HOMEBUSH PUBLIC SCHOOL ROCHESTER STREET, HOMEBUSH 2140 Website: www.homebush-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Email: homebush-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Phone: 9746 9171 or 9764 4472 Fax: 9746 3516 Dear Parents, As you are aware Homebush Public School’s 6 September ART EXPO 2012 is fast approaching. To assist in final preparations for your child’s(ren) performance the following information is important, please read and sign the permission slip below and return to your child’s(ren) class teacher if you have not done so already. Food Stall open:
Food Stalls closed:
Drop off:
Students in the choir and performance groups are to meet their teacher at 6pm in their designated meeting spot in the playground.
Show starts:
Children should come to the performance dressed in basic costume requirements as set out by the year group or performance coordinator. Final touches to the costumes will be given out once all children are in the holding rooms.
Holding Rooms:
Parents are not permitted back stage, Homebush Public School staff will be supervising children in classrooms before their performance.
Pick Up after show:
All students will be dismissed from the performance at their meeting spot. Please adhere to the pickup and drop off instructions as the safety and supervision is paramount to the success of the evening.
Video Cameras:
Please be mindful of other audience patrons when you are videoing. Or you have the alternative below. School will be videoing the performance and will be on sale in week 10 the cost of the DVD will be $10.00. If you would like to order a DVD of your child’s(ren) performance, so you can sit back and enjoy the show return the slip below with payment to the office.
Thanking you Wendy Owen Returned to your child’s class teacher My child(ren)_____________________________________________________________________________________________ of classs(es)____________________________________Will/ will not be attending the 6 September Art Expo 2012. Signed:_____________________________________Dated:__________________________
Returned to the Office with Payment My child___________________________________of class___________________ would like to purchase a DVD of The ARTS EXPO 2012. I have enclosed $10.00