FROM THE PRESIDENT resolve regarding expanding the readership of this paid-member benefit. We will continue to update you as conversations progress about the concept of a flagship publication. Association membership, no question, will remain central to making such an idea work. Over the years, you have told us of your commitment to helping the association accomplish the following three things: 1) provide non-biased coverage related to the successes, issues facing, and opportunities available to
Dear Members, I don’t know about you, but I love maps, globes, clocks, and calendars! In my office, you’ll find one huge map, one globe, seven timepieces, and four calendars (not counting the calendars and clocks on my computer and phone). Roger Underwood** (῾80 agricultural business) gave me the map shown in the above photo some years ago. I had complimented him on his map during a visit to his barn early in my career with the ISU Alumni Association (ISUAA). Then, out of the blue he delivered one to my office. (Thanks, again, Roger and Connie** (῾84 political science and international studies)!) This wonderful topography map was instrumental to helping me better understand the diverse beauty and differences of the Iowa landscape. I also came to appreciate the diverse beauty and differences that exist in the wonderful people of Iowa. This map remains a special treasure to me. I feel the same appreciation for strategic plans and partnerships. They, too, provide us a path for where we’re going and how to get there – together. Just as I used my Underwood map to plan many of my early treks across Iowa, the strategic plans of ISU and ISUAA have been key to collaborating and charting our organizational futures. Both organizations are currently in the process of drafting their next plans. The university is building their strategic plan around a 28
help advance your alma mater; 2) provide a way to communicate directly with the association, university and fellow alumni and friends; and 3) provide a coffee table piece to showcase strategic process that will enable the university pride in and loyalty to Iowa State while makto be nimbler and more strategic about how ing stories visible in your homes, businesses, it approaches its goals. Such planning will and communities. We’ve worked hard over help the university and the association move the years to keep these things in mind as we forward together. Like many other businesses, produce each issue. Yes, you haven’t always this, also, is one of the key learnings of our agreed with us, and you’ve let us know when prolonged COVID experiwe got it right and when ence. The times we live in Your alumni association’s board we went off base. That’s a require us to be nimbler! and staff are working with President Wintersteen and the real partnership! They also require us to As we work to map out ISU Foundation to reimagine think and act more stratethis new collaboration, VISIONS magazine as a flagship gically. publication to collectively we continue to do so in The pandemic also serve the aspirations of the partnership with you. The gave us insights into areas association and university. following two things will where we could be more guide me: 1) facilitating collaborative. A key area where collaboration the lifetime connection of Cyclones everyis crucial is communicating with Iowa State’s where to Iowa State University and to each constituents. As current readers and most other, and 2) engaging diverse partners to help other Iowa Staters know, VISIONS, since its showcase how Cyclones everywhere and Iowa inception in 1988, has been exclusively a memState University are making communities, ber benefit to paid ISUAA members. Today, it Iowa, and the world a better place. still ranks as our top member benefit, followed Stay tuned as we develop our next strategic second by the ISU Wall Calendar. Keeping this plan and navigate the conversations regarding in mind, your alumni association’s board and this collaborative communications opportustaff are working with President Wintersteen nity. and the ISU Foundation to reimagine VISIONS magazine as a flagship publication to Yours for Iowa State, collectively serve the aspirations of the association and university. President Wintersteen has a bold vision for Iowa State’s future. How we can better partner with her to advance that vision is an opportunity worth exploring. Yes, there are financial, Jeff Johnson** (PhD '14 education) staffing, and constituent-related matters to Talbot Endowed President and CEO SPRING 2022 WWW.ISUALUM.ORG VISIONS