Athletics Carnival 2012

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HOMEBUSH PUBLIC SCHOOL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL 2012 Dear Parents, We will be holding our annual Athletics Carnival in Week 10 of this term on Tuesday, 7th August. Once again our carnival will be held at the Warm Up Track of the Sydney International Athletics Centre at Homebush Bay. It will be a whole school carnival and all the children from K to 6 will take part. The cost for admission to the field and bus transport will be $9.00. Children will need to be at school by 8.45am. Events will be structured so that all the children will be involved. The infants’ children will participate in simple running races and novelty events and the primary children in track and field events. We will be holding both track and field events on the same day. The program for the day is as follows:Field Events:-

Jun (8, 9, 10yrs), 11yrs and 12/13yrs Long Jump and High Jump Jun (8, 9, 10yrs), 11yrs and 12/13yrs Shot Put

Track Events:-

8, 9, 10, 11, 12yrs 100metres Jun, 11, 12/13yrs 200metres Jun, 11, 12/13yrs 800metres Jun & Sen 4x100m relays

Primary and Infants novelty events will be held throughout the day. To enable your child to participate in some or all of these events would you please sign the permission note below and return it with the money by Monday 6th August. These activities are a part of normal school routine and have the approval of the Principal. Greg Blundell and Debbie Rossi Carnival Organisers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

HOMEBUSH PUBLIC SCHOOL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL PERMISSION NOTE I give permission for my child ___________________________________________________ of class _______ to take part in this year's whole school athletics carnival on Tuesday 7th August, 2011. I enclose $9.00 for entry fee and bus transport. I understand that it will involve bus transport to the Warm up Track of the Sydney International Athletics Centre at Homebush Bay and that all children will return to school by 3.00pm. I also understand that if the weather is unsuitable, dates may be changed and another day/s may be used as an alternative. Is there a medical condition we should be aware of? If so please tell us here ______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ___________________________________ Date _____________


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