Isthmus Book of Love : Valentine's Day 2013

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the Isthmus

Book of Love



the Isthmus



FEBRUARY 8, 2013



of Love Let love rule!

Thank you once again for sharing your sweet words and charming pictures. For a romantic slideshow featuring all of these and plenty more — be sure to click

ON THE COVER: Rachel Hunnicutt knits hearts! And brains. And cupholders. Check out her shop, Cornflower Blue Studio, at

What’s better than a year-round Valentine, Jane Ellen, seeing you out my window in your yard, your house, your car... warming my heart with your bright smiles & cheery waves. Judy with open heart and / mind found and saved do or / do not there is no try. :* Baby, where is my baby? Oh, there you are. You are beautiful, talented and exciting. I am overjoyed I finally found you and cannot wait to see what happens next. Everyday is like that now. Hey B, I am so lucky to spend my life with you. Happy Valentines Day and Happy Birthday. Can’t wait to go see The Finger with you again with both puppies! I love you! B There once was a woman named Jane. Slept with cats, drank red wine, quite a brain. A sweet little cookie, she’d hang with the Bookies. Friends, fiction and film kept her sane. Happy Valentine’s Day! Lisa ‘ Let Stevie Wonder sing it for me: ‘You are the sunshine of my life. That’s why I’ll always be around. You are the apple of my eye. Forever you’ll stay in my heart. ’ I love you., Tom Tess, thanks for teaching me about love, patience, the moment, and joy for the last 14 years. You are my sweet old heart dog. Love and treats to you, Tami Cecelia ... what a wonderful daugher you are. I love you so much. Be my valentine forever and ever. Dad i’m driftin back ... tsq, ADQ, gracie girl, ceceilia sophia, jay victor and familia, amf and kids, big and little cheeses and gangstas, pjq and tosa’ites, suzanne marie and boyz, tboner’s, greene’s, chiles / larsons, millikens, poppa bill, qualls and herwigs, ... Dear Roo, Ollie, Marilyn and Teddy, I am the luckiest Goose alive to be your family. I love you so much.

Jane Ellen, I am so happy you have added my to your group of friends. I appreciate the thoughtful and considerate person you are. I also enjoy your wonderful flowers. Happy Valentines Day, Doug grace alexandra ... you are becoming a woman and it is amazing. keep loving and caring and you will save the world. i love you . . be my valentine. dad It has been a test, certainly, but three years later I am still yours. Erick, you are my best friend. Don’t ever forget that. Happy 3 years. Papa Bear, Even though we are apart for Valentine’s day you are always in my mind and heart. I love you baby. With love, Mama bear Titi, You are the my favorite niece whom I love with all my heart. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day Titi. Uncle Carl Thanks for staying dubtastic. Sending irie ites always. Dear JED, a few of my favorite things we share as friends: good conversation, seats at Stoughton Opera House, theater, top-down rides, root beer floats on a summer day, gallery nights, and winter solstice celebrations. Love, CLH Dear Cat Mom, my luck to be rescued to the safe embrace of your home! Love curling up with you in the purple chair! Cannot explain source of my canine gene but appreciate patience with my chewing habit. Purringly, SF Happy Valentines Day Jamie Muir, we love you very much! ~Courtney & Remy (woof) Carmen, Sending a bushel of tasty organic carrots to you my beautiful soft red friend. T oh such a love you are ... i am forever lucky to have you as my forever wife ... be my valentine tammy sue ... love cpq

we are not little kids any more momma . . we are growing up and loving you each day and every way ... love sawyer and abbey sage I love my big sis, Jane Ellen. For some reason, she seems to unconditionally love me. Timothy J nickie joe ... fish fish fish fish fish fish hockey hockey hockey hockey hockey tree farm tree farm tree farm tree farm tree farm ... love uncle chris hey now now hey now now ... ginthers and weiss and some popes and eldriges and kerrs and crooks all over the place ... and crestwood teachers and fus wizards and obama and fritz and cleo and eames and edie ... cpq Janer, Not that I’ll let you know but I’m so glad I found you. from your high climber, Sugarfoot Dear Rachel, I love you more than words can say. It’s easier to explain how pigeons fly over states to true home, or how the sunset feels cuddling into the ocean horizon. Keep a smile in your heart, love, Blair My Dear Valentine, I have never spoken of you by your nickname from highschool. Not that it is a bad name, it’s just not the you I know and love. I love you honey. It has been a rocky road. Lots of loss and dissapointments. But, I am blessed to still have you. I miss what we had, but still have hope for what lies ahead. ” Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. ” (From a movie you know. )I love you Poochie. That is my nickname for you, always. Danger, I love you more than green peas and applesauce. No really, I do. What a ride it has been these past 11 (!) years... and it only gets better as time goes on. Happy Valentines Day to incredible you. I love you! JDawg Happy Valentine’s Day to my big sister with a bigger than life heart. May your day be filled with the joy and love that you project to others all year long ! Bro Tom

LP, After 25 years you are still the love of my life and always will be. Love SB Jane Ellen, Happy Valentine’s day to my brilliant, beautiful, strong, articulate and well read dear friend. I gained so much knowing you all these years. Love Kate Pardon me, but do you happen to have a DVD size clipboard in your car? “What does the sign say?” April 1st WE will not be reported to the DNR. Here’s to the giner infused cray we find on our adventures. Love, monkeys, and GESUNDHEIT! 4ev. Happy Valentine’s Day to the best Papa in the world. You put up with our messes and noise and love us all just the same. Jayx, Skye, Isabelle and Jack. Dear Bagababe, Your ability to morph and grow and stretch and explore and just be you is amazing to me. You’re a wonder and I love you. I am so blessed to be your father. Love, Chicken Legs. Rosina Bumpier, Donde quiera que voy, estoy teniendo usted conmigo. Donde quiera que voy, usted esta viniendo juntocausa que estas en mi sangre, captura de mi alma. Estas en mi corazony ahi es donde usted pertenece. Inigo Montoya Peaches, Soon it will be 10 years since our first date. I still get giggly when I hear your voice. Looking forward to the next 10 years and more. Love you, Tamacita I love you a bushel and a peck. A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck. A hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap. A barrel and a heap and I’m talkin’ in my sleep About you. SB Wife 1. 4, I am so SO proud of your huge software update this year. Two years in the programming, it reminds me of your desire to be the best person you can be. I love you like whoa. Husband 1. 0. [insert firmware joke here]

To My Honey Boo Boo. . I Love You! Thank You for making me feel your love everyday. You are My Everything. Happy Valentines Day!. . From Your Honey Licious

Mi Amor! Thank you for a wonderful first half year in Madison! I love being your wife and I’m so lucky and grateful to have you by my side. Blacky says: “I love you Dad! Woof woof!” Bechos, Wifey

Once upon a time, Princess Meaghan met Squire Steve. There was something special about Squire Steve, so she gave him her heart. He cherished her heart as a precious gift, and protected it forever. And they lived happily ever after.

Postermaster W, Even though we are no longer together, you are still in my heart. Thank you for one of the best years of my life. I wish you the best. Postermistress B.

Dear Son, words can’t express how proud I am of you and the man you have become. There is nothing that you can’t accomplish. You make a father proud. Look out, Idaho / Wyoming! Bellissima nbd, tu sei unsere herztochter, nur mit capelli senza controllo, un riso musicale, lo stilo uberwunderbar mittout polyesterische (t). Siamo grati che wuschest im Yumahaus vivere. Mit liebe, nbv, nbm, nbb, und nbhunden.

Tom, Thanks for all your support, back rubs, and love as I learn to fly. I love you bunches, Tami

M, I love you. Auk! L Even though you’re far, far away and I cannot even reach you by phone, you’re forever in my heart. I will always love you, Jon. Yours, Stasiya. I love your nose because I know your lips aren’t far behind. James, Roses are redViolets are blueI feel honored to spendThe rest of my life with you. With all of my love, KimHAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!

To The Man: you make every day better than the last and have given me the best string of yesterdays a girl could ask for. Love you always “your girl” Les, and her whiney, furry sidekick Chance. chb: VDay part 9! Nothing worth having comes easy. I predict 2013 will be a big year for our family (in a good way). But if not, we’ll still have each other at the end. And an amazing little girl- who we made! The two of you are my life. I’m in this for the long haul, baby! Sjkhobjsot, loves... Junie, you continue to be the apple of my eye, all these years later. I truly love you more and more each day. Through you, I have learned what love is. XXOO PP Honey Bee: Sledding. Hiking. Skating. Swimming. Dancing. Flying. How do you find time to be so sweet? Whatever your secret is, please keep sharing it with me. B.

BrettMan, happy V Day to you and your awesome B. So glad you guys remained in Madison. The city is sweeter with your presence here. XOXOXO Tomosito To GHC and UW-Health mammography and oncology staff: A thank-you as big as all outdoors, for all the knowledge, expertise, and care with which you have treated my beloved wife. Michal I, Beans, take you, Pants, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you more than snacks all the days of my life. DKC! I’m so happy you noticed my hyphen was gone. The last 9 months have been wonderful and I’m looking forward to many more. Cancun is just a couple weeks away! I love you. BB. MB, To my new friend and lover. You light my fire and rock my world!!! The more I learn, the more I like. Let’s keep this good thing goin’!! (uff-dah) xoxo, DV

To my hottie dog park guy: I know I have not called you that in a long time but you really are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. Thank you for all your love and support over the past 3 years. Now, lets get a bow tie and dress shoes for Bert. I love you. Kari, 7 years strong and it feels like just a flash in time. Everyday is a gift, and a blessing. I’m thankful for you and our little family. I love you. DB Juan Carlos, I love you with all my heart. Thank you for your love in return and for those two beautiful boys. Love, Jenni A valentine haiku for you itb: Split rock lighthouse glints / Beloveds squint at lake, lens / Zoom! Boys on slick sleds. James, Roses are redViolets are blueI feel so luckyTo spend the rest of my life with youLove, Kim Adam J, You are so incredibly SAXY! Roses are red, violets are blue, Margaret, we sure do miss and love you! Terry and Anne Come sail away with me! Dear Bananners, I am always amazed at how thoughtful and mindful you are, and I am so thankful that you are part of my life. You mean the world to me. Happy St. Valentine’s Day! Love, your Nannerchino

Julia Grace, it’s your 3rd Valentines Day. How did we ever live without you? The world is so much better with you in it. You’re a smart little sassy pants, a helper and a daredevil. You blow my mind every day and I love you so, so much. You may be a big girl now but you’ll always be my BaBa. Love, Mommy Shnooks, Happy Valentine’s Day. Love, Lolo Stymie, oh how do I love thee! XXOO Darla My love for you deepens every year, b. bear! You’re my rock, my inspiration, and my hero. I’m grateful every day to have you in my life! Thank you for everything you do, big and small. I love you!k. bear Se, thank you for being my wonderful wife and being a great mother to our boys. I love you! Paul Happy Valentine’s Day Grandma & Papa Morris! Love, Hanalei & Tuucha Happy Valentine’s Day Grandma & Papa Schmies!Love, Hanalei & Tuucha Happy Valentine’s Day Uncle Matthew, Aunt Francesca and Oswald. Love, Hanalei & Tuucha Happy Valentine’s Day Uncle Ryan, Aunt Sophia, Mr. , Miss Miss and baby cousin-to-be! Love, Hanalei & Tuucha

FEBRUARY 8, 2013

My dearest Angelmuffin Sexypants, my feelings for you are generally positive.

Peter, you fill my life with joy. Love you forever! XOXO McKenzie

Jeff, Myles, Mason & Desi: I love all of you guys. Myles, Happy B-Day and congrats on Graduation this year. Mason, OMG your finally in High school, and Desi you gonna be in Middle school next year!!! Time is going by fast. Uncle Jeff, I’m so glad the kids and you are doing so well. Happy Valentines Day!!! <3

Nancy, love, our souls’ shared roots grow ever deeper, ever more intertwined. Thank you: for stopping to (mis-)greet me, on NYE 2008, instead of going home to finish painting your walls; for your loving patience with my need to grieve the end of my previous relationship; for everything you are and are becoming. Michal

Hey, Kid! Sometimes when the days get long and you’ve had enough of the crazy throng you need a friend to share a sip of that Irish whiskey across your lip. I’m there to share and lend an earYour sippin’ buddy to a friend so dear!

My husband Leon is my world. Everyday he makes my world go around. I thank the gods for his love and support. Happy Valentines Day my Love.

Jenni and Sandi: Love you mom and grandma, or should I say Grandma Jenni and Great Grandma Sandi... I know it’s kinda scary to think of it that way, but you’ll be so excited when July comes and you get to hold the baby. Love you both!!!


You’re name is Lenore, Mine is not, Mine is Brian. Be Mine, My Only Valentine, My Only Love.

Jeanne, May your duckies quack with joy from all of the special love and care you provide for them. Besides being the best duck mama in Wisconsin, you are the bestest best friend ever! Love and hugs, Tami

Blake, I love you very much, and I am so excited to be expecting our first child in July. Thanks for being the greatest man, I love you!!! From: Kaysi

My Sweet BABIES! From the moment you lost the coin toss. I found myself in that perfect kiss and those wild eyes. You make my life beautiful. I am the luckiest, A

Ma Cher Suzanne--We’ll get past this wintry cold that bites us... we’ll even get over our plantar fasciitis! As we march along in the Rainbow Parade... We look ahead to the plans we have made. Whether we’re near or going afar-ra... In our cozy home or at dear Tassajara; Together we share cups of fine, warm, black tea... Always, forever--you and me!

you make me laugh. you make me smile. my life is filled with joy because you’re in it.


Dearest BF, sending extra love and thanks for all the encouragement to believe and the good times and laughs we share. SS

Hey there Georgie boy, I had a lot of fun. Thanks for the adventure.

5w love forev



How full is my heart! Ev’ry day I wake with you, sweet Reena Tyler.

Baby, come lie with me under the denim. It’s cold outside, but it’s warm in here. Colin- Thank you so much for being an amazing, patient, outgoing, funny, adventurous best friend. I love you so much and am so lucky to be sharing my life with you. Our little family fills my heart with such happiness and love; I cannot fully express my thanks to you. Happy Valentine’s Day. Love, Nicole Whale, Stay happy and healthy and find yourself a Valentine... one with $$ would be a bonus!!Grego Grams, I hopes you feels better soon. I’m pretty. Daisy Mae Lynsie, you’re the best dog walker ever! I watch for you all the time, and I love it when we go walking together. Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Fin



FEBRUARY 8, 2013

Daddy, I love you as much as possible! It is sooo funny when you play Temple Run! Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, your daughter, M.


Remember what John said that evening, as well as what everyone else is saying... though I think he may have said it best. Everything can be different if you want it to be. Ok, first we wait in this line, then we come back for a drawing, then we line up again and again and again. Outside. Inside. Friends seen. Ribs elbowed. Ear plugs used. All for me. Thank you. Love you... #1, I still miss you! Your watch finally took a dump, but my sweetheart bought me one just like it so I can be reminded daily of what a cool guy you were. #6 My dearest love, I know I haven’t made it easy keeping up with me all these years. Thank you for always being there for me even when I didn’t understand or appreciate you. I want to make you happy. Your big star, Abby. MSW, Please let me in and I’ll be your Valentine for as long as I am able! Thanks for all the BSW fun!Greg


Valentine’s Day All Weekend Long!

February 14-17

Ginnie, 2012 was a tough year. 2013 will be better. Be my Valentine today and forever??Yours, Captain Underpants Sick Nick, How’s your dick?Did Kelly make it smelly?Smelly Kelly, How’s your belly? Did Nicky make it sticky?

#7, Sorry that 2012 didn’t turn out the way you were hoping. Sorry I made you even more upset. I’ll try and just listen and keep my over active trap shut next time. I love you!!#6

Mom and Pop, Thanks for all your love and support over the years. I made it difficult and really appreciate you now, more than ever. Happy Valentines Day to you both. Your Loving Son, Greg

Katy(Lil Sis), Thanks for all your support and encouragement... I’m trying to make you proud. I love you like a sister!! Happy Valentines Day to you... and David and Peaches!Greg

Jay4ne, I know... the 4 is silent!! I still miss your smiling face and laughing with you until my head hurt. I still cry when I think about all the things we could have been doing together in the past 6. 5 years. Happy Valentines Day... Your Brother Forever, Greg

To Mom, who despite us being so darn far away we always feel so close to. Big love from across the pond. B, T, F, D&E

#4, Thanks for taking such good care of the folks & J and D. We really should meet up for a breakfast some time soon. Stay happy and healthy. #6 Doc and Calpurnia, I know you miss your sister... we all do! She is wagging her tail, chasing squirrels and barking, pain free. I’m guessing she still has the softest ears!Papa Dear Greg, Thanks for all the mammaries. Guillermo

Some of the sweetest hearts I know, work in libraries... Especially Deb, Jane, Jane Ann and Virginia!!Thanks for all you do!Greg

To all my friends at the Goodman Community Center. Thanks for welcoming me. I love your smiles and good cheer. You rock my world... please be my Valentines??Intern

Darling Girl, You make me want to laugh and sing... sorry about the singing part. Let’s enjoy our time and plan a fun vacation soon. Your Ever Lovin’

#5, Thanks for all the hard work you do for the folks and the rest of the family. You are a good man! Hope you find a Valentine soon!#6

Dr. A, Thanks for being so nice to your darling daughter. She lives for your that. Be good to yourself and try and find a sweet young Valentine this year??Prof. S Sean, Your time on the couch is probably over. Congrats on the new job and apartment. Keep your tall, bigheaded self hear in the Madison area... people care, and maybe you can find a Valentine!G-Man Rae, Proud to see you out on your own. Happy Valentines Day to you. Hope to see you on Sat. March 2nd for a family get together. Uncle G Hey Valentines, Saturday, March 16th at the Rigby... bring the usual stuff and be prepared to sing Beatles from 3pm until late. Grego

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Cowabunga on Douglass Trail. They’re finally putting you out to pasture! Come to California soon where all the happy cows are. Hugs, your poodle-lei-loo Tello, eres mi media naranja que nunca esperaba encontrar en esta vida. Te amo, tu Bonita. xoxo Anthony, Where art thou? The pyramid on the staleline beckons. Cleo The Rue de Braque in la Marais... is a place you like to stay. In Paris where the heart grows wings, with art and beauty, your spirit sings! Though here in winter now you dwell... That winged heart’s alive and well. Among hair grey and silver, too... Glows sunrise pink--your youthful hue! It smiles like lilies opening, and promises a gentle spring! Love, PBS Stevie Wevie it is time for a sleep over. Breakfast at the Sun Down. We miss you.

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Happy Valentine’s Day Dada. I love you so much and for so many different reasons. I love the way that you add excitement and sound effects to the books that you read to me, the way you cuddle, the adventures you’ve taken Mumma and me on, the games you play with me, the way you’ve shown me how beautiful nature is, the basketball, football and baseball games you take me to and so much more. Tuucha loves you very much as well. You are a cool dude. Love, Hanalei xo

#2, Glad things seem to be working out for you on the health front. Congrats on grandparentdom? Stay happy and call if you need something... or even if you don’t!#6

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To Jeff, my love, my kindred spirit. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart. I hope there are many more. xox zzz xox Otters love fun. Reena is fun. n’Otter loves Reena. My sweet little b. How the wourld brought us together. Here we are. I hope our valentine day bring us a little bright light and happiness to what we have been creating. I see your ring everyday and my heart fills with hope. Someday I hope to sail around the wourld with you, our kids, dog and cat and love untill no breath comes anymore. Pusu mjletute. Love you forever! Me Happy Valentine’s Day to my little sweetheart, Keelyn! Mommy loves you so much!!! SUSIE! Know that my actions never reveal the true good fortune that my life has afforded me by meeting and being with you. Darn Laura! Please be with me always. I Love YOU... your beanbrain. Audra, My love for you continues to fill my thoughts and dreams. Words alone connot express the passion I have for you. No one but you can comprehend my devotion. To everyone else, it’s simply words. “I Love You”. Gary

Happy Valentines Day to sweethearts Dick and Mona. May you have many more laughs and adventures together (with love from the 7 results of your K-I-S-S-I-N-G).

Christine, you are an amazing wife and a wonderful mother. I am lucky to be your husband and our little man is lucky to call you mom. We love you! Big & Lil Chu

Luckey Winters and summers, too. Lucky autumns, the whole year through. In daylight and nighttime and morning dew, Life is better because I’m with you.

D, 21 years today. Over half my life I’m yours. Love ya. B

Dave B. They say you only fall in love once, but that can’t be true... Every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again. I’ll love you forever, Nicole B. I heart Isthmus. Handy man- I look forward to whispering the words te amo and te quiero in your ear for ten days! Your Thursday night girl COTSW- You all add so much to my life. Here’s to another great year on two wheels! Mother hen Mary had a Little Lance, Who’s always ready to go. Cause when she gets into his pants, Her Lance is sure to grow! Sarah, you are the love of my life. Let’s be in love forever. ilysm. Kristin Brian, it’s been a lot of years since you picked me up at B&N... or did I pick you up? :-) Happy Valentines Day! Love you!! B

T Bone ... the Cresthoodlums, of which you are a upstanding member, formally decry Happy V Day to you bro with smiles and love and peace ... informally we also send smiles and love and peace too ... Dear Daisy Mae, thank you for telling me that I’m your favorite. Love, Jonesy Bonesy

Tamim, Hope you have a great Valentines Day! Can’t wait to hang out again soon. Brett To my E-Bunny: It just keeps getting better, doesn’t it? How is that possible? I love you more and more each moment we’re together. Happy V-Day! Love, your Green Jellybean. Happy Valentines Day and Happy Anniversary, Bernie. I love you! Brett Becky, Happy Valentines Day! It was so much fun hanging out with you on the outing again. Hope we can get together again soon. Love you! Brett Happy Valentines Day, Mark! You’re an awesome friend, and I love spending time with you! Love you! Brett Greg, I hope you have a great Valentines Day. You’re a wonderful friend. Love you lots! Brett Tomosito, Happy Valentines Day! Hugs and love to you! ( ) ( ) ( ) BrettMan

You old valentine fuckers ... Milliken, Loewi, Silverbergs, Tbone, John Thomas, Jake, Bachman, ACB, PJQ, Harmo, ... man we are old ... love to all ... cpq

Hello, Clarice. Once again it’s Valentines Day. It puts the lotion in the bucket. I love you so much!!!! ZAK

john, there’s not a day that goes by that i don’t fall in love with you all over again. thank you for being my everything. love, beth

Sweet Pea, I love you and I’m so happy that you’re in my life. You mean a lot to me. Here’s to many more years together. Love you! Boo

Happy Valentine’s Day Jenessa! We love you! Dad and Connie

Hi Dad! I just wanted to wish you a Happy Valentines Day and give you kisses. Love, Brooke Matt, Happy Valentines Day! I’m so glad we’re friends, and I love that we get together so often. Can’t wait to see you again!! Love you! Brett Scott, Happy Valentines Day to you and Matt... and Nate... and Martyn. :-) I love hanging out with you. Let’s get together again SOON! Love you, Brett

It’s killing me every time I saw you in pain because you deserve to be happy to someone like me. I was not good enough for you to understand that there are some things in your life that needs your attention. I love you momy. Dear HoHo, Thanks for being the best boyfriend ever! These past two years have been amazing! You’ve always been there for me through the good and bad. I’m so happy you’re mine. I love you more than anything! Love, Sam

Happy Valentine’s Day Bentley. You are my family & my bestfriend; because of you I never walk alone & have unconditional love. I cannot think of a better way to celebrate a day, that acknowledges what is important to you with big wags, cold nose nudges and a wagging tail:) And worse essays proved thee my best of love Now all is done, have what shall have no end. Be Mine Super D, MyRock, Sun King... Let our love show our dreams and make reality our field of dreams. Happy Valentine’s Day Amber! We love you! Dad and Connie Hon E. Kins, Snuggle in the morning, snuggle at night, snugglebetween the sheets. Smile, laugh, and dance in the kitchen. Hugs all day and fun date nights. Fresh baked bread and helping each other. Enjoy, explore the world and love. Love, H. K. p. s. Remember to keep both hands under the covers! Happy Valentine’s Day, B Love! You mean the world to me and I love you. Here’s to the next 30 30ths, loving life, and being there to cherish each other along the way. xoxo, Sarah From your State Street Troubadour*Madisonians* Madisonians* Tu Tu L’amor*


924 Williamson Street • Madison (608) 257-5262

FEBRUARY 8, 2013




Beautiful Kristin, You and your coaching abilities are amazing! Leading Edgewood High School’s Dance Team to place first in both Division 2 Poms and Jazz at Regionals is unbelievable. State will be great! Bring it on! Love, your #1 fan Mom Prettiest flower girl ever loves her special days for walking around time, makes a convertible much more attractive when she is riding around, loves her family from England to California she loves more and expects less always! Dear Daisy Mae, thank you for telling me that I am your favorite and that you love me the most. Love, Sucky Ducky

Dear Valentine, no recliner is safe in our presence. Thank you for being the best collaborator ever.

Tami, For almost three decades we have shared our lives and adventures. Allow yourself to relax in the warm embrace of my love. TD

Mattia, you are the most amazing wife. As I daydream about you during the day, all I can think is how fortunate I am. Valentine’s Day is a Great Day to Once Again Say I Love You. Scott

To “The Sweetie”, I love you dearly and with all of my heart. Your support thru these tough times, means the world to me. Thank you. oxoxoxox HcT



FEBRUARY 8, 2013

Mal: If I had all the answers, I would not ask so many questions. After all this time, the thing we want more of has become the best thing we have. You got me. Billie. Little Stevie Silver ... you are golden to me. I love the large growth of fur around your nuts and the tiny little belly you have. Be my valentine? Love ... your downtown lover ... Jana, I’m very proud of your graduation from college. Congratulations! Who knows what good things the future will bring. Enjoy your accomplishments and have fun. Love, Mother Dear cabbage spotter, I love you A LOT. Even more than my wheel. You are bangin’. Thank you for always taking care of me. <3 Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right ... Oh Tammy Sue ... you are so fine ... xoxox ... cpq

Plum, When I’m scared, you say “then we’ll just be like crickets and sleep in haystacks and eat berries and never have to work.” 6 Sisters forever. Love, Nancy

To my Sweetikin. You’re my best one, I love you more than words can say. Ticks love you too! L+2t’s Dr. AK, I cannot wait to celebrate our first Valentines Day together as a married couple! You never stop surprising me and making me feel like the luckest person on this planet! Love you more!Dr. GK Dear Mr. Princess, though i don’t “need” to, i will happily peel clementines for you anytime. Thank you for all the sweetness you add to my world. another year, another valentine to be searched for, questioned, blushed at and seen on a screen fit for romeoville and joliet. Dear Michael, I love you like a love song and can, but would rather not, imagine my life without you. Thank you for two years of adventure and affection and here’s to many more. Love, Claudia Carin-n-bevo Are Radically IN <3s Because Essential Vows Occurred! XOXOXO ~~~ each year with you brings new adventures and a deeper understanding of what deep love and unconditional support mean. 10Q 4 being on the journey with me. i <3 u, you nearly-sex-ty-year-old womon! ~~~ XOXOXOXO

cate and jack... we love you guys more than you’ll ever know and just want to thank you for being our everything. love, mom and dad Dr. Bob, Happy 4th Anniversary 2-7-09! A special thanks to the Isthmus for advertising a speed dating event of which my husband and I met on 5-1-07. Honey, I appreciate, admire and believe in you! Your own Savage Love DZC To Jay, and Andy and the Regent Street crew- Peace, love and hugs are my sincere wish for you. Many things change as we go through the years, but my love for you all will always be here. Ron To my favorite nephew Vincent: I’m glad you’re not really an aphid or bird, because I <3 being your Plant Carin! xoxoxo

Princess Payton and Princess Braelyn, With you two in my life, dreams really do come true! We sure enjoyed the magic during our 2012 Disney trip. Making memories is easy to do with you two! Love, Fairy Grandmother Deb

Sweetlist-est, through many ups and some downs these past ten plus years, we’ve built our family and celebrated with many beers! Every morning when I wake with you by my side, I am thankful to have you as my partner on our life’s unpredictable ride! I love. Shelly

Happy 73rd Birthday Mom! Congratulations on your retirement from the City of Sun Prairie with 25 years of excellent service. I may be taller, but I’ve always looked up to you! You are the greatest! Love your proud daughter, Debbie

Cheeks, its been a great seven years. Livin, lovin, laughin and learnin. BTB

My Beautiful Daughter Sarah, You make things happen! In 2013, your dream home will be built! With you, my life is truly blessed. You are a survivor of the fittest and I admire you! Love your #1 fan, Mom

Capital Fitness: Madison’s BEST health club! Happy Valentines Day to Mon Cherie and Ms. Charity, who welcome members with smiles and open arms. Happy Valentine’s Day to the three Wise Men who came from afar and followed a star: Pete, Matt and Stevo. You guys rock the house!

Greg, you are the most wonderful man I have ever known and will forever be my valentine! I love you, Helen.

Capital Fitness: Happy Valentine’s Day to my favorite hunk, Alan! You are such a studly man. WMTV Channel 15, Happy Valentine’s Day to Madison’s #1 station for excellent news coverage. The Morning Show rocks, and what a wonderful way in which to start the day. Kudos to Christine, Charlie and Tim. You guys rock. WMTV Channel 15, Happy Valentine’s Day to the evening crew: John, Leigh, Rob and Carlos. You are the perfect house guests during dinner time, and what a great way in which to end the work day. Kudos to you for all that you do! Tom, I love the smile in your eyes when you dance with me. Be my Valentine. Smooches, Tami

Lovely ‘Lissa, Here’s to another great year with the love of my life, HT, Nellie, and maybe Floyd! Love you sweet baby! BRIOCHE: Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. Eleven years of love. Boo My Dylilah. My Baby. you are so dear and precious to me. I want the best for you. I love you so much. Happy Valentines’ day baby. Love Mama Josie, Millie, and Torrie, I don’t care what the preschoolers say, you three are real princesses, Love Daddy. To my Very Valuable Viece Violet: Feel the Love. Share the Love. Be the Love. xoxo, Auntie Carin Roses are red, violets are blue, as for the rest, I haven’t a clue. Love Mikesy. How lucky am I to have found a girl / friend who enjoys family, listening to music, partaking of good food, exploring new places, and completelyunplannedmakeitaswegodays? SUPER double lucky. Happy Valentine’s Day Ms T. I love you madly. J My Ocean Swimmer, You are my sweet apple pie and my shiny, beautiful treasure. Come swim in my ocean all life long. I will bask on your beach. Together, life is beautiful and we enrich each other’s roots, Roots that we share. Love, Your Mulberry Emily, I’m very proud of you and grateful you’re my daughter. Happy Valentine’s Day Spud! I love you. Dad PalaPala, Aloha wau ia oe. Laula Happy 39th Birthday Lillian! We may be apart, but you are still in my heart! I wish you health, happiness and all the best today and everyday! Happy Lunar New Year my friend! Love & hugs Deb Cara, I keep catching you in bed with two other men, it makes my heart happy to see you taking care of our sons, now kick them out so WE can have some fun. Patty, You are the Sunshine of my LOVE! And I will always LOVE you!Don

From Manna With Love

John, To our first V-day as husband and wife... you will always be my most favorite. I love you, Meagan L / CatBoy: Hey baby. I love you and have enjoyed our 12 years of Love and Frienship. Happy Valentines’ Day. Yours Always !EP Vaan, Mom here wishing you a very Happy Valentines’Day. Loving You, ebjoying your leaps and bounds. You will succeed!! I believe in you. Love MA U. A. D. C. Robin still here for 25 years now. Wishing all those who have come through our doors, wishing you all Happy Valentines’ Day !!Drop by, email or a call Love Robin To Jewel with the grey streaks: You are beautiful. You are loved. Please continue to share your depths with the fortunate ones around you, with practical wisdom of herbs and spices, and with blessings from your heart. Dear Jeff, You are the most sexy, intelligent, funny, strong, caring, adventurous man I have ever met, and I am the LUCKIEST girl ever cause you made me your wife! Happy valentine’s Day Babe! Love, Laura!

To me fair maiden (and saucy wench) Roylene on Valentine’s day 2013... I could sail the world over and would still never find, the love that I have found right here in yer eyes. To me heart and soul, not only today, but forever and always... Happy Valentine’s Day Roylene, Love yer Piratical Husband... Cap’n Greg... ARrrrrr ;) To my *nym*, let’s make it a banner year. Yeah, you know. That’s how we roll. All my love! *smooch* Happy 11 more shopping days until your birthday, Carmen! To: BJ From: LD I treasure you for the person you are and the person you will become. Grow old with me in years and young with me in joy. Audax ad omnia femina, quae amat. Pickles and Blue Jeans, long flowing blond hair, it seems like only yesterday I found my true love at the top of the stairs. Now some 30 years later, she still wins my heart, with the same compassion and kindness that I have known from the start. To my everything this valentine’s day and always. OXOXOX Love, Greg Dearest Tom, I love sharing my life with you! Happy Valentine’s Day with all my love, Ruthie To my beautiful soul mate, whose face and body is divine, we will grow old together, as our souls become younger and younger with each passing day, from the radiant energies in our heartsT. Sovereign and J. Roth

Steve, I love the way you fill out your apron. Please be my valentine.

608.663.5500 • Open 6am Weekdays • 7am Weekends Happy Valentine’s Day / My beautiful Leila Rae / Hope it’s ok to say / You’re the best part of every day / Through tears and good days / My little Leila Ray / Momma loves you more / Than words can ever say. From Tricia to my daughter Leila



To all my Porchlight ladies-you know who you are:)I love you to pieces. Your support, non-stop kindness and humour makes me happy to come to work everyday. Thank you!!! Beatrice D, I promise I will NEVER stop cuddling! Will you promise too? Love, C

For Ranferd / Randall I love you so deeply I love you so much I love the sound of your voiceAnd the way we touch I love your kind and thoughtful ways I love you today as I have from the start I’ll love you 4ever with all my heart. Much Love Mary Elvis It’s the warmth when you’re next to me. It’s the bright white light of a fevered dream. So happy we found each other. I love you, Erik! Daniella Wishing my coworkers and customers at Mallatt’s a Valentine’s Day sweetened by chocolates. Ja-Ja


s m mis or Sa 3 t ’ n 1 Do r Flo gh 2/ e u Fev w thro n i ab No

Justypants-You are my best friend in the whole world. You become more and more incredible each day. I love you! Bea

Pete, Loving someone deeply gives u strength. Being deeply loved by someone gives you courage. You complete me. I love u madly. I look forward to becoming your partner in life. Love Chris

S ple

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FEBRUARY 8, 2013

Roylene, I can think of no better way to celebrate Valentine’s day 2013, than with a little “Romance Under The Stars” with my one and only “Heaven Sent” Valentine... I am looking forward to getting lost in the constellations with you... Love, Greg

611 North Sherman Ave. in Lakewood Plaza

My dearest husband Craig, I love you and am grateful every day for you being in my life. You are my lover, my best friend and the person I always want to be with. I don’t know where the saying “you are like two peas in a pod” came from, but I feel that is us. Will you “peas” be mine forever? Your loving wife, Dona

TERRY I Love you so much now and forever. Max and Annie


Dear Randall P Twas not into my ear your whisperedBut into my heart. Twas not my lips you kissedBut my soul. I fell in love last year and it was always with you. When love is not madnessit is not loveLove you much Mary

Check February specials on our website

To all of the people in this community who are helping Prevent Homelessness and End Hunger every day, we send our HEARTfelt thanks! Happy Valentine’s Day!, the staff of Middleton Outreach Ministry

Poppsie, 2012 certainly was our year. I honestly never thought love was like this. You support me and my ambitions and make me laugh. I feel lucky every day to be loved by someone that is kind, honest, brilliant and handsome too!


Dearest Michael, this life we have together is a beautiful thing. And by the way, it became even awesome-er when I saw a dog driving a car down the road, with a bunny in it’s sidecar. Love, Ellen.

Sweets to tickle your fancy Breakfast and lunch to win the heart “Hot” drinks to seal the lips



Happy Valentine’s Day to my Favorite Husband, whose flame is still burning despite my cold hands, cold feet, and cold other parts. Thanks for the constant adoration! Love, your delicious Sultana Ben, Who’s the best daddy ever? You are! Thank you for paying our doctor bills. After all-we are the best kitties ever! Love, Purrs, Billy-Bob and Bubba Daddy, I’m a little brat, I don’t ever listen to you, I’m a picky eater, and just plain naughty. But you have to love me because I’m so cute! Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Florio Jr. Stinky Man, You’re sooo stinky at times, it’s a good thing that I still love you. Why not toot your saxophone for a change? Happy Valentine’s Day, The Cute One

Honey Buns, I love you more every day. You have always been there for me through everything. We have so much fun together and seem to always know each others thoughts. I will always want you in my life forever. You are the best lover! Happy Valentine’s Day. Your Best Honey, The “Cute” One

“Letter-Book Ramble” There is a grrrl-Rebekka-san / Whose air oft’ seamed contraire; / We met when her air was light- / and her light was the air.

Here’s wishing a very Happy Valentine’s Day to Katherine of Katherine’s Cleaning Service! You’re the best housekeeper ever! May your business grow in leaps and bounds! A Grateful Customer

Katherine, Altho loving you may not make the world go round, it does make the ride fun, beautiful and so fine, And so, let’s jump into bed, …and savor the wine. The Cute One’s Hunny

Tami, I can’t imagine coming home and not be able to smell your love in the form of soup. Be my valentine. Tom Brinnan and Kensey, Happy V. D. Love, Yurma

And she is a mandala, / A gritty castle moat, / Her life unbuoyed (ha) / by unreal thoughts / and too true tears.

Love Inaugural Poem: One day will be forty years days / All signed seamlessly by your kisses maze / Rainbows radium seep our rooms / Private moonbeams fall on you / Ask who authored the book of love / YOU / One day forever Love, CRS

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Dare to read her answer-eyes; / Run-pray-soft-reprise (def. 3) / Words imposter feelings / So invent one: Zj-Kvx-rsk (thus, tho poor): / “Honestfaced freckly little grrl / Whose laughs (and gaffes) bring joy / to one wise enough to know / how rare and transcendent and Misty-blue / She is” Amen



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Sharon M. Our Year in Review NCAA Frozen Four in the cities. And then you surprised me on our anniversary with a trip to Europe. You absolutely amaze me with all you bring to our life. Much affection, Sammie

Thanks for coming to visit me this weekend Mom and Dad! You must really love me to visit the Wisconsin tundra in the middle of winter. It’s the best Valentine I could ask for! Your love inspires me. XXX Gooch C- Horses go round, I vote your name on the ballot every few years... I elect you with my heart every day. Love, your constituent and husband, Saturday. T Man dooset daram azizam!

MLB, Happy Valentine’s Day Love, Candy Dennis J, Happy Valentine’s Day to you Candy DMac:You are the most wonderful husband that I’ve ever had and I love you with all my heart. You and I are bonded togther forever or until further notice. :0I love you more. elelem

We met on June 28, your birthday was October 28, you left the earth on May 28. Larry, my partner in life, my man, my soul mate, you’re always with me in spirit. Thanks for watching over me, sending me hope and love, and waiting up for me till it’s my time. Happy Valentine’s Day! Glendale: Literacy is red, Math is blue, we in third grade, really love you. Kudos to Ms. B, the best ever. What a loving, committed and compassionate teacher. As they say, B’s the best; north, south, east or west.

AND! Katy’s Back from a Buying Trip with Exciting Jewelry & Pottery from New Mexico & Arizona! New Inlay! New Artie! New Al Joe! New Zuni, etc.!

Laura-You are my sunshine! Glenda Splenda, she’s our girl. She gives her skirt a great big twirl. She cares for all, in city and farm. Her smile is sweet, she’s full of charm. Happy Valentine’s Day to my country sistah! We could start savin’ up for the things that money can’t buy... To the lunch bunch: King George, Ms. Myrene and Madame Barbarina. Happy Valentine’s Day to a wonderful lunch bunch. Soon I’ll be able to join you more often for good talk and good times. Every Friday, I Love Lorraine. BG69Friendship lost and now you feel Uncomfortable how things diverged because of Mistakes and miscommunication. Independent to a fault, Avoiding difficult emotional discussions.


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Going on a run, going on a run, going to the Q, great fun with you! Happy Valentine’s Day to Rhonda and Linda, the Thelma and Louise of east Madison!

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Mommy Dearest, Although I don’t show it, I really am grateful for you saving me from the outside elemtns when I was lost and finding a warm, safe and loving home with this guy who is a sucker and push-over and spoils me. Florio Junior

Happy love day to my sweets n beets!

To My Flower, You continue blooming into a BEAUTIFUL person from the inside out. I am very happy to see you pour forth your BEAUTY. I love you bunches. Love, Mommy

Roses are red, our hair is too. You look like me, and I look like you! I am so glad I finally met my perfect match. Thank you for being you. I love you!

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Prairie of Fox: Happy Valentine’s Day to our favorite M&M, reader and writer, talker and listener, thinker and doer, lifetime friend for ever end of time. Our daily chats mean the world to me. Thanks so much.

Hello Glenda Splenda, how are you today? It’s a thankful Thursday, and Valentine’s Day, what more can I say! Mommie Salami loves you so very much!

Dear John-You and I, we are an us. All my love-Linda

Cherokee Middle School: Math, Science and Homebase are simply the best ever, thanks to Ms. J! She’s one of the most compassionate, competent and genuine teachers this side of town. Kudos to you, Ms. J. We love you!

Kidd, We can treasure our last seven years together. No one can ever take away the memories. You will always be my Valentine no matter where you are. I love you. Cat

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Steve, Love you so much! (especially when you’re wearing a Pierre Berge accessory) XOXO Jake My husband: washes dishes, feeds the kids, builds things, makes dinner, has endless patience, follows me literally across the country willingly, trusts me, loves his boys to pieces, loves me to pieces, goes to cub scouts, knows I will always be 30 minutes late, kills bugs, grills food, reluctantly takes long trips with his family, ski’s with his son, has woken up at night through 2 babies, is willing to do that for a third. Andy Panda, I am so blessed to have you as my husband! Bunny, you are my world. Every time I think I’ve explored the whole you, I find another deeply rich beautiful part to explore. Thank you for loving me as no one ever has or could<3 A house in the “country”, a home full of the pitter-patter of little feet, two cars next to the “garage”, a big back yard, you and me getting older ... living the American dream with my Pablo. Loves you lots and lots. Tremendous love to the ladies of the Green House! Having you gorgeous women as roommates brightens my day and warms my heart! You are all so loving and I love you! S Lovey Love, from the toetickling in the morning to the last kiss at night, you are the man who bookends my day and fills it with love. Your hand in mine is the glue that holds us together, wherever we go. Lovin’ our adventure together. C

Dear Panda, I am your wind and you are my fire. Together we will never expire. You are my soul mate and the best part of every day and night. Violet Big Eyes and White Thunder, together forever. No words can describe how much i love you lover, you are my every wish come true everyday, an i cant fight this feeling anymore, my heart, my head an my body yerns an craves you. you are my inspiration and growth, you are my candle in the window that lights up my life daily. baby i love u Molly-you are such a terrific friend. Me, U & S appreciate you beyond words. Jaimster-You make me happy. T Juanski: a pome for you:”Visitors remark my frown, Where you’re upstairs and I am down, Yes, and I’m afraid I pout, When I’m indoors and you are out; But how contentedly I view, Any room containing you. In fact I care not where you be, Just as long as it’s with me. “Koko Van Hise Sweet Sweet Rotten what would I be without you? Thank you so much for everything you do. You are the earth, the moon, and the stars above. Infinite love, Daddy, O, and FB... Mary, I hope you have a wonderful V-day and for god’s sake stop picking at your stigmata scab!! Love, Doc To my Beautiful Boy, You make me so happy I can’t stop smiling around you. Happy Valentines Day.Your Pretty Lady Lo

Nola, you gonna call me? Nola! Nola! You gonna call me? Nola! Heart, me 4 years ago, we met dancing. 2 years ago I finally said yes to dating you. Now, I’m in love with you, the guy whom I’m so lucky to have found. Here’s to many more years of dancing and love :) Rene, Your light brings warmth and life to me; igniting passion and hope. I dream bigger, feel more, and seek out my fierce goddess. Love Wins! We can do hard things. Always yours, Stephanie Happy Valentines Day Jeff, Lexi and Lauren. You are the loves of my life and I thank GOD for you every day. I love you with all my heart and soul! Love, Tra(mom) Okay, heres the situation, every day with you is like a warm vacation and, you have the key to my big loving heart, do I mind, no well, you are hot. You have always made my head spin and I love to show you off to my family and friends, I wanna make sure that Im understood, well maybe I shouldnt, yea of course I should. Sjkhobjsot, chb To Darren, Together Forever. Thanks for being my best friend, and the most wonderful husband any woman could ever wish for. I love you with all my heart. Love Joanie Roylene, on the sea of life, me heart is like a compass, and my magnetic North is you!... May we have calm seas, clear nights, and favorable winds for the rest of our life’s... For ye be all the treasure this ol’ scallywag will ever need!... Cap’n Greg

We thought we were done then had another one; a delivery surprise but she’s quite a nice prize; she and her sissies make a mess of the floor but through it all, it’s you I adore. I love you! Dear Cooks In Vats, you are the best chef a woman could wish for! Thanks for making delish meals when we stay home full of flavor and good ingredients! Love, Buttered Toast. Brushing your teeth upside down, put your tongue back in your mouth, Julia does it Mommy Daddy too, we are so lucky that we have you. Tooth bugs or not, you are our little miracle and valentines cant describe how loved you are. Dont forget it as everything becomes Self Self Self. With love and pride, Daddy Pooper, this first year of marriage has been the best year of my life, and I only see it getting better spending it with you. I love you today, tomorrow, and forever. Who knew how much love our house could hold until 2 more babies showed up this summer? We may be tired and broke but the love that surrounds us all is amazing. Sweet, sweet chocolate, I can’t get enough of you, sweet, sweet chocolatiers, I crave your sweet smiles, and sweet, sweet, Chocolaterian, both my heart and lips desire more of you. Triple L

Rosie Posie Puddin’ and Pie,’ You’ve become a southern belle! Sisterhood of the traveling Theta. You’re doing it your way. Can’t wait to see what’s’ next. With the Dalai Lama’s blessing and your Tulane diploma!!! Love you Forever, Mom Gd3, oh how I love thee! Ron-Our hearts are all yours on Valentines Day! Ka-Ching! HA, Bug and Critter Andrew, you may be a new addition, but you’ve certainly made a positive impact. We love you! Here’s to many more, less eventful but no less wonderful, years ahead. 444

Honey and my beautiful girls, I can’t wait for our family to be together all the time. I love you all the universe! Sunshine Richland Center: We love Mama Lorraine! Sloppy joes, jello salad, chips, decorations to match the seasons, cookies and ice cream, or homemade pie, you are one in a million. Happy Valentine’s Day, Mama Lorraine. Richland Center: Reminiising with Ray, WRCO country music, Pizza Hut, Ed’s Family Foods, Union Street, the Fair Grounds, Rodeo weekend, Mama Lorraine and David, we love it all! Happy Valentine’s Day to our friends and family in Richland Center. Bruce and Greg: Happy Valentine’s Day, and hugs and smooches to you both.

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A. C. : I do love you. You are a goddess. Wish I could just grab you and kiss you sometime.

t r r “ Ou a e h t e e ” n w S Loa

Murray I Love 18 years of US!

Dear Honey Bunches, Thank you for showing me the powdered sugar sprinkling of stars, For walking on lava cracked like brownies, And the sweetest thing, for loving me. Whether in life or Waimanu, There is no Gu without the Lu.


City of Madison Department ment of Planning and Community & Economic onomic Development present...

Sylvia Sunshine, Sweet as Cherry Pie, your heart never skips a beat! Thank you for being my youngest daughter and my dance partner! Love is a basket full of kitties and puppies... my love for you is everlasting. Your Mommy


First Congo U Happy Valentine’s Day, Ms. Fannie. May God bless you every day, in every way, from June through the following May! First Congo U Happy Valentine’s Day to the Chancel Choir and Maestro Don who wholeheartedly believe that those who sing, pray twice. First Congo U Happy Valentine’s Day to Jeff and his youth groups. What’s in the box, lock downs, workshops, movies, field trips, you name it, Jeff organizes it. Ya der, dontcha know once, his heart is bigger than a sausage from Sheboygan. Neighbor Nancy: Happy Valentine’s Day to my country partner in crime! Soon we’ll both be retired from the classroom chaos; and available for many outings, phone chats, and what not. Victor, this heart’s for you.



FEBRUARY 8, 2013

Sidewalks, sidewalks, sidewalks! Didn’t want them, but we got them anyhow. Makes our neighborhood look more upscale like our hilltop neighbors to the east. Happy Valentine’s Day to OUR great neighborhood; together, united, EVEN with sidewalks now added to our expenses. First Congo U Happy Valentine’s Day to our boys in the pew: David, Kent, John Boy, Bobby and Steve. Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue, we will sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow for you. Capital Fitness: Welcome to the club, Tom. You are a wonderful addition to the locker room. Who else, but you, can easily embarrass me with a candid comment or two? Tony, Tony, Tony B. Happy Valentine’s Day to my Creme City sistah, who loves to wear her one piece green gym suit to the gym. Happy hunting, Tony! David and Schnicklefritz: Happy Valentine’s Day to you both! You’ve added so much happiness to my life here in the Glenda neighborhood.

My Dearest Ruth AnnYou have given me such joy, love and support. We have 2 beautiful daughters, two great Son-in laws and 6 fantastic grandchildren and I am so proud to be 10 your husband. Love, Dale

Morrison Street: Happy Valentine’s Day to the entire White House and all of their children and their children, near and far. I sure hold wonderful memories of my time back in the old hood! God bless my old 1432 Morrison neighbors: Val, George and Judy, and Ellen. West Bend: Happy Valentine’s Day to our Katie Mae and her mom, Rhea Drickenski. You are family to me, and you are loved very, very, very, very, very, very, very much. Kay, did I put in enough very’s for you? Kip D and Mark A of the old Vic Tanny gang: How often you are thought of. Glenda and Mommie Salami think the world of you, and wonder where you are. Hope all is well. Smaski and Al: Happy Valentine’s Day to a wonderful, loving couple and great friends. We are all family, and we support each other to the end. Whether it’s Boland, Onalaska, dinner in the Dells, hickory dickory dock, Monroe Kiwanis chocolates, pumpkin creme rolls, or WNWC concerts, you are loved.

Oh, Stevie! The garage door is slowly going down, you’re fixing my garage door opener, I’m fixing your belt buckle, your wife is running up the driveway, the doorbell is ringing away, and I quietly whisper, “Not a good time”. Happy Valentine’s Day to you! You are welcome over here, in the garage, alone, anytime! slurp slurp Snickity Snackity Snoop, Happy V-day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to the Madison international folk dance community. It is so great that we all work together to bring so much joy and culture to so many people. I appreciate everyone’s dedication and talents. Thanks, Tami

To my wonderful wife Kate, Happy Valentines day to the love of my life. I am so happy that we found each other over 25 years ago. From your husband of 25 years, David.

“Two arms wrap around, pull me out of my head, quiet the voices, save me from myself... without ever having to ask. Every night there’s my ass and every night, he never lets me down. ”

Capt. U. P. , life is so much sweeter with you in it. Thank you for making this “muy tonto” Senorita feel incredibly loved. You are the best, much love, yer Lil’ Rabbit. xoxox

i love you one. i love you two. i love you three. i love you four. i love you more.

Briony Jean: There is always someone, For each of us they say. And you’ll be my someone, For ever and a day. I could search the whole world over, Until my life is through, But I know I’ll never find another you. Bo Michael Patrick

Chicago David: Happy Valentine’s Day, hon. Soon we’ll be up north together again; whipped creme cakes, pigs in a blanket, rollers in our hair, snuggling beneath the blankies, watching THC, and teasing Darren.

Cindy! I love you and I can’t wait to marry you! 316 Days until we say I do. Chaka Khan !! :)

San Francisco Mikie: Happy Valentine’s Day, Poodle. Whether it’s coffee in the Castro, walking along the Bay Bridge, lurking in the bars south of Market, doing the path between the windmills, or sneaking through the darkened rooms at the Palace, you are one my bestest girlfriends ever.

My sweet Kathy. I can’t begin to describe how much you mean to me. My life would be totally empty without you. I will love you forever. Your Ironman I love my Bun... Pwaa! Bhuton awaits us!Goodby winter, hello sunsets on the beach, every nite. We’ve earned it Judy, it’s soooooooo good, and now we can be there, wonderfully. Our love made it happen. unhappy with your shape, you don’t realize it fits perfectly into the open space in my heart. 6 crazy, impossible, lovely years. How lucky are we? Happy Valentine’s Day, Nate. Thank you for all your love and support. So excited about our expanding family! I love you. Tina

Peter- I will always share my fish with you! Olivia We’ve grown up, overcome challenges, started businesses, and have celebrated success together over the past 11 years! And now I can officially call you my Husband! Love and Like you, Christopher! Thea, I accept that our spaces are different, and may not intersect. True love is wanting a cherished lady to be happy, even if I am not the person to share that love and happiness with you. Lovingly, CJM / D. T. R. Margaret, You are my sky-bluesky. You are my sea-blue-sea. For twenty yearsyour love has meant the pale blue world to me. Carl Hello, Sweetie (Boo)! I’m happy we’re traveling this road together, and I’m grateful for all of the little things. Sometimes love is turning on the Mini’s seat heater for your companion on a cold day. Love you! Cute Pie Lioness, you have a big heart. I’ve love to be stranded on a tropical island with you. Love, Lion Happy 8th Birthday on Saturday 2 / 16, Carita!You’ll always be our little Valentine sweetie!With lots of love from Mommy, Daddy, and Anthony

Susan B Almost Anthony: Yes. Thank You. Smiling. And Happy Birthday. MBPT Debra you have lighted my soul with such great love. When I look in your eyes I fall more in love with you. I knew from our first kiss you were my forever SOUL MATE. Let’s make more great love.

Happy 1st Valentine’s Day as my hero husband. I love you so much, Nik.

Hey Squeegee, remember when we saw that shooting star? It was the first snow. One wish; it’s lasted six years. We were supposed to say it in unison, but I said it first. Here I go again: I love you.

Amelia- Would you be mine? Frankie

Mommie Salami has a very loving, sweet, cute and sincere IB. How thankful she is for each and every day. Happy Valentine’s Day to my IB, and all of his emails, gifts, and connections of the sweetest kind.

Mt. Pleasant Miss Jones: Happy Valentine’s Day, you old cow. When you retire from CMU, you simply must move back to the greater Madison metro area. How you are missed!

Happy Valentine’s Day, Torin! I am so incredibly proud of your great school year this year and what a great person you are. I love you very much. Mama

Amber honey, on these cold winter days you make my life so sunny! I’m looking forward to basking in your rays and comforting you in the life that we’ve made. Happy Valentines Day! Love, Justin

RTS, We did it we are goat farmers!!!! I am loving it, but MOST importantI LOVE YOU!!! Thanks for making our dream come true. We make a GREAT team. xoxoxoxoxo poo poo head Mommie Salamie you are the other half of the twisted sistah combo. Country girls and city girls unite over the phone lines talking about laundry, IB’s, Donna Reed and just life in general. What would I do without my morning phone call and daily reports. You make my day and I am grateful for you in my life. xoxoxoxoxo You are my favorite girl. Simple as that. Ok, you are also my favorite lesbian princess. Te quiero mucho! To Lily: You are still my most favorite person. Love, Aunt Laura.

Dear Aram! Happy Valentine’s Day! From India to Cambodia to Ethiopia and back, I love you so! There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t count myself lucky to be yours. It is fun raising a pupcake with you. Big huggins and lovins from Sabrina My little pupcake, Desmond! It is so much fun being your mama. You are the sweetest and gentlest and funniest little person I know, and so clever and curious to boot. Thank you for making me laugh with your dance moves and making me happy with morning cuddles. I love love love you! To Vince: “Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning. ” Author UnknownBe Mine <3 Michelle Hey, Love! David, from that first flirtation over Appalachian vegan burritos, you’ve inspired me to be more of who I want to be. I’m psyched for the next phase of our shared adventure in this land of beer, cheese, and snow! H.

First Congo U I love sharing the pew with you all! Happy Valentine’s Day to our musical Betty, famous writer Leslie, and plant doctor Edward. Beloit Aldridge Middle School: Happy Valentine’s Day to you, Karen! You make U. S. History come alive and you, yourself, are alive with smiles, hugs, humor and lots of love. First Congo U Special happy valentine’s hugs and kisses to: Diana, Wendy, SQ, Gloria, Mari, Jean, Eldonna, Cathy, Carol, Janet, Jane, Liz, Mary, Carolyn, Jeanne, Joanne, Linda, Kim, Sue, Drena, Linda, Jane, Katrina, Monique, Diane, and Donella. Janell! Stay well! HVD! Capital Fitness: How do you get a workout done with all of your talking and laughing? We love you, nonetheless, you big old cow! WMTV Channel 15: From Richland Center to the stateline area near Beloit, you are the #1 source for reliable, pertinent news, sports and weather. Thanks for your community services, excellent coverage, One Tank John trips, POWS, allergy awareness walkathons, summer / winter olympic antics, and weather alert days. You guys rock! Happy Valentine’s to the Solidarity Sing Along singers. Keep up the good work. Dear Toboggan Man, From an explosive Crystal beginning many years ago to our family today. You gave rings, Being, and our dream home. Thank you, my passionate, supportive, nurturing husband, for creating a beautiful life with me. Love, Your Jewel Dear Dada, I love all the great times we spend together! Playing while Momma makes pots, swimming, sledding, measuring trees, camping, hiking, spelunking. Thanks for keeping me safe and laughing on our grand adventures, including rock climbing! Love, Gracie Being Light begets light, and now our love has grown. It’s taken physical form, stretched across the universe and expanded through time. The well is deeper, the connection multidimensional. So much love for you (and for the little dude). I love you by feeling through everything and facing it all. You are teaching me so much my son, my elder. You are a light being, and I bask in your warm radiant glow. Love, love, love from papa.

JJB00, Our friendship blossomed in a beautiful way. Never could have imagined this day. I am truly blessed by your presence in my life. With Gratitude my cup is full of JOY! Love MENSS To the LOVES of my LIFE Corey, Malcolm, Maya, Happy Love Day! UMOM To my Mom, Alnice, and Brothers, Tony, Billy, Sterling, Carlton, Have a Fantastic LOVE Day, EVERYDAY! Pam Love you, B! You are a strong and creative kid, a force to be reckoned with, and funny to boot, so proud of you ~ Mom A, you make my world brighter, deeper, happier, lucky me. Love, J 7, 7, 7 Soulmates forever Ian- The past 3 years have truly been amazing and i couldnt imagine spending my life with anyone else. Thank you for being not only my boyfriend but also my best friend. Love Always, Amanda BriBri: Bpatient toward allthat isunsolved inyour heartand try2 lovethe QUESTIONSthemselves likelocked roomsORbooks thatR written ina foreign tongue. ThePoint is2 liveEVERYTHING. LIVE theQuestions now. PerhapsU willThen gradually, w / oNoticing it, liveYOUR way some distantDay in2the answers. Rainer Maria Rilke Tommy, you are the best.

Dear Bearies, I promise to cherish you and protect you and to be by your side forever. You are the love of my life, my soul mate and best friend. I love you from the depths of my soul. Love, PBP

Nicole, Hanalei and Tuucha: I love you, and all of the adventures / moments that we share., Colin Todd, you are the best. Zeke, 5 years in and I still like it with the lights on. BOOM! Seriously though, I love you. Happy Valentines Day you sexy thaaang. Sommer Dear Grandma and Bella, We’re so glad you live here! You brighten our days and make date nights possible. We miss you terribly when you leave for Michigan in Spring. Sorry about still having stuff in your garage. Love, S, J, &G My sweet Baby Bear, Thank you for always being there for me through everything. I am so grateful for your love and support. You’ve made me the luckiest pb in the whole world. Love, PBP G, we haven’t killed each other yet, so it must be love! To another 18 years of not waking up in a pool of blood! L, T Josh, Thank you. I love you. Thank you. I love you. Thank you. I love you. Thank you. I love you. Thank you. I love you. Thank you. I love you. Thank you. I love you. Thank you. Robin

Happy Valentine’s Day, Grandma & Boppie! I love you both so much. You are the best grandparents in the world. If I stink, it’s because you spoiled me rotten! Love, D. Sandy S. , thank you for being a beacon for the prayer chaplains and the Unity of Madison community. We celebrate your favorite symbol and are blessed and thankful for your love in action. A+B+Q wbly looking forward to mashed potatoes and cake pops xoxo, your loving tfam This valentine is for all those who have adopted from a shelter, and for all who work to help needy animals. God’s little critters don’t have opposible thumbs for typing, so they asked me to relay their love, gratitude, and blessings. CC, thank you for your support and friendship during a time of change and loss. Angela

David, you are the best. Ooh la la, Bunnyman. Hoot, Hoot!Business kisses!Love, Rooster xooxo

Teresa, So, so glad we found each other. As I sit here with our little guy on my lap, I am grateful, thankful and in love with you. Always your, Berto

**mWAh** to my sweets. Your laugh still makes me smile all the time.

Aaron, you are my best boy.

Kari, another Valentine’s day, another year we’ve grown in love. 2 kids, 2 cats, a walkable neighborhood, occasional date nights, Old Fashioneds at home with Netflix, who could ask for anything more? <3 Sam

I will be your monkey forever more. You and me... TNT

Hello myname is girlfriend, And I’ma lucky one. I live with the Real Pork Prince, And mefavorite thing’s his hug. I like to eat his cookin’, And see his stinkeye face, And there’s nothin’ that I cannot do SoHappy with his love!

Happy Valentine’s Day to my Knight in shining armor! <3 S

~LOVE~ to my little ladies Clara and Milena. All the spider monkey hugs, gurgles, and snuggles make my days great.

Mama Liz. You are the best even though we do not say it enough. Thanks for all you do! Happy early birthday. Love the fam.

Jo, It just gets better every year! I’m proud of all the transitions you have dealt with in the past few years, you are my hero! I love you to the moon and back! Soo

Carolyn, you are the best. Happy Valentine’s Day Bad Dog Frida! That’s a wrap, Isthmus Book of Lovers! Thank you!



Saturday, S d A April il 2 20 0 Monona Terrace ★ Downtown Madison

Mama, what a crazy time. A decade ago I moved 3, 500 miles to Madison... 9 years 6 months ago we met... 5 years ago we Married... 4 years ago we welcomed our pooch and 2 years 6 months ago we welcomed two amazing son’s into the world. I love you very much... Your hugs, kisses, remembering Nala, our trips, our apartment, our fights, our make ups, our smiles, our tears, our laughs, It has been a roller-coaster and I’m really looking forward to the rest of the ride, Love Simba.

I’ll love you no maȜer how fat you get.

Enjoy our unique desserts, wine and chocolate pairings in our cozy booths, or pick up something for your celebration at home. 2004 Atwood Ave • 608.249.1156 • .co om

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FEBRUARY 8, 2013

Express your feelings with chocolate and candy!



BBC, If I were a sea lamprey and you were a delicious fish, I wouldn’t eat you because I love you so much. I would follow you around, but I wouldn’t attach to you parasitically, even if it meant I starved. Love, PBP

Dear Mommie Ommie, I love you more than words can express. Thank you for being a wonderful Mommie and supporting me through the years. I look forward to our days on the Beauty Way. Love, D. O.

Mam, no matter what is going on remember that we love you. Don’t be to hard on yourself or us for that matter! We are all trying to figure this out as we go. We will do our best and we know you will too. You are amazing!!! Love D&E

JE, You’re known for your excellent Third Friday picks, your understanding ear, and always a friend we can count on. We’re so glad you are our friend! KP & SF

Dear Marushi, You are my slurpy kisser, my melding cuddler, my sexy lover. We have Michelle to thank for a match made forever. I love you more than the world with everything in it! Cappucci

Dear Dad, A confession: when I was little, I sometimes pretended to be asleep just so you would carry me in from the car. Thank you for being such a wonderful dad. I love you. Love, My Father’s Daughter


Cappucci, You are still and forever the love of my life, my life inspiration, my raison d’Ã

Barbara Jan, The truest heart is a hopeful heart. We are always on our way, when we are on our way together. Happy Valentine’s Day. Love, Tom





FEBRUARY 8, 2013

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