, pastries, and snacks, ready to eat meats and so much more. There are even pre-cooked meals, that you can pop into the microwave and “voila” you have dinner. No one can deny that this “convenience” has given us a sense of relief and security. Convenience is great, but how much is too much? If you find yourself trying to f ind the convenient route to everything, this may be cause for concern. Instead of preparing a meal, you opt for fast foods. Instead of exercising you are always on the latest fad diet or the quick fix pill. Instead of spending quality time you send a text message or an email. These convenient fixes are not always bad but if over done can lead to other major issues. In my practice I have seen the results of the overuse of “convenience”. It has come in the form of meltdowns, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, digestive issues, diabetes, and severe inner conflict. The sad reality is most people live their lives unaware, running from one event to the next until disaster strikes. Are you living unaware and using convenience as a support? What will it take for you to slow down and not zip through your life? Being more aware of your life and who you would like to be can start with adding some simple but ef fective principles: Love Yourself: with nourishing foods like fresh organic fruits and vegetables. Never skip mealtime or rush through it. Take time to enjoy each bite and chew like your mother said, she was right. Pay attention to the signals of your body, it always speaks truth. Move your body : on a daily basis through exercise that speaks to your soul. Sometimes you can switch it up. If you like weight training, balance it with stretches and more calming exercises like Y oga, your body will be grateful. Remember when you exercise it relieves stress, guards against multiple diseases and it release the endorphins in your brain that results in a feeling of bliss and happiness. Journaling: don’t keep it all on the inside. Make time to write your unexpressed emotions. It has been shown that persons who write out what’s on the inside are less likely to remain or be depressed. Sometimes you can’t say it but you can sure write it.
Gratitude List; make and keep a list of all the things you are grateful for. Keep this by your beside and, before you go off to sleep, review this list. Y ou may also use it when you feel there is nothing good in your life. It will serve as a reminder. It can bring joy where there may be sadness. Make time: one of our most precious assets is our time. Choose wisely who and what you spend it on. Time loss can really never be regained. A great way to use some of your time is to set aside time for you to do activities you desire. Allow yourself some time to just be. Y ou may also share your time with your family and friends. Show them your appreciation. So instead of telling them on a social network or through a text message, go and visit in person. The examples shared with you are only a few things that can help you to begin your transformation to mindful living. Simply being present for your life, instead of always living in the past or the future. Being aware of your daily activities can truly help you to shift gears. It can help you to feel more inner peace and tranquility. This process can surprisingly eliminate some of the issues you may have created by being too busy and overusing convenience. If you have tried some of the suggestions and still find it challenging to make a shif t into the life you would like to live, then perhaps it ’s time seek the help of a professional, be it a personal trainer , psychologist, health & Lifestyle coach, or any other professional that you may see f it. Remember a problem stated is a problem half solved.
Sagicor Motivational Seminar Gives Back
ach year the Seminar sponsors a charitable cause in an effort to uplift, inspire and transform the lives of the recipients. This year we assisted the Dare to Care Home (Matthew 25:40), a home for children living with and fighting HIV/AIDS. Dare to Care is a member of the Mustard Seed Group and currently has three locations in Jamaica. With contributions made by Sagicor team members and with sponsorship from; LASCO Distributors Ltd, Wisynco Group and Devon House I Scream. We were able to provide Dare to Care with furniture, food, books, toys, appliances and a field trip for the children to the Movie Theatre. The Planning Committee thanks each person who assisted with this venture and our sponsors who took the time to be a part of this worthy cause.
From left: Arlene Lawrence - Chairman Production Club, Mark Chisholm - VP and Head Individual Line, Olivia Campbell - Director Charity, Donna Reynolds - Administrator
Employee of the Year Olivia Campbell
livia C ampbell, 2009 Employee of the Year joined LOJ A ug 2006, in the Sales Department, became a clerk in Premium Accounts A pril 2007 and rejoined the Sales Department in M ay 2008. This Senior Sales Clerk epitomizes what Sagicor core values represent as she tries to operate in the most professional, respectful and efficient manner. She has a deep passion for Customer Service and is motivated when her customers are satisfied. She believes that the role of a Customer Service Representative is to go above the expectations of the customer. It is no wonder she is our employee of the year. Congratulations Olivia on a job well done.
Rese T. Young is the Owner and Director of My Living Healthy, a company focused on simple and effective ways for individuals to stay healthy and live an amazing life in balance. Rese is a Certified Health and Lifestyle Coach, Speaker, and Motivator; her private practice offers assistance worldwide. Rese Young has a vast knowledge in the field of Herbology (Certified) and is trained in more than 100 dietary theories, eastern and western nutrition, modern health issues, personal growth & development, and health and relationship counseling. Rese Young is a firm believer in natural modalities including energy medicine, Reiki, acupuncture, and reflexology. She subscribes to the concept of Bio-individuality - respecting the need for each person to be treated as unique. Rese is highly regarded for her engaging coaching style, which accounts for her high success rate as a Health & Lifestyle Coach. Rese comes to the health and wellness f ield following 10 years in the Corporate world where she held senior roles in M ajor Telecommunications corporations which enabled extensive travels throughout the Caribbean, North and Latin America. Her passion for the field of Health & Wellness led her to walk away from an illustrious and lucrative corporate career and to create her own successful private practice. Educated at the Institute for Integrative N utrition in New York City — a State University of New York affiliate, she learned directly from such leading health experts as Joshua Rosenthal, David Wolfe, Deepak Chopra, MD, Neal Barnard, MD, Andrew Weil, MD, Geneen Roth, Joseph Mercola, DO, Annemarie Colbin, PhD, and Paul Pitchford. Rese also holds a Bachelor of Arts with honors and a M asters of Science degree from the Prestigious University of the W est Indies. She was awarded certificate of outstanding work in Entrepreneurship, and holds a diploma in Project M anagement.
Tamark Douglas
Tamark Douglas is a mail and f iling clerk who joined Sagicor in J anuary 2009. He is 23 years old and was born and raised in Kingston’s inner city communities of Arnett Gardens and Trench Town. Despite growing up in poverty, Tamark recalls his ‘Transformation’. On his way to “Donmanship”, he was rescued through the mentorship of Dr. Henley Morgan and his Miracle Club program. He chose to be a leader and with his faith and philosophy, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”, it quickly propelled him to becoming a mentor himself to other underprivileged youth within his community. An avid sports enthusiast, Tamark was proficient in football and Track & Field for his Schools, Camperdown High and later Ardenne High School. Undaunted by his personal struggles, he Page 28 • TRANSFORMATION
finished High School and went on to pursue tertiary studies in Business Administration at the University College of the Caribbean. Tamark’s story is one of interest as he was featured on Ian Boyne’s television program, Religious Hard Talk. The interview saw him describing his early memories of struggle, overcoming life threatening obstacles and later being employed to the Insurance giant Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited. Tamark understands transformation as he was and is being transformed to the point where he has gained the respect and admiration of his community and his colleagues.
Michael Norman Maragh
Michael Norman Maragh is a past student of the St. Anne’s Secondary School. He also attended CAST, which is now known as the University of Technology. Having completed the Accounting Technician, where he was awarded a distinction, Mr. Maragh has been accredited the Accounting Technician, Chartered Accountant and a Certified Internal Auditor. He is Fellow with the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants and a member of the American Institute of Internal Auditors. He is currently pursuing additional studies at the University of Manchester and the Institute of F inancial Analysts to attain a Masters Degree in Business Administration and to become a Certified Financial Analyst, respectively. Mr. Maragh may be regarded as a career civil servant, having been employed to Central Government of Jamaica for the last twenty (20) years. He currently serves in the capacity of Director, Finance at the Accountant General’s Department. For the last twelve (12) years, Mr. Maragh has been lecturing the ACCA/CAT programmes on a part-time basis. These programmes include Taxation, Financial Reporting, Advanced Financial Reporting, Management Accounting, Advanced Management Accounting, Managing Finance and Managing People and Systems. Mr. Maragh has a passion for helping and developing the youth and as such he conducts motivational sessions at school across the country.
Mrs. Gillian Rowlands
Mrs. Gillian Rowlands is the Managing Director and founder of Hamilton Knight Associates Limited (HKA), a leading Human Resource Development Service, which specializes in Recruitment, Career Counselling and Training, as well as the organization of conferences and educational events. She is also the founder of Power Speakers International Agency (PSIA), which promotes Caribbean intellect, innovation, inspiration, motivation and
PROGRAMME talent, regionally and internationally, through dynamic presenters and experts in dif ferent fields. Her special interest and love is people, who she believes are the world’s greatest resource. Her career has taken her all over the world where she has resided in J amaica, Spain, England and Northern Nigeria. Since 1987, Mrs. Rowlands has established herself as a leading motivational speaker, trainer and career and human resource development practitioner. She designs, coordinates and presents seminars, workshops, lectures and motivational programmes for both local and international organizations. She is also a successful free-lance writer and broadcaster .
Susan L. Taylor
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of Essence Magazine and Founder, National Cares Mentoring Movement. Susan L. Taylor is synonymous with Essence magazine, the brand she built, as its fashion editor, as editor-inchief and editorial director. For nearly three decades, as the driving force behind one of the most celebrated Black-owned businesses of our time, Susan Taylor is a legend in the magazine publishing world. She was the first and only African American woman to be recognized by the M agazine Publishers of America with the H enry Johnson Fisher Award – the industry’s highest honour – and the first to be introduced into the American Society of M agazine Editors Hall of Fame. She is the recipient of the NAACP President ’s Award for visionary leadership and has honourary degrees from more than a dozen colleges and universities. Her passion and focus is the National C ares Mentoring Movement, a call to action, which she founded in 2006 as Essence Cares. The movement is a massive campaign to recruit one million able adults to help secure our children who are in peril and losing ground. The goals of the C ares Movement are to increase high school graduation rates among African American students, end the violence in B lack communities and the over-incarceration of our young. She is an avid supporter of a host of organizations dedicated to moving the B lack community forward including her passionate work to help restore the lives of people in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast region who were devastated by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
SATURDAY Saturday, October 2, 2010
8:25 am -1:00 pm
Chairman: Karl Williams, VP Human Resources Invocation: Simone Bissick Opening Ceremony Greetings Richard Byles President & CEO SLJ “Mindful Living” Rese T. Young B.A. (Hons.), MSc Health & Lifestyle Coach/Motivational Speaker “Yes I CAN” Tamark Douglas Clerk - EBD “BlackBerry Solutions” Steven Lynch, Blackberry Consultant LIME CHARITY HIGHLIGHTS BREAK “Success the other side of Failure” Michael Maragh, MBA Director of Finance, Accountant General Dept. “Power up for Success” Gillian Rowlands Managing Director& Founder of HKA Limited Creative Leadership “Personal & Professional Empowerment” Susan L. Taylor Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, Essence Magazine & Founder, National CARES Mentoring Movement END OF SESSION
Transforming the Soul T
he common view of the soul is that it is a nonphysical aspect or essence of a human being, which portrays individuality and humanity , partakes of divinity and is of ten considered to survive the death of the body. It is often thought of as the mind or the self. Many tend to neglect the soul but in truth your inner self should be taken care of at least as well as you take care of your physical body . Your soul needs nourishment, or you are liable to become an unbalanced being which gives you a distinct disadvantage in creating the life you want. If you have been neglecting your inner self, now’s the time to make a change. Most if not all of your successes, joys, and even your most intimate moments originate from the soul. So how do you feed your soul? This can be done in many different ways. Some feed it through watching a wonderful movie, listening to music, or reading a great book, some through religion and prayers and others through inspiration. However you feed it is up to you; just ensure that it ’s fed. Meditation and visualization are also positive ways to connect with the inner you. This connection should leave you feeling joyful and refreshed. This places you in a zone where anything is possible, making you feel invincible and you are then working with your logical mind as well as the spirit mind in order to manifest your wants, hopes and dreams. It gives you a chance to step away from the current reality and instead create the reality you truly desire as long as you are passionate about what you focus on. By feeding all aspects of yourself you will find that life will become more balanced, less hectic and you will feel like you are moving forward instead of standing still.
You will f ind that fear and doubt leave your life as you connect with your inner you. Don’t neglect your soul. Listen to it, nourish it, and feed it everyday . It is as important as feeding your hungry stomach. If you have neglected your soul, it is never too late to start again. It has an amazing ability to recover and flourish in splendor once again.
By feeding all aspects of yourself you will find that life will become more balanced, less hectic and you will feel like you are moving forward instead of standing still. You will find that fear and doubt leave your life as you connect with your inner you.
FRONT ROW (LTOR): Owen Grant, Patricia Rattigan, Lynette Chin-McDaniel, Janet Bailey, Cherry Webster, Marcia Richards, Hugh Meredith, Arlene Lawrence, Albert Lyon, Lorraine Younger, Angela Blake-Francis, Marcia Wright, Michael Forbes, Walter Grant.
BACK ROW (LTOR): Isaac Johnson, Veronica Hall-Chambers, Elizabeth Osbourne, Rudolph Daley, Waldemar Bramwell, Grace Martin, Charmaine Lake, Calvin Smith, Diana Tomlinson, John Tulloch, Herbert Garriques, Julette Parkes, Ashley Waugh, Gifton Brown. MISSING: Ishmael Jackson, Audrey Morris, Morais Muir.
Vibes Champions
agicor's vision is "T o be a great company committed to improving the lives of the people in the communities in which we operate". Within SLJ we are a community and so the company ’s vision extends to improving the lives of every single team member. Effectively what does this mean for you? It means that the company is committed to creating a working environment that facilitates continuous learning and development, where high performance is the norm and individual and team accomplishments are recognized, all within a fun setting. Essentially our community will motivate team members and make Sagicor a Great place to work. During the rebranding to Sagicor Life Jamaica a team called ‘VIBES Champions’
was formed with the mandate to enhance communication, promote team spirit, to motivate, inspire and create an exciting atmosphere that fosters high levels of productivity amongst staff. This team played a pivotal role in the successful transition to brand SAGICOR. Since then, they have initiated and led numerous successes, Sagicor F ridays!, SAAW 2009, which was widely acclaimed as the best; SagiCup and Colour Splash in June 2010 and now actively promoting “One Sagicor” by participating on the Sagicor Motivational Seminar Committee. What is V ibes? VIBES is the acronym for V ibrant Individuals B uilding Enthusiastic Staf f. The team consists of members drawn from various areas of the company, none of whom are members of the management team, but they are
leaders in their own right. The team is chaired by Karl W illiams, Vice-President, Human Resources, who has high praise for their teamwork, commitment, creativity, and hard work. Current team members are Angel Wright (President), Karla Reece (V ice President), Deniece Aiken, P auline Ainsley-Anderson, H eather Leveridge, Erica Chen-Loy , S imone Bissick, Lilieth Fearon, K edeish H ill, Omar Dacres, Ainsley W atson, C arl Ellis & Ricardo Gordon. There is a rotation system in place to facilitate other team members, from admin or the agency force, who choose to contribute to building a high performance team within Sagicor Life Jamaica. If you are interested in serving, contact Angel Wright or Karla Reece.
Back Row(Left to Right): Ricardo Gordon, Pauline Ainsley, Omar Dacres Middle Row: Simone Bissick, Heather Leveridge, Karl Williams, Ainsley Watson, Lilieth Ferron (in front of Ainsley Watson) Front Row: Kedeish Hill, Erica Chen-Loy, Karla Reece, Angel Wright. (Missing: Deniece Aiken and Carl Ellis) Page 37 • TRANSFORMATION
SMS 2010
Remembering Rosemarie Blackwood
We are deeply saddened at the passing of our colleague and friend Mrs. Rosemarie B lackwood. H er commitment and dedication to duty , hard work and excellent service which she provided for her clients were some of the admirable qualities of this trusted and competent Sagicor Advisor. She has undoubtedly impacted the lives of hundreds of clients and their families throughout her seventeenyear sojourn in the life insurance business. We will forever remember her beautiful smile, her warm and engaging personality , her dignity and charm. She was a great team player who made an invaluable contribution to business development and the social aspect of the M andeville Branch. Mrs. Blackwood was always willing to go the extra mile in organizing and securing venues for special events or any social activity for her associates. The Sagicor family once again would like to extend our condolences to her family and friends. May her soul rest in peace and light perpetual shine upon her.
Little “Transformation” Instructions
• Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures • Keep all things simple • Never blame others • Commit yourself to constant improvement • Avoid negative people • Never be afraid to say no • Never be afraid to say I don’t know • Count your blessings • Compliment three people everyday • Strive for excellence not perfection • Learn three clean jokes • Sing in the shower daily • Treat others how you’d want to be treated • Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know • Look people in the eye be the f irst to say hello • Watch a sunrise at least once a year Sing the S.C.R.I.P.T daily: • Sagicor - Communication, Respect, Integrity, Performance and Teamwork
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This year as we focus on the theme for the Annual Seminar “Transformation”, transforming high performance into a service first, values based cultur e, the concept of the magazine was pr esented with aspects that would better enable us to look from within, The Mind, The Body and The Soul. As we take our transformation walk, let us remember to take someone on our journey as one idea can transform you for a lifetime. Special thanks to those who helped to make the magazine a success in the shortest possible time: Carla Peterkin, Nadia Brown, Nikolaus Price, Deniece Aiken, Marcia Richards, John Dacosta and Paul Lawrence our Volunteer Editor. We also acknowledge the following who helped to make the seminar possible:
Citrad Limited Lasco Distributors Limited Stella Limited Touchline Industries Limited Insurance Employees Co-op Credit Union Printware Online Jamaica Limited Secrets Hotel Gymkhana Limited Supreme Ventures Limited The New Knutsford Pharmacy Chevron Caribbean SRL PanCaribbean Financial Limited Sagicor Life Jamaica Limited Face Foward Sagicor Insurance Brokers Limited ICWI IBEROSTAR Answers Corp. Limited The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel Half Moon Resort Glaxosmithkline Caribbean Limited
Royale Tech Limited
Jade Gardens Restaurant
Ramon Morgan - Theme Logo Design
Modern Image Salon TGI Friday’s
Wisynco Group limited Mavis Bank Coffee Factory Limited Soft -Sheen Carson Devon House I Scream Fashion Affair LIME CLARO Bert Rose & Company Dwayne Watkins Photography Nature Preservation/Hope Gardens A.I.M. Educational Service Limited Access Financial Services Sun Island TVI Express John DaCosta Technical Production Services Blends Skin Care