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Sixth Form

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Sherborne at Home


With another lockdown behind us, the majority of the Sixth Form boys have been able to benefit from a much-needed return to School life in Sherborne, since 8 March. That said, we must credit those who have been unable to re-join us in person for various reasons, for their resilience and continued pursuit of progress via remote channels.

One interesting feature of the Sixth Form at this time of year is the changing of the guard after Lent half-term, when it comes to Head of School and Heads of House. New appointments were made in recognition of exceptional contribution to the School and their respective Houses. They have all clearly shown positive attributes, above all leadership by example and consideration for those around them. They will also participate in specific pupil voice committees, with the dual benefit of using their leadership skills and harnessing the feedback and views of pupils from all year groups.


• Head of School - Will Loughlin (d) also Head of CCF and Community Outreach Committee Prefect • Head of School House (a) - Nicholas Morris, also Environmental Action Group Prefect • Head of Abbey House (b) - Jamie Jones, also Academic Committee Prefect • Head of The Green (c) - Charlie Wills, also Community Outreach Prefect • Head of Harper House (d) - Kit Beilby, also Food Committee Prefect • Head of Wallace House (e) - Harry Tyrer, also Co-curricular Committee Prefect • Head of Abbeylands (f) - Sam Hartley, also Equality and Diversity Action Group Prefect • Head of Lyon House (g) - Tom Pettifer, also Co-curricular Committee Prefect • Head of The Digby (m) - Dominic Timmis, also Academic Committee Prefect

We should also pause to thank the group of School Prefects who have done a fantastic job since the start of the academic year, in unusual and constrained circumstances. They continue as School Prefects whilst stepping down from specified roles. Particular thanks to Jono Post (U6a) who has done a remarkable job as Head of School.

For Upper Sixth, when it comes to how their Sixth Form studies will conclude, circumstances have prevented crystal clarity for some time. As guidance has been released from DfE, Ofqual and, at the time of writing, continues to be released by individual exam boards, we develop a clearer picture of how grades will be determined. In the meantime, despite painful uncertainty, the Upper Sixth are working admirably to follow new bespoke schedules to consolidate previous learning in focused preparation for ongoing assessments, accruing evidence that may then later be used to contribute towards an assessed grade. We cannot commend them highly enough for their diligence and attitude towards securing the best possible outcomes.


It has been fantastic to see the Upper Sixth boys receiving offers from their universities of choice. At the time of writing offers have been received for 70% of the courses applied to. Universities have a little longer this year (until 20 May 21) to respond to applicants, so the waiting game continues for some.

Thanks to Joanna Williams, Manager of UCAS and Higher Education and Careers for kicking off the Lower Sixth UCAS journey with an informative presentation on what to expect and how to prepare. As well as looking at options at University, the Careers Team introduced pupils to Degree Apprenticeship options which have both financial and professional benefits. A subsequent webinar to the Lower Sixth boys and parents reiterated the importance of early research to identify the best opportunities, suitable to each boy ’ s interests, strengths and abilities. Tutors and the Higher Education and Careers team look forward to supporting that application journey.

In March we embarked upon the largest ever Lower Sixth Careers Convention. We took advantage of the fact it had to be virtual by bringing in speakers and panel members from all corners of the globe. Following two opening talks, we hosted 82 delegates in 24 online seminars covering different industries. Recordings will be made available to the boys. As ever the boys did us proud bringing thoughtful questions to each seminar, inviting praise from the OS delegates, with whom several pupils followed up with to gain further advice.

The Fifth Form had their Careers event where we focused on ‘Getting Work Experience Ready. ’ The Fifth Form explored different career areas and the variety of roles within industries, as well as thinking about their own skills and competencies. They have also started to record these in Unifrog, our Higher Education and Careers platform. We covered the importance of work experience, where to look for it and how to go about getting it. In addition to the larger Higher Education and Careers events we have launched a new online booking system for Higher Education and Careers 1:1 meetings. This gives pupils easy access to tailored advice and it’ s been fantastic to see so many taking up this opportunity.

The photo above was taken from one of the opening talks for the Lower Sixth Careers Conference Skills for Success - an interview with Lower Sixth pupils Johnny Lye (L6g) and Alfie Davies (L6m). We were joined by Richard Robinson (h 90) - Managing Director at E -consultancy Xeim, Jamie Snudden (b 09) - Aerospace engineer, Airborne UK and Charlie Habershon (c 04) - Project Manager – Dalberg.

Zoe Fraser Careers Manager - 15 -

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