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The Leadership Guild

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LEADERSHIP: a group of persons who lead; one of the major functional divisions to be found in all groups.

GUILD: an association of individuals belonging to the same class, engaged in kindred pursuits, or having common interests or aims.

– The American Century Dictionary

The Leadership Guild, founded August 2009, is a constituent society of the ISU Alumni Association. The Leadership Guild is comprised of former elected, appointed, or designated directors of the ISUAA board.

The Leadership Guild Creed

WE, the former Board members of the Iowa State University Alumni Association, through membership in this newly formed society, further commit ourselves this day to the work and aspirations of the Association. We pledge to work alongside the Association’s current staff and Board as they strive to make Iowa State University stronger, provide opportunities for others to experience Iowa State, be the voice of history and traditions of the Association, and help Iowa State University carry out its vision.

WE FURTHER ACCEPT the following responsibilities of Leadership Guild membership: 1) to further engage former Board members and their resources – time, talents, and treasures – in the life, work, and aspirations of the University and the Association; 2) to strengthen the connections among former Board members, the ISUAA, and the University; 3) to create opportunities for former Board members to provide input and feedback to the current ISUAA Board and staff on current and future Association goals, activities, and services; and 4) to provide the Association with an ongoing source of “professional consultants.”

WE ULTIMATELY PLEDGE our ongoing loyalty and support of Iowa State University and the Iowa State University Alumni Association.

FORMER ISUAA BOARD MEMBERS 1940-Present, Living Members Only

Faye Abbes, ’83 HS (Ron) 2006-2011 Gary Aitchison, ’72 HS (Kathryn) 1990-2000 Karen Albertson, ’83 Engr (Jack Petty) 2000-2005 Mark Aljets, ’79 LAS (Ann) 2013-2018 Beverlyn Allen, ’95 Ag 1998-2003 Carol Anderson, ’76 HS 2005-2010 James E. Anderson, ’93 Engr 2001-2007 J. Thomas Andreesen, ’89 Engr (Azza) 1997-2002 Paul Armbrecht, ’71 Vet Med (Marlene) 1995-2000 Joan Axel, ’64 LAS (John) 1981-1986 Roger Baer# (Peggy) 1996-2003 Ronald Baukol, ’59 Engr (Gay) 1974-1977 J. D. Beatty, ’64 LAS (Jan) 1989-1990 Timothy C. Becker, ’94 Engr (Elizabeth) 2011-2016 Marney Beemer, ’42 HS 1976-1981 Sam Behrens, ’14 LAS 2012-2013 Don Bice, ’49 Engr (Anne) 1990-1995 Benjamin Biller, ’81 Engr; MS ’82 (Vicki) 2005-2010 Brad Bishop, ’07 Engr (Kristen) 2006-2007 Robert Bonnewell, Jr., ’68 LAS (Sharon) 1966-1967 Cyndi Bonus, ’85 HS; ME ’92 (Kenneth) 1992-1997 Kenneth Bonus, ’85 Engr (Cyndi) 2013-2018 Matthew Bornhorst, ’04 Ag (Jenny) 2003-2004 Joy Wiegman Boruff, ’76 HS (Chester) 2011-2016 Kathryn Bratina, ’86 Bus (Joe) 1985-1986 Kevin Brooks, ’80 Ag (Christine) 1991-1996 Roger Bruene, ’56 Ag (Barbara) 1993-1998 Beth Brusius, ’65 HS; MS ’69 (Phillip) 1988-1989 Dean Buchanan, ’54 Ag (Sandra) 1952-1954 Sarah Buck, ’81 LAS; MBA ’95 (J. Ben) 1992-1993, 1996-1997 Dan Buhr, ’95 Engr (Angelia) 2016-2020 George Burnet, ’48 Engr; MS ’49; PhD ’51 (Martha Anderson) 1972-1973 Eric Burrough, ’97 Vet Med, PhD ’11 (Brenda) 2014-2018 Annie (Olson) Butler, ’11 LAS; MS ’13 HS (Benjamin) 2010-2011 Anne Campbell, ’98 LAS 1998-1999 Charles Campbell, ’58 LAS 1968-1974 Kevin Carlson, ’82 Ag (Lisa) 1980-1981 Brent Christenson, ’94 Bus (Kristy) 1993-1994 Marlin Cone, ’63 Ag (Linda) 1981-1986 Kimberly (Schroeder) Corliss, ’84 Bus (Chuck) 2001-2003 Barbara D. Correll, ’96 HS 2005-2012 Steven Cox, ’86 Bus (Amy) 2006-2011 Matthew M. Craft, ’00 LAS (Sarah) 2007-2012

Marjorie (Clark) Cumpston, ’56 HS (Gardette) 1955-1956 Lawrence Cunningham, ’02 LAS (Brandy) 2014-2020 Catherine Curtis, ’79 Design; MBA ’98 Bus (Stan) 1993-1996, 1997-2005 Carole Custer, ’71 LAS (Roger) 1977-1983 Bruce Davidson# (Kris) 1989-1990 Kris Davidson# (Bruce) 1989-1990 Marcia Davis-Cannon, ’77 LAS (James) 1975-1976 Wendell Davis, ’75 Vet Med (Nancy) 2015-2019 Richard Degner, ’72 Ag; MS ’77 (Nancy) 2009-2014 James DeLano, ’87 Vet Med (Julie) 2008-2013 Craig K. Denny, ’71 Engr; MS '73 2012-2017 Daniel Determan, ’08 HS 2007-2008 Mary (Kaufman) DeWall, ’81 HS; ME ’86 (Stephen) 1987-1988 Chris DeZorzi, ’12 HS (Morgan) 2011-2012 Kevin Drury, ’83 Ag (Jeanne) 2003-2008 Heather L. Reid Duncan, ’06 Ag (Jason) 2017-2021 Jamie (Lucas) Elliott, ’88 LAS; MS ’93 (Terry) 1995-2001 Denise Essman, ’73 LAS 1995-2000 Phyllis Fevold# (Timothy) 2016-2020 Duane Fisher, ’73 Ag; MS ’80 (Rebecca) 2016-2020 Jon Fleming, ’75 LAS 2003-2009 Joseph Flynn, ’00 Bus (Sandy) 1999-2000 Morgan Foldes, ’14 Bus 2013-2014 Craig Foss, ’71 Engr (Barbara) 2007-2013 Harvey Freese, ’71 LAS; MS ’73 (Marcia) 1990-1996 Rita Frevert, MS ’68 HS; PhD ’82 LAS (Michael Boehlje) 1973-1979 Evan Fritz, ’16 HS (Carlie) 2015-2016 David Gieseke# (Carole) 1993-2003, 2005-2008 Linda Glantz Ward, ’70 HS; MA ’98 (Doug) 1982-1988 Martha (Lagomarcino) Gleason, ’80 HS (Thomas) 1997-2004 Julie Golding, ’00 Bus (Ben) 2000-2001 Jeffrey Grayer, ’05 LAS (Rhonda) 2016-2019 Kate Gregory# 2016-2018 Michael Guttau, ’69 Ag (Judy) 2004-2009 Katherine Hallenbeck, ’02 Bus 2014-2018 Ronald Hallenbeck, ’71 Bus (Pamela) 2006-2012 Kathleen Halloran# 1990-1994 Bruce Hamilton, ’73 Bus (Deb) 2000-2006 James Harmon# (Linda) 1987-1988 Linda Harmon# (James) 1987-1988 Mary Harms, ’73 HS; ’79 Design; MS ’89 (Joshua Sharlin) 1993-2001 Ana Hays McCracken, ’84 HS (Edward) 2012-2017 Erin (McKeown) Heeren, ’05 Bus (Matt) 2005-2006 Keith Heffernan, ’69 Ag (Alexa) 1985-1990 Blake Heitman, ’19 Bus 2018-2019 Randy Hendricks, ’80 Bus (Denise) 1990-1995 Kari A. (Ditsworth) Hensen, ’96 LAS; MS ’98; PhD ’05 (Andrew) 2015-2019 Erin Herbold-Swalwell, ’03 LAS (Ryan) 2015-2019 Randall Hertz, ’76 Ag (Liz) 2005-2010 Karen Hicks, ’75 LAS (David) 1974-1975 Bruce Hill, ’54 Engr (Lee Ann) 1978-1983 Tahira Hira, ’19 honorary degree (Labh) 2002-2012 William Hoefle, ’66 Vet Med; MS ’74 (Judith) 1986-2003 Eric Hoiberg# (Karen) 1997-2003 Gary Hoover, ’61 Engr (Donna) 1998-2003 Brian Hora, ’85 Ag (Theresa) 1984-1985 Susan (Gulliford) Hornung, ’79 HS (Kenneth) 1978-1979 Sandra Horton, ’62 HS (Richard) 1971-1973 David Howell, ’82 Ag 1981-1982 Donald A. Hoy, ’63 Ag (Mary) 2017-2021 Billi Hunt, ’93 LAS 2008-2013 Carol (Stine) Hunter, ’58 HS (Gerald) 1975-1976, 1990-1991 Gerald Hunter, ’53 Ag (Carol) 1980-1985, 1990-1991 Christine Hunziker# 2003-2006 Ann Jennings, ’56 HS (Albert) 1977-1978, 1999-2004 Carol Jeske, ’53 HS; MS ’63 1963-1966 Thomas Johanns, ’88 Ag (Andrea) 1987-1988 Anne Johnson, ’63 LAS (Paul) 1990-2000 Gene Johnson, ’78 LAS/Bus (Suzanne) 1991-1992 Gerald “Jerry” Johnson, ’68 Ag (Gwen) 2001-2006 Katherine Johnson, ’78 HS 1982-1983 Marv Johnson, ’68 Vet Med 1983-1986 Roxanne Johnson, ’78 HS 1983-1989 Suzanne Johnson# (Gene) 1991-1992 Marjorie Joslin, ’55 HS; MS ’59 1968-1969; 1970-1976 Sharon Juon, ’69 LAS 1988-1994 Shirley Jury# 1986-1987 Sam Katzer, ’10 Ag 2009-2010 Bret Keast, ’89 Design/LAS (Kimberlee) 1988-1989 Linda (Cottington) Killinger, ’70 HS (Kerry) 1989-1994 Jim Kincart, ’71 Engr (Mary) 1995-1996 Mary Kincart, ’70 HS (Jim) 1995-1996 Barbara Kinney, ’58 HS (Henry) 2000-2005 Herbert Kintigh# 1992-1993 Joyce Kintigh# 1992-1993 Marcia Klindt, ’90 Ag 1999-2004 Charles Kniker# 1991-1992 William Konrady, ’96 Engr 1994-1995 Daniel Krieger, ’59 LAS (Sharon) 1985-1991 Martha Krone, ’78 HS (Phil) 2002-2007 Beverly Kruempel, ’61 HS; MS ’68; PhD ’90 (Kenneth) 1980-1981 Alan Krysan, ’87 Ag (Terri) 2011-2017


Andrew Krzmarzick, ’97 LAS (Joana) 1996-1997 Joseph T. Kukulski, ’15 Engr 2014-2015 Joanne Kuster, ’76 HS (Charles) 1985-1990 Miles Lackey# (Tara) 2012-2016 Jeffrey Larson, ’77 Ag (Pamela) 2004-2009 David LeBuhn, ’56 LAS (Rebecca) 1955-1956 Choy Leow, ’85 Design, MA ’88 (Connie) 1998-2006 Melea Reicks Licht, ’00 Ag; MS ’05 (Mark) 2011-2014 Kristin Littlejohn# (Troy Overstreet) 2000-2003, 2008-2010 Thomas Lorenz, ’71 HS (Patricia) 2000-2005 Lois (Murker) Mack, ’59 HS 1983-1984 Warren R. Madden, ’61 Engr (Beverly) 1975-2016 Julian Mann, Jr., ’54 LAS; PhD ’62 (Arlene) 1953-1954 Kim McDonough, ’02 LAS; MS ’04; PhD ’17 HS (Dustin) 2014-2018 Anne McMillan, ’87 Ag (James) 1986-1987 Glen Mente, ’61 Ag; MS ’63 (Mary Jo) 1994-2001 Morris Mikkelsen, ’64 Engr; MS ’67 HS (Carolyn) 1962-1963 Michelle (Moseman) Miller, ’98 LAS (Patrick) 2008-2013 Jacqueline Mitchell, ’84 PhD HS 1996-1998 Thomas Mitchell# (Peggy) 1997-2000 Amy Moine, ’91 LAS (Mark) 1990-1991 Steven Mores, ’67 LAS (Michelle) 1986-1992 Dynette Mosher, ’81 HS; MS ’84 1989-1990; 1992-1996, 1999-2003 Rabindra Mukerjea# (Phullara) 1989-1991 Donald Nickerson, ’80 Ag (Laureen) 1979-1980 Thea “Ted” Oberlander, ’77 Bus (Al) 2010-2016 Erik Olson, ’17 Bus 2016-2017 Scott Olson, ’69 Engr (Penny) 1992-1998 Les Omotani, ’92 PhD HS (Barbara) 1996-2003 Stephenie Ovrom, ’99 HS (Arthur) 1990-2000 Peggy Parks# 1981-1982 Nancy Pellett, ’66 HS (James) 1977-1984 Sam Perington, ’18 Bus 2017-2018 Joan K. Piscitello, ’98 BUS (Pete) 2016-2021 Douglas Pletcher, ’83 Engr (Judy) 1997-2002 Trent Preszler, ’98 LAS 2013-2018 Sally Prickett, ’72 Vet Med 1978-1979 Dennis Probst, ’75 Engr; MA ’79; 79 Engr (Denise) 1973-1974 Donna Proudfit, ’74 LAS 1984-1989 Dewayne Rahe, ’77 Vet Med (Krystal) 1992-1997 William Reece, ’54 Vet Med; PhD ’65 1974-1978; 1980-1981 Melanie J. (Anderson) Reichenberger, ’00 Engr (Karl) 2010-2018 Roy Reiman, ’57 Ag (Bobbi) 1977-1981 Daniel Robinson, ’70 LAS; MS ’72 HS; PhD ’78 (Suzanne) 1989-1994 Ardyce (Fett) Roehr, ’67 HS (Donald) 1993-1994 Donald Roehr, ’61 Ag (Ardyce) 1993-1994 Kari Roehr, ’97 Engr/HS 1995-1996 Martin Roepke, ’55 Ag; Vet Med ’65 (Sue) 2002-2007 Scott Rohlf, ’77 LAS (Daved Tobin) 1976-1977 Julie Rosin, ’78 HS; MS ’81 (Scott) 2014-2018 Paul Ruby, ’85 HS 2010-2012 Judith Ruch# (Robert) 1994-1995 Robert Ruch# (Judith) 1994-1995 Kay Kretschmar Runge, ’69 LAS 2008-2013 Larry Salter, ’70 Engr (Jerrelyn) 1974-1978 Darryl Samuels, ’88 LAS; MS ’90 Design; MPA ’90 LAS (Germaine) 2014-2018 Duane Sandage, ’48 Ag 1970-1975 Brenton Saron, ’02 Design; MPA ’10 LAS (Linda) 2001-2002 Nicole M. Schmidt, '09 Engr; MS '13 (Bryan) 2012-2019 Ryan Schon, ’95 Ag (Meg) 2012-2015 Dwight Seegmiller, ’75 Ag (Melinda) 1983-1988 Martha Selby, ’81 Engr; MS ’88 (Mitchell) 1989-1990 Barbara Sexton, ’78 HS (Keith) 1998-2003 Andrew Sharp, ’65 Ag (Sandra) 1975-1980 Ann Shelton, ’90 LAS (Mark Davis) 1989-1990 John Shors, ’59 Engr (Patricia) 1973-1977 Roberta Simpson-Dolbeare, ’76 LAS (Eric) 1991-1997 Lauren Sincebaugh, ’21 HS 2020-2021 Norm Skadburg, ’69 Ag; MS ’71 (Erma) 1988-1996 Ned Skinner, ’74 LAS/Bus (Paula) 2000-2005 Eleanor (Koster) Smith, ’45 HS 1961-1967 Beverly (Fischer) Soshea, ’52 HS 2000-2005 Rebecca Stadlman, ’74 LAS 2010-2015 Marcia Stahly, ’85 Bus (Steve) 2005-2010 Shirley Stakey, ’57 HS 1978-1979 Scott Stanzel, ’95 LAS (Priscilla) 2007-2014 Jane Stautz, ’84 Ag (Jeffrey) 1998-2001 Deborah (Verschoor) Stearns, ’81 LAS (William) 2015-2019 Harold Stewart, ’46 Engr/Design 1966-1972 Jennifer (Gelbmann) Swanson, ’96 LAS (Brent) 2003-2008 Lora Talbot# ’17 honorary degree (Russ) 2011-2016 Carlie C. Tartakov, ’95 PhD HS (Gary) 2009-2014 Anne Templeman, ’80 Ag 1993-1998 Jane Templeman Larson, ’53 Engr 1962-1968 Deborah Tharnish, ’77 LAS (Nicholas Roby) 2004-2010 Adam Theis, ’09 Ag (Brooke) 2008-2009 Natasha Thomas, ’89 LAS 2009-2014 Gary Thompson, ’57 LAS (Janet) 1970-1976 Stan Thompson, ’82 LAS (Nancy) 1999-2005 Richard Thoreson, ’66 LAS (Lucy Brown) 1965-1966 Dennis Tice# (Shirley) 1988-1989 Shirley Tice, ’65 HS (Dennis) 1988-1989

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