> Undergraduate > Professional > Open > Summer
Via Crescenzio 17/A 00193 roma Tel: +39 06 8557078 quasar.university info@quasar.university
Courses Postgraduate Post Graduate Master Accredited by MIUR
The training offer of the Postgraduate Courses signed Quasar Design University is particularly exclusive and articulated, able to provide a series of solutions which are perfect for combining your personal and professional growth desire, with the need for a permanent and effective improvement of skills. All with dedicated and distinctive paths on the international scene.
Art Direction & Media Management Interior Design Product Design Made in Italy Yacht Design 1st level Academic Master Diploma Diploma QDU Software Certificates 18 Months
60 CFA
A year that is worth much more.
Fabio Contini Interior Design Coordinator
art direction & media Management
Become Art Director Digital Art Director Communication Manager Social Media Strategist Project Manager for Media Content Creator
The Master in Art Direction and Media Management is aimed at professionals interested in specializing in two of the most relevant sectors in the world of contemporary communication. The training course will provide all the expertise to coordinate creative projects at all scales addressed to different subjects such as companies, institutions, and private clients.
The QDU approach is distinguished by the hybridization of research, conception, and management. The management of a strategic program is closely linked to the knowledge of the logics of brand identity, the mastery of the use of all the media, a strong visionary and strategic component, and the ability to manage teams with different professional figures.
Interior Design
The aim of the Master is to make the students the owners of the entire design process, from the initial concept to the executive project. The students will be able to express considerable versatility and operational autonomy, optimizing their professional chances.
Become Interior Designer Renderer Modeler Exhibition Designer
The master is the most thorough and qualified path of specialization in the field of interior design, which through a journey full of experiences leads from the knowledge of history and the cultural tradition of the interior to provide the most updated configurations of interior spaces for each destination, taking into account functional, economic, aesthetic, psychological and environmental comfort needs. The student will address an
educational path that will start from the history, critique, and methodology of interior design, from the technical drawing and its representation languages, they will know the actuality linked to the types of materials and the main furnishing techniques, then starting, in a phase of greater maturity and mastery of the languages, to important design laboratories in tune with the latest technologies in vogue.
Program History and critique of Interior Design
Digital model representation languages
This course aims to introduce students to the culturally historical universe that defines the field of Interior Design, in its multiforms, meanings, and in the different interpretations that can be given. From the privileged relationship with history and with the context to the tangencies within the world of fashion, and art and design.
Teaching must offer the right skills and tools for creating 3D architectural and design models. The course provides the theoretical and practical concepts of modeling for solids and surfaces in the computer environment, allowing, through practical exercises, to build three-dimensional (3D) digital models and to achieve a basic knowledge of the software.
Technology of materials, furnishing techniques.
PARTNER Bic Lazio/FabLab I Fondazione Mondo Digitale I Devoto I Slamp I ST srl I Covo I Alcantara I Incipit I Waypoint I Etimo I Uno PiĂš I Ceramiche Flaminia I Scarabeo
The teaching of technology explores on one hand the technical aspects related to the performance of furniture elements of industrial or handicraft production, and on the other the techniques for the adaptation of the furnishing elements to the pre-existence also including the techniques of use of semi-finished products for the requalification of the fundamental surfaces (floors, walls, ceilings, fixtures and openings to the outside); plant engineering elements and the study of functional monoblocks. Control of the realization, direction of the work, relationship techniques with the constructing companies, supplier companies and artisans, metric estimates and specifications.
Interior Design Laboratories and executive design The main objective of the course is to provide the student with the technical and critical tools to immerse oneself fully and with awareness in their professional activity. The student will have the opportunity to be presented to important and well-known professional firms where they will assist in direct testimony of the authors on their realized works. Finally, they will be involved in the implementation phases in close contact with the executors, the manufacturing companies and the workers, with visits to construction sites with different statuses of progress and visits to particular production sites.
Product design made in italy The goal is to make the course participants master the project through frontal lessons and operational phases: starting from the idea and its representation with different two-dimensional models, three-dimensional physical and virtual, to get to the production of the final prototype. The focus is on the development of projects united by a particular focus on the matter of the process and the production technique.
Become Product Designer Brand Designer 3D Prototyper
The Academic Master in Product Design was created from the fusion of industrial and interaction design. The innovative training course will guide the participants in conceiving, producing and promoting objects that bring new, economic, social, productive or relational values, born from the combination of artisan skills, digital and technological know-how, between local practices and global needs, between specialized professionalism
and collective narratives, able to best respond to the evolutionary demands of current design in relation to the public, the critics and the current market. Through lectures and workshops, the participants are led from the initial concept to the prototype, developing design models in different ways of digital representation, deepening the use of software for Nurbs and Mesh modeling. In operating,
they will address methods and techniques of Rapid Prototyping. The final workshop, through the realization of different design themes, will allow to fix the design process of the Industrial, the Independent and the Interactive design.
Program The main thematic areas on which the contents of the Master course will be: Marketing In this context, starting from the Industrial Design, everything related to the selfproduction in design from the point of view of strategic planning of communication and promotion in relation to the placing in the current market of the produced products is taken into consideration. Representation Modeling and Rapid prototyping. The digital languages for the representation of 3D virtual models, the nurbs representation, the mesh representation, the visual scripting, rapid prototyping techniques, 3D printing and milling are taken into consideration.
Materials Study of the characteristics of the aterials, of the workings, of the potential offered by the new technologies in synergy with the traditional ones. Workshops The Design and Interaction Design laboratories will allow to experiment concretely the possible intersections between design and current tools, and technologies, capable of activating new relationships between man, objects and the environment around them.
PARTNER I Bic Lazio/FabLab I Fondazione Mondo Digitale I Devoto I Slamp I ST srl I Covo I Alcantara I Incipit I Waypoint I Etimo I Uno PiĂš I Ceramiche Flaminia I Scarabeo
› Yacht Design The Master’s Degree in Yacht Design deals with the 360° design of boats: from water lines to interior furnishings, from details to all the components necessary for the realization of the project. Furthermore part of the lessons is dedicated to specific legislation and product analysis.
Become Boat Designer Interior Designer Naval Chief Designer Project Manager
The participants will become familiar with the various types of boats, they will know the recent evolution of pleasure-boating: classifications, nomenclatures and standards; the characteristics of the nautical market, the main production facilities, the materials and the construction techniques in use. For design, AutoCAD is the basis to start talking about 3D modeling, but they will work mainly with Rhinoceros. During the Master you will learn in particular the automotive techniques. Designed in 1997 and now in its fifteenth edition, the Master is sponsored by the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservatories and is updated at every new edition.
Program ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
Types of boats Production industrialization processes Custom Design Motor boats Sailing boats Design of fairings and water lines Ship structures - layouts Design of the exteriors and interiors Preliminary - executive design - production drawings On-board systems Mold design for CNC machines (CAD / CAM) Project management and project coordination Assisted drawing programs (Rhinoceros and AutoCAD) Surface start-up and NURBS design Definition of dynamic-static assets and calculation of assets and displacements
PARTNER I Azimut-Benetti s.p.a. I Divisione Atlantis Yachts I Bcool Engineering I Comar Yachts I Cantieri Gagliotta I Gallinea I Gammanautica I Idroitalia I Mazzer s.r.l. I NAET s.r.l. I Nautica Cala Galera S.P.A. I Naval Design&Consulting I OBP I Webasto I Nu.mid.i.a I Q-Agency I MPE
COUNSELING Do you want to make the right choice? Let’s talk about! In Quasar Design University you can count on targeted and strategic advice, to help you choose the courses and formulas most in line with your needs and aspirations, all through orientation interviews with the teachers and with the Orientation Office. In addition, you can participate in the #QuasarDay that are organized during the year. An excellent opportunity to get a close-up look at the Academy and to get a sneak preview of the news of our educational offer: courses, workshops, internships, active promotions and much or more. Check our website for the next dates and to book.
USEFUL INFORMATION Admission requirements To access the Undergraduate and Professional courses it is necessary to have obtained a Secondary School Diploma or equivalent qualification. For Postgraduate courses it is necessary to have an Academic Diploma of 1st level, Degree or equivalent. Professionals can also access Postgraduate students after having passed the interview certifying their suitability. The Open and Summer courses do not include any access requirements. How to register You can register by submitting the appropriate application and related documents, at our office or through the official website of the Academy. Scholarships and Facilitations Each year Quasar Design University supports talent and creativity by providing scholarships and financial facilities. All info at the Orientation Office. http://quasar.university info@quasar.university
> Undergraduate > Professional > Open > Summer
Via Crescenzio 17/A 00193 roma Tel: +39 06 8557078 quasar.university info@quasar.university