Our Power
Sophia Combs ‘23
e have the power to change the power to make the power to create and shake this world of ours. indeed it is ours. we are given the keys to this kingdom, of which we are kings and queens. we wrap our hands around this sphere we stand on, we hold it in the very palms of our sweaty hands.
75 | ESSE 2021
we slurp up the beauties of this world, and spit it out with a force unlike any other. a fog blurs our vision. we have battles and business and nonsense, all materials that motivate madness within us, but we are the generation of diversity and discovery, of dreamers and doers. the privilege and freedom are present, yes. but when will we utilize it to make strides towards progress, with the power we possess.
yet we fail in this endeavor, it slips from our dirty hands. we crush it with greed and hunger, oh we think we are clever.
because when we gather, with a unified purpose and a vision straight, we have the power to do what has only been dreamt of by generations before us.
the trees gone, animals dead, systems corrupt and the oppressed our pawn.
indeed, it is up to us,we have the choice and it is all ours to make, to change the world for the better or for the worse – simply for our own sake.
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