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also in terms of participation in various school-related activities. Students must reside with a parent or other adult with legal responsibility for the student. Other living arrangements must be approved by the school in advance. The school retains absolute discretion to determine whether alternative living arrangements are consistent with a student’s continued participation in the Ursuline community and may require a student to separate from the school due to alternative living arrangements. Parents are asked to notify the Registrar in writing via e-mail or fax of any moves or changes in phone numbers or e-mail addresses during the course of the school year.

If parents/guardians are going out of town, we ask them to notify the Dean of Students Office in writing who should be contacted in the event of student illness or emergency.


Most freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will be assigned a locker. Students may not change lockers. Students should memorize locker combinations. Ursuline Academy is not responsible for loss or theft of personal items. Lockers must be kept locked. All lockers remain the property of Ursuline Academy and may be opened and inspected by an administrator or someone appointed by an administrator when that action is deemed necessary.


Students are expected to exercise caution and care regarding their personal belongings. All books and personal property should bear the name and ID number of the student. Students should not bring items of excessive monetary or sentimental value to school. All lost and found items should be taken to the Attendance Office. Those items of higher value like laptops, phones, and purses should be taken to the Director of Security. Every four weeks, unclaimed items will be donated to charity.


All posters and materials to be displayed on campus must be submitted to the Dean of Students for approval. No notices or posters may be affixed to lockers. All posted notices must be kept current, and each student organization is responsible for taking down any flyers once their event is complete. The approved locations for posting flyers are the student bathrooms and the walls in Haggar.


Parents and legal guardians are expected to be respectful and cooperate with Ursuline with respect to all decisions affecting the student. Continued enrollment of a student is contingent upon the parents/guardians abiding by school rules and the decisions of the administration. At Ursuline’s discretion, parental behavior of a parent or legal guardian which impedes Ursuline’s ability to meet its educational objectives or make a positive or constructive relationship impossible, may result in suspension or expulsion of a student, separate and apart from the student’s conduct. No refund of tuition or fees will be made if a student is required to withdraw or is expelled as a result of the actions of her parent or other legally responsible adult.

In matters involving discipline, academics, or health, the school will only meet with parents and/or legal guardians.



Doors of the school building open at 7:00 AM each school day. Students arriving at that time are asked to remain in Haggar until 7:45 AM. Teachers, counselors, and administrators are on duty and accessible to students starting at 7:45 AM. The school day starts at 8:40 AM, except on Mondays, when the school day starts at 9:15 AM. Classes dismiss at 3:40 PM. Students remaining in the building after 4:15 PM and who are not involved in athletics or performing arts practice must report to the library for supervised study. The library closes at 5:00 PM daily. All students must be picked up by 5:00 PM unless they are participating in supervised athletic or performing arts activities.


In order to prevent and investigate violations of school policies and preserve a safe environment, Ursuline reserves the right to inspect lockers, desks, electronic systems and other facilities provided for school use. Ursuline further reserves the right to inspect student handbags, backpacks, lunchboxes, packages, cars parked on Ursuline property, and other items brought on campus or to school related, off-campus events. Accordingly, students should not have an expectation of privacy with respect to material brought on campus or to school related activities. Ursuline reserves the right to confiscate material that it reasonably believes is in violation of school policies poses danger to the student or others or violates the law. Students responsible for the presence of such material will be subject to Ursuline’s disciplinary procedures and may be reported to the appropriate legal authorities.


Just as all alumnae are members of the Alumnae Association, all students are members of the Student Alumnae Association. To be considered an “active” member though, students must participate in two activities each year. Activities are listed throughout the year on Teams. SAA lapel pins are given to all active members during the last school Mass of the year.


In rare instances when the instructor does not appear within the first 10 minutes of class, two students should report to the Academic Dean’s Office to report the faculty member missing. Students should remain in the classroom until released by an administrator.


Normally, students will not be called out of class for a message. Students who need to make phone calls during the school day should use the phone in the Dean of Students Office, or they may use their personal cell phone outside during their free or lunch periods.



Parents are always welcome to visit the school. Ursuline policy requests that parent visitors observe all directives of the Security Guard and the Receptionist. Protocol for all parent visitors includes signing in at the rotunda, going through our Raptor system with their ID, and wearing a visitor badge while on campus. Parents wishing to meet with an Ursuline employee should request an appointment prior to arrival on campus.


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