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#1/2012 Polaroid-MagUK 6,20

Instant Content Einleitung 4 Was ist Instant? 1000 13-25 Polaroid Cams Back to 1937 6-11 Geschichte von Polaroid My Story 56-65 Geschichte meiner Polaroid

the impossible project

26-37 Renaissance des Polaroids

time of my life

44-55 meine Hipstamatics

Hipster & Hipstamatic 38-43

Subkultur digital Polaroid

Impressum & Konzept 67

Facts Facts Facts


Instant beschäftigt sich mit schwarz-weiß Polaroid Fotografie. Es gibt einen allgemeinen Einblick wie auch Rückblick in die Thematik, beleuchtet aber auch die heutige Situation dieser einzigartigen Fotografie. Enjoy! © Tamara Sill



Der Physiker Edwin Herbert Land entwickelte Polarisationsfolien, f체r die er 1933 ein Patent erteilt bekam. Diese Polarisationsfilter basierten auf einer gestreckten Polymer-Folie (Polyvinylalkohol) mit eindiffundiertem Jod. Mit ihnen machte sich Land im weiteren Verlauf selbst채ndig, indem er 1937 in Boston eine eigene Firma gr체ndete, die sich passend zum Produkt Polaroid nannte. Auch wurden die Folien unter diesem Namen angeboten, sie fanden sich unter anderem in Sonnenbrillen.



Nachdem das Unternehmen die Produktion von Sofortbildkameras und Filmen zunächst eingestellt hatte, um sich voll auf Produkte für die Digitalfotografie zu konzentrieren,wurde Anfang Mai 2010 mit der Polaroid 300 wieder eine neue analoge Sofortbildkamera eingeführt. Am 18. Dezember 2008 hat Polaroid ein Insolvenzverfahren nach Chapter 11 des amerikanischen Insolvenzrechts beantragt. Als Grund wurde ein Betrugsverfahren angegeben, das Polaroid gegen die

frühere Muttergesellschaft Petters Group Worldwide und deren Eigentümer Tom Petters führt.Tom Petters wurde im April 2010 zu 50 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt, da er mit einem Schneeballsystem einen Schaden von über 3,5 Milliarden US-Dollar angerichtet hatte. Einer seiner Rechtsanwälte kündigte Rechtsmittel gegen das Urteil an.Im Januar 2010 wurde auf der Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas die Sängerin Lady Gaga als Creative Director von Polaroid vorgestellt.Sie soll mit

ihrer Kreativität zukünftige Produkte von Polaroid gestalten. Im Januar 2011 präsentierten Polaroid und Lady Gaga auf der CES in Las Vegas das „Grey Label“. Es beinhaltet drei Produkte: eine Brille, einen mobilen Drucker und eine neue Kamera. Drucker und Kamera verwenden das schon im PoGo angewendete Zink-Verfahren. Für die traditionellen Polaroid Kameras entwickelt und produziert Impossible weiterhin neue Filmmaterialien in der ehemaligen Polaroid-Fabrik in Enschede, Holland.




Model 49 1948--1953

First commercially successful self-developing camera system.


The 350 is one of the higher end models of the 100-400 series line of folding Packfilm Land Cameras. The main advantages these models have over the ‚consumer‘ models in the series are * Zeiss Ikon-designed rangefinder, with projected frame lines and parallax compensation. * Tripod mount on all-metal body * 3 element glass lens (114mm f8.8)

350 Land -1969 - 1971

The SX-70 has a folding body design, a 4-element 116mm f/8 glass lens, and an automatic exposure system. It was the first instant SLR in history, and the first camera to use Polaroid‘s new integral print film, which developed automatically without the need for intervention from the photographer. This was revolutionary at the time, and a precursor to today‘s 600 and Spectra films.

SX 70 -1980-2006


Polaroid Swinger -1965 - 1970

"Hey, meet the swinger Polaroid Swinger meet the swinger Polaroid Swinger It's more than a camera it's almost alive it's only nineteen dollars and ninety-five Swing it up {yeah yeah} it says yes {yeah yeah} take the shot {yeah yeah} count it down {yeah yeah} zip it off!“ - Polaroid Jingle Commercial


The Polaroid Model 20 „Swinger“ was a popular Land Camera produced by the Polaroid Corporation between 1965 and 1970. At $19.95 USD it was the first truly inexpensive instant camera, a fact that helped fuel its enormous popularity and made it one of the top-selling cameras of all time. The Swinger was especially successful in the youth market due to its low price, stylish appearance, and catchy „Meet the Swinger“ jingle sung by Barry Manilow in a television advertisement featuring a young Ali MacGraw. The Swinger featured an extinction exposure meter tied to the aperture which displayed the word „YES“ in a window below the viewfinder when the exposure was set correctly. Earlier models also displayed the word „NO“ when not properly adjusted, while later units used only the YES indicator. The Swinger also included a built-in flashgun for AG-1 flashbulbs.

The Swinger used Polaroid‘s 20-Series roll film, which was the first Polaroid roll film to develop outside the camera. Variants included the Model M-15 „Swinger Sentinel“ (the Swinger II in non-US markets), which was a cheaper Swinger without the built-in flash, and the Model 3000 „Big Swinger“, which used 100-Series pack film instead of the old-style picture rolls. The Swinger name was also used on several international-market Polaroid cameras in the 1960s and 1970s.


Land Camera 100 1977-1978

The Land Camera 1000 is a foreign-markets version of the original Onestep model, meaning it has a fixed focus plastic lens. The model 1000 or original OneStep models are distinguished among the range in that they were made available with 2 different coloured shutter buttons either green or red; there is some debate among collectors as to which was more common. A matching electronic flash was also released for the Onestep/1000 model, known as the Q-Light. It fits onto any SX-70 non-folding camera model, but was cosmetically matched to the original models.




About Impossible In October 2008 The Impossible Project saved the last Polaroid production plant for integral instant film in Enschede (NL) and started to invent and produce totally new instant film materials for traditional Polaroid cameras. In 2010 Impossible saved analog instant photography from extinction by releasing various, brand new and unique instant films. Therewith Impossible prevents more than 300.000.000 perfectly functioning Polaroid cameras from becoming obsolete, changes the world of photography and keeps variety, tangibility and analogue creativity and possibilites alive.


The impossible team Impossible started with a small team of the very best 10 former Polaroid employees who shared our passion as well as the belief in our Impossible dream. Every single one of them has a long time of expertise in the field of instant film production - more than 500 years accumulated experience and knowledge. Without their work and support the Impossible Project would not have had the slightest chance to make the Impossible possible. The Impossible Project currently employs 25 people in the factory in Enschede.

Due to the fact that the original Polaroid color dyes are not available any more and that there is no chance to reproduce them, the Impossible Project had to start from the very scratch.

The Impossible team had one year to completely reinvent a new photographic instant system. Impossible? Almost.

But after thousands of experiments and after a million of small steps and a lot of blood, sweat and tears (not to forget the support of many excellent partners) we managed to develop a new Impossible film system.

The impossible production


The impossible factory


The impossible films

Impossible‘s endavours to save analog Instant Photography by producing a new integral film for traditional Polaroid cameras is especially dedicated to Edwin Land. He first conceived of instant photography in 1943 while on vacation when his daughter asked “Why can’t I see them now?” in reference to the pictures he had just taken. On February 21st 1947 he first publicly demonstrated instant film at the annual meeting of the Optical Society of America in New York City. That was an 8x10” peel apart Sepia tone image. In 1948 Polaroid released its first analog instant film - Type 40. It was sepia-toned, not yet 100 % on stability and consistency and $ 1,75 for 8 exposures which is $ 15,74 in today‘s value. Now the Silver Shade is not only referring to the beginning of the grand history of the beginning of Polaroid, but makes it again possible to take breathtaking, monochro-

me, classy looking instant pictures, which feature a surprising potential of characteristics, tones, moods and astonishing results.


Polaroid Passion


Hipster & Hispstamatic

„Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20‘s and 30‘s that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter. The greatest concentrations of hipsters can be found living in the Williamsburg, Wicker Park, and Mission District neighborhoods of major cosmopolitan centers such as New York, Chicago, and San Francisco respectively. Although „hipsterism“ is really a state of mind,it is also often intertwined with distinct 40/41 fashion sensibilities. Hipsters reject the culturally-ignorant attitudes of mainstream consumers, and are often be seen wearing vintage and thrift store inspired fashions, tight-fitting jeans, old-school sneakers, and sometimes thick rimmed glasses. Both hipster men and women sport similar androgynous hair styles that include combinations of messy

shag cuts and asymmetric side-swept bangs. Such styles are often associated with the work of creative stylists at urban salons, and are usually too „edgy“ for the culturally-sheltered mainstream consumer. The „effortless cool“ urban bohemian look of a hipster is exemplified in Urban Outfitters and American Apparel ads which cater towards the hipster demographic. Despite misconceptions based on their aesthetic tastes, hipsters tend to be well educated and often have liberal arts degrees“[…]


"Hipstamatic, a super kick-ass vintage camera app for the iPhone.“

Digital Photography never looked so analog! The etymology of Hipstamatic, the iPhone app which mimics the effect of Holga cameras, is obviously “hipster” due to such demographic’s penchant for both iPhones and photography. Through a combination of different lenses and film, the photos feature artsy aesthetics such as saturated hues, blurriness, over-exposure, and various film distortion originally attributed to Holgas’ inaccuracy and low-fidelity. They boast to “[bring] back the look, feel […] from the past,” which points to a hyper-accelerated sense of time, given that Holga cameras were invented only in the 80s.


Time of my life with Hipstamatic


t. 2011

London Eye, Sep


Summer of 2011


Notting Hill Underground Station near my Bed and Breakfast

Tower Bridge Thamse Festival


Lyceum Theatre: Lion King Musical

Jazz Club


Roller Disco!




The Story of my Polaroid

Polaroid Land Camera 1000 Die schönste analoge Kamera der Welt. Für mich zumindest, Das einfache Design, weiß schwarz mit dem grünen Knopf der Magisches hervorzaubert. Doch das Allerbeste: Der wunderschöne, rosa, orange, gelb, grün-blaue Regenbogenstreifen in der Mitte der Kamera. Ich habe mich sofort verliebt. Und das wusste anscheinend auch meine liebe kleine Schwester. Denn zu Weihnachten 2010 bekam ich den besten Gutschein, den ich je gesehen habe. Eine nachgebaute Polaroid Kamera aus Karton. Ein Gutschein für eine „origenale“ Polaroid Kamera, den wir dann zu meinem Geburtstag in der Wunderkammer Graz einlösten. Und als Geburtstagsgeschenk gab‘s obendrauf noch zwei Filme: einmal schwarz weiß und einmal in Farbe. Danke Simi!


Eine „origenale“ Polaroid! Den Gutschein hat meine kleine Schwester selbst gebaslelt! Eine origenale Polaroid Kamera aus Karton und eine Zuckerstange aus Salzteig. Super cool Simi! :)

Das perfekte Team Die coolste Aufbewahrung für meine heiligen Polaroids hab ich in einem Museumsshop in Wien gefunden: Ein richtig „altes“ Fotoalbum in der Form meiner (!) Polaroid-Kamera mit schwarzen Blättern drinnen und gerippter Folie. So wie die Alben meines Dads oder meiner Oma. Und die Polaroids. Naja die sprechen wohl für sich. Nur die besten Momente werden festgehalten, schließlich kostet ein Bild rund zwei Euro. Aber das ist es auf alle Fälle wert. Leider ist die Technologie von „the impossible project“ noch nicht ganz ausgereift, das heißt, nicht jedes Foto wird so gut, wie es sollte. Trotzdem eine wunderschöne Idee Polaroids wieder aufleben zu lassen, denn dieses gefüllte Fotoalbum werde ich sicher mal meinen Kindern vererben.



Meine M채dls

Bester Freund


Kleine Schwester



Impressum: Verlag: Instant- for ever. Autor/Herausgeber/Redaktion/Foto: Tamara Sill. 2012 Graz. Credits: Internet.

Magazingestaltungskonzept „Black and white“ INSTANT engl.: „Augenblick, Moment“ CD: s/w, straight but cool, Typo: Deftone, Banch, Minion Italic Format: 89x108mm Größe eines PolaroidFotos Schieber: alte Polaroid Schachtel Verpackung Raster: wie ein Polaroid aufgebaut: Oben Quadrat unten Rechteck.

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