Kurnell excursion permission note

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Kurnell Excursion - Year 4 HSIE & Science/Technology Units Dear Parents/Guardians, Homebush Public school is proud to offer a great range of exciting and educationally rewarding programs. However, as these sometimes need to run at cost to parents, we understand it may be hard at times for many families to afford too many expenses. It is for this reason that Year 4 has decided to run one major excursion this year. Adding to the fantastic whole-day incursion of term 1, as well as a local area and community walking tour planned for later this term, Year 4 will travel by coach to the site of Captain Cook’s landing at Kurnell Peninsula on Monday 27th August (Week 7). The full day excursion will cover content from the HSIE units of British Colonisation/Invasion (term 1), State & National Parks (term2), Living in Communities (term 3) and the Science & Technology unit of Structures (term 3). As you can see, this excursion will be of great benefit to your child’s learning for much of this year’s curriculum. The excursion cost is $12.50. Students will be driven by coach to and from the excursion, held at Kamay National Park (Kurnell Peninsula, Botany Bay), and will be supervised by Mrs Nurdin and Mr Maher. Students will be taken through a range of fun and interactive activities by Botany Bay Education Centre staff. Students are to bring drinking water, a packed recess and lunch, wear a pair of walking shoes in addition to their school uniform, and must bring a school hat. We recommend students also bring sunscreen and a dress or pair of shorts should the weather warm up. Please assist our school office and our organisation of this event by returning this note and paying before Tuesday 21st August, 2012 (Week 6). Mrs Nurdin Assistant Principal ........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Year 4 Kurnell Excursion – 2012 I give consent for my child, _____________________________________________ , of Class _____ , to attend the Kurnell Excursion – Year 4 on Monday 27th August (Week 7), involving travel by bus. I have enclosed the excursion cost of $ 12.50


Signed: _________________________________ (Parent or Guardian)

Date: ______/_______/2012

(Please return this form to the school office before Tuesday 21st August)

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