Events in schools about French culture, language, cuisine, music and traditions.
Greek students working collaboratively for the French week
Portugal Different activities were carried out to mark French week, such as the theme of one event was “Campanário et le Monde”, which is in line with the theme referenced to the School's Annual Activity Plan, namely, “Our Land in a Global citizenship”
Des photos de l’exposition à l’Associação Desportiva do Campanário et à l’École:
“Boeuf Bourgignon”
“ Tarte Tatin”
Les élèves de la classe 8eA et la professeure d’anglais onf fait un showcooking pour les invités et les personnes de la paroisse de Campanário le 15 octobre 2021. Ils ont fait des crêpes, offert et goûté.
Un dîner français, facile et gourmand pour “fermer” les activités de la “French week” au Portugal, une raclette - du fromage fondu, du jambon fumé et des pommes de terre.
Important personalities of France
A journey by France
Dishes from France
Mobility in Clermont-Ferrand The teachers responsible for the ERASMUS KA2 “Playing with Maths” project visited, at week 11-15 November, two Schools in Clermont Ferrand (France).
Family photo of partners at “Lac Chambon”
The Mobility allowed to know the Collège de la Charme and the Collège Albert Camus.
In a full week, teachers from France, host country, Croatia, Turkey, Greece and Portugal exchanged pedagogical experiences, teaching materials, innovative projects and enhancers of success, in different areas, but particularly in the area of Mathematics.
Along with the work, the experience allowed us to get to know the two schools mentioned above, to attend to some classes, from different curricular areas and above all to live a social experience unique cultural.
The program proposed by the country that hosted the delegations began with the reception at Collège de la Charme, where teachers and students were received by a high representative of the French Ministry of Education. Over the course of five days, we got to know the city of Clermont Ferrand through a pedy-paper (referring to mathematical calculation); we made a walk to the top of Mount Puy de Dôme (World Heritage Site, classified by the UNESCO); we visited the city of Vichy and its thermal centre; we can visit several museums and Historic sites (such as Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral). The week ended with a visit to the Volcanism Center, a very interactive pedagogical experience that articulated knowledge of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
An amazing journey in Clermont-Ferrand, Vicky, Murol Castel and neighboring places and places of interest. Clermont-Ferrand Capital of rock, rugby and short film, Clermont-Ferranda has a bubbly temperament. Its situation inside a case of volcanoes is exceptional. Nearby, the Puy de Dôme isabove the other volcanoes of the Puys chain, in the largest natural park in France. The uniqueness of Clermont-Ferrand comes from the use of volcanic stone in the monuments, which gives the city a surprising strength.
Rendez-vous em Clermont-Ferrand (france.fr)
Gothic cathedral built in stone from Volvic
Puy de Dôme
Puy de Dôme, which was awarded the Grand Site de France® label. At the top (1465 m), the temple of Mercury and a 360° panorama of 80 sleeping volcanoes. Murol Castel
Vicky city
Live concert to all partners and school community in a local church
And now we hope to receive all partners in Portugal, in Madeira, in the next November.
Lessons plans COUNTRY: FRANCE 2: Collègue Albert Camus:
Collège Albert Camus (auvergnerhonealpes.fr) TARGET GROUP: Students from all involved countries. 13-14 years old.
DURATION: 55-minute lesson and assessment during the next session. OVERVIEW: Group work using Pythagorean equality AIM: 1.
Reading individual instructions.
Pooling of understanding of instructions.
Search by group of 4 students for the best approach.
4. After finding the solution, each group agrees to write a response poster. 5.
Class discussion of correct solutions.
a subject sheet
A large answer sheet, and markers
OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to: -
Learn the importance of Mathematics.
Team working.
Use properties seen in class, including Pythagorean equality.
Agree to write an answer sheet.
DESCRIPTION: - The pupils after having observed the situation and having come to an agreement must write the best answer as well as possible.
CONCLUSION: Students after observing the situation find the best way to answer the question asked. Subject attached. Setpoint : The caterpillar is the name given to the escalator of the Center Pompidou in Paris, hanging on the facade next to the square.
Calculate an approximate value of the length of this caterpillar.
COUNTRY: Portugal Escola Básica dos 2º e 3º Ciclos Cónego João Jacinto Gonçalves de Andrade
Students from all involved countries: 13 and 15 years old.
DURATION: Each lesson should last 90 minutes. OVERVIEW: Recognize isometrics (reflections, translations, sliding reflections and rotations) on the Portuguese pavement of Funchal streets
Photograph/research images of the Portuguese pavement in the streets of Funchal and reproduce the Portuguese pavement on paper, pointing out the different isometrics.
MATERIALS: - A4 checkered sheet - Colored pencils - Camera/Mobile Phone
OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to: - Recognize that Mathematics is everywhere, especially on the cobblestone streets in the city of Funchal - Identify the different isometrics present in the cobbled streets of Funchal
DESCRIPTION: - Take photos of the streets of Funchal with Portuguese pavement; - Mark the isometries present in them (translation, sliding reflection, rotation and reflection); - Debate with students about the importance of Mathematics in the world around us.
CONCLUSION: - Students had the possibility of the themes of isometrics covered in class, recognizing that to build the Portuguese pavement, Mathematics is necessary.
COUNTRY: GREECE 10o Primary school of Xanthi
TARGET GROUP: Students from all involved countries. 7 - 8 years old. DURATION: Each lesson should last 45´. OVERVIEW: Birds in the nest - Maths and culture
AIM: Learning to do easy calculations quickly
MATERIALS: About 10 gymnastic hoops (according to the number of the pupils)
OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to: -
Learn the importance of Mathematics.
Learn how maths can be connected with culture.
Learn how represent a concrete situation on a plan.
DESCRIPTION: 1. The teacher places about ten gymnastic hoops on the ground in the schoolyard. They are the “nests”. 2. The children are the “birds” and they stand in a straight line, opposite the hoops. Then the teacher calls out a simple math for example : “-Five plus two!”, etc. 3. The children ( birds ) must run immediately towards the hoops and get in each “nest” to form groups. The number of each group in every “nest” must be the result of the math the teacher said. If the teacher says: “five plus two” the result is seven. Therefore they must form groups of seven in each hoop.
4. The “birds” that don’t get in a “nest” must do something the teacher tells them to do e.g. “Hop like rabbits, walk like penguins, etc. 5. Afterwards the “birds” all return to the straight line opposite the “nests” and the game starts again.
This is a traditional Greek game which used to be played by younger children. The “nests” were originally created with olive tree branches and later drawn with chalk. Nowadays children use gymnastic hoops for the “nests”.
CONCLUSION: Students will learn that maths can be connected with culture games.
COUNTRY: CROATIA Osnovna skola Matije Petra Katancica Valpovo
Osnovna škola Matije Petra Katančića Valpovo (oskatancic.hr)
Math hopscotch 1. Draw a hopscotch design on the ground. Chalk is the best drawing medium on asphalt, patio stones or concrete. The squares should be large enough to fit one foot and to make sure that a stone thrown into the square will not bounce out too easily. While there are variants on drawing the design, a common schoolyard design is shown here.
It is common to designate one section as a rest or stop area. This is where the player can take a moment to turn around and/or regain their balance. Sometimes a more creative name, like "Heaven" is given to the space.
2. Throw a flat stone or similar object (small beanbag, shell, button, plastic toy) to land on square one. It has to land inside the square without touching the border or bouncing out. If you don't get it within the lines, you lose your turn and pass the stone to the next person. If you do get it, however, go on to the next step. 3. Hop through the squares, skipping the one you have your marker on. Each square gets one foot. Which foot you start with is up to you. You can't have more than one foot on the ground at a time, unless there are two number squares right next to each other. In that case, you can put down both feet simultaneously (one in each square). Always keep your feet inside the appropriate square(s); if you step on a line, hop on the wrong square, or step out of the square, you lose your turn.
4. When you get to the last number, turn around (remaining on one foot) and hop your way back in reverse order. While you're on the square right
before the one with your marker, you will get an arithmetic task that you need to solve while leaning down (probably on one foot still!). Solve your task, pick up the marker and go on. 5. Pass the marker on to the next person. If you completed the course with your marker on square one (and without losing your turn), then throw your marker onto square two on your next turn. Your goal is to complete the course with the marker on each square. The first person to do this wins the game!
COUNTRY: Turkey TED EGE KOLEJİ, Aydin, Turkey
Target Group: Students from all countries. 7th Graders Duration: 40’ + 40’ Overview: Learning cultural weather conditions. Aim: During the lesson students will learn the different weather conditions and temperatures. They will calculate the differences between weather conditions. Materials: Weather app(information about weather conditions) Photocopy Colouring pencils Objectives: Students will be able to: -Different regions in the country - Weather conditions of different regions in the country -Measurement and difference of temperature degrees Description: -
Begin by introducing the differences between the regions Compile information and pictures about cities of Turkey
Show the students temperatures in the app -
Make groups and monitored students
Conclusion :Students will get to know differences between the high teperatures of different places in Turkey. In addition , they will learn calculating temperature differences.