Class of 2020 Graduation Program

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Ursuline Academy of Dallas Class of 2020


ounded in

1874, Ursuline Academy

is an independent




college preparatory

school for young women sponsored by the


mission of

Ursuline Sisters.

Ursuline Academy

is the total

development of the individual student through spiritual formation, intellectual growth, service to others, and building of community.

Ursuline Academy

educates young women

for leadership in a global society.

The 146th Graduating Class Ursuline Academy



Sunday, May 24, 2020

Program for Ceremony on

June 28, 2020


Ms. Gretchen Z. Kane President

Presentation  the Class  2020 Ms. Kayla Brown





Mr. Matt Lepley Senior Grade Dean


Silvia Lourdes Vazquez


Sarah Anne Visokay

Class Song

“I'll Always Remember You” Directed By Ms. Jane Chambers The Class



Recognition  Honors Dr. Andrea Shurley Principal


Sister Emmanuel Award

award, sponsored by the

is given in honor of

Ursuline Alumnae Association,

Sister Emmanuel for her Alumnae Association.

years of service

to the


graduate who is chosen to receive this award

has served



willingly and generously.

most outstanding characteristic of her service has been the joy with which it has always been completed.


The Taken

be announced)

Sedes Sapientiae Award

Ursuline Academy is the Sedes Sapientiae Award. the Latin phrase meaning “Seat of Wisdom,”

highest award conferred by


this award is presented by the faculty and administration to the graduate who exemplifies in an outstanding way the values of



addition to her scholarship, the recipient contributes greatly to


through her optimism, compassion, and strength of character.


be announced)

The Class î‹ť 2020

Jenna Sami Abbasi*

Alejandra Chapa

Monica Gabrielle Aguilera

Madeline Saye Claybrook*

Chloe Marie Almond*

Abigail Lynn Claypool

Nicolette Altadonna

Hallie Victoria Clements

Juliana Contreras Alvear*

Mary Nicole Clements*

Michelle Marie Antoon

Rachel Nicole Cook*

Grayson Michaela Arcemont

Shannon Leigh Cook

Ashton Faith Arlen

Isabella Cordova*

Sidney Jacqueline Armijo

Michaela Leigh Coulter*

Lauren Baker Asher*

Madeleine Rose Crew*

Ollantay Avila

Abigail Grace Dalton*

Clare Catherine Bacak*

Isabella Daniel

Marta Isabelle Hocking Baker

Erin Nicole Daugherty*

Victoria Ann Barbero*

Josephine Gambrell Davis

Briana Bibanco

Rebekah Grace Davis

Isabella Rosellini Bittner*

Sarah Elizabeth DeBord*

Hannah Marie Bookout*

Nethra Dilip

Ashley Sheridan Boone

Aidan Olivia Dornfeld

Abigail Rose Brantman*

Kathryn Margaret Elliott

Isabella Bettina Brush

Isabella Drew Elrod

Rebecca Ann Buell

Helen Elizabeth Emerson*

Peyton Grace Burger*

Obasolape Cecil-Anne Fashemo*

Kirsten Anne Burghartz*

Lindsey Grace Faust

Jordan Mara Bynoe

Marie Claire Ferretti*

Amy Elizabeth Calabrese

Killian Rose Finn*

Heather Anahi Cardoza

Kylie Brennan Fox*

Jordan Synclair Catloth

Ashlyn Marie Gage*

Mariah H. Gamez*

Erin Elizabeth Hurlburt*

Yesenia Patricia Gamiz

Caroline Elizabeth Inkman

Zoe Isabella Garcia

Kathryn Paige Janson*

Olivia Nicole Garner*

Madison Celeste Johnson

Mei Li Garza

Nicole Reid Jones*

Katharine Elizabeth Gay

Courtney Elizabeth Kang*

Sarah Michelle Gibbs*

Nicole Elizabeth Kanzler*

Caitlin Elizabeth Gilbert

Katherine Ann Keelan*

Brynson Caroline Gill

Alexandra Marie Kilduff

Claire Elizabeth Ginther*

Sue Hyun Kim

Ava Caroline Goldammer

Chloe Michelle Knight

Alexandria Schuyler Gonzalez*

Christian Alareese Knight*

Ava Solange Gough

Sara Ainsley Koch*

Mary Lourdes Gramling

Amelia Grace Krusinski

Kendall Elizabeth Griffin

Georgia Grace Laughlin

Margaret Ellen Grip

Meg Elizabeth Lemler*

Katherine Anastasia Guajardo

Estelle Clare Lenzen

Hailey Ann Gulick

Alexandra Elizabeth Lewis*

Rylee MacKenzie Gumm

Isabella Marie Lopez

Kayla Lynn Hanrahan*

Taylor Marie Louviere*

Jenna Kathleen Hansen*

Kienna Tien Luc

Jessica Mia Harrison*

Delaney Ann Lynch

Julienne Bryn Hart

Sofia Andrea Marichal*

Olivia Elaine Hartin*

Natalie Kate Marrs

Abigail Elizabeth Hess

Mackenzie Noelle Marsaw*

Elizabeth Brownlee Housson*

Katherine Rose Martinez*

Sarah Jane Hui*

MarĂ­ana Martinez* * National Honor Society

The Class î‹ť 2020

Julianna Kathleen Mauney

Briana Sage Niemyski

Hannah Olivia McCord

Cecilia Jane O'Brien*

Emilea McCutchan

Shannon Bridget O'Brien

Mary Kathryn McDaniel

Bridget Annalee O'Neil

Caroline Elizabeth McDermott

Paola Maureen O'Rourke

Emma Claire McInnis

Grace Ann O'Toole*

Eleanor Ames McLeod*

Chiamaka Lisa Osuagwu*

Hailey Elizabeth Mentgen

Marissa Anna Ovenshire*

Abigail Grace Mihalic*

Mary Colleen Parro*

Molli Elaine Mitchell

Brooke Lauren Patton*

Ava Mollabashy*

Alena LuMao Payne*

Madison Elaine Mompho*

Madeleine Quynh Phung*

Lauren Elizabeth Montigue*

Maxine Isabella Polma

Catherine Elizabeth Moore*

Valentina Ponce*

Amanda Shealy Moreno

Anne Bennett Price*

Mackenzie Elizabeth Morris*

Elizabeth Gloria Primrose*

Maria de los Angeles Munoz

Isabella Hannah Protacio

Katherine Kemp Murphy

Sarah Marie Pumphrey

Taylor Rene Musso

Madison Arlene Quishpe

Jenna Kate Nagorzanski

Isabella Areli Ramirez

Caroline Elizabeth Neal*

Gabrielle Claire Rauker

Ann Kathryn Nealon*

Emily Kathryn Ray

Ainsley Grace Neitzel

Richele Lyne Refuerzo

Elizabeth Nguyen*

Paloma Renee Resendiz

Joann Le Nguyen*

Kristy Ann Reynolds*

Sarah Tran Nguyen

Grace Helena-Marie Risinger

Haylee Marie Niehoff

Anna Victoria Roberts*

Elizabeth Kathlyn Roberts*

Sarah Anne Visokay*

Ashleigh Lynett Rogers

Margaret Kaitlin Wagner*

Rebecca Williams Rogers*

Justine Grace Walker*

Kate Elizabeth Rucker*

Peyton Brooks Walker

Macon Daisy Rutledge*

Natalia Anai Walls

Isabella Caroline Sakalas

Sarah Jacqueline Walls

Abigail Sakawat*

Madelyn Lange Walton

Olivia Antoinette Schmidt

Megan Elizabeth Wampner*

Sofia Elizabeth Schnurrenberger

Shelby Jean Watson

Ria Shaji*

Claire Marie Weber*

Abigail Andronike Sizemore

Katherine Elizabeth Whisler*

Hannah Caroline Smith

Reagan Elise Whisler*

Abby Elizabeth Spaniel

Hope Chandlee Whitcraft

Sonia Ana Stadler*

Sydney Anne Withey*

Julia Leigh Stockard

Priscilla Anne Wongso*

Destany Jordan Sullivan

Sabrina Grace Wurzburg

Catherine Anne Taylor

Ashley Lina Zanatta*

Tia Darby Taylor*

Katherine Elise Zansler

Jacqueline Burke Thomas*

Victoria Evelyn Zaugg*

Avery Renee Thompson

Daniela Claudia Zevallos*

Leena Tran Sophia Thi Tran* Bailey Bennett Uttich Teresa Angelina Valenzuela* Silvia Lourdes Vazquez* Angelina Sophia Velis Erin Robin Audra Veninga * National Honor Society

Graduation Honors Summa Cum Laude

Jenna Sami Abbasi Chloe Marie Almond Juliana Contreras Alvear Clare Catherine Bacak Victoria Ann Barbero Isabella Rosellini Bittner Madeline Saye Claybrook Mary Nicole Clements Isabella Cordova Michaela Leigh Coulter Madeleine Rose Crew Abigail Grace Dalton Erin Nicole Daugherty Sarah Elizabeth DeBord Helen Elizabeth Emerson Obasolape Cecil-Anne Fashemo Marie Claire Ferretti Killian Rose Finn Kylie Brennan Fox Ashlyn Marie Gage Mariah H. Gamez Olivia Nicole Garner Sarah Michelle Gibbs Claire Elizabeth Ginther Kayla Lynn Hanrahan Jessica Mia Harrison Olivia Elaine Hartin Sarah Jane Hui Erin Elizabeth Hurlburt Nicole Reid Jones Courtney Elizabeth Kang Nicole Elizabeth Kanzler Christian Alareese Knight Sara Ainsley Koch Meg Elizabeth Lemler Alexandra Elizabeth Lewis Katherine Rose Martinez MarĂ­ana Martinez Eleanor Ames McLeod Abigail Grace Mihalic Ava Mollabashy

Madison Elaine Mompho Lauren Elizabeth Montigue Catherine Elizabeth Moore Caroline Elizabeth Neal Ann Kathryn Nealon Elizabeth Nguyen Joann Le Nguyen Sarah Tran Nguyen Cecilia Jane O'Brien Grace Ann O'Toole Chiamaka Lisa Osuagwu Marissa Anna Ovenshire Mary Colleen Parro Brooke Lauren Patton Alena LuMao Payne Madeleine Quynh Phung Valentina Ponce Elizabeth Gloria Primrose Kristy Ann Reynolds Anna Victoria Roberts Elizabeth Kathlyn Roberts Rebecca Williams Rogers Kate Elizabeth Rucker Macon Daisy Rutledge Abigail Sakawat Ria Shaji Sonia Ana Stadler Tia Darby Taylor Jacqueline Burke Thomas Teresa Angelina Valenzuela Silvia Lourdes Vazquez Erin Robin Audra Veninga Sarah Anne Visokay Justine Grace Walker Megan Elizabeth Wampner Claire Marie Weber Katherine Elizabeth Whisler Sydney Anne Withey Priscilla Anne Wongso Ashley Lina Zanatta Daniela Claudia Zevallos

Graduation Honors Magna Cum Laude

Lauren Baker Asher Briana Bibanco Hannah Marie Bookout Abigail Rose Brantman Rebecca Ann Buell Peyton Grace Burger Kirsten Anne Burghartz Rachel Nicole Cook Rebekah Grace Davis Lindsey Grace Faust Zoe Isabella Garcia Katharine Elizabeth Gay Caitlin Elizabeth Gilbert Ava Caroline Goldammer Mary Lourdes Gramling Jenna Kathleen Hansen Julienne Bryn Hart Abigail Elizabeth Hess Elizabeth Brownlee Housson Caroline Elizabeth Inkman Kathryn Paige Janson Katherine Ann Keelan Amelia Grace Krusinski

Isabella Marie Lopez Taylor Marie Louviere Kienna Tien Luc Mackenzie Noelle Marsaw Mary Kathryn McDaniel Emma Claire McInnis Hailey Elizabeth Mentgen Mackenzie Elizabeth Morris Anne Bennett Price Richele Lyne Refuerzo Grace Helena-Marie Risinger Ashleigh Lynett Rogers Olivia Antoinette Schmidt Sofia Elizabeth Schnurrenberger Destany Jordan Sullivan Catherine Anne Taylor Avery Renee Thompson Leena Tran Sophia Thi Tran Bailey Bennett Uttich Margaret Kaitlin Wagner Reagan Elise Whisler Victoria Evelyn Zaugg

Cum Laude

Monica Gabrielle Aguilera Nicolette Altadonna Grayson Michaela Arcemont Ashton Faith Arlen Ollantay Avila Ashley Sheridan Boone Jordan Mara Bynoe Heather Anahi Cardoza Alejandra Chapa Isabella Daniel Josephine Gambrell Davis Brynson Caroline Gill Alexandria Schuyler Gonzalez Kendall Elizabeth Griffin Margaret Ellen Grip Alexandra Marie Kilduff Estelle Clare Lenzen Sofia Andrea Marichal

Emilea McCutchan Amanda Shealy Moreno Maria de los Angeles Munoz Taylor Rene Musso Jenna Kate Nagorzanski Bridget Annalee O'Neil Paola Maureen O'Rourke Maxine Isabella Polma Sarah Marie Pumphrey Emily Kathryn Ray Paloma Renee Resendiz Abigail Andronike Sizemore Abby Elizabeth Spaniel Peyton Brooks Walker Natalia Anai Walls Madelyn Lange Walton Shelby Jean Watson Katherine Elise Zansler

Class Song

“I'll Always Remember You� Words & Music


Alexander Jessi Leigh, Scherr Mitchell Allan

Copyright 2010 Walt Disney Records


always knew this day would come.

We'd With So

our future in our hands.

many dreams, so many plans.

Always There'd But With And

be standing one by one

knew after all these years

be laughter, there'd be tears,

never thought i'd walk away so much joy but so much pain. it's so hard to say

But We I'm


yesterday's gone.

gotta keep moving on.

so thankful for the moments.


glad i got to know you.


times that we had,

i'll keep like a photograph,


hold you in my heart forever.


always remember you.

Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Union

Vision Statement


Ursuline Academy



In We


Dallas 2020 – 2024




St. Angela

are called to be authentic witnesses

By And We

listening, encountering,

understanding one another.

revel in the spirit of

To "make In It



new life"

a complex, global community.


is through this that we lead people to


give glory to



Discerned from the words of Pope Francis to the Roman Union General Chapter Ursuline participants in

Rome, Italy, in October, 2019.

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