1 minute read
Refugee resettlement in the United States is handled by nine licensed nonprofit agencies and hundreds of local affiliates that are regulated by and receive funding from the federal government. But the system is understaffed and underfunded, and even the most heroic caseworkers are limited in what they can do. This leaves many resettling families struggling to meet their basic needs – not to mention their psychological and social ones.
That’s where Miry’s List comes in. We’re the first organization to create a scalable solution to address the problem of refugees starting out in America without essential supplies or a support network.
In 2020, we’re setting out to help 150 more new arrival families. With your help, we’re going to do it.
Naseema Kashefi, right, cooked Afghan food for her son, Haroon, 2, husband, Bashir, and Miry Whitehill, founder of Miry’s List. Photo: Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)