Permission Note & Request for Payment 2012

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Canberra Snowy Mountains Excursion 2012 12 June, 2012 Dear Parents, Our Canberra and Snowy Mountains Excursion for Years 5 and 6 has been organised for the third week in term 4. The dates are:

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 22, 23, 24 October, 2012. Our itinerary will be as follows: Day 1 Leave school at 6.30am, Parliament Education Office with Parliament House Tour, Electoral Education Centre and War Memorial. Day 2 Chairlift Ride, guided walk to Kosciusko, Bob Sled Ride, Australian Institute of Sport Facilities at Thredbo (pool, water slide etc) and some fun in the snow. Day 3 Australian Institute of Sport, Questacon - National Science and Technology Centre, McDonalds for dinner then arrive home at around 7.00pm. We will be staying both nights at the Cooba Sport and Education Centre which is located in Berridale. The cost of the excursion is $257.00 and includes coach travel, all entrance costs to the various attractions and the Kosciusko National Park, accommodation and meals (except lunch on the first day). Because this is an educational excursion there is almost no GST. If you wish your child to attend the excursion please sign the permission note below and return it next week. You may choose to pay a minimum deposit of $50.00 then and complete the payment in instalments over the next term and a half or pay in full at this time. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Money and this permission note should be handed in at the office in an envelope with your name and class marked clearly on the front. If you choose instalments, full payment must be made on or before Thursday, 20th September 2012. Remember payments cannot be made on Fridays. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please be prompt returning this note and money so plans can be finalised as soon as possible. If this excursion is likely to cause undue financial hardship, please contact the Principal. He is the only person authorised to deal with this. G. Blundell - Excursion Organiser __________________________________________________________________________________________


______________________________________ of class __________

to attend the Canberra Snowy Mountains Excursion for Years 5 and 6 on 22, 23, 24 October, 2012 and to visit and/or participate in all activities listed in the itinerary. I understand the children will be travelling by coach. *I am sending $________ (minimum $50.00) deposit. I agree to pay the remaining amount by Thursday 20 September, 2012. *I am sending the full payment of $257.00 (*Please strike out the line that does not apply) Signature of Parent/Guardian ________________________________________

Date _________________

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